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I'm 21 and my current gf is 19. We fell madly in love with each other and we talk all the time. Our relationship is more or less perfect, we've never had an argument in a year of dating each other. She's was a virgin when we started dating, and I took her virginity. Now she's completely head over heels, saying I'm the most attractive man she's ever seen and etc. She's going to a good college and has an ROTC scholarship to be a fighter pilot for the Air Force. Everything is perfect, we live together, and she's unbelievable attractive. She's a perfect 10 in my opinion, with curves for days and yet perfectly skinny as well as a lot of muscle from working out. She wants to marry me come october.


I'm a piece of shit. I have three side chicks I'm talking to at any point in time and I can't help but think about fucking other girls. I've held off so far and my gf is none the wiser. I really, really want to. I don't know how much longer my self control can hold. I don't know why this is, either. I always struggled with girls before my current gf but being with her has made me know what to do and now I can't help but want to fuck other chicks. I already have one that wants to meet up in a week. My gf trusts me implicitly so it would be easy to do it without her ever knowing, and this other girl is four states away. I want to stop, but I don't know how. I can't tell her, obviously, as she told me that she feels a visceral disgust at the thought of me fucking any other chick but her.

fuck me I have everything and I'm gonna throw it away by being a hedonistic bastard. How do I control myself so that I don't give in? I'm not an impulsive person and I've managed to hold it in but I'm unsure if I can forever.
you will fck up while your girlfriend is in UPT, you wont even make it to deployment, and she will serve her 10 years get out and make 400k at an airline debt free. you will post on 4chan about how much you hate yourself and why couldnt you just appreciate what you had while you had it. shes just simply better than you. and even if you managed to hold off, top gun chad will steal her away in sharjah while youre trying to figure out why some tinder whore is giving you one word answers.
Any girl that falls in love with a piece of shit like you deserves to have her heart broken so whatever.
Leave the pure girl alone. You're wasting her time. Also this is a massive blackpill, it's so hard to not hate moids as a whole. Just reading this makes me sad, can't imagine what your gf would feel like if she read this. But she won't, so let me say it in her place. You're cruel. The thought of doing this to someone you say you love is just cruel. You're ruining her whole life by pretending to be a good loyal bf and you even plan on getting married. Don't you think you've fucked her over enough already by taking her virginity when you're not even capable of treating her with respect? Why do you want to go this far? It's just hurtful. I wish you never got a girl to fall for you to begin with. I wish she would have a better life right now but she doesn't. The truth is even when she doesn't know yet and even if you haven't really done anything yet, the damage is already done. You're cruel, I wish moids like you didn't exist, so that it'd be possible to just dedicate oneself to a man while fully trusting him. You're contributing nothing to making your gfs life better, to bring her joy and even if you think you are you tear it all down by being the nasty scrote you are. I don't hate you, but the world would be better off if you and all cheaters had never been born at all. Leave the poor girl alone before you actually end up ruining her life. She deserves so much more than this and you know it too. Please, it's too late for you to not be a porn brained moid but you can still safe her life by leaving her before any real damage is done. You claim you love her, have some empathy please, do what's best for her and just leave.
why do you think i'm trying to stop myself? i dont want to this to her. i might just come clean and hope she forgives me.
You already have side chicks and are super close to fucking them. You really think the urge is gonna go away magically and you'll somehow be the loyal husband your gf deserves? You're only just in the beginning and you think you can be loyal to her for a lifetime when it's already hard for you now when she's young, beautiful and healthy? You will give in to the urges eventually, it's only a question of time seen that you're already considering and already talking to several other girls. You will end up ruining this relationship by cheating on her. So couldn't you stop being selfish and just spare her the pain of being with you for several years, happily married but it's just play pretend, maybe even stuck with you because of potential children? Essentially ruining the whole life the two of you will build up when you already know you're not capable of being loyal right here and now? Do you not understand how much of a big deal this is? You're going to make this girl miserable down the line. If you really think there won't ever be moments of you giving in to the urges you're nothing but delusional.
you're kinda feminine because u care too much to sleep with other women instead of having a purpose and making money were u raised by a single mom or something.. you just need to work on your masculinity lol
men not satisfied by a loyal beautiful girl might be gay
>i might just come clean and hope she forgives me.
dont do it. just ghost them all. if you are feeling guilty talk to your priest or a therapist. I promise you 100% if you tell your girlfriend it will come back at some point. even if she appreciates it now, and forgives you, in one year or two etc. it will come back and youll feel sorry for doing so. Im serious man, absolutely do not. no contact those whores and talk to literally anyone else about it. watch eyes wide shut if you need to.
Anon just ghost those girls and stay with your girlfriend. You don't realize what you have. Jerk off you fucking retard. I have had sex with a lot of women but have never had a girlfriend. Pumping sluts is overated but some things you have to learn the hard way. I'm 26. I wish I could have had one decent loving relationship with an attractive girl when I was younger. Your 21 so your cocky and think that you will continue to be lucky with gfs and sluts but this is not guaranteed to happen. Don't tell your gf if you decide to not cheat.
If you've already gotten to the point of speaking to other girls then it's already over. That's emotional cheating. But just break it off before you break her heart anon
thanks, that's actually good advice. im gonna go to confession and then no contact the whores, not like they know anything about me anyway.
Just stop being a piece of shit.
How is it so hard to keep your dick in your pants for everyone that isn't your girlfriend like damn. Especially when she's willing to do everything for you.
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Here's a hot take:

You're not doing this because of the girls themselves.
You're doing this to appeal to other dudes.
You're attracted to the girls only sexually and that is secondary to you. Your real attraction is social, not sexual, and it is to other guys. You are obsessed with what other guys (real or imaginary) will think of your sexual prowess, of your body count.

This would be all well and good in theory, but you actually met a woman you've come to care about. Now you are aware of her outside of this context, you think of her as a fellow human being, you care how she will feel, and this is in conflict with your previous "women-as-currency" mindset.

What's the solution? Weigh your options: do you put the opinions of some 20-year-olds over a person who will potentially be your life-long partner? Keep in mind that as time goes by and all of your male acquaintances get older, they will also try to settle down, body count will become less of an issue for them, they will crave real companionship more and more, as the crippling fear of loneliness starts to set in. If you have found such a good woman, I'd say it's immensely fortunate for you, enough to for you to decide "I can handle the lads' banter calling me whipped"

What do you think of that?
I see you in every cheating thread always telling people to cheat and hide it, it's crazy
Ive been cheated on and hate the idea. I just know this man has an opportunity to save his relationship and forgive himself at the same time, so I admonish him to take it.
Here's what's going to happen
>You're going to try to get something running with one of these "side chicks"
>You might even be successful
>She's going to find out
>She's going to dump you
>You're going to find out that you're not as attractive as you think, that this "harem" you've got on your phone is either using you for attention or they consider you just friends
>Either way women's attraction for you will drop because women are more attracted to men in relationships then single women, it's been proven in studies and with many anecdotal cases
>She's going to get into a rebound relationship very quickly
>You're going to be crushed because you found out how replaceable you really are
>She'll be fucking and sucking a new guy while you're lonely and single for months and months
That age gap is problematic
Do the world a favour and fuck yourself. You might even enjoy it, faggot.
No it's not lol. The problem is him only being able to think with his dick. Typical moid.
One day you'll lose every fucking thing you hold dear if you go down this path, the moral corruption or taboo aspect of it is addicting, that's exactly why people get caught eventually, chances are that she will catch on eventually given her background. This is incredibly rare today, what you have right now is what millions of men are yearning for especially as she is attractive, if it was anybody else like someone unstable or with a high bodycount nobody wouldn't have told you to do anything differently. This is the exact advice I gave to a friend of mine and their relationship is still strong as ever.
why do you need so much drama in your life are you a girl or something
amazing bait thread
>ROTC scholarship to be a fighter pilot for the Air Force

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