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history or cs?
I'm not that good at maths and would probably fail and history is more my strength but it has no job prospects.
> bad at math
Ok so thats off the table
> no job prospects
Off the table

You gotta find something else ngl.

What are your talents? What do you offer.

Why are the choices this narrow?
Go for CS anyway most people suck at maths but get through it
history as a hobby. cs as a job. you don't have to be good at maths, just not mouth breather level stupid. or keep thinking about what you'd want to do for a job.

you could also take the gamble of doing history and making a youtube channel out of it like many do. but that requires a bit of business knowhow and charisma
>What are your talents? What do you offer.
writing essays and languages ig
>Why are the choices this narrow?
I did not do well so can only really get into a local community college thing with not that much variety
>mouth breather level stupid
like down syndrome retards?
Ngl man its not a knock on your intelligence with these interests but its not a lot of real world skills.

Unless you plan on going to whatever country you can speak the language of.

Business could be a path especially if you enjoy foreign languages.
seems like a social degree and im socially retarded
Programming can be learned without being a math ace. History is fine if you can live with becoming a teacher.
I guarantee you all business majors are fucking retarded.

You will probably outshine most of them.
or i could just be another one of those tards :/
CS is more about if you are able to stay all day everyday in front of a pc working. and ofc if you want do live like that
For job security in this market? History. For a nerdy hobby that makes any woman dry as the sahara in a radius of ten miles? CS.
At a community college it could also be easy pickings.

You could be top of the class. But business doesn’t seem to ring a bell.

You could take a police program, but not to be a cop per se.

You could work for the border service, other languages are in huge demand for them.
Tell me 5 jobs you can do with a history degree without googling.
What's the matter pajeet?
Found the business major
>For job security in this market? History
ur trolling no way
1. History teacher.
2. ...
Oh fuck we're already out of options
let me put it this way, if you couldn't apply effort to learn the maths necessary for cs, you're probably too incompetent for uni in general. in which case, look for vocational education
this btw, is assuming that you even have a bit of interest in CS to begin with. because if not, why the FUCK are you considering it? you may as well spin a wheel to decide what job you'll spend the next few decades on.

i would consider myself decent at maths. and even had pretty good potential in CS. but i was bored out of my gourd with that soulless shit and had to drop out.
>why the FUCK are you considering it?
everyone says in demand field
thats not how it works bro.
Programming is not a joke, you have to think every day all day in front of a pc. Its not for everybody.

Imagine wasting 3 years of your life cuz people said" uh its a demand field uh duh"
idk id rather do that than lay bricks or some shit
/someone else
And not everyone has grown up with a wild passion for whatever they eventually ended up learning, and that is fine.
CS is a solid choice and you'll get the hang of it if you want to. You also don't need to be a computer god to land a job.
What do the following have in common: King Charles, Gordon Brown, the BBC correspondent Jeremy Bowen, the Bishop of London, the barrister Michael Mansfield, the General Secretary of the TUC, the art critic Sir Roy Strong, the novelist Salman Rushdie, the comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (Ali G), pop-singer Neil Tennant, the vice-chancellor of Oxford University, the ex-England footballer Steve Coppell, millionaire businessman Gerald Corbett and the chairman of Manchester United? Answer: they are all history graduates.
do history, you'll become a teacher or manager or something in the end. Fundementally history is about analysis of evidence and understanding the bigger picture. Incredibly useful and versatile for essentially all non engineering work.

Only go with CS if you like it, if you do not like it you will burn yourself out and hate life

I'm someone who liked history and CS and considered both, as I actually like CS and am not bad with math I went with it for the job. History is essentially queen of the social sciences with economics as the true king, it won't do you bad
History maker. After you snap from teaching high school history for years and try to shoot a politician
ree tardy oswald
I was going to suggest law honestly, but not worth it if you're gonna go to a small college, especially in the USA. if your grades aren't good, and you REALLY aren't motivated to go to college I'd honestly suggest pursuing a trade. Tertiary education isn't worth it if you aren't academic. Pursue a trade,get used to it, get money, become history -educated on the side. it's either that or find something else or become a neet
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CS Major. History Minor. Double major if you can handle. This was me but I stumbled around until eventually I was a History degree with a Poli Sci minor. History is very interesting and honestly a "good" major in terms of making you a more intelligent human. The issue is it doesn't give you a guaranteed job like other majors will. Anything in STEM is going to pay well and with an internship is a done deal. History on the other hand you HAVE to market yourself and really plan out how you are going to get to your career. I didn't, as I was planning a different major (International Studies), fumbled around until all of a sudden it was senior year and I saw the writing on the wall and had to ride it out.

It also pays like shit on average, and if your going into teaching you have to really want it. As your going into even more debt for pay not worth the cost on average. OP please heed my words and either treat history as a hobby or know what your getting into. If anything take it as a minor or double major, DO NOT MAJOR IN IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO TEACH. Or maybe law school but PLAN IT OUT. Do not go in blind without a backup plan.

TLDR: Don't major in it. Minor or treat it as a hobby. Double major if you really are committed, but focus on high pay careers that you would somewhat enjoy. Have a plan going in with an end goal in mind.

Nigga what are you yapping about? Zero guaranteed jobs besides teacher and maybe lawyer. Even museum shit you have to have a degree in Library Science or Public History or intern in them.
>After you snap from teaching high school history for years and try to shoot a politician
shooting politicians doesn't even make history anymore though it's forgotten in two weeks and they move back to house race bullshit
2. Military officer. Includes coast guard.
3. Parks service
4. Academia
5. Author. There's a seemingly bottomless well of demand for well done American civil war books. With AI I'd be worried about this career path, but its a valid minor or hobby lifestyle. Most will never make much money but they'll make more money off their hobby than the average golfer or gooner.
6. Many federal service jobs don't care about the degree, just that you have one. Think of social worker type employment.
7. Cops and fire fighters and related security type work. Weirdly enough they aren't all "Police Science" grads. They just want to see a degree, any degree, some indication you're literate enough to write a report of an incident.
It helps to be pretty old by 4chan standards because I know individuals in all 7 situations listed.
LOL I though for certain what they had in common was wealthy parents so it doesn't matter what degree they get.

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