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how to motivate myself to stop being neet
what made me get out of the neet life is one heroic dose of shrooms and a bad trip
it could fuck you up, but since you're a stinky neet you probably already have hit rock bottom
>how to motivate myself to stop being neet
An aversion to being a NEET is not enough for anyone to advise you on. Next time have an idea of what you want to go TOWARDS.
what made me stop being neet was just an opportunity to get a job hehe
Why should you?
Do one thing that has massive inertia (get a job, clean your room, apply for a course, go on a run, etc) and feel good about it. Repeat.
It was a genuine question, if op is privileged enough to afford living leeching others unlike 60% of the population, why should he become a wagie?
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Watch Welcome to the NHK and have the epiphany that neetdom is a luxury enabled by living in a society which is too wealthy for its own good, and that one day the good times will end and you'll be a 48 year old men with no savings or pensions.
just wait
the day will come when you parents wont buy you food and care for you you loser faggot leach

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