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I’m talking to this girl and it’s going really really well, we’ve made plans for this upcoming week to go on a date. I’ve gotten really into her and often find myself overly affectionate saying shit like “you’re really cute!” unprompted a lot - more than I feel is comfortable. She responds to it well, but I just feel like I’m being *too* affectionate to the point where it might be overbearing. I just can’t help but express how much I appreciate and like her all the time, honestly. Am I just being retarded or is it overbearing?
It'll become overbearing at some point. Keep the compliments regular but sparse. If you really want to show your appreciation, do something for her. Actions are louder than words.
mate you haven't even been on a date yet.
temper your expectations.
First date is the real sieve.
Compliments are abundant with women, they're usually told how people think of them physically. You'll just push her into the idea that you're only there for one thing.

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