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I recently bought a gun, but I'm having second thoughts. The conflict is mostly on principle; I feel like it just...isn't me. What do?
Just buy blanks in case you go full retard like women do.
niggers can see it in your eyes when you have blanks, and can't actually kill them

they're apes but they have good instincts
I fear you're gonna shoot an innocent person
Shoot soda cans. Fun fun.
Every human being should have the means to defend themselves from evil people.
you don't have to "identify" with having/not having a gun.
just treat it like a unit in an RTS game. it's just a tool at your disposal, to be respected, which you either need or don't need.

>The conflict is mostly on principle
what do you mean by that, if i may?
You and op are going to end up on the news killing innocent people. Many such fucking cases.
>word "gun" in the OP
>instant "political" thread
thanks, CIA
I just feel like it goes against the grain of my personality as a peaceful man.
return it hopefully for a refund, or sell it
The gun should help you maintain peace. Gun proliferation makes evildoers fear aggressing against people. Just by owning it, you're making the world a safer place.
The firearm is the great equalizer.
It allows a 4' woman stop a 7' predator dead in its tracks.

If you don't got it in you and aren't mature enough to grow as a shooter then kick rocks instead of being a liability with a tool.
ah thanks
maybe think about that further before deciding what to do with the gun.
i see no reason why owning/not owning a gun should make you peaceful or not peaceful, on its own.
but also, it seems strange that your views of your own personality would drive your decisions that much.
your personal style and construction of a personality should have no effect on your decisions about TOOLS, i guess that's my point.
>went through the background check and waiting period to buy a gun, despite having it conflict with your principles
The entire point of the 2-week waiting period is to act as a "cooldown" period. To make you stop and think if you really want this gun, if you really feel the need for personal defense or the urge to shoot targets or whatever. That's why you can cancel the buy at any point during those two weeks. You had 10 days minimum plus four weekend days to think "Do I REALLY want a gun?", went in the store, paid hundreds of dollars for it, brought it home, and THEN decided you didn't actually want it.
Sell it immediately, for the safety of your neighbors and yourself. Anyone displaying your decision making skills shouldn't be handling a loaded firearm. I'm not trying to shit on you, or be mean, this is a life or death matter. Sell it to the gunstore you bought it from, some Bubba in a pickup who only has 5 teeth, just sell it. Please.
Actually I got it in about one hour. No waiting in my state, apparently.
There's a difference between "peaceful" and "helpless." Peacefulness is a choice.
You sound retarded.
If you hate it so much, just sell it.
The day a nigger breaks into your home to assfuck you, you'll probably come to regret it.
>just call the police bro
"Excuse me young gentleman of African descent, would you mind waiting 15 minutes for me to reach the police, then another 30 minutes for them to come here? Thank you"

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