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File: IMG_8568.jpg (189 KB, 1104x1229)
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I hate when other men look at woman I’m with

When they catcall them

When they try to date them etc

Does dating a tomboy fix these issues?
This issue won't be solved by dating different women. You have to be respectable enough for other guys to immediately knock it off when they see you next to a girl.
Our society shouldn’t be like that in the first place, people are to disrespectful
bro like 20% of men are about to flip the table of society if they cant get a gf, it's especially bad in low income or mixed income neighborhoods
You're right it shouldn't but there isn't really anything you can do about it, it's just the world we live in.
>people are to disrespectful
who do you think is doing all this catcalling? it's men, not people
Literally every woman about 2 or 3 out of 10 WILL have multiple men interested in her, and sometimes try to catcall her (especially black men as they have low standards)
Just be the best she can do
do slav men have low standards too? they're not black but they're not quite white
Extraordinarily low standards.
Will knowingly hit on teenagers despite being in their 40s.

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