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What can I do with my life that will give me the easiest life possible?
Don't aim high
Define 'easy'. If you sign up for the military and dont want to progress the ranks you can't really get fired easily. Your CO will almost always just transfer you to another unit to be someone elsers problem rather than going jumping through all the hoops it would take to discharge you. You always have a paycheck. There's always onbase living. Always free chow in the commissary mess hall. There's always someone dumber than you to feel superior to. You can make a whole career that way.
...But of course if we go to war, the whole thing goes right out the window.
Step 1 (this is the only step): be born not neurotic
I failed step 1 very hard
Life is struggle.
As others have said you have to define your version of "easy" since choosing an easy vector will make other vectors harder. e.g. not watching your health can be considered "easy" but will result it a harder life later on

But, other than that, the best universal advice independent of that is to lower your expectations and wants in life. If you set your lifestyle and mentality lower, it'll be easier to meet. But again, that in itself is "hard" because of consumerist culture.
meditation until you're completely detached from material desire
idk what easy means to you
to me easy is having a job, to someone else that's an insurmountable obstacle
>Define 'easy

There are different kinds of easy lives.

A business owner, for example, has an easy life in the sense that they cannot be fired and are free from the tyranny of a shitty boss, but you trade that for a boatload of personal risk and the knowledge that no one's coming to rescue you.

A librarian who just wants to read all day can quite literally get paid to do that, research, and cataloguing - if you love reading, this is an easy life, and a light cost in trouble to pay for the fun - but you won't make much money and it can be a lonely life.

A government funded NEET never needs to go to work and can play video games all day - but romantically, they'll almost guaranteed be alone and they will never own anything of value, always being at the mercy of others.

A trust fund rich boy has all money needs taken care of, but usually find their lives spiritually bankrupt and emotionally dissatisfying surrounded by hanger-ons and vipers ready to jump in and take everything from them at the first sign of weakness. Many drink or drug themselves to death to escape the very real misery of that life.

There is no "one true easiest life". There are choices with tradeoffs.
Work hard for a few years and get a bachelors in engineering. Co-op whole in school.
>This is very important. Because if it goes well you will probably have a degree and a job lined up.
Then viola. Your work will mostly be paperwork in real life engineering and it won't be tougher than most other jobs but it will pay much better. Comfy for the rest of your life.
Are you tall and handsome?
Just marry a rich woman.
Okay. Where can I find one?
If you're tall and handsome. They find you.
If they don't find you. You're not tall and handsome.
short answer: Nothing
>but romantically, they'll almost guaranteed be alone

cope. if its a neet chad he wont

>they will never own anything of value, always being at the mercy of others

same goes for basically everyone and especially business owners. they dont really own anything, it's someone else who controls the territory (the government and army) and has the final say. only an insanely good prepper with a secret bunker or something can not be at the mercy of others.
>A trust fund rich boy has all money needs taken care of, but usually find their lives spiritually bankrupt and emotionally dissatisfying surrounded by hanger-ons and vipers ready to jump in and take everything from them at the first sign of weakness. Many drink or drug themselves to death to escape the very real misery of that life.

that is a cope too in my opinion, in fact, from what i've seen, rich kids tend to believe that they deserve what they have and have no advantage over most people, because they overcame some challenge their parents gave them (which is why I think it's a horrible idea for the parents to do that), for example his dad may say "i will not give you the money for your business, i will lend it to you and you have to pay it back like anyone else". obviously it's not the same, but then the kid may think anyone haves it as easy as him

i only know one guy from rich parents who is a NEET and miserable and it's for different reasons
>if its a neet chad he wont
Doesn't happen. If you're a chad, you don't need to be a NEET for free money, people funnel you towards do-nothing high-paying jobs at big firms like "marketing secondary team lead of sales" where your job is just being charismatic and presenting your underling's work once every two weeks on a dashboard, before everyone goes out for drinks and strippers.

This kind of easy work is highly available for someone who's a chad, and it strictly outcompetes government bennies in terms of pay, prestige, and ease of getting laid.

>only an insanely good prepper with a secret bunker or something can not be at the mercy of others.
Yeah but there's a stepwise difference between
>you can do essentially whatever you want with your money, and if you've got a passport and the cash for a ticket, you could be basically anywhere in the world you want within the next 24 hours
>you fucking pray the person evaluating your disability claims is the same guy, still thinks you're too retarded to work, and that you've got enough money saved up this month to buy some slightly better ramen instead of cheapo maruchan
in terms of "how much control you actually have over your own life".

>i only know one guy from rich parents who is a NEET and miserable and it's for different reasons
Different wealth tiers probably, this is mostly at the 10-100m level of wealth.

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