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Fireworks Episode
Last Episode: >>31694973
We have now surpassed the era of bitter sex wars, mostly because the more youthful normalfags are probably outside now.
Therefore ask the stupidest most irrelevant hobbyist question until we hit 1000 posts.
women, how do you feel about kamala harris?
are you voting for her?
Women, please date a fat and balding man.
4th for blonde girls
Good. Yes.
Too be fair, I would vote for anything over a fascist so it’s not like it was a hard choice
To schizo women:

What do you want a male person who cares about you to say (or not say) to you when you're going through a crisis?
Why do I love chatting with girls the first time I message them but hate it afterwards, it feels like a chore when they open up and have the initiative
Dang, I went from third to fourth. Blondes are not doing well these days
Moid hands. I bet you don't even know who Gavin Newsom is.
What are some things you do differently (hair, fashion, makeup, hygiene) when you are going out to meet someone you want to get sexual with or just looking to meet someone?
Aw you have to cope because a woman is voting for Kamala?
Dw blondes are still #1 in my books
Dear women,

What exactly do you stand to lose by posting your boobies and linking them here?

With love,
Anon who can't do anything but love you
No, because you said "le hecking fascism". Only blue haired crazies care, or you're just a moid. Like I said, if you can tell me who Gavin Newsom is then I'll believe you're not a larping moid.
I think a lot of people know how they are, they just don't make a big deal about it. I know I'm not that great, but I don't know why I would highlight that about myself. All one can do is just try to be better. Hopefully change. I dont know. I think most know they arent perfect. It kind of sounds like there is a lot you dont like about yourself. It's hard to put into words. But it's like you wonder how others can live with themselves when you struggle to live with yourself so much. Maybe?? It's a lot of assuming on my part. You are normal. We're all mostly just normal. There's nothing wrong with you, you just need to learn to be softer, that's all. Maybe some healthier happier habits would help.
Yes. She's ok.
Please never say that name again
I don't get sexual with anyone or anything, but if a day is special to me, I do an 'everything' shower. Full body scrub, shaving, deep hair wash and condition, plenty of sunscreen/lotion, maybe a face mask too, and a spritz of body mist.
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for women
I know pic related is a meme, but are the 8s and 9s really that good looking? should they be below the 7s?
I don’t do anything differently, but I don’t go out with the intent to get sexual with someone either
Thanks babe
Nw babez <3
I’m a blond non crazy lady and I said something common. Now I will definitely not say anything about your precious Gavin because this cope of yours is too good.
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So those pics on /pol/ talking about women being retarded enough to vote for Kamala were real?
Damn, what a shame.
I'm not going to go out to vote for Zion Don to counter you hoes but calling a liberal stooge "good" makes me think less of the female of the species overall.
>Please never say that name again
You'll vote for him after 4 years of Trump washes away Newsom's disastrous Califfornia regime.
Sure you are. Sounds like a typical american to me. I'm not even from your country and I know your politics better than you. You know Kamala gave heavier sentences to blacks?
No, non of it is really working.
I'm not really interested in what you think, I'm just answering the question. It's ok if you vote for whoever you want too
I've tried voting him out twice I think? but it just never happens. Nothing ever works. He's a never ending plague.
This nigga's arms are as this as his girlfriend's what a weak ass bitch
Uh huh, everyone is so concerned about what you think of women haha
Why do you go to pol or here if you get so easily triggered?
>He's a never ending plague.
I mean, I totally get it, I don't like Donnie at all myself. But holy fuck if the DNC doesn't stop putting up these mickey mouse ass nominees who are running purely on the back of being Women and Brave then idk. I will champion Newsom until I die. I'd vote for him unironically and I'm not even left wing.
So now it’s typical? What happened with the coping?
Isn't it euro hours already? When will the amercians stop talking about their election
>What exactly do you stand to lose by posting your boobies and linking them here?
My husband and my self respect.

Yeah. The guy on the right at 9 has a perfect face.
>I'm not really interested in what you think, I'm just answering the question. It's ok if you vote for whoever you want too
I'm not voting for anyone, democracy is a sham, I just think it's depressing that women not only believe in democracy but are actually opting for the liberal candidate in these fake elections.
To make myself angry.
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Us Euros are still hungover
What am I coping about?
It was the euro guy that brought it up and got triggered, but nice try dummy
You are a fool for thinking the Americans want to willingly talk about this. It’s a false flag operation done by the euros
Is she a woman or not.
>implying Europeans don't talk about the American elections as well
It's entertainment.
M or F
I've made the last 3 threads, do you like the OP pictures?
Any recommendations?
>My husband and my self respect.
I can replenish both
I didn't even know America was having an election desu
Did Biden die den?
Actually I only answered the post, I’m American. It was the euros that got triggered.
Oh right. Probably not. The whole "hecking fascistoid" thing is a right wing dogwhistle to trigger Trumptards.
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Shut up you election niggers. This is ask the opposite gender anything not ask the opposite political party anything
Because people could use the super smart evil tracking AI menace technology to trace our identity and call us sluts :(
I didn't pay attention to the pics but use more pics that will make women more willing to fuck us and join our harem
F I can’t remember any of them, including this one. Be better
Less anime please
This isn't a question.
I like them a lot, Makimaposter. Keep going.
Voting for Trump is the right thing to do if you care about the poor. Read the world inequality report 2022
I started watching Arcane again. I miss being young and having my friends. I miss the games we would play together.

I wonder if killing myself would remind them of those days? I wonder if they’d remember it fondly. Maybe I’ve overstayed my welcome in this life. My mom would be inconsolable. For her sake, I can’t kill myself.
That's simply not possible
Why isn't it possible?
but kamala/dnc is fascist
you'd have to go 3rd party

>She's ok.
what makes you think this? is it just because not trump? i wouldve voted for bloomberg if her ran for the dems but as of now ill just not vote or ill vote trump if current admin continues to be gay
It's just not
girls, would you stretch/do yoga with your partner?
>is it just because not trump?
NTA but yes, welcome to partisan American politics. Thank you Newt Gingrinch for your Antichrist actions.
How did you lose your friends and why are you not playing vita anymore?
F. They were pretty weeby and I don't care for weeby stuff. Thanks for making the threads, tho!

No, you can't. Don't be silly.
Why not, you stupid bastard?
Yeah bro don't kys, we're stuck here together
Sure. We're both old and banged up so we usually stretch together before we work out in the morning.
>No, you can't. Don't be silly.
You are silly :P
Lol. It really isn't tho, come on show them babe
That actually wasn't me kek, my pics are just too popular
Also wtf did I do that was evil?
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State gender
How long would you last on the frontlines of Ukraine
As long as it took me to cross the borders into Poland
My dignity.
F. 7 minutes, yesterday I cried because they lit the fire at the olympics.
I'm not made for war, I'm made for snuggles with puppies and baking.
Idk, I was pretty good at EFT.
Would that even be possible? I'd assume it's heavily patrolled.
Probably pretty long since i am resilient and good at hiding and there is a lot of lonely and touch starved men so it should be a breeze to find a few white knights if i cuddle them at night and cook them a warm meal.
>Less anime please
>They were pretty weeby and I don't care for weeby stuff
Well I need a picture that includes both genders and I think it's weird posting real people
Do you want pictures of real life?
>I like them a lot
Idk I guess I could help fixing their cars. Do they do that on the frontline? I don’t have any skills they need I think
Even tho it's anonymous? You would gain my respect and admiration
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>Die for Israel
Can you post the image of the girl going "YOU'VE GOT A GOOD EYE! I AM FUNNY AND SMART ARENT !?" Makes me laugh.
>Die for Israel
Haha no, not falling for that trap again. Cheap male validation is a fleeting benefit.
It’s better than the freiren pictures with the sole exception of the armpit one but I would like to see something different.
>She thinks the men will be content with simply cuddling and will respect her boundaries
>try to sneak past in a safe path
>anyone who tries to stop me gets a bullet in the brain
I'm OG replier, isn't it? It seems like people can find anything..
>Do you want pictures of real life?
Post whatever you want, really, they're your threads.
I personally like cute animals and vintage photos.
Le dark lady!!!!!!!!!!!!
Men in military uniforms are hot anyways so maybe not just cuddling. Everyone can use a time out from war.
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Which parent do you resemble more, or neither at all?
>M, got my dad's blocky face, large nose, and blue eyes
So... what did you do before?
>fleeting benefit
Yeah it makes sense that you wouldn't do it here where everyone is lost due to the anonymity. I could be like your online friend you can talk to any time you need anything
My dad, pretty much everything except the hair and eye colours. Facially and body tho, yup. Which is good, he is a mega chad and so am I.
>Which parent do you resemble more, or neither at all?
F. Definitely my dad. I got my mom's colors (pale skin, green eyes, brown hair) and my dad's traits. I look just like my grandpa, more than anything. I had random people stop me in the street to ask me if I'm his granddaughter.
How optimistic
I just want someone who will be harder on all the crime in San Francisco..it was not nearly this bad 10 years ago. Even the BART train is dangerous these days, something I used to take without a second thought about safety. Now every time I hear about it, it's a murder or rape attempt.
They're ok
I just do. I'm not really looking to justify it or anything. I don't like Trump nor his VP at all either, so that doesnt help. I was actually considering republican for once, but then his VP was chosen, and the craziest things I've heard in my entire life started to be argued about. No thanks. That was a disaster pick, good final nail in that decision.
Father- lighter skin, nose shape, brow shape and eyes
Only difference is my long horse face
I'm crushing over a co-worker who's spilling his spaghetti every time he has to talk to me. He's a lot younger than me and I feel bad.
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/our/ femcel Asa? Here you go
We need to start a petition for brunette girls to give a quarter of their salary to blonde girls. They deserve it.
Yes but this is usually because a sign is visible in the background, then they put it to google maps and then walk around in street view until they find it. Doesn't work when it's just boobs. However, it might be possible to indentify you since I get the feeling there doesn't exist a pair as beautiful as yours in the world
No thanks.
I basically look like a younger and blonde version of my mom. Although i got the cowlick from my dad.
>then his VP was chosen
feel the same way.
but why not just not vote?
>pretend to be from another border patrol
>come close to check each others credentials
brunettes mog blondes. only minorities have blonde fetishes. once you date one you get over it and realize brunettes are superior
>I just want someone who will be harder on all the crime in San Francisco
Wtf actual valid reason? Good enough for me.
Thanks bro, always makes me chuckle.
My mom, I resemble her even though I was a tomboy growing up. Which is nice because dad is not a good person
I always get told I look like my mother but I don’t see it
But I really would love you
She's the most retarded VP perhaps ever (really can't think of or imagine one worse). I remember when everyone thought Sarah Palin (spelling) was retarded, and she could run circles on Kamala.
unironically a shill trying to foment strife between the sexes in hopes of frustrating the women enough that they'll vote for Harris.
>Zion Don
Clear demoralisation shill. Dems and reps are both beholden to Israel no matter who you choose. Jews rule America.
So wrong.
I look like my mother's grandpa
The only blonde girls that matter are the tanned ones, otherwise brunettes are infinitely hotter
>reading reply
>last part comes on like a meteor
That's interesting, I didnt know that about the signs. And aw thanks anon..
Los Angeles bro here, public transportation is a foreign concept here
State gender
Why don't we just kill all the criminals i think that would be a good idea
Kek nice try
NTA, what happened so bad when you did it before?
Midwitty little lady, that's not how it works. Criminals are 99% of the time happenstance, not malicious.
Yes please.
Sounds like antisemitism
my grandad from my mothers side. I've been told I have his eyes. apparently I dont look much like either of my parents
F. It's often disproportionate compared to the crimes people commit (for example, I wouldn't want to kill someone for tax evasion or downloading a movie), and there's a high risk of murdering innocent people.
>I didnt know that about the signs.
I saw that in a youtube video
>aw thanks anon..
Even cuter reply. Well, what do you think? Would you do it for me?
Where the blonde wimin at? They make my heart skip a beat sometimes

>look more like mom
>act more like dad
It’s not such a bad deal.
pale blondes with blue eyes are queens
brunettes are average girls at the most.
Most crimes are not worth murder and innocent people are put in prison all the time
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>Thanks bro, always makes me chuckle.
She really is perfect
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no, pale blondes are a gift to this world
Weird people started behaving weird.
How about you don't post this bogged slut for starts?
I was sincere
Not a woman
Haha noooo I mugged him by accident!
I was exaggerating when I said all criminals but I do mean most. And I would rather kill an innocent man than let a guilty one go free.
Just no.
I would be a completely different person if I grew up in Ukraine and was fighting for it.
I am a United American, and I am banned from the military.
>Haha noooo I mugged him by accident!
Haha noooo my family is systemically crushed under the machine and I watched my father and mother get brutally worked to the bone and here comes this disgusting vulture with fat stacks of cash!!
>And I would rather kill an innocent man than let a guilty one go free.
You are for sure a fat fuck, maybe not in your body but in your soul.
I know but you aren’t going to get titty pics like this. The only thing that has consistently appealed to femanons (in my experience from observing this place) are unintentionally goofy men who are also somehow endearing
how about you get on your knees and call me daddy
All wars are just dying for Israel.
Yes even that one.
Get better taste instead of shit eating surgery sluts and I might.
The president isnt the only thing you're voting for in an election. Have you never voted before? Stuff in relation to your state and your direct town/community are also on the ballot.
Really?? Man, what a bummer. I really really wish USA could get it together with public transit. So many fun carefree memories with friends taking the bullet-train home after a concert. Should be the norm everywhere, safely.
Pale people are alright. I think Northern European men are very handsome sometimes. Could just be their handsome heavy accents making me think that though.
You don't even need to say it. Everyone knows that blondes are the best girls because brunettes try to be blondes with their botched bleached hair.
>I would rather kill an innocent man than let a guilty one go free
In my opinion, that would make you a murderer and make you deserving of the death penalty.
It would be racist to kill that many jews and blacks miss.
>unintentionally goofy men who are also somehow endearing
Like what did they do that made them such?
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how about this one?
dont want to fuck with her mom though
I love blondes but frankly speaking
Natural brunette >>>>> fake blonde
No idea what you're talking about. I just want to kill people that do bad things.
Basically autism. I don’t know what to tell you

I had my prescription for amphetamines taken away because of a series of bad and naive choices on my part. My life has been a fucking mess ever since, and the clinic refuses to renew my scrip.

Sometimes, when you realize how easily authorities can fuck your life over, if puts your own lack of control into perspective. And that makes you sympathize with people who got fucked for reasons beyond their control.
Kinda looks underage but she's cute enough. Thoughts on Sydney Sweeney?
>No idea what you're talking about. I just want to kill people that do bad things.
Autism. Get your tard rage out at the gym before you shoot up a school.
Yes, natural everything > fake
You mean like online stalking type stuff?
M. Stop with the pics that paint women in a good light.
Both of these women are not real blondes.

This one lightens her hair but it's probably blonde-ish.
Are your wrists and hands slender and elegant
kys degenerate
Hey thats me! No I won't tell you how.
You are not observant enough
>literal Jew president who sends hundreds of thousands of Slavs into a meat grinder against their brothers so that Ukraine can join the globohomo West
Oh man she looks like a former classmate. I've shot an unnumbered amount of loads to her cute face.
who the fuck is this and does she do porn?? I need to know this anon. It is vital for my survival.
Have you ever thought?
I'm working for you
And you will fail to provide any other kind of proof it's you
>does she do porn??
Wow my ex was right, it actually is poison. Glad I quit.
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>Thoughts on Sydney Sweeney?
she can somehow look very very cute and a bit weird at the same time
she's a natural brunette though, but looks better blonde, like all girls
Good on you brother. Mentally ill femanon and unhinged autistic male anon is the play
When my mother catches sight of my hands, she always puts on a fake witch voice and goes like, "Aheehehe yess my pretties.." implying that I have the bony fingers of a witch so I'm going to guess that makes it a no for me.
>who the fuck is this and does she do porn??
this is her mom, so reach your own conclussions
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>And you will fail to provide any other kind of proof it's you
What? Lol.
>she's a natural brunette though
Actually? Wtf?
Thanks bro. It was not easy!
>USA could get it together with public transit
Problem with public transit is that it's public
Look at all the stabbings that go on in New York subways
Do you really think some girl from Nebraska or Idaho will have any clue to vibe check people on a train from cities like NYC, Chicago, etc...?
>What? Lol.
What you are doing rn
Post witch hands
>Actually? Wtf?
Not sure how I can "prove" I get girls.
I kinda like her better this way ngl. Probably just the makeup and lipstick.
What's the problem with a nigga wanting to stroke it to an attractive woman
You know it’s not just ONE guy right? Every few months some poor femanon will develop an obvious crush on a guy here, and 9/10 times the guys is doing shit like ranting about his niche interests or some other autistic thing. Ask anyone who frequents this place. It’s more common than you’d think
>Are your wrists and hands slender and elegant
No, I was born on a farm and I look the part.
Cuz you're degrading the attractive women by stroking ur shit to her popping her pussy on cam bro, gotta learn to appreciate natural femininity my nig.
>Not sure how I can "prove" I get girls.
Not my task
This can't be the full story. As I said, you are not observant enough
That's retarded and doesn't happen. You're so fucking stupid.
Shut up nigger.
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Haters will say it’s fake
They hate him because he spoke THE TRVKE.
It's fake because it's nonsense
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Ha the web host took your website down again
Lmao dayum girl, take it easy. No need to blow a fucking gasket over it.

I kinda wish I had prose that was sexy enough to convince a femanon that I’m a decent person who deserves to eat out her rank cunt.
The only one that is correct is the 1
Wish I knew what you were referencing. I really do.
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State gender,
are you supposed to build a sexual/emotional attraction on top of friendship, or build a friendship on top of sexual/emotional attraction?
I’ve seen it happen more than once
Both simultaneously.
The 9s look so gay. If I looked like that I would kill myself.
But you didn't understand it
I lost my right testicle in a motorcycle accident
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What’s not to understand?
>build a friendship on top of sexual/emotional attraction?
I've usually done this. I knew I wanted my husband the first time I talked to him, we became best friends over time.
Your interpretation of the event is nonsense because you weren't observant enough and didn't understand what happened
That’s like, your opinion man. I don’t know why you feel so strongly about it anyway.
women can go out and fuck guys, so I can go look up a picture of an attractive naked woman and masturbate to it. Why do you call my masturbation 'poison' despite the fact that it's much less harmful than what others are doing? Stop being a puritan.
so you're saying there's porn of her.
I didn't call masturbation porn you mook, I said porn is.
I'm a man. I'm saying that foids don't get crushes on men who 4channel. They look down on the guys here and come here to insult us when Chad ghosted them after sex.
Whatever. Porn is bad, not fapping.
which one comes first though?
Do you look at a guy and get horny, talk to him and then think "Oh wow, he's handsome AND funny", or do you talk to a guy you're not initially attracted to because he's sociable and then think "wait, he's kinda cute, now that I think about it"?
Yeah, that one makes more sense to me personally. The other way around would crush my ego for sure.
Women who spread their legs for rent are good girls.
I had a feeling the person taking a throwaway statement way too seriously was you, Chadfag.
Your explaination lacks sense. It is not my opinion it is invalid
>giant bearded faces whining about sex and or alcohol
Arab women being the biggest sluts on this earth really makes a mockery of the value of this faith. I do have respect for the Arab’s sense of business, though. Arabs are the only people you can trust to do fair business.
4channel is old news, my very ignorant and underaged friend.
You are angry at yourself. Very much cope.

It's a shame really. I found her insta but her mom is clearly too rich for daughter to do porn :(
Would've been great to see her get fucked or tied up and put on one of those sybians until she cums.
>nooo don't call me retarded i was just leeee trolling epik Trollz by 6ix9ine ft Nicki Minaj hahaa XD
End yourself.
>You are angry at yourself. Very much cope.
Gay little coomerboy trying to be insightful. How sad.
It turned into 4channel after moot left. I'm 100% older than you, buddy.
>I do have respect for the Arab’s sense of business, though. Arabs are the only people you can trust to do fair business
Is this some sort of a joke? The Arabs are all liars and hide behind status. They can't be trusted to do any kind of business. Hell I wouldn't even trust them to care for a single goat without raping it.
what? I just enjoy watching naked female bodies.
this man is right
>a bunch of people who have never done any significant business across borders appraise the way Arabs do business
We’re having an /int/ moment here ladies and gentlemen
Nta, but dude you need to quit porn, your shits all retarded
Then I may have missunderstood. What is the sense and reason in your explaination?
I suppose some of you guys don’t remember what this place was like when janny still used to allow it to basically be diet /soc/ lol.
It's kinda turning back into that.
I think porn is kinda gay but I love jerking off to solo women. Holy fuck. It's so fun God damn, I literally never get tired of it. If there's good material I go for like an hour or two, my folder is massive. Sometimes I cook 5 or 6 times a day, one time I did 20x. I love cooming so much.
Nah, people can do what they want. I can't get girls, while girls can fuck other guys. So I can at least jerk off to cute naked girls. It's not like women would care whether or not I quit and it's not like you'd somehow magically be able to help me get pussy. So why listen to someone who isn't helping me?
Idk but I quit porn and week later had a woman interested in me. Causality? Probably not! But still interesting.
Girls you are sitting next to your bf on a bus and he whips his cock out. What do you do?
Get up and move away.
Fuck I hate regular sized cigarettes.
It’s not 4channel anymore, azizam. It hasn’t been for quite some time now.
Yeah no that's just luck dude. Has literally nothing to do with wheter you watched porn or not. I've never had a woman interested in me so it really doesn't matter.
Roll your own footlong cigs
He follows you. Now what?
God no, rollies are even worse than government smokes.
He'll probably get arrested for walking around with his dick out in public.
All the Arabs I’ve known over the years have been 100% straight shooters when faced with another straight shooter. They only take advantage of scum that unwittingly reveals itself as such.

Maybe you should try being a straight shooter next time, anon.
Luck doesn't exist.
So stop making it a scene
>All the Arabs I’ve known over the years have been 100% straight shooters when faced with another straight shooter. They only take advantage of scum that unwittingly reveals itself as such.
are you an arab? All I've ever seen arabs do is lie and deceive unless they're gigarich.
I'm not, just distancing myself from someone acting retarded like I usually do.
+1, arabs are backstabbing bastards. The only people that aren't are generally the British and other Commonwealth countries.
India on top once again
Okay, not exactly what I meant. Should've said White Commonwealth countries.
No, I’m Iranian. The mortal enemy of the cocksucker Arab hordes that fucked my people over historically and threw them into the chaotic shit that has ruined them for hundreds of years.

But I respect how they do business, because they understand how to do it well. Arabs aren’t fools when it comes to making money. And if you play ball with them, then they’ll play ball with you. Simple as.
lmao it does buddy
most of the rich got into their positions of power and wealth due to luck
most men get women through luck
>women tell you to go outside
>go outside and find no one who's interested
>women tell you to take up hobbies
>go to dancing classes
>see newspaper article stating women feel uncomfortable that men are joining dancing classes to date women
you literally cannot win
getting a gf is about luck, because generally women do not want men around.
I have never had any interest from women and it's not because I don't keep up with hygiene or dress badly
I'm unlucky, although probably also unsociable and ugly. But to ignore luck is retarded.
To find a girl is to be there at exactly the right time and exactly the right place, you're not choosing all that consciously. You just choose and somehow she chose the same time and spot. That's luck. Not skill.
It does not, but externalizing the locus of control to cope with your failure is quite common, don't worry.
>fucking persian
says all I need to know. Arabs are scum. You guys just opened a persian supermarket near me and I'm genuinely inclined to call the FDA to inspect you guys. I know there's something wrong with that place.
>guy who doesn’t believe in luck is projecting
Sasuga, luckless-chan. I’m sorry that life has pwned you in this way.
How am I luckless? I'm the one with the women, not you.
A lot of anons here are newfags who only know nu-4chan aka 4channel. You're not allowed to have any fun threads.
Nta but locus of control is always external. Just look at median wealth, life expectancy and such. First important roll is the place of birth, second is your intelligence and third is gender
It’s 99% a money laundering operation. Do it, anon.

>t. the same Iranian anon you’re chastising in vain
NTA. Luck plays a role in dating and in most things, but you're largely overplaying its role and acting like you have absolutely no control over your circumstances.
Not always. But there are definitely external factors that influence you, yes, like the ones you mentioned.
>It does not, but externalizing the locus of control to cope with your failure is quite common, don't worry.
But it does.
You choose a time and place. But there's no way for you to know whether or not that time and place corresponds to the time and place your potential gf chooses. So it's luck. It cannot be anything else.
You have zero control over that lucky meeting.
Btw you don't have gf now, do you? So you're also admitting that you didn't manage to control your circumstances and keep her interested. Kind of desperate that you pretend like I'm somehow 'externalising my locus of control' while you're being dishonest that you're literally just as alone. You're just coping that you're some porn free person so you're morally better or some shit.
Are you gonna tell that to the balding 5'3 indian guy also? Retard.
>I’m the one with the women
>generally women do not want men around.
This is the truth guys, must women actually want nothing to do with men, you give them the freedom and they run off to do their own thing. The only countries where birth rates aren't falling are those where women have no rights.
>Btw you don't have gf now, do you?
Not yet, we'll see how it goes.
Yes, I have many women. There are so many women I can't even sleep in my bed at night, due to so many women doing woman things and occupying space. I have always had women. I am women.
I take control over what I can though. I dress well, and keep my hygiene up. I try to be social. None of that worked for me at all though. Best I can do is make some guy friends which is not really what I'm looking for. There's just zero interest from girls.

>I'm the one with the women
>Not yet, we'll see how it goes
lmao that's pretty funny.
Look there's a lot more luck involved than you're willing to admit. I'm not saying that's all of the reason I don't have a gf. I'm probably ugly and unsociable.
>The only blonde girls that matter are the tanned ones
How often do you meet new people?
about 10-15 last month. Though obviously they're not all friends now. Maybe 1 new friend, I guess.
How often do you go out to meet new people? What kind of activities do you do to meet them?
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Must be exhausting
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girls do you ever feel pity for guys who're virgins?
Both actually since it compounds on top of each other. I might initially think he is a neat guy and then find him cute and then funny and then hot and then kind and then handsome and so on. Or the other way around, i might find him handsome and then intelligent and then nice and then neuron activating.
How do I not have a woman? You tell me.
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do you even know what fascist means?
Put my jacket over it and fondle him.
No, why would I? Being virgin is not a bad thing. I feel sorry for people who are lonely and unloved.
once every week or two weeks. I try to talk to as many people as I can. Events and art galleries and museums. I don't really like clubbing.
>opinion on kamala harris is two words long
>Too be fair
>trump is a fascist
>voting out of identity politics rather than socioeconomic self-interest
you're unlucky, ugly, and/or unsociable. I think that's what's preventing me from getting a gf.
It was a rhetorical question you nonce. I just met a girl and had a date tonight lmao. I was talking about how you said it was funny that I said I had a woman but also was seeing how it was going.
so you're lucky, handsome and much more sociable than I am. What's your point? Or are you just dabbing on others?
That when you put your fate into shit out of your control of course you're gonna feel like shit. Try and think critically about why you don't click with girls you like.
When we say take up a hobby, we mean do something that you like, not force yourself into a space that you don't actually care about and are specifically at because you are seeking a wife. No one is attracted to desperation. But people are attracted to others that they have things in common with. So, if you like tennis for example, go play tennis. Maybe someday someone will join you. but you should be there because you like being there to begin with, to continue doing that shared activity together. I've met men before who once we met at the hobby, they dropped it and expected me to drop it too. That's not how it works. I'm there because I like the activity. Don't lie about it. Make sure it's something you can continuously enjoy together. It honestly baffles me how many of you want to date someone you have nothing in common with, I'll never understand it.
No, absolutely not. I'm not sure why I would. It doesnt matter at all.
>You tell me.
So you don't know
How did you even come to that conclusion?
>That when you put your fate into shit out of your control of course you're gonna feel like shit.
So what do I control that I haven't yet done?
>Try and think critically about why you don't click with girls you like.
I'm ugly, unsociable for girls apparently else I'd have them respond as positively as guys do, and I'm unlucky.
Well you admitted it was only a date and she's not your gf. So no you don't really have a woman.
>So what do I control that I haven't yet done?
>I'm ugly, unsociable
Both of these things, at least the sociability for sure. Like, no one likes pity party, least of all conducted for yourself. Learn to laugh and make others laugh. Be happy. Women love a smile.
I guess, but considered I've been womanless for *checks notes* 3 months total since my ex, and I still don't feel fully over her and this kinda dropped into my lap, I'm happy lol.
But I did like dancing. But in the end I didn't meet anyone there and I wasn't very good at it so I quit. I'm not saying I'm picking up hobbies just to meet girls. Yet newspaper articles claim women feel uncomfortable with men joining who want to meet girls. You're saying the opposite. You're basically saying what I've been saying. You just have to be lucky.
Are you overly protective of your remaining gem?
>Both of these things, at least the sociability for sure. Like, no one likes pity party, least of all conducted for yourself. Learn to laugh and make others laugh. Be happy. Women love a smile.
I've done all these things but women still do not like me. Guys want to be friends but I have never had a girl interested in me.
I don't get your process. You've done all these things, like you think that it's a game and if you grind to an artificial milestone you'll get a gf? No man, it's about becoming those qualities permanently, finding reasons to be silly and funny and light and smile more. If you're the same guy who did the dancing thing, like, wtf? You can spin it any way you want but you're not really doing it properly, your framing is all wrong. You should be doing things for yourself, then things come to you. Right now you're just putting out "I hate myself, and I want someone to fix me".
Mom, thankfully. I got the thick hair and eternal hairline.
If I ever joined the military, Isis would be Iswas
it's hard to explain but it's like fomo, except it's built into your biology so you feel it in your body and not just your mind. it's a deep yearning desire for pussy and not getting it traumatizes some ppl.
I remember changing the channel last night off my tits and was like holy shit there'd another Olympics... wow they have pyrotechnics... oh shit it's terrorism oops
No, too busy vaguely fetishizing them.
Being an adult virgin as a man IS a bad thing
This lie helps no one
My grandad from my mom's side, and some people say I look like my mom
Tbh I don't look like my dad at all which makes me wonder lol
Then just keep doing hobbies that you like. That's really all you can do. Do things that you like, find someone who likes to do the same things as you.
Or just have impeccable rizz and a strong jaw.
My brain is usually TV static desu
I'm just thinking of Garfield poster rn
>Women are my hobby
How does that even work? Do you fantasize about complete social outcasts? The older virgins they are the better? What really hits the spot?
If you're seeking the type who cares about that, sure
It doesn't hurt to have that's for sure.
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I never stop
Why? Are you a size queen for ciggies?
I don't understand people who prefer rollies to straights desu. To each their own, but I just assume they are poor desu
Apparently I look a lot like my grandpa, who eventually killed himself. I'm probably heading down the same road as well.
>Why? Are you a size queen for ciggies?
Mate idk what it is but the tiny filters fuck me off.
>I don't understand people who prefer rollies to straights desu.
Has to be a poors thing. Rollies are fucking foul.
As long as she doesn't make her entire campaign about being a woman, it's all good. Hilary alienated a lot of people by just going on about being a woman and hating orange man, and not discussing policy at all.

I watched a few old debates from the last few decades and they were so good. All of it was about policy and all the intense fighting on stage was about policy, not about the other candidate. I doubt we will ever get back to those days, it seems like it all went to shit once the 21st century began.
Younger the better. I guess I'm just more used to it being a trope in the smut I read than something I actually associate with people I meet, since I never ask friends or acquaintances about their sexual history and just assume they have or have had a partner.
>peak Leo rated as 6
They didn't even attempt to be subtle with this.
>I guess, but considered I've been womanless for *checks notes* 3 months total since my ex, and I still don't feel fully over her and this kinda dropped into my lap, I'm happy lol.
so you're lucky and dabbing on those who aren't lucky. What's the point?
>tiny filters fuck me off
Fair enough, they can be a bastard. What size do you prefer? (I'm smoking Superkings as we speak kek)
>Rollies are fucking foul
Yeah, I've tried to approach them with an open mind and don't mind a spliff, but regardless of the baccy, the smoking experience is just lacking lol, not my thing unless I really need a hit. I think it's a culture thing too as well as financial; amongst the people I know it's much easier to find buyers for pouches than straights
Honestly the whole image screams closeted homosexual vibes
Don't let the fascists demoralize you, comrade. Soon we will shut their lying mouths for good!
How often do you drink alcohol?

I have a hangover.
Not the worst one and I didn't do anything stupid last night, but it sure is a hangover.
Took some magnesium and electrolytes before going to bed and somehow accidentally spilled some of the electrolyte tabs on the floor. :|

This was only the second time in the last ca. 6 weeks I've had any alcohol.
well that's not helpful at all, is it. I've been doing that for years without any positive result. I've never met a girl who was interested in me. It's not fun doing a hobby and watching tons of couples do it too and watch them have fun while I'm only having fun by myself. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but it does.
I dont really get it, sorry..
Why women always use many big word to say few dumb things?
Grug rather use few word, say many things.

All things Grug learn. Follow eternal deathless hunt. Know human, stay human. Remember difference between things. Know time. See far beyond. Tell truth, fear not.
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it do be sadboi hours for me rn ngl
Too often, also hungover from last night... this MILF had pineapple tequila and (amongst others) we polished off the bottle. Woke up sweating like a pig (tbf it is boiling today ffs and I slept with blanket instead of just a sheet) and feel like shit
Do you have any more you can take today? Stay hydrated and take it easy
I love him so much.
like shotacon? you should link some
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Kill yourself pedophile
Nta but some femanons here have really good taste in shotacon doujins (I read it for the gals obvs and self-insert)
>How often do you drink alcohol?
Before the last two weeks? Daily, usually a few shots but nothing crazy
In the last two weeks? Only a few times a week BUT I hit it hard
Last night I drank like half a bottle of vodka and a Kickstart because I was out with friends. I'm feeling it a bit this morning ngl
This golfer guy? What do you like about him?
>half a bottle of vodka
>feeling it "a bit"
Bro is built different
My job, my reputation, and my self-respect

It's very Euro-centric and feels like it was made by a closeted gay man. The 7's, 8's, and 9's sort of just blend together for me. Plus putting Jacob Elordi in the same rank as the other three is criminal, and the third guy in 5 is lowkey ugly.

He's a NIMBY that has always hurt the homeless.

Indefinitely. Ain't no way some potato-blood, tracksuit-wearing slav is going to kill me.

Because many are innocent, and because most crimes don't befit the death sentence.

Would. Dutch women with fat asses are my weakness.

>safety glasses
What a fucking loser

People who have rent instead of a mortgage deserve whatever befalls them.

Asians do business well. I consulted on a large construction contract in Singapore and made some serious bank.

Lightly box it while singing the Rocky theme song

Unfortunately, I feel pity for guys in general

Used to be never, as alcoholism runs (drives) in my family, now it's weekly
I have an iron stomach and I'm a recovering alcoholic. I haven't had a real hangover in a decade.
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>I feel sorry for people who are lonely and unloved.
Everyone says that and yet nobody wants to help us. But it's fine, soon it will be all over anyway.
>consulted on a large construction contract in Singapore and made some serious bank.
Damn that's cool
Are you an engineer or something?
Damn I hate this weather, it's too hot, still sweating like a pig. How are you people /coping/ with the summer heat?
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but i'm not attracted to the shota, i'm a guy and i'm attracted to the woman who's attracted to the shota
By staying inside like a proper shut-in and wearing an antiperspirant
I'm inside sitting in my underwear with AC blasting while drinking a freezing diet coke.

I'm friendly and kind, but I'm just not going to pretend I like someone for their sake, and I'm definitely not fucking someone out of pity.
>Woke up sweating like a pig
Fock, me too. lol
Took a shower, because I was so damn sticky.
Just gonna lay on the couch for the rest of the day. Not sure yet if I'm gonna cook for lunch or not. I hate midsummer so so so much.

I do have more electrolytes, but I think I'm good for now.

Absolute alcoholic-core.

Not doing much since I still have an open abscess surgery wound that is only slowly closing.
Just laying on the couch and have the vent on while I watch something a d shitpost on 4ch.
PJ boxers only for me.
Do you wear a bra in this heat too, is it more comfortable than just bare skin?
>What size do you prefer?
King size myself. Nice and perfect ain't too long. I tried those XXL super long ones, called 100s? Not my style.
>regardless of the baccy, the smoking experience is just lacking lol
Legit, something about em just doesn't hit nearly as well. It's weird cuz you'd think it could, but it never does. Must be something about the papers.
>staying inside
Okay I have done all of this (both kinds of coke) but AC would be nice, might have to shower again too...
>open abscess surgery
Hope that's healing up well buddy
What are you watching?
>How often do you drink alcohol?
Hardly ever. It's bad for you and makes my skin look dull the day after, I spend too much on skincare to ruin it like that.

Yeah. Husband's t-shit, a comfy bra and panties. I don't like having my tummy out with the AC, I'm too old.
>get ultra horny
It keeps happening.
I'm an actuary, in casualty insurance specifically. They outsourced insurance because it was an American company.
>XXL super long ones, called 100s
Yeah these are primarily the ones I smoke because I'm a cigarette slut, but understandable preferences
>something about em just doesn't hit nearly as we
It's not even about the nicotine rush for me, just the actual smoke and flavour is mid, it's like the poor man's ciggie lol (don't tell ppl I said that)
Wow, that's awesome (and sounds very important for construction projects obvs)
I have a couple of old friends from school I still meet up with occasionally who are acturaries, and they make bank lol, one has already bought a house
Do they call them 100s across the pond? I find em too thin, idk, they burn weird but that might just be here. NA is super prissy about drugs.
> just the actual smoke and flavour is mid
A connoisseur, eh? French cigarettes are the best for those imo, but they don't sell them here anymore.
>AC would be nice
It's truly a blessing, even if my mom keeps telling me the Americans got me because I have AC at 18°C all summer.

I will not be sticky again.
What's up with this trend of women calling their bfs their 'partner' instead of boyfriend?
It's weird to call a 36 year old dude your bf.
no it ain't
my 43 yo oneitis calls her boyfriend her boyfriend
this is probably another zoomer/late-millennial retarded woman thing
When the fuck did 'boyfriend' start having an age connotation? He's either your boyfriend or your husband, that's it.
Yes? It stops you from sweating
>I'm an actuary, in casualty insurance specifically

So what's it like being an actual archon of the demiurge? Asking for a friend...
>Do they call them 100s
Some people may, I haven't heard that particular term used frequently, moreso just superkings
>NA is super prissy about drugs
I get that impression, seems there is more clamping down on class C drugs than guns and weapons lol
Yeah I may not love the French but their ciggies are definitely a cut above. Next time I visit I should bring a big suitcase back on the ferry lol. Also Polish and Turkish cigarettes are underrated and really cheap
It's just a more generic term, I don't have an issue with it
"Significant other" annoys me though, like fuck off redditor
>I will not be sticky again
Much to my dismay jk
Gotta stay foxy and fresh
I only hear people say this about non-binary partners.
Once every few months. I never had a hang over. They don't exist.
Sorry I meant to say like, I have checked off all these good suggestions (staying in rn, antiperspirant, and coke), not criticising lol. I see now my formatting was not very clear...
>Hope that's healing up well buddy
It's going alright. Doc said it will probably take 6 weeks until it is fully healed, I'm currently at 2.5 weeks. I can kiiinda sit sooomewhat comfortably for an hour now.

>What are you watching?
Just YT right now, but will switch to the second Madoka movie afterwards.

Why are you too old for that? lol

It's a normal word.
No, it's something that has been happening for ages. 15 years ago my friend's mom was calling her new dude her partner.
Just, you know, if you've been together for a long time, live together, you're older, it's weird to describe the relationship as bf/gf.

"Boy" refers to a child or teenager.
Shota is a different thing.
>"Boy" refers to a child or teenager.
>I never had a hang over
I'm jealous, never? Not even from a night of drinking too quickly and not hydrating or sleeping well?
Tbh I hang more when I dabble with other stuff. Last night we were on the beer, wine, tequila, weed and coke so I am feeling the after-effects...
Oh nice, so less than a month fingers crossed
Also based Madoka enjoyer. Are the movies good?
I had this yesterday lol. Hangover hornies are a real curse
Nta but how often do you or hear others referring to adult men and women as "boys" and "girls" lol
>Why are you too old for that? lol
What if my tummy hurts?
>Are the movies good?
The first two are essentially just a retelling of the original show and I'm enjoying them so far as much as I did the show. The third one, Rebellion, is completely new content.
>You've done all these things, like you think that it's a game and if you grind to an artificial milestone you'll get a gf?
But I haven't said at all that I thought it was a game. Should I not be doing these things? I should, right? Because it makes me come across as more sociable and increases my chances of finding a gf.
>You can spin it any way you want but you're not really doing it properly, your framing is all wrong.
But I am doing these things for myself. But it keeps being said that you'll find someone at these hobbies, but I have never experienced that in the slightest. I don't understand how you can say
>find a hobby
>people will come to you
and then when I say that the second thing never happens you say that I'm not actually doing that hobby for fun.
I am doing that hobby for fun. But also no girl has ever found me interesting.
>Right now you're just putting out "I hate myself, and I want someone to fix me".
Just because I'm complaining about the fact that I'm alone and no one has ever found me interesting? Surely you realise that's bullshit, right? I can't even complain or else I'm putting out bad vibes and that's the reason I'm not finding anyone? So when I was doing those hobbies for fun and I didn't complain, I should have met someone? But that didn't happen? And you're now saying that it's because I'm complaining afterwards?
>I'm jealous, never? Not even from a night of drinking too quickly and not hydrating or sleeping well?
No, never. The worst I felt was when I started hiccuping after drinking too much and drank carbonated water which made it worse, so I had a sore throat for a few days. But I drank while on MDMA and weed too and never had a head ache.
Yeah it does. Boyfriend is for your teenage years. Fiancee is for your twenties. Husband is for the rest. If you are not married in your 30s you have to call the man you are dating your partner. Those are the rules.
>drank while on MDMA and weed too
That's hardcore kek, I kneel king...
Nta but I think this is a wee bit harsh. Not everyone is organically outgoing and sociable, you shouldn't need to permanently change your lifestyle and personality just to find a partner
you guys are retarded and have obviously never spent a significant amount of time with adult women
this isn't even an "oh I'm such a chad" thing, I've just worked around women for a long time and using "boyfriend" is common at any age
I always wince a little when people when say "partner" or "other half" instead of just girlfriend/boyfriend. If calling them your gf/bf worries you because it sounds immature or unserious then it's probably time to get engaged/married
"Boyfriend" is, "boy" isn't unless he's her boytoy or something kek
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>other half
Fuck this one irritates me too lol. Like you're not a whole person without them? Piss off lol
Yeah ofc it is common because the kind of woman that is not married in their 30s is trying to act like eternal teenagers. Does not mean it is not cringe and embarrassing.
>but I'm just not going to pretend I like someone for their sake, and I'm definitely not fucking someone out of pity.
I can't speak for everyone, but I don't think anybody is really looking for pity though, any kind of a connection with someone who understands would be welcome. Though, the longer you're used to being alone, the harder it is to connect with someone and the connections feel less genuine as you get older.
Ofc having to say that is cringe too. But it is at least acknowledging that you are aware you are not a teenager anymore. It is a punishment for being dysfunctional.
>longer you're used to being alone, the harder it is to connect with someone and the connections feel less genuine
Blackpill desu
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>women don't only go for the top 10% of guys, don't be ridiculous, it's all in your head
>tinder is real life
Must be cultural differences. I'm in my 30s and have heard anybody have a problem with adults using gf/bf to the point that it's really only when people use euphemisms like partner that elicits any kind of reaction. It's not that they're not married, it's that they try to dress it up.
Ignore all the normalfags refuting this kek. You can do all the improooving in the world but having a gal interested in you is purely a case of being in the right place at the right time in my exp
haven't heard*
>tinder isn't real life

weak cope, nta, kys
Tinder is real life
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80/20 rule, tending towards 90/10 in the current socioeconomic climate. I've seen this IRL too with about 10-20% of guys being very successful with women, and the remainder struggling and perhaps eventually getting lucky to find one person willing to put up with them.
It may be a microcosm but it's still a reflection of reality; increasingly more people are using dating apps to find long-term partners as well as hookups
Basically, be the best person in the room, else it's just your turn
yeah, it is. Every normie uses it and the number of people that are on it rises exponentially each year.
Your point?
>Women, please date a fat and balding man.
I already do.

>inb4 What car does he drive?
Toyota Yaris. Why are people so obsessed with this?
>tfw in the 10%
Feel free to seethe.
It's not. The overwhelming majority of men are sexually active.

About 50% of young adults have ever used online dating, so far from "every normie". Just 20% of couples in the same age group met through online dating.
Tinder is toxic: it literally forces you to make a decision about people based on absolutely nothing but one photograph. Real-life decisions are not based on a single picture.
why isn't it a reflection of real life and preferences?
the scull rowing chicks are smoking hot wtf
1. Large gender imbalance which just doesn't exist IRL
2. The population that chooses to use dating apps is not the same as real life (it is mostly people who are very into casual sex or people who struggle to make a connection IRL)
3. Dynamics not the same as they are IRL - it's closer to a speed dating event than a normal way to establishing a connection with someone.
If half of young adults have used online dating that's a pretty significant portion and you need to explain why it doesn't represent a good cross section of the population and a reflection of their attitudes. What aspects of people who use online dating meaningfully separate them from the rest of the population, or why does their behavior on the app not reflect their real life perspective?
Just done it: >>31698495

obsessed. kindly rotate your moronic baseless speculation to something more interesting.
>What's up with this trend of women calling their bfs their 'partner' instead of boyfriend?
The two words mean different things. A boyfriend is someone you're dating regularly; a partner is someone you live with, and expect to continue living with the foreseeable future - someone you are, for all intents and purposes, married to, it's just that there hasn't been a ceremony.
I don't think the imbalance explains the absolute extreme behaviour women show in swiping behaviour, it's even like this closer to real ratios. There is a degree of inherently pickiness in female sexuality that's just exasperated by the online menu-like environment where you no longer compete with IRL suitors but pretty much every guy in a 10+ mile radius
>How are you people /coping/ with the summer heat?
It's actually not too bad here. But a couple of years ago when we had a crazy 40°C heatwave, I put aluminium foil up on the inside of all the windows to keep the heat out. It worked extremely well, but does start to smell a bit weird after a while, so it's best as a short-term thing.
>About 50% of young adults have ever used online dating, so far from "every normie". Just 20% of couples in the same age group met through online dating.
sure, but these numbers are going up and they are going up fast. And with the way people are becoming more chronically online, it's not unreasonable to assume that this will carry over into dating as well.
Real life decisions are based on first impressions too. If you think someone is hot, then that's that. That's as binary as it gets. If anything, tinder is less toxic, because it makes sure that in case you DO match, both of you have the opportunity to build a relationship on top of already existing sexual attraction. As opposed to forcing your brain to bend over backwards to see someone you aren't 100% attracted to in a sexual light.
>The overwhelming majority of men are sexually active.
Source? Most young men will be childless
>girls do you ever feel pity for guys who're virgins?
As such, no. But I feel sympathy for guys who are autistic, have mental problems, and are lonely and unhappy.
>If you think someone is hot, then that's that.
This is a painfully masculine view of the world. Sexual attraction depends on so much more than looks. Probably not for you, but for women it does.
23°C here and it's brutal. I need to take cold showers every hour.
tinder is just what dating for women would look like if they weren't affraid of the consequences of rejecting a guy
>It's not. The overwhelming majority of men are sexually active.
isn't there a cornucopia of data that suggests that about 1/3 of young men aren't getting laid?
Pussy ass west coaster.
Currently headed for 3500km above sea level, so i should be fine.
Thank you for your permission kek
>overwhelming majority of men are sexually active
In older generations maybe, there is a massive uptick of sexlessness with zoomer men
>50% of young adults have ever used online dating
That's literally half of people, how is this not a representative sample size?
She literally makes the cutest sleep noises I’ve ever heard.
>Sexual attraction depends on so much more than looks
That's a painfully demisexual view of the world.
Maybe for people like you, who explicitly NEED to be romantically involved with a guy in order to have sex, that may be the case, but for the rest of the world, sex is not as deep.
How do I cope being a 3.5 on this list.

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Part of it is the imbalance (on tinder, 20% of users are female, 80% are men) and part of it is the dynamics that just don't work well for the way female attraction tends to work.

>these numbers are going up and they are going up fast
They're actually not. Dating apps are losing users, especially among women.

It won't let me link the article, but pic rel.

>tinder is just what dating for women would look like if they weren't affraid of the consequences of rejecting a guy
Profoundly untrue.

>isn't there a cornucopia of data that suggests that about 1/3 of young men aren't getting laid?
So the overwhelming majority of men are getting laid?

>there is a massive uptick of sexlessness with zoomer men
And still the majority of them are fucking.

>how is this not a representative sample size?
Because it tends to over represent specific types of people. Namely gays, introvert/awkward people and people who are very into casual sex.
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Like honk mimimimimi?
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>spending this much time and energy to argue in bad faith

you must live in abject terror
Little murmurs and whispers. My heart is too full rn. Howwwww
I promise it is not very time consuming to write two sentences.
Just wait till you ever hear your own baby sleep.
Like once a year, maybe twice. Alcohol tastes sooo bad, I don't know how you people can drink so much of it. Especially with the price tag of it.

I wish the high temperatures here during the summer were only 23 C.

50% "have ever used".
Not 50% "actively use".
I'm on online dating sites but I mostly don't use them because I'm way too picky for them.
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Merry Caturday anons. I bring you caught in rain storm Pizza Cat. The humans ate the pizza, sorry.
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>women, how do you feel about kamala harris?
I don't
>are you voting for her?
no, she'll fuck up the country way worse than Biden or Trump alone.
I WILL make her a mother.
>Sexual attraction depends on so much more than looks
It does?
Ngl I don't give a fuck about anything else lol
>coping with cats because you got too old to have children
This is sadder than guys being KHHV at 30 because it was your own choice to take this path.
>still the majority
I never said otherwise, but you claimed "overwhelming majority", which doesn't appear to be the case when sexlessness has more than doubled since the 90s according to your graph
Point is they have still used them, and would probably be receptive to using them again
What a majestic puss
Nta but having cats is always fun
you keep understating the fact that a non-insignificant part of the male population is straight up not having sex/getting into relationships.
2/3 being sexually active is not an overwhelming majority. That's like 66.66%. a little more than half.
And it wasn't a gradual process to get to that part too. it happened over the past couple of years. It's only natural to assume the trend will keep going upwards until a fundamental change is introduced to the dating world.
>State gender
>How long would you last on the frontlines of Ukraine
I wouldn't but I'd volunteer to make sure nothing would happen to my brothers, and yea I'd probably die
Hot shit drone pilot, I might make it
It is Saturday-got-damn-morning, why are you retards posting demoralization shit?
I'm in west coast but his body temperature isn't like ours mate. Not everyone is made for their states weather or get used to the weather. We're all built differently
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>I never said otherwise, but you claimed "overwhelming majority"
Yeah, 80% is the overwhelming majority.

That is all fundamentally untrue. The "1/3 of men are sexually inactive" comes from a WP article from 2018 (which was 6 years ago) where this pic is from. Again, can't link the article, but it's easy to find. It says 27% of men under 30 are not having sex, so 73% of men are sexually active.
The number of sexless men went down since, after reaching its peak in 2018. It's now sitting at around 20%. The change was gradual over a decade. And has since reverted.
tfw no olympic scull rowing gf
can't really remember the last time I even met a woman irl who I'd want to date, feels bad man
>3 being sexually active is not an overwhelming majority. That's like 66.66%. a little more than half.
NTA but you are so fucking disingenuous.
66% is clearly more than "a little more" than half.
You also didn't even look at the picture, because then you'd see the number is somewhere between 75% to 80%.
why do anons keep posting
>(people of the opposite gender) look so hot in ___
when they're obviously only referring to *hot* people of the opposite gender?
This applies to both men and women.
isn't that like... room temp
>80% is the overwhelming majority.
Tomato tomato, I concede lol
I'm just in a facetious mood
it's not demoralization if it's just real life facts

bc non-people (people that are not hot) are not a part of the conversation. come on now.
I don’t know about them but I never adjusted to the time difference. Cat Poster will be back to regular schedule on Monday.
I meet women like every day I'd be willing to date
NTA but idk, as a KHHV at 30 I don't think there's anything worse to feel, other than the obvious KHHV + being older
>stats from 3 years ago which includes 30 year olds that didn't grow up with the internet
yeah, I'm the disingenuous one.
Nta but (as someone also close to being 30yo khv), if you like cats and have the ability, I recommend getting a cat or two. If you take good care of them they really will improve your life
>30 year olds that didn't grow up with the internet

My dude, it's not the 90s.
Yes, you are.
The little incel is just making up more and more lies to support his fantasy.
State gender, if you are left or right-handed, and if you have any mental health problems
I was talking to another nutter last night and want to test a theory...
You need to drop 8 degrees from that to get the perfect room temp.
>Dutch women with fat asses
is this more common than i realized?
>I meet women like every day I'd be willing to date
How? Or are you counting the hot girls you walk past at the mall?
Well I used to work customer service and interact with a lot of people, and currently going with people to the pub or gatherings or whatever a few times a week
Right handed, very mild mental probs (was diagnosed with anxiety 8 years ago)
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Anons do you have your Olympic Bingo cards ready?

Right handed autism
>Olympic Bingo
What's this now? Sounds like it could be fun
>Bingo cards

how old are you
if you were 30 at the time this study was done, that means you were born in 1991, so you spend at the very least the first 10-15 years of your life without the internet. And even later on, you spend those years in a time when the internet was still very niche and didn't have the same influence on people it does today.
You can't argue in good faith that someone born in 1991 and like 2004 will have even remotely the same dating experience.
I don't have the ability to, unfortunately, but would absolutely love to.
somebody post something and I'll read it aloud (I am male btw)
Do you not think that 8% to 27% over 10 years is an astronomical increase? There isn't nearly the same increase with women. More women are hooking up with chads, simple as
>Point is they have still used them
No, I don't think it is. Only 50% of adults have ever used them- i.e. 50% of people are not represented- and of that 50% that have, many don't currently use them, or even if they do, aren't using them actively. Such as myself. It's a skewed group.
>and would probably be receptive to using them again
Only out of desperation. No one who can get the relationship they want IRL will use OLD.
Ambidextrous (genuinely), no.
I went from honor roll to a gangsta
I took my own road cause I'm a gangsta
No I don't own a hoe cause I'm a gangsta
See you caught feelings, I bought the feelings
Dis ain't da same stuff
And yo pain ain't my pain, we ain't da same tuff
You cry bout rain but on my side it don't even rain enough
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the voice acting for this is optional, but preferable.
>today livvy dunne rizzing up baby gronk sussy imposter pibby glitch in real life sigma alpha omega male grindset andrew tate goon cave freddy fazbear colleen ballinger smurf cat vs strawberry elephant blud dawg shmlawg ishowspeed a whole bunch of turbulence ambatukam bro really thinks he's carti literally hitting the griddy the ocky way kai cenat fanum tax garten of banban no edging in class not the mosquito again bussing axel in harlem whopper whopper whopper whopper 1 2 buckle my shoe goofy ahh aiden ross sin city monday left me broken quirked up white boy busting it down sexual style goated with the sauce john pork grimace shake kiki do you love me huggy wuggy nathaniel b lightskin stare biggest bird omar the referee amogus uncanny wholesome reddit chunaus keanu reeves pizza tower zesty poggers kumalala savesta quandale dingle glizzy rose toy ankha zone thug shaker morbin time dj khaled sisyphus oceangate shadow wizard money gang ayo the pizza here PLUH nair butthole waxing t-pose ugandan knuckles family guy funny moments compilation with subway surfers gameplay at the bottom nickeh30 ratio uwu delulu opium bird cg5 mewing fortnite battle pass all my fellas gta 6 backrooms gigachad based cringe kino redpilled no nut november pokénut november wojak literally 1984 foot fetish F in the chat i love lean looksmaxxing gassy incredible theodore john kaczynski social credit bing chilling xbox live mrbeast kid named finger better caul saul i am a surgeon one in a krillion hit or miss i guess they never miss huh i like ya cut g ice spice we go gym kevin james josh hutcherson edit coffin of andy and leyley metal pipe falling
He come to me with money in his hand! He offered me, I didn't ask him, I wasn't knocking someone's door down, I was running from that! When I got out, I was in that. I was already through that, I had that, I had the studio, I went to the studio! I went to Vox Studios. I had it all, and I looked at it and said: 'This is a bigger jail than I just got out of.'
I don't want to take my time going to work, I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and ten or fifteen girls! What the hell I wanna go off into – and go to work for? Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world!
I'm the king, man, I run the underworld, guy! I decide whose does what, and where they do it at! What am I, gonna run around and act like I'm some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else's money? I make the money, man, I roll the nickels, the game is mine!
I deal the cards
Beware, God is watching
God is watching
Hey, Jake
I made one phone call
I got the same house as you
The same cars, too
It's really not that hard
Oh, hey, by the way, welcome to the top, little brother
Feels good, huh?
But let's not forget how you got here
Ya, yeet!

Little brother Jakey try to roast me? (what?)
Little brother standing on his own two feet? (not for long)
I'm a dog, you're a puppy, call you Kong (arf!)
Let's talk about your garbage that you call a song (trash)

It should be every other day, just some strong advice
I made you famous once, it's about to happen twice
Yeah, you on Disney, but who helped you read all your lines (that's me)
Don't forget, boy, you were my shadow on Vine

Now you got a few subscribers, and you think that you're the shit
I'll admit, you got money, you got bars, you got chicks
But you're a dick
You ain't thankful for your fans, it's kinda funny
Do your investors know Team 10 ain't making any money?

See, it starts with the talent, but it's hard when you got none
I think you kinda salty 'cause I'm the favorite son
I'm a maverick, you're a sidekick, yeah, I brought you to LA
If there's one thing you should know
You don't fuck with the Logang
bro thinks he's funny
We straight gassin', cuttin' straight to the bricks, haha
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man
We smokin' runtz
Shorty got a BBL, took that shit out because she couldn't run
I had to do it to them, snipe
I went Judge Judy on that pussy, snipe
I'm not loyal to anybody, I'm a demon
I have no loyalty for anyone, never did, never will
Shorty chose to be with a demon
Sounds like her problem to me, haha
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man
My money longer than James Cameron
On and off the court, straight fundamentals, no funny business
This shit ain't nothing to me man
Movin' like Dracula, we get it back in blood
You see it, I really did this, I'm really him
Flipped a whole brick into an empire, stop playin' with me
I have no sympathy, I live for this shit
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man
I'm nice with it, haha
My money long, my pockets deep
No pocket watchin' in these parts
We straight gassin', cuttin' straight to the bricks
Chanel optics got me seein' shit
nta but https://voca.ro/1bde2nfK4t9r
>male voice
Instantly closed.

get a job
I'm movin' different
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man, I'm a dog
I'm bitin' the fart bubbles in the bath, we smokin' Symbiotes
Smokin' that Whoopi Goldberg, south Egyptian
Furburger deluxe, Mega Millions scratcher, skunk, Bubba kush
We smokin' dung beetle
I'm on twelve Vicodin, smokin' on Scooby-Doo dick
We smokin' sequoia banshee boogers
We snortin' that good buffalo soldier, tamarind, Jordanian jibbies
They must have amnesia, they forgot that I'm him
That Burberry Backwoods pack hittin'
That pussy smell like a Hellcat V8
We smokin' shit in a glass pipe, blowin' the Lord's bubbles
I'm sick in the head, I'm on them Broward County Tic-Tacs
I'm on them Georgetown Geronimos
I'm on them Nashville nibblers
I left my Margielas in the Benz truck
I'll have to stunt on them next time
I don't give a fuck if I go blind
I don't need to see the price tag anyways
I'm high on twelve Jason Bournes, lookin' to beat the cum out of a thick, fresh oak
We're smokin' filtered crack, you stupid piece of shit
I'll fuckin' kill you
Call that pussy The Matrix because I'm in this bitch and I can't get out
Last guy who ran off on the pack got choked out by some Givenchy gloves
The last thing he ever saw was the price tag on them
Slowly faded into darkness and I let the archangels take him
I need more sequoia banshee boogers
Don't be shy, girl, I love me some pastrami mud flaps
I'm movin' like French Montana—Haaanh?
Welcome to the cream kingdom, bitch, open up
Blac Chyna, I'd drink her piss out of another man's balls
My shooter a crackhead, he look like Woody Harrelson
You ain't seen ten bands in your life, jit
Reach for my neck, you'll get turned into an example
Y'all gotta stop playin' with me, man
I threw diamonds at the strip clubs under the Great Pyramids
I pushed the camel through the eye of a needle
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man
Tied the ops to the back of a Trackhawk and dragged 'em around the block for 24-hours (1/2)
I have a job though
That's just false. Internet hasn't been "niche" for a long ass time.
I was born in 1993 so not too far off. I had an internet connection at 9, unlimited internet access at 11. I was messaging with my friends online at 12-13. Had a phone with internet by the time I was 14, had an instagram account since I was 16. Shit, I was posting on 4chan when I was 15. Tinder came out around the time I graduated high school, too.

Yeah, it's a big increase. But again, it's old data, it came down since.

Women also had a similar increase, going from 7% in 2008 to 23% in 2021 (pic rel: >>31698530).
Motherfucker looked like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him
Ops wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant
I'm movin' like Oppenheimer
She dropped that ass on me from an egregarious angle
They thought I was Steven Wallace
Top shelf zaza disrupted my circadian rhythm
I have seen the Magna Carta, I've seen the Eye of Horus
I was flippin' bricks for Mansa Musa before y'all even became a type-1 civilization
This shit ain't nothin' to me, you stupid piece of shit
Step the wrong way and you will perish
That pussy feel like Biscoff butter
You think I care about this shit?
Ask me if I care about this shit, 'cause I don't give a shit
If I had a dollar for every time they said I gave a shit, I'd be broke
'Cause I don't give a shit
My bitch look like David Hasselhoff
I balled so hard they thought I was a fuckin' nutsack
This shit ain't nothin' to me, man
I'll kill you, you stupid piece of shit
I thought it was understood that it was brocaroo hours

get a hobby
get a gf
get a house
get a family
Women, what kind of tops do you like wearing?
>That's just false.
You are an outlier in that regard though. Not many people with a healthy social life that weren't "nerds" had that. And even then, you weren't bombarded with hours upon hours of slop and porn while being encouraged to mindlessly scroll.
You have a fundamentally different perception of the internet than someone who was born and was on it frame 1.
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>what kind of tops do you like wearing?
Oversized t-shirts I stole from my husband at home. To go out, blouses or cute t-shirts in the summer, oversized sweaters in the winter.

I had made this when we were posting our style a few weeks ago, never got to post it.
>get a hobby
I haz
>get a gf
>get a house
>get a family
Don't want
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opinions on Bumble removing the requirement for women to text first?
I like V necks. Nothing too plunging of course, but I think showing a bit of chest (not boobs) looks good on me and helps break up my torso. When I wear something else my boobs seem really low.
good for business (I know women irl that refused to use it because of that)
bad for integrity (they sold out)
Women LIKE V necks?
M but nobody used that shit here anyway. Only Tinder is worth anything.
>>get a gf
I disagree. You just don't want it enough.
>tfw voice-mogged by incel shitposters
Yes. Makes me look taller also.
Why do you posters ignore me?
I have given you every bit of information you requested, about how often I go out and what I try to do to be as sociable I can be. And then, when you've got no 'arguments' left, you just ignore my posts.
So you don't really have any real substantial advice for how I could get a girlfriend, you implicitly admit that it's through luck and good looks that you've got yours, and you really aren't posting to try and help me.
My guess here, honestly, is that these posters are trying to dunk on you.
They either go
>how often do you go to social spaces?
and when you don't give the perfect answer they'll go SEE THAT'S WHY YOU'RE ALONE YOU DESERVE IT BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT ACTING PERFECTLY
then if you do give the perfect answer they'll just ask another
>How many people do you meet every month
if you don't give high enough of a number they'll pounce on that
in the end even if you give all perfect answers to all there questions, there'll be no advice and no attempt at helping you.
Because they not only don't care, they know they're not perfect either and still get a girlfriend. So when you suggest it's luck and good looks they cope and pretend it's not so, hence the questions.
But really deep down they know it's just luck and good looks and sociability that they've all got genetically. And they're just posting to make fun of you because they don't care about you.
All this 'advice' is meant to laugh at you by these people. They don't care about you.
Do women really hate it that much when we like their boobies?
>You are an outlier in that regard though
No, I was not. Pretty much everyone around my age had an instant messenger profile in middle school/early high school, literally everyone had social media by the time we were 14. I can't think of a single one of my classmates who wasn't on instagram and facebook when we were 14-15.

And lol about the porn.

The infinite, mindless scroll is something that came mostly with tiktok, which became popular in 2019. So definitely not something that anyone who is old enough to post here "grew up" with - generation alpha grew up with it, definitely. Not zoomers.
Bro, I haven't read any of your posts but you seem far too wordy. Learn to summarize.
we have AI for that now

How do you get to thinking we HATE it? We expect it.
Literally the type of person to pretend like everything is fine, because he's laughing at you because he is sociable, has good looks, and has luck on his side.
He's just using statistics and any kind of argument to claim you're a loser incel because of your choices, while he's a chad winner because of his. But it's not, he got a girlfriend because he was born with good looks and good luck and a natural tendency to be sociable. If you aren't born with these, you don't get a girlfriend.
In the end this poster is just making fun of you while pretending to help you.
It's the cut that looks best on me by far.

No, just don't make a big deal about it and don't make me feel uncomfortable.
Oxford's a femanon kek
Case in point.
You're laughing at posters who aren't as lucky. You're just born lucky which is why you get girlfriends.
You'll pretend to help, but you're just laughing at me for not being good enough. That's all there is to it.
Go back to your Discord community.
1. I'm a woman
2. I'm not making fun of anyone, just saying that the dooming with "women only like 0.045% of men" is retarded.
How does that matter?
Shes's still laughing at anyone who's not good enough and couldn't be good enough because they're not born lucky and good looking.
Instagram was 3 years from even being invented by the time you were 14. Wtf are you talking about?
It's understandable to feel frustrated if the advice you receive doesn't seem relevant or helpful. However, not all advice is meant to be dismissive. People may offer suggestions based on their own experiences and knowledge, which might not always align perfectly with your situation. Constructive feedback is often well-intentioned, even if it doesn't always resonate with you. While some people might give critical or seemingly unhelpful responses, many are genuinely trying to help. The fact that advice may not always seem useful doesn’t necessarily mean it’s intended to make fun of you. Online communities can have varying levels of empathy and expertise, and sometimes the best way to get useful advice is to seek out more targeted or supportive environments. While luck and physical appearance can play a role in dating, it’s important to remember that many aspects of building relationships are within your control. Personal growth, improving social skills, and being authentic are factors that can significantly influence your success in dating. Focusing on areas where you can make changes might offer more productive outcomes than attributing success solely to luck or genetics. Assuming that people are posting to make fun of you might overlook the possibility that they genuinely care but might not know how best to communicate their support. Online interactions can be misinterpreted, and what might seem like mockery could be an attempt to engage or offer advice based on limited understanding. If you feel that the advice is not working for you, it might be worth seeking different perspectives or professionals who can provide tailored guidance. Engaging with a counselor or dating coach might offer new strategies and support that align better with your personal circumstances.
You can still desire things whilst realistically acknowledging the probability
Sounds about right
I think people are very biased by their own experiences, so norms who have their shit together and fall into relationships assume that everyone else can do it with a few tweaks here and there
>Shes's still laughing
She drops blackpills but desu she doesn't laff
>You're just born lucky


>you get girlfriends


Laughing at you because you're not in on the joke yet and you probably will be.
both genders. two scenarios.
1. you're laying with your bf / gf and they're going through texts on their phone and you notice a text from like 12-1 am from another guy / girl saying "ill be there soon," or something similar. do you address it?
2. you're laying with your bf / gf really late at night and they get a call from another guy / girl and they ignore it and set their phone aside

do you address this?
Oxford is *the* femanon. Truly a more influential figure than even JH.
You're making fun of them by claiming 'oh it's just statistics and statistically they don't exist', while they do exist. You're saying those men are irrelevant and you're posting these statistics to show them how irrelevant they are. Because you don't care. They're not genetically up to par, not lucky, good looking, or sociable enough so they're irrelevant for you. Which is why you're posting and laughing at them.
Thank you ChatGPT uwu
1. Yeah I would ask who it was out of curiosity
2. Idk probably wouldn't do anything
what are we arguing about this morning?
I don't say anything but I remain weary
honestly, if she's cheating on me that's her problem
Yeah. Everyone had facebook in 2007-2008, then instagram became popular in 2011-2012ish and being on fb was for boomers. By the time I was in college most had deactivated their fb profile.
>bad for integrity (they sold out)
elaborate? I don't think the original requirement was a matter of principle, just an interesting idea that didn't work out
>She drops blackpills but desu she doesn't laff
Zero reason to do so, especially as a woman who can easily gain relationships, unless you're doing it to laugh at others. That's the whole point. Either she's trying to demoralise in order to further humiliate, or she's posting to laugh at you.
who tf is Oxford?
>2. you're laying with your bf / gf really late at night and they get a call from another guy / girl and they ignore it and set their phone aside
>do you address this?
Hypothetically if I had a bf, I would ask him if it's a friend or if he's seeing someone else on the side.
>so influential that you felt the need to namedrop someone else for reference
incel demoralization shit
I wanna post more vocas but only if others are posting
Which anonymous poster can take credit for shaping the /atoga/ community? Which anonymous should feel the most pride and be the most respected for all they've accomplished with this thread?
i would feel weird about both and would definitely want to bring it up. thats sketchy imo

hotness of scull rowing qts
Haven't read it because it feels like a ChatGPT answer.
I disagree. I'm giving you specific advice as to why people aren't helping you. Perhaps it was assumed to be flippant. It wasn't. Assuming that is on you. I think you have a lot of insecurity and self-doubt and need to work on that first.
You're saying those things, not me. I'm not laughing at anyone, just pointing out that "women go for the top 1% of men" isn't true.
>trying to demoralise
Eh I don't think this was the intention, of anything the oppo
If you drop a piece of toast with butter, will it land butter-side up or down?
>Laughing at you because you're not in on the joke yet and you probably will be.
Yes you are laughing because you are lucky and you do get girlfriends. You're only lying to keep up the pretense.
Yes I would just ask him about it. If I didn't I would drive myself crazy thinking about the possibilities and directly asking him is the easiest way to avoid that. I believe that communication is very important in order to avoid misunderstandings.
>I disagree. I'm giving you specific advice as to why people aren't helping you. Perhaps it was assumed to be flippant. It wasn't. Assuming that is on you. I think you have a lot of insecurity and self-doubt and need to work on that first.
How could that be relevant. I never show any kind of insecurity in public. I know people are evil and will just humiliate you over not acting absolutely perfect. I always try to be sociable.
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volcel, sorry bro
just how it goes
>Thank you ChatGPT uwu

Yeh, but you can say that with 100% certainty? I don't want to offend anyone but disabled people have relationships even.
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Wide neck tshirts that don't plunge too deep. My waist isn't ideally narrow compared to my shoulders/hips, proportionally speaking, so I like to do what I can to emphasise the latter.
F. Yes, in both cases. Mostly because he doesn't talk to anyone beside his mom so it'd be weird lol
Women have you ever tried to pee standing up?
yeah, I'm sure playing farmville or whatever really shaped your dating-and sex life.
You are. There's zero reason to post incel demoralization other than to laugh at those who are born unlucky and ugly and unsociable.
Idk I think they're both up there
One of the realest drillas ITT. if you know you know
I haven't met anyone new in about 15 years
1. If I can see the text I can see who it is from. I doubt it’s anything bad I like nice good people.
2. That happens all the time if you are woman so nothing to worry about.
>Eh I don't think this was the intention, of anything the oppo
No it has to be. If you post that "well 20% of men don't get sex but the vast majority does" then you're just stating that 20% doesn't matter. They're genetically born unsociable, unlucky, and ugly and are irrelevant. That's the only reason to post that.
What do you think of this?
>Why do you posters ignore me?
I've only read the first third, but I'll tell you this right now: We are not free therapists, we are random losers on the internet. We cannot fix your life and we cannot be blamed for your personal failings, no matter what insurmountable circumstances you may or may not be battling against.
I'm not even mad at women anymore. Just disappointed.
So you do get attention from women but you're specifically choosing to deny them. In other words you do get girlfriends, you just don't go through with any of it. You are lucky, probably good looking, and sociable. You're just posting here to laugh at those who aren't.
Yet you're insisting that people here are out to get you rather than provide help.
This is a bit of a logical leap buddy
I agree though it does feel kinda bad when you're in the 20% kek
She is a billionaire philanthropist and doctor of communication sciences with a boyfriend who hit big in crypto and spends his free time traveling to space and modeling for high-end Parisian fashion houses.
>if you know you know
I don't. I don't care about the lore, but people say she's hot, which is really the only reason why I even asked.
Yes. It didn't go well.
am I still an incel if I'm not terrible at talking to women and complimenting them but I always fuck up the escalation into dating?
idk you guys seem annoyed by it a lot
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>you can say that with 100% certainty
Yes, my clairvoyance has never failed me
So why then ask all these questions on how sociable I am? If you're not trying to help, why even attempt to maintain the lie that you could?
Why attempt to change my mind that I'm unlucky, unsociable, and ugly, and then claim you're not here to give advice.
I don't care about any of that, is she hot?
Several people I know met and dated guys they knew from social media lol

I'm not laughing at anyone. Someone posted claiming women only want the top 3% of men, I posted that it isn't true.
She is a babe, can confirm
Sounds like mentalceldom and high inhib, need to personalitymaxx
Zero reason to post incel demoralisation other than to laugh at the bottom 20% which can be found here. It's literally meant to humiliate.
>i would feel weird about both and would definitely want to bring it up. thats sketchy imo
Asking and discussing it is better than crying about it and then it turns out he was cheating on you the entire time
Indeed. It's EXTREMELY naive to expect actual good advice here. I mean, you may get it some ties, but it should not be expected. You would unironically have better luck with ChatGPT.
No, you're a volcel assuming you don't fuck anyone you're not dating. If that's the case: Congrats, you're not a manwhore!
You don't think its wrong or insecure to talk about it and just bring it up?
In a non accusatory way but basically just like "Hey I need to get this off my chest, kinda bothered me a little bit and im just curious about xyz?"

you don't think this would push a woman away?
i almost would just for my own sake tho.. like its selfish but it would drive me crazy
>disabled people have relationships even
Tbf the average physically disabled person who isn't a nutter still mogs me to fuck
>This is a bit of a logical leap buddy
so you're laughing at those who are sad to be part of the 20% who cannot have sex because they're unsociable, ugly, and unlucky, which is exactly what my argument entails. Yet you claim it's a logical leap. You're just doing this to humiliate.
I think girls like my personality (I get called sweet/goofy), I just can't ever seem to move past that point. Or I pick women who just don't want me, I guess.
Every time I shower. I don't care to test my aim, I just embrace the freedom.
Ok, maybe you're being extremely obvious about it or checking them out while I'm actually trying to talk to you. We don't like that.
just because women settle for less doesn't mean they don't still want the top % of guys.
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>It didn't go well.
W for the men

Not why I'm posting here, but not wide of the mark.
>I'm not laughing at anyone. Someone posted claiming women only want the top 3% of men, I posted that it isn't true.
You're posting incel demoralization statistics showing that the bottom 20% of men do not get sex ever. You're posting that here because that unlucky, ugly, and unsociable 20% can be found here. You're just humiliating them and laughing at them.
>cannot have sex because they're unsociable, ugly, and unlucky
Sounds like a you problem mate ngl, not my fault if you're uggers
I'm kidding I'm kidding. Lighten up anon
I haven't done that, like I said I just read the first third and I've already forgotten it and what I said about it.
>You don't think its wrong or insecure to talk about it and just bring it up?
No? I'd just ask "who's that?", I don't really need to phrase it in some special way.
So the only solution is to post incel ragebait and try to incite as much anger as possible and trying to humiliate as many people as possible? Since that's apparently the use of this forum.
>laugh at the bottom 20% which can be found here. It's literally meant to humiliate.
False. It's meant to make me feel better about myself.
>you don't think this would push a woman away?
>i almost would just for my own sake tho.. like its selfish but it would drive me crazy
If she's not the cunt type she'll discuss it with you, but if she's the cunt type she'll say it's just a friend or acquaintance
>False. It's meant to make me feel better about myself.
It's meant to humiliate others so you feel better about yourself because you're not ugly, unlucky, and unsociable.
I wonder if there's an alternate universe in which I'm not a completely lost cause.
Men are sexless by choice because the quality of females available to non-Chads is grim. Anyone can fuck/date a fatty or a fugly bitch, but why would you want that if you're a man that takes care of himself?
>Not why I'm posting here, but not wide of the mark.
I'm probably right on the mark, you just don't want to admit that you're lucky with women.
yes but you must kill yourself to get there
Shower Pisser
Shower Pisser

Luckier than you but I'll die a virgin.
yeah, and I'm living it kek. If it makes you feel any better I'm currently fucking bitches (several) whilst typing this, so you can vicariously live the life you could've had through me.
>Sounds like a you problem mate ngl, not my fault if you're uggers
Yes it is, because despite trying to find a girlfriend for years, others can do so easily. The only conclusion there's left to draw is that I'm ugly, unsociable, and unlucky. Else I would have had a girlfriend at some point.
Hell yeah brah
how do I cope with the fact that my personality is fine and probably above average but my uglyness can never be overcome?
>the bottom 20% of men do not get sex ever
That's not even what those stats show.

>You're posting that here because
Because that's where the people were claiming that women reject 97% of men.

Again, nobody is laughing or trying to humiliate anyone. You need to chill.
Women i just woke up on this fine Saturday morning. Should i continue my online short course, or play video games?
by choice. You're lucky and good looking, and sociable enough to get a girlfriend. Choosing not to is on you.
Men, how do you really feel about mid/ugly women? How do you feel when someone you think is clearly below your league comes onto you?
No, but I honestly think the golden rule applies somewhat here. People will actually respond a lot differently to your question depending on how it's phrased. The interactions with autists asking about stuff in a genuine manner prove that. If there's even a hint of entitlement or something like that people will go off on you.
for all, state gender, have you ever seen a random person nude in public? if so details. mine is M, she was female at a random beach. she had nice boobas and was very attractive. also, strip clubs dont count.
Women who fuck women,
Are you a boobs woman or an ass woman?
For comparison, are your boobs, or your butt, your proudest asset?
plastic surgery and money
I take the free sex, but don't consider anything long-term with her.
is she still mid if she has a pretty face but is 200+ lbs?
So your reply is just irrelevant. So why would anyone even attempt to provide advice here?
Damn, so there's an alternate universe in which I'm a zoophile? Have you taken a horse cock up your ass yet?

You're not missing out on anything my sad mad lad.



just another word for cute


just another word for subhuman
I think they're fine. They probably have it worse than ugly men, so I try to be extra nice to them without flirting or leading them on.
>How do you feel when someone you think is clearly below your league comes onto you?
Flattered and anxious about how to let them down easy.
>how do you really feel about mid/ugly women?
I'll be honest, i have never seen an ugly girl irl.
>How do you feel when someone you think is clearly below your league comes onto you?
When i was a teenager, (not to be mean but) this ghetto girl was into me and tried making me do things for her and i just kind of ignored her
Anon, if I was sociable would I need to pick fights on an Indonesian RC car racing forum?
It's not my problem. I don't really get to not be cheated on at my looks and status, so I don't care.
You're not getting rich if you're ugly, dumbass.
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Anon, I don't think you realize, but there are a huge number of conversations that run like this:
>why don't I have a gf???!1?
>do you do literally anything to find one?
>well why don't you try doing that
>no I don't wanna
Dating is a numbers game. If each person you meet- hypothetically- has a 1-in-1000, or 1-in-10000, or whatever, chance of working out (for whatever reason), and you meet 5 new people a year, it'll take you several people's lifetimes to find someone.
>when you suggest it's luck
It *is* luck. But it's "luck" in the sense of probability. You can increase the probability by increasing your exposure. That's actuarial maths 101.

There's also the fact that going to social things helps you learn to socialize, which a lot of people here are lacking, but which helps with finding a partner.

Also legit "good looks" is not a hugely relevant criteria here. It might *help*, but I've known way too many ugly people who have gotten partners for it to be the be-all and end-all.
>I wonder if there's an alternate universe in which I'm not a completely lost cause.
Yes, there's multiple versions of you.
One of them you are happily married
Do at least 40 minutes of your course and then videogames to reward yourself. If your course is long, limit each vidya sesh so that course/vidya is a 1:1 ratio for 12 waking hours from the time you start.
As someone who's 3/10, there's not a lot of women who look worse and I still wouldn't date them. I'm mentally ill and ugly, no reason to go for someone that's just as bad as me, sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Kinda awkward and hoping she picks up my disinterest quickly
>That's not even what those stats show.
What do they show? It's mostly irrelevant what they do show. The higher the number of sex having men, the lower I'm classified in any case. It doesn't change my situation of being unlucky, unsociable, and ugly.
>Again, nobody is laughing or trying to humiliate anyone. You need to chill.
There's zero reason to post incel demoralisation that 20% of men do not get sex (apparently even less men do not get sex or a girlfriend according to your post). It's just meant to laugh at incels who cannot get sex to show them they're even less socially valuable, even more ugly, even more unsociable, and even more unlucky than they thought they were. It's meant to humiliate.
Women never look or speak to me.
not wrong but obnoxious
Short course than a nap and than play to your hearts content
you know that powder stuff that you sprinkle on food before you eat it and it gums up in your stomach to make you full-er faster?
does that shit work? I have a terrible problem with binge eating; like I will be good all week then just blow my diet horrendously by going out with friends and losing control
Brah I just got here and idk what you're talking about, and yet you're still pissing me off, maybe this is your problem.
Bro, why are you focusing on luck? I mean, sure it's an element to success but do you honestly believe it's the only on? If that's the case, why ask for chances on how to improve at all?
that's 10th on the bucket list. Up next is having a MILF harem orgie comprised of 40+ hot blonde news anchors
What did you try desu when you say you've been "trying for years"
>No, but I honestly think the golden rule applies somewhat here. People will actually respond a lot differently to your question depending on how it's phrased. The interactions with autists asking about stuff in a genuine manner prove that. If there's even a hint of entitlement or something like that people will go off on you.
Haven't posted with a single bit of entitlement yet I got multiple posts all pretending like it's my own fault I can't get a girlfriend. They're just laughing at me.
I feel safe because only beautiful women are dangerous
they disgust me. i have actually cut off like 70% of my family because theyre landwhales. an if ugly 'comes on to me' she would have to literally say something like "look ill suck your cock for a full hour for every 10 min you plow me and we dont have to do anything in public either" AND deliver ON THE SPOT for me to even think about considering. mid is different, other aspects of her can redeem what shes lacking in looks.
NTA but you sound very unstable and mentally unwell.
>You're not missing out on anything my sad mad lad.
How would you know if you're not doing anything by choice?
what do if I live in a small town where the only "clubs" are shitty honkytonks that no one under 50 even inhabits?
where do I meet women?
nta but the Owlman thing then, huh? So then nothing truly matters?
I have low self-esteem so nobody is "below my league" kek
At the beach yeah. A lot of girls would take off their bras to tan

observe. consider.
Being beautiful is not a prerequisite to being rich. Just look at all the old, ugly, fat geezers walking around 5 star hotels with 10/10 bombshells. Do you really think they got successful by being pretty?
Good for him, makes me wonder what did he do to get there, given how the opportunities were never there.
>Anon, if I was sociable would I need to pick fights on an Indonesian RC car racing forum?
There's no need to humiliate those lower than you if you weren't more sociable than them and wanted to feel good about that. You might not be vastly more sociable but you clearly are, else you wouldn't try to humiliate those below you.
Women can you hook me up with your silly friends? I like silly girls
Can you commute easily to a bigger town/city?
whats your gender
>Haven't posted with a single bit of entitlement
You just told someone their reply is irrelevant.
>clearly below your league
Well, I'm currently talking to one now. So... yeah. Being interested in me makes someone more attractive imho. I probably wouldn't be talking to her if she didn't fit most of my requirements... but she probably wouldn't be talking to me for the same reason though.
>mid women
That's most women. I don't think much about them. If she's hot I might look at her body though.
>ugly women
We aren't a good personality match if she's ugly ngl.
you go from farm to farm to see which farmer has the hottest daughter and offer to buy her from him.
>What do they show?
That 20% of men under 30 were not sexually active over the previous 12 months. Not "ever" - they may have been sexually active in the past and may in the future.

>There's zero reason to post incel demoralisation
I posted about it while talking about how dating apps are not a good representation of someone's whole dating life. If you feel humiliated by statistics, I don't know what to tell you. Truly the same energy as "healthy at any size" girls.
like 2 hours away
>Just look at all the old, ugly, fat geezers walking around 5 star hotels with 10/10 bombshells.
Where? In your dreams, incel?
I've met hundreds of new people this year alone. Presumably thousands over the last couple of years. Apparently that's not good enough at all to even find a single girl interested in me.
I'm trying to be sociable, and have good skincare. None of it matters.
The only reasons I can think of why I'm still alone is because I'm ugly, unsociable, and unlucky.
If it's a numbers game, you can quite literally still be unlucky and never get a single girl interested in you by pure chance.
all my silly girl-friends are into pegging though.
Based and Stardewpilled
He reminds me of the doomer blackanon who used to post here years ago lol
Only at nudist resorts/events.
>all pretending like it's my own fault
Yeh, it COULDN'T be you, right? It MUST be something else. That's pretty entitled.
how do I cope with the fact that my looks are fine and probably above average but my personality can never be overcome?
And how many of them have you asked out? Or are you just waiting for someone who is interested in you before you ask her out?
I only have one silly friend and she has a bf, sorry.
>You might not be vastly more sociable but you clearly are, else you wouldn't try to humiliate those below you.
Walk me through your thought process here.
>NTA but you sound very unstable and mentally unwell.
Even more humiliation tactics. For saying something too much or complaining about a specific subject too much, all you do is claim that I must be mentally unwell in order to make me look unhinged.
I have spend years trying to be sociable, use skincare and dress nicely. None of it has worked.
The conclusion is simple when watching how others get girlfriends. I am unsociable, ugly, and unlucky.
Aww maaan, thats a tough one. I would prefer to live my life without butt stuff
My silly friend is in a psych ward.
don't steal my posts you troon faggot
>You don't think its wrong or insecure to talk about it and just bring it up?
Generally no but you're kinda making it sound weird. Like imo it's normal to notice the call and be like "hey you don't want to pick up? who was it?" or seeing the text and being like "Did you meet up with someone?" and then depending on the answers you can ask more about it.
But if you don't bring it up right away but a week later or smth you're like "hey this bothered me a bit" it feels a little off like it's one thing to ask about it as it happens, thinking about that specific event for a week and then bringing it up again is not completely weird but it feels a bit odd because it 1. implies you thought about it multiple times and actually consider that your partner might not be loyal, which kinda hurts when you are being loyal as a partner (but i guess if it's really a misunderstanding it could be resolved), 2. makes you seem a little secretive (obviously bringing it up later is better than never) but I'd be wondering why would my partner wait? Doesn't he feel comfortable communicating with me? Is there more issues like that he just hasn't brought up yet? 3. If some time already passed it might seem weird that you remember that specific detail and your partner might not fully remember the context in which you saw it and it might feel to them like you're being nosy all of a sudden.
Overall that's just some differences between talking about it right when it happens vs waiting a bit to talk. Doing it right away imo doesn't make the situation all that serious. Literally if a girlfriend of mine got a call while or text like that while being next to me I'd be like "Hey who's that?" just the same, just out of curiosity. Same thing if I had a bf and another guy called him while I'm next to him, I'd ask if he wasn't gonna pick the phone up. It kind of feels more natural to just ask. But even if you waited, it's still better to bring it up than to not talk about it at all.
>That 20% of men under 30 were not sexually active over the previous 12 months. Not "ever" - they may have been sexually active in the past and may in the future.
So the number of men who have never had sex are even lower. And I am a part of that small group of complete failures who are unsociable, unlucky, and ugly. That's your point. How are you not posting to humiliate incels?
Nta but do you have autism? You need to build rapport with a bitch before axing her out. If she ain't receptive to a convo the 2-3 times you try, it would be pointless to ax her out randomly.
>she has a bf, sorry
Understandable, i want no part in ruining their relationship

i can fix her...
Men owe me sex
I deserve breakfast sex

>Bro, why are you focusing on luck? I mean, sure it's an element to success but do you honestly believe it's the only on? If that's the case, why ask for chances on how to improve at all?
I have said that it must be because I'm unsociable, unlucky, and ugly. I would say it's simply luck, since i have tried to be sociable and dress well and have proper skin care. But since none of that made any sort of difference, I have accepted that I'm probably just ugly and unsociable no matter how I try.
Graduating to get her extra silly honkerina diploma?
Do you think my 6yo ipad-kid cousin will grow out of talking in an american accent?
M8, I don't think you understand the advice I was giving anon.
Rapport != interest.
if I can easily make a girl smile and laugh, why am I still a virgin?
I would but you consider me undatable so.
What if I'm into that as well?
Not fully nude, but when I was maybe 11-13ish, there was this guy who was probably in his 20s on a bus with a bunch of friends. By the look on his face I imagine it was a dare, but he exited the bus with his pants half down and I saw his shaft.
I was very uncomfortable for me, but I was young and had been molested in recent years so I was fairly wary of men at the time.
The next time was a few years later, I was at a beach where a woman was (legally) sunbathing topless. Some of the boys in our group made politely quiet but appreciative comments about the view, which would have been innocent enough to innocent ears, but nonetheless put me on edge a little at the time.
Being sociable and trying to dress well and have proper skincare. I go out to events. I have said this already but it was ignored the moment I stated how much effort I put into trying to be social.
NO don't do this, it can lead to incontinence
You deserve to be fed cum for breakfast.
How do I cope with the fact that my looks and personality are on point, but girls only want me for my dick and none of them even remotely cares about my niche hobbies?
>I'm probably just ugly and unsociable no matter how I try.
So why ask for help? Just accept it.
Women do you get hornier in the mornings or nights?
how do I kill my appetite? I'm not looking to stop eating completely, I just suffer from overeating.
Like, is there a pill or something I can take before I eat that will make me only pick at my food and not eat that much?
How is that entitlement if I explain why their post is irrelevant?
Oi ahnno mayytuh 'aht sahnds lahkk dah cahrrect ahckshahnt tah mah.
And I deserve a girlfriend, so lets that this out of the way first and then you can have all of the breakfast sex that you want.
What's wrong with just fruitloops?
You can find girls who do care, I'm sure.
I only fuck women in theory (social awkward bisexual gang represent!)
As a red blooded woman, I'm all about booba, but as a self respecting gym rat I gotta check for chicken legs, 'cause damnit I worked hard for my legs and ass. Is it compensation? Maybe, but it's all I've got, goddamn it!
Yes I do
Sorry to hear you just had a stroke.
go on
>Yeh, it COULDN'T be you, right? It MUST be something else. That's pretty entitled.
If you had looked at the case I'm making I have not said this at all.
I'm stating that I was born ugly, unsociable, and unlucky and that I cannot change these factors, despite having tried for years to be more sociable (through events and practicing hobbies), despite having proper skin care and dressing well. None of it has mattered at all, there has never been a woman interested in me.
So the conclusion is simple, really. I am by birth unlucky, ugly, and unsociable. And no matter how much I try I cannot ever achieve any better.
According to Christian Bale, black coffee and a lot of it.
Women what is your pet peeve?
Both and also mid afternoons
>girls only want me for my dick and none of them even remotely cares about my niche hobbies?
you have unrealistic expectations of women
You didn't really.

Also, how many people do you think you're arguing with right now? Just an estimate.
>And how many of them have you asked out? Or are you just waiting for someone who is interested in you before you ask her out?
Some I have. You can't just ask out anyone at all times. I have never received even the slightest hint that someone was interested in me. No eye contact, no change in tone, nothing.
Should you still ask someone out if there are zero, absolutely zero hints, that she's willing to go out with someone?
The truth is that I'm unsociable, unlucky, and ugly, and no girl has ever shown me any interest.
Ok fine
Thinking about them lonely, single femanons again
Women can't have anything nice!
Anon, why are you repeating buzzwords over and over? Are you autistic?
I'm not putting froot loops up there
I hate you guys. You have depressed me and ruined my Saturday and its not even noon yet. Fuck all of you.
Say you wake up next to me and you notice I got morning wood, but I'm still asleep.
How would you go about it?
>So why ask for help? Just accept it.
So there's nothing wrong with posting here, right? You're not going to provide me with advice. Other posters have explicitly told me this forum does not deliver trustworthy advice or even any advice even. So why should I not post here. It's not like anyone here is going to attempt to change my mind.
Thinking about Atlantis again.
>All day
She got that male libido
Girls, would you date a guy who has orthostatic hypotension?
Tops that just almost fit but not quite.
Fuck you too nigger suck my dick
I start licking and sucking it until you wake up
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Why should I answer that?
How low is my self esteem that I legit find myself occasionally pining for a meth addict who shacked up with a crack whore, all because he seems to like me for about 3 minutes apiece when we see each other every few years? No one hugs me goodbye like he does.
What buzzwords? Unsociable, unlucky, and ugly? Those are the conclusions I've come up with. That's why no girl has ever shown me ever interest. Why should I not consistently bring up this conclusion? It is the very reason for why I have never had any intimate moment with another person.
What's that they say about insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome?
If he's good looking very high actually.
I wake up and notice you working my cock. Of course I'm push your head down. Ever tried deepthroating?
Girl stoppp
I am alone and have never had a single woman care about me. You're not the only one who's sad.
is wearing a backwards baseball cap ever a good look for a guy?
Now who's thinking about annoying people.
How do I subtly suggest to a woman that alcohol is literal poison that shrinks your brain and destroys your liver, and that it should be avoided at all costs?
So those same posters who consistently try to pretend that I'm not social enough, who consistently bring that up. Are they insane? If they're not, how am I insane?
Is this your old BPD bestie? Hope she's alright
Pot calling the kettle black much?
Can we at least eat first
No, he's been converted
What kind of events? What do you do there?
Bro really having his day ruined by an anime imageboard
>No one hugs me goodbye like he does
That's probably the drugs making him lovey dovey lol
Not even your mother?
Women would you let your bf put his balls over your eyes like glasses?
I want to see how much self importance you have.
No, once you're awake I demand sex
more like WoMEME!
Eww, no thanks
Apparently that's the modus operandi here. If you can't beat them, you join them, correct?
Fuckboy look desu
And stuff like skin care. You're acting like a psychopath that doesn't know how to be human. You ARE autistic, aren't you?
>What kind of events? What do you do there?
art events mostly, slam poetry, I tried dancing as a hobby, but I sucked at it. Museums, art galleries.
Just came so hard that my dick's sore
Women, do you ever experience a similar phenomenon?
Any excuse to huff ball sweat.
ngl he's a dish, and multitalented, if only it weren't for all the meth and all the mental illness that led to it

Girl I wish I coulddd

Honestly thank god for the crack whore keeping him contained or I'd be in a world of trouble, I'm just having a moment is all
Should I not do skincare? People here have told me it is important to try and look good. Were they wrong?
Maybe I am autistic. I wouldn't know. All I know is that I'm clearly unsociable, unlucky, and ugly. I have guy friends though and I make guy friends easily. But no girl has ever shown me any interest.
But it would be gay to have sex with you, bro
>modus operandi
Who trots out that word when a simpler one would do?
Should've came inside me. What a waste
Reading that made me laff, so yeah probably, if it was for comedy
>Not even your mother?
I mean obviously.
>I want to see how much self importance you have.
I guess like 3 or so. Definitely 2 but since you asked that question I'm assuming there's at least a third person somewhere that I've overlooked.
Women, would you date a fat and balding guy?
Only if you're a girl, bro
I pull muscles from orgasming all the time. The pain honestly adds to it.
>Who trots out that word when a simpler one would do?
I don't know? You said 'trots'. Why not say 'use'? It's because it was the first word that came to your mind. So that's what you use.
Men, are there any hobbies a woman could have that would be red flags?
You *demand* sex?
Girl, are you going to jump on me and ride me, your pussy already wet?
Men, do you ever get so horny you cry?
Debating with others on 4chan.
balding? without a doubt.
fat? i'm a very active person, i'd be wary of his ability to keep up with me, but some fat people can surprise you.
women like fuckboys, right?
Idk if i could date a girl that frequents clubs/parties
>any of those meme exercise groups
>Dancing if im not the one doing it with her
no, but I get so horny my hands shake and i get aggressive
>i'm a very active person
Active in what way?
Do you like hiking? or do you mean you like to keep yourself busy
I said trots specifically because it likens it to showing of a show horse or dog, much like one would do to show off one's intellect.
Is there anything better than black girls who are into anime?
Excuse me?…
Okay honestly that's really cool and you should be proud of yourself. Iktf I also got too awkward with a dance class I went with a friend to. Do you talk to people at the museums and galleries?
Fashion and social media.
Nothing necessarily wrong with an interest in them (well maybe social media), but when they're your only real interests it's just kind of boring. Like a man who's only really into sports and cars.
No. I cry from sadness, despair, joy, relief, or excitement, but never arousal.
literally anything else
>>Dancing if im not the one doing it with her
easy fix for that, fucking go with her when she asks you to
>t. bitter that crush declined the offer
Women does the inside of the vagina stay the same temperature? or does it change depending on arousal like dicks?
No, that's nonsensical.
I think astrology is fine and a light interest in crystals is okay but once she gets autistic about crystals then that’s the time to get wary
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Black girls in anime
Yet you're accusing me of not using simpler words.
This is definitely an underrated genre of women
F but I don't understand this one either. I mean, is acting like a stripper supposed to be a female empowerment thing?
>easy fix for that, fucking go with her when she asks you to
I know, the redflag would be if she wanted to dance but refused me going with her
Nta but pole dancing is honestly just fun
I hate anime, but DBZ doesn't count as normal anime.
Somebody just like it or think it's hot.
>Okay honestly that's really cool and you should be proud of yourself. Iktf I also got too awkward with a dance class I went with a friend to. Do you talk to people at the museums and galleries?
I try to, but like I said, I've only ever made guy friends there. No woman was ever interested in me or would really talk with me for an extended period of time other than to exchange some niceties.
I have no idea in terms of feel, but I think the temperature changes depending on where one is on her ovulation/menstruation cycle? There's the whole 'calendar method' of birth control that goes into it more deeply.
It literally never occurred to me that the inside of my vagina is warm until a boyfriend commented on it.
Can you like crystals just because they look pretty?
ooh, big agree lmao
Why am I not surprised that someone here pole dances...
Alright so like I said you have VERY high self esteem if he's good looking.
All that matters to women is looks, so you're doing alright, it would be unnatural if you liked an ugly guy who was good hearted and had his life in order.
You would get his ass hair in your mouth and if he ate something bad, a piece of poo can fly out.
Very good post.
If a woman is into superstitious trash like astrology, I would not be able to take her serious.
Why not?
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Favorite non-Japanese animated series?
I saw a handsome guy wearing it like that, too bad he's probably married/taken, gay or wants nothing to do with women
When you were at your lowest what did a woman do for you?
Women Johnny Knoxville or Steve-o?
bro i think you need to wipe your ass better...
It's not nonsensical to me
F Batman: The Animated Series
My mom let me live at her house for very little rent + chores
She won't listen, she's an alcoholic
Because I said so.
Ewww... Knoxville, if I had to choose.
NAG but no homo Steve-O was always the better looking one
Not like properly but just in the club kek
She told all our friends about some of my deep dark secrets and alienated me from them for weeks.
>Is there anything better than black girls who are into anime?
Black women/girls/mixed blacks hate when their culture is appropriated but appropriate others cultures. They're wretched creatures and racist weasels
Women how would you react if your bf didn't let you see him flaccid?
Sounds like you might need to social circlemaxx and try going to more gatherings, bars etc. with the friends, if meeting girls at isolated events isn't working out
Either Simpsons or South Park. Even if it's just the first 12 or so seasons for Simpsons, they had so many memorable and good, often heart-warming episodes.
I'd be upset, but I'd try my best to communicate to him that I love him and want him to feel comfortable around me. I'd also tell him that it would make me very happy to get to see it.
Probably Spongebob
I'd be understanding and ask him if he's embarrassed about it.
>hate when their culture is appropriated
Bro is still living in 2016
I'm a guy and I can't think anything more stupid.
You don't want your gf to blow you hard? Pathetic.
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X-Men: Evolution (Rogue is my waifu)
The Ren & Stimpy Show (seasons 1-2)
>Even if it's just the first 12 or so seasons for Simpsons
What's? That's giving them far too much credit. Simpsons died after 6 or 7.
I disagree.
I'd take off his pants and put it in my mouth until it gets hard and hope he's ok with it after that
My mother asked "oh god, you're not losing it too are you?" because one of my siblings was in the midst of a ~much more important~ mental breakdown.
No mother, I'm fine. Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking...
X-Men: Evolution is better than X-Men '97.
So get even more friends? I'm not sure how I feel about that right now. I've been trying to do that for years and it hasn't resulted in anything worthwhile.
Honestly, I forgot that they were two different people
Why would she do that?
F. King of the hill and ducktales.
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She came to my apartment and helped me tidy, we went walking and for dinner in town, and we just hung out and chatted. Really sweet friend and it helped lift my spirits when I was in a bad way
>X-Men '97
Nostalgia bait trash with horrible pacing.
Fuck off monkey lover
My dick grows like a mountain from a molehill and I think the process is neat
I imagine women also think the process is neat, since they're mostly wired to like dicks
I've never seen 97 but I agree completely
Yeah. It's a hat in kiss mode, duh.
Based, OG or reboot?
I still have some of the OG on VHS tapes lol
my parents did nothing
i didn't have a single female friend so they didn't even exist
my psychologist was a female but she only wanted me to get on meds but she didn't care about my struggles
I was more of a Darkwing Duck fan.
Women, how would you feel if one day your husband just started going flaccid when he sees you naked
>when you spend an hour in the crystal shop with a BPD girl because she's hot
The OG. I love the theme song so much, too. I have it as my alarm lmao
I can't think of anything. I'm also a woman.

Oh, wait... they got me drunk.
I'd be a little weirded out, I really enjoy nonsexual comfort with nudity in a couple setting. But it's his body at the end of the day. I'd encourage him to express his side of it so I can better either reassure and challenge, or understand and accept. Either way wouldn't be a huge deal for me, I'd just wanna see where he's coming from.
(Emphasis on nonsexual, the few times I've tried to blow a flaccid dick hard have just ended in mutual giggle fits)
It's gotta be one of the best, catchiest themes of all time lol
Because she's stupid and thinks that oversharing is a way of complimenting me.
>balding? without a doubt.
Life-fuel.. we are so back
Ask him if he's disgusted by my body and is no longer in love and unattracted to me. Hypothetically ofc because I'll probably never end up married, feels bad, many such cases.
>the few times I've tried to blow a flaccid dick hard have just ended in mutual giggle fits
What happened?
Was he not able to get hard from your sucking alone?
F. Marsupilami.
>I'll probably never end up married
as if, literally every single women in this thread will marry
Indeed. Balding is going to happen sooner our later. Being fat is preventable.
F. My best friend came over and cleaned my house routinely when I was at peak depression. She did my laundry, cooked my meals, drove me to work and school. My mom drove 2,5 hours in the middle of the night to come see me because I sounded sad on the phone.
Have you played the newer video game?
But not until I've pumped and dumped every single one of them.
Lying liar
Depressed, unattractive, undesired, sad, anxious.
Literally depressed beyond belief I know it wouldn't be his fault but it would hurt so deep. My husband would be the one person I want to spend my life with, the person I want to make smile all the time, the person I really want to desire me and love me. The person who's needs I want to satisfy and then all of a sudden I can't? Either he'd break up with me over that, he'd cheat because of it and I'd break up over that or he'd live an unfulfilled sex life which I don't want to do to him. This would literally make me go crazy and there's no solution to it either.
You're a horrible person. And your best friend deserves better
Is it true that a balding guy can look a little better if he always shaves his head?
>Was he not able to get hard from your sucking alone?
Not for want of trying, I accept full responsibility, a flaccid dick in the mouth is just a very odd texture that I wasn't prepared for and it made me laugh. In that particular relationship, he was comfortable enough to laugh along, so it wasn't an issue. Obviously I'd be more sensitive if a guy had expressed any insecurity in that area.
>>31699088 (me)
Oh nvm I misread the question. Forget all of what I just said
I vaguely remember weeks ago, catching the tail end of a discussion of some anons who argued on whether or not women actually enjoy blowjobs for their own pleasure.
What was the consensus on that? Can someone who remembers it give me a qrd?
No, I'm not a bad person because I had depression at some point of my life. I have supported her in her times of need, she supported me.
I don't do video games. But it's cool to know it's still relevant.
Hell yes. Shaved is the look for millenails/zoomers. Clinging to the friar tuck is very gen x/boomer.
It's not the baldness itself that ages you, it's how you style it.
being an active not sex haver
how would you feel if you went to hook up with a girl and she had hickies all over her chest / stomach / back?

would you ever think of sleeping with someone else beside your bf if you had a bunch of hickies? or would you be embarassed going to bed with someone in general if you had them?
>last episode
Finally, some good news. Now we can get back to actual advice.
Talk normally.
Wtf Oxford is one of the nicest people ever what are you on
I don't "hook up", so if I go over there and see that I'd be sad that I was cheated on before we even started dating
oxford is just here to laugh at incels
don't be naive
M&F (I'm both)
No, I don't mind, why would I?
>she had hickies all over her chest / stomach / back?
I'd want to give her more ofc :p
Guy here
I can confirm that sometimes some women enjoy sucking some dicks for their own pleasure. I have anecdotally proven it.
Yes. We've known each other for 15+ years. She helped me plenty during the hardest times of my life, I helped her just the same when she was struggling.
Nah, she's a real one desu and always spits facts
She's also probably the only anon here who's always been chill to me even when I was proper mental lol
Found the narcissist.
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Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy

Many people remember it very fondly and I STILL think it's underrated. It's something that people should study in kino school.

Is this just my nostalgia talking? Idk but when I come back to many of my childhood cartoons today, they come off as total trash. Meanwhile EEnE still slaps
Fuck no she's not. She's an attention whore, known cheater and has damaged other anons mentally and physically
Cheated on me and when confronted about it told me I wasn’t good enough
nah you can simp for her but she's only here to laugh at incels
Hello /atoga/, it's been awhile. I was a regular here for a couple years. When I met my gf and we became official, I decided to stop coming here. Especially once I realized how profoundly unhelpful and counterproductive the advice here is.

Today is a huge day for me. I'm going to a jewelry store to buy an engagement ring. My gf and I have gone ring shopping a few times already, and I've decided roughly what we're gonna get.

I have three points for you foreveralones:
1. Your life can change in an instant if you let it happen. I'd had nothing but failure in my love life for years. Then, one day, on a whim, I went someplace new and saw her.
2. TALK TO HER. JUST TALK TO HER. It can be as little as saying "Hello." You don't have to do everything at once. But you have to talk to her.
3. Stop pursuing women who aren't into you. It's more important that she likes you at the start. You will get used to her once you're dating and you're struck by her charm.
Fuck, >>31699025 here, that's true, EEnE is definitely underrated.
Projection at its finest. It's okay covert anon.
>3. Stop pursuing women who aren't into you. It's more important that she likes you at the start. You will get used to her once you're dating and you're struck by her charm.
How does this advice fit for a woman who's crushing on a man who doesn't seem to have noticed her yet? A-asking for a friend.
most guys are gonna lose their hair eventually but you should just commit to the full shave already and get it over with. bald - ok. baldING - pussy shit. commit!
disgusting. there is absolutely no reason for a man to be fat. your daily caloric intake allowances are ridiculously huge when you're a man and you still manage to be fat? how the fuck does that even happen
Why are you making shit up?
Why does it instinctively feel like it's always the guys fault when either party cheats?
If the guy cheats, he is an inconsiderate asshole.
If the girl cheats, the guy didn't do a good enough job of pleasing her, and should've done better.
Why must I mentally cuck myself like this? How do I stop thinking this?
Women, do you think women need female empowerment and girl power and stuff like that?
none of this happened, schizo
femanons, im gonna cancel you
Because you think of women as subhumans who can't handle themselves or make decisions.
>how would you feel if you went to hook up with a girl and she had hickies all over her chest / stomach / back?
I would make a joke about "Aha! I see someone has been here before me! Shall I add to your markings?" in my vaguely British voice.
Yes. That's how I actually talk and behave sometimes.

I would put a pin in the thoughts:
A. she might be a slut
B. she might be in a relationship
C. She might be casually dating others
D. she might be rebounding
E. the hickies might have been left by another woman
F. she's likely going to be disappointed if we've just met because she isn't getting the d (because I don't do ONS).
I'm happy for you anon
This might be the perfect female form.
Do men assume women on vacation act slutty? I got back from a little holiday I went on by myself and met one girl friend there and both of my close guy friends asked me if I slept with anyone while I was away
Women what hill will you die on?
It'd be easy. I've posted tons of my awful opinions and preferences ITT. I'm just glad I stopped teaching before I started using 4chan again.
>Is this just my nostalgia talking
Nah, it's a really good cartoon lol
Whole OG Carrtoon Network was golden desu. Powerful Girls, Dexter's Lab, Billy & Mandy, Johnny Bravo, Courage, Samurai Jack etc... kids these days don't know what they're missing
I look like that except my boobs are probably 2 cup sizes bigger
It sounds like you're a guy, so you're probably just latching on to information that pertains to guys. Girls are given the old "you just weren't satisfying him" line too, you just don't hear it because why would you?
End of the day, cheater's gonna cheat, and they'll come up with all manner of excuses to do so, so fuck em. And by fuck em, I mean fuck other people.
Why do men who homosexually harass and homosexually assault other men show no interest in changing this behavior?

And why do women encourage this? Is it because they see this behavior as revenge against men for the way they've been treated? Really fucked up if so.
What I really need is for men to stop being utter pieces of shit as a class. Quit raping and/or looking the other way or joining in when your buddies do for ONE fucking day.
because women are the prize at the end of the day. there's a reason everyone knows about fathers who walk out on their kids but you rarely ever hear that about mothers. you're just not as important and you know it.
As a guy I'd say it's more that we wish we get to fuck some hot women in foreign countries. lol
I wish I was that tall and busty.
>attention whore
She never makes herself obvious, I just call her out lol cause they're been posting for years
>known cheater
They were chested on, have never cheated
>damaged other anons mentally and physically
Get your lore right bud
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I'm not actually sure how well it is, probably more in Europe. Decent 2021 platformer, bit like Donkey Kong.
Totally Spies
My friend came and helped me clean my place a few times and bought and brought over dress options for a funeral when someone close to me died
Is your waist as tiggt as hers?

I don't think she is tall.
Fuck that's hideous. God what does everything I loved have to be ruined over time?
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Do you think you have the patience for children?
>men bad
Really? This is my body type when I gain weight, except my boobs get bigger too
Taller than me. It's like she's vertically stretched but the same sort of pear.
Hers is probably smaller overall but our proportions are similar. I think mine is 25"
They are though
yeah probably
my parents unintentionally make me feel guilty
how do I fix this?
It sounds like you've got some demons, bother, I don't know of anything that you've described. I wish you healing.
No, I think that's useful but the issue is that most Grrl Power is fucking stupid because men write it.
I do, I work with kids. I had a kid through 208 balls at me the other day and he made it out of the room alive.
F. Yeh. Taught for years, babysat my whole life.
Id divorce him if my baby was standing there begging for his attention and he was playing video games on his computer like a child
Do men like mini skirts on women or is this just something we find cute to wear? Is it appropriate to wear on a date?
Yeah but I'm never going to have them. Most parents don't discipline their children, spoil them or mentally damage them
Yes for my niece and nephew.
No for any others.
I don't want any of my own.

You girls uh... single and looking?
The last time a guy offered me "healing", he tried to grope my asshole in public and his circle of female friends laughed at my discomfort. This is a very common experience, and fuck you for denying it.
Jesus, how can a woman look this fuckable?
It's crazy actually, I can look at hot actresses or supermodels or something, but this girl in particular does something to my brain that makes me want to grab her by her hip bones and fuck her into a coma.
What gives? What about her does that to me?
I don't know. My parents didn't have patience for me, and (among other things) it irreparably damaged me, so I'm disinclined to gamble on it.
Oxford stop pretending
She’s almost as tall as the door way. If she’s not tall then that must a low ceiling/door.


How does this make you feel?
Her body looks almost exactly like my best friend. Men love her.
You should grab me by my hip bones and fuck me into a coma instead
larping hours
I'm not. Why are such beta cuckold that simps for online and irl attention whores? What does it get you? Nothing.
It's not very difficult to satisfy a guy though. Women, however are notoriously hard to please.
She looks like a bowling pin.
they commit 97%+ of violent crime so yes. they claim to be the protectors while rape is effectively decriminalized.
Happy for you anon <3
Nah I'm good g
>Totally Spies
Are you looking forward to Season 7 English dub?
Bro is she in the nunnery bathroom or something
M, I have more patience with kids and animals than adults tbqh
Stop treating women like objects and start treating them like people
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Is it a dealbreaker if a girl is taller than you? If she's taller than you in heels, does that irk you?

t. knows mostly guys who would say yes to both but don't know if it's due to small sample size or not
>How does this advice fit for a woman who's crushing on a man who doesn't seem to have noticed her yet? A-asking for a friend.
So what my gf did, and what she still claims was totally imagined on my part, is that she kept looking at me. I would sit behind her in church, like 1-2 rows back, and I'd catch her glancing back in my direction. I very definitely caught her watching me one day during the homily. I know this because I saw her face in my peripheral vision, and when I turned my eyes towards her, her eyes darted away.

That all caught my attention and got me to be brave enough to talk to her. I sorta wish I had earlier, but in light of what I know now (she was going through a lot of shit when I first encountered her), I'm kinda glad I waited a little bit.

Anyway, good luck anonette. If he doesn't come around don't fret. There'll be another. Just keep putting yourself out there.

I need to get shaved and showered, and then drive almost an hour to this jeweler... he's a family friend and is gonna give me a good deal.
No. I've given up on dating until next year. I've exhausted my tolerance for rejection and disappointment for the year already.
Men when you see a woman who looks like this do you care about her face at all or is it all about her body? If she had an ugly face would you still consider her hot?
well, thread was nice for a little while there...
they'll call you a butterface
>Do men like skirts specifically designed to be sexy and skimpy
You have to be having a laugh babe
I mean, you just made up shit about me, I'm sorry if I said it's not true I am a "known cheater" or "damage people".
They're fucking hot of course.
Wear one if you want to send the signal "you better sex me tonight".

If your body is like that, you were made to be fucked hard until your pussy leaks my jizz.

I'm 190cm, I have yet to meet a woman that comes even close.

What did you get rejected for?
I'm not denying it, I've just never encountered it personally and struggle to compute it. Regardless of whether it's common or rare, you've clearly experienced it and it sounds super fucked up. I hope you find yourself in a better environment sooner rather than later.
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Anyone notice that the Pizza Cake comics lady has become really delulu and out of touch on relations between men and women lately?

Is she having a mental break?
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Nah tall are women are hot too
Face is the most important, also I'm into bigger boobs than that
>What did you get rejected for?
Idk, couldn't ask. I just take the "no thanks" and stop bothering them.
>hey baby girl, are you a bowling pin cause I wanna take you down with two balls
Yes, men like legs, generally. Men like the teasing of a panty shot. Skirts are THE female clothing item for a reason (this is also why I've never liked the fact we teach girls to wear skirts when they're super young).
How approtiate it is for a date depends on the atmosphere of the date, how short the skirt is, what you're wearing with it (sort of officey attire just with a shorter skirt? Probably fine. Crop top and a miniskirt? Bit slutty) and the guy you are with. Some guys will be worried about other men eyeing you and maybe even assume you want them to, since men, like women, are made of insecurities.
M Her expression there actually makes me dislike her. Seems like she's going for that ditzy airhead look and playing to the camera.
>not holding men and the patriarchal system they benefit from accountable
If we all kowtowed to your bullshit respectability politics, nothing would ever get done that improves the situations of marginalized people including women
Face is the most important to a degree, but I would not say to a bod like that.
Believe me, I unironically would. A girl who looks like that is worth a reservation at Dorsia 5 months in advance.
Reddit has the same demographic as 4chan (depressed ugly men) so makes sense
So you were pretending to defend yourself. It's true you're a cheater and you did damage people irl and online
I mean I'm a bit biased as a giantess enjoyer, but no it's a turn-on
A good body can definitely help compensate, but I care more about face desu
please dont reply to me again
Face is more important and personally after spending half of my life in Miami I have grown quite the distaste for the latinx phenotype in that pic
idk but reverse image search sent me here: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/110256352

and now f̶o̶r̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶l I find her less appealing
Normally I would, but a body like that makes it so my caveman brain wins over my logic brain.
How are you equating depressed and ugly with not treating women like people? Please draw me the line of logical connections in this argument. Maybe illustrate it in the form of a decision tree.
Sorry to hear that.
Was that online or IRL?
Women be pretty though...
I've done all that and still nothing
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I could have just told you her name is loopziepop if you had asked.
Tall girls are peak. I don't really feel much for most women, but if they're black or tall (never seen a tall black girl), neurons activate

This also, wish I was a manlet
Would you make fun of me if I had to google what that is?
yeah desu as a 4chan woman who's been primed to think of reddit as land of the cucks, i got a bit of culture shock at how awful they can be once i actually checked it out. on 4chan, i can take anything, it's just expected, but on reddit it's like... man, i can see your post history, you're an actual person on here, not one in any number of anonymised posts, what are you doing saying this shit?
The only thing I don't like about the Cubans and the Venezuelans as that they are Republicans and are easily brainwashed into associating reasonable moderate liberal policies in America with LatAm c0mMuNiSm in spite of all evidence otherwise.
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I have no idea who this is
>What I really need is for men to stop being utter pieces of shit as a class. Quit raping and/or looking the other way or joining in when your buddies do for ONE fucking day.
I don't have a girlfriend and women don't care about me
IRL. I don't do online stuff, shit never even gets close to starting.
She's always had a major victim complex
nta but sometimes, people who feel unattractive or are struggling with depression might project their insecurities onto others or expect different treatment from them.
I was friends once with a guy who was rumored to be a rapist. Well, I say guy, but she transitioned shortly after the rape rumors started.

I stopped hanging out with her after I heard she tried to rape some chick who went to the rich school on the north side of town.
Face is where people look first. Always has been. Its where I looked first. I don't like her face. Very "white girl trying to be asian".
That said I don't think she's hot at all regardless. Not really seeing the appeal. She just looks like the average early 20 year old.
the face in that pic is pretty mid honestly, not bad, just nothing to write home about. Her body is otherworldly though.
hello op uno
There would be violence and punishment for this behaviour. The baby would be thrown on the bed and get tickles and then I'd blow raspberries on his belly. He will suffer for hurting my online video character and damaging my k/d ratio.
I understand that reference!
the bite marks make me think this is just her venting her fantasy of being manhandled
'cause as a man if i actually wanted to destroy a woman id turn into a car and yell "autobots activate" and crush her
Women, what do you think of these video filters that let white women look Asian?
I don't look at the face first. In the summer I look at the feet first because the shape and motion of toes in sandals makes my pee pee horny. After that I assess the genitalia, of either men or women. For men I size up their penis size and scrote from what I can see of the bulge in their pants. For women I look for camel toe or if she's wearing a skirt or a dress I try to see if there's any outline that shows up depending on how she sits.

Lastly, I look at the hair so I can identify the person later by hair style and colour.
I prefer weird faces frankly
no one on this forum will care about your suffering because they're only here to laugh at others and humiliate them while pretending they're just so skilled they would easily avoid any negative situation. Even though they were just lucky.
i saw a graph that said that the longer you know a girl the less likely you are to get a date. is that true and to what extent
This makes me almost want to date a guy who plays video games.
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when i was a teenager yeah unironically. i'm 27 now so i don't cry anymore but the horniness has actually gotten worse, which i didn't think was supposed to happen.
>Foot fag
Sorry bro but foot fags aren't what anyone is talking about when speaking generally, they're talking about normal people
Holy fuck, would
I don't know how to put it into words but I love "unconventially attractive" women with more masculine features that still make me feel some kinda way
As a man if I wanted to destroy a woman I'd report her to her workplace's DEI department and send them fabricated and doctored social media posts that are allegedly of her saying racist and transphobic/homophobic things online.
It’s a tossup these days. Lots of college “educated” libtards, lots of wannabe trad larps. Very little independently formed though here. I hate Miami, but it’s a pig that must be bled and stuffed before my work can be considered done.
Lol at all the anons who think her face is mid. I think she's pretty and way prettier than me so I'm probably going to die alone
Idc since I'm neither race.
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>i have black friends
F somewhat true. The longer you know a girl without expressing romantic intentions, the more she'll think you just want to keep things platonic.
4chan anons keep winning
i think it is 'cause theres this guy at my work who is "a guy friend" of nearly every woman, but none of them even vaguely recognize him as a dating prospect, even if theyre into guys like him, but when i first started the job some were interested.
ching chong ping pong
how long
I'm Asian but I think it's a little silly. Grass is always greener, etc.
Men, my dad says he wants burgers for lunch and asked for them to be "different" without giving me any ideas on how so. What are your burger recipes/tips to mix it up?
yeah trannies are weird. I got falsely accused once. That was also bad.
The last time I mentioned, not just Miami, but FLORIDA, to a foreigner who had never been there, he started ranting about "oh those Cuban coke dealers killing people and getting people high" like it was still the 1980s. Also, that guy was a dickhead anyway.
I can't really come up with a blanket answer like that. Maybe six months?
This is not true in heavily autistical social circles. The most autistic woman I know has mostly dated men she's known for a while.
Man I hate people who do shit like this. Why the fuck should I make you food, then think on how to make it special for you?
That said,
Add mint and pepper to the meat while its cooking and an entire egg
Its good trust
Add slices of cooked sweet red beet.
Have you considered that your dad is taking advantage of you?
Don't like it but is what it is
>The grass is greener
I'd genuinely instantly spit that shit out.
Make it spicy
I don't even play vidya that much. I'd release violence regardless :)
Tbh I have gone too far a bit too often. There's almost always one cousin that I manage to make cry. But then I cuddle him/her tell him it's okay, scratch his head and wipe away the tears and tell him I love him and I care and I went a bit too far. Then I'll ask him if he's still hurt and if he wants to play again.
5 minutes he's forgotten all about it and is again teasing me for another takedown.
Cycle repeats and punishment ensues.
>social circles
>literally 1 person
>State gender

>Favorite non-Japanese animated series?
This is tough.
I had a very difficult time narrowing it down.

>F Batman: The Animated Series
But this bitch FPBP
There were episodes better than a lot of big budget movies I've seen.

So I'll say Futurama. It's deceptively brilliant and imbeds plot points and story arcs peppered throughout a silly cartoon that resolves by the end of the episode.

>Is this just my nostalgia talking?
Here's the thing about EEnE: it's a simplistic cartoon limited in scope with simply designed characters that, unless I missed anything, never much changed or evolved throughout the series.
That limited it.

But holy fuck did they nail the ever loving FUCK out of the characterization. At no point is any character ever on screen and *not* being 100% themselves and instantly recognizable. No two characters are remotely similar or forgettable.
Each character is an absolute new take on an ancient character type all set within the setting of a cult de sac.
They're all *unique* and iconic in their portrayal of their character type.
There are infinite lunkheads in media. But there's only one Ed.

And I say all this having not seen all the episodes, not seeing any in a decade, and I can't remember the names of the blonde, Ed's sister, the Canker sisters, or Plank's buddy. But I could describe them.

I could sperg about toons all day.
don't worry, that's just the makeup.
She does the thing some girls do where you extend the corners of your eyes by drawing past them with a makeup pen (idk what they're called). I took that into account when rating her.
Peanut butter as a sauce, potato chips as a topping. Those are some classic variations.

You could also make it a pizza burger where you have tomato sauce and mozarrela melt baked on to the meat patty, maybe with some pepperonis, mushrooms, or salami slices thrown in.
I'm suffering from lack of male attention
Should I off myself
It's not a deal breaker and I'm not picky because I'm a manlet but I prefer women shorter than me in general. I like how heels make girls legs look but I find the height change in women I know a little surreal feeling.
She is a MILF though
Also classic plebbit downvoooting someone into oblivion because they have "controversial" opinions
Yeah with all the autistic gals I've personally known IRL, they were friends with their bfs for a good while beforehand
Cast her from your thoughts, anon. She's turned her back on you. She cleaves now to another man, a husband.
If you are a man, just go hiking.
If you are a woman, hornypost.
>taking advantage of you
You mean, like, sexually?
So I broke up with my gf of 3 years in 2023 and a few months after that I met a virgin girl (she is 29,im 32) and we started talking. She was mid and not as attractive as my ex but her character was way better for a wife than my bpd ex. So she was coming here and we were going for walks etc, ngl I was in my orthodox phase and I didn't really wanted to take her out in public so it was just walking/rides with my sports car. She was ok until she started complaining that I never take her out and all that girl stuff. Anyway eventually 2 months ago so after almost a year I took her virginity, we fucked around a few times aswell but I was never invested in her, she was invested in my but she is really selfish and will never let go of something if it bothers her. A month ago she changed workplace and moved 40min away from my house and worked 6-7 days a week and I saw her max once or twice a week. For me she was always a backround girl to wind off the damage my ex did. After a few weeks we started fighting and we got into huge argument and she told me it's better to leave it here, and I agreed. She sent me a photo yesterday about some pasta to put with my beef but I ghosted. Was I gaslighted? Also I hit with no condom and im waiting on her period. Should I keep contact to make sure she is not pregnant?
Hey babe, wuu2 today
Who and whom?
Yea. Kids love me for some reason and I'm very patient in general.
That said,
I don't like kids

Based kid through
That's brutal. Imagine giving your attention for over 6 months to a girl and she would just friendzone you in the end.
i appreciate the attempt
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>"You're one of the good ones!"
I have never had a single woman be interested in me. You can get laid whenever you want unless you chose to be fat. Unless you're fat, you can literally go on tinder and get a top 1% person, with 6 ft height, 6-pack, and 6 figure income to fuck your brains out. Right now. Women won't even look at me or talk to me for more than 5 minutes before finding an excuse to stay away from me.
I'm beyond over it at this point. I just want him to shut up and eat. How much of each are we talking?
After cooking, right?
I'm the one who gets to live in this house for only a grand a month, so I'd say we're about even as long as he's not hitting me anymore.
Men are absolute trash
No... no... dude, get your mind out of the gutter.
He'd complain.
The latter sounds much better than the former. Is a peanut butter and potato chip burger really a thing?
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Males, would you?
>we were going for walks etc, ngl I was in my orthodox phase and I didn't really wanted to take her out in public
Bruv you talk as if she's a pet dog
>took her virginity, we fucked around a few times aswell but I was never invested in her, she was invested in my but she is really selfish
You sound like the selfish one here ngl
>For me she was always a backround girl to
>Should I keep contact to make sure she is not pregnant?
And they say romance is dead...
I think I'm in love...
Your dad is grooming you. He wants to bend you over and fuck you up the asshole. Why do you think he's letting you live there so cheap? He's plotting to sodomize you.
>try to be nice or friendly to a married woman
>gives the same cold stand-offishness as single women
>After cooking, right?
What do you mean?
Like onions or tomates, just sliced on top.
if she doesn't want you in the beginning, you're not handsome enough for her and she's probably being fucked by some chad
Imagine waking up to this crazed stare
I mean I can't see her face so
You're a shit head. That's all I have to contribute.
>'m the one who gets to live in this house for only a grand a month, so I'd say we're about even as long as he's not hitting me anymore.
Wait nevermind, I didn't read this at first.
You are just a LARP.
>Is a peanut butter and potato chip burger really a thing?
Yes, there's a long history of "quirky" burger restaurants that do these types of combos. In both medium-sized cities I've lived in there was a place like that within quick driving distance of the nearest college students. If your business appeals to a sense of novelty, college students are usually a good bet for your clientele.
Oh, no, sorry, I mean you should jump on her before the sixth month period is up or you're in the friendzone for sure.
Yeh, I wasn't sure if you meant as a topping or not.
Nm jc ph hbu?
how can one be this devilishly cute?
should've fucked her a few times more because you're a chad
she would have cried afterwards but she doesn't care
she managed to fuck chad
liar you'd do the same thing
liar you'd do the same thing
>only a grand a month
Wtf is he living in a mansion or something
She thinks you're trying to play gay homewrecker and use a friendship with her to get in her husband's pants.

You make her gaydar go off and she's afraid you want to suck her husband's dick behind her back.
>as long as he's not hitting me anymore
Dude... and you think he'll leave the house to you...
Not just cute, but really fucking hot.
I wish she'd spread her legs for me.
honk honk
cope, you'd do the same thing if you were a chad
tfw no insane bpd gf
Dude, she's just sixteen years old. Leave her alone.
>you'd do the same thing
I wouldn't though
>a grand a month
That's actually not that great...
I also understood that reference!
but if you come across as gay then single women would try to faghag you
no because you're a bottom 20% incel who couldn't get sex
if you were chad you'd do the exact same thing
stop lying to yourself
You're not entitled to a relationship. And being "friends" in the hopes of getting in someone's pants is really scummy.
>Nm jc ph hbu?
"Not much, just cooming to pornhub, how about you"?
I'm just sitting in the back yard having a ciggie, was making some trax tho I should do some werk
The Internet and its consequences
She is like 20 or 21.
All the better to plot a devious scheme to seduce her husband and suck his cock! Homewrecking time!
>you're a bottom 20% incel who couldn't get sex
I've had girls want to be fwb kek, it's dating I struggle with
Not much just chillin pretty horny
can I assume the "treat women like human beings" thing that she acts like normal men treat women in a muslim-tier way or what
Still too young. Really pushing it on the creep-o-meter.
Bro... if you can't do something within six months to make your intentions known, you game fucking sucks and you deserve the friendzone.
this is why you should never be friends with women
I guess it's worth a try. Do you eat it hot off the grill, or do you let it cool a bit before adding the peanut butter? I'd think it'd run if it was too hot.
Normal rent around here for a studio apartment is like 1.6k. And this way I get my own room and bathroom and all that. The house maintenance is the part that makes the deal almost not worth it, though.
He will. He has literally nobody else to leave it to.
I wish posters here talked less about dicks
It sounds like you don't understand what friendship actually is or entails, because you are too coombrained
then you're a chad
just fuck women and abuse them sexually
the reason you're not doing that is why you won't get a girlfriend
You have no clue how old any anon here is.
Not everybody is a 43 year old bald and fattie like you.
she was the one who started talking shit during our arguments, women should obey their man

I understand that i didn't take her places, im not that type of guy, ive been through that phase..

>because you're a chad
im not chad bro lmao, i feel kinda bad for her and women here are mocking me instead of helping the situation
Women hate male attention tho
>t. 38 year old still browsing 4chan
many such cases
how can you be friends with a girl if you want to fuck her? and every man wants to fuck every girl he sees. Unless she's fat.
I've been to two restaurants that have done this. One of them is closed now but was in business for a good 20-30 years, the other was part of a small local chain. I'm not really sure what their process is for preparing the burgers, but I think if I were doing it myself I'd try to melt the peanut butter on to the patty while I have it on the grill.
Is 21v27 too big of an age gap?
I would do a smash burger with literally just salt and maybe some mustard to dip into
I am the embodiment of “white peoples don’t season dey food”
post bmi.
Men what is something you fantasize about that you couldn't ask a girl to do with you?
I'm a guy and can acknowledge you sound like garbage.
>im not chad bro lmao, i feel kinda bad for her and women here are mocking me instead of helping the situation
You are chad. You shouldn't care. You should call her and fuck her again. Then when you've found another girl to fuck you should ghost her because she's old used up trash.
Fine, let's talk about vaginas instead. Do you have a vagina?
let me get her pregnant
I'd ask them whatever I want.
I'm open about my wishes and always try to clearly communicate.
Have you ever considered that he can sell it or donate it to whatever organization he wants?
only old hags care because they're malding
stop caring about society
they tell you you don't deserve sex and yet demand you should adhere to their standards but do not provide you with sex and a partner
society is to be ignored like the disgusting waste of space that it is
Yep, there's that coombrain we're talking about. The interplay of misogyny and sexual lust.
Suck my dick and let me cry while I release sexual trauma until I cum
ageplay and experimenting with hypnosis
all women can do is try and socially shame because they do not have any actual arguments.
I've taken pot shots at asking a few women out to dinner over text or over social media, it never amounted to anything.
The 6 years isn't an issue, but that you are most likely in very different phases of your life.
But it can work.
>Normal rent around here for a studio apartment is like 1.6k
Bitch, where do you live?!
I would love to do this with my bf or husband
Well he's white so it should be fine. A smash burger is just when you press it thin on the grill, right?
I never had the friendzone problem because I always had the mentality of if she liked me, she would fuck me. But girls did try to friendzone me in high school by texting me about stupid school shit.
>inb4 they were interested in you
I know what it looks like and they weren't.
>ngl I was in my orthodox phase and I didn't really wanted to take her out in public
why would a 32 year old man have a zoomer orthodox phase
How about both at the same time?
Do you like Dua Lipa?
Well I don't have either right now but sure
He would've sold it by now if he wanted to, and he would never donate to any charity ever.
The US. Shit has been expensive these past few years.
>I always had the mentality of if she liked me, she would fuck me.
F That is so damned stupid... women are conditioned to not make the first move.
It would take years of trust and relationship building before I could ask. I have only ever told one male friend what happened to me and none of my ex girlfriends ever knew
I don't know who. what, or where that is
Not really but she has one catchy song
I think it's called be the one
I'm not sure if the joke went over your head or it just wasn't that good...
I kinda wanna knead and massage a girl until she melts into a puddle of bliss.
Like basically just let me explore her body while being close to me sounds really nice.
Most girls I've been with want the porn-experience and be thrown around and stuff, which is fun and all, but it gets stale pretty quick if that's the only thing you're doing.
Rest my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat
Stupid sexy Albanian monkey. I would ravage her in the name of Serbia.
You meant do that with my bf and husband at the same time right? That was the joke?
>pretty horny
Are you gonna do something about it? :p
Yeah I've got the hangover hornies rn too. Tempted to sneak off to the bathroom at some point and fap but people are about so I gotta be subtle
Besides being horny, have any weekend plans?
>He would've sold it by now if he wanted to
I mean, that part comes after when he's dead and can't use it anymore. It's the ultimate act of spite, I've seen it happen.
Accompany me to a nude sauna.

Go to a co-ed lingam and yoni steam room with me where she steams her vagina while I steam my penis.
She's Kosovar, not Albanian
Only, potentially, for the older party. It's possible the younger party isn't mature enough to know what they want in life, while the older one is more set in their ways and ready to settle down. Thus it's possible the younger will 'outgrow' the older as a temporary phase rather than something they actually want at their core. So that's something to be aware of.
But morally, it's in the clear imo, assuming both are more or less normies.
They make the first move if they like you enough. Fuck off with that bullshit, dumb cunt.
>In the name of Serbia
I'm really not, I just used to have some slutty friends
I don't have any interest in abusing women sorry to disappoint you
>im not that type of guy
Hdym? You never even took her to dinner or something she wanted to go to?
I'm getting this house.
For the longest time I thought she was a black/hispanic American
nta but I am not going to make the first move because I could be wrong and I really don't want to embarrasses myself. I would unironically rather live alone with a bunch of cats than that.
question for women,
If I'm going out with a girl that is very into me, but I'm not into her, is it more rude to go straight home without having sex with her and basically "cut the fun short", or taking her home for sex and then telling her the morning after that we're not compatible?
I don't know if women like to have the closure of sex when they're with a guy they like.
I read that as freetus.
I guess I took it seriously, I'm autistic
>Guy got "friendzoned"
>He'd already slept with her and been together for months
That's not the friendzone, that's being dumped

I just pepper the pepper until its covering it all, then grab 2 or 3 stems of mint and spread them, then add an egg
Why would I make a move on you when I can just wait for someone else?
the latter is waaaaay worse, like minor mental breakdown worse
I'd never want to be pumped and dumped.
That's easy to accommodate. Assuming you mean in the context of a relationship, I'd let a guy do whatever whenever in private.
Hi Autistic, I'm Austrian!
Dude, he's fucking hit you before. Do you honestly believe that?
This is rage bait, fuck you
>Is it a dealbreaker if a girl is taller than you? If she's taller than you in heels, does that irk you?
It's not a dealbreaker if she asks me out.
It's a dealbreaker for me asking her out, because I already know that her answer is no.
>very honest relationship with bf
>dating almost 3 months, most intense shit I've ever experienced
>bluntly ask him if he'd leave me for his ex of 5 years if she were to come crawling back to him
>he said yes, probably
Is this recoverable? Should I stay? I didn't make it an argument or anything, I just needed to know and now it's my cross to bear.
Why am I so unlovable when I do everything right?
For what it's worth, this scenario is very unlikely to occur or be plausible.
>I'm really not, I just used to have some slutty friends
>I don't have any interest in abusing women sorry to disappoint you
You are chad
You're just unwilling to do what is necessary to obtain as much pussy as you could
How autistic are you?
Imo no
Honestly I think once someone is 21+ they are an adult and should be able to date as old as they want
Go on a date
Yes, she's a babe, a weeb, makes good trax, seems really chill in interviews (and her deep voice hnngh)
When you get the house can I be your bangmaid
just pump and dump her if you can
women will pretend like it's bad but they enjoy it
I still say it's not very... do you even have a backup plan?
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>baby zoomers and gen alpha now finding out about shad
What do you guys think of Shadgate? lmao
I'd leave. It seems like you're far more into him than he is into you.

>out with bf and his parents
>they had gone to a big music festival a week prior
>ask them how it went, tell them I heard they had a good time, and that my bf mentioned he had fallen asleep on the ride home
>parents look at eachother and say they thought he got a ride home with one of his female friends
>he laughs and turns to me and go "yes she offered me a ride home," and makes a joke about his parents being too drunk to drive
so he lied and now I feel like something weird is going on
The latter is cruel
Villains are cool
You should do the latter to be cool
Then do that? Why would I care about you if I don't know you exist? I have made the first move before, I just don't care to do it anymore. I'll take the girls who really like me. Makes for a better relationship.
>When you get the house can I be your bangmaid
Depends on the specifics of the contract, I guess.
>he said yes, probably
I wouldn't stay, that's some next-level disrespect and sorry you had to hear that
>Why am I so unlovable when I do everything right
I mean sounds like you are just unlucky and he is a shithead
i hope you kill yourself
had my ex bpd gf blocked and she called me from her mothers phone today. She told me that she ‘can’t get over me’ and that she wants to meet.

I broke up with her back in October because she wanted to invite a male friend who was in her uni at her house (other people were invited aswell) I told her no and that she is disrespectful for asking and i blocked her

She started sending me emails everyday telling me that im the worse person and the most toxic she ever met. Long story short she came back in town 2 weeks ago, we met for 15 mins because i was a beta and i agreed to see her but i didn't fuck her. She left my car crying because i didn't hug her.
She called me 5 times after that call in the morning and I told her to shut the fuck up. she came outside my house and i sat in her car for 10 mins and she tried to touch me and have sex with me. I told her that i don't want her, and she started laughing at me and she said she doesn't believe me. I was strong af for 2 weeks ignoring her but she won't stop, she is leaving in two days again but will be back in Sept for 2 months

Should i go or ghost? she is coming here in 30 mins. is it too much of a risk?
I meant more like, you're in the middle of doing the laundry, or working on your laptop or something and I put you on the table, eat you out, and fuck you without any lead up to it.
He cheated on you 100% sorry its over.
I could always live with my future partner.
bro you might as well get your dick wet
Women do you wish men would disappear?
Who is Shadman?
He cheated on you, 100%. Based parents for telling on him.

Kosovo je Srbija. She is Alb*nian
Instead of breaking up with people who cheat, why not invite the homewrecker to do sexual stuff to both of you? The more the merrier when it comes to pressing your hot, sweaty bods together, yeah?
He made some strange porn, I don't see what the big deal is
Apparently he tried to kill a guy too, but I doubt anyone's worked up over that
I mean, as long as he helps with the laundry or whatever afterwards to make up for lost time, that's fine. I'm pretty sure I want sex more often than any guy does, anyways.
Even if he didn't cheat, he tried to cheat.
The only pussy I'm interested in obtaining are cats
I've never seen the appeal of sleeping around over a loving relationship
Honeslty who cares lol
I don't know all the lore but isn't the worst thing he did draw lolicon porn based on real people? Which is fucked up don't get me wrong, but (to my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong) it's not like he's abusing anyone
>he is a shithead
So you're saying he should have lied.
What a great person you are.

Be happy he told you is still not over his ex.
I'd most likely leave.
>minor mental breakdown
what part about that would give you a breakdown?
from the answers I'm guessing quite a bit, I just assumed women would like to have sex with a guy they find attractive. Sue me.
Sounds reasonable
he hardly even knows you, what did you expect?
>nooo girl who I've known for a few months you are the love of my life
it's really a function of how he feels about his ex not you, you don't enter into the calculus with such a short relationship between you

He made cartoon porn of IRL children.
how tall is your bf? unironical question
Oh shiiiit
>makes a joke about his parents being too drunk to drive
Well, we're they?
If so then maybe I'm missing something but I don't see the issue
>The only pussy I'm interested in obtaining are cats
>I've never seen the appeal of sleeping around over a loving relationship
Why do you post here?
>hur dur I can get tons of women
>i just dont want to fuck them haha
>i'm so much better than you incels
you're just here to laugh at incels
>He made cartoon porn of IRL children.
Ok, that is terrible, but it's better than raping kids, right?
Your parents also sold your nude baby photos to pedo's to make money
Fuck no. If they were invisible, none of us would ever be safe.
yeah, I'll help, whatever. I just like the control that comes with it, and being able to manhandle my gf at a moments notice.
I doubt your drive would be higher than mine though.
I meant disappear from existence
Lay your terms
>she is coming here in 30 mins
Why lol
Bro once you've said what you need to say you need to block her and not look back. BPDs have serious attachment issues so don't keep dripfeeding it
I hate all albanians
His art's quite unappealing and focused on shock value, but nothing worth any moral outrage
This is why I stopped reading the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics. One of the first plot points was the Invisible Man raping and impregnating a bunch of Catholic schoolgirls before being allowed into the "heroes'" team. Shit left a bad taste in my mouth.
Yeah, but just because there's worse stuff in the world it doesn't mean this is fine.

No, they did not.
>I doubt your drive would be higher than mine though
I refuse to engage in another argument over who is hornier ITT, but I'll just say that I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on sex toys, while you haven't.
How often? 3 times a day is my average.
Would you also just suck your bf off to have him release the pressure even if you don't wanna do the whole game?
I will literally never get a girlfriend. I'm unlovable.
Bro... you unironically deserve this. You have no one to blame but yourself.
NTA but 12 years on 4chan and I still have no clue
Should men be allowed to teach school? You know, given that male school teachers always seem to end up masturbating, buggering, or demanding oral favours from their students?
I'm serious! My last ex liked it when I wore pants more than skirts sometimes so I wonder if mini skirts just look childish or something
he lied and told me he went home with his parents when in reality a girl gave him a ride home
why did he feel the need to lie about that
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Basically an edgelord artist who draws a lot of porn, and became controversial for drawing lolicon stuff, with some drawings based on real minors
There's probably more idk that's what I remember
>you're saying he should have lied
He shouldn't have lied, but he shouldn't be in a relationship with her if he's not over his ex, or would leave her for his ex lol
Alan Moore is kinda misogynist ngl.
Women only post here to laugh at incels
Oh, no. I need to be knocked up eventually.
Idk. Are you actually good with housework?
Sounds like somebody's stupid fetish.
Because he thought you would think he raped her. Modern society makes men very weird about admitting to being alone with a woman. If you even hear that a man was alone in the same room as a woman the rape rumors start flowing like a waterfall.
I don't think we should cancel from society anyone who ever interacted with him, but I do think that creating or getting off to pornographic material of children makes you a weirdo and a pedo. Defending pedos is weird.
>I can get tons of women
I can't though lol
I have issues
what if the roles were reversed and the girl lied about how she got home
Infamous Newgrounds porn artist. He was well known in the "edgy" scene because of his shock art.
I commend your honesty, but I really think you asked too soon. 3 months not only can't compare to 5 years, but you guys barely know each other. Especially depending on how long it's been since his last relationship ended.
If you'd been together a full year, you'd have a point and it'd be an indication to leave, but all I can see here is that you asked way too soon. 3 months may be a lot for you, but it's not that much for people with relationship experience. 3 months is basically the cutoff from "dating" to "in a relationship," you're still very much yet to conquer the threshold of "in a relationship" to "in a serious relationship," let alone "in it for the long haul".
And? You could just be using them like once or twice a day and that's it. Those are rookie numbers
I'm not trying to brag either, I know I'm weird for it. Excessive testosterone will do that to a mf.
I have never had a girlfriend and no girl will ever be interested in me
>Season 7
What! I had no idea about this
Ok, I can understand that, really, but drawing lolicon, who is that hurting?
Easily myself.
Three times a day sounds acceptable, but there'd also have to be sex before bed.
I've worked with plenty of male teachers/professors that were great.
Yes, because I was babysitting neighbor's kids when I was barely a teenager.
I'd be worried the man in the situation raped her and I would ask her if she's okay and if he did anything bad to her. If she says yes I'm gonna track him down to his home address and beat his ass.
I wish I was good-looking enough to cheat on my gf with female friends.
I mean I like pants too that show off your ass, but nah miniskirts are sexyy
no girl would ever be interested in me
>I need to be knocked up eventually.
>all we're worth is our sperm
I remember he drew nsfw art of his own mom and keemstars daughter and got kicked out from art college for it.
>what part about that would give you a breakdown?
all of it.
>he shouldn't be in a relationship with her if he's not over his ex, or would leave her for his ex lol
You say that as if that is always such a clear cut case to know.
The only male school teachers and especially bachelor school teachers that seem 'great' are the ones who don't get caught. It's very obvious they only want to work with young people so they can sexually groom them and inflict perverse behaviors on their charges.
How often do you feel like you won't make it through your work day without touching yourself?
>then you're a chad
she was the one break up with him how is he a chad lmao
I agree that is weird that he didn't just say his friend gave him a ride home
Maybe ask him about it I suppose?
>Are you actually good with housework
Yeah I'm actually decent lol, been doing it basically all my life
Also I'm low-maintenance and have a big dick. Hatris and chill?
Hey, I also love men's cocks and arms and backs and voices and all that. I want them to stick around.
For me it's usually morning horny, right away. Then around 2pm again. And once in the evening.
I'm currently hungover so I am extra horny like the other anon said. lol 5-6 times fapping
What would you want?
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are they gonna cancel Nanashi for all the horrendous shit he made before Nagatoro?
I was about to say deal, but I couldn't allow drugs in my home, so I guess it wouldn't work out. Only alcohol.
this place will never give any advice so why even bother
i will never get a gf
>Manga/Anime dude is a pervert
Why am I not surprized
Physically, nobody. Psychologically, I think it'd be difficult for any kid to find out there's drawn porn of them on the internet being gang raped and pissed.

I also think that you need to be kind of sick to make or consume material like that, and should not be allowed around kids.
Somewhat related...

Remember all the James Gunn shit?
my gf is always late when we hang out
we agree on a time for her to meet me at my place and then we usually go and do something
but she's always late
kinda makes me feel like she doesn't care about me in some way but I could be over thinking it
I may not have painted a full picture here.
>was the one to pursue me assertively
>wants to spend every waking moment with me and has been pushing to live together
>has changed parts of himself to make me more comfortable/appealing to me
>treats me as well as he can
>one of the most fascinating people I've ever met
So I'm conflicted.
I have considered this. My main issue is that I faced this exact dilemma (an ex begged to have me back) during our second month of dating and I only briefly considered it. This ex was my perfect match on paper, too.
I told him all of this when I asked the question, just so everything is kept true. (About my consideration, he already knew of the contact)
But I think you guys may be correct. Although I get attached at an alarming rate, it's unrealistic to expect that anyone else feels as I do.
I am now less likely to do that, thanks.
The only shadman art I fapped to was the futa vault girl
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If I had no other ambitions in life, I would drop everything and live in a 24/7 harem orgy house where I do nothing but fuck, eat, and then fuck again for basically the rest of my life.
And I don't even watch porn anymore, which may actually be more of a liability because my dick gets hard by a breeze blowing on it.
Being this fucking virile is straight up not fun.
women will never care about me
That sounds good. But like I said I'd also want to regularly do it right before sleeping. Like I'm talking after brushing teeth and putting phones to charge and all that.
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Here is some advice for you: kys.

no advice that anyone could give would get you a gf
so why bother
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Both genders:
This happened months ago, but I need to know if I fumbled or I'm overthinking it.
>cute girl at my work
>we're close by
>she asks what I'm doing after work and I say nothing
>I ask her what she's doing after work and she says nothing
I didn't follow up because I assumed she was just being friendly. But did she want me to ask her to do something? She never asked me that question before or after that. I know her parents are hella strict and she's part Egyptian and can't really date or anything. But his other dude hung out with her after she asked me that and he mentioned that she's "lonely" and used air quotes for that for some reason. I guess I got nervous because I didn't want to read it wrong and ask her to do something and she said no and I get in trouble at work or some shit.
you are overthinking it but she shouldnt be late. thats very rude. shes probably just the type to be chronically late even if she doesnt mean to.
Maybe you need a man to suck on your penis.
This Boogie character is just really stale at his point, he really just does the same things over and over with little variation.
Chris-Chan is much better written. He constantly escalated his shenanigans and had tons of character development until it all came to a head in the grand finale.
Dude I literally went to bed.
I'll always be alone
I do this but I'm obsessed with my boyfriend. I'm just a late person if it isn't work.
See if she's like that with friends. If it really hurts you, you can tell her.
Would you want me to cum inside you and then fall asleep filled or would you go wash it out?
I personally think if you're a good gf you deserve to be filled.
Who's Boogie?
My 24/7 fantasies are more grounded in the context of a relationship where we spend every moment either sharing our lives with our kid or hidden away in our room having sex.
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I've never had a gf
and it's your loss, women
The jannnies gave me a warning for cat pictures yesterday, fuk those biatches
>I think it'd be difficult for any kid to find out there's drawn porn of them on the internet being gang raped and pissed.
That would be bad, yes, but honestly, how is that going to happen? A kid doesn't travel in those circles.
I've been obsessed with making harems on janitor ai
Thank you femanon who mentioned it
you lost the opportunity you'll always be alone
Oh, fuck no. That's literal nightmare fuel.

going to tell you a great big secret that nobody should ever be told. the reason nobody will tell you how to do it is that it isn't a thing worth doing.
Some people just lose track of time like that. If you want to keep her, you have two options: See the lighter side and perpetually predend everything is x minutes earlier than it actually is to engineer a punctual arrival, and/or be honest with her about how it makes you feel and have an honest, non-judgemental conversation about this quirk of hers and whether it's something innate to her or has anything to do with you.
>how is that going to happen?
Looking themselves up online, or looking at their social media.
Hi JH, it's me!
you probably have a partner
I'll always be alone
I got a ban for saying "negro" once.
So you’ve just been spiraling the last 4 hours? Lmao. Make your own luck dude.
so I should always be alone I guess
I guess that's what was to be expected
no girl has ever wanted me anyways
That is good to hear because I think I am going with skirt! Thanks
>no girl has ever wanted me

what women want is demonstrably wrong and evil
Was this all just to troll me?
Get fucked.
What? If I google myself, I don't expect to see porn of myself. Unless I'm famous, maybe. And how is a kid going to know what social media a pervert posts their porn on?
>I want them to stick around.
ugh okay fine
Yes! :D https://youtu.be/eBMr_wW0rTk?si=pUSySg5Dd2Z66ATQ https://www.reddit.com/r/TotallySpies/comments/1cqrbil/totally_spies_season_7_french_opening_english/?rdt=35489&captcha=1
Currently it's airing in French but you can find English subs on the subplebbit
If he's still into his ex, he should not be dating anyone else until he's over her. Acting like he's super into you when he's still not particularly attached to you and more into someone else is a red flag of its own.
I had a gay acquaintance of mine offer to blow me, but I luckily refused. I'm glad I didn't let him.
It's not even a fantasy, it's a drive that I have to hold back. Self control, money, and girls rejecting me is the only thing standing between me and living in a mansion of live-in whores that I fuck non-stop until my body gives out.
Don't mistake him being a different person from you as meaning he's less invested than you or has less potential as a partner than you.
That said, I think this conversation should give you pause about how attached you're getting on your end. He may be displaying a large amount of investment in you outside of this, but that could be a symptom of "pour yourself into new girl so you don't have to think of the pain of losing ex".

Basically, I wouldn't be hasty to break up over this, but I'd maybe pump the breaks on making any serious plans until he's more settled in the present.
>Was this all just to troll me?
See, I'm thinking the exact same when we hornypost.
It doesn't really matter
I'll never find a girl who cares about me
I've tried for years and have always been unlucky and alone
Women what do i gotta do for you to take my virginity?
Pay up.
you should kill yourself
Do you actually give a fuck about this girl (doubtful considering you've apparently never showed an interest in her life before or since), or are you just sore that you maybe missed an opportunity to get your dick wet in the wake of some poor girl's personal problems?
Dare I say... based
This lol, they lost interest in me (besides HS gf we agreed we worked better as friends)
Tbf, Nanashi drew some wack hentai, burt there's a huge difference between that and drawings based on real children
We can only assume but iirc their gender was anonymous
It's a fantasy because it can't come true. Just like my fantasy of a gangbang that I've meticulously planned out the logistics for. Unfortunately I couldn't be sure the men would act how I'd want them to, so it's not worth the risk.
why do men cheat on their girlfriends?
>If I google myself, I don't expect to see porn of myself. Unless I'm famous, maybe
Because there's probably none. If a fairly popular porn account made porn of you, saying it's you, then it'd pop up.

>how is a kid going to know what social media a pervert posts their porn on?
It'd be on their social media in 3 seconds, have you ever been on the internet? lmao
why should he
women don't care about him
Lame. One of us needs to change our preferences and it won't be me.
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>couldn't allow drugs in my home
I'll keep them in the garden jk
Dw I'd be fine with just Baileys and karaoke on a Friday night
Redpill me on what he's done now lol
Fat YouTuber who got known for his skits back in the day
women don't care about low value men
first date with a girl coming up. better to be horny or clear minded?
All I'll say is I'm the one with the natural desire of what is normal, maam.
But I'm definitely not going to stop hornypost every now and then.
Women would you rather a cheater who never beats you or a beater who never cheats?
Yeh, but I how would I find it? This pervert, does he title stuff after the kid's name? You're misunderstanding, does a little kid even know what lolicon is?
Atta girl ;P have fun
Because a lot of people are selfish and have issues
Yesterday I was doing coke with a woman having a mid-life crisis and cheating on her husband (not with me), it goes both ways
>Dw I'd be fine with just Baileys
No, you'd have to also drink whatever I mix.
women will never want me
Well, it'd be nice to be noticed, at least
women are you scared of the penis?
Maybe, but you can always go for girls.
It's not normal to want to glaze a human like a cinnamon roll. That's not what nature intended.
I will always be alone
Depends what you're gunning for really, if it's casual and you're just trying to smash then maybe being horny is advantageous. If you think you like her as a person and are looking for something more serious then I would fap (and shower ofc) before the date for post-nut clarity so you can just focus on getting to know her and having fun. No need to get sexual on a first date so
Men are genetically programmed to spread their seed far and wide and need societal conditioning to stamp out this behavior
Cheater, I'd rather not be physically hurt.
I never said that.
I'm always for unprotected creampies.
Gonna try to make pudding from scratch today for a potluck. Wish me luck.

Last time I did it, it tasted pretty good but I had some cornstarch lumps that were a bit of a dealbreaker on sharing it with other people so I've read up on getting around that, mainly using a small amount of milk to my well-mixed dries and mixing that very well before adding the rest of the milk and boiling it
how would you want them to act?
no one has ever wanted me so I'll always be alone
horny is always better, if you aren't horny and treat her normally instead of making it obvious you want to fuck her she won't feel le heckin sparkerino
I'd rather be single, so I guess cheater, since I can just keep him on the backburner and not fuck him.
So it's okay to cheat on girls? Got it.
have you ever lived close to them?
women are you grossed out by men who jerk off?
I don't think this is true desu, most people are monogamous
Are you going to poison me :o
Oh yeah, I forgot the obvious one of helping avoid any awkward boners on the date by fapping beforehand lol. Don't want her thinking you're a perv or just want to smash
kill yourself
Yes, it's only bad if women cheat. Cheating on your gf is no big deal
No. I never want to be cheated on or beaten.
lol no, that's basically all men, except religious weirdos who are gross for different reasons
I knew some idiot was going to do that...
This guy slurries
>most people are monogamous
most people live in a society
most males have very few opportunities to cheat as well
why isnt it a big deal
I see. I guess it makes sense since you're showing high value by sleeping with other women and this will make your gf more insecure and make her try harder to please you.
She doesn't make him feel hot anymore
kill yourself
Yea I have
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>most people live in a society

finally, you get it.
then why do you ask
If a man actually beat you, you'd be dead. Slapping your gf a few times is nothing.
Anon, the lesser of two evils is still an evil.
how would you feel if you found out your bf didn't jerk off, ever, and his sole sexual release came from having sex with (you)?
I don't want to be beaten or slapped. I want to be treated with love and kindness, and respect.
>If a man actually beat you, you'd be dead.
nta but I don't think this would actually happen. He still wants the sex.
I'm scared I'll never get one in my hands again, yes.
Mindful and respectful.
>I want to be treated with love and kindness, and respect.
But you don't date those men for some reason. Curious.
Hot, honestly.
>I want to be treated with love and kindness, and respect.
lol gay
A mindful and respectful gangbang? :/
Women, say Scooby-doo out loud, but replace 'oo' with 'ee'
no one would ever date me
nta but again, that does not mean spineless.
Pretty neutral. I guess if we're only fucking as often as I want to (as in I'm not putting in extra effort to keep him happy) it'd be a bit of a relief to know we're so sexually compatible.
>But you don't date those men for some reason
I date men who treat me nicely, tho. My husband is literally washing my car right now lol
It's not like you actually care
I won't fall for your trickster traps, gen a!
>My husband is literally washing my car right now lol
Chad shit
He looks really hot, I'm spying on him from my freezing cold bedroom. I'd help him if it wasn't an oven out there.
if you're taking about yourself, you don't sound loving, kind, or respectful at all
if you're relating to the beater, you simply pick incredibly damaged women and keep them damaged, resulting in a very a skewed sample
I know. It's an oxymoron.
women would you let your bf inspect your pussy?
kill yourself
whatever works, works y'know?
>Mindful and respectful.

kill yourself
i like her as a person and want something serious
What's wrong with them?
No, but thanks for your input.
Just like you, my horny friend.
I will always be alone
nta but it's your car. Why aren't you helping him?
i ventured into pornhub's 'for women' section a while ago and stumbled on an audio-only gangbang soundscape that began with the main VA announcing that the woman participating was under his protection and needed to be treated with respect, very hot
>women wearing shirts in beach volleyball

Foids... I'm starting to think the west has fallen.
Does this count as spam?
how does that even work?
Isn't the appeal of them that you get control stripped away from you and get manhandled and thrown around and used like a fuck doll?
Also, unrelated, but I would get icked the fuck out if my gf ever told me this. How many women do you think are into that?
Please suck his dick once he's finished
what's there to care about?
it doesn't matter anyways
>VA announcing that the woman participating was under his protection
kek, so a literal cuckold?
no women will ever care about me
>freezing cold bedroom
>oven out there
wow, not very energy conscious, way to accelerate climate change
bot response, disengage
Answer their question or don't bother replying.

t. Male
Women, are you a vampire, witch, fairy, or mermaid?
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ok i hear how that came off, and i swear it wasn't like that, or maybe i was just horny idk
I am unironically all of them
>if you're relating to the beater, you simply pick incredibly damaged women and keep them damaged, resulting in a very a skewed sample
I don't think that's true. It happens sometimes. My uncle and father have done it too.
>tfw you will never see Oxford doing a bikini car wash
Well up to you bud but I would fap before you shower and get ready for the date, for dat post-nut clarity
How well do you already know her?
Bite me.
Is his voice nice, at least? Sounds don't do ot as well for me as roleplays do, but it sounds alright.
Because it's really hot outside and I feel violently sick in the heat. He doesn't mind helping me out with stuff like this.

That I will do.

I have a very well insulated house and solar panels.
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not very well
F. Witch, I guess.
then your father and uncle picked damaged women, what's difficult about this? wtf are you walking about, do you think your life is not a skewed sample size?
>tfw no Buffy Sabrina Stella Ariel gf
why fucking liiiiiive
I will always be alone
kysposter has made like 5 identical spam posts
Bro you've been posting the same shit all day, go have a smoothie or smth
kill yourself
surfing in 30
gonna be gud
>ALRIGHT LISTEN UP, this is MY WIFE you're going to be fucking, understand?
>If you try any funny business I will write you an angry letter in the mail
>I'll be in the closet keeping an eye on you fellas, keep it sportsmanlike now and make sure she cums at least once, got it?
women can't seriously be into that, right?
What happened to them wanting a protective, jealous and possessive bf?
>Bite me.
Oh I would.
But in return I'd ask you to scratch me with your nails.
there's nothing wrong with that
it's constructive
Nta but lots of people should unironically off themselves.
This is more common than you think. Every woman isn't damaged.
I'll never find a girl who cares about me
To the witch itt casting a level 10 horny on me - please stop for the love of god
Kill yourself
>got this husband a bj

not all heroes wear capes
>tfw just got my nails done and went with lipsticks, but nobody to scratch up with them
sure bro, your personal experience just happens to be a perfect cross section of society and not a fucking ghetto, i totally buy it
kill yourself
Very unlikely to happen. I fucking hate washing my car, top 3 most unpleasant chores.
I'll always be alone
Why are you upset? It's not just my family.
Nope. My wish on the vision board that the basic horniness level of everyone else rises to meet mine so I can meet a compatible partner is up there forever.
I'll never find a girl
Ok what if you just sit on the car in a bikini and look sexy while I wash it
Some warlock anon in here cast the same spell on me
nice bait, you're boring. bye.
I will always be alone
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Women if could shrink down, would you let me live in your mouth like flapjack?
It literally isn't. You got a femanon here who was put in a wheelchair. You don't talk to many people, do you?
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Which olympic boxer would you prefer to become a DV victim to?
No girl will ever care for me
Women what sci-fi technology do you want to be real?
3rd row, 3rd column
I will never find a girl
I will always be alone..
depends, how many of those are """women"""
Regenerative pods.
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She could KO me any day
I WILL find a girl.
She WILL love me.
She WILL care about my well-being.
She WILL flick her bean while thinking about me
I will never find a woman who cares about me
the shield from dune.
That way I can reject men as harshly as I'd like, knowing nothing bad will happen to me.
kill yourself
Something that turns straight women into pussy eating fiends.
>baiting autists like this

>She WILL flick her bean while thinking about chad
I will always be alone
I am the ugliest man in this thread and no girl will ever want me.
I think someone already used that on me.

>chad this
>chad that
row 1 column 4 could beat me within an inch of my life
meant for >>31700004

Are you actuary anon? What are your thoughts on the upcoming climate crisis?
State gender
From your personal experience, do girls have experience with blowjobs before they have their first time?
I’m dyinh
>Are you actuary anon?
Nope, sorry.
>What are your thoughts on the upcoming climate crisis?
Its wack
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I need a gf with a fat ass
F. If you count practice on inanimate objects as experience, yes.
if you had the ability to change one thing about the entire collective of the male gender whether physical/emotional/mental etc., what would it be?
it's the truth though
How about something that makes men view eating pussy like they view getting head?
I need a bf with a big cock
I will always be alone
All men now have perfect hygiene.
Told you before to post your hands.
I wnana see what I imagine kissing.
Why do you pick men with poor hygiene?

how many orgasms have you had?
be honest
Men are never violent.
Ok but go cast it on your future husband or something, we both know we're not gonna marry each other, or at least give me a cure for this.
It started to hurt after the 12th time..
kill them
idk if 6.3 inches in big or average
Why do you choose to date violent men?
above average
most men will have to kill themselves
And I told you not to hold your breath.
I don't. I just know they exist. Ideally, all men would have clean, huffable crotches.
Nope. Suffer like I do.
I don't date violent men.
all women love me
Women, thoughts on men who kiss your hand like you're a princess?
>And I told you not to hold your breath
Well I will when my face is burried deep between your legs.
*makes anime submarine noises*
>What happened to them wanting a protective
Literally what she just said

>jealous and possessive bf
Not a woman but I have seen many women turned off by the reality of jealous and protective bfs. Most jealous and possessive bfs aren't circling their mate, snarling at other men. They're insecurely bitching, whining, and raging at their woman for petty shit that's either innocent or not the woman's fault.
It's hard to invest in the fantasy when you know the reality.
Women can you get off watching a man jerk off?
I have only asked that question to a single person (my ex) and she told me she did a handjob once before her first time. No blowjobs.
I think that one might backfire, because they'll end up becoming effeminate wimps who hold their coffee mug with two hands and ask you to peg them every night, and will cry if you don't and ask you if you think they're ugly or something.
Violence and the self-control thereof, is what differentiates a man from a woman on a spiritual basis
Hot if not done sarcastically.
Very smooth.
row 1
column 3
I asked women, you attention starved illiterate retard
I think that's a pretty reductive view of men and women.
If I like him and he's jerking off for/to me, sure.
>picked the most mannish looking one
kinda gay bro
women here pretty much universally say how much they don't like cuckolds, did they all collectively decide to change their mind or something?
I answer whatever I want, dimwits
It is done with full sincerity
Thanks, I've honed my sexting skills over the years.
I think that's the bare bones of it though. There is more nuance to it, sure, but that's what it boils down to.
I can't imagine having sex without the guy displaying even a hint of violence.
Mushy shit like that melts my brain if I genuinely feel like he cares about me that much.
I had some slutty friends who said a bj was their first sexual experience so ig it's true for some people at least
I'm truly sorry for you, I can't imagine having sex with a man who is anything but loving towards me.
You seem like the type that has an above average appreciation for forehead kisses
>hold their coffee mug with two hands
Is this an ick
I do this all the time lol
how would you feel if your bf offered to organize a gang bang for your birthday?
I'd shoot him.
>can't imagine having sex without the guy displaying even a hint of violence
Ayo this is wild
Bangers and mash with the gang

It was clearly the gangbang aspect that appealed to her, which I fully understand. I primarily fap to reverse gangbang fantasies.

I used to fap to brother sister incest erotica despite not having the slightest in incest. It was just the only format for the smut I wanted. I enjoyed the bits I liked and ignored the incest. I could probably watch a cuckold video the same way.
I do care about her. I have a huge crush on her. But I was just too nervous to make a move.
NTA it looks really stupid and pathetic.
olympic teahupoo now
worth catching if you care at all
>really stupid and pathetic
Wtf that's a bit harsh lol I'm literally holding me mug
you do realize that things like assertiveness and dominance are a subset, or a lesser degree of violence, right?
Your bf would never push you onto the bed, he would never pin your hands above your head, or kiss you against the wall. He'd never bend you over, he'd never smack your ass...
I could go on, but you get the point.
Women do you believe in men?
Has the Olympic games started then? If I cared about sports I would watch
If there are any babes post pics here
>me mug
You're just digging your grave even deeper.
>I could probably watch a cuckold video the same way.
nvm then, pedo
I know someone whose bf took her to a sex club for her birthday as a surprise. She was surprised and not thrilled.
aren't women into that sort of thing?
What's too much violence, what's too little?
What if he says he wants to fuck you like a toy, essentially turning you into an object?
Any advice on getting maximum enjoyment out of the Olympics? State gender.
>ask if she is a bus because you want to hop on her and then get blocked
If this anon is still lurking, I Johnny Bravo-maxxed and texted this last night but she's still not replied
women does your labia look like butterfly wings?
No, they're not. Violence is using one's own force to hurt someone else. I'm not hurt when he is passionate in bed, neither physically nor otherwise. I'm not hurt by his assertiveness either.
Are girls/guys who spill their spaghetti into (You)?
yes you do
Women, when you are on a dating app and picking someone how do you or your friends choose a suitable candidate?
Nah, that's 4th row 2nd column
Women thoughts on men who don't wanna grow up?
never seen a more retarded post
no woman will ever love me
ready for kino
1. Is he hot?
2. Does he seem retarded?
3. Does he seem unpleasant?

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