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I'm a neet with no skills and tallent. Thinking about enrolling into Tate's school and start grinding

What are your opinions on this? Anyone educated himself there?
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Awful idea, quite possibly the worst thing you could ever do.
What can I do then?
I'm learning to code but I want to get busy already and make some money
What can I learn to do so I could leave my place and have online work everywhere in the world?


you would have to genuinely, unironically be clinically retarded to actually give him money and consider any of the things he espouses as "skills"

Either rob a bank, or walk into a job center, or go to trade school, or get a certificate, or go to college.

remember that when you have a stupid thought, ask yourself: would an idiot think this? and then don't do that
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>I'm I too young
looks legit
>Should I give money to a human trafficker?
I learn to code but I also want to do 3d modelling. People on reddit say 3d modelling is cutthroat business
I have no money for investing
What should I do?
WiFi does trafficking too what's the problem
>I learn to code but I also want to do 3d modelling. People on reddit say 3d modelling is cutthroat business
>I have no money for investing
>What should I do?
just try to be opportunistic.
if you want BETTER opportunities where things aren't so cutthroat, see what you can do in your local area. you've gotta trust your judgment and exercise some independence here, but it's in many ways better than trying to appease a global market from your computer when starting from nothing.
treat it like finding skyrim side quests.
just an idea.
what's important is to keep trying different things. you'll be fine.
That's neat advice . I did a little digging, market for 3d modelling is full and you need to compete with people who obsessed with this shit and do it for 15 hours a day
Yep, better not waste time on fantasizing
OP you can get a bunch of free Udemy courses on /r/Udemyfreeebies (yes three e's because that sub congregates all of them in one thread, the regular sub lists them one at a time which makes it way harder to claim all of them.)
Thanks, never knew about this sub!
I tried angela's 100 days of code but on day 35 completely lost the plot
At least I learned something, but not enough
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You'll make more money working any wage job.
It's not selling you education, it's selling third-worlders and teenagers the dream of "escaping the matrix" while social media content brings in people as fast as they leave once they realize they're being scammed.
>learning to code in 2024 when ChatGPT and H-1B Indians exist
I seriously hope you don't fall for this advice OP
How does one escape the matrix?
What else there to do? Learn some manual skill like sculpting or wood carving?
>How does one escape the matrix?
Depends on what you actually mean by that.
You start a business selling a product or service that is in demand with a shoestring budget starting capital then reinvest profits back into the business. This is basically the entirety of Andrew Tate's courses summed up (you can find them for free online easily btw).
Becoming independent I guess. I don't care that much about this I just want to able to do something so I could travel wherever I want to
I have my own apartment but its more like jail, I want to be a free man
That sound like something Gary vee or dude who wrote rich poor dad would say
I need to do something first and I don't know how
>Becoming independent I guess. I don't care that much about this I just want to able to do something so I could travel wherever I want to
So would a remote job count?
Yes, absolutely
But what skill is the best and most realistic to obtain? I only know about coding, trading, freelancing. What else could it be?
Just so you know trading in the way Tate and his adjacent personalities sell it is a total meme. The only money there is if you get a social media following and sell people courses or get a referral kickback to getting your viewers to sign up to scummy platforms.

To be honest I don't know, you'd probably get better answers if you made a new thread specifically asking about remote jobs. I'm a remote SWE at le big tech and it's a rough time to try and get a junior job, the time to get one after doing some online courses and grinding a little leetcode was back during the 'rona.
Maybe there are some good freelancing options, I don't know much outside tech and finance.
>most realistic to obtain
I'd also adjust this mindset whatever you end up doing. You need what you're doing to be hard otherwise you'll never get any real money for it, especially freelancing.
ND2 Mazda Miata >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bugatti Chiron
Waste of money
plesse dont spend money on stupid shit besides my patreon.
Neither can maintain and develop complex systems.
I guess I'll stick to coding then. I was gifted a laptop to code, would be wasteful, stupid and ungrateful to not use it as intended
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>giving your hard-earned money to Andrew "Human Trafficker" Potato's online MLM scheme

Andrew Tate is just the latest in a long line of online fraudsters trying to trick young men into buying his shit. I've been watching this stuff unfold for about twenty years or so now. He's not as new as people think he is.
You're much better off doing your own research, finding your own role models, etc.
Tate is a filthy gypsy muslim. Gypsies are not famous for wisdom, success or integrity. What are they famous for? Scams, human trafficking, slave trading, lying and scumbaggery.
Tate's scam is plugging social media as an income stream, which his victims do not have the charisma or lying skills to do. He had the advantage of being the son of a scammer and thief, so he grew up with dishonesty and no integrity, which makes him better as a human trashbag. But he is not stupid, nor is he smart. He's deeply ignorant and uneducated. His lips move when he reads. Have you seen that? Lol. He has to sound out multisyllabic words. But he IS clever, and that is a valuable thing to be, neither good nor bad but a matter of utility.
FFS notice that even the retards here know that this Turkish pimp is a scammer.
Andrew Tate and his orbiters deserve the rope


youll be lucky if they let you cook hamburgers you faggot

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