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I have the most embarrassing fetish. How do I get rid of it? This is a serious inquiry, please help
You know you're gonna have to tell us what it is, right?
we all curious. spill beans.
It's not possible to truly get rid of it. It's just easier to suppress if you don't wank too often. The more you wank, the more degenerate the shit you look at gets. The more normal, vanilla stuff won't cut it anymore and you'll need to bring out the weird shit to cum.
It’s diapers. Probably the most socially unacceptable it can get before being illegal. Will electroshock therapy work
I’ve “had” it since I was a very young child, before I even knew what pornography was. When I went through puberty, it became sexual, if that makes any sense.
Same for me (not the same fetishes tho). Weird how that works
Could be worse. Dont beat yourself up and if you really want to quail it, you can but it would take alot of retraining your thinking.
So find someone into that... you don't have to share this with the world, and if no one knows it isn't embarrassing..
I'd be embarrassed if my shit was out there and my interests aren't even that weird.. this isn't public business. So it shouldnt be embarrassing..
You have a fetish for diapers, I have a fetish for genital mutilation. There's always a bigger fish. Thank god my fetish is aimed at others and not at myself.
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I guess you guys are right and I should just keep it to myself and be glad it’s not worse. I know it seems pathetic but thanks for the advice.
Throw all your diapers out. Seek professional help. Make normie friends. Become more normie-like.

It's not too late. I believe in you
Simply do not desire the fetish, do not satisfy the fetish, and do not view the fetish as important.
Fetishes cannot legally affect you without your consent.
>Probably the most socially unacceptable it can get before being illegal.
Nah, you got corprophilia, fetishes for the mentally ill or retarded, amputees, loli and shota before you hit that.

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