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I’m a 21 year old weird autistic nerd man. What I wanted from life like nearly everyone is to be able to find love and create a family. This is looking more and more impossible.
My boomer dad tells me that I’m just at a bad time because 18-19 is too young for me and all the girls my age are dating older guys and girls don’t date younger guys. I’ve been given cope from boomers and people on here since I was a teenager. Just lame different excuses. I don’t think I’m the problem, look at all the people posting here who have the same issue. Are we fatter than the average American woman? No. Do we make less? No. Are we less successful? Not me. I’ve been on every single dating app since I turned 18, I haven’t been on a single date from one of them. The last time I had a girlfriend was in 2021, freshman year of Uni and I broke it off after a month when she told me she wants to be “non-binary”.
I go out and I see fats with cute girlfriends, I see drug riddled nasty zoomers with cute girlfriends, yet there are plenty of fit and handsome men that are incels.
I always wanted to be a surgeon but it doesn’t even seem worth it anymore. Why would I want to dedicate another 10 years of my life to training just to live alone?
I’m on vacation in Europe now and the women are so much better. They are actually feminine, unlike American women who try to act like men and defile their bodies with piercings and tattoos and dress in sweatpants.
None of the European girls would ever go out with me since I’m American and it wouldn’t even work if they wanted to. All the American women have tinder and even the ugliest fattest she cows can land a chad. What the fuck am I to do?
Pic related, me in 15 years assuming I don’t off myself by then
And by the way, yes I’m white and no I will not date a non white
switch sides
okay so the biggest roadblock in finding a woman and falling in love is believing that it won’t happen.
you’re already making excuses and wallowing in self pity about it, and your only 21.
get over that shit quick, because the fact is once you do find a life partner, you’re going to learn that you still have to live with yourself, only now you have to share that person as well.

focus on yourself, not in a selfish way, but in the sense of doing things you enjoy and add value to your life. literally the LAST thing you ever want to be is desperate. women can tell, even if you’re very good at hiding it they can still tell, and desperation is like the least attractive thing to them.

you need to not care, and that doesn’t mean being a dick or pretending you are less interested. i mean you really gotta genuinely just be happy to live your life with or without a woman. that will make them want you so much, to be happy without them? what secrets you must hold, how reliable you must be, etc…

tl;dr don’t put the pussy on a pedestal
I’d KMS before I troon out
People will really say unironically the solution for lonely young men is to cut their dicks off and insist that society is healthy
How about you kys faggot
1. You are too young to be worrying about this shit
2. Dating apps are the purest form of cancer on society and you're not going to find your perfect wife on there
3. I think you might have to do some self-reflection regarding the way you perceive woman
4. If you're a weird autistic nerd man you shouldn't be putting babies into a woman. Adoption is your answer.
I’m not even putting pussy on a pedestal, I’ve met maybe one zoomer woman that I’d actually date. 99.9% of these zoomer girls are trash. I’m not desperate for women I’m desperate for good women, which I’m convinced don’t exist where I live.
I’m probably right though, why would any woman want to be with some weird autist like me?
Even if I got a gf rn it probably wouldn’t last more than a month
I focus on myself and I’ve been doing that since I was a teenager.
To a large extent, I don’t care, I’m not interested, because these women are just so disgusting
1. No because people told me in my teens it’d get better and it hasn’t. My cousins who are my age have GFs and my younger sister has a long term BF
2. Yeah well every single young woman who is single is on a dating app
3. My views are simply based on observation, if I’m to change my views what I’m observing first must change
4. I’m exactly the type of man that should be reproducing
please do not suggest this retard to adopt. that won't be good either

OP, if you are reading this. please get a fucking life. having a partner means nothing when your life lacks substance. i doubt you're too soulless to know what that means. if your life will only ever involve eating, fucking and playing games, i hope you get hit by a bus
I don’t play games, you are just assuming a bunch of shit about me you moron, did you even read my post? I have a life, I have hobbies, I have friends, I enjoy life. I would enjoy it a lot more if I had a girl to experience things with.
What, you'd prefer he puts some more autists into this world?
>1. No because people told me in my teens it’d get better and it hasn’t. My cousins who are my age have GFs and my younger sister has a long term BF
Because you're barely out of your teens retard. Your brain isn't even fully developed yet.
>2. Yeah well every single young woman who is single is on a dating app
No they're not, only the bad ones are.
>3. My views are simply based on observation, if I’m to change my views what I’m observing first must change
Your observations are clouded by subjectivity. It is clear from the way you talk about them that you do not hold a positive opinion on women. Women can usually notice this in a man and it might be a major hurdle for you.
>4. I’m exactly the type of man that should be reproducing
Not if you're an autist you're not. Why should you be reproducing when you can't even find a girlfriend?
1. Autistic black and white thinking. "I gets better" doesn't mean "you get a gf like your cousin", but you will have more opportunities. Also it's a general statement, nothing else.
2. clearly not, only from your point maybe
3. Your observation is flawed already, see point 2
4. no, you can't even get a gf, let alone be a doctor is a good indicator that you shouldn't reproduce
You are brainwashind yourself that you cant get one cuz nerd, skinny, weird, whatever made up word you come by.
You need to lose this bullshit mentality, anyone can get a gf, ANYONE.

Also go to war, imagine you are going to war to get one, do anything you can. and stop listening to you uncles, dad, parents, cousin bullshits.
I think going to an actual war might be highly beneficial in fixing OPs shitty attitude LMAO
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its a metaphor you retard
1. So?
2. Then they’re all bad because they are ALL on dating apps. Even the one zoomer women I met that I actually liked is on Hinge.
3. I hold a positive view of women just not zoomer ones. Old women love me, I wish they were younger so I could date them.
4. I can’t find a girlfriend because society corrupted them.
Wym let alone be a doctor? My GPA is good, MCAT is good, and extracurricular are good. I can be a doctor.
Am I wrong?
>Am I wrong?
about what?
didnt read the whole thread only your post
>I can be a doctor.
not if you kys because you can't get a gf
Am I wrong that I can’t get a girlfriend because I’m weird?
Yes you are wrong.
Also what do you mean weird?
I mean if you like eat your shit or some fucked up shit then yea. IF you are just an introverded guy like almost everybody these day then its normal
I’m just eccentric
easy then
No fucking shit retard. That's what the 'actual' in that sentence was for.
yea you are right
No not at all if you don’t listen to the negermusik these zoomers listen to you will be ostracized
Oh boo hoo society is at fault! It couldn't possibly be that you have warped your view of reality so that you can take on the role of victim and blame everyone else for your own shortcomings, right? Poor widdle boy, girls aren't throwing themselves at you because you're an autistic retard? Ow now ;'(
what are your interests and where in europe are you? maybe we could meet if we have things in common. i’m also a bit weird
this gotta be the worst generation ever
When other people call someone eccentric they mean odd but interesting.
When people call themselves eccentric it's a cope for their mental illness and complete lack of social skills.
I’m in Innsbruck now, I’ll be in Munich in a few days and Nuremberg and Berchtesgaden and Hallstatt.
I’m literally correct though
No I’m very interesting. I’m truly eccentric
See >>31693064
I’m a musician, I play organ and piano and accordion. I am a dancer (Schuhplattler). I also keep saltwater aquariums.
>I’m in Innsbruck now, I’ll be in Munich in a few days and Nuremberg and Berchtesgaden and Hallstatt.
German. Figures.
>I’m literally correct though
You're only correct in your own mind and nowhere else.
>No I’m very interesting. I’m truly eccentric
If you were interesting you'd have a girlfriend and we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.
Jesus Christ did you not read this thread at all?
I’m not even talking to women my age. How would they know if I’m interesting or not if I’m not even talking to them?
I’m in fucking AMERICA. Eccentricity does not go over well on American college campuses. Don’t be intellectually dishonest, you must know that
I can tell from this thread that you're not interesting.
Also you're not eccentric, just some autist who blames the world for his own shortcomings.
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>I’m a musician, I play organ and piano and accordion. I am a dancer (Schuhplattler). I also keep saltwater aquariums.
Just like the average alpine virgin with lot's of older (>50) women liking him and his very interesting hobbies.
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This paints such a vivid picture of OP
And then he wonders why "ZE AMERIKAN VIMAN" aren't interested.
>I am a dancer (Schuhplattler)

>my younger sister has a long term BF
Anon I have a solution for you would you like to read it

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