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I have no ambition
19 neet
All I feel like doing is making game mods on my pc and never leaving my home
how do I have ambition in life.
Read my comment here: https://archive.4plebs.org/adv/thread/31681566/#q31682547
Me again. Rest assured that if you have a spark of ambition then you can achieve more than 99% of people think is possible*. So don't worry in the beginning about the "how" of your ambition, just find the "what."

*This is another story that I'll write up before long. Sorry to seem vague right now.
I don't think there's a secret. You just have to keep trying new things and maybe one of those things will light a spark in you. The trick though is to give any activity enough time. When you first start out and you suck at the activity, it will always seem boring and "not for you".
To get ambition, focus on things you want and what's required to obtain them.

For example, you sound like you live at home with your parents, don't you want a house of your own? It would be your own space, where you can do what you want and have privacy.

To get a house, you need enough money for a down payment (generally 20%) and a consistent income so you can pay off the mortgage.

This means you need to save money and get a job that can afford to pay your mortgage.

This means you need to need to get a job with decent pay (being a wagie won't cut it).

This means that you need to go to college/trade school in order to meet the requirements for a well paying job, or find a line of work that doesn't require any education and pays well.

Now, by focusing on the goal of one day owning a house, you have an ambition that can motivate you to work towards a better life.
Another thought on ambition:

This is one situation where comparing oneself to someone else is actually useful: Think of a celebrity or star performer who is not all that different from you in their basic background and resources and ask yourself: "if he can do it then why couldn't I do it?" If the person's skill is a performative thing, say a sport, you might collect videos of them and watch them repeatedly, maybe slowing them down to watch every nuance.

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