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I recently visited my long-distance boyfriend, and at first, everything was great intimacy wise. But on the sixth day, when he initiated, he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex. He said his dick was hurting and I was upset, so we stopped. For the next four days, we didn't have sex at all, and today I left. We were drinking a lot and doing physically exhausting activities, so maybe that was it. What worries me the most is the fact that he said he has never had this problem before with other girls. Is it over?

He prob has ED, pretty common nowadays, since a lot of men are porn addicted coomers

Dump this guy and find a BBC
Porn induced ed!
he lied that he never had this with any other women NYPJ
>he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex.
Didn't even finish you off?
Yeah it's over.
He says he doesn’t watch porn even though he was abusing it as a teenager. I kind of believe him because he has been self improoving and ditching other harmful habits like smoking.

Bullshit. All men say they don’t watch porn and are helpless gooners. They would never admit to a woman that they have porn induced ED as it’s shameful and embarrassing. Tell him you want a BBC bull, problem solved.
Who said he ditched smoking?
Who are you?
Kill yourselves

If he isn’t lying just have him go to the doctor. It isn’t a big deal to not have sex one night god damn.

Is this all just LARPing? Nobody who has sex would think about this shit

OR “bbc” or immediately insinuate he’s always like that.

This is the MOST RETARDED board ever created with only /pol/ as a rival.
Clearly you've never been on any of the porn boards or /v/
Okay it was one night but what about the rest four days? We both know will not see each other for a month and he still did not try to initiate anything even though I was stupidly hoping he would up until the last day.

This, tell him you want an open relationship and find a BBC.
Dude was clearly embarrassed by his 'performance' that one night which made him afraid it was gonna happen again (and it likely would if he was nervous). Just talk to him about it.
>He said his dick was hurting and I was upset
You pressured him to much, and made it worse with being upset about that. It's your fault. He isn't a dick doll, you need to be gentle. You probably watch too much porn yourself.
No, I obviously didn’t tell him I was sad about it, but maybe he sensed that I was upset without me even telling him. I also don’t think he has an ED because he had been with a lot of girls before we met. On the other hand I was a virgin, and even though he compliments how enthusiastic I am during sex I don’t think I am really good at it, because all this is new and I am afraid to suggest that we try new positions apart from the same two we have been doing. He doesn’t suggest it either but I can imagine he is also becoming bored because during foreplay, which usually lasts longer than the actual sex, he keeps jerking himself off, so I assume that is the part he enjoys the most. Another explanation is that even though my BMI is normal I’m really lacking in the ass department.
>but maybe he sensed that I was upset without me even telling him.
or he saw it in your face. It's not hard to see when something is off. It doesn't take much to lose a boner. And then when you don't talk about it, it becomes even harder to do it again in fear of failing again. You can't really not talk about it with him
>I am afraid to suggest
you should, it shouldn't be embarrassing for anyone
>Another explanation is that even though my BMI is normal I’m really lacking in the ass department.
Do you have a hank hill ass? If not that's not that bad. Better having a skinny butt, than a fat couch pillow butt.
If he needs to constantly jerk himself off during foreplay that's likely because he needs constant stimulation to stay hard. Having ED doesn't mean you can't 'be with other girls'. I used to know a guy who could barely get it up and he still had a lot of sex. There is a possibility that he's going soft because the sex isn't stimulating enough for him, but that shouldn't be an issue if he's on top. Also you did mention he was quitting smoking, and being a smoker is a huge indicator for ED. I think you're putting a lot of this on yourself and your own inexperience, when in reality all your inexperience is doing is preventing you from realizing the problem is likely on his end, not yours.
>Talks about how people are porn-addicted coomer.
>Immediately suggests professional porn-peddled beastiality fetish.
Is this a joke?
Wait if you have to jerk yourself periodically to stay hard during foreplay it means you have ED? Really?
Can you recover from this? I'm the same and I've been a pmo user since like 11 years old. I can't remember ever being able to get hard for a long period of time without messing with my dick quickly once in a while. If I leave it for too long it'll go soft. Or is it that contact with a girl during foreplay is supposed to just make you instantly go hard without any actual stimulation to your dick?
Depends on how often I suppose but it's not a great sign. You should be able to get and stay hard without direct stimulation just by getting turned on through foreplay. If the only thing that gets you hard is stimulation you may be going down a dark road. That said, people differ, and some guys are just naturally less horny and require more effort to get hard.

Like I told the other guy, it varies per person. You should be able to get hard from just foreplay, but how hard depends on the person in question. The current wave of anti-porn scare tactics are a bit overblown, but you should definitely try not to desensitize yourself too much. A good way to know whether you're too far down the porn rabbithole is whether or not you NEED porn to jerk off. If you can still get off to just your imagination without needing to beat the fuck out of your meat, you're probably fine.
I need constant stimulation during foreplay but I cum too soon. Is it an ED issue?
omg nona didn't know you were here
So it’s impossible for a man to lose his virginity to a virgin woman ? It’s so over.
So you had sex six days in a row and then he went soft once? I think freaking out about an ED is extreme. At least wait for a pattern. Some guys get sexed out and their body needs a break. Or any number of things. He was tired, he had to pee, he got in his head about his performance and spiraled as soon as it wasn't immediate, he was anxious about your ldr.

After that I'd say it's either >>31692886 and/or he wanted a break from having sex every day and just wanted to do something else for a while. If you're as repetitive and lengthy as you say here >>31692912
>the same two we have been doing. >foreplay, which usually lasts longer than the actual sex
Yeah he might be bored and want to spend the sparse time with you bonding in different ways. Don't beat yourself too much about this, getting comfortable with sex and figuring each other out takes time. You shouldn't expect yourself to be a sex goddess a week after you lost your virginity. Not to mention sex is a two way street. Sure you did two positions but like you said, he didn't do anything different either.

Meeting IRL for the first time in an LDR is a nerve wracking experience. Give both him and yourself some grace when it isn't perfect.
Depends, i'll need to perform a penis inspection to be sure ;)
It's not but virgin women are most likely looking for true love and since you're specifically looking for virgins, you wouldn't love her truly as all it would take for you to not love her would be her not being a virgin.
I have been saying this since I was 13 I want to marry a virgin. Women lose loyalty the more sex partners they have.
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>asking for medical advice
>in 4chan
I'll make this really simple for you:
>you fucked for five days
>you drank a lot and exhausted your bodies
Dude had his balls empty as fuck and likely was genuinely tired.
>he said his dick was hurting
This indicates he doesn't habitually have sex this often. If I have too much sex or masturbate a lot my dick hurts as well.
>he said he has never had this problem before with other girls
Likely true, but wording it like this and at such delicate timing was bad for you both.
You are not the issue, he is not the issue. There was no problem at all going on, he just got tired and you both made it awkward and anxiety is a GREAT way to make a dick even softer.
Erections are involuntary. Pretty much nobody can fuck every single day while drunk, tired and anxious.
You both need to acknowledge this and talk this out.

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