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so for the past year ive been dating this chick who was pretty great. she was really hot, and i mean big tits big ass muscles hot, plus super smart. she was summa cum laude in our hs when we started dating. she were together for a yr and she sucked my dick and stuff, although she refused to have sex because she's catholic. anyway that year was pretty good she would plan dates and we would go out and stuff, and we'd cuddle n stuff. but a couple of months ago she broke up with me, but would stay friends.

for a couple months she didnt date anyone and we talked a lot, i hoped i would be able to get her back, and it looked like she wanted me back. BUT then today I saw a post on her instagram "me and my gf" from some random fucking dude i've never seen before in my life. I asked some of our mutual friends and apparently she started e dating this cop with massive unresolved PTSD and he came over to visit and now she apparently in love with him and THEY HAD SEX. despite her being catholic. wtf. worst part is that she's like 5'4 and i'm 5'7 while this random fucking cop is 6'1. i thought about like beating him up but i would probably get shot and killed. what the fuck do I do? he's older than her by like three years too. I'm in love with her and watching her go out with some random cop who's gonna beat her is heartbreaking.
You broke up, go meet other girls lmao, don't get oneitis for your high school gf, she's not worth obsessing over and neither is the guy she's dating now
I live in the midwest everyone else is either fat or already in a relationship
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My brother in Christ, a quick google search tells me the midwest area has a whopping 68 mil (68.000.000) population, that's about 34 million women, that's way more people than you could ever meet in your lifetime even if you met a different woman every single day until you're 80.

Don't go fucking telling me you know what "everyone else" is like, broaden your horizons a bit and go fucking meet other girls.
the only way is to go no contact. its probably over my friend, maybe shell reach out in a few years. withdraw your attention is the only way. find a new chick and maybe you both will be single and different people in a few years time. thats the only way you could ever get her back at this moment in time.
>although she refused to have sex because she's catholic
>THEY HAD SEX. despite her being catholic. wtf
The most brutal genre of cucking. Utterly devastating and there's no coming back from it.
Its over bro. Sorry. Move on and never look back. It's the only option.
I live with my parents in a small town. i dont have a car. what am i supposed to do???

please. is there no way? she was so nice and i thought she was the one. we went to prom together and everything.
Dumping you is betrayal. Betrayal shouldn't never be forgiven. You should never be friends with your exs
> she gave him sex but not you
She hates you.
I seriously don't understand your mindset. She decided you weren't good enough for sex but some psycho cop was, how can you even want to be in the same room as her again?
I'm sick and tired of this meme, stop fucking pretending that some areas in the US have a serious lack of single women, and that there is a dearth of good, marriage material women in the West in general
OP I wouldn't worry about it, sounds like she's trash and even if you stay single the rest of your life that's better than being in bad company
Were you the one who said there was no other chances and knew she would find someone else? There is a disconnect here somewhere.
Maybe the other guy was better at communicating and showed her that she was desired. There is another level of wtf ...
You are good enough, you just didnt think you were. If i was your bff I would say, you need confidence.
I think he's manipulating or gaslighting her. Our mutuals said that when she was just talking to him over the phone she thought he was a good catholic man but now she's having sex with him like every day. He worked in some maximum security death row prison for a while and now is a street cop and talks about beating people and shit. I fear for her safety.
Totally irrelevant to what I wrote: >>31695860
She thinks you're not good enough for sex but he is, which is plainly evident from her actions. She's not your problem any more and if you had any self respect you'd no longer care about her.
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Why are you kicking and screaming instead of facing the truth? The numbers don't lie.
Let her get what she deserves then. Seriously, if she can't even stand by her convictions for GOD, she wouldn't stand by them for you.
Your ego is badly bruised because yes she did choose another man over you, and because you didn't cut her out completely you know this man has some superior physical qualities over you (height, muscle). Seriously, why didn't you block her insta and ghost her? Tsk, tsk but now you've learned.
I'm not going to be like all the retards who say "durr just go out and get a new girl bro!" Finding a new girl is not like going to the store and getting milk for most of us and you might be single for a little while. Use that time to improve (get jacked if you aren't), and in time you will find a new, better woman and you will forget about her.
>please. is there no way? she was so nice and i thought she was the one. we went to prom together and everything.
You need to totally move on and never reach out to her again. That is literally the only hope you have of her coming back to you. I know it doesnt make sense but it is the only way. For her to become reattracted at this point you need to wait for the new relationship to dissolve, and have been strong and silent during that period of time so that when she is feeling sad and lonely after that she'll remember how awesome you were. And that you didnt act like a whiney bitch who couldnt entertain himself when he was broken up with
>THEY HAD SEX. despite her being catholic.
Even if this dumb larp were believable, you shouldn't be surprised that she did this considering you also were getting sexual with her.
Stop hurting yourself. She sounded like a ticking time bomb if you were to spend any longer with her. You live 14 to 15 years without her before you met her, you can do it again. Get moving.
I hope this is larp because otherwise you need to man the fuck up you pussy. She chose another man over you. It is what it is. Move on
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This unironically happens all the time in teenage relationships.
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>The numbers don't lie.
You're right, they don't you stupid fucking faggot
>if you include grannies, cripples, lolis, married women, and fatties, there's like a ton of women out there bro!
If you really don't think there are certain areas of the country in which men outnumber women in the eligible dating pool for young adults, you are living in fucking lala land, my friend. OP could very well be living in such a place. Even if the gender ratio is like 103 or 105 men to 100 women in his age group, he could be fucked.
>t. I live in King County and it's fucking brutal dating here
The fact that she sucked your dick while being Catholic so that she stays "virgin" should've been the first sign anon.
maybe you guys are right. idk, the only thing he seems to have over me is that he's taller. he's skinny, way skinnier than me, and im fairly muscular like i go to the gym often. I just care about her and don't like the thought of her being abused by a psychopathic cop. She was genuinely such a nice, sweet person and had so much going for her. Maybe I should just move on though, but like >>31695971 said there are literally zero options in this town. There's just fatties and taken women. Maybe I should confront him in front of her.
You're not her parent, and you shouldn't waste your life waiting for someone to solve their own problems they personally load themselves. The only way to win is to not play the game and make your own rules in a way that you can win. I know the phase of hurting is inevitable, but you are not alone.
>Maybe I should confront him in front of her.
Last thing you should do
Whether it results in a fight that you win, you getting your ass kicked, or even just an awkward conversation, even the act of confronting shows that you think this guy is a legitimate threat, i.e. equal or greater value to yourself as a man
I've been in your situation before, I'll admit you're more pathetic but I've gotten batshit when I found out an ex I was still not over moved on super quickly. I even threatened to beat the guy to my ex. Wrong fucking move, because it showed how insecure I am.
I took a few months to chill out and now I could give a fuck less. OP, don't make any moves and just chill.Don't let some HO dictate your moves and how you feel
I honestly dont think the other guy is a threat. I would stick around and see what happens. If she is a good girl, loyal and committed .. you will see that.
Voice youe concerns in person about the other guy but dont let your anxiety sway you.
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>King County
>population of 2.2 mil people
>112 men per 100 women
> ~1 mil women
>tens of thousands of women in the 18-25 age group
>bawww can't find woman

I'm sorry, that still sounds like a (You) problem.
>Voice youe concerns in person about the other guy but dont let your anxiety sway you.
Absolutely do not listen to this OP. Go no contact and focus on being a better person. More fit, richer, ambitious etc. Do not keep talking to this bitch, she will become less and less attracted every single time. You need to strap in for the long haul and wait for her to come back to you. That is seriously the only way she will come back
>tens of thousands of women in the 18-25 age group
How many of those are single?
How many of that subset would be interested a given average-ish man?
How many of that subset are either on a dating app or somewhere this average-ish man goes?
How many of the final group are excluded by not-shitting-where-you-eat rules?

You're unironically down to single digits at this point.
>yOu'RE jUsT nOt TrYInG
Ok faggot, I literally asked three women for their numbers this weekend alone, total cold approaches, you wanna know the results?
Again, this was three numbers in two days, and I go out almost every weekend and try to get at least one girl's phone number. I have encountered precisely two single women somewhat interested in me in FOUR MONTHS of doing this, resulting in one date that did not lead to a second.
You know what the most common response I've gotten is when asking for numbers?
>Sorry, I have a boyfriend/I'm married and just not wearing my ring
Keep trying to desperately prove you're right though after getting BTFO. I really don't know what you have to gain by getting other guys' hopes up knowing you're setting them up to fail other than sick kicks.
It's over, you 100% lost this competition. From your description he seems much more manly and knows how to handle women better than you (and manipulate them) and that's all she cares about. She couldn't even hold herself and fucked the dude, listen to yourself for one minute, there is no going back.
There is absolutely no salvation for her. It sucks and it hurts, but she's on an inevitable path of pain and abuse. There is literally no possible way to rescue her, position yourself as her savior and get her back. Don't try to interfere, just remove her from your life and actively try to learn a lesson out of this shit.
Out of everything you can possibly do from now on, the most likely is not learning any lesson from your experiences, staying mediocre, undesirable, poor, unmanly.
An alternative path is actually doing something with your life. Acquire knowledge, skills, money, adventures, experiences. Become a better man and THE better man.
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>I asked a total of 0.000003% of women in my area, an amount that isn't even a rounding error, over a week and got no results

>total cold approaches
Lmoa, now it all makes sense why you fail.

>average-ish man
There's your issue. You're insecure. The answer, if you're an average-ish man, is always "more than you think".
>>average-ish man
>There's your issue. You're insecure.
What do you possibly mean by this? Most men would be totally accurate and not suffering from any kind of insecurity if they rated themselves as average-ish.
To be good with women, literally invert morality. YES even with purported good girls and religious girls. Good men have never been attractive.

Those "good women" you hear about online--the ones who are genuinely attracted to nice guys-- don't exist. They're not at church, they're not at the library, they're not on discord, and they're definitely not at nightlife.
Explain every woman in my family including me then
>Y-you can't cold approach!
>You have to use your social circle!
You retarded nigger I'm 32. You know what my social circle is? MARRIED. I have grand old times with the boys still but I'm not meeting my future wife at the cigar lounge or pool hall, and I'm self employed so I don't have coworkers to ask out
Also nice job dodging the point where I said I had been trying for months, nearly Trump-levels of dodging
You are all whores in denial and yes that includes your mom
Clearly you're not an actual good man if you're assuming this as your first conclusion so that explains your experiences
>"I'm a good women"
>asserted without proof
Easy. You don't know them as well as you think.

Any time a "good" man gets a girl, she's settling for him.
okay, thanks.

he's a psycho cop who's talked about beating people, he clearly is

why? can't I save her? surely she can realize the folly of being with an abusive cop.
>I honestly dont think the other guy is a threat
It doesn't matter what YOU THINK
It matters what her PUSSY FEELS
And if he confronts the other guys, his ex's pussy will tell her "oh he's fighting for me, that means he thinks the other guy is at least as valuable as him and I'm WAY more valuable than both of them! I'm so wet for my more valuable cop BF!"
This is a lesson I am trying to take from the Negro community, black men very rarely get perturbed by a woman rejecting them and I've never once in my life seen or heard of black guys getting into it because of women.
OP needs to start listening to the wise words of the Negro man. Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks, yes even Catholic virgins
Well I know myself...
It's over man. Don't be this pathetic. Like seriously you're a disgrace to men everywhere
>can't I save her?
No, you can't
>surely she can realize the folly of being with an abusive cop
No, she can't, for fucks sake.
She does not operate based on reason and will not do so no matter what you, an inferior and insignificant man to her, do.
I'm trying to nudge you into the right direction but you seem unable to grasp the idea of women not thinking within the same framework as you do.
Unlike you, I know when to move the fuck on. I won't spend any more time trying to give honest advice here. Enjoy wasting your life on them.
yeah desu this has been the most brutal blackpill of my life.
go find another chick you crybaby
if thats the case i'd rather just lose my virginity to a hooker. but i still hold out hope theres good girls out there
NTA but you and other anons gotta knock off the whole "go find another girl" advice.
IT'S. NOT. EASY. And if you think it's easy, then you're just Chad and not giving realistic advice for most guys, or you're a larva still in some form of school which is tutorial mode for getting a girl.
This thread still going?
yea i graduated hs now and i cant get shit, hence why im trying to get her back
>how can you even want to be in the same room as her again?
absolutely based
why do people always blame themselves for other people's poor decisions?
Of course it isn't easy, nobody ever said it was. But dwelling on the "blackpill" instead of moving on causes more harm than good.
I'm >>31696746 and while I don't think it's easy to find another girl, you shouldn't try to get her back either. Just be single, let the pain dull over time, and try to live your best life. You just graduated high school, you should be full of hopes and dreams. You've got all your 20s ahead of you, fucking do something instead of dwelling on one bitch1!
>But dwelling on the "blackpill" instead of moving on causes more harm than good.
I never said he should do that either, read my reply above to see what I think he should do.
Just saying, you cannot just "find" a girl like you go to a store and find a gallon of milk. He could be in for 6 months, a year, two years of being single before something good falls into his lap again. He'll be better off healing by bettering himself instead of seeking out some rebound.
>I'm in love with her and watching her go out with some random cop who's gonna beat her is heartbreaking.
eh if it's any consolation you'll hear all about it when he does and she has nobody else to turn to
Leave her too it.
I had a girl do this to me, shes currently miserable "trapped" in a relationship and getting cheated on by the same guy she cheated on me with.
it's not consolation. it breaks my heart. it makes me want to ball up and cry. she was such a sweet, genuine person who cared & liked my interests. thinking about some psycho cop using her to cope with PTSD makes me genuinely want to kill him.
Lmfao wtf
>You are le bad if you don't entertain my delusions
Female "argument" 1 of 2.
>a couple of months ago she broke up with me

The only relevant sentence in your post - relevant for two reasons:

1. It's over. What she has done since then or may do in the future is absolutely None Of Your Business.

2. SHE broke up with you, which means that something was already wrong with the relationsip for her. It was over before it finally ended, and probably because you failed her in some way.

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