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Realistically speaking, how much do white women actually prefer black men in real life?
I used to think all the BBC/blacked/BNWO shit you see on 4chan was 100% bullshit, but since I went to college I've overheard white women making fun of white men and in one case even saying she couldn't even imagine her baby being white.
I really want to believe they are just virtue-signaling because it breaks my heart more than any "height and face" blackpill ever could, but honestly I've lost all hope in humanity long ago.
Also, this is not a BBC spam thread, so fuck off if you want to post blacked shit.
It's not actually real. Black and white interracial couples aren't common in comparison to white and hispanic and white and asian (there are more blacks in america than there are asians) Really only men who doubt their self-worth like yourself believe it. Black people are fat so most of the interracial relationships you see are between fat people.
It's as bullshit as you thought it was & those women will never know true love - and are probably secretly way more racist than you or any other regular person is
Many black men would prefer to date outside of their group and other races generally find black women the least desirable so it skews the results too. The black ethnicity is weirdly one of the proudest and solidified in its identity, yet the most suicidal and wanting to assimilate into other groups, even more so than those with white guilt or that have been colonized by whites. If people found black women as attractive as other women and not low status to date they probably would basically go extinct very fast.
native american suicide rate is the highest. whites are also higher. they are lower in conscientiousness but are less neurotic
They're just saying it, they won't actually do it. It's their rebellious phase
White incel cope
I'd say at least half of them have tried it with the local preselected negro of the area. if they have it as a hard fetish it, i think it worsens as they get older. women are so fucking primitive.
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all this bnwo shit is just a fantasy for actual cucks with an actual cuck fetish, your post too
>your post too
I don't have a cuck fetish.
Yeah most race cucking stuff is usually posted by cucks of that race e.g. bnwo being white cucks, wmaf being Asian cucks and so on
It might be different where I live (England) but virtually every white woman I knew and went school with is dating a white man, the same goes for people of other races dating within their race. My sister's ex was white and so is her current BF, in my family, dating a black guy isn't something you'll be hated for but it's treated as a meme and not something that would happen, like my mum said to my sister before she saw what her current BF looks like, 'he's not black, is he?', as a joke. I suspect it's the same for many others.
I see the same generally everyone dates within their race except for in big cities
you americans are fucking weird man
American moment
They can't help it since their society was literally founded on the basis of race. That's why Americans are so race brained. Same for the British but obsession with class, especially since the Normans invaded, put themselves as the ruling class and continued to subjugate the native Anglo-Saxons to this day (Norman descendants still own a large proportion of England's land)
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Black guy here

Women are random.
There are some black girls obsessed woth white guys.

You gotta ignore the race shit, because it'll just leave you demoralized which is what (((they))) want, for ALL men.

You got this, you can definitely get laid.

That being said though the blacked trolls and creepy black obsessed white girls will always exist in some capacity because people are physical embodiments of chaos, the only one you can truly control ia yourself and your reactions.
chin up fren.

You got this.
i meant suicidal of their own identity
walk through a black neighborhood as a white man, it's basically like being a passportbro
>Pew's analysis reveals that the rate of intermarriage (marriage between individuals of different races) has increased significantly since the 1967 Loving v. Virginia ruling. As of 2015, 17% of all newlyweds were intermarried, up from 3% in 1967. This increase is more pronounced among certain racial groups, with 28% of Asians, 19% of Blacks, and 7% of Whites marrying outside their race

so there you go, not even 1/3 of Asians, and under 1 in 10 Whites
>i meant suicidal of their own identity
that's still wrong then because latinos want to be white even more
my friends complain only fat or black women will date them
blacks want to be anything else
A lot of black gang violence is basically suicidal behavior. It's like an alternate to suicide by cops.
>They can't help it since their society was literally founded on the basis of race.
they can't help it since obama removed the CIA restriction against psyops on home territory lol
otherwise it wouldn't (and didn't used to) bug everyone as much as it does.
the stuff you laid out is true, but that doesn't make people into neurotic fuckheads pitted against one another on its own. it's just something unique to americans which can be exploited.

we're all brothers and sisters in binds now, horse thief.
basically what this guy said :D
Speaking as a black man, most black gang violence is an absolute joke. It's all just posturing and posing but when shit hits the fan people show their true colors time and time again. Bloods and crips in LA get slapped around by the white biker gangs and the Latino cartel gangs
>black ethnicity is weirdly one of the proudest and solidified in its identity, yet the most suicidal and wanting to assimilate into other groups
Asian women in the west are desu
You haven't been in a black community, a lot of us self hate a lot it's ridiculous. And we isolate ourselves from black Africans also, pretending we're somehow different or better than them. It's retarded.
White incels are the ones who enjoy cuck porn.

Literally all of the cuckspam on 4chan is made by incels with no life who became brainrotted from extreme porn addiction.
>There are some black girls obsessed woth white guys.
I've met them. I was friends with a black girl some years ago who openly admitted to exclusively dating white men. I actually asked her about it a few times because I thought her reasoning was borderline racist. She said she didn't want to date black guys because she hated "the way they act" and basically thought they were ugly. I tried to tell her that surely not ALL black guys act or looked the same way but she wouldn't accept it.
in sorry black anons i know. i'm white but like 15%+ culturally black through exposure. sorta like eminem but not really proud of it. we all gotta escape the neighborhood... or boons if you guys are county blacks.
I work in a convenience store in a white suburb and I guesstimate that maybe 1 in 20 white women have negroid children and I’ve only seen one or two WMBF relatjonships. It’s common enough to where whenever I see a single mother I almost know the child is black.
thats probably how the blacked women think too.

there are definitely some women who have been brainwashed by porn into only wanting black guys. its pretty gay honestly but they're usually porn addicted anyways and would make bad mothers. that said, I still dont like giving up even one white slutty girl to the ebony side, thats why I say
I was a little kid and exposed to porn my whole life. fuck this poison
white chuds are just closeted faggots who project their obsession with niggers onto everyone. according to census numbers and research data white and feather indian is the largest multi racial group in the usa, but you never see chuds seething about natives stealing their women.
>according to census numbers and research data white and feather indian is the largest multi racial group in the us
Really? I was pretty sure it was White x East Asian.
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>Realistically speaking, how much do white women actually prefer black men in real life?
It's a myth spread by fetishists.
Really? Everyone always hypes up bloods and crips
It's hard to escape a lot of the retardation of my community because our culture is just so popular in the US, so even if I do, non-black people always try to drag me back in asking me questions etc...

What has happened to black Americans since the 60s is a crazy phenomenon to be honest. We have so much potential yet we're being exploited again and again and again. At least that's what my Granddad used to say. It always saddened him what came of our community and especially the superiority complex we have over black people from around the world.

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