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How do autistic people/shy/socially awkward people even date in current year?
u can date me anone
I'm gonna say this nicely. Figure it out. Your ancestors didn't have the internet for help.

This is the only legitimate setback, and even then there's a chance.
Grow up you baby.
>socially awkward
Force yourself into social situations and git gud.

Most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP. All the retards on this website who go
>it's over
>it never even began for me
>women only want chad
are all crybaby faggots who let themselves fail. Don't be like that. Do better.
I'm all of them and I don't, I am a recluse that withdraws and isolates, I have sex with street hookers because of it. Got to get my kicks in somehow.
You female?

So how?

I don't know where ro meet prozzies
Australian? It should be legal there. If not, where you at?
>so how?
I know saying "go out and do things" sounds like a meme but it's the truth. Or you can rely on connections in your family and friends. That's how I exist.
Maybe use viva street or adult work.
Or google it, it is semi legal there. I'm i. the US. it isn't illegal to google it.
Tried bit it's only ugly hags from Glasgow weird looking scammy Eastern Europeans
Then idk what to tell you, go to england for some escorts then. Wherever they are at and are real, or go to germany
We don't. I dealt with such a big asshole at work today. I fucking hate people, they aren't worth it. Better to just go home and drink as much as you want to forget the bullshit than date.
I don't want sex lol I want to date other weirdo girls
Who wants to tell him?

Weirdo girls suffer no social deficits so they can get Chad just the same as any girl
I don't drink.
it's that simple?
Autistic: We tell people we find them attractive and want to be romantically / sexually involved with them, and sometimes they consent.

No idea about shy or socially awkward people.
They ask mainstream media to film them while dating so normalfags can watch them like some animal documentary.
>It should be legal there.
Depends which state. South Australia no. Other locations yes.
From experience: people who are extremely shy or socially avoidant, will not allow themselves the possibility of opening up to others - whether platonically, romantically or anything else. They've spent their lives perfecting the skill of ending any and all human interaction as efficiently as possible. While they envy relationships and love others may have, they know it's forever out of their reach, and use whatever else is available to numb the pain (usually lots of porn).
Yep. They'd rather be alone, they just cry about it rather than accept it.

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