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As per usual, I'm autistic like many 4channers and internet dwellers.

I want to get laid and find that finding a girlfriend is too much work, and requires me to go out of my comfort zone, and not be autistic which is extremely hard to do, even just pretending and masking.

The problem with this is that I fear that I may get STDs, AIDs, and my dignity will be destroyed forever. I fear that I will have to hide this from my future wife forever, and the guilt is too much to bear, and I don't want to taint her with my dick that has been inside an escort.

What should I do? I've tried dating apps, and have gotten matches, but it's a pain in the ass, almost like doing fucking homework and chore to just get one to somehow hookup with you, not to mention I'm not good looking enough for them to one night stand me.

I almost manage to get a GF from a workplace, but my autism got in the way and fumbled. I tried online dating through video games and Discord but it's the same shit with dating apps, very low success rate. Not sure what to do.
Not sure but I feel like if you fear your dignity will be destroyed by sleeping with an escort, it probably will bring you that feeling of disgrace, as you seem to see it as some sort of dirty thing.
Just get a rub and tug and get back on the dating horse.
Probably not. You might develop the mentality that it is the only avenue for you, that is how my mind operates. I have been fucking them since I legally became an adult.
How much $ total do you think you spent so far on them?

Also does it actually feel good, since there's no emotional connections?

I also heard some dudes said it gave them confidence, is that true?
Don't. The diseases, degeneracy and loss of money should be enough to deter. Desires frustrate you, witness these illusions and free yourself from them.
Probably like 3k at this point over the span of 5/6 years. Sounds like a lot, and it isn't pocket money unless you're a trust fund baby, but i don't make good money and it was over the course of several years and moments of "abstinence", only cause I was broke or didn't feel like it, no spiritual or religious reasons.
It can feel good physically, other times it is going through the motions, it loses its novelty and i do it cause I get no ass irl so even though jerking off can sometimes feel better than empty sex, sometimes jerking off isn't enough and I need something close to the real thing. I would say the average experience is sort of mediocre and lackluster, unfulfilling and kind of underwhelming.
I wouldn't say it has given me confidence to just go up to a woman and spit game I don't have. I am still the same awkward, weird, and fucked ip person, just that sex has kind of been demystified for me. I don't know everything about sex, I don't know how to please a woman and to read a woman's body, but through experience I have kind of learned a bit. Different women fuck differently and have different personalities, attitudes, styles and ways of going about things. Fucking hookers may expose you and that exposure kind of desensitizes any misconceptions you may have about women or the female body/form, but it doesn't translate to social skills that have you fearless and "confident" with women, so much so that you can just walk up to a woman and bed her within an hour. I guess it has made me confident by showing me what a nude woman is like, what sex is like, has me more concerned about who the person is other than just what they have between their legs. Sex isn't everything, might not be what you want to hear, but escorts are women, and women are people, normal people put in an abnormal situation.
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I am wondering the same. Isn't after all marriage prostitution with extra steps? Isn't payment a way to get the woman to leave? Though as a man I'm only interested in men. Sex is difficult for me because I don't notice the subtle sings when someone wants to have sex with me.
Don't do it. You won't respect yourself. It's always a seedy and pointless affair. People tell you to hire an escort. Why? They don't like you.
Not true, it isn't anything personal to suggest a possible solution or option, an outlet, for a lack of sexual options. You see it as someone not liking you, and while that may be the case in some instances, someone personally not liking you the individual, I think that it can be a valid suggestion. It certainly isn't for everyone, i'm the guy two posts above yours, the guy who spent 3k. I don't know OP, I don't recommend it because of the mentality it can create, this vicious cycle of fucking a hooker because you have no options or don't see a way out, fucking them, then further reinforcing the idea that a hooker is the only way you can get laid, but if you haven't ever gotten any for, say, 10 years, jerking off has become the same thing and you want to experience something, and maybe you're paralyzed from the waist down or just don't want to deal with bullshit or heartbreak, maybe you've been divorced and have had half your material belongings and possessions, assets and income, taken away from you, you just want sex and sex only, then maybe an escort is a possible avenue. Do whatever works best for you, do whatever works for you. For some that is an escort, for some it isn't. For the majority of people paying for sex is not their thing. It isn't "real", it is just an act, she doesn't actually enjoy it, it doesn't feel right, you get nothing out of her not genuinely being into you, it conflicts with your moral compass or values, your ego and pride won't allow it, or maybe you already have a healthy sex life and really do not need it at all, but if you're a fucked up individual like me, then maybe it is your only option. I have major, major, major issues that won't be resolved overnight. I don't know how to talk to women, and I can't just up and talk to a woman without getting the message across without fucking that up. Even if a woman found me attractive my personality would have her running for the hills. Escorts are my only option
Traveling can work just as well as an escort, go live a year abroard women prefer foreigners worldwide.
It's only a big deal if you make it out to be in your own head. I did it in my mid 20's, twice. Called them to the house and everything. Barely remember anything about it now other than it was a sort of degenerate catharsis, hedonistic kind of feel. Far as I'm concerned it's a nothing burger. Nobody else knows, nobody cares.

Just do it, it won't change anything.
>I fear that I will have to hide this from my future wife forever
You're never going to get married, so I wouldn't worry about that.

You're much more likely to catch an STD from some slut on Tinder than you are from an escort. Escorts are really careful, and never, ever fuck without a condom. They'll typically make you wear a condom even for a blowjob.

Going with hookers is tremendous fun, but it won't actually make you feel any different afterwards; so don't expect "losing it" to be transformational. And honestly if you feel like this:

>and my dignity will be destroyed forever.

then don't do it. There's no point if you aren't going to enjoy it.
no, they are just sociopathic sex addicts that will give you STDs

do not even post this shit here

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