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What does it mean if I feel no emotional attraction to women? I'm not asexual because I do feel arousal and jack off regularly. I just have never met a woman I wanted to date and have as my gf. Never been in love either, obviously. Am I broken? Not gay, btw, I considered it but it does nothing for me either.
If you have no continuous close contact with women obviously you won't feel any emotional closeness to them. Fascination takes a bit of time. Genuine love takes a long time, and often requires commitment as a prerequisite. You don't really grow to love another until you have made a number of sacrifices for them.
I do have female friends. One of my best friends, if not my best, is a woman. But while I would say I love her I wouldn't claim I'm "in love" with her. Even before loving, I don't find girls I see "attractive" in the sense of being smitten or taken back by them. I can recognize when a woman is pretty or hot but that's the extent of it, it never translates into interest or action.
So you've never felt that tingle in your heart when you're looking into the eyes of a girl who just gets you on a fundamental level? Even if it's in your imagination? Or the idea of protecting this sweet, caring girl? That doesn't make your heart flutter?
Not really. The closest thing is a wholly platonic relationship with a woman who got me, but I'm not into her that way. A couple of years back I finally met a girl with whom I had something of a fling but when she broke things off a month and a half later it didn't bother me that much, or at all. Maybe I'm a schizoid.
Nah I think you're just asexual probably. Nothing wrong with that
But I do watch porn and I like masturbating.

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