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I don't do them, since I naturally do what they artificially do: make one introspect - in my case by internal conversation. What I do do is keep a pen and pad ready by my bed to write down any insights when I wake up.
It's more for making my head less of a chaotic, batshit insane storm of neuroticism and anxiety. I don't do it for insights. So I'd be writing down unhinged shot probably, but I want to know how to do that in a way that actually helps me, and how I make sure nobody reads ot or how to stop worrying about that.
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>It's more for making my head less of a chaotic, batshit insane storm of neuroticism and anxiety. I don't do it for insights. So I'd be writing down unhinged shot
Okay. I don't have that problem.

Others can comment in this thread on the subject of keeping a journal.

What I do seriously recommend is that you meditate in one form or another (picrel and another to follow). It *will* help what you describe.
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Second picrel mentioned.

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