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File: misty.jpg (755 KB, 1000x1719)
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How do I get over the fact that I tried and failed. It still stings. I took it really personally.
Don't be sad and try again.
Don't like the advice? Then provide more details. Generic posts get generic replies.
I tried to fund a kickstarter of a comic I was working on. I thought it was a slam dunk so I was shocked when it failed
Don't be sad and try again.
That's really all the details you're willing to give? There's not a 20-second time limit on writing posts. If you're not willing to put even a minimal amount of time into trying to feel better, how and why do you think people here will help you?
I won't read whining blog posts on an advice board.
look at these goombas
just try again
well post your pitch so it can be evaluated
stupid faggot
this is me

these two are not me
I made the mistake of putting my real name on it so I can't post it here.
ok post it without your name
surely you can retype/share the premise/concept
i can see why you're a failure
imagine working on a comic for 15 years and failing. that's what I went through.
the fact that failure is a measurement of perception of peers rather than completion of a project means you were destined to fail
I needed the funding to complete it.
>15 years
>need funding to complete
>still hasn't posted pitch
this is some cockanany nonsense
why do you need funding to complete it, the work is done by you

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