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Just graduated high-school recently, I was dead set on nursing but working as a nursing assistant hit me like a brick. I don't wanna wipe ass and get abused like that. I'm now unsure of what I wanna do and am anxious for my future. I've been looking at being an x-ray technologist and that doesn't seem too bad. Also been looking at IT, I know the tech field is saturated but it doesn't seem too crazy and going to university is something I'd like to experience. (VA would pay for it) Any advice? Just at a crossroads and looking at all my options available. I wanna feel a hunger to learn and socialize.
Are you in the United States? I'd suggest getting your associate of science to start, especially through a community college. See if they have a program designed to easily transfer into a bachelor's if you go that route. It'll give you a good basis and allow you to explore different fields and talk to different professionals. I'd caution against pigeon holing yourself so quickly, so this'll give you some time to figure it out. If you struggle in school, having an associates on your resume will help you a lot if you can't make it through a full bachelors
Couple things.

1) CNA is NOT a nurse. Nurses aren't wiping ass as a primary role, but they are inserting caths and IVs and shit.
2) You don't have to keep working as a CNA if you want to pursue nursing.
3) After you get your RN or BSN you can get a MSN or DNP and get the BIG BUCKS. DNP can also transition to hospital admin, which is non-clinical.
4) If you want to work with patients, consider another medical job like physical therapy aide, XR tech like you said, MRI tech, CT, US, Ophtho imaging, etc. Bit of a dead-end job in some of those
5) why not physician assistant? Research it, it's what I"m doing.
I understand where you're coming from, there's lots of differences. I'm just abit ashamed since I would get very anxious and emotional during my shifts. I felt unqualified, and think a more diagnostic or supporting role would work better for me. But also I just need to find the motivation to work in those type of environments. Nursing homes do suck ass though.
Yes im in the U.S.
Makes sense, I didn't struggle through high-school and enjoyed the social and club aspects. Which is why university seems appealing to me. I just want to find something that enables me to live comfortably and that can be enjoyable. The science field is interesting I just need to invigorate my passion for learning.
Yep, I feel you completely.

I would never work in a nursing home because it's just not my nature.

don't be ashamed, it is better for you to recognize that you are feeling anxious and emotional during your shifts and to act on it (not continuing CNA work) instead of becoming jaded and neglecting or haming a patient.

Diagnostic is more my style as well, which is why i'm pursuing PA

Also, maybe if you transition to a different environment like pediatrics/outpatient/primary care/etc, it will feel different
Why'd you choose nursing in the first place?
An AS isn't really deep into science. It's just the associate for STEM vs associate of arts which is more general. You can do an AA instead, it's just an AS looks better. And if you end up doing anything related to nursing or the medical field you'll probably need those classes anyway.
Do either
Don't sell yourself short
DO NOT discouraged yourself
DO NOT get demoralized by "realists"

If you have a hunger, go for it

Hell if you wanna do nursing give it a go at least for a bit, don't eat the horror stories scare you if that's what you want
>t. 26 yo computer Information Systems graduate who got scared out of doing psychology and film, his DREAM majors
How has Information Systems gone for you? I'm an outsider looking in since I haven't taken any relevant classes to IT or tech.
My brother does it and I look up to him. He's very stoic and is doing well. I did lots of healthcare classes in high-school and became an officer in the little healthcare occupation organization we had. Seemed like a tough but rewarding career, but upon review I don't know if I'd get fulfillment being an RN.
Sell drugs. Keep it small time, not too flsshy and just for a living and you can keep it going for decades.

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