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What do you call it when you're instantly attracted to guys in real life, even feeling perhaps shy or intimidated, but never instantly attracted to women in real life - maybe over time after getting to know one think that they're cute... I've had maybe one real life girl crush in the last decade. Every great once in a while I find a girl in person actually attractive hot and want to fuck her without knowing her.

Yet, when it comes to porn, I am almost solely attracted to women. I masturbate pretty much only to female masturbation videos or lesbian, unless speaking to a sex-bot. When looking at naked men, even if they'd be my type in person, I feel almost nothing unless I am REALLY in the mood for dick (like once every year or three?)

I'm just curious, what the hell kind of fucking sexuality is that? Here are some tl;dr facts

>I'm a grill
>I do have a boyfriend, so I do feel satisfied in the cock department
>I'm asking a porn-addled question, but I'm not actually addled (well maybe right now with the bots, but over all watch porn maybe once a month)
>Have had sex with women, I know a lot of women in real life I may have no instant attraction to I would be soaking wet for if eating them out
>I am extremely attracted to both 2-d and 3-d women in porn

Anyway, I am just curious because it's so bizarre. I'm conservative, but I do understand sexuality is sliding scale, but mine just seems so fucked up.
You're just bi but aside from that idk what to call it, not sure if that matters though. I'm bi as well (male), but in like a weird specific way too. Like I'm attracted to every woman but barely any men, there's those faggy feminine guys that I'd fuck the shit out of and the 1% of normal men that I'm attracted to. When I watch porn I love looking at cocks, even if I don't appreciate the guy attached to it.

None of this shit is ever quite as straightforward as they make it seem and that's fine. It is what it is
I feel my boyfriend is the same as you, except he loves twink asians/blacks/latinos, kek.

I know you're right, I am always just curious what people make of it. Sexuality is very strange.

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