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Is there a single good, non selfish reason for me to even have children as a man? Just one reason that doesn't rely on prayers or self fulfilment.
No, I don't give a fuck about my huwhite race, I'm technically not even white since I'm eastern European
No, I don't give a fuck about my nation or birthrate either, my people have isolated me when I was very young and when I needed socialisation the most
28 years old, I've been alone for my entire life and have no means of meeting a wife or gf, not even hooking up, I missed the opportunities to learn how to talk to women and it's a void I won't fill
My parents don't deserve grandkids, I explicitly told them I never asked them to bring me here, if I had a say in it, I wouldn't want to exist
None of them ever said they're sorry about my situation, I've never remembered them really loving each other like they're supposed to.
As for having children
> Gamble with someone else's genetics, luck, life, money and happiness
> They'd have to remember their family die
> They'd have to witness a potential war in the future
> They could get sick or have my luck which means I would've forced someone to live like me
Even if none of this happens, I still couldn't guarantee that they'll be really happy to exist.
The only reason given to have kids is that I'll feel better about myself and that's retarded for 2 reasons:
1) I wouldn't
2) It's insanely fucking selfish to even bring someone here just for my personal satisfaction
I don't read "how to suicide" threads. They're just some perverse form of venting and should be ignored.
Your parents may not love each other...but surely they loved you right?
Make baby. The world will kill if it doesn’t belong.
Fuck no, at least that is my answer. I have zero interest in having a kid and not raising them properly like my parents did with me. Absolutely fucking not. Not doing it, thankfully no woman wants to conceive with me. Fuck no. Fucking no way in hell.
Does it even matter? If anything it's more arguments in my favor, my upbringing was normal and fine yet my life is still shit because of circumstances.
Understandable, ironically I'd be a better father than majority of the retards around me. Still it doesn't matter, I could be the best dad in the history and shit could still happen, shit that would ruin my kid's lives and that would be on me.
I could die when they're young, they could get attacked, sick, conscripted etc it doesn't matter.
I should find a woman who doesn't want kids and just get old with her and die
You don't read any threads seeing as this one didn't even once mention suicide
>find a woman who doesn't want kids and die with her
Sounds like the only way to go, but from my limited understanding of life, it always conveniently and ironically seems like it is never that straightforward. A woman might say that, but then life throws a few curveballs and voila, a woman who said she doesn't want kids secretly always wanted kids or changes her mind and suddenly wants kids. I'd be careful if I were you and make sure that she is absolutely positive about it too.
I'd probably talk to her about adoption, seems more moral to try snd save those who sre already lost before even starting this.
But I really don't want to force more people to exist here, I can't explain how much I disdain life even if I find nice things about it
Then there's my own inborn selfish desires that might kick in, there's social stigma, regret, envy and everything else. I've been alone for too long not because I'm ugly or a shit person, I was just born in the wrong country at the worst and lamest possible period.
Didn't make good connections when it mattered, met a few girls through college but didn't do anything about it because of my insecurities and now it's too late to learn about relationships, women find men like me repulsive so I have to put on a fake experience and persona which sucks.
I don't want anyone to go through this even if the chances are microscopic
Not having children does not mean dying alone.
I know it's 21st century but I don't really live in a society where anyone wants to spend time with old people who don't have families

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