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At least I think it's cognitive dissonance, maybe not I'm pretty dumb
Anyway my gf cheated on me and turned out to be a piece of shit. Logically I can look at the whole situation, all of the facts and can agree that she is a piece of shit. However it feels like emotionally I can't accept it and I have no clue how to change this. I KNOW I'm better without her but it's like I don't FEEL as if I'm better without her, if that makes sense.
Can someone please help? This shit is mentally fucking me
It's ok to wish that she was better and to mourn what could have been. It's not okay to give a parasite a carte blanche to abuse you for the rest of your life. If you really think that what she did is wrong, break up.
Thank you but I forgot to mention that we are broke up up now, I should've written ex-gf
I am there with you man. Its fucking with my head big time too. I feel like its my fault, that if I didnt do x, if I didnt say y, she never would have started her affair. It makes me feel like a shitty person too. I know it isnt true. And I really did try my best in the relationship. No one can say I didn't. But I was immature and probably could have let more stuff go. But cheating is much worse. We even tried to deescalate the situation with a counselor before anything happened. It remained entirely emotional throughout our relationship. I think the only thing to do is realize the person who you are supposed to end up with won't do that to you and will value the relationship more than your/my ex. Yea my ex also said a lot of loving things, and I fully trusted her 100% until the last two months of our relationship. I honestly couldn't believe it happened.
So what's the problem then?
>I honestly couldn't believe it happened
I think that's part of the problem I'm having. It's been 6 months now since we broke up but there is still some part of me that is still shocked and can't quite believe it happened
did she ever reach out to you after the breakup? or to apologize since then? most of this board are guys who cant get laid and guys who have been betrayed in long term relationships...
You had sex with her so you have a protect and provide instinct towards her even though she betrayed. It's why you see supposedly Rightwing like Count Dankula simp for the women divorcing them and making their children grow up without a father in the household despite how bad they know fatherlessness is.

Also who is that semen demon?
Nope haven't heard from her since, last I heard she has become a turbo slut fucking any guy that would have her

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