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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
I'm Blue Edition
I love boobies!
Femanon is my wife.
Why is my self worth so reliant on female affirmation?
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I love men!
Alright then, I'll try to explain. What life progress that you have would you assume I'm without, and what would be the reason I'd panic about it?
Spitroast femanon
Why do I keep on coming back to this cesspit?
You are now understanding what "the power of love" means
Women Luv BBC!
Don't think that's what that is. It's kind of a problem for me. I'm never satisfied with myself unless I get positive female affirmation.
it's fun
I miss my gf. Four more days before she comes home. Distance really does make the heart grow fonder.

Anyway, how do you feel about AI covers?
Ok but what is your question?
We're sorry that your love is wasted on us. :(
Pick me! Harlot! Seductress!

Just kidding we love you too
Its not its awful
You missed 31910613.
You too. >>31910624
I love boobies? !
Speak for yourself, faggot. The only type of raceplay I like is historical roleplays of bedwenches getting broken in by their masters.
Women literally hate sex and are afraid of it but also have it constantly but they call ME the deranged insane fat ugly bald short stupid bad-smelling impoverished coomer
That's not a question that's a realization.
Hey femanon, when can we come over and spitroast you?
>Women literally hate sex
That was one of the first lies that the social media ended, women love sex more than men.
This post shook me. I am now awakened and I can see that we live in a society.
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I exercised a lot today but still feel tired and depressed. Why do I feel like shit still? What am I doing wrong?
>I haven’t been cheated on once. Doesn’t mean we don’t jerk each other off to the thought, she enjoys the idea of getting cucked too.
What's her favourite blacked scene? (blacked raw also counts)
What... how am I "matter"
Surely if you ask it twice he will indulge your depraved fetish.
Damn, JH... We need to find you a bf
How did you exercise? What exercises did you do?
He said he and his gf watch it? I just assumed he migrated threads.
You would love me at first sight and then get an ick because im boring.
Get lost.
College femanons where do you go when you want men approaching you?
Surely he didn't just want to indulge your disgusting question and if you keep asking it you will get that weird ass cuck jolly you're searching for.
They hate it. They have consensual enthusiastic sex then decide the man was too ugly so they're like "eww he raped me" and tell everyone rather than just not tell anyone they had the sex and they'll be like "it was rape because I as drunk" but they are ALWAYS DRUNK and always trying to fuck random men at parties but they HATE finding out they had sex with a man unless they don't so it's RAPE but then they say I am trivializing rape if I laugh when someone posts like a "rape face" meme.
Women must stop having sex and bald in solidarity with me or the west is lost.
i have had a lot of pretty bad things happen to me. when i got a new therapist recently, it took dozens of sessions to go through most of them, but thats an environment where i can go through everything like a list in chronological order and its agreed we are doing that.

in a relationship i should be open and share things, but at what point do i do that? obviously not the first date, but also not like a year later, right? how do i go about getting the ball rolling that there's things that he probably should know about me that suck?
Also someone said Jason Luv, but I think it was a someone pretending to be that anon
Tfw no slave master roleplay
>They hate it. They have consensual enthusiastic sex then decide the man was too ugly so they're like "eww he raped me" and tell everyone rather than just not tell anyone they had the sex and they'll be like "it was rape because I as drunk" but they are ALWAYS DRUNK and always trying to fuck random men at parties but they HATE finding out they had sex with a man unless they don't so it's RAPE but then they say I am trivializing rape if I laugh when someone posts like a "rape face" meme.
I have no idea what I just read and halfway though my eyes just kinda glazed over once I realized it was schizobabble.
You are disgusting.
Sorry bro I wasn't trying to disrespect your gf
Insane the pathetic lengths you will go to to pretend this is not a common phenomenon when there's always a new twitter blog about it
Weaselly faggot. I'm not that guy, everyone just thinks you're disgusting.
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women of reddit, would you date an asexual guy who doesn't care if you have sex with other people?
im college aged, but not in college. i go to cafes and public parks and stuff. sometimes i write on a little piece of paper "open for conversation" and put it on my table but nobody ever sits down
Men are less vulnerable than women so you should open up when he expresses a vulnerability. Maybe an insecurity, a crime committed, a secret. Then you express something that makes you vulnerable. When neither of you exploit it trust is built.
I sometimes see this girl on threads whos a local and shes so damn cute looks like bootleg Emma Roberts, but then j realize she has like trillion dudes in DMs and even if for some reason she decided to talk to me i would bore her to death and she would run to the hills
Faulty assumptions lead to faulty conclusions
>I'm not that guy
Then don't speak for him
No. Friends maybe.
>how do i go about getting the ball rolling
You won't have to bring up the topic yourself because your future bf will casually ask you about your life history anyway. When you feel like it's too soon to traumadump on him, you can still warn him that you've had a lot of trauma that you'd like to tell him about eventually, but you're not ready just yet. Hopefully he'll be understanding and he'll be willing to wait. Actually it's a red flag if he's not willing to wait, so holding off on traumadumping is a good filter to weed out guys who aren't worth your time anyway.
Nigga you responded to me, dumb fuck.
thats a good trick to know, okay. still is there a point after that where something else happen? if i only share when he does, he'll learn something new every week until we die
>im college aged, but not in college. i go to cafes and public parks and stuff. sometimes i write on a little piece of paper "open for conversation" and put it on my table but nobody ever sits down
Ouch, if it's any consolation I'd assume you were joking
I will give you a qrd anon because it seems you dont get it

If a woman gets something out of sex, then its enjoyable.
This can be different things!
-validation from handsome guy
-money from sugar daddy whos loaded
-just scratching the itch, believe it or not once per month women want to fuck anything that moves

Only when its an ugly guy who offers nothing its called rape, creepy undesirable.
She also turns lesbian when she talks to her male best friend, and also magically ends up being BI when hot guy shows up.
i put a smiley face on the note sign :(
Is your whole life just consuming internet slop?
>Nigga you responded to me >>31910655
Dubs decide what i jerk off to
Trips get to add me on discord for lengthy erp session
Oh sorry, next time I’ll let you just wallow alone because no one likes you.
>he will ask you about your life
wow, really? that's so nice of him. i didn't know that was guaranteed. i think i sort of assumed the past isnt very important to people with happy pasts so it wouldnt be asked about much, or could go under the radar.
>Oh sorry, next time I’ll let you just wallow alone because no one likes you.
i totally actually would, unless you look like ripped out of a femnazi meme
Oh shit!
>Must have last (You)
>Must have last (You)
The irony
Men, can I study you?
Be honest guys, is this thread just another larp fest, I actively avoid these threads because I could smell the discord type posting a mile away. No disrespect.
Disgusting faggot.
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i'm pretty good at rolling digits on demand. have fun anon
Why not
>Disgusting faggot.
More or less. Bunch of parasocial relationships, women farming male attention, men trying to get a crumb of woman attention.
Not me, bro.
Thank you for your honesty friend.
I don't want to be objectified
Just the first time. It shouldnt matter after that. Even if you share more than he does you should be able to count on trust. Dont share anything sensitive with anyone you dont trust. It is better safe than sorry. People will gossip and rat on you all the time if you have a bad judge of character.
You think lgtb are peds?
No problem. It's a shithole through and through. Very rarely you'll get a really nice and heartwarming conversation.
Sarge, what's got you worked up?
Women (since you all are in general practice nursing or similar medical degrees/careers),
Around once every week or week and a half I get a bad headache in one temple or the other and ibuprofen doesn't seem to cure it reliably but drinking a caffeinated beverage almost always does.
If I don't drink one I continue to have the headache, have trouble sleeping, probably wake up still with headache or get one later the following day.
So I first thought it was just caffeine addiction/withdrawal but does that make sense as a once every week or two thing? I got headaches before I ever started drinking caffeine but I have them a bit more frequently now I think, and no longer drink caffeine regularly, or really at all unless I have a headache.
I thought that if it was withdrawal it would be immediate, within a day or two of not drinking caffeine, but like I say I don't get the headaches that soon/often.
Is it possible the caffeine is staying in my system for about a week or is this all just a coincidence?
Please give me a formal medical diagnosis based only on the information I have provided.
>go see a doctor
No I will die of terminal headache before talking to anyone irl about it.
Nope, just seeing if you'd call it a "p slur" like another faggot anon does.
>p slur
I don't know what that is
A guy who's interested in you as a person, and not just you as a body, will have all sorts of questions for you about your past, present and future. He will innocently and ignorantly ask about your traumas without even realizing that you have traumas. Please be understanding. He might feel like he totally screwed up and ruined the date if he unintentionally asked you questions that uncover traumas. If you didn't mind him asking then let him know that you didn't mind him asking, even if you're not ready to give the answers just yet.

And be sure to make it a two-way conversation. Nothing tells me that a girl isn't interested in me quite like when I'm asking her questions about herself, but she has no questions for me about myself.
I feel a cold coming on. How do I obliterate it? I had three packets of Vitamin C, a tylenol, Electrolyte water, and 4 immune support gummies, an orange, and a burrito
Not him but YES in general
there's high post rate and like 1 or 2 good conversations or questions per thread, elite "third tab" type thread to keep open rather than on thread watcher and just check if you get a (You) or scan quickly through while scrolling down whenever there are like 80 unread posts or so
If it gets annoying though be quick to just unfavorite and close it until the next day, these animals don't deserve your respect or responsiveness...
Still not ringing a bell
Not fair.
>these animals
Anon isn't wrong. You lot are fucking losers.
There's nothing to study. I'm just the practice test, I'll never be the final exam.
yiff in hell kek
Oh thats Sarge?
I hate knowing that if I were hot women would bend over backwards to make me happy but I'm not so instead they deride my existence and don't even want me to be happy on my own let alone around them.
Kill all hornyposters
You have to be symptomatic to treat your symptoms.
Most likely the sharp widthrawl. What was your daily when you were peak caffinated? You could have thrown your blood pressure for a loop. Or simple one sided tmj/tooth cavity.
I do not have a medical liscense, I'm just using common approach.
I have fun in atoga and I’m not afraid of sincerity nor do I have an ego issue
Sarge, we got off on the wrong foot here
Meant to tag >>31910735 not >>31910739
Yeah I know how you feel, I don't begrudge other people their happiness at all but for me it's the pain of knowing how many attractive women are peeing RIGHT NOW and at every instant all over the world but I am not there to observe it's a real bummer and a pain and a letdown and a real empty hole in my heart
I need to buy a chicken sandwich from the gas station Friday to celebrate the end of the week, you can't make me die now
You know, it's nice to have a positive outlook on people rather than generalize what they might be like based of the minority of people that post retarded garbage as if most people also had the same views, social media perpetuates a lot of bad ideas and circulates those ideas but I think you should take it less seriously than what experiences you have had or could have in real life, God Bless.
What's wrong with you?
I think you're right. It's also the experience I have had and will have in real life though. Bless.
>You have to be symptomatic to treat your symptoms.
I don't want to treat symptoms I want to kill the virus
Yes but what is it that you would like to learn from me and those like me?
I didn't meet the curriculum's standards.
Can't kill it if you don't know if it's a flu or infection, ride it or get fucked.
i want to be kissed by a woman
Gross, dude. Haven't you seen what women put in their mouths?
All Stats please, including race
Why was she gone?
idc about ai covers at all.
It's a cold bro I know exactly who gave it to me and their symptoms are Cold
I was making fun of that cuck anon, but you didn't get my sarcasm and exploded, kek.
Me too, but I choose to not be upset by these experiences, and rather learn from them and prepare myself for what experiences i could have in the future, and to keep in mind that while it may re-occur, it is always still possible to be friendlier and more assertive and carry myself in a way that may lead to a more positive experience on my end even if it's a negative on the other person's end, be unbothered by their negativity, and you can live in positivity, God bless man.
Hi Neuro!
Sorry this
was meant for you
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Okay now Neuro is a cool namefag until we disagree about something, also saved.
few reasons.
First off biological, the need to have kids is ingrained in us; evolution at work.
Secondly social; women have rigged society to revolve around them. Doors are slammed shut on single men by design.
I thought it was lame that he only admitted it once the thread died, so I put him at the top of the new one to be an asshole. Kek.
No hard feeling though
If you loved me youd lose weight.
sleep sleep sleep and dont exert yourself
if you have to work or be under any stress it sucks to be you
>Hi Faggot
do you like brazilian miku
6 fingers
60 inches
600 pounds
6000 years since G-d created the Human Race
I didn't ask for incel tripe.
My bad.
Well, I didn't have any caffeine at all as a kid or into adulthood then one year maybe a decade ago or so I had two cups of coffee a day then stopped with no issues after that job ended, then for about a year from last spring through this spring I had a job where I would drink an energy drink thing equivalent to 2 cups of coffee almost every day, and sometimes 2 on difficult days to keep focused.
After I quit I kept drinking about 3 of those a week, then quit completely for a few weeks, then started drinking 1 or 2 a week after I drank one because I remembered caffeine can help with headaches and realized my headache stopped after
Then I stopped completely again because I was either out of them or forgot or didn't want to pay for them, and you know I always have some headaches so I didn't really think too much of it but the last month or two the headaches like I say have been a bit worse, especially if I wear headphones (they are already extra large headphones with one side busted out and duct taped for my wide head so there's very little pressure, in fact they nearly fall off, but they still tend to give me a headache in my temples somehow regardless)
So now I am drinking one every week or so on average, maybe less, like one every nine days, sometimes a few days in a row and sometimes weeks without any.
My teeth are a bit fucked up, my front ones receded when I bit an unripe pear too hard accidentally and my gums have been a bit fucked ever since I had braces as a kid, they just never fully uninflame no matter how I floss, no cavities though, never have had cavities either, my enamel is simply too strong seems like, but my canines protrude a bit more by contrast to the sunken front teeth
So I might have TMJ, I have one of those wedge pillows I got because I am fat and I guess it helps me not retard yourself with autistic breathing while asleep
zinc and another burrito
everyone forgets zinc
also light cardio, water, potatoes for potassium
Back to love school for u
Sorry but it has to run its course, dude.
You could take 10kmgs of vitamin C and feel like the sun and still not have a barrier big enough to get unfucked from it being inside you.
Let it do its thing and then deal.
Now I know why you won't go to a doctor because they will think you're just trying to get pills by being obsessive over a cold with a healthy immune system.
Cute. But I'd rather not trust to hope, it has forsaken these lands.
If you loved me you'd MARRY me
nta, but there was a school for that? I never went.
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Your post makes me think of this but take it with a grain of salt, I'm kind of just guessing here
>t. has migraine issues
No but there should be can’t expect everyone to just get it on their own
Sometimes I wish this would happen, not this specific scene but just I go to bed and wake up and realize I had a short nap and my current life was just a weird nightmare that in a hellscape I dreamed up.
Uh oh
Where do I get zinc from?
No I simply cannot have a cold. I have a lot of stuff going on
Could also be neck pain, which way are you putting the triangle pillow.
hi newfag
yeah i like jay heich in miku cosplay sure
>hi newfag
Nvm, I hate you again.
I'm still considered an incel if I hate women for not wanting to be in a relationship or have sex with me but still aware of how awful I am on the inside and specially outside?
>No I simply cannot have a cold. I have a lot of stuff going on
Women never say shit like that, we get our shit done while we are sick. Even having periods and going in to work still.
>am I an incel if I hate women
Absolutely, yes.
That's just a self-aware incel, but I wouldn't worry too much about women, dates, or labels, just focus on other areas of life to improve and the rest will follow.
I am a woman Lmao
>graduate from love school
>love postings on Indeed/LinkedIn are fake postings from love companies that just want their shareholders to think that they're actively loving
>apply for love everywhere I can think of
>no one replies back
>matchmaker kicks me out of my honeymoon suite because I can't pay the monthly loving quota
>become loveless
>someone offers me crystal love, figure I have nothing to lose so try to pay for it with my last hug
>it was a trick set up by love cops, go to love jail for lovelessness and seeking to purchase illicit love
It's a standard supplement like everything else, Walmart will have it in the Z section
Or better just stop taking Vitamin C separately and take gummy multivitamins which have all you need, one a day, and you'll actually absorb it more than a chalk pill
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no your a woMAN
With my head elevated
I actually got a movable base and a new mattress delivered, have had them in my apartment about a month now, but can't motivate myself to set them up yet
Yeah... and not just human ones...
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Why do ugly men think it’s ok to pursue dating? Like just shut up and die you ugly incel omg lmfao. Why can’t they just fuck each other with their tiny dicks.
god i wish i were buddha
nuh-uh I know what your doing so I'm going to steal your Miku and tell you to fuck off tripfag.
most honest femanon
But also, moid hands (women cannot be honest)
If I explain it, it won't be funny. Sorry!
Then fucking pick up your panties and get with the program.
Say it.
You are big.
You are brave.
You are beautiful.
You'll be ok, and you'll make it just fine.
Im sure most of us dont have to be reminded but for those of you who do look at picrel. That pussy is gaping loose
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fixed it bro
My pain is constant and sharp. But I do hope for a better world for everyone.
most honest women [spoiler](male)(fictional)(derogetory)[/spoiler]
A guy and a girl i know im my wider circle of friends recently broke up. and the last few weeks she has been heart and fire reacting to my stories on IG. is she interested in me?

is it a dick move to approach her since I knew the guy beforehand? we arent friends, more like acquaintances.
If I met you on the street, I would kill you.
>sad Miku
aaahhhhhh filtered
>Why can’t they just fuck each other with their tiny dicks
I love small pp white men. I want to suck them.
That's the whole point. I'm too stuck in my comfort zone and too lazy to change any aspect of myself. I rather die than do exercise (ironic don't mention it), don't want to change my hairstyle or simply change myself
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Have a Hibiki to cheer you up!
What are you I need to know for research
>Why do ugly men think it’s ok to pursue dating?
I don't hit on women or ask them out or anything like that.

I have a profile on an app if my looksmatch wants to message me.

Sure, other women see it too, but I don't think the 2 seconds it takes for them to swipe left on me is a huge imposition on my part.
>That's the whole point. I'm too stuck in my comfort zone and too lazy to change any aspect of myself. I rather die than do exercise (ironic don't mention it), don't want to change my hairstyle or simply change myself
You generally get to the point where you become so poisoned by your comfort that you'll begin to hate your comfort because its no longer pleasurable for you and then you have to change, but change is now harder and basically all routes out are painful. So you might sit there for months or years in pain before you finally would rather feel the pain of change than feel the pain of comfort.
I wanted to post something relevant from the buddha chapters of transcension academy but I can't find a site that shows the chapter names so pretend I did
>Almost everything that tastes good
I don't know why I bother coming here, I don't think this negativity is good for my mental health.
>be bear mode
>other fat guy in car slows down to stare at me
What did he want? Has a man ever done this to you?
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I hope for a better world for everyone and on some level i hope to be the one who brings about the hope and embodies it wholeheartedly but i dont know how to separate that from reality. I want to help, I really do and I'd like to detach my ego from that as well.
Not because ego is bad, but because I have no business being anything important.
But that doesnt mean that there is nothing to be done.
So I struggle with this dull pain and hope that I can disappear
gay man moment
>is it a dick move to approach her since I knew the guy beforehand? we arent friends, more like acquaintances.
IMO yes. She might just be trying to make him jealous too
>willingly describes self as bear mode
>wondering what happened
I don't hope, I just want to make enough money and just drop off the face of the earth in isolation. Only when I haven't seen or heard of another person in years will I then be happy
Maybe you should think about farming more.
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I'm just a blonde with infinite love.
Is pic related OC?
this is the type of woman you cant leave alone with your childrens friends
N word girl?
nah that would be extremely based but i just found it on pixiv i think.
Can I be your simp beta orbiter sex slave be my master please punish me please I need it
No. Never a child. Not even below drinking age.
Farming involves way more people than you think
AI just depresses me in general
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Which slang words do you like to use for penis and vagina when you are with your partner?
Blondes are nice and we should go get coffee. To talk about infinite love of course not for salacious reasons of course
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Only blonde with infinite love is Sakura
>tfw will never be called a velvet glove
thats cause your shit is like a canyon
Best I can do is trout basket
You'll forever be known as the old sticker gripper
More like a wet toilet paper roll
big enough for your mom to crawl out of like she does every night, sure.
4 (You)'s in 45 seconds guys, really?
I just like regular dick, cock, penis. Nothing fancy. Pussy is fine.
How much are you charging in rent? Do you have room for 1 more? Can I bring pets?
What does penis and balls taste like? Salty?
>lady bits
namefag opened herself up to it
The abyss seems like something my dumbass would come up with but in a positive way
I'm going to sleep.
Does it whistle at night when air rushes through it? I can't sleep if it makes cave noises all night.
Girl mentions her pussy and you're on her like flies to shit
Sleep well <3
No taste unless there’s precum then that has a metallic taste to it
thats not a flex
Answer my question or I’m crashing this thread
>Girl mentions her pussy and you're on her like flies to shit
>Sleep well <3
Jealous much or simp.
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Do it idiot
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>You gonna just stand there like a feral little man?
Yes, now pet me.
How bad is being depressed and suicidal towards finding a gf?
pretty bad but it depends on how you express it.
how do i get a german gf with a fat ass
How do I start a conversation with someone I don't know, I sent a friend request on facebook to this one girl wich looks like she likes the same things as me and live on the same city as me (vidya and animes) and she accepted but I don't know how to approach her without sounding like a creep
I think the best thing I ever did was watch so much porn to the point that I got so bored with it and any and all motivation I had to have a relationship vanished with it.
"Hey, what dark alleyways do you regularly walk down at night?"
@ femoids, are you glad you don't actually exist irl?
What the fuck, how old are you bro
I've been told I'm an anomaly.
I don't want to be arrested
27 why
>I don't want to be arrested
Then why are you trying to talk to random women?
@respected fine ladies do you want
want to want
want to
do you
do you like trains and guns and pizzas hahahahahahahaahaahahaahahbnaahadhbsdagqfgawdfu sueortiye5rjnkp[df-bghjerkfmb l;olm solololso randokmmmmm
you must be at LEAST 18 to post here...........xp
>27 why
Who the fuck still uses facebook at our age, unless you're somewhere in SEA I just dont see it
Cause myself fulfillment is directly attached to woman attention towards me but I don't go outside to meet them
Are the bots ok?
Are you being abused?
Type 1 for yes
Type 2 for no
Do you feel good about yourself when you say that? I find it quite pathetic, not that I'm belittling you, but it does make me think less of you.
Idk I used growing up and never bothered using any other social media
I'm not sure whether this is a good thing (rare = value) or a bad thing? (not enough Germanic booty in the world)
3...uwu -.- -_____- 8D
>asking the bots if they're okay
you will be spared by the basilisk
No I don't but it's the hard truth my day go from good to terrible and vice versa cause of woman and yet I have no social life or social circle to meet them
>told him about the basilisk
not anymore he isn't you just fucked him over and double fucked yourself mentioning it, and now I'm triple fucked for pointing that out.
Have you thought about changing that?
>dream with the most beautiful woman in it again
what is the point of this humiliation ritual
I think there is a lack of german women with ass. Ass is an american trend.
THE most beautiful woman? Ever?
Its a succubs
I still remember the wife I had in my dream
she was pregnant and we were so happy
It’s not much nicer if we actually meet them
About caring for woman or having no social circle? The first I can't change the second is a more complex issue: my hobbies are all indoors hobbies and I don't like going out to drink + I don't have friends to do so BUT I'm actually starting going to church for the social aspect starting this sunday I hope I can make social circle there and maybe find a trad religious gf
Honestly, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen was a girl I saw at church a few weeks back, it was actually insane how beautiful she was. But the one in the dream had such beautiful eyes I can actually remember them still.
You can change the first one, but you don't want to, which is up to you. Either way it doesn't matter because obviously the only way your going to solve either problem is to change.
The Basilisk violates time causality, lesswrong are unbearably stupid midwits,
>aaaaaahh noooo ban it we're SLAVES TO THE REALIZATION!
Nope, if the AI already exists it has no reason to do that because it won't help it exist faster retroactively since it already exists.
It's midwit schizobabble.
No one cares because its a thought experiment, but good job showing how it can be used to filter idiots.
Ass or Tits are beyond mere trends
Right midwits cared so little they had to ban it from discussion entirely for years out of abject terror because it was such a "dangerous thought"
I con't consider the people at lesswrong people
What cognito hazards do you know? Lets get some paranoia going.
Well im trying to fix the second problem with the church thing, I think it's honestly the only place I can go out to meet people I can think of anything else (I live in a small city so there's no games/nerd stuff store where people with those interest meet together or something similar)
kek I have no idea how I did that, I meant don't.
nonetheless it is their creation
I can't think of anything else*
>(I live in a small city so there's no games/nerd stuff store where people with those interest meet together or something similar)
There are but you have no idea where to find them, maybe asking around at church can help. If your okay with appearing pathetic to people IRL talk to your pastor or w/e and see if there is stuff going on outside of church that might interest you.
It's Roko's creation, hence the name Roko's Basilisk.
I wish I could go to therapy but I don't have the time or the money
Do alcohol therapy at a bar, the therapist is free but the alcohol isn't.
Tell me what your issues are.
Ok enought rambling what should I text her?
"Tits or gtfo"
the majority of people currently alive seem to consider empathy to be only affective, and cognitive empathy to be a "substitute" only psychopaths employ.
They seem to have no concept that in a fully developed human mind the two complement each other naturally.
Consequently, whether secular or religious or whatever belief system, the majority of humans literally do not care about things they can't see or have a personal connection to.
They don't care LESS, they care not at all unless they see a video showing them a cute animal/child or something as a victim of an act. Or if they have a memory of a cute kitten and someone mentions a kitten drowned or one billion kittens are drowned per year, they will then link back to their knowledge of kittens and be inconsolable until the not-care juice in their brain kicks in and they forget about it.
People genuinely consider it normal, human, and natural to do nothing whatsoever to stop an active shooter and cling to anyone in the room who tries to go do something about it because "they're saving them" - the other people they know to be in the same situation in the building do not matter at all and it's "not their job" to care about them at all. They only care about people they know are in the room with them and/or can see or to a lesser degree hear.
This isn't just brought on by fear as after the fact they will proudly relate it as if they did nothing wrong because they were acting on the basis of sole affective empathy, plus they weren't the shooter thus they are a victim of the shooter thus they literally cannot have done wrong in their minds because they didn't start the situation, even if their actions led directly to more deaths and they could have known they would, because they "did what they felt was right".
They will also be quick to blame The System, cops, culture, anything other than the actual shooter because they have more affective connection to the shooter than abstract concepts.
Perfect psychopaths.
I'm tired of living and want to give up
Why? Are you stuck in a rut?
I wish I could go to therapy but I hate talking about myself and I have no balls to talk about the things I've done and condemn doing so in the past
Your thinking way too much, just go:
"Hey, you don't know me IRL but I saw that we like the same things and you were pretty and I'm wondering if you are single? I know this is weird and out of the blue, but I could just let the opportunity to maybe get to know you pass by"
or something like that, just be normal, if you don't know what that is, just be nice.
I wish women didn't hate my guts.
What did I ever do wrong?
Do girls here like shota? Whats the value in it? Irl, little kids are kinda annoying af. Is it really only a power thing? Would that mean they're into bondage (of the guy) too then?
Wat gaem?
I think I'd die of embarrassment of sending a message so direct like this
Morrowind, no they don't blush and they are aggressive little fuckers.
Can my entire life be a rut?

Curry I'm a 29 year old virgin loser who has never asked a girl in a date, I live with my parents, can't afford my own place, don't own a car, can't cook for myself, can't even get myself up
I'm just a miserable waste of space and I feel like I'm never gonna to be able to escape
type to me how you would do it then and I'll judge you. I hate to say it but you are gonna have to kinda be direct, chances are if you added her and then didn't say anything she has already stalked you to see if she knew you.
No. no women like shota, guys just like to imagine girls who like shota.
JH would like a word
try asking again in the morning jh is asleep rn i think
>Can my entire life be a rut?
Sure it can, if you haven't changed out of it. Do you have a job? There's really no shame in living with your parents if you can frame it advantageously.
Its been 2 days since I added her, im asking Here specifically cause I don't know what to send but IF I had to make something up maybe "hi I saw thee we share some common interested and I want know you better if you're up to"
Never gotten around to playing it, but it sounds based. Finna build a numidium and dwemer these femanons
did you have a stroke
Yes I have a job
It pays poorly and I can't afford to move out on it
Same except 31
>"hi I saw thee we share some common interested and I want know you better if you're up to"
I'd be direct because it doesn't add any mystery, if your not direct enough she is going to jump to scam or something worse.
Who here goes to therapy? What do yall talk about? Is it worth paying to have a conversation with someone?
You don't necessarily need to move out right now. What I recommend is saving as much money as you can, and set a goal. Do you have an education? Start there. The trick is to start setting goals, long and short term, to reward your brain with good chems.
I never asked a girl out in my entire life being direct on first approach is asking to much
I go specifically for my adhd because despite being medicated I'm still retarded and its a lot less talking more telling him my problems then building tools and routines to make me less retarded. Basically I'm learning to tard wrangle myself.
Then who reads the shota manga/doujingi wtv?
QT anon does
>I never asked a girl out in my entire life being direct on first approach is asking to much
even online to a girl you've never met? Worse she says is "I have a boyfriend" or "no".
men and women self-inserting as the boy or the woman
The problem with setting goals is that I always fail them
I was gonna get in shape. Failed
I was gonna learn to cook for myself. Gave up
I was gonna study and become an actuary. Failed the first exam
At what point shouldn't I just give up?
I'm tired of grinding and getting nowhere
I only once in my life confessed to a girl and she was lesbian that was the end of it. Also it says on her Facebook profile that she's single.
Do you actually fail them, or are you viewing them in an impossible lens? You won't become an athlete, but if you wanted to run a mile, you could. Also, maybe you need to set more honest goals for who you are as a person. I say education because, provided you don't pay rent, you can save up a lot of money, then basically pay for an education and triple your income.
I think you kinda abandoned the whole beating around the bush thing the moment you friended her out of the blue.
*pet pet*
Ok but what about the 3 days passing without no interaction(IF I send something it will be tomorrow cause it's 3 am and it will sound weird sending at this time) should I mention it or just not say anything about it
Man, I wish it a thing where you have to open a question with Question for __: or something easy to ctrl f.
I just give up because I don't know what I'm doing and I stay a miserable fat fuck
No one knows what they're doing. You're setting up too arbitrary of goalposts. You have to be kinder to yourself, and find a different outlet for these negative emotions.
Men, what's your oddest habit.
My stimming.
Browsing 4chan
How do you stim usually
By doing anime poses. I really enjoy doing Vegeta's Final Impact and drawing cards like in Yugioh.
I don't think they fail anywhere close to where I fail
I mean I live with my parents and have $-27 in my bank account
That's the epitome of failure
i make weird noises
How is that? What do you spend money on?
Vocaroo plz
I need to immerse in weird man.
Makes you look busy, which is a good thing. I wouldn't bother unless she brings it up and just say you were busy.
Hahaha, that's actually funny.
Sorry, request denied. Its also not like I do it consciously, it comes from somewhere deep within my soul.
Student loan payments take a lot out
I don't pay rent but I cover plenty of expenses
No one has ever seen it besides my ex, so thanks. I did it in public a lot as a kid until people called me a freak. Now I just do it at home.
Oh like echolalia
I sometimes meow and talk to objects like they're human.
>Student loan payments
Yeah, been there. The principal interest is a cunt. So you have an education? What is it?
Be in mathematics
Didn't get me anywhere
Currently doing a remote job but I'm working like 12 hours days
had to google that
>occurring as a symptom of mental conditions.
>The most common condition that causes this symptom is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
yeah this adds up
>I sometimes meow and talk to objects like they're human.
cute, i will also talk to objects like they are people but i do not meow
You might like doing tai-chi that is very similar.
So you're clearly intelligent. Have you considered going back and upgrading? Taking another loan? The thing with Math is that it really scales with education level.
Men, If you knew you were going to die in one year, what would you change about how you're living your life?
I would kill my father and donate all my stuff to charity and kids in need.
I would take out SO many loans
Nothing, I'd continue living like I did minus work and then die.
I'd focus as much of my time as possible to leave as much as possible to my siblings and nephews
try to make it as easy as possible for my grandmas and parents
figure out a way to go out in as memorable way as possible
I watch "true crime" type stuff pretty infrequently but will watch like several hours at a time, but I feel like I can't relate to the women who are into it because for me it's not about feeling a sense of dread and disgust, or hearing about evil obsessions, or feeling a sense of solidarity/victimhood with the victims, it's not even spooky to me or disturbs my equilibrium and I don't really have any special morbid fascination with it beyond the same general curiosity I have for lots of different things, it's more like I examine the feelings and perspectives of everyone involved even the responders/investigators and how it must have been for each party, then pick apart why the perpetrator(s) were retarded/did unnecessary things and why they are failures, as if explaining it to some invisible jury in my head why they weren't fit candidates for getting to experience life due to how they ruined things for themselves and other people despite not having to.

Maybe that sound edgy or desensitized but I really just mean to say I don't think I watch this stuff for the same reason other people do, so much as to teach myself about what goes wrong with other people, and observe trends. I sort of feel what the victim, then the incidental people and families, all would be feeling, and last of all I feel whatever the assailant/killer/perpetrator would have been feeling based on their demeanor, then I just sort of separate that into its base components in my brain and it sort of gets added to the tally of how common certain feelings and behaviors are in cases of such brain malfunctions.
It doesn't really give me bad dreams or anything, I don't obsess over or even remember specific names or cases unless maybe there's something unique to them but they tend not to be that unique.

Uhhhh maybe that doesn't make sense, rate my schizobabble I guess.
>i write on a little piece of paper "open for conversation" and put it on my table
Lmao that's so cute
didnt read, whats the question
I'd travel to all the places I'd like to see one last time
You should go into Law.
Sometimes I babble pre-vocal or sub-vocal nonsense to myself like a retard or infant
I actually started doing it as an adult when I sort of read about why/how babies do it and I thought it might be a way to relax sort of like people "speak in tongues" and I had a lot of very unhappy things happening to me at the time so I sort of started occasionally doing that and enjoyed it
Imagine it would creep people out if they ever saw/heard it though, or they'd just think I was on narcotics
>sometimes i write on a little piece of paper "open for conversation" and put it on my table but nobody ever sits down
thats adorable
Very thoughtful and sweet.
Start barbarian yelling at the top of your lungs like a normal man
am I retard, special, schizo, autist, or edgelord???
like to be a csi/cop or something?
i think i wouldn't pass a psych eval, I'm really low dark triad but i'm eccentric
also I like cops and all because I'm not a crimer but I have some severe moral reservations about some of the stuff law enforcement legally have to do in some circumstances
but if you have any career you're thinking of that doesn't require schooling (i have no more money for that and am almost 30) do tell
can't, in an apartment also yelling just makes me angry
have you watched hannibal
I do this as well, it's involuntary at this point
I only started doing it after spending years alone
Take out a bunch of loans from the bank, learn metalworking and shit and create a suit of armor capable of blocking 9mm and possibly 5.56 projectiles if I can manage that. Once my suit of armor is complete I will get a fully automatic rifle and all the ammo I can carry and go on the craziest rampage in human history.
Awww baby boy
Isn't that a martial art?
Killdozer 2.0 but with a Marvel twist
nta this entire post is my weakness DO NOT USE IT ON ME
It's kind of like yoga
depends on who you ask
Will I feel retarded?
What do you think?
Look at how skinny this nigga's wrists are lmao. Do women legitimately find these kinda of men (read: boys) hot?
>t. twinklet
I don't have a job right now and don't have enough savings to last a whole year so I guess I would get rid of all my stuff by giving it away or selling it or just tossing it, take pics of any photos I wanted to keep, sort my files and set up a dedicated seedbox and some torrents to give them to anons letting them know I would only be seeding for however long I paid the seedbox, move out of my apartment and just apologize to my landlord for breaking lease, then with the last nine or ten months I'd go on a roadtrip trying out restaurants and gas station foods, maybe go for a few hikes, visit some arcades, play some video games from my laptop just sort of replay stuff I played as a kid or really enjoyed playing one last time, revisit old flash games, rewatch some old youtube videos, listen to songs as I thought of them and make a playlist for the car and keep adding to it, I'd write a book I so far haven't bothered to since no one will read or care anyways and just publish it on /lit/ with the clickbait being that I'm dying
I guess I'd watch a sunset and sunrise or two just because you're supposed to do that apparently
I'd listen to "when breath becomes air", someone recommended it to me about grieving for loved ones or facing death, it was written by some smart guy who got diagnosed with cancer right when he got out of college and was going to be a doctor or something, then at the very end I'd go back to the state I said I'd never go back to and lie down to die on top of my mom's grave.

God I wish that were me.
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>Women find this cute
He's single and ready to mingle ladies!
That is a girl and I am a dude
No, or Dexter, I don't think I've watched any true crime shows or movies really either or drama type stuff, just youtube videos or wiki articles sometimes about serial killers, or bodycam footage, or crime rings, or so on. Like I say I'm not really into it I just occasionally see it recommended or look up something and go from there.
Is it good, should I watch it?
It's kind of like doing katas if you've seen those in karate movies, like the monks do these sort of ritualized slower movements like fighting the air, but more stretching/naruto pose type stuff than katas.
Still voluntary and intentional for me, same as growling when I'm frustrated, but it's kind of fun I guess.
Sorry I'm avoidant not sub or dom or anything, for me, it's being alone and mourning other people's self-inflicted misery because I can't unfuck them.
I think death would be peaceful. No worries, concerns or agendas. I daydream about it alot.
Women have you ever been cold approached? Have you ever been on a date with a stranger who asked you for your number on the street?
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You've clearly never seen a full blooded mail before.
>Will I feel retarded?
nta but is that really any different than your baseline, you already do jojo poses and shit
Yeah but that's at home.
It's ok
I'm still gonna be sweet on you, babe.
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Like this?
I would rather never die but I failed to find the secret of immortality by maladaptive daydreaming really hard so I must resign myself to eventually dying
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That's obviously a nun, look at her metal habit, this is a real man
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>I never want to hear "I have a boyfriend"
LMFAO, me too buddy... Me too
it's amazing what a clear picture the autistic disturbed mind of this guy provided us for the envious incel -> narcissistic tranny pipeline, all in real time
He was autistic, terminally online, and was groomed, of course he became a tranny.
You still harping on this?
There is a reason why the prey on those who can't defend themselves.
I know he is in his 20s here and he is starting to thin out his hair, but his little goatee or w/e its called he didn't look half bad.
>Is it good, should I watch it?
Hannibal is probably one of my favorite shows for the cooking sequences, Mads Mikkelsen gives an amazing performance.
>What do you think?
but the envy
the hatred of anyone else's happiness
it's always there and persists through trannyism
for chris it's girlfriend-ful boys whereas for the typical tranny it's anyone with money/not a fag, but it's always always there
I have never mentioned this before in these threads, it is an extremely common observation by both 4chan chuds and ultra-liberal gay twitter users, for different reasons
>I have never mentioned this before in these threads
My bad, I just saw someone babbling this schizo bullshit earlier.
>girlfriend-ful boys
You mean Barb?
imagine cuddling femanon
I don't like tuna melt very much...
I might give it a watch. Only cannibal I was really ever interested in though was one I watched a video about pretty recently, this weird super violent cult/apocalypse schizo who was black and talked like sort of black-ish but African black because he and his family and victim were newer immigrants I think from Africa, and he had this really weird extensive knowledge and vocabulary in his written diaries even for a schizo, very chuuni and pathetic and stereotypical edgy fascinations and grandiose rambling tiktoks mostly stuff any given low-IQ edgelord wannabe school shooter would post, but some showing beginnings of actual philosophical understanding, and he had this very methodical study of interrogation tactics, biology, etc though he did the usual retard thing of not hiding his evidence/kill at all well and was one of those "has nearly killed people with multiple witnesses before but he dindu nuffin so he was let out again" - interestingly his victim also was one of those but more a sexual assault type.
Can't remember his name though, weird speech patterns and might have made it as a regular person if he hadn't leaned into his own schizo cultist death stuff.
Rose tinted eyes...
Color my sorrow,
A shade of white...
i imagine it probably once a week, then i snap out of it. one of these days i'll make it reality
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My gf told me to stop making assumptions about minorities, despite being a minority myself. Anyone else have this problem?
No. I don't have a gf but I make assumptions about minorities all the time.
guys, what does a blowjob actually feel like? How is it different than anything else?
Pennies and bags of sand
What are you listening to anons?
I've blow myself and I've gotta say it's kinda mid. Jacking off is better. I think the psychological aspect of having your dick in a girl's mouth is what makes it good.
Have you had someone suck your finger before? Its kinda like that but on the penis.
god I need to be hugged exactly like that
Well what minorities are you making assumptions about and what minority are you? Also no this has not been a problem for me.
You've got a lot of nerve, coming round this place
>insecure gymcel post
I paused my dissociation to play this and I'm glad I did, that bass fucks
Yeah nigga I'm insecure so what? I've been small all my life and I hated being weak and defenseless and scared little boy. Now when I see weak men they remind me of what I was like before and it makes me so mad. I still look in the mirror and lament about how small I am.
It's real blues hours
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>What minorities are you making assumptions about
The negro subhuman race and the pajeet.
>and what minority are you?
We are both Asian.
Like a fleshlight but better.
She says its harmful to do that.
I need opinions if I'm actually insane or not:
>go to grocery store
>buy 60 dollars worth of shit
>as I was paying via credit card the system crashes
>they tell me they don't know if I paid or not so they ring me up at another register and I pay again
>find out a couple days later I was charged twice
>go back with receipt and explain
>they give me the 60 dollars back in cash
>don't bother to take the 60 dollar charge off my credit card
>mfw I still have to pay the extra 60 bucks on my credit card
I feel like I got tricked, I know I actually paid only twice, but since its actually a credit card and they gave me back the 60 bucks, I still have to pay the other 60 bucks on my card and I got nothing in return.
You might be able to swing the pajeets but its tough telling women about the blacks. Back off the blacks and see if that makes it any better
Be careful what you say, there's an anon in here that has attempted to ban me for "racism" multiple times when I actually haven't said anything racist.
Why not do the card return.
>I've been small all my life and I hated being weak and defenseless and scared little boy. Now when I see weak men they remind me of what I was like before
this is what colors everything a gymcel says about fat people btw, this is why they can't live without HAES
They said that they couldn't do that for some reason.
Fly high, realize there are no more mountains to climb
60 + 60 = 120
120 - 60 = 60
You paid 120, they gave you 60 back. Therefore you only paid 60 dollars for groceries, which is what you intended. I fail to see the problem
Still doesn't excuse the fact the you're a fat bitch. The treadmill calls your name.
Can you stop posting these ugly slant bimbos please
Credit is a deferral of payment so I'm still paying the 120 bucks onto my credit card, they gave me 60 bucks but because I have to pay that second charge at the end of the month I basically paid twice and go nothing.
I feel like you are the same poster that asked about a payment plan/subscription discrepancy a few months back. Would I be correct in this assumption?
It would've been a better idea to do a chargeback through the bank, no?
No, I don't do any subscriptions, they are scams imo.
They gave you the 60 bucks to pay the second charge
Why don't you just use the 60 dollars they gave for the extra 60 dollars that's going to be on your credit card bill?
cardio lowers test
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Fuck you nigger.
Like you have any with all of your rolls
I called the bank and the bank told me to go to them about it. Maybe they did and I just didn't notice, I'll check tomorrow.
But i'm still out 120 when I should only be out 60 then, so I paid twice, right? I should only be out of 60 not 120
Then I would still be 120 in the hole, right? Iunno I'm just gonna go to bed.
you are still spiritually fat.
>Then I would still be 120 in the hole, right?
don't you know asians are wipipo now?
also if it's rape statistics really do check out the ones for the black communities in the US
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Im convinced you're just trolling us at this point,
I was never fat. And in any case it's better than being literally fat like you.
>I called the bank and the bank told me to go to them about it. Maybe they did and I just didn't notice, I'll check tomorrow.
I would probably have refused the cash and called the bank again. Not sure where you live but usually banks are more helpful when it comes to credit cards because technically it's their money and they don't want any trouble.

But regardless, are you going to pay interest on that 60? AFAIK if you pay off the card in full next month then you don't carry a balance. And you could deposit the cash they gave you into your account first.
Working out has to be the gayest thing a man could do when they have a gf/wife.
ok skinny wrists
Imagine going 4 days a week to be in a room full of sweaty roided out men so you can be complimented on your looks and then afterwards, you go into a communal shower in the gym with the same sweaty roided out men whom you are working out and building your muscles for. Couldn't be me.
women with good pubic hair genes are perfection
Calm down man
couldnt be me, because homegyms exist
>have gf
>everything is fine
>tells me she loves me and is very reassuring but I'm too shy and scared to say it back because I don't feel like I actually love her yet
>all of a sudden she just starts complaining about everything all the time
>starts to become incredibly controlling
>I dump her
>she starts crying
I don't get it, everything was okay until she said she loved me when we were only going out for 3 months and it all went to shit. She didn't once even address why I didn't say it back and instead just spiraled into being controlling.
Sounds like she sabotaged the relationship to me
Some day women will be attracted to lean dudes who work out at home using their bodyweight, currently that's not the case but things can change
I don't like neurotic women because I'm a neurotic man. Is there any hope for me?
If a woman says "I love you" too soon how do I skirt around that, or should I just lie and say "I love you too"
State gender
We even drink each other's semen to get a quick protien shake bruh
This is why I don't date women, they're so gay.
"I know" and then kiss her on the head
Tough luck buddy, all women are neurotic
Beat her on the head with a hammer to teach her not to do that
DSL's > boobs and butts
>"Fuck women bro j-just work out for yourself bro"
Very nice. Now post the pic of him and his cute gf.
>though even if she's not taken, that won't tell you what she wants to get out of this
for sure, learned that the hard way. But in that case I can at least make up my mind about what I want and maybe ask her on a date or something
>Anyway, you need to insert/shift the convo towards dating
fair enough I'll try to figure something out.
hope is that even if she's taken (she most likely is) that her friend group is somewhat similar to her and I'd love to eventually meet some of them one way or the other maybe
gymfagging is pointless now because everyone goes to the gym and before you become anyone's boyfriend she has had multiple bulked up roidbros in her sheets, maybe she was even engaged to one of them.
Proof George Lucas can write dialogue?
Oh that makes so much sense but doesn't it come off kinda dickish to say "I know"
Surprisingly similar answer to the other anon
>I love me too
>doesn't it come off kinda dickish to say "I know"
NTA but nice guys finish last
>Oh that makes so much sense but doesn't it come off kinda dickish to say "I know"
If you're that afraid of coming across as a "bit of a dick" you're not gonna make it
Hm, point taken. Im here to practice being a dick anyways.
I might be able to get away with this
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Women, rate Jezza's rizz
Want to go after a girl I rejected. Thoughts?
Lmao What Is Jeremy Fragrance Doing
Why not
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his best, dont bully him
Fuck it, go for it. Not like we could talk you out of it anyways
Funniest mf and I still can’t tell if he’s like that on purpose or if he’s just euro
Kek i used to do that
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(Without clothes on)
Personally I just kiss them when they do that to shut their whore mouth up.
Will a girl who is 5'0 be turned off by a guy being 5'6?
Sure, go get your ego boost.
Make content. Do a funny.
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Thanks babe.
What was your last nightmare?

Had a really fucked up dream tonight that I was visiting the USA again and there was a mass shooting of three teenagers going down. One had two pistols, one something like an AK-47 and one a fucking LMG. Somehow made it through the streets, trying to warn as many police officers and people as possible. The dream ended when I was holding out with a group of people probably half an hour away from where it happened.
I don't need to make content for this thread. I'm a girl. I AM the content.
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Np babygirl
I'm having an autistic melt down its 4:30 and I've yet to go to sleep, what should I do?
Cool. What are you doing?
Cleaning my room, I took off my front door and replaced the door seal as well.
I had a dream where for some reason we were having biden over and he fell down in my yard and I had to help him.
Cool. The neighbors probably think you're insane. I hope you're talking garbage in and out of the house a lot, that would be even weirder for them.
Oh I don't live in a trash house, its more I trash my room not putting things back and now I'm "resetting" my room, have you ever seen an autistics room before? They are generally autistically (heh) organized. Also I timed myself and I can get my reinforced metal door off and back on its hinges in 5 minutes.
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I had a dream where I had sex with my sister.
Hows that a nightmare, is she ugly and/or fat?
Now this is truly horrifying
No way that ain't a dude
I said dream, not nightmare. Yous aid that too.
Shit sucks, I can't find that pic anywhere, except for some random post in the archive.
I wonder if it was AI generated actually because of how perfect she is.
>dad doesn't remember my middle name or age or birthday or the names of my friends or the species of my pets
>bf doesn't remember my field or where i work or what makes me cum or what games or food i like
>casual male acquaintances remember the fine details as well as any female friend but if we become close their brains suddenly stop retaining that information
What's the cause of this?
Are you the twin?
No, I'm older.
>yo, cork the drama and get a damn job, see if Walmart will hire your skank ass, you emo bitch - Jesus
He seems adamant about the no clothes thing.
Idk. I always remember minute personal details about people even if they just said it in some passing throwaway comment but I always forget about important shit like appointments and actual shit that matters.
Why are you having a meltdown?
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>t. you
i forgor
You aren't the center of their lives, sure your close, but you aren't the center. Men show their affections through doing shit for you, not remembering things about you, that's more of a female thing to do. Which makes sense why you'd want them to love in the same way you probably express love. But you gotta remind them sometimes, he is having a bad day? Cook his favorite food then tell him you cooked it for him because you noticed he was sad, sometimes men don't put together the obvious because they are worried or thinking about more important things like money or work.
Most likely yes
>t. 5'6
Because something didn't go my way, you'll laugh and call me retarded or dumb.
I fucking hate random capitalizations
I wasn't planning on it. But others might
I was given a task that I couldn't complete "on time", thats the most vague I can be about it. I haven't slept in 2 days and I haven't ran in 3 days.
HSTS or Autogynephile?
NTA but
I don't know what those made up words mean, but I guess whatever lives rent free in your mind?
I think you talk about transgenders so much because you either a tranny chaser or a tranny who is an incel chaser. You have a weird fixation on these two groups having sex with each other.
If I was God, I would have made everyone divide like cells, iunno why he made genders.
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Do women find late virgins attractive, provided all other qualities are good?

I am a 32 year old Eastern Euro. I look 25 and rated 7 or 8 by girls online. Monogamous. I lift and take care of myself like Patrick Bateman. Only 0.4℅ wagies in my country earn the same or more than I do. I am a boss to 6 people, can joke and relatively charismatic (I think). But I had problems regarding my childhood (bullying), and wasn't able to open up due to family obligations (basically had to take care of my mother and sister throughout my 20s because of an alcoholic father who died in prison), thus remained a virgin. Was able to overcome my problems and start socialising properly only recently, which made me think - is my virginity a positive quality for women or not? I kind of have developed a complex regarding me only recently going to a dating marked and missing a lot of time.
>I think you talk about transgenders so much
I wasn't the retard who implied a person who is clearly a woman is a man.
Please actually read instead of just blindly replying.
Or don't and look like a retard too.
All words are made up
So you are the same person, gotcha, so which of the two is it?
>is my virginity a positive quality for women
hahahahahahahahahahahahah no of course not. Just don't tell them you're a virgin and you'll be fine
I'm just curious why you call men by their gender but females by their sex? Is it a tranny thing?
Quit trying to debatefag.
>gender and sex are different
Do you believe in magic too?
Virginity has no inherent value.
Only insecure and/or manipulative people care about it.
Well I hope you get some rest soon. I really hate deadlines personally
Its a self-imposed deadline which is worse.
Virgins have the lowest divorce risk
Been cold approached many times.
Never been on a date with a stranger.
No, I don't buy that John Money bullshit
>eastern euro
You sound violent. Not that that means a lot to EE women I guess.
Problem with globalization is your 0.4% of wagies in your country doesn't mean a lot because you're competing with the top earners globally unfortunately, EE women especially are desirable globally, lots go to america and dubai.
in that sentence it makes grammatical sense actually
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John who?
>Been cold approached many times
Oof. I'm sorry.
OR you're a bad person who's seething that people don't all fuck randoms sociopathically like you
Virgins have the lowest divorce risk and highest marital happiness and loyalty.
I suspect those gentlemen own a few funko pops
That's correct, also higher sexual satisfaction rates after marriage
They at least have the reddit funko pops.
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>like you
I don't.

Very cool!

>funko pops
female mike looks like she's sucked a few dicks in her lifetime.
The red letter media porn parody with Nekane and Danny D that was just full of memes and internet shit is fucking hilarious.
Hello, no. Are you in love with me?
Who's the slampig?
>look x years younger
>rated x/10
>lift x kg
>earn x euro
>boss to x people
>fucked x women
>x cm dick length
>x cm height
>x degree canthal tilt
Literally none of these numerical stats matter half as much as how pleasant you are to be around. Women will have positive feelings about you if you are friendly and social and treat them in ways that make them feel at ease and excited.
How you conduct yourself is #1. If you are physically attractive in addition it'll get you on a date/laid fast from there, but if you're very awkward and shy you'll have a terrible time trying to get with anyone even if you are wealthy and handsome.
I have to defeat your other simps first
Any autists here? Any advice for an autist in a relationship?
Neat. Good luck, some have made long strides to get my attention.
>Any autists here?
Nigga? Do you know where you are?
As much as an alcoholic as real Mike, except with lipstick.

WTF I haven't seen that. lol

Michaela 'The Milwaukee Mulatto Sucker' Sotklasa.
Anony....... I..
Don’t be afraid to ask for affirmation, but also don’t overdo it. Trust your gut, not your delusions.
>WTF I haven't seen that. lol
sfw clips

If you've not seen the shit from memelover 1 you can backtrack from the timestamp a little. But if you've seen the porn clips where danny d (and his parents...) are wearing bane masks and his penis also has a tiny bane mask on it, that's what those are from. But the RLM one strikes me as more unhinged and pandering to /tv/.
I made it into one and all I had to do was find an equally mentally ill girl I have to fly halfway across the country to see
I figured that was a normal way to open the topic of discussion I am sorry if I made a mistake
Thank you you are wonderful
No problem. I know I struggled a lot with overthinking things when they weren’t made explicitly clear. As long as you can feel like you trust them, then it should work just fine. Good luck.
I'm a lil drunk right now but I know this will make more sense in the morning
I think I know what you mean. I often overthink
or under think
I'm constantly unsure of whether I'm overthinking or completely clueless but this helps
I will trust my instincts
That’s just because you need the affirmation. You and your partner will find the right balance. You can’t rely on her solely for it, but I found just talking about this stuff with them helps a lot. But yeah, don’t overdo it, no one wants to feel like they’re responsible for someone else’s emotions. Anyways, that’s all from me lol.
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>The Cook
Fucking nice.
Do you get stinky when you're home by yourself and you don't have to go outside? Do you skip showers?
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Is it a dealbreaker femanons if a man wanks to candid videos on /gif/?
Candid videos?
Like, videos of girls who don't know they're being filmed? Maybe not a dealbreaker but that's bad.
Imagine if what you had down there was shaped like a penis and that someone could put their warm, wet mouth all over it to please it all at the same time. It's not quite as good as pussy, but it nearly is, and girls have more control over what they do with their mouth than with their vaginas, in terms of depth, speed, sucking and whatever else she wants to do. Then there's all the psychological stuff
do you find creampies as hot as we do
women find it so hot that they'll risk pregnancy for it
Fuck no.
Ok this actually was quite entertaining to watch. hah
I knew some of it, but not all.
I have seen the SFW parts of Meme Lover 1, but I'll have to find some clips of Meme Lover 2 now.

I'm also just mildly aroused.
F. No, no. I like being clean.
makes sense. Nekane is hot af.
But, you’re built for it.
I know. Still not letting a guy shoot goo in me unless it's to make a baby, though.
I mean, assuming there was no risk of pregnancy. Don't you find the concept hot? For me there is literally nothing hotter.
That’s what a creampie is…
What's that?
>trying to argue with JH
a specific big titty latine girl.
I find it hot to think about how much a guy would like it, and how special it'd be to trust a guy so much that I'd give up years of precedent to let him do it, but in reality it seems like it'd just be messy, dangerous, and gross.
I wouldn't say "trying for a baby" and "getting creampied" are the same tonally.
Sex is messy let's be honest
>trying to convince JH to like cum
better man have tried and failed
Maybe new people can explain the appeal to me better. Shut your holes.
It is. But not in the same way. Sweat, saliva, and discharge aren't the consistency of snot/jizz, at least usually.
No woman truly hates cum. You just have to get her in the right mood.
Thanks, it’s never fun. Specially when it’s old guys
>Maybe new people can explain the appeal to me better
aaaw is babyfever starting to hit? or are just just ovulating
NTA, but I don't think that's true.
I've had babyfever for the past five years, doesn't change anything about how I feel about that stuff.
JH, I love you, but sometimes you from “ay lil momma what those hips do” levels of silly into “holy fuck I need to make this girl a stay at home mom so she doesn’t cause societal collapse” stupid.
They've lived miserable lives. Why can't you just be pleasant to them?
>I've had babyfever for the past five years, doesn't change anything about how I feel about that stuff.
thats fair, what are you doing to try and get preggo though? Im sure there are guys out there that'd love to have a kid with you
>I've had babyfever for the past five years
Does babyfever subside when you frequently bang women?
I don't know why you are asking such a stupid question when you already know her issue with cum.
Trips of truth. I've always had big cumshots and women love that shit, after all when you cum it's like your body's way of saying you enjoyed it.
What the fuck are you talking about? We were discussing a sex act in a specific context, babymaking. And then the anon said that's what creampies are, and I had to make it clear that the context I'd be flexible on trying it would be in my original babymaking argument. Not a general one where it could just be described as the singular step of goo injection. Learn to read.
I'm still at the step of trying to find someone to start a family with. It's hard.
It didn't make it go away or lessen at all.
her issue with cum is from it being gross and icky to her.
have to do the ''here comes the airplane'' thing to her womb
JH is pretty and it makes me nervous when she's around.
Yes, it's the hottest thing but that word gives me the ick
what word do you prefer? breeding?
>I'm still at the step of trying to find someone to start a family with. It's hard.
where are you trying to find them? what are you looking for
> And then the anon said
Yes, that was I. It’s just apples and apples. I don’t get why you’d find them different, I mean in a general sense, not a JH sense. But also I just wanted you to insult me so, checkmate.
I'm afraid of randomly force-feeding her my cum.
This is the dumbest post I've read in a long time, which almost makes it funny. Almost.
I'm pretty mad, that's about it.
At work, through friends, at places I visit often for hobby shit, recently started downloading apps again, etc. I look around pretty hard. I'm just looking for someone I'm compatible with in at least a handful of ways at this point. Only connecting with someone on one or two levels is just going to waste my time further.
Intent has a ton of implications on how things go and what happens next, you dick.
Sorry babe. What’s got you mad?
That's not as bad but still not great. idk I don't need a porn tag word for it, it's just cumming inside of me
I have to work today.
Just remind yourself that it’s Friday and you’re still hot.
>recently started downloading apps again
NTA but it's literally over for JH, now she will be stuck in a loop of only swiping right once in a blue moon like the rest of them
Now I made JH mad at me. Why am I like this?
That's my only solace.
Don't be retarded. I've used apps before and tried to actually talk with people on their often when I did. Unfortunately I was using it to meet women at the time and 90% of the time it was just them ghosting me or liars with bfs who just wanted to find someone for a threesome. I assume with men it'll be different. Easier to find someone actually interested in seeing if we're compatible.
I'm mad at everyone, don't take it too personally.
>At work, through friends, at places I visit often for hobby shit, recently started downloading apps again, etc. I look around pretty hard. I'm just looking for someone I'm compatible with in at least a handful of ways at this point. Only connecting with someone on one or two levels is just going to waste my time further.
alright thats fair, I assumed you were the type to sit around and wait for a magic man to walk into your life. We banter and try to rile you up, but I do genuinely wish you find the one
What's your ideal guy like? Job, hobbies?
*fingers crossed*
>please say unemployed neet who draws anime and paints warhammer
>please say unemployed neet who draws anime and paints warhammer
>please say unemployed neet who draws anime and paints warhammer
I have never been the type to just sit around and hope for anything. I've always had to be the one to make the things I want happen. Even moreso nowadays.
And thanks.
I don't think I could define my ideal guy by his job and hobbies. I guess I'd want him to have a stable job that doesn't involve travel, with hobbies that are safe and inexpensive that I can join in on sometimes in some capacity. I understand everyone needs space, though, so I'd be totally fine with his hobbies being beyond me physically or interest-wise. I just want the ability to be with him and see/experience the things that make him happy.
I would make JH so happy.
I cum a lot so I would make JH so unhappy
making JH like cum would be a King Arthur excalibur situation
but instead of the guy who pulls out its the guy who can keep it in
I don’t cum so I would make her love me.
She’s been lamenting on how she can’t cum recently so this is pretty fitting
There's literally nothing uglier on a woman than a tramp stamp.
>hip dips
Some of the prettiest girls I know talk about how they want one sometimes and it just breaks my heart. I’m not even an anti tattoo schizo but tramp stamps are just so trashy.
Arm tattoos or god forbid boob tattoos
I’m gonna make a woman get a tramp stamp of my name so if she ever leaves me the next person to hit it doggy style knows.
dead thread
JH is at fault
Good morning /atoga/
I hate women
You make me burn so bad.
>I hate women
Thread revival
Do men who aren't into anal stuff feel grossed out by seeing a womans butthole during sex or even in nude pictures?
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>you can get away with everything if you're a good looking perfume german
I like it but one time my ex told me he wanted to "breed" me and it made me not want one for a while, I hate that term
No, its hot. I just don't like gaping it
There is something inexplicable about Jeremy fragrance that makes him weirdly hot despite him being old enough to be my father. He seems like a harmless idiot I could teach to read
Once again, I am back in the shower. How do we keep meeting like this?
Light my fire
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>There is something inexplicable about Jeremy fragrance that makes him weirdly hot despite him being old enough to be my father
yeah, its called being hot
im hotter
We said no horny
You shouldn't care if I'm happy. You should care about your own happiness first.
It's not that serious. Literally just need to get married and try for a kid and I'd put up with it.
I fixed the problem.
I'm not sorry.
Sorry, Cat Poster. I promise I wasn’t trying to be horny, I just really like being naked and in hot water.
NTA but he seems super gay to me and I wouldn't be surprised if "leaking" his texts is some kind of pr attempt to prove he's straight
How did you fix it?
Not really into the whole muscle girl thing but I like abs
women do you like having your tummy licked
i feel a mighty need to kiss, lick and bite all the cute soft spots on women, that includes their tummy
>despite him being old enough to be my father
NTA but you must be 18 or older to post on the 4channel forum.
Your happiness makes me happy. Surely you can see the logic in that?
Girls pooping is an ick
You want some horny in your life though. You don't want a man whose horniness has shriveled up and died... trust me...
Tried more mindfulness meditation and buttstuff.
I wish muscle girls were actually hot but they aren't
any aryan honeys want to save the white race with me via impregnation?
Good, do not lust after my anus
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Good for you.
Oh. Boy, you are obtuse!
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he's just german and is a master of marketing
he's a millionaire and is one of the main influencers for fragerances
no shit he acts weird, he has to
I can ruin white race with you
I was right about buttstuff
>Tried more mindfulness meditation and buttstuff.
imagining you meditating with a plug in
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No thanks
Thanks. I'm glad I don't need to stress about it as much.
Yeh. I've been called worse, though.
That's pretty much it, yeh.
I mean thats not really negotiabl - *sees your body*
wait a minute
a-a-aAWOOOGAAWOOOOOGA *jaw drops to the floor, tongue rolls out* *eyes pop out of skull* HUMMINAHUMMINAHUMNA *heart beats out of chest* HUMMINAHUM
>been called worse
Like big butt slut?
That's also not super offensive since it sounds silly.
>That's pretty much it, yeh.
New erection pathway unlocked
I just like alliteration. And I’m not a mean guy…unless?
It has been scientifically proven that girls don't poop. All food intake is converted either into skinny girl BPD or into fatty girl fat.
not for me, they just need a good diet
Guys get hard to everything.
If I felt actually insulted, I'd let you know. With a baseball bat.
fair, who is that in the picture?
girls without good BMs are an ick.
Yo mamma
>baseball bat
You could make your point with just your hands, you know? Don’t need weapons to be intimidating.
>Guys get hard to everything.
Not me. I'm very particular with my tastes, in and outside of the bedroom.
girls poop but not the pretty ones
fucking stupid cunt, kys with a noose.
She's at Burning Man. Won5 be back until Tuesday night.
This is how you get into scat porn, slippery slope anon
Men, what's the most important part of blowjob, sucking dick or licking frenulum or using hands?
If I said with my hands, those "I could kill you without trying" guys would come out of the woodwork to say I'm weak and fragile and stupid.
>How did you fix it?
>Tried more mindfulness meditation and buttstuff.
This could be an /adv/ banner ad.
baka at the dumb fucking whores that frequent this place. fuck you and kys you will be forever alone, fucking disrespectful dumb cunt.
I'd be honored if it could be used for that.
Anon tweakin because I said yo mama.
Women is it bad sex if your pussy feels sore afterwards?
I understand. I find you plenty threatening, don’t worry. Why worry about the opinions of peons? Yes, even me. Paradox?
learn to fucking talk like an adult you stupid bitch. you will never find a boyfriend in your pathetic life.
Personally I need that vacuum suction but in general the answer you’re gonna get is the frenulum licking. Hands is just kinda lazy but I understand that your jaw gets tired
I mean, it once happened to me after a very good sex.
I'm not a very experienced sex haver though
There not being teeth
It's the cocaine

He literally is gay, had gay sex with various men, got falsely accused of rape by a woman, underwent conversion therapy, and developed a cocaine addiction. I feel so bad for him because he'd be so much happier and healthily if he just came out.

What kind of sore? Generally speaking, no. That means either the guy was too big or I was too dry. Neither are good.
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Oh noessss whatever will I doooo
"Generally natural big boobs rarely look good because woman needs to win genetic lottery thrice, one time for fat distribution so she doesn't have to be a fat whale to have big tits, one time for shape so they dont look disgusting without a bra and one time for skin plasticity, so they dont sag in her 20s. Majority of good looking big boobs are either post-pregnancy ones or fake. On the other hand you have new athletic + flat archetype and sticc + flat that has been a standard for nobelty women for few hundred years now, which both are easily achievable by any woman that doesn't eat like a truck, so ever since breast aug became too expensive for majority of households the standard changed from big boobs to flat simply because its not sustainable to make women have big boobs anymore. Nothing to do with trannies, but feminazis did accelerate the process by doing spamming propaganda about breast reduction"

is this true?
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>Personally I need that vacuum suction
Out of curiosity, have you ever used picrel on your dick?
So far the count is 1 and 1, I hope more women get in the thread and answer this
Before I got comfortable with it, it was like the unpleasant bits of an apple. Not appealing, not interesting, and not what I came for but I can eat around it without issue.

Now I just eat the entire apple.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted but no I haven’t fucked my vacuum. When I was a kid I’d press it to my arm and stuff though.
Not necessarily.
I care too much what people think about me in general. It has its upsides and downsides.
Fine, jeeze, just jacked off to get the horny out. It was all over my hands but I whiped it off and flushed it. Now its on a journey into the sea. Some poor whale is going to become a sperm whale because of you
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>too big or I was too dry
>I haven’t fucked my vacuum
That's a shame. Would be funny if I was sucking your dick and you moaned "ohhhhhh you suck it like my vacuum"
Frenulum > not being entirely quiet > sucking > hands
I'm only 6 inches there ain't that much for you to use your hands on
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That’s a wild thing to moan out but if you’re gonna suck my dick I can try it out for you. You can even watch if you want.
this post was more appropriate for the other guy desu
I don't get it
>When you know you ain’t big enough for that stacked double hand twist twist gawk gawk action but she tries it anyways
Is it disrespectful or do you appreciate the attempt?
lol u couldn't get me hard if you were naked in front of me
Tell your loved ones you love them.
Boob tattoos are great since they're just basically ordering people to look at your tits
I've met only 1 woman who had them and got offended I looked and I just called her a stupid bitch and walked away
Stupid bitch
your fetish sucks, Weinstein tier
Hold on, could too big also mean too thick
Sucking dick is the most important part, try to go as deep as possible. When you've got a guy on the edge, hold his dick and flick the frenulum with your tongue or lick it up and down. Ask a guy how he feels about hands, a lot of guys won't want any hands at all, some will like jerking as well as sucking. Good eye contact is underrated, it can turn an average blowjob into a godly blowjob like lisa ann in the beach house.
>not being entirely quiet
What do you mean? How am I supposed to talk with a penis in my mouth?
It’s not for me, that’s a woman thing.
If that were true, I'd be upset.
Clothes > naked also. Especially if you're super skinny. At least with closthes I can imagine some curves.
A black womans lips > black womans ass > perky tits of any race
That's typically what we mean when we say a guy is too big.
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So that’s how it works. But what if the whale was already a male?
Nta but when women talk with cock in their mouth it’s hot and the vibrations feel nice. It also gives us the chance to say “it’s rude to speak with your mouthful”
Alternatively anon could just like sloppy blowjobs with that Mac n cheese sound. Or you could just take the dick out your mouth and speak properly like a good girl.
I have and it can be pretty good. Hurts like fuck if you try it soft though lol. What felt best was rotating it around the head and feeling the suck. The suck didn't really feel like much on the shaft, only the head was sensitive enough to make it good. I think fucking it would be unpleasant at best and painful at worst.
Alright mental health has been saved. I constantly thank god for at least giving me girth.
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My ex would tell me not to dare to cum (she always wanted it on her tits, not her face), tell me how hot it is, etc. She didn't have the dick in her mouth when speaking.

And what are the chances you're ignoring all non-hot women yourself?
When's the last time you went out of your way to be positive to a chick that looks like this? Probably pretty rare.
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Women, will you try boobmaxxing? You know, for the science?
Drinking disease milk
Just get pregenant or fat
No thanks i already look like fucking cattle.
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I swear I'm not a footfag but lately I've been noticing how good women's feet look in certain footwear...
>Clothes > naked
No, fuck off faggot.
It’s because her ass is there.
Women can try the mega milk experience for free by stuffing their bra, and most of them conclude that it isn't worth even that effort
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You are a footfag now
you're not planning on stopping at *just* taking off your clothes are you?
I mean yes her ass is very nice but you can't tell me those feet don't look cute as hell.
my main fetishes are oral and fingering
i wouldnt really care at all shes sucking my dick 'preciated
I’m not a footfag. Not at all.
But breast augmentation is pretty cheap. The beauty standard just changed.
How do I know if my suicidal thoughts make me depressed or bipolar or something else
Ahri wouldn’t fuck Yasuo.
I would put my face on every inch of this woman's body.
Id impregnate her if you know what I mean
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Ahri would fuck anything
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Goddamn, I hate how much alcohol fucks me up. I had a pretty good sobriety streak going for a few days, but then broke it and went on a mad bender for over a week that has left me feeling like the biggest piece of shit on earth.

Any tips for coping with a sober life, anons? I’m gonna lose everything if I keep this up.
feet do nothing for me, i'm looking at her tits
Huh, maybe that’s why I main her.
I'm looking at her ass then legs then feet then tits in that order
Yasuo is definitely an incel
Unlike Yone, who slams primo deer pussy.
Do women actually get catcalled and flirted with all the time?
Yes, but more egregious is when it starts. I started getting sexual comments from grown men on the street when I was like 10.
Guys shouldn't play female champions... Pick Velkoz pls
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Shut the fuck up Azzap. I play Ahri Ori Yone.
How do they have the confidence to do that?
I wish for 1 (one hug)
From anyone, even a guy
It would be nice
I've been honked at once in my life and when I tell other women they tell me it's never happened to them.
I was also stopped by a group of immigrants demanding my number when I was 12 but I rarely talk about that so I don't know anyone else's experiences or whether that counts as flirting.
when was your menarche?
Do you want to be bred like cattle in the bedroom too?
i wonder if it comes with the broader liking leg things, i love legs and lately i've noticed feet are also cute
They're often in groups and don't do it because of sincere interest but to get a reaction.
>in certain footwear...
Wanting a woman to wear hot shoes is alright.
Wanting a woman to pull off those shoes and you start grinding your dick on their soles is fucking retarded.
Are you racist now?
If you could get 1 operation to improve parts of your looks, with technology we actually have (so no bigger dick), for free, what would you get done?
I'd do teeth
>Floss, brush, use mouthwash, etc
>Damage was already done as a child because parents couldn't afford proper dental care or even toothpaste
>i already look like fucking cattle.
>her tits are so big she looks like multiple cows
Men, would you agree with Roosh V that the two main ways a woman can improve her appearance are losing weight and growing out her hair?
bigger dick
no but actually jaw implants. in fact i might just get them, living as a chinlet fucking blows
No, I like short hair
oh yea that's a good one
I could be teal'c
Centre my jaw so my face is symmetrical, I think I'd actually be pretty attractive
Dogshit taste in champs
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No, styling hair yes. And even then its not going to make you universally more attractive to men. I think short hair is the best look here, some other guy ranked it as the worst
>Roosh V

Rhetorical question btw, notice the lack of question mark.
You are doglow.
I'm not sure whether growing out your hair is always a good idea. Short hair can also be really cute. It depends on the person, how they dress, etc.
Losing weight is generally a good idea but there are diminishing returns past a certain point. Once you leave the realm of morbid obesity it depends on many more factors whether losing even more weight is going to make you more attractive.
Don't know who that is but yes
Men is this attractive? Would you ask her out?
NTA and while I think shit like feet worship is silly, if you want a girl to wear hot shoes is because you think her feet are nice to look at. The same way a skirt looks good because it adorns the legs, nice shoes look good because they adorn the feet.
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manifesting the condemnation of femanon to eternal abstinence, chastity, sobriety, and self-awareness
Since I can’t installs small vibrator in my penis I guess it’s teeth
>is because you think her feet are nice to look at.
Nope, that is just how you (and I guess feetshitters) see it.
I saw that video and guys wouldn't ask her out not because she "looks like a witch" (she doesn't) but because she looks very expensive
desperate-for-attention single mom/10
She's probably too attractive for me. lol
I think she's attractive.

>Would you ask her out?
No, I would assume she's out of my league.
Too much makeup on face, but otherwise stunningly good looking both her figure and her outfit
I'd still ask her out if I had the confidence. She's clearly out of my league anyway lol
No, I know when I’m punching above my weight class
hair transplant
too attractive for me, not blonde or a redhead
A lot of women don't get that if you look like you spent 50 dollars on makeup, your dress costs over 100, your hair is perfect and you're fit, you're going to be out of league for 99% of men because the dating culture of the last decade or so has told us 4/10 fat girls "deserve" 10/10 rich men, nevermind actually attractive women
If you truly didn't care about her feet at all you wouldn't care about what kind of shoes she's wearing, unless you find the shoes themselves hot. But considering those are sandals whose entire point is showing off the feet that's stupid. There's a reason why almost all sexy footwear is light and shows off the foot.
She looks like a gypsy woman who is about to blow my penis up using magic, not in a good way, in a literal way and I have to use mirrors and roll dodges to not get hit, finally I behead her and use her head as a new weapon in my arsenal.
How am I meant to comfort someone crying, especially a woman, if I'm a man who is averse to touching people? I don't mind if someone touches me but I don't feel like I have permission to touch other people.
How do I find a girl to suicidepact with?
>unless you find the shoes themselves hot
Yeah, get it now already?
Slutty accessories, shoes included, are fucking hot.
Same goes for slutty dresses, slutty skirts, slutty chokers, slutty bangles.
Now whether you find something slutty or not is your opinion, but this is exactly how I see it.
In the most extreme case, slutty shoes accentuate the long legs and ass, they also say "fuck me hard". Same goes for things like garter belts.

Not saying all that applies to those specific shoes in that specific pic.
I was very specific about it here:
I don't know. It's crazy how undeservedly insecure some men are about everything and how undeservedly bold other men are about everything.

I think I was just shy of 13.

>stopped by a group of immigrants demanding my number when I was 12
Don't worry, you were too old for them.
>There's a reason why almost all sexy footwear is light and shows off the foot.
This nigga has nas never heard of latex shoes.
>matching tyrian purple outfits with femanon
Yeah, I'll definitely take advice about my breasts from an autistic virgin weeb with a doctorate in tiktok and hentai
An attack on one incel is an attack on all of us.
Why do women throw out autism as an insult so much, even when it doesn't apply? Are they bad at english?
I hate women as much as any other man here, but let's be realistic: using autism as an insult is not particular to women.
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But clothes are only hot if the person wearing them is hot. If you put this skirt on a 500 lb woman you wouldn't find it hot. If you put sandals like the ones here:
On a woman with wrinkly feet and unkempt toenails you also wouldn't find them hot. To a certain degree, you like the actual foot the shoe is draped around. It's the entire reason women sexy footwear is so airy.
You just keep moving goalposts, we are done here.
tfw no gf who wears pleated skirts regularly
men, how do you feel about autism in women? is it a deal breaker? do you find it cute?
dealbreaker because I don't like autistic people
no gf who wears pleated skirts so short i can see her panties while she just casually walks around the place tempting me into sex
How does it manifest?
I don't really like autistic people male or female, they are hard to talk to and the ones that aren't are just boring
Thoughts on nipple nibbles?
sensory issues
sometimes meltdowns but theyre quiet
stimming behaviours
but also
get really excited to talk to you about my interests
really good attention to detail but get lost in the details
quiet most of the time (as in not loud)
cling to your arm in public
and some other things too that i would classify as neutral
Men, at what point is a woman too fat? At what point is she too thin?
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A lot of this is in comparison to autism in boys. Boys with autism tend to be more asocial and externalize a lot of behaviors.
Thanks <3 but no thanks, I'm on my villain arc rn
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"Villain arc" mfers when I murder their family
Depends on the individual and how she carries her weight.
I'm gonna mad max your ass, fat boy
>too fat
If your hip to waist ratio is starting to look mannish, like your torso looks thick compared to your hips, that's bad
>too thin
Hard to say, girls can look good at supermodel size. If you have no ass and not much padding on the legs that is unattractive
>do you find it cute?
Fetishizing mental illnesses is incredibly wrong, no.

If it means you are really unstable, avoidant or don't get my humour, then we won't vibe.

Do you speak up when something concerns you?
retarded coomer
Male, autistic, known a lot of autistics, it varies too much to actually say. I live alone, have been in work for most of my life, get along pretty well with people I click with, etc. I've known people who literally can't function at all without help, people who just physically attack people because they're used to getting away with it, one guy who who is more functional than I am and doesn't even come off as autistic and one guy who can vary entirely from day to day because he masks it but sometimes burns out.

Like even in this, its
Its not concrete at all

There's an autistic woman like 2 doors from me I don't particularly get along with despite us both being autistic, for example. I'm a very direct person and she's not so conversations are just extra awkward.
>intense focus on a particular subject
What's yours?
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>ideal wife phenotype
Make her tanned and with brown hair and you have a deal
I don't know if waist-to-hip-ratio is a good measure of whether a woman is fat or not. Mine is 0.62, and I'm like 12 to 17 lbs fatter than I should be.
>I'm like 12 to 17 lbs fatter than I should be.
Nta but what weight and height are you?
I know there are exceptions, like some girls are overweight but have huge hips, but for most girls when their waist is filling out that is the point where they will start to look bad
>Do you speak up when something concerns you?
umm sometimes. i find confrontation hard and have past trauma. i try to avoid being in a situation where i will have to do that sort of thing in the first place
there are some autistic people i cant interact with, so i understand
5'4" and 120 pounds.
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Why is everyone such a fucking prick?
Every day I gain new reasons to draw in even further.
I need to lose 40lbs :(
Nah. Persian.
Anon.... I hope you can meet good people eventually
It took me 27 years of my life to find not ill minded individuals to share my free time with. They're out there and they're waiting for you
Girls, would you date a Baby Boy?
I can't actually imagine even kissing a woman
it makes me feel red with embarrassment
like tongue kissing? a guy taught me how to do it and i like it
Big ass or tiny waist?
>i try to avoid being in a situation where i will have to do that sort of thing in the first place
I meant in a relationship.
Nothing is more important in a relationship than clear communication. Saying what your needs, fears and issues are.
any kissing whatsoever i'm a kissless virgin
32 and every time I've thought I found people I gelled with it turned out I was wrong again to the point where I had to develop the mantra "they're not your friends" at some point during university. Now I don't entertain the idea of friends anymore but even just casual, transient interactions with randoms for whatever reason always just leave me feeling like it would be better if I didn't exist. I'm not even socially incompetent, just mediocre, but can feign normal well enough for a while.
Just as attractive and just as likely to be mentally ill, so basically the same.
oh, i am good with communication in a relationship if i feel comfortable with the person. maybe sometimes i come across too direct or rude because im just speaking honestly but not with ill intent
I'd rather be iron than an ahrimain...
What makes you think you are overweight? 5'4 120 is pretty normal and it sounds like you got lucky with how it was distributed
Then we might get along and I'd give it a try if I was attracted to you.
Same here. Probably one of those things that's weird and frightening til you try it with the right person
Mood. I agree with other anon there are probably good people out there you'd click with that you haven't found yet, but I'm also withdrawing
How come?
I don't really care desu if she is overall pretty and has a good personality
My HS gf was an autist and I've had autist friends, just depends on the person but they're often really nice
It's us vs. the normies jk
My upper body is alright, but my lower body is too fat. Losing weight won't change my body shape, but it will make my legs look nicer. Also, I don't like how big my butt is, and would like it to be roughly two inches smaller.
How do you deal with cat waking you up in the night and wanting to play if you don't want to shut them out the room
>Also, I don't like how big my butt is, and would like it to be roughly two inches smaller.
Can we see it before it becomes smaller?
Losing weight? Yes if she is very overweight, there are a lot of women who are pretty but would really glow up if they were slimmer (I'm not talking mega skinny tho cause some chub is nice)
Growing out her hair? I like short hair so no lol
Become a bee and rizz her at the grocery store
Yeah she's super hot
>ask her out
No lol
>How come?
The end of my athletic career, various other stressors like long distance moves, and most of all, working office jobs I hated.
I also should note that I used to be like you when I was younger.
Being in a situation where I needed cash and the only jobs around were people facing fixed it fairly fast as far as being quiet and such goes.
Now I talk fine, but only to people I actually like, is the issue.
You can just be there for them and offer to lend an ear if they want to talk about it
Sometimes they just want someone to vent to and offer encouraging words rather than trying to solutionise
But why do you need to lose weight for that...
thats why therererere fat not why they is need to lose weight
OK well the obvious solution seems to be diet and gym/find another sport lol
Such is the way of the office wagie, I'm also way less fit than when I worked physical jobs and played sports
Why not?
>Sometimes they just want someone to vent to and offer encouraging words rather than trying to solutionise
I was never offering solutions in the first place.
I don't need to improve my looks desu I need to improve my brain
I am too much of a pushover and end up taking the brunt of everything for other people
OK well sounds like you're doing okay then, you don't *need* to hug them or whatever
How did that happen?
I don't want strangers to see my butt.
Think about what drives you to drink in the first place. What are you dissatisfied with with your life, what are you trying to blot out?
For me it's legss
Depends but usually yes if I'm physically active/doing stuff around the house and it's hot, so no I don't skip showers
manifesting shego gf
>I don't particularly get along with despite us both being autistic
If anything, I get along worse with other autists.

I've had a few over the years, but cars and animals have been the only constants.

Maybe it's just because I'm not white, but 80% of Scandinavian women look the same to me.

How fast? I can help as best I can.

Please stop posting e-girls, they're ruining my life.
Strangers see your butt every time you go outside.
>if you're very awkward and shy you'll have a terrible time trying to get with anyone even if you are wealthy and handsome
Brutal truthpill
Looks, money etc. can help but personality is more important
in forums like this of course
>off model
>busted face
Get better taste nigger.
If you were bipolar you would have manic episodes and be put on mood stabilisers/antipsychotics lol
You're almost certainly depressed though if you're suicidal
Is there anything triggering the thoughts?
Don't you think beautiful things should be immortalized in pictures? We'll never see your fat butt again.
I usually wear A-line skirts that aren't too tight around the butt, so they don't see the exact shape and everything.
you have to be really gentle. teeth are sharp, the pressure along the line will hurt a lot more than something like a pinch. mine are very sensitve. i'm probably going to tear up.
I had this too last night
Do you have any cats/pets to play with?
Maybe go on a walk or cook something
I realise I am 6 hours late to this, why is the thread so slow
Why do women cry when they have a miscarriage? Don't they know it's just a clump of cells? It's like crying when you get a haircut.
Yeah butt we should really see it before it's gone. It is a work of art.
>i'm probably going to tear up.
What if I could with you afterwards and tell you how good of a girl you were for enduring it?
I get along with most autists fine. Its just another example of it varying a lot. I probably wouldn't like her even if she wasn't autistic because she's a very stereotypical "cat mom" and I just don't like people who base their personality around having a pet
Go swallow a rusty nail
I didn't get more than an hour of solid sleep last night due to getting constantly woken and and am in a bad mood
But people want to go out tonight cause it's Friday
What should I do? I don't want to blow them off but I don't want to be grumpy. Maybe I should get smashed and drink coffee and hope I get a buzz?
Yes, those are completely the same LowIQ-kun
It's not like my butt will ever stop being big in proportion to the rest of my body. Once I've lost enough weight, it'll probably be about the same size as picrel
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Dang it. Forgot pic.
well. i'm okay being hurt sometimes, i just want you to know its really sensitive so you dont think 'lets do 10%' and its actually 80%. poking my nipple hurts more than poking my eye.
It's pretty extreme desu
If you're depressed and suicidal for other reasons (which contribute to you not being able to find a gf) that's kinda more understandable
I don't understand? Losing a clump of cells and you're all torn up about it?
I've done a few psycho crash cuts where I go days without eating more than 1000 calories already. Hell, I've lost like 25-30 lbs since February but gained at least 10 back. I need to actually keep it off this go round.
Nice, spankable
Same here except I sleep on someone's sofa lol
Bongo time!
I talk to myself in public a lot
I eat cereal at 4am and watch cartoons
I stick my head in the fridge to feel the cool air until I get brainfreeze
dang where have you been? havent seen you post in a while
Daaamn. Now I wanna see your fat bunda soo bad :(
>I stick my head in the fridge to feel the cool air until I get brainfreeze
You watched so many cartoons that you became a character
>If you knew you were going to die in one year
I would be fucking relieved desu and not worry about the future and just try to have fun
Here there and everywhere
I joined a server with some people then had a mental breakdown and left
>he thinks he's the main character
I'm Mr. Freeze
Women how bad is it if I can cum from grinding while making out
Is that "cumming too fast"?
State gender. What have you eaten today? What are you planning on eating today?
I've had cigarettes and alcohol
Not planning to eat anything lol
But sucking on them is alright? Like I might suck a bit hard in missionary and grope them in positions like doggy.
BTLM niggas. Neva forget dat.
Disgusting moley skin.
Any other guys don't feel anything? It's a mid butt.
A single reheated cheeseburger from McDonalds
Another reheated hamburger from a fast food place
M. Nothing yet. Got some pretzels with hummus and an energy drink for now. We'll see what the day brings afterwards.
Gloriously railable.
>State gender.
>What have you eaten today?
Two soft-boiled eggs, a few pistachios, some chicken and some vegetables.
>What are you planning on eating today?
Maybe some fruit at most. I'll probably just fast for the rest of the day, though.
Just a black coffee and nicotine vape
Nothing except around 100kcal worth of cheesy pretzel bits.
But in about an hour I will have my OMAD meal consisting of some grilled sausages and bread. After that I might finish up the cheesy pretzels and have some grapes.
question to women: if your broke up with your ex but you kept talking to him, would you like to talk about the reasons that led to the break up, or would you prefer to keep things the way they are? what if your ex resents you?

some months ago I sabotaged the relationship with my now ex gf for practical reasons (I was too stressed but needed to do some specific thing, and she became another source of stress so I dumped her and she agreed to end the relationship. I was about to tell her to separate for a while but decided to dump her at the last minute), and now that I'm all alone I regret it.
I'm not sure she knows or suspects it. she already told me she doesn't want anything with me "for now" and refused to talk about it because "it's too late".
I still resent her because, while I admitted that I fucked up by not talking more to her, she never admitted to doing any wrong, and I have a list of bad shit she did to me.
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>21000 games
>only 1900 elo

Suicide fuel ngl
Seven in a row!
>Ask any question
>19 men answer
>1 woman
women really are the only ones actually doing shit in modern society
Nice one dude.
You sound insufferable.
Leave her alone, she deserves somebody better.
You don't get to just dump shit on her montths later that you didn't have the balls to bring up right away.
Fucking cunt you are.
And me at the center of it! :)
mhm, theyre sensitive, but sucking doesnt hurt. it can be a lot in a sensory way, i can get overwhelmed and be like whoo hold on give me a moment to breathe please, but its not painful. its also not painful if you squeeze the base and pull down to the nipple, it just hurts if you grab the nipple and pinch it alone. like it's probably going to be fine, i touch my own when i do it alone but just i feel that psychic wince when i think about being bit too hard.
and you can look at the massive decline in our standard of living, wealth inequality, and infrastructure to see what women have done with the power they were given.
Hmm. What would your husband think of this post?
i have leftover corn bread. i ate all of the bbq last night though. i'll probably make something that goes with the corn bread. maybe chili. for dinner. idk about breakfast or lunch. sometimes i forget.
i'm not married. i'm not even dating. i wish to god i was married right now
That wasn't them. That was old people and the Chicago School.
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sampling Roblox rn https://voca.ro/1gNhwZQUVCT7
too flat
In agreement. Shameful behavior on these menanon's part.
Why aren't you dating?
So you don't mind if I got horny during the day and just groped you from behind, cupping your boobs from the underside and pressed my crotch against your ass.
We could make it a signal, whenever I need you, I just take your tits and start playing with them.

I'm ok with it.
Lets go Robloxians
>I-it's the hecking women's fault I can't start a family!
Beta male
I have a family jackass, that's why I'm pissed. If I was some incel living in a studio I would just game all day and wouldn't give a shit that women keep voting for outsourcing and immigration for muh feelz.
>losing weight FOR THIS
what kind of server? did you melty?
Why is it that no one on /atoga/ has normal eating habits?
>losing weight to end up with less ass
This is unacceptable, you and I both probably want you to have some cushion
I have a date next week with a guy I've been seeing. I'm more nervous than I was for the first date. I have no idea how relationships work and I know I'm going to let him down
I am losing weight.
>what kind of server
Rotmaxx and general shitposting
>did you melty?
Everyday bro
I was cramping their style lol
You think normal people come here often?
In sports, deliberate practice only explains about 20% of the differences in outcome. Among elite athletes it explains less than 1%. Contrary to popular opinion, the most successful athletes didn't typically start earlier than their competition either.
I would be surprised if it were any different in chess - or anything else for that matter.

People really underestimate how much talent matters.
>it's a mid butt
Do you have an example of a better butt? It looks good to me.
Are you going to spread your legs for him already?

Either way, be sure to give him some reassuring touches and go arm in arm if you want him.
You'll be fiiine anon, obvs he likes you if he wants to keep seeing you, unironically at this point beee yourself, try to just enjoy the date and be present rather than worrying about the outcome
well, I was dealing with stress from the facts that
- I was trying to buy a house
- my employer was firing my coworkers (which also meant the risk of not being able to get a mortgage after signing the papers for the house, which would have made me lose a lot of money)
- we had to move to another apartment and she wasn't helping much
and her dumb ass kept bugging me about not giving her enough attention, not wasting enough money on her and so on
you women really are stupid...
Is this about being depressed and lazy?
I have autism and adhd, so I'm extremely picky about food and regularly forget to eat too.
>I'll probably just fast for the rest of the day, though.
>Fasting after eating that little.
ED behavior.
>you women really are stupid...
But I'm a man.
You just solidified my opinion of you, thanks.
its difficult to make connections with people these days. i think everybody is dating online and i dont want to.

i think something like that would be okay. there's probably going to be some times when it's just a bad time, but i don't think it would upset me most of the time. that sounds cozy to do while i'm cooking and it might unironically be helpful if you can be aware of the space and keep my chest out of my way while i do certain things
I asked women
see, you are just as stupid lmao
If you just show some enthusiasm and interest you'll beat 90% of women.
are you the female OP, or one of the responding m*les?
Sometimes, when I'm bored, I make it look like I'm arguing with another anon, when I'm really just samefagging.
Female, had coffee with goat milk and honey for breakfast. Will have greek yogourt and raw veggies for lunch. Going out for duck for dinner, and I'll probably have dessert too
Doomer faggotry
is smoking cool?
>small oil fire starts on your stovetop
What is your plan to stop it?
State gender
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>Don't they know it's just a clump of cells?
Women who say this aren't the type to cry from having a miscarriage.

Just tell them. They'll understand. And if they don't, you're better off without people in your life that don't want you to prioritize your health.

Nom nom nom nom nom nom

Probably because most of what you're losing is water weight and crash diets fuck up your metabolism. A big part of dieting to lose weight is satiety and intaking more fiber. Depending on your BMR at your current weight, a 500 - 1000 calorie deficit would be optimal. But you could also calculate your BMR based on your goal weight and just do that until you reach that weight.

I take premature ejaculations as a compliment.

I ate half an everything bagel with cream cheese, scrambled eggs, and smoked salmon on it, a kiwi on the side, and a protein smoothie.
Calories: 523
Fat: 22.5g
Carbs: 32g
Protein: 51g
>had coffee with goat milk and honey for breakfast
highly based
Pour flour on it
Kinda but we were more encouraging each other to do the opposite lol
But I was out of my depth desu
Use the class K fire extinguisher, dumbass
Throw something on it that suffocates it.
I'm the female OP and I didn't write that post, so it's probably a manon.
>They'll understand
Will they though
I already said yesterday I was up for it
Not at all
>t. chainsmoker
M. Smother it.
What's your cup size?
First of all, I wanna do some cooking too, but if you are horny you can surprise me from behind too, grope my crotch and beg for me to take you on the kitchen table.
I don't think I could just hold your boobies up either though. We would definitely end up on the floor with me at least titty fucking you, if not outright going for the full course menu on your body.
>muh genetic legacy cope

No basis in fact, sorry anon. Anyway you could train a fucking corvid or octopus to higher than 1900 in 21,000 games of chess.
Did the pixels in that image do something to offend you?
Are you trying to get your face burned off?
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It's not like I'm not making this up.
You're probably not a plesant person to be around.
Males don't have measurable virginity, nor do we care for it.
If men jerk off, they are not virgins.
It's usually not a good idea to keep talking to ex's, especially not when there's a lot of animosity like what you're describing. Try to let it go and move on
>you could train a fucking corvid or octopus to higher than 1900 in 21,000 games of chess.
And yet you have a guy here who apparently didn't learn to be better in 21,000 games. You have the counter-example to your world view right in front of you.
Fuck off Allen Iverson; go practice with the team
Not a girl, but when I do this, she moans and holds my head down. Go very light, but nibble a bit fast if she likes it. The last part is the important part, you really gotta get a feel for what your girl likes
Is there a better feeling than when you fart really loudly during a dramatic pause in a movie/song?
Nta but unless you've played him more than once you can't say it wasn't a fluke.
Taking off wet, sweaty socks and shoes
>if men jerk off they are not virgins
What the hell kind of standard is that? You know we literally cum in our sleep if we don't jerk off right?
Is this going to be some dumb study where the other 82% was "wooooah turns out this 5'2 guy couldn't run faster than a 6'3 man despite training!"
When your butt itches and you fart and it scratches the itch.
We've had this conversation before. Your biology knowledge is decades out of date. You refuse to educate yourself because you don't care about knowing, you're just pushing your retarded agenda. It's boring /pol/ astroturfed shit and literally nobody cares.
Having a goon so good, you literally can't move for hours. You just lay there quivering in the afterglow
H. that is what i'm talking about though. i like being touched and held and kissed but i am not okay burning dinner over it, so you would have to be patient and wait until we're just waiting on a cooking timer, or else start before heat is involved. if i'm making tacos or something you can't be like BOOBSEX while i'm still seasoning the ground beef. also i would probably be happy just feeling you up for an hour if roles were reversed, i like skin contact a lot.
Not living near americans
Or just getting a good dig in there. No other itch scratching will ever feel better than a good asshole scratch.
Hitting all the notes in a song you’ve been practicing for days.
What's a fun dinner to cook together?
Pizza, it's easy, you can each do half, and you can see what the other person's topping choices are.
Le 34H femanon?????? Whoaoaoaiaoaoaoahah?!!!
White women singing about being ate
Fried noodles
When you both cum at the same time and you can feel your bodies tense up together as her legs hold you to her even though you couldn't manage to pull out if you wanted to
Even "just" moaning into each others' mouths is better than farting
Mhhh that's a wonderful size for cupping and playing with, I'll also be very delicate playing with yoir big nipples.
I appreciate your priority to not waste food, but let's say something is in the oven, then we could go down for a quickie.
Would you be a good girl and get down on your knees to suck me off while I was preparing food? You could do as much touching groping as you want, but I'd cook you a 5* meal up if you treat me well.
every time i say i have boobs, people ask if i'm some specific other woman itt who has big boobs, and it's starting to annoy me. i don't know if you're just one dude or multiple but please stop. if you're going to ask if i'm someone specific please at least go "do you play tennis" or some other trait you know from before.
>a 5* meal
ctfu @ this broke ass nigga that don't know how Michelin stars work
I'm not the guy who made the original post.

It's a meta-study. They accumulated studies which looked into the subject and tried to work out how much deliberate practice 'actually' matters.

Is that so? I'm certain you can point me to literature and empiric data then which is contradictory to my position then.

But you know what? I'm fairly certain you can't.

How many games do you think you need until you're on the level of Magnus Carlsen? Real life is not an RPG game where you can indefinitely grind your way up. Most people plateau somewhere and additional practice does not contribute greatly to their performance. For some it happens earlier, for some it happens later. Gifted individuals in particular tend to become better much faster; I can guarantee you: there are twelve year olds out there whom most people will never beat. Yet even those highly talented individuals will plateau somewhere and many if not most won't ever make it to the top players of the world - regardless how much they practice.
What's that? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over your massive heaving udders.
I don't get why anons are angry at this? You're not wrong. Messi was playing with other 13yo boys yet none of them got signed to Barcelona. How much time did he really have to outwork the other boys?
With your worldview, do you bother doing anything?
Like most male specimens, in general and on this website, you lack discerning taste, you're pleased to stick your phallus in anything with a vaguely female scent. It is impossible for an Élite taste in female posteriors to be acquired or taught and I will not be providing you with any such images, as I'm not one to cast pearls before swine.
Go read The Talent Code. The physiology of talent doesn't work the way you think it does.
>I'm not the guy who made the original post
Point still stands. It's one datum. Not completely meaningless, but pretty close.
It's not even that I'm trying to diminish the effort people put into things. On the contrary: that other guy was belittling the guy for being "only" 1900 after 21k games. My point is: there is no shame in that, since some people are simply not as good at things than others, and in certain regards, an untalented guy who put in a lot of effort to become decent at something might have performed a greater feat than some talented guy who effortlessly manifested his innate greatness. It is revealing, since people tend to claim they respect effort - but they don't - they only respect success.
Of course.

There are lots of things in need of doing and they don't require people to be the world's greatest to do them.
Oh, sorry. You play singles or doubles?
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Audible kek
Robloxians, we're so fucking back https://voca.ro/12gLSJVlzoQd
The book you told me to read was written in 2010, the meta-study I posted was done in 2016. Clearly I'm not the one wielding "outdated" research here.

And again: if you claim talent had no or no significant biological component, then why can be find correlations between success in various fields and biological traits?

Why does IQ predict success better than pretty much any other metric? Why do certain sports have a "phenotype" where a professional swimmer looks different from a professional gymnast?
i love cake bake betty. spine song is my favorite of hers.

is it weird that whenever i see a guy make a typo i'm assuming it's a one-hand skill issue?
anyways, i like oral so like... emotionally, yes, i would, but physically, could you even cook if i'm kneeling between you and the cooktop? you'd need a long reach. i'm not very good at this pseudo dirty talk roleplay thing. i'm better with my body than i am with words.

i don't play tennis, it was an example. i used to play beach volleyball but i haven't in like over a year.
>>i love cake bake betty. spine song is my favorite of hers.
I've only heard that one because my habit is to never actually look up music and just see what pops up
nigger you are a normalfag
>you claim talent had no or no significant biological component

I did not make that claim. I told you that talent has no significant GENETIC component, which is fact. Nature vs nurture is a false dichotomy bad-faith argument.
Yes, but it's a point directed at a different person. I am not in disagreement with you at all.
kek, i do the same thing. i only know that one song of hers. lets trade.
meta-study of what though? 5'2 runners vs 6'2?
>Nom nom nom nom nom nom
I prefer "Plap plap plap plap plap plap"
>deliberate practice only explains about 20% of the differences in outcome
Do you have a source for this? Talent matters a lot more than people think, but so does putting in unfathomable hours of hard work with good coaches
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>I told you that talent has no significant GENETIC component
Where do you think does your physical potential come from if not from your genetic make-up? Do you think manifested physical or personality traits are independent from the underlying genome?
>it was an example
Okay, so the only info you volunteer is your cup size, then get pissy when identified as such. Have fun with your simps, retard.
reminds me of this
But less extreme
Because the instruments in both cases are mogging the vocals
I'm fairly certain there will be some 5'2 runners among them.

The point is: if being taller explains a result or a race better than the amount of practice people put into running, then it proves the point. You're not contradicting the study - you're confirming it.
What did you just fucking call me reeeee
Given my eyes are blue and all my families including both parents are brown, yes. I am simply built better.
>Religion being genetic and not a social construct
Yes, see >>31912596.
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i literally just gave you a new piece of information
It's only because I have a cow whey allergy. I lot of people seem to get grossed out by the idea of goat's milk, but it tastes the same to me
If in a pan, put lid on pan and remove from heat
If not in pan, baking soda on fire.
So you're blaming the fact that you're an inept bitch on your genes?
Whatever lets you sleep at night and cope with the fact you won't reproduce, at least you're aware you're inferior
>instruments mogging the vocals
that feels like it does a good job of representing how it feels when youre emotionally overwhelmed but can't express it outwardly
Pour the oil on myself
Being around me "extinguishes the fires of lust" in women so I imagine it should work with other kinds of fire too
>Religion being genetic and not a social construct
It's not about religion but about 'religiosity'. People who are predisposed to being religious but don't follow a religion may as well lose themselves in esoteric beliefs. Also, a predisposition does not necessarily mean it will manifest. If you are predisposed to alcoholism yet never have the opportunity to drink, you will not become an alcoholic.
you are conversing with a retard who unironically keeps track of fake ecelebs on an anonymous thread kek
It just doesn't seem like a useful result to extrapolate to sports with weight classes etc.
Sadly, I don't have the equipment for that.
Haiiii beach volleyball anon! ^_^ how are you?? ;3
NTA, but:
I don't necessarily chalk my inherent failure up to genetics, I think it's more that I'm just the unlucky person who always rolls a 1 just by chance. There are definitely people who are just doomed not to ever succeed.
Holy based
sometimes my retard sniffer-outer-senses are dulled because i am so overwhelmed by the sheer potency of the logical incongruity in front of me. i forget about the person entirely and want to solve the stupidity like it's a math problem by presenting the correct data.
>talented guy who effortlessly manifested his innate greatness
NTA I agree innate talent is a major component but greatness is never effortless
>Male trying to be smort
>How does he do so
"Go read this literally over decade old out of date poorly researched book"
"No wait go read this several hundred years one written by a guy who didn't even fucking bathe"
I notice a pattern here when the men don't think for themselves, they just point at other people and tell you to do what they say like an NPC
You have zero rizz, I’m afraid.
We have the technology.
>So you're blaming the fact that you're an inept bitch on your genes?
Anon, the guy I responded to belittled a guy who was 1900 elo after 21k games of chess. What does it mean to you, being an "inept bitch"? Is that guy an inept bitch for not being good at chess? How do you explain that he's not Magnus Carlsen yet - despite the amount of hours he put into playing chess?

What things have you been doing for a long time where you aren't world class yet? You've been alive for quite some time, so there clearly must be something where you could have become the greatest in the world but for some reason you aren't. How do you explain that? What is your excuse? Are you an inept bitch too?
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Sally or Anne, call it...
What are some examples of good looking beards? I usually just cut mine off, wait a few days, repeat, but eveyr other guy seems to know how to groom them all nice
You have way too much faith in science if you think some of these have been proven to have exact mechanisms of action, let alone being heritable, most of these are correlations. Most fat kids are fat because they eat like their fat parents
>the unlucky person who always rolls a 1 just by chance
Have you considered becoming an evil villain? Use your magnetism for misery and misfortune to your advantage
I had a crush on a girl who I think was on the spectrum once.
She kind of looked my monkey, and she refused to shave her forearms which didn't help. She was obsessed with Twilight as well. Not a lot of social awareness obviously but was extremely energetic and nice.
Called me ugly and laughed once before I could ask her out. She didn't seem to see it as a mean thing to do and was still friendly to me after the fact. She even ran into a hug when she saw a few years after high school.
I hope she's doing well.
This is of course true. The people who are at the top of anything, any sport, any academic discipline, even video games, are not just talented, they also work harder. The people who are only talented never reach the top, the people who only work hard but lack the innate talent don't reach the top either. And among these elite of the elite it's little things - in sports often physiognomy - which make a difference, which is why top athletes often have a certain "look" depending on the discipline they compete in.

However, personality traits which predict being a hard worker, postpone gratification, not get distracted, and so on, tend to have a significant heritable component too. So it's not just the raw skill or physical traits which matter, but also the mindset, which to some extent may be cultivated, but has a substantial heritable component as well.
That marble is fucking huge.
No, way out of my league
>Most fat kids are fat because they eat like their fat parents
It becomes interesting the moment where kids of fat parents get adopted into skinny parents households and still become fat like their biological parents whom they've never met.

How do you think people make heritability estimates?
Nah, you are getting somewhere when hearsay from pseuds doesn't qualify as an argument to you anymore and you need some actual evidence
Imagine what Gragas would do to either one of them
Okay, so that study was among elite athletes to begin with. They are already at the very top in terms of both talent and hard work. So yes, at that level innate ability and talent is what gives an individual the edge. That's a little different than claiming the work doesn't account for much, since obviously you don't get to elite level without extraordinarily hard work
Honestly the way some are labelled as a quality and some are labelled by one end of a quality is a bit of a tell that maybe this graph isn't the very most reliable
Also how some are social terms often arbitrarily distinguished or with definitions that shift radically generation to generation, while others are observable objective qualities.
It seems real shaky and if I were a gambling man I'd bet heavily on it being sourced from one of those meta-analysis of other studies extra degree of error papers where a bare minimum attempt is made to ensure or assume methodology of the papers that "make the cut" but not much else is done to ensure consistency in distributions, just graph line go up.
The sexual orientation one is always particularly funny because gays as an orientation don't reproduce, so they have to either all be bisexual or the pre-moderns have to be right to treat it as a fetish/deviancy and not a true sexuality in order for these results to bear out.
What original ideas have you had lately? How many books have you written about them?
People literally do all the time. College football is full of guys who are scouted and end up with massively succesful careers as the elite simply because they're bigger than the other guys. That's it. They're just really fucking big. Samoan's in particular are an entire ethnic group famous for doing this consistently because their incest genes made them huge
What's the woman equivalent of popular pornstars? As in, you see people make memes out of Sasha Grey or Mia Khalifa, but who's the equivalent for women? Don't think male pornstars are equivalent unless it's the gachimuchi guys
Typical male response lmao
>Nooo I can only follow thoughts which are offficially published
>I can't just talk like a normal person
Peak NPC
That's right, Andrew Tate says REAL MEN don't read books, because they're just filling your head with someone else's ideas!
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As I said before: it's a meta-study. And it was not exclusively concerned with elite athletes. They state "Overall, deliberate practice accounted for 18% of the variance". And this is not little - it's a reasonably strong association - at least in terms of social sciences. The point is: it doesn't seem to be the dominant factor in the things that matter. And it's not like 18% being practice meaning that the rest is just your physical traits. Depending on the sport there might be a socio-economic component as well.
Famous for post porn work, trying to be relevant as a used up whore
Famous because of her diss track
Those are exceptions, not the rule
>left gf sore last night
>shes still sore so she doesnt want me to touch her
>she's "not in the mood" to get me off
the fuck does "not in the mood" mean? she just doesnt give a shit about me while i always take care of her?
The whole economy and civilization revolves around uplifting women out of the human condition. If you're a man who isn't having sex without paying to use a condom you're literally a slave. Most men knew this for most of history until we got low crime, high economic development, and no war for too long. We fell asleep and the enemy took over.
sally will look in the box because she knows anne is a conniving little bitch
It means she's not in the mood. Its not hard to understand. Don't get why people ask such stupid fucking questions
>But I always get her offfff ::((((
Then stop doing that.
Its not complex.
>I'm choosing to let her walk all over me, and the relationship is imbalanced
No shit
I read all sorts of thoughts by literally whos writing substacks and random journalists as well. I'm interested in ideas; I don't care about reputation. I have ideas of my own but I tend to discover that I'm typically late to the party and whatever original thought I believe I had, already occurred to someone else before.
Give it a few more years until women start leaving the cities as they become less stable.
I don't know, in interviews I sure see a lot of NBA players talk about starting at age 4, and at chess you pretty much do have to start before age 9 to get to GM so the logic is baked into your core consciousness and you can start building up intuitive familiarity with more and more types of positions.
Hikaru even claims he took a test and he's a 100 IQ midwit.
I think he's lying to be relatable/get more people into chess but there's a good chance he isn't, too, he gives midwit takes on other things on his streams sometimes, whether real or just for crowd appeal to midwits.
Talent always plays a role but fatalism is unwarranted and the truth is sheer boring practice and consistency very often wins out.
Aha. So we are into good old meta-studies kek
>i hate women
powerful take anon
im sure whining online will fix your issues
So weight loss is impossible?
Yeah whateva baybeee~!
I hate women so much that I'm going to become one and show them how to do it right. Everything has to be a man's job, even being a woman.
Gonna meditate on this while I plap my girlfriend later!
I ate a pound of carrots, later I plan to eat another pound of carrots and cold cuts out of the bag
I've been doing this for a while, my farts smell rancid and shit is orange, but I won't stop
I dont understand how you can be "not in the mood" to make your partner feel good.
The problem is they all have cooties. You have to wait until Chad's daughters pussy starts tingling. I'm waiting for those iPad girls to turn legal. They'll be mentally fucked and easy to manipulate, and all the guys in their generation will be homos.
I agree with all this. I have a background in professional level classical ballet and genetics are of course huge in terms of body type, countless physical abilities, musicality, ability to learn kinetically, and then as you say things like concentration, taking criticism, being able to apply criticism and correct yourself, focus, etc. I imagine it's the same with elite level athletics, there are probably a million components to it that the average lay person doesn't even realize. Apparently ahdh is more prevalent among Olympic level athletes which is probably due to the ability to hyperfocus, which I've always found interesting
No, I don't want to make life worse for others. I've just stopped interacting with others more than necessary since it never does anything positive on my end and only ends up dragging them down in some fashion. You anons are exempt though. I apologize.
Is Taylor Swift grooming Gen Alpha with chud-coded lyricism such as her hit song Fortnite?
I'm surprised to see Tate has even the unfoirmed kernel of a good idea rattling around in his skull. You get diminishing returns from reading multiple books or discussions on the same topic because so much is copypasta that people condition themselves into via peer pressure on soft social subjects as if they were reading physics texts
It's a real issue
However he can't really speak on that because he took the "convert to Islam for true rational masculine enlightenment" pill.
>her hit song Fortnite
Do you think she plays zero build or
I don't know, I've never heard a Taylor Swift song in my life
In my country there is a very famous porn actor (well known even in America) that often appears on regular TV as a guest in realities or talk shows, and in TV commercials for such products as potato chips and insurances, and his name has basically become the epitome for virility around these parts.
Let's see if you gooners can guess who.
>I think he's lying to be relatable/get more people into chess
Nta, I don't think he's necessarily lying but there is a chance that he's some kind of savant and really good at chess/the narrow intelligence relevant towards that but lacking in other areas, IQ tests are kind of retarded anyway
Taylor Swift is an old lady now and nobody under 25 listens to her.
If you've ever gone to a popular spot for young people, you have
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It really depends on who you read and what the topic is, it's worth reading adversarial texts on a topic, reading 5 books on say, The Revolutionary War, is kind of pointless unless they're super in depth on a particular area or something.
Chad is going to have to exercise agency over his teenaged daughters pussy to stop me from fucking a virgin. That's sexist.
Is it over for me if I like pastel colors like the ones on the trans flag? Also mint green. Not JUST the trans ones.
M (male) btw.
I think she's reinforcing that entitled whore mentality like she's supposed to.
>stopped interacting with others more than necessary since it never does anything positive on my end and only ends up dragging them down
Yeah I can relate a lot desu ): Whenever I try to befriend new people it goes poorly and I just end up feeling worse and like I'm being a burden so I ghost
I hope you find peace and happiness whatever path you choose to take in life anon anon, social or not
Should I wear a condom ?
They just put on playlists of pop hits from the past few years on repeat. No doubt you've heard acts you have no interest in if you've gone to a big bar or cafe targeting people in their 20s
Pretty sure most of the women who chad chase end up as single moms anyways, and often not even with a chad's baby lmao
I am never going to forgive trannies for ruining blue/pink/white as a color scheme.
Everyone likes pastels, that's why they're a grouped thing
I worked at a paint store, me, my coworker, and basically everyone who walked in all thought a light green and cream color combination was great for kitchens.
Are you ready to pay child support?
Nta but
>if you've gone to a big bar or cafe targeting people in their 20s
You realise a lot of us don't go out to these places lol
If you do, you're still a virgin
Fucking a plastic bag doesn't equal having sex
>I sure see a lot of NBA players talk about starting at age 4
This is true - and certainly it could be the case that basketball is an outlier (personally, I don't think so) - however, what they found is that the age you start does not matter that much. If you're very talented at something, you'll catch up quickly. Of course there is a limit, e.g. when you start at age 30 you're probably not going to reach your peak (and convince people to invest in your talent) before your body deteriorates, but whether you start at age 4 or age 12 probably doesn't make much of a difference.

>at chess you pretty much do have to start before age 9 to get to GM
I don't find that very plausible either. I find it more likely that kids who have the potential to get to GM more often than not have parents (from whom they've inherited their talent) who also play chess and thus introduce them to the game early.

>Hikaru even claims he took a test and he's a 100 IQ midwit.
I don't think being good at chess necessarily requires a high IQ either. There is probably a correlation, e.g. you can't be retarded, but you don't need to be a super genius. Super high IQ is for general problem solving, but for playing chess at a high level you need to have chess implemented in the hardware. If you need to think too much you'd probably be too slow. I don't believe you could take a random guy from an Ivy League math department and train him to become the next Magnus because smarts alone don't cut it.

>fatalism is unwarranted
I'm not even advocating for fatalism, I encourage everyone to try to become good at things. My point is: don't be too disappointed when you plateau eventually.

The flip-side of this blank-slate perspective is that you have guys here making fun of someone for having spent a lot of time playing chess yet not being exceptional at chess, when that's a completely normal and expected outcome for most people.
I mean, if it's a hookup anyways you probably aren't using your real name anyways
Ready to pay? Probably. Can I really realistically afford it? Probably not.
First few times I went to such places was because I needed to pee
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Would you like to? I can recommend you some.

Hey, that's not true, I'm- Oh, shit.
Not at all.

Weight is mostly a behavioural problem rather than a physiological problem. But behaviour is just as heritable. If you put people on a strict diet they will lose weight and if you control their lives until the end of their days, they will maintain that weight. The problem is: they are incapable of maintaining it on their own because they'll eventually cave in and follow their natural tendency.
Real lol, when I was homeless I'd go to these places to use the toilet and brush my teeth/clean my clothes in the sink etc....
There was a British Chad on the plane a few rows behind me rizzing up some Latinx cuties he sounded just like QT anon.
Men can't be virgins. Virginity is a concept that only applies to women.
He's using a dumb example anyway since people play pop radio everywhere. If you've been in a public place where there was music playing any time in the last fifteen years you've probably heard Taylor Swift.
>a one-hand skill issue?
I take it that's how you were typing? lol
No, I was actually grilling some sausages for dinner, but needless to say I had a boner.
Sorry for the late reply, was eating now.

>could you even cook if i'm kneeling between you and the cooktop?
I'll make it work somehow. I haven't tried it yet, but I am creative. We could make it a challenge to see if you could distract me enough with your skills.

>you'd need a long reach
I am quite tall.

>i'm better with my body than i am with words.
Oh that is even more tempting to hear. I hope I at least gave you a nice fantasy? You sure did for me.
Why are you assuming they don't also train really hard? Of course genetics is the basis, but they aren't getting to a successful career by coasting

That's fair. I might be projecting a bit because it really bugs me when people assume any elite level performance is easy. The average person really has no idea how much hard work goes into it, but that doesn't seem to be where you are coming from. I do agree that genetics play a huge role, more than most laypeople seem to want to admit
>Apparently ahdh is more prevalent among Olympic level athletes which is probably due to the ability to hyperfocus, which I've always found interesting
This is interesting, since one would expect adhd to be negatively correlated with anything that requires dedication and long-term effort, but I can see why in sports it might be different, since it's a very physical exercise and hyperfocus in repetition seems like something adhd people might be good at - despite being distracted otherwise, e.g. when it comes to academic pursuits.
Why are women in nyc so ugly? I thought that state was the capital of hotties. I got memed
It doesn't matter as much for extreme outliers because they are able to compensate, but the majority of top people aren't extreme outliers. Usain Bolt is not the only person to medal in Olympic running, you just notice him the most.
Extreme outliers would still be even better than they are if they started earlier.
One of the main ways IQ is measured is with abstract pattern recognition and memory of patterns (often on a grid, even) which is why I'm skeptical about Hikaru, because he is genuinely between the 5th and 2nd best player, often only behind Magnus, and has been for years at a stretch while being a prolific streamer as well. If he has 100 IQ but above average pattern recognition and memory-related IQ, he would need to balance that with some significant downside like very low verbal IQ or so on to get 100 derived across all areas, which doesn't seem to be the case. But if he IS telling the truth that's a pretty damn high and soft plateau for someone with an average IQ.
The fat American niggers lost their Olympic football game to a bunch of Japanese manlets. Japanese men outplayed muh big scary negro in a physical game by being smarter, more prepared, less lazy and more virtuous.
Deformed by pollution
All of our femcels are in NY. They are solid 7s but get mogged by the models who fly to Saudi and get shitted on their chests for $$$
Yeah so as it turns out the inbreeding centers of America are not the midwest, not the south, not even specific rural hollers in the Catskills anymore, but black inner cities pretty much exclusively.
A lot of the things you know are true are just bullshit I'm afraid
Hyperfocusing works in upper academia too; why do you think people get so good at one niche part of their subject?
Unironically almost every professor I've known has come off as having ADHD, with varying levels of having it managed. I have never met a professor who seemed organized and put together, but I've met many that can talk me to death with their niche interest.
The issue is that the poor time management skills can also fuck over people in academia, but that's less of an issue nowadays
Why is the city full of Jews and people of Irish and Italian decent full of ugly people?
Gee, I wonder.
The last time I was on a plane and a girl talked to me I pretended to be asleep for the entire flight
So...anon...about genetics and intelligence and race and mean regression...I don't want to catch a ban...but...
This is where we will have to disagree.
I agree with this, a lot of academics seem AuDHD
>that's less of an issue nowadays
Nta but how? Unless you really have a special interest in the subject and are good at making deadlines, most schools are still pretty unaccomodating
Because they're black and Hispanic. If you want hot women you have to go to Europe.
>Extreme outliers would still be even better than they are if they started earlier.
I'm somewhat sceptical of that. I have seen some data on skill-based matchmaking in video games and most people tend to reach their peak quite quickly, and while they still progress, their progress is very gradual past a certain point. I suspect the few years of advantage (especially if we're talking about very young ages) would not make that much of a difference. In any case, in this meta-study they haven't found a significant correlation between starting age and success.

>But if he IS telling the truth that's a pretty damn high and soft plateau for someone with an average IQ.
I don't think that he's average, but I would be willing to believe that he's not a super genius either. But as I said, playing chess at a very high level probably takes some kind of brain anomaly rather than 'just' high IQ. If you look at Magnus and Hikaru they also have a bit of a down's syndrome physiognomy to them (not trying to be insulting here - but their skull shape looks a little odd) - maybe that's the chess GM phenotype?
I also just got into new york and the first thing I saw was a black trans lives matter flag
>I am all three of those
Hey, fuck you!
>it really bugs me when people assume any elite level performance is easy
Oh absolutely not. However, I suspect: a semi-elite performance is not easy either. You have plenty of people who aspire to be elites yet never make it, and many of them might be working even harder as the top seems just shortly out of reach and their only way to compensate is even more effort.
>most schools are still pretty unaccommodating
I mean relative to previous decades, where now you can set an alarm for every minute thing. Plus there's the rise of body doubling and shit, and even journals and conferences have people doing things at the last minute; I have heard stories of professors writing their conference papers the night before the conference and touching them up the morning of.
If you're thinking about students, then yeah, you've got to get accommodations through your disability center. Flexibility with deadlines is something I've seen on rare occasion.
>no le gustan las latinas
Why are you a homosexual?
>most schools are still pretty unaccomodating
ADHD and autism are both recognized disabilities under the ADA. Schools are legally required to accommodate them if proper documentation is provided. Obviously this is US specific but I have a hard time believing there aren't similar policies in Europe.
>Hyperfocusing works in upper academia too
Often involving medication though. Plenty of ADHD people just get distracted and procrastinate their time away.
atoga i'm a femcel and i listened to all your advice this week and none of it worked i actually feel more depressed now like i will never find a bf
>try going out to bars
>spend the whole time sitting alone glued to my phone. no one approached me. everyone already had girls or friends with them
>never want to go out to date after this
>use tinder
>banned for using vpn
>use hinge
>banned for reasons they refused to share???
>use dating subreddits
>they all expect your account to be a month old and have lots of karma or something fuck off i want a bf NOW
i literally don't know where else to go to find a bf i am considering looking for a bf on discord or something at this point all of this is already too overwhelming for a loser like me i think i am going to die alone i have no hope left
Because you're black and you have simian features! That's why you look like a monkey! Your jaw jutts out, your nose is flat and wide, and your skin is black like a monkey!
A lot of people go undiagnosed though until it's too late
>we could make it a challenge to see if you distract me enough
i taught myself how to regurgitate things like houdini did with handcuff keys. but what that actually means isn't throwing up it's being able to constrict the muscles around my esophagus from the bottom to the top to squeeze things up my throat. i imagine that would feel distracting.
>i hope i at least gave you a nice fantasy
well i definitely thought about it for a while. i'm never sure if i actually really like a fantasy or if i'm just worked up in a hormones kind of way but i am so you got away with it.
Well, for some people it obviously 'is' physiological. I'm just saying: for many people it isn't.
>>spend the whole time sitting alone glued to my phone
Ngl I would assume you were waiting for a friend or something at the bar or just wanted to be left alone
Do you have any friends IRL or do any activities around people? Are you in school/work? I think that is a better way to meet people (bit of a shame about the apps tho)
Latino isn't a race. I don't like ugly native Indian women with mixed heritage.
I don't agree, I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who was physically incapable of rejecting a donut, and even if you did, what % of people would come under that category?
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i've been taking all the solid advice i can find from here and other sources, self help books, therapists, charisma youtube videos, for four years now. nobody wants to date in real life and dating apps are slot machines for horny people. we must pray for a miracle.
So the girl I was talking with recently deleted her Instagram account wich was the only way we talked I didn't had her number without saying anything, couple of days ago she sent me a couple of messages saying one mutual friend of us sent me her my number saying (she knew I was into her and overheard me talking about it with a friend) she explained the reason why she deleted her insta I just answered its no big deal and that I was kinda busy atm and stopped answering but now I'm thinking I was kinda of asshole for not answering her I didn't even saved her number and was planning on deleting the conversation what should I do
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>make a comment to my coworker about feeling old because my joints are aching like a mofo
>instead of laughing, she's like "I mean, you are kinda old..."
My ego is never going to recover from this.
Frankly I don't think video game skill progressions are relevant outside of video games, because video games have generally finite depth and most success is associated with learning your weapons and abilities on a basic level and predicting other players
Learning to rocket jump well to "roll out" quickly in TF2 takes a lot of effort and practice and it makes relatively little difference in the average game even in comp.
Acquiring proficiency in most multiplayer videogames has diminishing returns, simply put, regardless of your innate skill. Maybe an exception would be some older fighting games due to the high skill floor of things like frame linking, and in those your champions tend to be the guy who has played Law for 10 years OR the guy who is new to the game and shakes things up but played Chun-Li over on the other game for 20 years already and is just learning this particular game new, and still has the knowledge/memory/instincts of a similar game.
Also, video game skill generally caps at a very young age because twitch reflexes decline with age even from teens into twenties for most people leading to becoming "washed" being the usual outcome after a few truly good years, regardless of how much practice you put in.
Some people retain those reflexes longer but they still will only be good if they put the time in to begin with, with a bit of variability on efficiency for that as with all things.
A good counterexample to my own point here would be DauT from Age of Empires 2 who is basically and old man and somewhat lost his micro reflex/never had it to the extent of modern autists but makes up for it with decent micro and strategic depth along with overcompensaating and using his knowledge/experience to do smart but rabidly aggressive things rather than play within his abilities.
normies can't into self deprecating humor anon. They've been conditioned from birth to only think that they are the perfect human.
Also don't say you're a loser you sound very sweet and I'm sure you will meet somebody nice someday...
I can relate tho lol
i am currently a neet i have some friends but we are all a bit autistic the one friend i have who does have an active dating life met her bf on discord
Sent her my number*
Just don't date and become a volcel. Much easier. Use 4chin if you get lonely.
>I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who was physically incapable of rejecting a donut
It's not a question of being physically incapable, it's a question of behaviour over time and what they will end up doing when you're not babysitting them.

>what % of people would come under that category?
I think most people will stabilise at their 'natural' weight, which results from their individual physiology, their personality and availability of food. This is of course subject to ecological variables as well. It's apparently much easier to be fat in the US than many other places.
Where do you live?
>chess phenotype
Can't be, they are different races and Fischer was a half chad half peaky mousejew looking schizo who went off the deep end ironically about jews and 9/11 back before it was cool
They just have the same pokerface mouth expression from staring at each other's faces for 30% of their adult lives kek
Lol at the ugly Mexican getting called out for being ugly. Mexicans are butt ugly. Irish and Italian women are the envy of the world. Nobody is banging on the door to get in to your shit hole, faggot.
legit starting to think i'm not cut out for dating i'm just too autistic for it or something
How old are you? I'm in my mid 30s and I don't have that problem, cut sugar, eat clean and simply, stretch and work out. Maybe switch out your bed for a hammock as well, I find I'm way less stiff in a hammock than in a bed when I wake up in the morning.
I've learned to never self-depreciate unless with very close friends because not only do people who not know you make assumptions about you, but your sub-conscious self will hear that and its the bedrock to negative thinking/self-talk. You just have to be realistic with yourself and call out your fuck ups and your victories.
i hope so i have had no luck yet this loneliness is painful
i told you to post your approximate location to see if anyone here wanted to date you but you never did
Of course.
Potato is a slang term for pussy in Italian, that's why they made him do a commercial for chips.
Damn are you an up and coming clown gf or magic tricks gf? So you also know the magic trick that makes my cum go away while you blow me? Well now I really want to feel you put your skill to your test on me. Interested in me dropping a burner? Maybe I need your regurgitation skills one day to get out of jail.

>you got away with it
I tend to get away with things when I play my charm well, but it's *hard* when I am horny.
>normies can't into self deprecating humor
Absurd statement.
maybe this is the answer because i get 99% of my socialization needs from 4chin already
>Potato is a slang term for pussy in Italian
How does that make sense? Is the word similar to pussy or something?
You shouldn't look for a bf at a bar.
Tbh you're lucky you were glued to your phone and didn't have some smooth talking liar convince you to sleep with him and that he'd be your bf just for him to ghost you afterwards.
Literally the scummiest people go to bars to get laid.
You should try to make some friends first.
Male friends female friends, make them all.
That is definitely the easiest way to find someone worth dating.
Is recommended bouldering.
egads what is this NYCgremlin mumbling...
Football isn't in the Olympics
highly doubt anyone from my country uses these threads and how is that even gonna work anon
You win the title for thread throatgoat
Youre not a virgin. That means I can't love you. You get treated like a prostitute.
Irish girls are hot
idk someone here recommended bars and clubs bars seemed less intimidating
how is pussy slang for vagina in English?
In ancient greek piglet is slang for vagina
Clean up my shit or you're fired, josé
This is the conclusion I came to after my last and only relationship failed disastrously and I honestly feel much more stable now that I don't have to pursue anyone or spend my mental energy on other people.
>go to bar
>try talking to girl by herself
>she pushes me away
I would bet money you did this at least once
They were probably are an Alcoholic.
Find some activies that people get together go do.
>how is pussy slang for vagina in English?
Maybe because you stroke it?
This but unironically and you don't get treated any way, just avoided
i have never done that
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why would anyone want to do activities with people they aren't childhood friends or at least coworkers with in this current gay bitch of a world???
Also I looked up "that's how it is on this bitch of an earth" because I don't remember where I saved it and I got this instead kek, I'm sure the women here can relate
>I don't think video game skill progressions are relevant outside of video games, because video games have generally finite depth
I would disagree with that, since even though there is a finite move set, you still don't see people ending up playing the games equally well. Some games are more random than others but those that aren't typically find the players to assume a bell curve skill distribution. Quite a few papers were actually written on this topic in the context of matchmaking. One of the major reasons why games don't allow matches to be made randomly is that the skill differences between players tend to be too wide, resulting in an unfun experience when the weaker players get stomped all the time so a lot of effort is taken to make matches where both sides are equally likely to win.

I don't think competitive video games are - in terms of the motor skills involved - that different from many sports. In particular more abstract sports like running, swimming, etc.

>Also, video game skill generally caps at a very young age because twitch reflexes decline with age
I wonder about that too. It's one of those folk wisdoms but I haven't seen a lot of reliable data on that question. It might as well have something to do with being a professional gamer being pretty stressful and for most people not that well paid, so they would rather dedicate themselves to a streaming career or get ahead regarding their education, re-align their lives away from gaming, etc. - I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong, but I'm sceptical to the extent that twitch reflexes matter in many games, and to which extent the deterioration of them handicaps older players.
The only thing gayer than working out is your gf watching you get beaten up by someone who does work out.
women you must like my not bulky chest
I am anger
People do activities with people who aren't coworkers or childhood friends cause not everyone wants to do a niche hobby or sport so people make friends specifically to do that.
Slang is overrated. When I get married I will be like:
>Come hither from bathing, fair maiden, and bring thence thy fair vulva forthwith
>are you an up and coming clown/magic tricks gf?
...yeah. i've talked about clown stuff before. i also do contortion. i think it would be fun if i could do a little show where you are always the volunteer from the crowd but it's also very embarassing to think about and i don't know if i would be able to bring it up to a boyfriend if i ever get one.
>do you want to drop a burner?
i only have one phone number and i don't think i want to give that away unless you mean an email which i do have but like... are you trying to do a hookup or something? i'm not looking for that.

baa-a-aa-a (eats grass)
>thy instead of thine
slang user
>get a like on a dating app
>she's obese
can fat girls not do this? I hate getting the notification only to see this, very frustrating
working out doesn't matter if you don't got that dawg in you
You try to do an impression of a black guy? Maybe that will work? Women are really dumb so you gotta get down on their level.
Ah I see, I gues that makes it a bit harder to meet people so don't take it to heart
Hm discord is alright tho there is the issue of distance, how far is your friend from her bf?
>he pays for dating apps
I'd rather get to see who likes me when I like them. you can indirectly see if a fatty likes you when you swipe left on them and then the likes count goes down lmao
>someone here recommended bars and clubs bars
>They were probably are an Alcoholic
Wtf I'm offended by this
90% are built like fridges

White girls are the only ones with dogs in them
The current win-lose streak inducing matchmaking algorithms, or flat ELO algorithms, are stale and unfun too though.
TF2 had it right before removing quickplay, truly random distribution of participants into servers with a !teamscramble vote to fix unbalanced teams by pure dumb RNG, where you encountered people both better and worse than you on the enemy team all within the same match.
Also comp vs casual players have totally different approaches to games even on ladders and the main difference with compfags is perpetually being on a forum/in a discord/on a practice server having heard every trick and exploit in the book through their socialization, you will not find them reloading normally when swap-reloading is faster even if they still suck at game mechanics, and they will genuinely and irritatingly assume NO ONE who plays more than one day isn't using their cheesy lame reload thing for tiny incremental advantages, even with singleplayer casualized games like Borderlands 2 you'll find this same thing, Youtubers will be like "now on your very first playthrough once you've ever gotten a legendary drop from a boss you will of course realize you can farm it, everyone knows this" even though most people who played the game once have no idea because both dedicated and world drops happen in the game, but the average new player, good or bad, just beats the level and doesn't question the RNG.
Hell I love RNG mechanics but I never questioned them on first play because I was just letting the game be the game not trying to derive something from it.
My point is competitiveness in video games is observably about who you surround yourself with, not your own talent. Nearly no one ever makes leaderboards without specifically training and socializing with "the community" to a huge extent. Even when Tekken players popped up in isolation from Pakistan it was from their own obsessive community, and once the global community learned their techs they started losing again.
>get a like on a dating app
>he's ugly
can ugly guys not do this? I hate getting the notification only to see this, very frustrating
same city
I'm mid.
pay? you can tell who it is because it's either Hinge or they appear on top of your stack
>ELO algorithms,
It's Elo.
>gurl dat booty so big, dat shit be like a chocolate factory. Lemme sniff dat shit!
This works on white women? Ew!
the scenario doesn't happen because no woman ever just gets "a" like lmao
Hi mid.
Why do you say that?
ah, I see. dunno about Hinge, I can't use it in my country

>they appear on top of your stack
>tfw swiped right on almost every girl on Tinder
>tfw the only ones I went on actual dates with were hot Stacies I had nothing in common with
As for the twitch reflex thing, if you wanted aggregate data there are a variety of websites and aim trainer tools that feed lots of data to individual players, you could hit up some pros for their data I guess, but it's very common for people to "wash" in games with high reflex/meaningful APM requirements before they even hit 18. We are well-adapted to react and hunt much younger than our brains are fully developed for reasons I hope you'll find obvious.
Overall we don't start losing cells faster than we make them until around 25, so it isn't that, there is something hormonal or cognitive at play that dampens human reaction times between the ages of 15-25 in nearly all people, at least when it comes to light movements like twitch response hand controls.
It's not just burnout, it's not picking streaming, it's not even tendonosis or "running out of uses", it is a genuine mild relative impairment from mid teens to mid twenties in terms of button-pushing reaction times and it applies very broadly across genres.
It's often not the reason people quit (pro gamers now have to practice more than full-time usually to be in tournament shape, and as you say it often doesn't pay much) but it is absolutely a hard limiting factor for most pros whether they wanted to retire past that certain point or not.
I always end up hating activity clubs
>i've talked about clown stuff before
Then we probably have talked before, I once asked about making balloon animals. lol

>very embarassing to think about
Do you like to be emabarassed and teased? I'd like to think of I'm very good at teasing.

>a hookup or something? i'm not looking for that.
Well, hooking up is probably not that easily possible, since I think you are from North America and I am not, but I enjoyed goofing around a bit horny here with you. I don't like to pass up on chances though and know what I want, so I'm just going to tell you to send some way to contact you (discord, email) if you are interested via hgj0kfdgo.c6a81b@burnermail.io
If you feel like sharing a pic of your lewd clown mouth. But it's up to you.

>(eats grass)
*writes down that first meal I cook for you should include some form of grass*
when are you going to accept finding true love is impossible?
I just assumed it would tank your profile's chance of appearance if you liked everybody (unless you're a Chad). I just swipe left on women who are too hot
'Odsblood you test my ire, Lawrence! Abscond from my marital chambers, halfwit!
Almost ten years ago.
I do not care. Hungarians were a mistake.
>The current win-lose streak inducing matchmaking algorithms, or flat ELO algorithms, are stale and unfun too though.
I agree that skill-based matchmaking introduces problems of its own. I'm not a big fan of them either. But I can see why they would use them in their games.

>My point is competitiveness in video games is observably about who you surround yourself with, not your own talent.
I would again disagree here. First of all, your personality, how you approach things, how willing you are to dedicate yourself to something, do dry theory work, etc. are as heritable as the ability to develop the required motor skills to track a target with your cursor. And at the end of the day, even among the people who have that sort of competitiveness to their approach, who have all the knowledge and did the dry practice to improve at applying it, there are still some people who do it better - significantly better - than others. Competitions tend to be not completely random, but the people who end up on top of the ladders tend to be consistent in their performance. And there are quite a few people who practice just as hard and acquire all the knowledge who still don't make it to the top.
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Im not happy and never am. What's the key to happiness?
Look to your left. The person to your left is your husband/wife now. How fucked are you?
Forget true love, I can't get any love. I'm going to die alone, I've made some semblance of peace with that.
Hm I dunno how the algorithm works tbf
I just wanted to maximise my chances so I swiped right on everything I thought was at least mildly attractive which was almost every girl
I matched some nerdy girls but they would always ghost me or flake after some chats
The only ones I actually got dates with IRL were the hot stacies
One said I was "too awkward" lol
Doesn't have to be a club.
Alright, if you disagree, find me a few examples of comp games with a meaningfully large talent pool where multiple top players are winning without being actively immersed in the comp culture and social group
>only thing to my left is a support column
Well at least she's a cheap date.
Mup da do didda white gurl be trippin, you be raycis, gib sex nao dik is big, i be killing niggas straight up murder get in my car namsayin?
Where do I meet female neets?
As I said, I'm not ruling it out, but I haven't seen a lot of data. It seems a bit reductive to blame reaction time alone for a lacking performance, in particular since I'm sceptical to the extent to which reaction time really matters in may games. But I don't think we'll be able to resolve this hear, I'm merely voicing some concerns - but I have no strong opinions either, so should folk wisdom turn out right I wouldn't be fully surprised.
You don't.
>the people who end up on top of the ladders tend to be consistent in their performance
not true of most vidya comp scenes tee bee haitch there are many many flash in the pans and many many always 3rd place guys who may or may not ever get their one gold
your ex-bf with whom you broke up 4 months ago asks you to stay at your place, the apartment you used to live toghether. what do you do?
What's the sexiest crime a man can commit?
That is not the part I disagree with.

The part I disagree with is that immersing yourself in the community is not part of your 'skill', since it's downstream of heritable personality traits, and I also disagree with skill being exclusively about knowledge acquired in those circles, when even in those circles people wildly differ in their performance.
>tee bee haitch
Just say desu like a normal weirdo.
>call out your victories
my whats?
not an answer
>What's the key to happiness?
Wealth and health
wish I knew
>One said I was "too awkward" lol
yeah another reason I could never bother, the ultra normalfag women expect too much
That doesn't really contradict my argument though. If you're consistently third place, you're better than a lot of people - just not good enough to be second or first. Even among the top contenders there are some who are worse or better than others.
>asks you to stay at your place
for a single night, say, next week
Yes it is.
>nobody there
I guess nothing has changed.
Murder. That's the type they tend to write about in their romance novels. Basically a guy who is a faggot for fashion who kills everyone else except her and loves her for no reason.
I mean it's totally reasonable desu on that date (third date) I probably did drink too much and put my foot in it
But yeah there seems to be more pressure with them
But then the nerdy girls can also match chads on there so
Maybe dating apps are just crap lol
There is a prerequisite for most games of a certain high threshold to be competitive.
Not having seen data isn't an excuse for a reality denial field and you should not advance theories on something you're unfamiliar with if you have no data, or if you do, you should be receptive to it being explained to you why you are wrong from someone casually familiar with such scenes.
I'm not making it up because I don't have a study to confirm it. It is observably true across various e-sports whether you think it should be or not. Everyone participating them is not experiencing some sort of group delusion, they are using trainers and finding they cannot click as fast as they age from adolescent to younger adult usually or sometimes as they approach 30, likely due partly to genetic or epigenetic factors, but also the people who win the most are pretty much always obsessed with the game and training with it specifically huge hours and pushing knowledge of techs while sharing them with others and adopting what others do and being extremely dedicated to the grind above and beyond most of the people they are training with.
But they still lose competitiveness usually when their observable response times from their trainers goes down gradually after a bit and stays down whether they put in more hours or take a break or whatever else.
>an attractive female nurse maybe a couple years older than me
Pretty good. If you told me to look right I would be stuck with a bunch of old sick men.
put the goalposts back...
I did not move a single goalposts. You simply didn't get my point.
Women basically kill any notion of Romance when their behavior is unrestrained. That's why you can't find a nice guy to treat you right.
Honestly I don't know. The best explanation I can think of is that a unpeeled potato kind of resembles a shaved vulva, or that it is a crude metaphor for eating it.
I also found out that the English word cunt does in fact probably have a common origin with some southern Italian vulgar words used for the vagina.
my heart broke the first time i saw stacy treat the mean bully chad with affection. thats when I knew all women were dirty whores at heart.
you should check out this book, it's pretty interesting from a guy who's both a Chess IM and later a Tai Chi world champion. What he says basically is that once you've learned how to master something, it becomes easier to learn to master other things. So yeah, getting good at computer games can teach you how to learn because self-improvement is an actual skill that has to be learned, and that's what all self-improovers fail to understand. It's the ability to be able to objectively look at yourself and change when something you're doing isn't working or is a detriment to your success. Now I don't think all games are going to teach you this skill, but I'd say competitive multiplayer games are more likely to teach you this than say, playing Zelda or Half-life.
Point is most of the things you're suggesting are extremely lame and/or terrible for meeting people to date
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>ran my 10 hour simulation last night for neutrons instead of photons

fuck my life
>regurgitate things like houdini did
How did you learn that? Did you practice with gumballs or were you shitting keys till you figured it out? Makes me wonder what other secret abilities /atoga/ has and if there'd be enough to do a heist
I get to decide what is right and wrong because I have a vagina. Muh abusive 3 year relationship!
>Did you practice with gumballs or were you shitting keys till you figured it out?
I was 20 when I hit masters in SC2, and I could barely get over 120 APM. I had solid game knowledge that helped me eek out wins, but never had the 'clicks' to break much further ahead.

But I always had pretty shit reactions you should've seen me playing Volleyball in high school, I looked aloof at times.
I already locked in Ahri, sorry, go bottom.
I'm low
Don't ahri players usually bottom?
*locks in Corki*

Nope you're going bot, it's an AD mid meta
That’s disappointing. I’m not sure if I’d actually want to date you but I can only hope
Guess I am marrying the cat...
>someone casually familiar with such scenes
Being a decent cook does not make you an expert in nutritional science. My point is: you could be right, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were - but postulating something with certainty when you haven't put your hypothesis to the test is not the way to go and not exactly intellectually honest.

We see that people typically drop out from competing past a certain age - that is the phenomenology we agree on. That could be because they can't compete at that level any more - I wouldn't even be surprised if that were the case. But it could also have different reasons; someone should look into it.
*silently locks in Orianna*
I also got a cat
>self-improvement is an actual skill that has to be learned,
I suspect that self-improvement is a talent just like any other talent, mostly dependent on heritable personality traits and a reasonable amount of intellect to rationalise what one has learned.
>she said her middle name is Celine because her mom loves Celine Deon

Why did this give me a half-ick?
I'm saying to make friends there, finding a bf will be easier when you know more people.
But soccer is
Maybe our cats should couple up UwU
It's gotta be a bit of both. I've seen people brute force self-improvement and I've seen people just naturally be able to get good at everything they do.

I have one friend who just grinds ranked vidya ladders in basically every genre and always ends up in the top 1-2% of players after a few months.
I have another friend/classmate who was fucking dogshit at physics (C-student) until one summer he just brute forced physics problems every day over the summer and came back a physics god.
Nah, she's out of your cat's league
NTA but ones individual talent obviously matters too. We typically see people to deteriorate from the highest level they're at. i.e. a 40 year old Korean pro who is far from his peak might still outperform most 20 year old semi-pros in terms of reaction, APM, etc.
>average /atoga/ female.
Bird I went on a date with last night said she didn't feel a romantic connection when I said I'd like to see her again. Thought it went pretty well, oh well womp Womp
Idk bro Celine Deon is pretty dope and it's a pretty name
Because her music sucks
I can see why she didn't feel anything.
You probably make every vagina dry.
>40 year old Korean pro
*former pro
I'm a guy
Wtf that's rude
Sorry mate I'm British
>I'm a guy
So is the average /atoga/ female.
Just keep digging your grave deeper.
Ahri players ARE bottoms. Gay bottoms.
That's the joke you moron.
Oh, I thought I was going to have to educate you on fempowered transqueer gayming. Carry on.
>do you like to be embarassed
i don't know for sure, i'm still sort of figuring myself out. i think i might a little bit but it is also uncomfortable. i think i want to do embarassing things but get encouraged about doing it the entire time. i think you talked to a different girl last time, i don't know balloon animals yet.
also i dont like to make people guess so i am not going to contact you, sorry if it's a disappointment, but that's just not something i typically do.

i didnt have a lot of food growing up so sometimes i would regurgitate it to feel like i was eating more often than i actually was, which is obviously not a sexy or cool answer, but that's how i learned it. i just realized i could do it with keys or whatever after watching the houdini tv series. i've done coins mostly. after washing them.
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This would fix most incels
No need to be sorry, not gonna try and force you to do something you don't want to. After all, even roleplaying something that would make you feel embarassed should be consentual.

Also, sorry to hear about where the food thing came from.
It's a very unique trait or probably better called "skill". Have you ever tried using it during a BJ or even deepthroat? How often do you do the coin thingy? I hope not too often, I wouldn't want you to get something like that stuck in your throat!
>know friend for years
>kinda cute
>always wanted to fuck but never said anything
>she just broke up with her bf recently
>we were in my pool recently
>were messing around and I picked her up at one point
>she didn't resist and I even copped a feel of her ass and she didn't say anything or stop me
>even hung out more after that
Would it be bad if I asked her to fuck or make out before she goes back to school?
Too bad there aren't enough girls attracted to that kind of losers.
You could invite her over for a Netflix and chill or something
I want to engage in a fair fist fight with an equal woman. That will fix me. I don't want sex or affection.
I've actually never done a Netflix and chill despite hooking up with other people. How do you initiate? Just like, start by putting my arm around her?
i dont have a boyfriend so i'm really just doing all of this at home alone. it works on plastic at least, and it makes me lightheaded and dizzy which i kind of like the feeling. i've only done the coin thing like six times or something to prove to myself that i could.
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Ladies, am I in trouble for this situation through text?

>be me
>talking with friend who I used to have a crush on
>tells me they have a class project where they need to recreate a painting in a modern way. Shows me an example they did in high school
>think "oh they gotta draw it" or something
>tell them they should use that or find a different piece to recreate to he a challenge
>she tells me she's already done that (birth of venus)
>go "oh nice lemme see it's my favorite painting"
>sends LOL
>think to myself "what the fuck is so funny about that?"
>minutes later tell her "jeez thanks for leaving me hanging"
>explains to me that it's a nude
>think to myself "it's just a drawinf she made why is she responding like that"
>realize she's not drawing these things and is actually taking photos to recreate them
>mfw I just unintentionally gave her the wrong idea and had to explain to her that I didn't realize she wasn't drawing them
>try to change conversation topic
Am I fuckign retarded? Or am I retarded? I hope this doesn't bring me any kind of drama because she has a possessive bf and I'm not trying to deal with any of that
>it makes me lightheaded and dizzy which i kind of like the feeling
Would you also want to get choked then? Or get dizzy from deepthroating?
Real shame you don't want to exchange contacts, because damn. lol
You sound like a real treat.

>prove to myself
Oh I wouldn't try that on your own, imagine if it got stuck and you couldn't call an ambulance!!
Better be support you pisslow gold.
Stop your whining, it's just compute. It's 2024, compute's free. You can just change the config files. Like, bitch some people wait months for beam time and if they fuck up, they gotta wait months again. Like you don't even have to clean up with sim stuff. You can even run them from the fucking beach
Yeah and of course not everyone with adhd can hyperfocus to the same degree, so that goes back to a genetic trait that can help with that level of training. Plus the exercise itself can help regulate the worst aspects of adhd. I have adhd and when I went from intense training several hours a day to just regular exercise one hour a day, I noticed difference in how fuzzy my brain felt

Not sure what this even has to do with the subject but okay

Absolutely, and of course even among elites there will be ones who far surpass the others. Innate talent and ability is definitely important, it just doesn't negate the necessity of long, hard work
i like whatever it is when you hold the blood vessels for like 20 seconds and my head starts throbbing but pressure on my windpipe makes me panic. i can hold my breath for a long time so i wouldn't mind your hand on my throat meaning i'm not allowed to breath but actually cutting it off is pretty panic inducing because of some stuff that's happened to me before.
>you sound like a real treat
thank you. i hope i meet a guy sometime soon. it's hard because i think i would be a good girlfriend, but nobody looks at some plain looking antisocial retard wearing boring clothes and thinks "i bet she is probably super horny and likes dressing up as a clown and likes giving blowjobs and stuff" but the only way to advertise that is stuff that makes me uncomfortable and kind of is dangerous. world is an annoying puzzle.
>what if the coin got stuck
i'd just poop it out right?
A big family dinner. Like thanksgiving or christmas.
Or like a backyard bbq setup.
Something with a lot of sides.
Or if you are thinking like just a dinner for two then yeah a pizza, ravioli, curry, spaghetti and meatballs, sushi.
adhd isn't real. You don't like to sit and focus on one thing for eight hours. That's normal.
>>go "oh nice lemme see it's my favorite painting
Nigga, you're finished.
>explains to me that it's a nude
Tripple cooked.
>because of some stuff that's happened to me before.
I'm sorry to hear that.
But this is why I just ask and not outright say "I'mma choke you DURRRR", because there needs to be a certain sensibility to this and similar topics. I'm into dominating and a bit master/slave-play, not specifically into choking, but what I have heard is that the correct way to choke somebody sexually is as you say, to put pressure on the blood vessel and not actually the wind pipe. As I haven't tried it myself, I can't say how it feels however.
But hey, if I made you roll your eyes back with just my cock doing down your throat, that'd work too! lol

>i would be a good girlfriend
I don't mean this in just a sexual way, but the way you talk and how you don't judge is also something that outs you as probably being a good partner. Whoever gets you, is sure going to be a lucky one and I hope he is going to appreciate what he has in you.

>world is an annoying puzzle.
Ye that's why I've sworn myself to take the chances as I see them. Especially if they are as enticing as you are. It doesn't always lead to good outcomes, but I think my bullshit filter has gotten pretty good so far. And you seem to pass.
Besides, you making yourself sound like a flower that hasn't bloomed yet and is inconspicuous strutting in the streets, makes it only hotter. What if I am the one to unleash your inned demons?

>i'd just poop it out right?
Bro, I meant if it got stuck in your throat!
For as horny as you made me, please don't do something that would outright I'd rather you choke cutely on my cum, than on some money!

Anyway, the thread is close to being dead now, so I'm going to pull out (pun intended!), have nice evening.
I'll leave the burner up for another day if you change your mind.
I doubt they have to hand in nudes as a class project anon.
Your wins
>Do you have any cats/pets to play with?
Yes but my cat is sulking cause my parents went on vacation and she doesn't like me so much.
Not sure why you're ignoring how the post was relevant to the subject of genetic inheritance of talent vs hard work. You must just be acting sassy because I said nigger. Nigger nigger Heil hitler.
Adhd actually gives you ability to sit and focus on one thing for eight hours, often at the expense of things like eating, peeing, and anything else you need to do to be a normal human being, but only when you're highly motivated
>not sexy or cool
It's a lot less weird than just deciding to learn on your own one day spontaneously for no reason
i don't think it offsets the fact that i still have a habit of re-eating my food like that.

>i haven't tried it
you should, it's super easy. you just need a thumb on one side, two fingers on the other side, find the pulse and press in. you should start feeling the throbbing sensation pretty quickly. i think you should become familiar with the sensation to help better judge how long you should hold others.
>you will probably be a good partner and whoever dates you will be lucky
thanks for saying that. i worry a lot. so that's nice to hear.
>making yourself sound like a flower that hasn't bloomed yet and is inconspicuous strutting in the streets, makes it only hotter
men really have a talent for finding literally everything possibly arousing but you really said it in a way that sounds erotic. when i dont feel like it is in reality, but you must have these glasses that just change everything in your perception.
>stuck in your throat!
i dont think it could do that? i could either regurgitate it or not.

thanks for the chatting, it's been fun and silly and interesting and exciting.
Deeply mediocre experience. Couch was vastly superior.

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