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>25 yo spaniard
>want to study cinema
>check cinema schools in my country
>degree +9k €
What I have to do do?
Where are reasonable prices to study cinema?
How I enter in the industry?
Get a degree at a fancy film school and then work as an intern or grip for local film studios. Hollywood is shit right now so I think theres lots of good opportunities for the underdogs to shine
As I wrote in the greentext, it's pretty expensive, only sons of rich families can get those degrees.

I'm a son of a middle class family, I wish but I can't get that fancy degree.
As weird as it sounds, you have to be involved in making movies. Is someone you know doing a documentary on pocket watches? Be there. Do shit. For free if necessary. There are art and culture funds in your area up for grabs? Try to talk to people involved in that. As an extra, as a water boy, whatever. Some film student is working on their dissertation? Be there, help, offer advice, move shit around. Once you are being consistently invited to shoots or are friends with someone on the inside you can start pitching your projects or talents (film, sound, writing, acting).

Source: I’ve edited scripts for one or two random shit-tier documentaries in the past, been an extra in an artsy passion project, and even supplied a few lines of background dialogue for a podcast. And now a friend I met while doing that work is going to invite me to co-write another better documentary if she manages to secure funding. Some other friend I met is fundraising for a video game and they want me to participate in writing, but that one is more of a long shot. Don’t leave your day job until you have some security and assurance though. A lot of people quit their job to do stand up hoping to “be discovered” and it crashes and burns FAST.

Film school helps a lot with basic skills and basic networking. But it’s not a must.
something like 90% of people who work on the industry are sons or family of people already in anon. It’s hard to make it as an outsider. You can try.
Also. As with almost everything, having a strong social media presence where you showcase your talent helps A LOT to sell yourself to someone looking to hire.

Btw anon: what are you looking to do once inside? Sound? Acting? Writing? Filming? Editing? What’s your talent?
Thanks for the advices anon, sadly where I live the only cinema that is done some expositions and talks but not projects.

I would like to do writing specially, but filming and directing too.
How can I try it?
>Ve muchas películas
>Lee mucha crítica. Mucha. (Cahiers du Cinema/Caimán están gratis en cualquier biblioteca)
>Compra una cámara que te de flexibilidad para editar (GH7 o Sony FX30 si estás pelao) y graba y edita todas las mierdas que te salgan hasta que te salga algo bueno
>Paga formación online variada y barata: Registro de audio y vídeo, edición, iluminación, y obviamente guión (puedes compartir costes con algún colega, empieza por RGB escuela, gratis en Youtube)
>LO MÁS IMPORTANTE: prepárate para chupar muchas pollas si quieres colocarte y ganar dinero (ejemplo: picrel). El mundo del arte en españa está subvencionado: si no eres de la familia hay que lamer culos a tope y el 99% de lo que se hace tiene una calidad artística lamentable
Si eres auténtico y aspiras a hacer algo personal y memorable (ejemplo: José Luis Guerín) plantéatelo como hobby y estudia algo serio, o prepárate para pasar hambre.
t. trabajo en una productora grande en Madrid y no, no cogemos a nadie en este momento kek
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Gracias por la info compañero, tengo que decir que se que en España la cosa esta chunga, pero ¿sabes qué tal es en otros países, Europa o Asia?

También entiendo que no va a ser coser y cantar, no me importaría ser cámara o algo relacionado con la fotografía o los paisajes, ¿para eso tan bien hace falta enchufe o es más fácil?
¿Hace falta grado universitario o puedo hacer una FP de grado superior?
¿Cómo crees que afectará la IA en los próximos años, tanto en oportunidades como en reestructuraciones?
I'm American I have no idea what 9k euro is worth. Maybe get a job and save up?
In most countries it’s the same. But there are countries with more developed industries. Japan, South Korea, Turkey, France, Belgium, the UK. Brazil and Mexico have HUGE film industries as well. In Spain I hear they produce a lot of stuff. But most of what I’ve seen is boring and formulaic. They don’t seem to take any interesting risk at all. It feels like a super stale environment.
For most jobs worldwide a college degree is more of a sign of passage. A way to validate basic skills, and to prove you “belong” in a certain “endogroup” or caste. It’s like having a VIP card for a club, it will open certain doors and menus, but it won’t do the actual dancing or flirting. The secret worldwide is to show important people that you’re profitable and reliable.
Didn’t they do La Casa de Papel and El Ministerio del Tiempo? Those seemed to have been worldwide successes. Some time ago you couldn’t open Netflix without seeing ads for like 4-5 identical looking Mario Casas trash movies. They were boring as fuck.
9k € = 9,7k $
But that is the minimum, prices can go to 14k €, just for one year and the degree is 4 years.
There’s always someone doing something somewhere anon. If you live near Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia you can throw a rock and find someone working on something. Even motherfucking commercials are valid experience. Hell, tourism agencies and other businesses are always shooting something.
You're right, Spain produces a lot but is mostly comedy for all family or some romantic drama, feminist drama or Civil War drama. 0 risk.

That is why I want to study, to create new stories.

Both things are mid af plus a lot of feminist/leftist propaganda.
Sadly I don't live there, as I said before, I live in "deep Spain".

And even if you try to move there, you can't because you have no money for the degree and at the same time some rent in those cities. It's pretty fuck up the situation in Spain.
Oh… are you a right wing retard? There’s little place for that kind of people in the arts. The arts have always been for vanguard and progressive ideas to flourish. If you’re “conservative” or “nostalgic for the old ways” you’re not very likely to fit in the creative spaces. In the executive and administration branches THERE’S A LOT of room for that. Specially in sales and marketing departments. Or if you come from wealth, there’s always room for people who are already rich.
And how do you show your creations? By email, in some convention?... What is the best way?

As I said to other anons, where I live there is nothing much to do or show.
Yeah. You have to move to where the money is. No Billy Bob Johnson has ever made it into Wall Street working from his PC in a shack on Alaska.
You have to move anon. That’s why aspiring actors, writers, and comics move to LA or NY. If you want to work films in Argentina, you have to go to Buenos Aires. It’s not nuclear science.
I'm not right-wing, I hate politics, but take a look about the Spaniard films that are promoted by the Ministre of Culture and the EU subs and many are like that.
Most art is progressive. Regressive art comes out as Nazi or commie propaganda. Have you read imperial Japanese poetry? It’s insane.
Conservatives don’t know how to art. There are a few weird exceptions.
I know anons, but as I said in another comment, you have to be rich to be able to move to the big cities and pay the degrees at the same time.
Yeah. That’s the whole deal. You need to put up LOTS of money. A lot of industries are like that. But some are like, REALLY exclusive. Film, Video games, Banking, Healthcare, have high entrance standards. It’s the world we live in, sadly. Those with wealth have easy mode unlocked, those without have to fight or be super clever for the crumbs.

Fun fact, I had a friend who rose up in the social status by being super smart and sneaky. He was born in a country with free higher education, so he was able to secure a law degree. With that he managed to scour the web and called consulates, embassies, etc… looking for non profits and/or state sponsored funds to study abroad. He managed to leverage connections and the system to access scholarships in at least 3 different countries in Latin America. He was a lawyer with and MSc in psychology, a masters in philosophy and two or three minor tier degrees in other fields. Last time I heard of him he was trying to study psychology again in the EU.
I don't care if movies are progressive, the thing is they are actually bad.
>I hate politics
>wants to make it in entertainment
yeah man, I have bad news for you. you need to be an expert at interpersonal and negotiations skills to make it in entertainment. and that includes having formed and defendable positions on current social issues and discourses. you’ll want to sit down and read. it’s not easy to make it in cutthroat industries if your responses to mature adult conversations are “idk, idc, lol”
Much respect for your friend, honestly studying all that for me would be something titanic.

In my country education is free too, except for cinema, videogames...
In America is easier to be a backwards retrograde and make it in entertainment. Elsewhere it’s a bit harder (maybe in the UK is a bit easier as well).
I can talk about politics, I can argue and respect others' opinions, I just don't want to do films based on that.

The good thing of arts is the creativity and freedom, at least that is the theory, and I want to do that, create stories I like and make people to have a nice time enjoying them.
Dude. The first step is to get smart. Colleges are over rated, yes. But they train your brain. If you can do that outside the system, cool. More power to you. But you HAVE to get smarter. Being a retard living in a backwater town asking for advice on 4chan is the literal bottom of the barrel. You need to rise up.
Are you, like, 18? Jajaja. You have a pretty naive perspective if you ask me.
I know anon, I'm currently studying a degree, the thing is I don't enjoy it, I just studying it because the job opportunities, but is not an arts' degree and I'm pretty burnout/depressed right now.

I want advices, so when I finish it, I have some idea of what to do to get into cinema.
You should watch Dan Olson’s video “I don’t know James Rolfe”. Then get busy reading, you have much catching up to do.
I'm 25, I'm not a naive, I know isn't easy, I just want to create, nothing more nothing less.
nope, you can't even get your foot in the door anymore. there's no door anymore. only tents. only woke and AI. we never recovered since covid.

t. had hollywood jobs thinking i was on my way, and now having to pivot to something i'll surely hate and move back home to moms basement wondering where it all went wrong and if it can possibly go right again. what is life now

but at least you already speak the new official language.
Can you give me a resume? I gonna watch it, I just want to know why this video exactly.
Also, what I should ready?
What I need to cutch up?
What I missing?
That’s a huge difference. What degree?
Why you can't use AI to stay in Hollywood?
Why you don't move to another's country cinema industry?
What is the current situation of Hollywood and its near future?
Without spoiling anything. It’s about internet fame as a film maker and “making it”.
Btw. Don’t trust doomers. They’re a plague on this and other boards. They’re wrong, but they enjoy suffering in their particular brand of wrongness.
Law degree, but some of my professors try to make the degree as unsufferable as possible, others a good.

Seeing all the people that are studying Law in my country, its gonna be a huge oversaturation problem this years.
AI is nowhere near producing anything but trash. Some companies are dipping their toes on it. But most serious people think it’s just a passing fad. Like those 3D glasses and immersive cinema experiences
Thanks anon.
But again, what I need to cutch up and what I'm currently missing besides all the "making it" thing?
well prove us wrong then. you can't, just like you can't prove incels wrong, because its the truth. and the more you believe outside of it the harder you'll crash when it gets you
Law degrees never get obsolete anon. What are you talking about?

And yeah, college teachers often get off by being nasty and shitty to students. Some degrees are most notable for this. Law and medicine are the most egregious. It’s like students should learn in spite of your shittiness as a teacher.

But practicing law can be super rewarding. I work helping victims of rape and sexual abuse. I don’t do litigation, but it’s very rewarding (though painful and stressful at times).
>uses incels as proof of correct worldview
the joke writes itself, lol
They can become obsolete if you don’t update knowledge like once every two years or so, but yeah, they’re the gift that never stops giving. You can create value just using your mind and writing up documents no one else is trained to do.

This was 5 months ago and aside from this, AI is scanning actors and voices to use their likeness forever. Producers say they dont want to enable AI but they keep using it, they make quick promo pics with it etc, putting the people who would've done that out of a job.
It has only been a year or so since its invention. We were mocking it for hands not too long ago. Imagine 5 or 10 more years, if humanity has that long

everything is so meaningless and samey now, nothing has much impact anyway. even if you learn to make a full length movie with AI and don't need anyone else, you created the models, script, and the voices from scratch, unless you're already a big established company with devoted followers, no one is going to care and there will be millions just like you doing the same thing. even if its good it'll be forgotten in weeks. same thing happened to music. it is now so easy on average that nothing really sticks. when everyone's super no one is super.

thats not even mentioning the woke qualifications you and your media must adhere to to survive and be published these days
>person who evidently has never worked a day in a creative industry
>Law degrees never get obsolete anon. What are you talking about?
Teachers in my uni have been warning us about AI and will purge law people.

Also, I see many Law people that can't find job this days because the saturation.

Idk how much is real or how big, but is happening.
I don't think is a passing fad, anon. AI is the big thing "everyone" wants, Idk when it happens, but WILL it happens.

It's the natural progression of technology.
I’ve seen COUNTLESS “next big things” anon. Few even make a big difference. Idk, the Internet, the smartphone, the platform/social network. But even they come and go anon. Doomsayers are more often than not VERY wrong.
You can start working on technical stuff, from sound editing to photography to camera work. Specialize in a skill and then work in some projects. Learn all you can from them and then try to apply them. Not to say you are Kubrick, but he started working in photography. You don't necessarily need a degree for that, you just gotta build a CV.
>platform/social network
>But even they come and go anon
Anon, we still suffering those things.
I mean, I really wish they will go away or evolve in a better/healthy way, but I think this can become near dystopian with a miracolous good end or full dystopian cyberpunk ending.
I hope to god that AI is a fad that dies but I can't see it happening anytime soon. The problem is that unlike NFTs, AI actually does offer utility and can be used to cut corners. Execs don't care if it looks shit or is soulless, as long as it makes money.
I like the technical stuff, so thanks for the advice, but how I get in those projects? What I have to do or show to get hire?
>Execs don't care if it looks shit or is soulless, as long as it makes money.
Hollywood since the late 70s.
The thing is it’s not making any money. And no one yet has managed to make it make money. Social networks are circling the drain because of a similar problem.
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Forbes in 2024 is not a very reliable source of info, just saying.
My dream is/was to be a director. I would advise against pursuing filmmaking because Hollywood is burning and the industry is dead.

I’m still gonna finish my scripts and probably turn them into books but honestly anon I would dream with your eyes open.
OP here, thanks fellow anon, I dream with my eyes open too, I just want some guide, I know that Hollywood is dying, but I'm interested in the indie subculture of it, that one is pretty alive and with AI (not today but in a few years) I think indie will become a boom.
Plus as an european, besides Hollywood, I would like to see how is the cinema industry in Europe and Asia, maybe there is future here instead in the "New World".

Hope you become successful anon.

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