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31 year old aspie NEET here. I realized the game was rigged against me pretty early on. Communication is everything in this world, and I can't communicate for shit. I have a severe speech impediment and can only talk to a handful of people. No degree, never worked, no skills that I can monetize. I've spent most of the past two decades in the woods, or reading in my room. If I could keep doing that I'd be pretty happy. Do you anons have any ideas? I'm quite frugal. Even if I could make $700 a month that would be enough.

Sell drugs, or get a Uber eats bicycle job gig
>Uber eats bicycle job gig
Interesting. I didn't know they had bicycle jobs too
Helpdesk that uses "chat" typing.
Is it possible without any work experience?
I have no idea. I mention it because someone must be doing it in all those "chat" options you see on websites of service providers and other big corporates.

Other people with speech impediments must have ways of being gainfully employed. With the spread of high-speed Internet, people are needed all over the place to keep it running smoothly, and many of the roles are text only.

It depends on your skills and interests. Sorry I can't be more specific.
Join the Space Force if not retarded

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