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my gf often denies me sex
i told her that women in the past were literally apologising to me when they couldn't have sex with me
she got super angry and said that she will never apologise for something like that
what should i do?
mastrubate instead
stop having sex. sex isnt everything you coomer. i will come to your house and castrate you
You tried to guilt her into agreeing to sex? Wtf? You niggers don’t see an issue with that?
>what should i do?
jack off. Eventually if a man has to jack off enough he realises his marriage is shit and gives it up. You're not married yet, you're lucky. It's easy for you to say "well fuck this then" and leave because you have no kids and no legal bind to her. Whatever a woman's traits are before marriage, they become moreso when married. If she farts in front of you before you're married she'll shit with the door open later. If she wears cute things before, she will later too but for whom depends on the state of your marriage. If she is already this unwilling to get you off then she's only going to become moreso later. Find a woman who you would like to see amplified and you will be happy.
How often do you ask?
How does she deny you?
Do you try to be romantic and give her a reason to want sex, or do you just plainly ask her for it?
Do you make the sex enjoyable for her too?
Also fucking weird to tell your girlfriend that and she's right to be angry for saying something stupid like that to try and pressure her into it.
at first I wanted it every day, but she said it's too much for her
so every few days I guess? I always start by giving her head and making her cum, then after that I try to push for sex
I had a few fwb before her and would see them maybe once a week each, I would have sex with every one of them every time. no complaints
it's been a while since I was in a relationship, but it just feels humiliating when I want her and I want to please her, but she is not responsive
> I always start by giving her head and making her cum, then after that I try to push for sex
Giving her head isn't romantic, especially if she knows you're just doing it so you can fuck her. You gotta be more romantic, make her feel attracted to you. If you do that she'll naturally want to have more sex.
>I had a few fwb before her and would see them maybe once a week each, I would have sex with every one of them every time. no complaints
Because those were fwb's. The whole point of that relationship is to have sex. There's (hopefully) more to your relationship with your girlfriend, right?
Are you taking your girlfriend out on dates?
Are you doing special little romantic things for her?
Are you making sure to stay in shape?
Do you regularly give her compliments that aren't just on her body?
>my gf often denies me sex
No she often doesn’t want sex, could be loads of reasons, doesn’t mean it’s about you. 9/10 times dead bedroom = you feel emotionally distant to her due to lack of connection

>I told her that women in the past were literally apologising to me when they couldn't have sex with me
So you compared her to other women you’ve fucked, to her face. + used it as a way to passive guilt her. (if a woman compared you to another guy, I’d bet anything you’d crumple up inside).

>she got super angry

>she will never apologise for something like that
Nor should she. Nor should you if the roles were reversed.

>what should I do?
Swallow your pride, apologise, talk it out, then come up with a resolution (dont make sex part of the resolution, make connection the resolution. Emotional connection being fixed = she will ride you into battle all day with a smile on her face).

Once you talk it out, plan a date, go have fun somewhere. Kiss and make up. Don’t expect sex from it either, that’s part of the problem. Then watch her have sex with you anyway cus the connection is authentically restored.
>my gf often denies me sex
Walk away. It will only get worse as time goes on. Eventually she will meet some chad that gets her wet 24/7, she will leave you and take your house and half your shit and live the high life while getting piped by chad and his ten closest friends.
>women apologizing to a frogposter for not giving him sex
>the women before you were apologizing for not letting me use their bodies for my pleasure
Huh weird she got angry over that
>my gf often denies me sex
No. Your gf is often not in the mood for sex and would find it highly unpleasant if she tried to have it while in that mood.

What have you done recently to make her feel beautiful and sexy? (Note that wanting to have sex with her doesn't count; it doesn't mean she's sexy, it just means you're horny).

What have you done recently to make her feel loved?

What have you done recently to make her feel extra safe and secure?

You need to understand that women's sex drive is much more closely connected to their emotional state than a man's is. If a man doesn't cum for a few days, he's going to be horny, and whether he's in a good mood or upset or angry makes very little difference. But women's sex drive is much less about what's going on in the genitals and much more about what's going on in the brain. If she's upset, angry or scared, her sex drive simply shuts off, like turning off a switch. But make her feel beautiful and attractive and loved, and she'll be all over you.

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