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Ask The Other Genre Anything

no prev edition
First for TJD
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First for hockey bf
Would I (a late 20s guy) be considered creepy if I went to a public event, like a farmer's market, and starting taking pictures with a DSLR camera?
Do you have a buisness card?
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the decision to quit listening to women's advice about dating was the single best I ever took.
they just have no idea what it takes as a man.
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What's the best way to describe how condom and raw sex feels to you? I'm always curious how the girl feels since I've used a condom and not used one, but never know how it feels to the girl.
It's ok to make other men deal with you. Date them.
F no if you aren’t coming across as creepy
Lmao exactly
Never not used a condom I value my PH too much
What’s the best way to worship a young white womans feet ?
Is it a good idea to hang around a college after work and ask women if I can worship their feet ? I’m almost 7 feet tall, white and 30. Idk what to do I can’t get a date.
Probably, yeah
You forgot to ask a question, but do you mean you ask men because you are into men?
Wouldn't raw penis and cum fuck up PH more than a condom?
People say a sexless relationship is just a friendship. But even in a sexless relationship, the dynamic between partners is still very different from a platonic friendship.

Friends don't hold hands, cuddle, or care for each other in the same way.
your ph is weak
Are you good looking? Because if not there's your problem and no amount of height will save you, I speak from personal experience myself, women hate ugly men not manlets.
>the decision to quit listening to women's advice about dating was the single best I ever took.
95% of the dating "advice" I got from women was "You're an amazing guy and if you keep at it, some woman is going to be very lucky to have you, but not me, or any of my friends, I don't have any single friends, and I am single yes but still not me, but you're an amazing guy!"
For years
It turned out that I was just hiding my sexuality and so I gave off "little brother" vibes.

The rest of the advice was stuff like being the type of guy they constantly told themselves they should date when they ended up with losers instead. Essentially "Be the guy I wish I dated instead of the guy I actually date, neither of which are like you now."
>Friends don't hold hands, cuddle, or care for each other in the same way.
Sounds like your average female friendship
>Friends don't hold hands, cuddle, or care for each other in the same way.
>this guy is getting cucked by his own monogamy ideals.
I can't remember the sensation since it's been so long, but emotionally, raw makes me feel much closer. Skin-to-skin contact in general makes my heart flutter. Sometimes during a hug I flip both our shirts up and just press our chests together.
He doesn't degrade me. He actually makes me feel happy and loved. Sometimes when I look at him, I want to cry with joy.
Haven’t tried raw yet, not doing it until I’m sure about having kids
And probably his fear around the men he socializes with, because they all want to rape him for holding hands platonically.
There's nothing going on in a sexless relationship that isn't also commonly done between sisters.
Trust me. I've quantified it.
not sure if this is an asexual coping or a cuck in a dead bedroom coping
well maybe. But thats not how it is for males.
I mean I cuddle and hold hands with my girlfriends, that I care for. Feels pretty much the same way, but I don’t think guys understand this type of connection
The people who say this often feel cut off from their partner when this happens. So sure they're doing those other things, but when such a big bonding activity is taken away, it feels like a big blow to the overall intimacy of the relationship.
There isn't a big difference. I can't feel the texture of the skin/penis when he's in me - it's more the level of hardness/sensation of fullness and the rhythm. Condoms don't have an impact of either of those.
I like this anon. You sound like a fun person to be around.
>but when such a big bonding activity is taken away,
its different if that never really existed to begin with
I had plastic surgery on my face to look more attractive but still no dates.
The former is much less devastating than the latter. It's one thing if a bond was formed under an unusual status quo and another if the relationship's status quo is taken away.
people don't say this about couples who are waiting until marriage to have sex. It is essentially the same thing
State gender
Do you have a favourite number(s)?

Yes, I like 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 :)
Nope they are just numbers to me
>t couples who are waiting until marriage to have sex
A rarity in the modern era, many of which are actually asexuals coping.
Regardless, this is a pointless counterargument, because the intention is to have sex.
>plastic surgery
Oh sorry. You fell for the looksmaxxing meme.
Here's the thing: Women can smell mens genetics.
Or not smell but somehow they just know. They will sniff out that you have genes they don't want their baby to have.
No surgery can save you from that. If you are born ugly it is over before it began.
I like 13, 2, 3, 4, 5 and dubs.
32 and 7.
>asexuals coping.
man and woman are sexually attracted to each other. and you're calling them asexuals. What a fucking idiot
Who is saying this? HUGE difference between it being said by the involved partner versus third party peanut gallery giving opinions on what your relationship should be.

Sex is on the horizon in that situation. It's different if one person is ready and the other refuses versus a mutual decision. Also I'll reiterate the point I made to the Anon above.
>man and woman are sexually attracted to each other.
Then why are asexuals so desperate for opposite gender partners?
That is completely irrelevant to what we were talking about. I didn't talk about "being manly".
What work did you have done?
Anyone religious who manages to enter their 20s still a virgin is assexual. That anon is right.
>t. in an orthodox religious community
Never NOT used a condom as in no one has ever fucked me without one.
Still not worth it.
No i just don’t like to mess with it
F no
they aren't asexual. If you're attracted to someone, you can't be asexual. It means you have a sexuality.. "asexual" means you do not have sexuality
>No i just don’t like to mess with it
Your PH is extremely delicate if you're this worried about it.
More like they've both been taught a certain standard of masculinity and have been taught that any platonic physical affection is inappropriate.
Bs I’ve met some old virgins
It’s the tism desu
> T Catholic
no, it just means you're celibate.
Men of atoga, by metrics that male dating experts and life coaches.. and all the men who want to sell you online courses with the promise that you'll become a g and alpha ... jeff bazos and elon musk should be slaying pussy. they're not. explain.
Alternatively, you could develop your skills at talking to women. By talking to people.
at what age do you begin producing pussy juice?
Asexuality is not real.
In this case, asexual refers to people who feel no sexual desire.
No amount of plastic surgery can remove the feeshitter stench.
I am extremely delicate and like to take care of myself in every way possible, HPV isn’t fun.
nta, but my gf and i had already bonded emotionally before we had sex for the first time.
I'm blackpilled, take this to Hustlers University or wherever redpill copers post.
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>All these nerds replying like they know what they're talking about.
No amount of sex will make up for a lack of intimacy.
nailed it
>be yourself
>you'll find someone when you least expect it
>just put yourself out there
Super low sex drive and possibly afraid of sex due to faith-induced inhibitions. Especially if they're women.
>asexual refers to people who feel no sexual desire
yes, and that would mean they would not be interested in having a partner, at all.
Slaying pussy actually requires a lot of time. Busy, successful men ain't got time for dat sheit.
get your hormones checked
Brother you are sending this man on a one way ticket to being shot with this advice.
Doesn't Elon have kids with 6 women or something like that?
How you personally ended up is not a universal truth. Religious fear can overcome some people's desires. So they white knuckle it. It's also easier for people with responsive sex drives (more common in women than men) compared to spontaneous sex drives. So the responsive party might be the one enforcing the abstinence. There's also a much bigger pressure on a woman's virginity so that combined with a responsive sex drive is a powerful driver.

Just because you and your peers can't control themselves doesn't mean no one can.
>Super low sex drive
yeah and guess what? That doesn't mean you're "asexual" moron.
are you even the OP or are you another aspie who chimed in to argue with the wrong person for some reason?
Men do you know how to braid hair
So why do they want black children so badly ? In my opinion they are inferior genes because white women are beautiful and unique looking.
Yes, that's common. But if after sex became a standard part of the relationship, would you feel nothing if it was suddenly taken away?
>HPV isn’t fun.
Condoms don't protect against herpes.
>Yes, that's common. But if after sex became a standard part of the relationship, would you feel nothing if it was suddenly taken away?
i don't know. Sex never did become something that was "standard" in the relationship. This is my first relationship, so I don't know what it would be like to have highly sexual relationship. I have no idea
>>just put yourself out there
I will say that this is important. But it's like having good hygiene in that it's base level. A lack of it leads to failure but having it alone won't lead to success.
nope. just 3 long term relationships
stop spoonfeeding larpers.
I could understand you saying that they've misplaced their desire for community and close friends for a desire for romantic relationships. But saying that they avoid no-sex romantic relationships does not reflect real life actions of people.
The what
I actually agree. The only good advice is the long term stuff like "be yourself" because you'll be miserable pretending to be something you're not.
Also, that woman is beautiful.

More slippery than bareback, but that's really the only noticeable difference to me.

>Friends don't hold hands, cuddle, or care for each other in the same way.
Th-they don't?

8, 12, 23, 64, and 88

As long as I can remember. It's naturally lubricated, anon. We don't just spend several years dry as a bone.

Not really, but porn is porn. Plus Abella Danger is Jewish, so the degradation is part of the appeal.
They only chase Tyron (black Chads), Jermey Meeks type niggas. Nigcels who have glasses and look like Irwin are NGMI.
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I mean atoga is not a good idea when it comes to dating.
if you're a man and struggling with dating, don't ask women for advice.

ask or observe the guys who're successful even though they're not genetically/financially gifted. they exist, and they're the only qualified people to give advice about dating.
Where do you live that people shoot others for talking to other people?
The biggest blackpill is that attractive people are just better. No baggage, kinder, better socially adjusted. There's usually this myth that attractive people are dumb but almost every idiot I've met was ugly and all the pretty people are usually smart and successful too.
Really makes you wonder what the fuckin point of living as an ugly is
Real life as an ugly male. They either do that or call police to do it for them, best case scenario a woman reports him and drags out a court case for SA for talking to her and he gets the chair.
If your sex drive is so low that during your most fertile years, when sex hormones are at their peak, you remain celibate... that's asexual in reality.
Yes but I'm not adept at it.
I’m white I don’t have glasses and they always avoid and ignore me I have to stand in their way to start cold approaches.
Your post is proof that a person can be ugly on the inside.
Of course this comes from a life time of positive affirmation compared to ugly people being told to kill themselves by women. Sadly just being told alone is not enough to push things over the edge.
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23, 33, 39, 40, 41, 44, 89
Again if you were born an ugly male there is nothing you can do about it. It's just over.
atoga i'm a basement dwelling girl who has never had a bf or sex. i have no "simps". i have never flirted with anyone. i am like a ghost irl, no one ever talks to me. i don't use social media. therefore i have absolutely no source of validation. i am an insecure person. i think i am ugly. i am scared of pursuing a relationship with men.

lately i was thinking maybe i should start posting nudes on 4chan or reddit. maybe the shallow compliments would help me feel better about myself and it seems less scary than finding a boyfriend or actually having sex. is it a bad or good idea? what do you think are the pros and cons to posting nudes online for validation? why shouldn't i?
>save yourself for your future husband!
i would still be a virgin and not post my face, who's gonna know?
>go find another source of validation!
getting a bf or having an instagram account is much scarier
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the greeks were right about ugly people
1, 11, 111, 1111
You aren't vaccinated against it?
I know it's just a 90% lower chance, but the chance for HPV is already really low, especially if you don't change partners every week.
If you do that, then there are many much better reasons to use a condom though.
Alright, so the situation of an individual saying, "I feel like we aren't even in a romantic relationship anymore since we stopped having sex" doesn't apply to you. When people apply it to third parties, it's kind of a moot point, because they're using their understanding of what they need in a relationship and assuming everyone is the same.

I'll admit that it seems my point is a little different than the initial OPs point. Since now that I think of it they (You?) are likely frustrated at the second scenario where other people chime in on what someone else's relationship should be. Still, I wanted to bring this up because some people use this argument against their own partners. It's a bigger deal to tell your own partner about what they should be satisfied with vs telling some stranger.
Just install tinder retard you are a woman and on tutorial mode. You cannot fail.
I see you're not on twitter... Elon isn't busy. And you'd be hard pressed to find any guy who'll say that Jeff Bezos dating/marrying old below average looking women who get billions in settlement after divorce is their idea of winning
Human papilloma virus isn’t herpes retard.
They don't fully protect against HPV either
23 for old time's sake.
But I also like to play orphellins (1, 6/9, 14/17/20, 31/34), so those hold a bit of a special value for me, but only while gambling.
>Just because you and your peers can't control themselves doesn't mean no one can.
Most of my peers *are* still virgins. They're not sexual people. That's asexuality in practice.
>Real life as an ugly male. They either do that or call police to do it for them
[Citation Needed]
It doesn't happen.

If you really have no ability to talk to anyone, talk to a therapist for practice. They're paid not to brandish torches and pitchforks.
Then move up to talking to elderly people in a nursing home.
Then regular guys out and about.
Then maybe women.

You seem like your first attempt was charging into an elementary school as a 30 year old and starting cold approaching anyone you saw until they tasered you.

I can cook a steak but I didn't start by approaching a cow with a knife and fork.
Million, billion, trillion ^_^
i have an anxiety attack thinking about being vulnerable enough to have a dating app profile, that means you will have to let these men know about the real you, your face, your life and that is terrifying
Well I’m asking about how I can worship a young white womans feet. Because I don’t want sex just feet.
I am ugly on the outside, it stands. In fact if I was handsome I'd probably not be the bitter shit I am.
>I'll admit that it seems my point is a little different than the initial OPs point. Since now that I think of it they (You?) are likely frustrated at the second scenario where other people chime in on what someone else's relationship should be. Still, I wanted to bring this up because some people use this argument against their own partners. It's a bigger deal to tell your own partner about what they should be satisfied with vs telling some stranger.
im not the OP. It feels pretty bad when society makes you feel like your relationship is bad. I try to google my situation, and every single piece of advice i find (even from professional relationship couch blogs), is that one should break up and find someone compatible. I feel like this doesn't apply to me, because again, I have never had another relationship before. I don't know anything different than what I know now. So i don't even know what I would be looking for to begin with if I did break up. Breaking up wouldn't make my life better.
here comes the coping christfaggot, lmaooo
If you're attractive you don't have to be kind or well adjusted, its enough. There's a reason the majority of succesful youtubers are attractive despite often being horrible people.
Unironically pay hookers. Go to Europe in specific.
*that you know of
Are you idiots really this dumb? Dear god.
is OP retarded? This isn't just low effort, its straight up wrong
Why aren't the mods doing anything?
It's always 4/5's and 3.5/5's that talk like this. Brads. People who could have been Chad but they're slightly generic looking and cannotdo anything about it. The type of person to drown kittens and shit like that while larping as vampires online.
You're already fucked as a man if you're just average, but females despise average men, ugly men and their looksmatch, so the only men who have real success (the ones who get to fuck hot bitches, not begging for crumbs to fuck fatties) with female creatures are the top 10%. This isn't going to last, as we're seeing more wars and riots breaking out, but something drastic won't happen within our lifetime.
Look Brad just imagine for a moment you were an ugly man. Now imagine yourself as a woman and how you would react to seeing that.
I’m only attracted to non obese young white womens feet and hookers are illegal in my state.
>Tfw made a thread because search turned up nothing
>Can't delete it, won't let me
>The moment I posted it this shows up in catalogue even though it wasn't with multiple refreshes before
Why can't men empathize with the suffering of ugly women in a society that values us solely based on looks?
Sounds like you're a mentalcel.
Sorry no one can help you. Your fears will lead you to dying alone. Say hi to Charles Darwin for me. Alternatively see a therapist. Young women should be slutty.
Go to Europe then. Northern Europe.
Men are based on looks too, never had a date, women don’t care about getting to know my personality
You got me.
I don't care about them and know next to nothing about them aside from the fact that Elon Musk weirdly did a cameo on Rick and Morty as "Elon Tusk".
manifesting Shego gf
society judges sluts
Because ugly women do not exist to them. What they think when they hear ugly woman is just someone that does not put in effort and has rotten teeth, is fat and has matted hair. They think if you put in the effort every woman can be pretty.
Bad idea stop being stupid.
If you want validation you need to interact with people. You can do so by getting a fucking job, going to clubs, etc. You don't need to instantly jump into degeneracy.
Its like saying
>Wow I like being hurt but no one is hitting me right now
>BRB jumping into a pool of pirahna
The main con is a lack of self-respect and viewing yourself as an object to be lusted at by random men who don't care about you at all.
Which won't even hold up since you will age.
You would know.
It's a man baiting lol
Ugly females still have better lives than Chads.
my piss smells like coffee...
Chad empathizes heavily, he just will not ever have sex with one or date one unless she has heavy makeup or plastic surgery or both.

The problem is that both ugly men and ugly women want stacy/chad, and feel entitled to treating their partners badly for failing to be stacy/chad.
Because modern western society gives all dating power to women. There are no 0/10 women because now a 0/10 is a 2/10 men however are devalued and as such a 0/10 is -5/10.
zinc deficiency
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I’m sorry to say this but you shouldn’t have any relationships with men until you are content with yourself, otherwise you’ll date someone not worth dating and feel even worse.

> lately i was thinking maybe i should
start posting nudes on 4chan or reddit.

Tumblr is better for this, remove the exif and be careful of backgrounds never ever post your face. I’ve posted some implied nude shoots in my tumblr before, completely anonymous until I made the mistake to mention it to someone I was going to date. He used it in an argument later on.
4chan is trackable and reddit is also a breeding ground for mouth breathers, maybe it’s the fact that I can curate my own space better on tumblr but that’s why I use it.

>is it a bad or good idea?

If you aren’t careful with what you post it’s a horrible idea, it can and it will leave a digital footprint I can’t stress it enough DO NOT POST YOUR FACE

>what do you think are the pros and cons to posting nudes online for validation?
You are able to see in real time how people react to you, I was ~artsy~ enough to be offered some shoots with female photographers and I took the offer with one of them. I hated my body less after that boudoir shoot.

>why shouldn't i?

Because if you aren’t careful it will find you, someone could send it to everyone you know and some guy you think you love is going to call you a whore for posting them.
Is that not normal after drinking coffee...
Pity is insulting, and self-pity is one of the most disgusting vices one can engage in.
I look like this but italian.
Cardi B says otherwise.
Go to a therapist and stop making excuses.
Are you fucking schizophrenic, in what world? Chads are the most privileged
I was born with a facial deformity.
I taught myself how to socialize, got a gf, got a wife, and got a mistress.
Your position is invalid.

Please shut the fuck up.
post examples of ugly women so we can laugh at you.
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hey bbygirl, how you doin
I can make a mean mortadella mozzarella sandwich and pasta
no anon, you just drink coffee that smells like pee
Are you the anon who shat rancid black sludge like two weeks ago?
Only whites other races are gross
socializing is terrifying and is it really going to be validating when i am ugly and autistic? let's be real
Sure you did nigger. Lol. And I'm Jeff Bezos your hero and I am here to tell you to kill yourself to save humanity or something my ai predicted it.
The days of being validated in those places by posting nudes are long gone. The men are way too jaded and blackpilled now. All you will get is comments like nice pepperoni nipps, eww do you have vaginal cancer, lose weight fatty, is that a skeleton, m or f?. Do not do it to yourself. I have seen enough pretty girls getting torn to shreds for absolutely no reason by bitter men.
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Consider seeing a doctor. I've seen how this plays out.
Based. Go to the Netherlands in specific. They count as fairly white.
I'm an ugly fucker so I don't know about that. Like if I had to rate myself I'd give myself a 1/5 because and just because I'm not balding.
>ill let you imagine how many women elon fucks. but they're really really many

you're a dumb fuck and know jackshit. first of all, alpha males mostly preach no long term relationships (some even no children). so the fact that elon got into 3 years long relations in and of itself a disqualifier. second, let's say that was in the past, where are all the women throwing themselves at him?where is his harem of models that he keeps being slyly photographed with? instead he's tweeting ll day, begging for advertisers to come back, talking to donald trump like the sad fuck that he is
where are we going
why do women have sex? what do they gain from it? they can't cum nor orgasm anyway
I've posted nudes before on /soc/. Here's the standards I used to be safe.

>Instead of using the mindset of "will an Anon be able to find me in real life" I used "would someone who knows me be able to recognize me"
>I was mindful of my background. I used a blank white wall or door. No belongings whatsoever. I even avoided colored walls in case someone who has been in my house used a distinctive shade to connect the dots.
>Neck down. Nothing of face at all. No chin, no lips, nothing. Tied hair completely up, nothing hanging down into frame.
>No jewelry
>No visible moles, freckles, etc
>If clothed, extremely generic, usually underclothes. I used plain bike shorts and tank top.
>Make sure location on photos is turned OFF. I went a step further and screenshot my photos instead of uploading the direct file
>I never went this far, but if I was going to show pubic area I'd even consider shaving bare in case a bf recognized my bush.

I had more fun in the thread because I was having a back and forth with another cam girl. She would post herself in certain poses etc and encourage me to copy her.

Mistake I made: I didn't DELETE THE PHOTOS. Years later I was showing my bf a folder I had of porn and they were in there. He paused and said, "Is this you???" He may have given the photos more thought since they were the only of the type in the folder (most was webms, professional staged photos). But still, he clocked it. Idk if he would have thought to make the connection it he had run into the photos in the wild.
Probably not true. The default for women is fairly attractive.
Probably not actually autistic but the buzzword, if it is actually autistic, that's a spectrum, but generally the traits associated with high-functioning autism are ugly in men and attractive in women
i just hope this thread could be about uplifting instead of roasting each other
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Manifesting goalie hockey bf
So your advice is for me to just abandon all my stuff in my apartment and just leave the country? I live paycheck to paycheck I can’t afford to visit another country. Is asking women at college campus a bad idea? I only would pay $20 in gas every day driving to a college and back.
thanks for sharing your experience. i doubt anything will go wrong if i am very careful about privacy while posting nudes, no face, no personal information etc. i am not sure if tumblr is still used for porn? i thought they banned it
To uplift in a doomed world is pointless.
I have always had premarital sex and lived together unmarried. I'm just able to consider the mindset of people who are not myself.
what do men get from sex, do they even enjoy it, since they just cum and they're done?
retarded question. men edge, don't they? sometimes for hours. because it feels good.
the same goes the other way. cumming isn't the only part of sex which feels good
>women doing KGB-work just to slut around
y'all are adorkable
posters on 4chan can be brutal but as far as i've seen, there's like thousands of redditors who think women of all kinds are queens
I enjoy the sensation of his penis in my mouth, sliding my tongue over the foreskin, and his balls in my hand. Feels good.
Save up 30 days worth of $20.
Travel to a spot in Europe that costs $1-200 to fly to it depends on your latitude.
Travel from there with train. See if you can move fully.
first? the adriatic coast for a week or so
then? marriage
I'm not.
Chads don't stay Chads forever if they ever take their foot off the gas and there are other Chads who want to prove themselves, so Chads have to constantly compete and fight. Ugly females are still handed relationships and an easy life just for existing.

Stacy>average female>ugly female>Chad>average man>ugly man
I am failed KGB since I was caught. Where did I put my cyanide pill...?
I can’t afford to save that much I live by each paycheck I’m in debt from my face surgery.
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Manifesting tall, strong, loyal, handsome, quiet, supporting bf
thank you for the detailed response anon, did your bf have a bad reaction? do you regret posting nudes? i'm just trying to consider all possibilities
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#uncutgang keeps winning
He actually has 12 known kids but ok.
You thinking that what you hear about celebs is all there is to their story is pretty funny.
>I have always had premarital sex and lived together unmarried.
"how do you do fellow humans!"
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> i am not sure if tumblr is still used for porn?
There’s specific tags for it and the community is so much smaller, I prefer the smaller male sample for obvious reasons. Most people that commented were women or men that post thirst traps or photographers.
This anon has a better idea on how to post in soc if you want >any< attention or just a fast response. Don’t screenshot, wipe exif.
Slow down, you're always rushin'
Ah damn sorry dude. That ends my line of help then. Apart from recommending to just break the law I guess or drive out of state.
We really need to dispel the looksmax meme. Women can tell. Women can always tell. Ugly men just cannot make it.
He had a very bad reaction. But he was kinda bad anyway. I couldn't pass it off as being for a previous boyfriend because he was my first. Plus that would probably make it worse anyway because I refused to send him nudes.

Still, I don't regret it now. But I'm not with him anymore.
manifesting hot nudist wife to occupy my pool
I also am in debt from attending college trying to get a gf. I never tried asking to worship feet but they all rejected me or were dating someone. So I’m in debt from that too.
>what do men get from sex, do they even enjoy it, since they just cum and they're done?
idk, femanon. i'm a virgin
Femanon, type out a rejection to me. Pretend I asked you out and you're saying "no" and have zero desire to date me in a gorillion years.
>I just ghost niggas
we know. be creative.
Lurch deserves love
if i were you i would try to make up something like "oh it's just some pornstar i saved because it looks like me, of course not me" kek
I don’t believe we are looking for the same things and because of that it’s best if we take our separate ways.
dude/chick, i don't think you understand what male alphas preach. let me spell it out of for you: FUCK AS MUCH AS YOU WANT NO STRINGS ATTACHED. monogamy? weakness. children? a siphon for a man's wallet and manhood. nor is he a popular guy among women; you'll never hear women gushing over him. and for the past few years, the guy spends the better part of his day tweeting online... maybe you should getting high on Musk's taint musk
You are so boring and predictable. I really don‘t need that in my life. *ghosts you*
you are a nice guy who will make a girl very happy one day but i don't think we are a good match. there's nothing wrong with you, it's me. i am working through some things. go out there, find another girl and be happy. don't worry about me. we can stay friends though
I met a girl who looked exactly like this yesterday, she's an RA in my dorm from Cali. I chatted with her a little. Another guy asked her for her socials before I did and she told him she didn't really give it out though. So now I'm wondering if she's one of those "I don't date residents" RAs or not. Only one way to find out I guess.
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what makes a woman a slut?
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>Be me, autistic resting bitch face man
>Start trying to smile more, faking it
>Start getting more attention, get told I'm handsome
it was this easy all along?
Now I can start
Manifesting chinese milf gf
Damn /r9k/ losing sleep and writing poetry over this?
And i am saying he does not have to give a shit what alpha males preach because he has no reason. Paying a little bit of alimony to spread his genes is like tipping for a coffee for him. This alpha male bullshit is so cringe.
Having sex with people who aren't me.
Having sex with me.
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the idea is bad due to the result being ultimately unfulfilling. We are a specie evolved for social interactions, we have an entire hormonal system that is responsible for them and that NEEDS them, which is why you even feel bad about your basement-style life in the first place. Posting shit online will soon become old and you will continue to long for touch and contact.
this is therapy material here.
no, but seriously. go see a psych. they can change your life, they can make you feel good and content for a change. Reddit won't.

Also, you can still install a dating app (preferably other than tinder actually; boo or bumble), not post your face, explain frankly how scared you are and just keep browsing. it will take much longer than for regular people but you can till find somebody fit for you, without overstepping our boundaries
Hey! I'm really sorry but I'm not interested in you romantically. I'd appreciate if we could remain friends though, if you're up for that!
why do girls use "dude" and "bro", those are our words and this should be considered gender appropriation. Some will even go as far as using saying like "get off my dick bro"
Enjoy coping
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Suck my dick broseph stalin.
Why is every woman a 200k yearly salary, could pass for an insta model hot, speaks three languages, already has half her house paid off one woman army these days? Where are the women who do not have their life perfectly in order?
Hiding in they room.
in these threads
look at JH
bitch, we're talking about what alpha men preach though. besides, you make it sound like it's an accomplishment spreading his genes. you too can spread your genes. you too can visit a egg donor center and pick a donor. or, you know, he could just fuck a woman, like every uggo, poor, and average fuck does. he didn't have to be a billionaire for that.
> Why is every woman a 200k yearly salary, could pass for an insta model hot, speaks three languages, already has half her house paid off one woman army these days
What a good day to be a woman

She's not wrong but "stable job and income" isn't really golddigging. The issue is having the "HE MUST MAKE SIX FIGURES" standard without any awareness of what the average or median income of her age range is
What I've learned is that bisexual women like handsome women and cute men.

Is that true?
If it is so easy, why are you not doing it?
Majority of women are broke as fuck, with zero long term plan, other than getting a rich guy
What you see on social media is not reality mate
Well I went back to school this year if that counts. I’ll never make 200K, I speak 1 language, I live with my mom and sister. I’m really hot so I got that going for me at least.
They took the
>Strong independant woman
Thing seriously and some of them genuinely did well, but now they're en masse hitting the wall and complaining on the same social media they were brainwashed by to begin with, as they managed to take the fight out of an entire generation of men meaning there aren't many "high value" men left for them to try and get with (as the majority of "high value" men have been married for years)
Sad to see
Oi, I speak 4 and have 2 jobs
>T still here being annoying
>Where are the women who do not have their life perfectly in order?

ITT lol
i don't know if an ugly loser like me can find a fulfilling relationship that will be more validating than posting nudes
cause i'm not a hillbilly kek
Are you still hung up about that one fake news pic? Lmao
Nope, other way around
I don't follow the news, sorry. I manifest info into my mind following my star chart.
If you aren't fat you are probably fappable from at least one angle
I like my men massive like a fucking wall angry looking like they are bouncers at a fight gym, shaved head full beard.

And super girly girls

I used to be into long hair but I grew out of it

>t bi
>HPV isn’t fun
Get vaccinated.
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Why do all the girls that friendzone me become catty when I bring them to a social gathering. I invited all 12 girls who friendzoned me to the same party and they just shit talked me the entire time.
Meh, you're just a straight woman with extra steps.
Damnit. Some anon posted the gentlest rejection I'd ever heard the other day. I can't find it now.
>have 2 jobs
yep see, she couldnt make it with 1
no but 4 languages is impressive im on 3.5 right now
what's simpler
>heavy metal exposure so u don't catch a disease
>not having sex with diseased people
You always have an excuse that makes you feel superior, huh?
Idk but using tinder I've noticed the avg woman has been to at least 20 countries. When the fuck do they work
women I'm playing modded minecrafts and there are too many mods and I don't know what to focus on help
>massive, shaved head full beard.
so you're saying there's a chance?
HPV is Human Papilloma Virus. Herpes is HSV - Herpes Simplex Virus. HSV1 is the mild form that most people have and that gives you cold sores; HSV2 is the much nastier version.
why are men only into women who look like this and then get surprised when they dont want to date them
also nicole dollangagner really is that pretty i saw her in concert in 2019
>Condoms don't protect against herpes.
They offer *excellent* protection against herpes. Do your fucking research.
>men like pretty women
woah stop the presses
It's true though, what tf would i do with 12 children? that's some cult documentary content shit
do you want to bear 12 children?
Anon, words have meanings. Please learn them.
Most women I work with have a house and a car paid off in full they are just working for the health insurance and putting their money into 401k so they can retire at 40. That’s why I don’t bother asking women at work if I can pay to worship their feet because not only do I risk being fired, they wouldn’t accept chump change. They also prefer black men over white men.
He does not do anything with them because he just pays others to do that.
>bear 12 children
No, which is why he has spread them out over multiple women.
Women are also into top 5% men. Shit there are more girls with those kind of looks than 6'+ men with chiseled jaws, head full of hair and a 2x bodyweight bench press.
Probably if you look angry asf but are a complete softy I love the dichotomy
okay obviously duh and im seething hook-nosed girl
im just saying i dont get surprised when chad doesnt look at me.
Condoms still don't protect against HPV. HPV is largely symptomless, so we all know anon is mostly concerned about the virus which causes warts. That's "not fun".
I've been told that I tend to look angry a lot
sign me up
Still not letting anyone touch me without a condom, I barely let anyone touch me at all.
Honestly, don't post them on 4chan. 4chan is full of men whose primary goal in life is to make women feel miserable. They will not validate you.
Age? Job? Location?
If you're regularly having sex with a partner who has herpes, even asymptomatic, you're going to contract it. It's unavoidable.
yeah redditors are much kinder to ugly women desu
>asexuality in practice
There is no such fucking thing. Being asexual means never feeling sexually attracted to anyone. It has fuck all to do with behaviour.
Jesus Christ this is literally me
I didn't know I was somebody's type
i don't understand why you keep trying to spin this as a win. again, they do that shit in the south and 3rd world countries too. have you seen a mexican family before? so where is the benefit of being a billionaire here?
obviously i have no obligation to tell anybody in real life about it, but when it comes to someone asking anonymously in a thread, like those random datamining threads, does being sexually abused growing up count as not being a virgin if i've never slept with anyone on my own terms? or does that not count?
engineer, self employed
south euro
The benefit is that you can do whatever the fuck you want. He could have zero kids or 300. He can act like a monk or trailer trash and get away with it. The true mark of an alpha male is that he does not have to give a shit about his reputation because he is above reputation.
Would talk to if this wasn’t 4chan
You're an acorn in reality.
>they can't cum nor orgasm anyway
I thought that was sigma male. Lone wolf type.
Unironically me
>When a woman says "friendzone" she doesn't actually mean "be friends with her".
okay well what the fuck does it mean?

They always accept my invitations, they certainly enjoy the free food and drinks and stuff, munching away. Are women racoons? My chad orbiters know me as the dude that is always surrounded by pretty girls, and my stacy orbiters know me as the guy that knows a bunch of chads. I've never had sex with any of the girls in my friend group. I can't be ugly, a hot girl kissed me one time.
You are my type and someone else’s
I love that gf so much
In this post, the girl describes the comment that her bf “isn’t someone I’d hook up or be fwb with but rather marry” as a compliment, and is confused that men don’t see it that way. As a man, I must agree with the men, because my understanding is that most women want long-term relationships, and are only willing to do a hookup if the guy is hot enough that they’ll drop the relationship requirement in order to have sex with him, hence meaning she doesn’t view her bf as someone she would hook up with because he’s not hot enough.

But if that’s not the case, then what do women actually think about this?
thanks for the dopamine boost
They can chose to do that too, yes. The point is that they can do whatever. Their decisions are not cope but actual decisions because they could have decided in every way they want to.
The females who say that don't realize that successful men also had good females behind them before they made it. Nowadays there aren't that many good females.
Pretty girls are still a possibility for an average guy if you money and status-maxx
>what makes a woman a slut?
Behaving with men the way men wish they could behave with women.
Not this shit again
this reddit post is a ragebait post
Gender status
Why are you poor?
YW keep being cute
My dreams historically ended in not being insanely rich and mostly dying poor and depressed.
No heavy metals in Gardasil, anon, it's completely safe. And since, of the unvaccinated but sexually active adult population, around 80% has HPV, avoiding it is harder than it sounds.
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F, single.
I’m not
What % of girls do you think do buttstuff / do anal sex?
Im slowly getting converted from pussyritanism
Why not?
>Condoms still don't protect against HPV
They offer very good, but not quite perfect, protection.
dude how long are you going to drag this shit out? it's like the faggots still going on about the bear or man shit
No u <3
>my understanding is that most women want long-term relationships, and are only willing to do a hookup if the guy is hot enough that they’ll drop the relationship requirement in order to have sex with him
Quite a lot of assumptions there. Being marriage material is about overall compatibility, longevity, as well as attraction. As for hooking up/FWB, those are often situational so you can look passed a lot of major compatibility issues. I've had FWB arrangements with men who were not "hot" and who I wouldn't want to be in a long-term relationship with, but we were very compatible sexually and I needed that at the time.
Gardasil uses an aluminum adjuvant, anon.
Anon he’s baiting you in the OP let him be a retard
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Checked out of social achievement treadmills because no gf
M, single as fuck
I'm paralyzed by self-doubt and have no support system. My job is shit but it's a comfortable, routine sort of shit.
No as long as you're not trying to get creepshots or anything. You could try dressing up and thinking like a tourist if you're self-conscious
So you’re saying women wouldn’t actually say this about a guy?
>then what do women actually think about this?
If a guy is just hot but not anything else then all he's good for is sex.
If a guy is worth keeping and she rushed into sex, she risk getting hurt, pumped, and dumped.

If you're staying in a great hotel, you might throw a wild party and go hog wild. Low investment, lots of fun, nothing to lose.
If you've found an amazing house you want to buy, you're going to take your time, make sure you don't blow it, and secure something wonderful you want to hold onto for your future. And you might wait or never have a hog wild party because you don't want to risk the damage.
High investment, deep commitment, a lot to lose.

It's not a difficult concept to understand from either point of view.
Yeah, if you're a non-Chad that wants casual sex, you have to pretend you want a relationship with her.
>If you're regularly having sex with a partner who has herpes, even asymptomatic, you're going to contract it. It's unavoidable.
Complete and utter bullshit. I've many times had unprotected sex with a woman who had HSV2, and I didn't catch it. It can't be transmitted at all unless there's an active blister, and even if there is, condoms keep you safe if you know what you're doing. There are a few precautions you have to take, like not rubbing your eyes after you finger her, but it's not difficult.
Alpha fucks, beta bucks
brother I'm >>31902116

status maxxing literally doesn't work. You literally just end up watching chad and stacy hook-up over and over.
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Should I go Spend Oil and get some snacks anons?
Whats your go to gas tation snack?
I saw PUAs push the social game shit too when it will just end up with you with your dick in your hands and the Chad still fucking the bitch you wanted.
You're wrong. You can contract it whilst your partner is asymptomatic.

You're likely HSV2 positive, but are asymptomatic. Most people are. And if you haven't got a blister, you won't know because sexual health clinics can't test without a blister sample. You're a diseased idiot.
wtf are you on about? no one ever defines being alpha as not caring about your reputation. and neither were we talking about his reputation. i said bearing children isn't a mark of being alpha because every brokie is doing it AND for free. tyrone and miguel do that, have multiple baby mams, and one of them is fugitive and the other is an illegal alien
Beef jerky and diet Dr. Pepper
Relatively healthy and tastes good
cherry pie
honey bun
chili dog
this is why no one wants to fuck you
Ollie from Yorkshire is doing it, between stabbing people on the street and claiming child benefit from the gobermment
>Not really, but porn is porn. Plus Abella Danger is Jewish, so the degradation is part of the appeal.
Does this only apply to Jewish women?
Women would you be disappointed if a man only had an average penis?
Yes, obviously.
Yes unless he eats pussy like a starved man
I'm so fucking tired of this meme.

To be a candidate for a hook-up, you have to be:

- Hot.
- Not obviously insane.

To be a candidate boyfriend you have to be:

- Hot.
- Not obviously insane.
- Confident.
- Kind.
- Passionate.
- interesting.
- Funny.
- Responsible.
- Supportive.
And honestly quite a number of other things too. Of course it's a compliment to say I wouldn't treat someone purely as a hook-up!
Aluminium is not a heavy metal, anon. It's an extremely light metal.
understood, thanks
Magical penises only.
Is this meant to be funny?
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femanon my cock is hard, what should i do about it
Hit it with a hammer to see if it bleeds bright red or if there’s piss mixed into it
The hammer will break
>No baggage, kinder, better socially adjusted.
Lol no shot

>why do women have sex?
Feels good and gives me control over men.
>what do they gain from it?
Pleasure and control

I would but chlorine is bad for my hair

I really enjoy spending time with you and value your friendship, but that's all it will ever be. There's nothing wrong with you, but I just don't see you in that light. You should find someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved. I want to keep you in my life as a friend, but I know that's selfish and won't hold it against you if you don't want the same thing.
With (platonic) love, Actuaranon

Damn, that's so accurate

I hate this shit. I say dude, but other women saying "bro" is annoying as fuck. The only thing I hate more is Latinos saying nigga. I firmly believe that any Latino that casually says nigga should be executed on the spot.

Feeling personally attacked rn
But it's really just that we know how to sell ourselves, which men have been struggling with over the last few decades.


I'm not. I think I'm the richest person in these threads.

Candy or pastries from Buc-ee's. The closest one is like half an hour away so it's always good when I can stop by one.

Yes, though I also don't mind black men in porn with black women. It's just hard not to see BMXF interracial as the objective psyop that it is.

No, I would prefer it. I like to have sex often and would not like to prep for a huge dick every time I'm in the mood.

Beat it like it owes you money.
If I am magic, is my penis magic by default?
>You're wrong. You can contract it whilst your partner is asymptomatic.
No, you can't.

>You're likely HSV2 positive, but are asymptomatic
I've been tested, idiot.
Are you aryan
Ironically I was lying because I'm fed up of that question.
What most men think is an average penis isn't average
>And if you haven't got a blister, you won't know because sexual health clinics can't test without a blister sample. You're a diseased idiot.
There's a blood test.
Rare honest woman W
Wait, what do you mean by average? Global average or Western average?
In that case massive common dishonest woman L. Unless you mean average is bigger as in 7+.
>Got "the ick" over a completely inoffensive trait a woman can't even help
its over for me, i am becoming a woman, i will trainstation soon
cock?are you taking liberties with terminology because we can't see it? tsk tsk tsk
Average is closer to 5 inches but in my experience men who have honestly said they're average have been 6 inch+ because 6 inches is what people think is average
Average modern male moment
Congrats welcome to the club next you are going to hate nasally voices like I do
NTA but what other measures do you take to avoid aluminum consumption?
>I would but chlorine is bad for my hair
damn, should i buy a private lake property instead?
Yes but now I want to ask for the opinions of women

But she is specifically saying she wouldn’t want to hook up with him, only marry him. Wouldn’t this imply he’s less hot?

I can appreciate that analogy. Though, I don’t quite understand how wanting to marry someone makes it a good idea not to rush into sex. Is this a common belief that women have? As a guy, I don’t see this lowering a guy’s likelihood of wanting to marry a girl. If anything, I would take it as a good sign that she’s more attracted to me.
But average dicks are less fun for blowjobs, right?
Do you have rape fantasies about people you argue with on here?
No. Blonde hair + Hazel eyes.

>Beat it like it owes you money.
I want to but I lack inspiration.

it's a fat 9 incher. probably bigger than your wrist.
Hookup took her virginity
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So like 4 years ago when I had started grad school there was another phd student I'd sit on the bus with and chat with, she's from Palestine. tl;dr I found out she wanted to cheat on her sugardaddies with me and I turned her down. She also blew up on me one time because we talked about religion and she's straight out of /r/atheism.

Last night she blew up on me "for staring at her" in front of a bunch of people (there was an event in our apartment complex, which is owned by the university) while she was waiting to let her newest sugardaddy in. I talked with one of the RAs and he was like "oh yeah we know she's trouble"

Do I need to take any further precautions?
I don't imagine anyone here outside of the one black chick who I imagine has perky tits and nice lips and a thick ass, but all my sexual fantasies are concensual and built around enjoying sex
Wow erm yikes! Kinda cringe women have low standards and are understanding about penis size.
How old are you?
If you are under 30, you have no objective reason to feel this way about a relationship. You might be aware of it, but I just want to point out this is a mental thing and I hope you can overcome it.

However, besides what >>31901950 said, there is another two things I want to suggest:
- Change your writing style completely from how you normally write.
- Do not use a real name, but a random string of numbers and letters that you just hit by typing blindly on your keyboard.

Female nude posters often seem to regret it though, like even the next day already. I think setting yourself some limit like "I'm only going to do it this weekend in thread X and never again" would be a good idea so you don't get any stalkers.

I am not always quiet.
Is it normal that this makes me seethe as an ugly woman
Normal guys my age treat me like a pet rock. I have only been flirted with(I think) once in 2024 and I didn't know how to respond so I just asked a bunch of questions. He left once he found out I was two years older than him. I can't get a rhino because I would look weird with a straight or smaller nose .
I’d suck your dick if you’re cute
Fuck no that would be like fucking a sister. It inspires revulsion in me. Get the fuck away from me you fucking nigger.
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>I invited all 12 girls who friendzoned me to the same party
i punched a wall and now there is a hole in my wall i wish it was a hole in a gf who was mine so i could stick my dick in im still angry and horny what should i do?
>american walls
Oh? What's in it for me?
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If you are prettier than this your "ugliness" is all in your head
>Europeans seethign because they will never know the pleasure of a wall fleshlight.
Hilarious. Most cucked continent. Truly.
M, single, I make 80k.
She’s not ugly she’s just fat
even she'd be fine with a better hairstyle and skin care
Those are the same thing
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You get your dick sucked by an aryan femanon?
if you dont want to rub your nuts all over that I have some unfortunate news:

you are low test
That would be nice. I could wave at hikers and people fishing.

No, they'd probably be worse. If they're too thick or long, you won't be able to fit much in your mouth. I think big dicks are only appealing from an aesthetic standpoint.

No, you weirdo.

>Female nude posters often seem to regret it though, like even the next day already.
I can concur. You get that initial endorphin rush from a flood of (You)'s but then the regret kicks in and you feel sick.

>probably bigger than your wrist
omg stop it you're such a flirt
my dick is the perfect size for sucking V:) 2 inches
Her boyfriend is supposedly not insane and hot, so, then, why wouldn't he qualify for a hypothetical hookup? She is basically saying that he's not not and not sane, by this logic.
Are you obese?
You architects can have her
I'm the richest person in this thread, my dick is a fat 10 inches and I look like an instagram model. My boobs are 32K and I'm a virgin who loves giving footjobs.
>tfw would u date me and why and why am i so hot =(
no I was just born that way lmao
Hired come to Dubai habibi
Giving or receiving?
I feel like my dick would be suckable if it weren't for the fact that I'm circumcised, but maybe I've just watched too much porn to have an opinion on the aesthetics and have grown insecure
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Aryan femanon? How tall is she?

Laying in bed, horny posting. Manifesting a slutwife. Eventually. Where could she be?
>It's just hard not to see BMXF interracial as the objective psyop that it is.
Aren't all forms of interracial sex a psyop then?
>That would be nice. I could wave at hikers and people fishing.
>I can concur. You get that initial endorphin rush from a flood of (You)'s but then the regret kicks in and you feel sick.
but is it enough of a rush to make you do it again and again?
>avatar posting and pretending to have a 9 inch penis
M no sorry not into troons/hermaphrodites but you sound like you're winning so slay they/them monarch.
I thought circ. dicks were more suckable?
>a wall fleshlight.
A what now? lol

>You get that initial endorphin rush from a flood of (You)'s
What kind of stuff did you post? Or are you >>31901950?

Do you also ask a junkie who just described to you a hangover if they do it again? If they are an addict, they do, if not they don't.
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forgot reaction pic
>Do you also ask a junkie
idk but i think heroin and sexual exhibitionism aren't quite in the same ballpark
I am 153cm :(
I could post it.
Hm. So arguing with femanons isn't in vain.
go ahead, timestamped pic in redtoga and ill eat my words
I own you now.
If he does it someone tag me
Deal. No take-backs.
Was arguing with a guy about dicey topics one time and he said he’d fuck my opinions out of me. Even though I still hold my opinions, I thought it was hot
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Why are women like this?
Rape? No
I did have hatefuck feelings towards a teacher once
>foreign languages
im never gonna make it
I like how all of these non-sourced "studies" have different results
My boi YAKUB!
I didn't mention heroin, but addictive behaviour and chasing a high.
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>GILF gf gets a liver spot
I have sent nudes to a lot of men online but I’ve only actually had sex with one man IRL. Is it over for me?
its ovah, the e-chads will never e-date you now
>Gilf wife broke her hip during sex
It's so over bros...
Edit: Wait she said I can have the inheritance we are so back.
I check 3 of those but they only care about looks, they don’t care what hobbies I have. Also traveling is not a hobby.
For real though, do I still have the ability to pairbond?
Nudes with face?
Why are women whores online but prudes IRL. Do they just think men don't have internet access?
>Aren't all forms of interracial sex a psyop then?
No, because they don't objectify the people based on their race. And 90% of BM interracial is about cheating/cuckolding and brings up race constantly. It's my big issue with blacked.

>but is it enough of a rush to make you do it again and again?
No, especially when people start recognizing you.

>What kind of stuff did you post?
I posted progress pics on /fit/ and nudes (censored) on /soc/ and ended up getting doxxed and taking a 5 year long break from 4chinz. I did stuff like the one finger challenge and butt and ab progress pics.
Hot take: men who can't talk to women are as bad as men who are too good.
why are nerdy reserved women and men in general saying crazy sexual shit online that they'd never say face to face?
Women, thoughts on men who leak lots of precum when horny?
Women please rank your body parts based on how much you enjoy getting a load on them.
>pussy (outside)
>pussy (inside)
>anything else
No face
What’s the scariest thing that happened? People IRL recognizing you? Did they post your real name online?
It better not have your face
I like the control
No face isn't too bad
It's not that they can't say it, it's that only chad is allow to talk like that IRL.
idk, i would think so. its not like you actually had sex, you just clicked some stuff on your screen.
women does anything genuinely make your eyes roll back in pleasure?
Feeling hot.
demoralizing ugly men.
NAG, grilled cheese sandwich
A man on his knees begging
>I posted progress pics on /fit/ and nudes (censored) on /soc/ and ended up getting doxxed
Sorry to hear that. I've met women who had similar things happen to them. It's also why I don't envy people who do OF, because you just know they're going to get a ton of stalkers. For chan girls it's even worse, since they tend to directly interact with their schizos.
But they are my schizos.
I can only rate a couple of these, as I have only had one partner and we didn’t have that much sex.
hot but annoying if it gets in eyes or hair
fine, it does taste bad though. i still swallow
>pussy (outside)
>pussy (inside)

I like degradation so I like it being where I don’t want it
Them BLM checks do be hittin tho. Undoubtedly!
I mean at best they are your orbiters. lmao
being used like a toy
Moid hands
None ew
>No, because they don't objectify the people based on their race.
Maybe not as much as with black males but there is definitely a lot of race based objectification in almost all interracial porn.
Greta's been eatin good
you like nothing. marry me.
>No casually useable gf I just grab and cum in then forget about
Being degraded by someone I care about
Inside is the best, anywhere on the outside of my body is equally hot, except for feet and armpits which would equally gross me out because they're too specifically fetishistic
JH I am going to fap to a porn now where a white guy rails an ebony chick up the ass and she enjoys getting an anal creampie.
Is it a bad thing in a relationship if you feel like your partner has started acting "awkward" around you? If you feel like your partner suddenly rarely seems to be having fun at all when spending time with you/talking to you, and talking in a weird tone, like they feel awkward, or like they pity you? I don't get it
>inb4 communicate
I will, but I want to gather my thoughts first, hear if someone else has experienced this
Amazing oral sex and g-spot orgasms
Imagine what a travesty it would be if 4chan died before we saw JH's ass in a thong.
Bring this up to them. Every relationship goes through rough patches. You need to reignite the spark
Wrong bark wrong tree
I like when men cum on themselves out of desperation without allowing them to touch me
>he only cares about looks and assumes women are like him too
Nice projection, beta.
Yeah, that's what happened in one of my past relationships and it was already dead and beyond saving.
How long has it been going on? I don't want to doom you but when it gets to thY point it's usually very bad and potentially beyond saving, so try your best to not let it stay like that.
I get the feel that it's because I've become more boring sadly, that's why I kinda feel afraid to bring it up.
sounds like they cheated/have met someone new and don't know how to tell you to fuck off so that they can move with their life with the other person. you're basically sucking the joy out of their life rn because they feel forced to be around you, rather than around the person they truly want to be with.
Are you male or female?
Hi :)
I am right here
This started a bit before I got sick, but yeah I've been sick for the past week and this all just makes me feel sad.
It hasn't been an issue in my relationship since we are both weirdos, but I always get this same feeling when I talk to a "normie" who finds me uncomfortable because I kinda lack social skills. I hate this feel.
why cant you just stick dick in pussy and be done with it
Every other girl I’ve talked to has had rape fantasies before. We just like being dominated it’s literally genetic
Women don’t even want to talk to me I can tell they reject me before I speak, how can they know my personality and interests without giving me a chance ?
You could if you were good at it or had a big dick.
Or ate pussy like a starved man otherwise what’s the point of having sex with you
>I think I'm the richest person in these threads.
Why? Do you come from wealth or did you come into it?
You don't have to give a direct monetary value but how rich are you
Blond anon did not post his 9 incher in the red ATOGA, it is truly over
Because there is nothing hotter than a woman panting "Please, I beg you, rape me hard".
I knew he was bs lmaooo
most pornstars dont have 9 inchers. hes probably 7 and tells girls that and uses angles. girls dont know what 9 inches looks like but its monster territory
I like all these things but when ik actually having good sex IDC as much
You are STUPID it’s not rape if I ask for it outright
I don’t even care if it was a 7incher, I just wanted to see if he was cut or uncut
I didn't say it was.
I don't want to actually rape a person, I'm not a fucking psychopath.
What I want is the woman to be such a submissive slut for me that she begs me for it though and sees herself fulfilled as my rapebunny.
>chad gets whores permanently looking for him even when he doesn't deliver
women are a disgrace
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>We just like being dominated
not by me
Yeah yeah whatever I just wanted to laugh at him
I feel like such an outlier because I want to fuck a man up and make him my slut
I hate women so much, there are no words to describe it
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>one faggot ruined penis size comparissons on atoga for everyone because he didnt deliver
thats the only thing I have going for me and its gone
Regular sex is great too, but some of us enjoy the additional intensity. I actually wish I could be happy with vanilla sex only but I just don't seem to be wired that way
i am cultivating a love for womenkind that will hopefully last me until old age when women look kinda fugly and my sex drive wont be there to keep us connected anymore. thats when the fruits of my labor will come forth, and I will love my wife with a pure and deep love
Don’t call me a rapebunny and we have a deal
Would you like to hatefuck one?
This is insanely sweet
why do i hate racemixing couples that are black male white female
>Implying 100% of the women here aren't trannies.
same reason you hate roommates fucking at 2am.
>Cultivate love for the gender
>Not for your wife, specifically
never gonna make it
The only way to prove I am not a tranny is literally posting my vagina
This and I’m not posting it
reminds me that im a fucking lonely virgin? yep
>Would you like to hatefuck one?
Only if it made her upset.
4chan has kinda ruined me, i have to actively avoid staring and laughing when i see a fat white woman and black guy couple, i thought this only happened in america
And even if you did someone would say “your surgeon was good” or some bullshit
Trannies lol
99% of the maleanons here have AGP, yet they accuse the actual women of being trannies.

Don't be so insecure about being trannies in the closet, anons.
Would you still beg for it and beg to be abused?
A Giant Penis? Proof please
If you post here and you have an XY chromosome, you are likely a troon. Death to all feminine males/trannies.
Why make up bullshit?
AGP is a male who has a fetish for wanting to be a woman basically. Which describes most "men" here, including (You), tranny anon.
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does it seem sus when someone brings up cuckery and other weird sexual stuff in their insults. like conservative men call other people cucks all the time and it makes me think they are themself cucks or gay.
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Details woman, details!
So how do I worship young white women feet if I’m too old to go back to undergrad ?
Troons doing damage control kek. Let's see you rope in 5 years. You can always tell it's a tranny when a male poster is obsessively jealous about women kek.
Saw the perfect man today. He was fat, ugly and balding. I could smell him from the other side of town. My womb echo-located him. My panties got so drenched they gained sapience and ran away. He looked at me and said "hi" and I nearly died from overwhelming emotions.
Sure as long as you are OK with breeding
Well if it's only being a week it sounds like the issue may not be irreparable.
I can't give you any specific advice but you need to address it directly.
The problem with all these rape fantasies is that if I were to force a woman to do what I want it would involve a lot of oral.
>What’s the scariest thing that happened? People IRL recognizing you?
I think so because the guy threatened to report me to my CO at the time.

Massage wand

That's fair. I think the social aspect isn't there for those though. You don't have Asian women saying, "Woah, big American dicks! Asian men can't compare! I want hapa babies!" Or some shit.

No, I came from a dirt poor immigrant family. For Christmas one year, my present was getting braces to correct a defect. But I'm early in my career and make a lot of money, plus have a lot of time to moonlight on the side.

This. Men always exaggerate their size because they have porn brain.

Ooga booga, caveman brain
"They're stealing our wamenz!"
Just think of it like this: if she wants to fuck black guys, she's probably not the right one for you.
If you can't remember that I use punctuation in my posts, then you don't have the right to shitpost about your lame porn habits at me.
Only about my nose, the vag is natural and gluten free
They actually have coom brain lol
Soft femdom no pegging
Moid hands
I don't see the problem.
Oh course there will be no condoms and protection, you need to be put in your place raw and unprotected. How else will you learn?
Nice. I'm happy for you.
What's your age range? I want to believe there's hope for me because you've been worse off apparently.
Would you say growing up poor presented any challenges for handling your finances?
For example, I wouldn't trust myself not to blow it at this point if I came into money and had to manage it all ok my own, but being aware of that is the first step.
I would like to get into an argument with a man and mid-way through arguing he’d shove his dick down my throat
For me its pretending women are wrong when they're right just to see them get mad
women, when you were a teen (18-20) did you ever get horny and fantasize about chubby older men fucking you?
sometimes when I see young women I swear they're staring at me.
thats a dangerous game
*Manage it all on my own
I'm phone posting
>No man to keep tied up to a table being constantly stimulated, to tickle, to fondle, to use as a toy
How come
No at that age I wanted to fuck rockstars like damiano david now that im older i like rugged ruby type men with muscles
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>find major fuck up today while processing routine disbursements
>bring it to my boss
>she goes down the rabbit hole
>gets really frustrated
>realizes that she is partially to blame for this oversight
>starts tearing up and wiping her eyes
>meanwhile I'm just sitting there in her office twiddling my thumbs (with a boner)
What's the most awkward thing that's happened to you recently, anons? Preferably involving the opposite gender
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not trying to catch a charge
I was on the bus once and there were 2 young girls infront of me. I'd guess 13 and 17 or so. When the bus stopped the older one was looking out of the window, saw a fat old man with a giant fucking stomach, no top on, sweating, looking fucking gross and she pops up and goes
>fucking nice
>tfw no whimpering bf
i'd gladly do that, that would be hot
no not really. when i was 20 and younger i feel that i was somehow kind of asexual, i wasn't very interested in men, sex, or relationships. perhaps i had a late mental puberty, because i did become "normal" after that age and i became interested in men. also for the anons who are obsessed with bi women, no i never felt into women lol. i was more or less just kind of asexual as a teen.
No, I was too busy having sex with my muscular, older bf
Yesterday I went shop, girl in shop I say
>You alright?
She say yes
She ask
I pause to think, then say
>Yes, for I am not work in the tomorrow
She look at me very awkward. I think she just wanted me to say yes, without think. But I am always think.
f, whenever i point out mistakes (actually serious ones i mean), i just get blown up at. this is why i never say anything anymore if i see someone making a serious mistake/miscalculation at work. i have a feeling that this wouldn't happen if i were male.
Only a moid would say this lmao on top of that sexualising teens kys
You’d have to trust the girl you’re with, any woman can call rape regardless of anything nowadays. I’d sign a waiver for you
I have muscles too, im not terrible looking, and im usually a lot taller than them

>Women, yet again, hating on other girls for enjoying things
Men would never...
Do guys really get boners when girls cry?
I do.
and how is the guy to assume you're actually arguing for real or just wanting to have your mouth fucked
I get the premise, it sounds hot, but risky business
maybe my caveman brain is right

reject education. embrace instinct
I'ma special kind of fucked up, don't worry about it.
What about it turns you on??
>What's your age range?
I'm turning 28 in a few weeks.
>Would you say growing up poor presented any challenges for handling your finances?
Yes. I never had any money of my own. When I started making my own money at 14, I had to learn to budget and save for necessities after blowing my first paycheck on a Taylor Swift cd, a meal, and some new headphones. You carry that mentality with you though. Like I know I can afford things but still hesitate to spend money on myself because there's always that idea in the back of your head like, "What if there's an emergency?" But I have learned the power of investing and passive income through interest.

I had a crush on a teacher in his mid-30's and thought, "If he made a move, I wouldn't report him."
NTA are you brighter or darker than her?
Depends on the male. If you're popular, big, respected or scary, then it wouldn't.
If you're a 5'6 nerd it would
I think you could test the waters by kissing her first, if she’s not into making out then it’s a no. But if she’s into it, then it’s a green light
I'm not opening your porn link, anon. I wasn't born yesterday.
The female voice, chest movement, trying not to cry but can't, going from being fine to suddenly crying. It's sexual.
You didn't nerdmaxx correctly if other people aren't assuming you are right about anything STEM without even fact-checking it
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going for a kiss when you're arguing with a woman?
oh I get it, you legit want men to die out there
>I had a crush on a teacher in his mid-30's and thought, "If he made a move, I wouldn't report him."
damn, thats crazy. I wonder what he would have thought if he new that
bro used a hardcore anal creampie video to ask a girl if she looks like a certain skin shade
Fine you pussy. Just grab her tits. Just knock her to the floor and ripped off her shirt and tit fuck her. Just ram it in her mouth. Just bend her over and spank her. Just finger her with all fingers. Just make her taste her own juices and gag her with her own panties. Just shove it in. Just use her for sexual relief. Just tie her up and use her again several more times.
If she's into you then there's no issue
Yeah, I've been like that before.
I don't have any problems being frugal and saving money but as soon as I open the floodgates I have no limit and no moderation.
I'm good at being black or white but it's hard to be gray.
That girls name? Jh einstein
Would you fuck a girl as she was crying about her dead relative?
I'm the salaryman guy that posted the story and it's like this: said supervisor is typically very put together and can't be a giga cunt sometimes (like making her own female employees cry). So it was partially a show of vulnerability plus the satisfaction of seeing her get a dose of her own medicine that excited me.
>If she's into you then there's no issue
what if she isnt
This lil bitch has never seen painal and it shows.
Girls enjoy hatefucking too! She might be into it!
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damn and people say romance is dead
>and how is the guy to assume you're actually arguing for real or just wanting to have your mouth fucked
Nta but it's surprisingly easy to tell the difference between "genuinely angry" and "acting bitchy to get dick".
Absolute worst case you can have a trigger phrase.
For the ladies, would you date a guy if you found out he sucked dick?
meant for >>31902605
>implying we were already fucking
You underestimate the average autism levels around here
>acting bitchy
thats not what she said though is it
she said having an argument and fucking her mouth, not pretending to have an argument
Oh so it was more about knocking her down a peg? I get it
My bf does lol. But he usually waits to initiate until after he calms me down and I'm in the afterglow of being comforted. When I asked him about it he said it's something about feeling really close and protecting me. But that could be the white washed version he tells me, who knows. I don't mind, I enjoy it as a way to process the end of the emotions.
No, I would not
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Women rate this body
Haha he ruined her orgasm what an idiot.
Wipe her tears away with the boner in your pants Lol
10/10 but I am biased because jake gyllenhaal.

Crying makes you vulnerable and vulnerability is sexy
I had a family member die recently and I would’ve liked to get fucked instead of being alone and sad about it
"oops, haha, accident"
The fuck…
>your honor, the mans girlfriend expressed the love for having cock rammed down her throat mid argument before + you werent even there
I’d fuck Jake Gyllenhal
I ended up switching to this one
You could just say she raped you by shoving her mouth into your dick
Something about this picture is deeply unappealing to me but I don't think it's the body itself so it's hard to give an exact answer
first girl was hotter. darker.
Can you watch blonde white women with white men like God intended
Confirmed shit taste in men.
tell you what, you use that defense in court and see how it plays out
which one?

I think so too the first one was cuter, but the position for the creampie was kinda shit
I hope it rates highly because its near identical to my body lol
Its the
>Yes I even lift, but I don't hit abbs
> military actor
The only one that matters

Probs a 5 I hate Jake G
she's fucking a somali, what do you expect
Interesting, so you are allowed to juice but only if you are 6'5
I only watched the blowjob because that's my main fetish + anal does nothing for me
Uniforms in men are very sexy. I have a dream of being fucked by a man wearing a hugo boss uniform
I wish I was female so I can be a hypocrite
Yeah I guess. There's another woman I work with who I'm admittedly kinda sweet on. She cried one day and I never got a boner thinking about it (until now lol)
I don't know who this is.
I don't find him facially attractive and I don't like the dirty and washed out colors
Imagine getting fucked for an hour straight and not even having an orgasm.
Why do women want to wear clothes while having sex?
It’s their job not to cum the first 2 minutes
>in men

>into your dick
Manifesting contortionist wearable gf
I do, unfortunately. Makes me feel like a scumbag
I am a retard what can I say
Yes. I like seeing women sad and in pain.
That's what JH wants, no?
She wants men to go fap in a different room into a paper and then immediately flush it down.
Girls thought on princess plapping?
It's moments like these that keep me coming back to atoga
What is that
Insecurity. Fat in the stomach, boobs too small, etc. anything they hate about themselves.
Don’t talk to him
The colour grading is weird
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Need an older woman to treat like a princess and spoil like she was half her age
I meant the girl you morons.
I like it when the guy is naked and I’m fully dressed makes me feel more in control and him in a vulnerable position I can use him as a toy
agree. i've been to concerts/gigs where the performers(always men) are wearing such outfits and it's very hot
She didn't cum either
Id kill to be Beth Duttons sugar baby she’d be so mean to me
Well? We're waiting
"That" type of Hugo Boss uniform?
We all got that, you moron.
My statement still stands as correct.
Are you legit retarded? I said she did not cum. He did. Get it together. Which part about getting fucked is hard for you to understand?
>Female girls
wow i would like to come
>male men guy fella bro chaps
okay what feels good
>girl unmale chicks
wow my ovaries just died you should just magically know what makes me feel good even though im faking it to mislead you
why are they like this
What happens in our brains to make us attracted to it? Is it the implied power they have?
idk ask the femanons

I'm slightly bi (trannies only, but never irl, I've been around trannies irl and I don't find any of them attractive) and I think uncut trannies are more aesthetic than cut ones, though I don't really find myself interested in their dicks at all.
u wot m8
It is a filter. Just because you are unable to read body language does not mean nobody can.
Is there anything about man with little to no sexual experience that you find appealing or favorable over a more experienced guy?
I like that he isn’t used up
Speaking of porn, anybody here using chatbots to masturbate?
Aibots are starting to throw some really crazy shit out there..

>As they disengage, the evidence of their cum and blood, still moist on their lips, they gaze up at you, their faces alight with a mixture of lust, devotion, and despair, all united in their worship of the ultimate power of the cock, the most powerful force in the universe. Their bodies, battered and bruised, bear witness to the truth of their submission, their rapeholes now forever linked in the unbreakable bond.
I had a guy spend hours on me just experimenting to see what I liked and then pushing as far as he could.
Anon is just mad he’s not getting spoonfed
The only advantage would be if he is not desensitized yet. But if he ruined that with porn and death grip it is over.
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same i am currently having conceptual sex with her manifestation in my mind
Depends if he watches porn
Nothing about this was arousing.
Honestly I was hoping a femanon would interject with "she totally did cum!" So i would know if the video was worth watching. Kek
His loss really. Men that have no sense of play are the worst lmao.
No, I read futa on female fanfiction written by gooners on archive of our own like a normal person
I didnt think much of it, but mainly because I was already done with the session and kind of surprised with what it threw at me
If I wasn’t loyal to my manifested hockey bf I would
I like talking about sex on here and fantasizing about getting fucked by a loser on ATOGA rather than watching porn alone
This thread tickles my ugly bastard fetish just right.
1. Mouth (inside)
2. Pussy (inside)
3. Anus
4. Face
5. Mons venus
6. Tummy
7. Tits
It's fun to discover the things he enjoys together. Also finding things we both want to try but haven't done before is exciting.
As a bi chad men are more fun to fuck because of how receptive a cock is. If a man sucks my dick, he'll be erect. Its hot. I can see he's into it. Women don't get wet from blowjobs, being slapped, basically anything but actually touching it. A man can get erect THEN get touched.
Any other bis here? What you prefer?
>Is this a common belief that women have? As a guy, I don’t see this lowering a guy’s likelihood of wanting to marry a girl. If anything, I would take it as a good sign that she’s more attracted to me.
Many guys instantly lose respect for a girl if she immediately has sex with them. Like they imagine the girl would have sex with any guy that easily, or something, I don't understand the thinking.
But it's not uncommon.
NTA but sex doesn't desensitize men
>Mons venus
Wait what is this and how is it different from the mons pubis?
> fucked by a loser on ATOGA
No thanks ew
>Women don't get wet from blowjobs,
I know one that does :)
So how does that work, exactly? Married couples need to be careful and not have sex too often lest the husband's penis becomes desensitized?
Female version.
>me and my partner
Is this the gayest thing a man can say?
Mentally desensitized you fucking tool.
I always thought it was called the same thing.
Would you cheat on your wife/gf if you could get away with it?
Ok this sounds encouraging. Im 34 but if anyone asks I say Ive been with 3 women even though my number is really 0. 3 sounds like a reasonable but not totally pathetic number right?
is there a difference between watching enough porn to blow a load and avoid getting distracted with thoughts VS gooning for 1+ hour just for fun?
what if the porn is tasteful?
this is also somewhat encouraging. would having 3 partners at aged 34 be considered somebody in that "fun to discover things" zone you were mentioning (assuming you believed my lie)?
Texans, how accurate is this? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs0rglf37hM&pp=ygUOdGV4YXMgcmVnaW9ucyA%3D
>t. Iowan
That's fine. Don't lie, though. You don't have to say you have no experience, but don't give straight up fake numbers.
I wouldn't have sex with someone I couldn't impregnate multiple times
Severe mental illness.
Fellow sisters, men are bad am i right?
Slay queen
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Dumb moid hands
Again, how does that work? How does a guy having sex desensitize him either mentally or physically?

>Dumb moid hands
what about them?
I've fucked this woman raw 4 or 5 times now. The first time I came inside by mistake. She assured me it's fine because of her birth control so I continued. About a week ago she told me she was worried because her period was delayed but it started that day so she was fine. We had sex again, supposedly while her period was ongoing but there was no blood. Is she lying to me?

You don't have to tell me I'm retarded, I already know.
Novelty seeking
Yeah. It's about her being vulnerable with me. It's happened a few times while I was consoling someone, extremely inappropriate. Extremely inconvenient. Roughly 40% of my attention was on hiding my raging erection. Once I successfully cheered her up and then made her laugh by showing off the ridiculous tent pole.
Nope, I wouldn't want to taint our relationship.
I think the guilt would destroy our relationship.
Absolutely not. Even if I wanted to for some reason, the guilt would kill me.
>your wife/gf
Probably not. Sounds like you are both retarded enough to not know how to not get pregnant. Good job. Pls give the baby up for adoption.
Only If she wanted me to.
So she's pregnant and doesn't realize it?
How is babby made?
Your gf? She's lying to you bro
women what if penises didnt exist?
No, I am saying she is not lying, just retarded.
When two people love each other very very much.
but the lie gives me a sense of dignity which I feel would be taken from me if I revealed the truth. i would probably fess up to somebody ive know a long time if our relationship got to that point but for casually dating i would feel completely mortified.

i established a fake number to make my lie more convincing, same way if you were going to assume the identity of another person you would want to memorize their date of birth because you would come off as suspicious if it took longer than 1 second to tell somebody what it was.
you can and it’d be like it never happened
Nearly equally dumb sub 80 IQ moid hands.
Women are you the jealous type?
Oh fair enough. I'm retarded too though so I don't know what part makes her retarded.
>Pls give the baby up for adoption.
Abortion is the much better idea.
Femanons, do you like Ben Davis pants on guys?
I'm thinking of getting several pairs for work.
I've felt her
That's a separate issue, and probably a much bigger problem for guys who don't have sex irl but rather become addicted to porn and masturbation. Men who enjoy sex and have an active sex life tend to continue enjoying sex and having an active sex life
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Make it.
I had a friend who took a creative writing class and he was telling me how he was the only straight guy in the class lol
There's no guaranteed reward for pursuing an artistic hobby, like writing. So zoomer boys won't do it.
Yeh. But only when I feel owed exclusivity.
The part where she thinks you can never get pregnant whilst still bleeding.
No, I honestly don't get jealous. I don't know if that makes me weird but I honestly just don't feel it
How do I get into astronomy?
Nah, I do not give a single shit. Good for him.
Ok I jerked off and am no longer horny
>Good for him
Even if it's your bf?
A little bit, for certain things.
What straight guy would take creative writing?
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Did I ask?
I watched the GRRM interview at Oxford (I also saw him at Bubonicon last weekend) and one thing that stuck with me waas how he was talking about how jealous he was of Gene Wolfe. Wolfe had a job as an editor for a tech magazine, and in his free time wrote his scifi/fantasy books. Because he was always financially secure, and being an author wasn't his fulltime job, he was able to write the entirety of Book of the New Sun before it was published. That meant he could make changes to book 1 as he was finishing book 4. He had the maximum amount of creative freedom with no time limits or "I need to put a book out by x or I won't have food on my table."

So as someone who jots down ideas for a book (I've only tried writing prose a handful of times so far), it gives me some encouragement in pursuing it further as I'm working on my PhD and will probably have a job lined up and have some real freedom to write, especially while I'm still single and childless.
I’m tired. Feeling very Young Man Crisis this week. There’s no advice for me. The world is a fuck. I crave the sacred slumber known as Death.
One that thinks he is the next d.f. wallace.
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Idk, figure it out.
Have money
No, its for you to figure out actually
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Make me
Femanons I have an insecure attachment style and I'm clingy.
Is it over for me?
I have some money

what now
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No wonder lit sucks now
Are you a cuckquean?
did you ever get so close to believing you can be happy only for it to be snatched away and you being left with the knowledge that that's how people live but you'll never be one of them?
I'm not sure, I never made it past step 1
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Probably. Are you?
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Yes, many many many times.
I think my autism is just too much for women.
They realize they just want a normal guy instead of me.
I try to be appealing, but then they realize I'll never be prince charming or something idk, idk what they want but I don't have it.
I get jealous but I also realize that my jealousy is from fear of being replaced or thrown away so if I don't have a rational fear of it, I can wave it away.
Hill country is wrong, it's more brush and desert than trees and grass.
Also, Houston's a shithole.
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Anybody else sometimes just come across a picture and think "wow, I can't believe how goshdarn pretty a person can be"?

Yadda yadda don't care.
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I assume most photos on the internet are fake so it has to be either in animation or a girl I meet IRL
No, I'm a moid
Unfff ideal body type as far as I'm concerned
Does this fall under the "muhmakeupcosplayfiltersreee" bs I already pointed out or do you mean actual fakes?

The album:
All the time, social media and image boards are flooded with them.
Beauty overload I can't take them too seriously or be mesmerized much anymore. It still will happen on occasion though.
Is bottom right a shoop?
I'm seconding this though.
If it happens irl I have to try not to stare and it's a lot more rare so it feels more meaningful
Women i am mixed black. Can you suggest me some hairstyles that would look good? (Racists need not respond)
Can't relate. Orgasms make me horny.
I recommend Jenna if you're interested in writing advice.

I haven't read her book but the title applies to me extremely well.
Yes but now in current year they do porn and make 10x what I do and it makes me want to an hero
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But I made six figures last year and don't feel any jealous for the 1% of models who make more than me by getting stalkers.
Based and namefagfilterpilled
>working with women

Nope. My happiness is insanity. It's entirely possible but every example I've seen looks horrifyingly miserable.
Skill issue.
You should actually stare them down, since they are women.
I’m in six figure hell too but I have to work hard for it. Jealousy implies something will be taken away from me. I think it’s more so that we live in different worlds and the grass looks greener.
>but I have to work hard for it
I don't, I work in IT. lol
Nta, but that's cause you have enough. If that anon had enough and their needs were met, they might or might not feel like a hero. Besides, I'm sick and tired of being told to direct my empathy for 1. people who do shit to themselves (they can get 9 to 5 jobs) 2. people who live better lives than most people AND have the means to hire security, install security systems 3. people who couldn't give less of a fuck about others (you think that OF girl cares whether your donation will result in you not paying bills? no, if anything it's an ego boost for her) 4. if the threat is real, we would've heard a few stories, but there's nothing but exaggeration, because these girls get more money from men when they play the damsel in distress card

Frankly, my empthy, pity ... could be directed towards people who deserve it.
My BF wants me to wear cat ears during sex. I think it’s weird and I don’t wanna, but he really really wants me to. Thoughts?
Your attitude doesn't sound healthy.
What do you do for work? I’m a NEET 25 year old right now, I need to do something with my life
Kek. I guess you can only have a healthy attitude when you have unwarranted empathy for internet whores.
As I said >>31903108.
I'm a programmer and it's very chill, make much more than enough.

Dunno you just sound like a unlikeable and sad sack of shit to me with the words you chose.
If he pushed it, he probably likes anime girls, or worse OF girls. Very low chance he's a zoophile if that's your concern
But what are your qualifications? I thought IT was hardly hiring right now, unlike in 2020. Also I am a woman so does that help or hinder my hire-ability
>I thought IT was hardly hiring right now, unlike in 2020.
Depends A LOT on where you live.
I don't know how it is in North America.

>Also I am a woman so does that help or hinder my hire-ability
I don't think it matters too much, at my old company they also had a female dev.
I really don't care what a simp thinks. You're not a real person and neither are your thoughts. Your thoughts are just a collection of what's been deemed acceptable in society and you're regurgitating it in a bid to make yourself feel better adjusted than others.

Besides, as far as I'm concerned, you're a loser who's larping, acting like a big shot. kek.
NTA and personally, I don't care about a handful of e-girls who make a lot of money either - after all, there are literal lottery winners who are handed money for doing absolutely nothing.

Still, I can understand that someone who struggles making ends meet through hard work would would feel resentment towards what he perceives people living life on easy mode.
Limp-wristed ITards will perish with the advent of AI, and Blue Collar Chads shall inherit the earth.
I see you suffer from late-stage delusionalcopium, may it help you on your journey to have a happy life, bye then.

I don't, unless it's somebody who is actively doing evil things to make a ton of money. Like CEOs who lay off hundreds of people every year and then pay themselves huge bonuses thanks to "improved shares".
Is fapping to gore absolutely Opath behavior or can my discord bf be saved?
No, they will wield the power of AI and flex on the Chads with their mid but loyal and smart robowaifus who won't mind that their twink bf has a small wrist.
It's all an act. If we grant he's doing well financially, then he's not in a position to talk. We are all striving to survive. If he had to fight for survival, he'd take off the gloves and show a nasty side. But since he doesn't, he acts like moral superiority is what's preventing him from acknowledging the injustice: i don't care what others are doing, i'm not envious... and other lies.
>Like CEOs who lay off hundreds of people every year and then pay themselves huge bonuses thanks to "improved shares".
I don't think that is necessarily evil. They are serving a machine that is in competition with other machines and it is their job to optimise its potential. If you have a problem with that kind of behaviour you need to set systemic constraints in order to force them to optimise in a different dimension.
Um no.
Stealth post.
I see you're a cuck who'll probably end up with some used up whore. Bye then.
Straight guys wouldn't take creative writing
They would just write
Why'd you guys start another thread already?
Sadly it's going to push them into the trades just like how illegal immigration and mass immigration pushed tradies into Ahite collar work.
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>working out, nofap and edging for a woman that will never come
gender, what is your sisyphus
Hours of study daily knowing I will never be published in mathematics
NTA but INCREASING a CEO's bonus while he has to lay off people because the company is doing poorly (mainly due to his own actions) is neither moral nor serving the machine
Ten Hut!
Good goy
Women, how interested are you in male thoughts?
Yeah, I don't think there is much use replying to it, so I didn't. lol
Making it to 30 without going insane. I'm getting close (to both).
F. Giving mind-blowing, hours-long blowjobs to a man that will never love me.
Have you found him? Or what do you imagine he will be like? Why haven't you found him?
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I'm surprised you didn't also ask her what her minimum height requirement is. kek
>INCREASING a CEO's bonus while he has to lay off people because the company is doing poorly (mainly due to his own actions) is neither moral nor serving the machine
It depends on if the company is 'actually' doing poorly or operating just as effectively. Also, a bonus may still be mandated if the CEO does a good job despite the corporation struggling. At the end of the day, the people who are in administrative positions may obviously assume a parasitic role and work the system to their own favour. But I still struggle when it comes to passing moral blame; it is not a very good category. If the quality of your system depends on individuals acting morally, it is not a very good system.

The point is: if you pit individuals in a struggle for their economic existence, then inevitably, a Clausewitzian escalation of violence occurs. Acting morally is a luxury you need to be able to afford.
blowing my load at the end of nofap makes me depressed :(
shape and size of the cock and are those car blowjobs and if so what make and model is the automobile?
That goes without saying, ofc.
same, thats why I dont cum anymore
I find it more likely you didn't consider all implications. I'm not a Libertarian. I don't think it is a good thing when people lose their jobs. But my point is: it makes little sense to blame the cog in the machine who is as subject to instrumental reason as the people below.
yeah but if I don't cum then I become stupid
>a Clausewitzian escalation of violence occurs.
Based numerals of violence
>Captcha: WAAR
thats my secret
I was always stupid
>hours-long blowjobs
How does he hold his nut that long?
If I don't fap for a week, I cum so hard it hurts on the inside
If I made 500K from posting my genitals online, or even half naked pictures (not necessarily nude), I would have 0 morality left, as it is the case with many egirls. You see that kind of carelessness, nihilism.. with many CEOs, people who work for banks, etc. Why would they? Life is an easy game, and you're winning with so little effort, all while being told it's because you're a special flower. Many of those egirls get donations even though they know they don't need your $200 and that they're set for life, while you fucking need it for gas. Yet they keep taking and taking all while looking down on the people who made them their fortune.
I had a convo before about this, and I think streamers, egirls. should at least have a ceiling for what amounts they'll take, much like Ludwig for eg.
> Yet they keep taking and taking
Man up and admit you CHOSE to pay for that onlyfans you fucking loser. You CHOSE to give money to muh big evil ceo that makes shitty smartphones
>he doesnt know how to cancel a nut in progress
Seething not coping unmoisturized unscented fermenting decaying
Why are men so deeply incapable of taking responsibility for the consequences of their own actions?
>wanna be ewhore entered the chat

Yeah, no. The responsibility goes both ways, no matter how much you deny it because accountability is your cryptonite. The ethot and people paying for it are both responsible. If I take someone's rent money, while I live in a mansion, as these ethots do and know they do, then I'm responsible too.

And again who tf is gonna still be a moral person if they made 500k a month from posting pics online? You'd become as desensitized to everything as people who ended up on epstein island.
see >>31903305
Oh, decent bait
Are you the cosplayer?
I need to work on my kegels
bait for whom? simps and whores?
i'll pass.
You have low standards, mate.
Paralegal OnlyFans misandry bias extends out of court.
Beyond a certain level of wealth, you become an empty shell of a person. Now imagine if that wealth was also amassed effortlessly.

Some people here still think of egirls from the lens of "sex workers are these exploited women who make scraps". Please adjust your views to the present day: egirls are millionnaires. they're the rich.
Thinking about moving to Russia on the Shared Values Visa again..
>egirls are the modern ruling class kulaks and need to hang
Now you're thinking!
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Ladies, how would you feel if a guy you were dating or close male friend admitted to owning or using a male sex toy? How forgivable is it compared to watching porn?
I'd prefer he owned a sex toy to watching porn. Depends though, a male masturbators/fleshlights are preferable to dildos.
That's fine only if he lets me use it on him at least once or watch him do it
Wrong word.
who much ick would it give you assuming you already know the guy hasnt been with many (or any) women?
relatable, ive had fantasies about using a toy with a woman to learn some things about sex without actually having sex.
what if the toy was used in conjunction with porn and was the closest thing he had to PIV sex?
So if he has dildos it's over?
>what if the toy was used in conjunction with porn
Oh, then he's just a porn addicted degenerate.
>and was the closest thing he had to PIV sex?
I don't care about this bit, but porn and sex toys in combination is degenerate behaviour. Even if you're not a virgin.
Not over. He'd be hook-up material instead of boyfriend material.
>it's over
Why do incels always have to think in utter extremes...
I really hate your autistic lack of any nuance.
It gets the point across succinctly. How would you respond if you were dating a guy and found out he owned dildos?
Bros is it over if I lack nuance?
Porn and toys are some of the only forms of sexual gratification or experience a single guy can get at a moments notice.
Never understood the disconnect between a man pleasuring himself while Imagining whatever he wants rather than pleasuring himself while imagining a woman in picture or video.
Anybody would think he is gay or at least bisexual.
Maybe he's just into femdom, or he somehow found out that a prostate massage feels good?

This is really fast wtf
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How do I break up with my long distance gf without hurting her too much? We were together for 4 months before she left and it's been a week and a half of I can't take this shit no more.
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I am closser to 40 than 30 now and still living the lie. What are the potential benefits and repercussions of me outing myself?

I would say I am on par if not a notch or two above most of my successful friends in terms of physical attractiveness. They mostly believe my lies and assume Im just as normal as any of them because I have a class clown ENTJ sort of personality which makes my lies believable. Ive self sabotaged a lot of potential romantic relationships by playing the clueless idiot and getting myself zoned. Its really bad guys, even all the nerds and outright dweebs and uncool dudes from highschool are all getting life partners or married with kids. Sorry for the reddit spacing, I just wanted to separate the question from the background info.
Everything else, yes.
It's not that serious, bro. I just never had a brother.
A cordial letter and self care gift basket seems fine.
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I keep forgetting my pics

Can confirm.
My go-to way to make friends at social events is to go hang out with the most attractive people in the room.
Everything's so expensive these days, you just can't live off of the returns from 200k worth of investments anymore. The state of the modern economy...
F, I live on other peoples paychecks... and debts.
coke slurpee and some sort of pastry confection without too much icing. Maybe a muffin.
I don't need to, I have their consent.
My fwb laughed with me for my latest fumble. God, I am so dumb sometimes. Ugh. Please add me back on your throwaway. I promise I won't tell anyone, but I'm sore from how awkward that was.
Daily reminder that:
>Women hate men
>Minorities hate whites
>Both hate America
If you are white and male I highly suggest you leave in the next 5 to 10 years things are going to get violent, let the women and the bears handle it.
No one wants to hire a white man where I live and all the jobs I've had with Hispanics they have been racist towards me to the point where I just couldn't take it and quit.
Just quit my job and bought my ticket for Romania, fuck America.
Shared Values Visa bros, WAGMI

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