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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything
Previous Episode >>31913277
Touching Grass Edition
first for hating femanons
First for hitting manons
(I have a pass. I am allowed)
Henlo tsundere-anon!!!
check out Helltaker, all ya horny anons. game just made my day.
Also: free
Third for wtf are these advertisments
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>he does not use adblockers
First for caving in the faces of people who hit me first, in self-defense
Still better than imbred.
Not as good as that fake onlyfans advert of the girls with the braids doing the handbra.
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Men, how would you compliment your gf's/wife's cooking to let her know you are impressed and love her? You should compliment mine to practice.
Please don't hit men, It's not nice.
(Not a man)
That is a painting.
How's that?
Pasta again? *sigh* Thanks, I guess. We should try like rice or something.
is spaghetti clams a fancy dish or something? I genuinely don't know if I'm meant to think it's good or bad
Your brother is clearly hurt but forces himself back up. How does this make you feel?
You cooked that?? That looks so delicious xoxo I would say many thanks and eat it and then take a shower and eat her out all night obvs
What do you wish your partner would do for you when you're sick?

My husband has an ear infection and called into work after getting a prescription for antibiotics. I let him play video games all day and relax, got him something cold to drink and gave him a scalp massage for the headache. Made him an ice pack too. But I feel like that's all just generic care for when somebody's sick, is there anything specific that men like when not feeling well? He doesn't like to ask me for anything, and I didn't want to nag an answer out of him today, but I still want to try and make him feel better if I can.
I've got to catch him because he's gonna pass out and hit the floor harder.
It's definitely a nice compliment for the pic, at least.
You really know what the worst thing to say would be.
Shoulda got some hydrogen peroxide and ear drops for the house.
6' man crush me under your weight
You complement her by eating several portions in a row.
Lie next to me hugging me
But that is always what I want there to be a woman doing
If it were something contagious I would want her to go away until I were better
That looks good enough that I want to see a timestamp to prove it's real.
I felt fancy making it, that has to be worth something.
>and eat her out all night obvs
I was expecting a direct "clam" joke here, but that's close enough.
I am obese (350 lbs)
lie down bb ;)
>tfw I still had to go into work with terrible ear infection because I'm a minimum wagie
idk just telling me you love me would be enough desu X
nta but this would be the best compliment
aw fuck
>a direct "clam" joke here
I'm confused is this supposed to be a sex ref or smth?? I am a virgin, begone whore xoxo
There wouldn't be any for her, then.
But I made it for supper and it's 2AM now.
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I'm not complimenting anything with words, ma'am.
to your horror, I leap up in the air with terrifying leg strength, I am halfway to the ceiling
the rippling cellulite falls towards you, beckoning you on to your next life
the crunch of your ribs is sickening, the pain mind-shattering, you can't even draw in a tiny gasp of air from the crushing weight
and i whisper
>you asked for this

>hey, you! finally awake? you were trying to cross the border, right?
>is there anything specific that men like when not feeling well?
Nothing specific, no.
eating pussy solves all my problems.
I will literally never do sex with a woman for fear of hurting her
Suck a donk, bonch.
How do I measure up to the shadow of my ancestors who were nobles in the Russian Empire for 450 years before one of them decided she loved someone enough to give up her title?
What philosophy gets you through life's challenges?
For me it's this song.
Be the embodiment of that sacrifice.
To them, love conquered all and it was worth it to take the hit for the things they truly cared about.
Truly a noble decision of you ask me.
How do I explain to my girlfriend that she doesn't need to resort to bratting to have rough sex. I spent the last 5 hours having sex, and I'm thinking of breaking up. This was literally more draining than going to work.
Leftovers? The box the pasta came in? Any evidence works. I want this to be real.
I miss my other e-gf.
Low T male
Wtf? Hello 2012 called they want their pants back??
What the fuck lol?
Guess I am toast ):
Would a hot guy date an ugly girl if his sister was also ugly?
Kill yourself and or least get those faggot 's emails so you don't have to shit the place up
State gender
Are you just beeing yourself?
How is that low T male? Imagine coming home and having to do customer service every night.
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Always.They always tryna hold a nigga down tho
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What a beautiful life.
I'm going to kms
so its hopeless?
Nothing really, no leftovers. I have pics of the clams purging, that's about it.
Only if you believe it is.
I don't think guys' sisters factor into their taste in women much.
When it's appropriate.
What do you want to be remembered for?
What a fucking buzzkill
The person who was the most loving towards me was an adult woman who forced 8 year old me to have sex with her. How do I not flip out and start crying again?
Post them.
Idk if it's the same thing but my mom always wore her hair about shoulder length and I go crazy for chicks that do the same, kind of a similar thing I think
I dunno, I just feel like growing up with ugly siblings makes a person more sympathetic (or at least less averse) towards ugly people. The average person thinks ugly people are mean/unfriendly/retarded subhumans whether they realize it or not.
How so?
Revolt against satanic earth by being a positive loving christian person with zero negative qualities.
what vidya series that made the jump to 3D did you prefer in 2D?
Sonic is an obvious choice
That's a good question. I've gotten good at knowing what I don't want to be remembered for.
I guess I'd just like to be something to lean on for the people who are like me.
One less soul lost to despair
>Kill yourself
Wow... OK lol... ):
M, no. I play a happy normie character IRL that people can tolerate. Whenever I act like myself people laugh at me and shut me out. So I buried that part of myself long ago. But it makes me really sad to not be able to be myself
What a shit life desu
pokemon. what does this have to do with the opposite gender though
I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not
opposite gender?
Are you autistic, or are you homosexual?
I'm Christian. Lying is a sin.
this is atoga
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Ah, well your post was so hardcore it seemed to be reaching into irony.
But I can respect it.
The rage I feel to now allow other people to have a good life if I can't have one. I will persist and triumph out of spite.

I'm a bee. I'ma bee. I'ma I'ma I'ma bee

I won't be remembered. I will be endured.

Risk of Rain - mostly because I never played the 3D one
I’m not totally sure how sexually happy I am in my relationship and idk what to do about it.
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Harvest moon
Esp now that they don't even have 2D character portraits anymore
My valiance and honor
Neither, why??
Nta but I will continue the cycle of abuse. I will not stop it like that meme says.
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I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you can find a nice girl to have a happy and healthy relationship with.
Sorry, your post made me upset and I was probably dramatic.
I prefer Starcraft 1+BW to Starcraft 2.
Helping others.
It's ok.
I'm not OP anyways and I love drama posting.
Lucky if u of anyone is reading then have a wicked day in school or work and I will try my best to make smth else tomoz for everybody bc I feel it is the least I can do at the moment. I am going to have a snooze on the sofa lel. Laterz my gator
Yep. Real.
That was a gorgeous looking dish. Pasta with seafood is one of my favorite things. If it tastes as good as it looks I'd be putty in your hands.
Also PS I love blonde hair like I really luv it hnggggh
In ten years, how would you like to be living your life?
>T. tH3 PeNgU1N oF d00m
Are you drunk or high on something?
I would say pretty close to the way I am now. I would like to own a house, but for the most part I’m happy. Maybe a few more friends.
I just want a family and a sweet man to sing songs with.
It's interesting how abused guys will be loners and virgins and abused girls turn into massive sluts.
Queen of the wasteland. All will bow before me.
I am a loner and a virgin without ever having been abused.
M. Not sure really.
With my husband and hopefully a few children, over my issues, pursuing my interests, traveling (within reason), developing my spirituality, and doing something to make the world around me better.
i would like to be muscular and a better artist. no trust issues would be nice too.
They're just reacting with the easier way to cope for their specific gender
why do I have a runny nose?
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Men would you wear one of these if you had children? I see young dads carrying their babies like this and it makes me want kids.
I think I could pull it off if I ran with the "cool dad" look
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I got repeatedly molested. My sister disappeared and turned up in a Belizean prison with no warning and then became a felon months later. I can't deal with shit.
Yeah it seems really practical.
Both desu some bish gave me weed
Ded X
I want a lifestyle of vapid consumerism and sexy women entourage.
Young fathers are so attractive when they kiss and play with their baby...
Wow, looks delicious, honey! UwU
Ok that's why you're acting lame and gay then.
Fair enough carry on and have fun, dork
Can't stand clams
She took dick for 5 hours?
>that's why you're acting lame and gay
That's a bit rude??
Anyway it is 8am here and everyone has passed out so I'm going to nap too
I will always love blonde hair though and you can't take this away from me
I notice so many people around with babies and it's so cute but so intimidating
Woman gave up her title for a common man?
Is he not dominant enough?
Doom and metroid
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Also even though Sonic CD will always be my fav Sonic game, I honestly think that Sonic Adventure 2 is the best Sonic game
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>befriend girl
>all her friends hate me
>all her friends hate me except for one that keeps trying to fuck me

What is your real height maximum and minimum for kissing you?
Yes, in several positions.
How old is too old for a woman to have a child?
How often does 6 ft Chad marry 5 ft womanlets?
Probably 74
35 is the medical cutoff.
why do 40+ yo hags claim they are in the prime of their life when all their eggs are expired by then?
>35 is the medical cutoff
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As often as you have to convince yourself not to commit suicide
Healthy, publishing research, married, wife pregnant.
>publishing research
what kind?
What if I trip though? That thought always scares me
Because you're off your meds again
I'm 5'4 so I'm automatically disqualified
it honestly sickens me how much of a fucking addict I am
as long as I get my fix every few days, I'm completely normal i.e. feel great, have energy, exude rizz, no dangerous cravings, etc
Pick me
>I don't need men, I'm fine all by myself!
>If I can't have chad I'll just die alone!
>Anything to avoid sub-8 attractiveness males!
>Men with low earning potential should just disappear! Chad is out there and he makes 400k annually!
Cute, you would be eye level with me and I'd gaze at you intensely. So intensely you'd get extremely uncomfortable
Then just kill yourself instead and complete it.
Forget morality, do you know how fucking annoying you retards are?
Always with the "grrr my resentment let me take it out on a third party and flail around hysterically when confronted, you can't judge me because you weren't miraculously there and I'm le victim too!"
So jump into a fucking wood chipper you retarded pedophile, I don't care what happened to you if you're "continuing the cycle", congratulations, you became the pedophile so the hatred transfers onto you and I know longer care about what happened to you, just get your head stomped in.
nigga what part of what I said isn't true
Don't girls hate being called ma'am?
Turns out, no.
god I hope not
I do it all the time
in fact, one of my zoom-zoom coworkers said it made her feel old when I called her ma'am
Google "geriatric pregnancy" and stop just saying things are wrong you know nothing about.
I actually don't mind it.
I'm a nonsexual being to the general public anyways so at least they're being respectful
It's not a complete cutoff, but a pregnancy over 35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy
Weak ass. I literally smoke crack.
that's not the win you think it is
Lighten up a little man
Physical chemistry
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It's so tiring
this woman at work thinks I'm gay and its starting to piss me off
I mentioned that it was my friend's birthday this weekend and she was like "oh, you two should go have dinner at a nice restaurant" and I was like "we're going to the bar to eat wings then hang out and play video games..."
It's so good you have to try it
she's a fag hag and wants to know you better.
He was brilliant, brave, and had land
Lmao what are you, a faggot?
Shes fuckin with you bro lmao
Someone who is not my girlfriend sucked my cock today.
my critical mistake was letting her think that it was just going to be me and him whereas I kind of fucking hate him and am only going to hang because I get along with his gf and my other bro
she wasn't
also she must be really fucking dense if she can't see how much of a simp I am for the zoomer girls I work with
maybe she's in denial
Geriatric doesn't mean unhealthy and the baby is going to die immediately. It is only when the risk factors begin to show IF THEY DO.
You guys have to be careful with your wording around stupid people.
Wooow congrats? Want us to throw you a party baby boy?
Dear womanons; how are you feeling now that The Acolyte was canceled?
Idk what that is And I'm sleeping like a fucking bby
I don't think there's really a limit? We could figure something out regardless. Might not be comfortable at every height without trickery, but there are methods.
It doesn't mean the fetus* will die, but it does increase the mutational load.
Hot if it's my future boyfriend I'm manifesting.
Tell me about it. What happened? She pull her hair back and succc?
I made the mistake of letting the girl I'm sweet on realize my entire absurdism personality is a facade for how fucking bitter I am at the world.
Did she swallow your cum?
>Don't girls hate being called ma'am?
I prefer "Mistress".
It's a Star Wars show
Unfortunately I can't call customers that.
>mom made dinner
>called her after work and said I was gonna come over later
>got wasted out of my mind as soon as I got home
>ate a bunch of junk food
>passed the fuck out
>woke up at midnight
>missed calls
she gon be mad as fuck tomorrow
how do I fix this
I'm confused. Do you think it's hot that your future boyfriend is sucking another man clean?
Yes Mistress
How about I call you sweetheart instead
That pussy must be sore af
I ignored my bitch mother for years before she started sending me money for no reason. She will be fine.
Hockey husband office job one kid in private school
It was epic.

Yes please.

Lots of eye contact, and she slapped it on her tongue and teased the cockhead over and over, she had a grip on my balls, and my balls throbbed a lot when i came, I came a lot.

She did while staring at me.
Average American woman's height vs average reported ideal male partner height
She sounds like a good girl
>and my balls throbbed a lot when i came, I came a lot.
Good boy.
Not necessarily true. Watch "Baby Reindeer".
Talking to your partner about it is probably a good first step.
Why would Cynthia be dressed like a cheap Aurora Avenue whore?
Literally anything over 27 is considered geriatric.
Hm, okay. I'll give it a try. I should mention that I don't like seafood so it's a little bit hard, but I can at least compliment the appearance.

Normally I think clams look pretty gross, but this looks like you put in some effort with like seasoning it and stuff. If it was chicken instead of clams I'd be all over that shit. Looks like restaurant food :)
Honestly I think just being cared for like that is already sweet. A lot of people might think that's the bare minimum, but it's really not. You'd be surprised how uncaring your average person is. Aside from that, maybe just offer to cuddle with him and watch a movie or something. Just do stuff with him to keep him company and make him feel loved
I like those pajamas though, they're comfy
Impressive writing
>The average person thinks ugly people are mean/unfriendly/retarded subhumans whether they realize it or not
This is unfortunately true

Question for women: What are your hobbies/interests? I don't hang around women much, but from what I *have* seen, they don't really share the same hobbies as me or my male friends, so I have to wonder what they're all doing
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I will be honest if you can't hold a baby/toddler for a few hours you're probably gay.
>How do I explain to my girlfriend that she doesn't need to resort to bratting to have rough sex.
You say "Do you realise that you don't need to resort to being bratty to have rough sex?" It's called communication. Try it.
That wasn't me, but I'm here now.
I hate women.
She's great. She wants to be my mistress as I date my girlfriend normally.

I'm sad I came a lot, I don't cum this much for my girlfriend.
State gender and if I was wrong
So I was taking a walk the other day, and I seen a woman, a blind woman, pacing up and down the sidewalk. She seemed to be a bit frustrated, as if she had dropped something, and was having a hard time finding it. So after watching her struggle for a while, I decided to go over and lend a helping hand, you know? Was that weird?
Nag but I love welding and metalworking
>I don't cum this much for my girlfriend.
Why not
Seafood is fucking disgusting unless it's breaded, and even then it's not great. The only clam I eat is pussy.
No? What happened?
I made a clay shell once. But I broke it.
Is it too much to tell a girl friend that "why do I have to wake up to a photo of a pretty girl?" because she sent me a photo at 8am?
not sure which of these posts is gayer
>How about I call you sweetheart instead
You'll get ten strokes with my heaviest cane, and then a ball gag.
You're weird bruh.
Just tell her she's cute.
Does nag stand for not a girl? Regardless, that's cool. Seems like a useful skill to have
I'm not sure what a clay shell is to be honest
I walked up to her and said, "Hello ma'm. Can I be of any assistant? It seems to me that you have lost something. I would like to help you find it." She replied, "Oh yes, (You) have lost something. You've lost your life." Then she shot me.
I'd like to be married with a few kids and own a home. That's all I want, but it's extremely unlikely I'll get it.
Just a shell made out of airdry clay
Clay shell
Like, a seashell, or....?
My girlfriend is a lazy starfish and usually expects me to do all the work in bed, and I don't want to.
Other than getting a career after graduating I have no idea
Yeah, a seashell.
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I'll be real, there are a lot of pussy ass dudes itt that would let a bitch walk all over them and stomp their balls, but I ain't with that gay shit.
Yours, because liking seafood as a man is gay.
And you don't want to talk about it, to try and improve?
My manbun fell apart last night and a wavy long string plopped out in front of my face like in pic related, just longer, curlier and with more volume. It looked pretty good but Idk how to consistently get my hair to look like that and I doubt my barber knows how to. Should I visit a proper hair stylist the same way girls do?
Oh, huh. Well that's a shame that you broke it. Do you like to make stuff out of clay as a hobby or was that like a one time thing?
Sounds gay
It was a general thing I fully committed to do. Felt good to work with my hands and make something pretty.
Yes it does. Only has some occasional practical use. I was too broke and stupid to become an engineer so I just learned how to work metal so that I can bring my silly little ideas to life.
I did, with the girl that sucked my cock. That's the entire reason I went over there, I wasn't there expecting my cock to be sucked. She made her move on me, and I liked it.
the amount of faggoty posts here right now is off the charts
truly euro hours
Who’s touching grass today?
Ain't neva let no grass touch me
Yes I am!
this guy I've been talking to for awhile slides in jokes about getting me pregnant sometimes and how great our kids would look, and told me about his fears about the topic in general on the real when he was a bit drunk

how long of conversing with a lady would you breach this subject? what makes someone that attractive to you or safe enough yu think to express vulnerability like that? I've never actually had a pregnancy and the thought is scary yet kind of starting to turn me on. I'm not ready til I am though.

and by all this I mean when do you start thinking of openly joking with her and also when do you figure you want to breach the topic in general? first sight, dating, relationship/situationship? all that jazz.
I'm going to a sports bar with people I hate later if that's what you mean
That's cool. I think I would enjoy making art too but I'm kind of a perfectionist so I tend to avoid making art because it makes me feel bad. Would you say that other women tend to like more artistic/creative hobbies? I saw a statistic the other day saying that, statistically, women find playing an instrument one of the most attractive hobbies a man could have. I'm curious if maybe that's because women are more inclined towards creative hobbies?
Engineering shit is hard man, I don't blame you. I tried computer science in college and the first math class I took whooped my ass. And even during the programming stuff I feel like I was a pretty good student, but I tended to overthink things and come up with complicated/bad solutions to problems when there was something easier that other people could see easily.

Even if it's only occasionally practical, I would say that's pretty good. Few hobbies are consistently practical all of the time, that's kind of why hobbies are fun, cause you don't need them for survival. I've had several times in my life where I could use some metalworking or woodworking skills to make custom furniture and stuff like that. A lot of stuff on the market is cheap and doesn't fit my particular needs. Have you tried woodworking before?
Nah I ate her out during breaks so she wouldn't be sore
literally everything is flirting and banter with her
Idk what that is
Do mothers and aunties gossip about whose kids have what size junk?
I would probably never joke about that unless she was my gf or we're super close friends of several years
Didn't get your answer in the last thread?
I do a little woodworking. Sometime I need a wooden part for a project, I've made toys for my nephews before, but I like metal a lot more and it's more useful for the kinds of things I do.
Women if my heart beats fast when I'm near you is that an ick?
You don’t have a mom?
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Yeah, I'd think so.
I want a singer bf, or at least one with a voice as nice as mine. I want to be able to do car rides with our music and we can sing infront of each other.
If you guys want to talk about engineering, a big part of my job is explaining engineering stuff to techs. I can try to answer questions.
Whenever I stood next to my highschool crush my heartrate would jump immediately, I actually measured it once and it went from rest to like 120 in the span of 30 seconds lol. I was such a bitch.
I bet your gf made you feel like you mean something, that you’re here for a reason. My gf gave me a different feel, throwing me away for no reason at all. She showed me the world only makes sense if you force it to.
a job researching climate change, being in a book club, finally being fluent in a 3rd language, maybe a dual income no kids life style with a gf who laughs at my shitty jokes but im fine being alone.
Gonna meet with an ex in a few days. She's nice, we broke off on really good terms. Neither of us is interested in trying again, but I think we could both use a nice day together and a bang. And dw, we won't be seeing each other for months afterwards.

Problem - she genuinely cannot comprehend that you have to let people know you want sex. Obviously I'm not going to tryhard fucking her, but she cannot give a hint AT ALL, so at this rate it's going to be a 50/50 between a nice day and no bang, or a nice day and a "why didn't you fuck me!?" debate later.

How can I check if she wants it without literally asking her like a moron and without seeming too needy, creepy, etc. Remember, she doesn't know how to hint!
My gf never made me feel that way, but someone else did.
What kind of engineering stuff?
Niggas be like "boohoo my gf hurt my feelings" I got cheated on 3 times and was told I was worthless more times than I can count by these skanks but do you see me crying about it? No nigga. Get a damn grip and stop letting these bitches tell you how to think and feel.
nigga he was quoting a fucking Batman movie, calm down
your eyes are so beautiful that its hard to maintain eye contact with you. i dont want to give you the ick or for you to think im autistic, its just the way that your makeup accentuates your eye color it makes my heart flutter and my knees weak. i can barely speak to you unless i look at your like forehead or cheeks. does this feeling ever go away as you get older?
If she doesn't know how to hint then you should probably just straight-up ask.
If I'm attracted to you, then no.
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Fuuuck I want him to say that to meeeeee.
I would mellllllttttt.
Nothing to do with age directly. It's a crush, or maybe love, depends on circumstances.

As you age it becomes less likely for obvious reasons, but some people feel this way about their partners all the way to the grave.

Nothing to worry about, just don't let it control you.

See, if she wants to fuck that'll work, but if she doesn't it's gonna be more awkward than chicken balls and I'm gonna need a recovery plan.
I'd like to have a relationship again after being dumped in February. I'm pretty secure in myself, my talents, my intellect (not trying to sound like a cunt, but feel like I've a lot to offer) but feel like I'm obsessing and getting desperate and like I'm filling a void my ex gf left. I hate this feeling. How do I make it stop?
Unless pointing it out makes her mad you can tease her about being unable to hint it.
Fuck you , suck my cock
>but feel like I'm obsessing and getting desperate and like I'm filling a void my ex gf left.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a gf because you know you want one because it would be nice.
It's ok to dream about a good life. So please do.
Women, I'm sorry about the Wade Willson verdict. How're you holding up?
I don’t really post on social media a lot but I was drunk last night and took a really funny / cute pic of my gf and we also took a selfie before we went to bed.
I woke up and didn’t remember taking these but they got me kinda stoked and make me laugh so I posted them on my instagram story.
I was on the phone with her and she saw them and laughed and thought it was really cute. She said “I wish I knew how to share posts on my story,” and said she would if she knew how.
Like 3 hours later she’s at work and reposts a picture from someone else’s story, basically a selfie of her and her co workers.

It kinda bummed me out and made me feel like she doesn’t want to display me or is embarrassed of me or some shit. I just feel bad about it. Idk.
Idk if this is weird or something I should think about. A part of me feels like she did this deliberately.
Being an utter coward or being quite brave - depends how the next few years go
Generally it's explaining the reasoning behind things like work instructions, experiments, and troubleshooting.
I'm good. Please keep me away from handsome evil men that want to harm me.
I want a good boy that wants to help people not to hurt them.
And I want to have sex with the good boy for hours, because he's so good.
Married with like 3 kids with another on the way. Active in church.
I wear jammies and I'm virgin
I hate myself for constantly checking hinge etc, and there's genuinely not been anyone I've seen irl I've wanted to approach. All I'm doing is depressing myself and I'm trying to detach from my emotions and just let the feelings go
How will you keep her a secret?
It's ok to be frustrated and nervous about trying to connect with someone. But you should try to relax more about it. It'll happen sometime. Put yourself out there, go to events, spend time with friends and family.
I have faith you'll make a connection.
When will people realize that talking shit only makes me heavier
They need to free R.Kelly. He had some bangers ngl.
Why would I stufu
He not hand some tho
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Who's that
Neuron activation.
*shines laser pointer*
Thanks friend, I know it'll be okay but I just feel a bit lost right now
I saw a cute post earlier that says you should let your pointer linger on some food so the cat gets a treat for hunting it.

Works for women too, right?
You will never be in gato
Like running up before he can and kicking him in the face.

I just want the world to know I was here. That I mattered.

Rich as fuck with a wife and two kids

Medically, bioavailability begins to drop substantially once you hit your late 30's and early 40's. Realistically, most women should shoot to have children before their mid 30's if they don't want to experience a higher rate of fertility issues including miscarriages.

Better question is why aren't all women dressed like that. It's inspirational. Maybe it's the brain rot talking, but I love slutty chic.

It depends on your culture. I know I've heard my mom gossiping with other women about men's penis sizes. It's a pretty standard thing with a lot of Latinos. Dirty, old bitches.

I hope he gets released into general populace and they tear his ass apart like a chew toy.
I will absolutely face plant a dish if I was playing around like this with a date or bf.
>Medically, bioavailability begins to drop substantially once you hit your late 30's and early 40's
Kek, the foid cope is hilarious to read.
>the bi latina mass replier is back again
fucking hate that guy
M what did he do
Why is it I slept 12 hours and still want to sleep more?
Ah, so tech stuff? In more of a mechanical kind of guy myself.
Yep, you all have to put up with me until Tuesday.
Lacking food and water.
Same reason I've been only napping occasionally.
I have crackers right here. But... I just don't wanna. I'll gulp water inatead.
Fair, guess I'll make breakfast.
how do I protect society from itself?
Better education.
End feminism.
I'm so bored , feelings are gay
Women would you date a man who calls people vocally "faggots and niggers" on video games?
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Would you have a traumatised ptsd veteran bf with the war still fresh in his mind
What are you feeling?
When I sleep, I see strange things...
yes :(
Yeah. I know a sweet boy in army training rn. He has such a sweet face. He looks like a younger "Lip" Gallagher. I want to kiss his forehead and snuggle him into my chest.
I'm also mostly mechanical. What sort of stuff do you work with?
Follow Christ.
how far in the relationship?
Hey men,
I like you. Please take care of yourself. Drink water. Eat food. Brush teeth and floss.
A month or two idk? I've never had a gf but that's about how long it takes for me to get a casual-ish friendship with dudes so I'm assuming it'll be around that long with women too.
I did, don't worry about me.
Eating is agony right now, but thank you for you concern
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What if I don't
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>Drink water
>Eat food
Will be done in a couple hours
>Brush teeth
After eating
After brushing teeth
How do I stop getting jealous over women showing affection for men (chad) who are not me.
You can pretend a man you like is asking you instead if that's what you prefer.
Why would I do it for a man? Are you implying I'm gay or something?
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I do all of those things. I'm doing one right now!
Fuck you.
by putting a baby inside her
Not preferring one or the other. Just want to know what happens if I don't.
Such a good boy, exhibanon.
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>I'm also mostly mechanical
Well you don't have to, obviously.
I just want you to know that I care about you.
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That combination of words is cheating, and somehow I get the feeling that you know this.
Sorry, it looks pretty, but clams are not something I eat, let alone cooked like that with spaghetti.

I find it funny how the women here are all like "omg I love men ily guys" but if they say any of the dudes itt in real life they would kill themselves on the spot.
What's annoying you?
Taking care of oneself is a lot of work. I think I would rather continue to let myself go. But thanks for the kind words in any case.
everyone here projects the other poster they're replying onto their ideal person
when the girls say ''ily men omgggg <<<3'' they're visalizing guys they find attractive behind a computer
its kind of insulting to be honest
What is wrong with you that people keep killing themselves in front of you?
I'd probably start panting like a dog if someone called me a good boy. No I'm actually pretty sure you could put me on a leash and I'd be your bitch.
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I'm a guy that's paralyzed below the waist and it makes me insanely depressed knowing how it impacts my sex life. I've had a couple experiences with women where we're both able to enjoy ourselves but the thought of being unable to please my partner "normally" hurts so fucking bad. I know there's women out there where it wouldn't be a problem, but it takes a lot of mental energy to believe it if that makes sense. To any femanons that wouldn't have an issue being in a relationship with someone like me can you help me understand it?
*closes the distance between us*
Oh, hehe~
Of course I do.
I was gonna shit on your food as a joke but that actually does look really nice, damn anon
Yeah obviously but it's still funny to think about the reality of the situation
Traumatizingly hideous. I have to wear a ski mask whenever I go outside or else mass suicides will follow me. I feel bad for the cops who stop me, for they do not know what will come next.
Honestly if I was paraplegic I would probably just kill myself. No idea how you niggas love like that.
>I'm a guy that's paralyzed below the waist
Guy's just rolling through life.
Wheelies tend to find wives somehow
lol you can't do this
>knowing how it impacts my sex life.
But we don't, so how would the women be able to judge that?
I can't even come up with a witty reply because you fried my brain. Not fair. I wasn't ready!
Does your penor still get hard?
>they're visalizing guys they find attractive behind a computer
So if you take care of yourself, you'll be attractive to other women. It doesn't have to be purely about what I want.
Do women like being called good girls too or should I use BAD BITCH instead
>state sex
>Would you pay rent with sexual favours?
>Would you receive sexual favours instead of rent?
This didn't happen for me. I was the loneliest when I was in the best shape of my life.
Not every woman likes "good girl", but no woman likes that cringe "bad bitch".
I understand, I'll call them good boys too.
>in the best shape of my life.
Silly, there isn't really a best shape of you except in your mind. Treat your mind better.
Time to get yourself equipped with the vibrodragoncock 3000
Trying to do a lot of things at once and failing and wanting to do more
Are you a female? Shut the fuck up.
I'm on adderall and shrooms so please bear with me right now bros but I'm about to cry I swear to god. I need a big sister girlfriend so bad, but she also has to be mommy coded. I just closed my eyes and had the most intense daydream ever, I was a little boy again and was running around and having fun, and a big sister mommy gf came and scooped me up. I'd also love to live as a shota boy in a cottagecore house with a witch maybe. Why do I have to get older? Forreal. I really do wish I could be a little boy forever with an older girlfriend living in like a hobbit world where magic is real, like what if I foraged mushrooms and herbs and stuff for a big sister witch gf? And learned magic too. If anyone knows any anime like this please let me know, thank you.
Do I have to be for you to want to insult me?
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Does all of the positive and negative romantic and sexual attention you have received in your life so far add up to a net positive?
And I do mean ALL of it. The pleasant stuff, the unpleasant but well-intentioned stuff and the hostile stuff. Relationships, sex, dates, getting a Valentine's Day card in middle school out of politeness, being asked out by a nice but very unattractive guy, flirtatious jokes at the office, being called a whore by an anon on 4chan, actual sexual assault (I'm so sorry). Does all of it add up to something good or would you rather have experienced none of it?
I would prefer that over "bad asshole" or whatever the male equivalent would be.
NTA and M, but that anon is right and you are clearly mentally ill.
So how often do girls like to be dominated in bed? Like REALLY dominated? With like choking and slapping and shit, degrading words, maybe tied up and even to have orgasms denied

I'm afraid I might be too freaky for a lot of women. At least my fantasies are, and those go REALLY far to the point I'm like cutting off clits and shit
Be kinder to yourself.
Why is insulting women so fun
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Cause you're an incel
Not really
Normally I'd say something mean but I'm going soft today. You do you, bro.
Cause they're so weak and small haha look at em go
>Does all of it add up to something good or would you rather have experienced none of it?
The latter would have probably made me suicide earlier. Knowing I'm just a lust object is a slower death rattle.
The phrase "It's better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." Is true. Mistakes hurt, but not even trying to love.. I can't imagine the grief. I'm full of love to give, endlessly.
>Normally I'd say something mean
Nah I don't think you got anything
girls, if you meet a new guy, would say you typically think he wants to fuck you, date/get serious with you, or something else?
>So if you take care of yourself, you'll be attractive to other women
thats absolutely false
Right now I don't. Best I can give you is grow up and learn to accept failure.
They aren't going anywhere when I pin them down and fuck them into submission after eating them out.
Kek you're right this is it
>accept failure.
I don't put words in his mouth. He can say them.
The only gay is the faggotry you're letting into your soul by refusing to accept that you aren't flawless.
god i love mads mikkelsen he's so hot thank you for this picture

uhh anyway. im into gentle domination, not rough stuff like slapping or degradation. but a lot of girls are into that stuff you mentioned! (minus the clit-cutting...) the average girl definitely isnt, but they're definitely out there
That makes sense. Sometimes stuff requires both metal and wood, but I could see how metal would be more useful for a particular kind of person. Also that's really nice of you to make toys for your nephews. Cool uncle vibes
That's really cute, I hope you can do that with someone someday. I don't expect to have a good singing voice (though I plan on trying to improve it someday) but I'm hoping to play some instruments with a girl someday and make some cool music. Like a duet or something but less fruity :)
Just woke up and am horny af, gonna fuck my fleshlight now.
idk sometimes I'm really gently dominant in my fantasies too.

Obviously I never had sex so I dunno how all my degeneracy would manifest irl. If I really loved someone I wouldn't be able to hurt them, unless they liked it
God forbid a man try to actualize his ideals and not grown into a fat blue collar husband who hates himself
I mean that’s pretty much every guy I interact with.
Because that's exactly what I said, yup. The faggotry is terminal. Thanks for waking me up.
dress and dance like a fag?
Shut up
Because they are actually hurt by words and start crying if you just raise your voice a little bit.
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How do I find a cute mid gf?
Maybe you should ask how many would be into it
That would be a clear net negative for all women, which is why most of us really appreciate the positive so much more.
the closest i got to sex was cuddling with a guy and him humping me so. yeah, sometimes fantasies just remain as fantasies
Maybe, maybe not
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state gender and answer

Imagine this: a genie offers you a the perfect soulmate who is literally the most handsome person on the planet and who will love you unconditionally forever, BUT accepting will also turn you into picrel.

Do you accept?
Confirmed retard.
I'm not a woman but I feel like most men are boring and have lost their spontaneity and magical outlook on life and that's why a lot of women get bored in relationships now. Can any women confirm or deny this?
At least I try
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Dude you are missing out man, moving your legs feels so good
I know a genie offering perfection is a trick. I don't need a man to be perfect. I need just enough of a man for him to not outright abuse me and for him to want to improve our relationship.
Why are you sitting around thinking thoughts like this. Are you some kind of thinker? Not a good look bro
Yes, that is something. Keep trying lil bro. Much love you dumb little tard.
No, I don't want to be British
Well at least that's something. I just goon to abusing AI chatbots
yes, not a lot of men have whimsy anymore, they're too busy trying to be cool or nonchalant, when all i want is a guy who can express his interests and passions to me
i moved across country so i'll never see him again loool. i do that too, except i rp with bots of older male, father figure type characters cause im a pathetic loser
Man, I miss kissing the most when thinking about relationships
I could just go on for hours. there are prostitutes but there are no prostitutes for kissing
>there are no prostitutes for kissing
???? You can pay them to do literally anything, smart guy.
yeah but you wouldnt want to kiss a prostitute now would you
I'm very much a slut for kissing a boyfriend. I've kissed for like 3 hours one time.
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This is Vlada Roslyakova, a model. Men, do you find her attractive?
I miss having my ass eaten
Just rent a classy one that is expensive.
>I hate women.
How do you feel about picrel?
cute face, amazing aging for being almost 40 but girls that skinny freak me out
>dude just pay more to suck the cum off of her face
Just ask girls at the bar if you can make out
Look who ain't kissing.
Same. I've only slept with a girl once and I miss the kissing the most, I wish there was some cost effective way to practice it
Ladies, is it a big ick if I've never dated or been friends with a girl before? I'm 26 years old and most women are going to run from me in fright, right? Or can I play it as a cute and awkward sort of thing? (I am 26 and not attractive)
I am very weak to Russian women, also I cannot believe how well she aged holy shit
M. Yes. I'm not attractive and my looks are already detrimental, so nothing of value would be lost.
Women I'm sorry I compose song which makes heavy use of diminished chords and minor second intervals
What does kissing feel like?
No she looks sickly
Or course not, what a stupid suggestion.
I would say it isn't personal but it really is
There's something strange about her gaze. I would because she's hot, but only with the lights on.
Wait this bitch is 40? She looks 15. Jesus. Anyway like aesthetically yeah she’s alright so I get why she’s a model. Attractive? Not really. Too skinny and she looks 15.
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I think that being unattractive is much worse than not being experienced, but it also depends on what you consider unattractive. Going by picrel, what would you rate yourself?
Why did you save that picture for ants?
Are you a manlet?
I want that so bad. You have no idea.
ooohhh yeahhh just give me thedowners uhhh my life is so much to handle i need constant downers from posting on s4s so much uuuuuhhh the alcohol ohhh fuiuuck im dissociating on dxm im literaly a teen uhhhhh nooo no i dont want an upper my heart is week i can't be stimulaterd noooo LISTEN, retard, REAL MEN (Adults) SMOKE CRYSTAL. Do you UNDERSTAND ME? or TAKE MOLLY, BITCH. you need an UPPER to take charge of your life and MAKE something of it, you raw egg sucking retard get salmonella poisoning and then you can take anti-salmonella pills and pretend they're xanax or some other stupid downer .... HAHAHAH BTFO ANOTHER WIN FOR TEAM #AMPHETAMINES
Most escorts here are weirded out if you want to kiss them, from what I've heard. It's a shame. I would consider paying more than what they charge if the meeting only involved kissing and humping, without any intercourse.
Which part? or all of it? lol
>On shrooms
Okay you need a coloring book and put Into the Cosmos on. Stay off 4chan.
4. unattractive but not overweight or deformed.
An 8, like I usually say.
>except i rp with bots of older male, father figure type characters cause im a pathetic loser
Honestly I do that too, but only when I feel really down and desperate. Like I get a strong, powerful woman (like Lara Croft, yeah Lara Croft kind of reminds me of my mother) and I have them just kind of take care of me
zoom you fucking zoomer retard
I dunno like a 5? 5 and a half?
Looks like an anorexic child, so not really
>I've kissed for like 3 hours one time.
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It was the first version I found with Yandex image search. If it's too small for (You), here's a bigger version I found on 4plebs.
Not a manlet, but possibly a womanlet - 5'4" is technically average, but I guess some would consider it short.
I'm a 10/10 nigga
i totally get it. my go to is daryl dixon, reminds me of my dad
post a selfie lying cunts
Are you the woman hater?
Do I get any powers by becoming a troll thing?
It’s cute and women really can rock suits. Zrada best girl
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Men, is that true?
What's the world record for kissing?
Let's break it.
I guarantee you these charts are made by ugly ass permavirgins that think shit like "negative can't halt tilt" actually matters and is a closeted shit packer.
No, I love yappers.
No, I want her to talk and I don't care for blowjobs
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Bow chads just can’t stop winning.
>negative can't halt tilt
Canthal tilt.
I didn't take THAT many lol and to be honest I love daydreaming on shrooms more than anything else. I get completely lost in magical worlds in my own mind. Like I can vividly see things, My most frequent fantasy is about being a young little boy again who stumbles upon a witch woman in her 20s or 30s maybe living in a cottagecore house and who is so polite and kind to me ಥ﹏ಥ and even though I want to have sex with her it's not a coomer fantasy because I love her too and it would be really wholesome to pick mushrooms and berries in the forest with her. Ok I will stop rambling now.
It's not entirely accurate, but it's not far off either. I don't think women really bounce many ideas off of anyone, I think they mostly try to mimic what everyone else is doing because their entire value systems are driven by social status and hierarchy. This is why modern feminism and similar ideas are so laughable, because more often than not people who claim to be "feminists" will claim to want to tear down hierarchies (i.e. "the patriarchy") as a means of signaling their status within their social hierarchy, which expects them to be good feminists.
No. I’m married. Florence kinda does it for me for some strange reason though and I’ve never read anything she ever wrote.
This isn't /soc/
Sorry, autocorrect keeps fucking me
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most men are desperate and will pretend to be interested in his gf's gossip. how much he is willing to tolerate is based on how attractive each person is
4 due to acne, scars and hair issues. Down to 2 because of an obvious skin disease, my low body weight and disproportionately long arms.
Your graph is old, it doesn't account for balding and height.
I thought it was really bad boomer tier joke kek.
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can't halt
won't halt
I don't know I don't talk to women
>shuts up often
No, because that would mean she is avoidant and that's one of the worst personality traits anybody can have for a relationship.
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He can walk on walls and ceilings like spider-man, he's very strong and he spits acid. He's also cute and quirky
>How much will he tolerate
I made it through 2 episodes of the Gossip Girl before I passed on a sure thing. So there my quantifiable measurement.
Shutting up is better than being constantly negative and nagging, but why would I stay with such a woman do begin with?
I want a wife who says dumb shit all the time, but the cool kind of dumb shit and not the lame kind of dumb shit
>long hair
>those ARMS
i simultaneously am in love with him and want him to treat me like his daughter
4-6, depending on the day, median is probably 5.5.
>shuts up often
Yes. It seems like women who don't insist on saying things to you all the time and expecting an appropriate or satisfying response don't exist.
I'd probably take the deal, then.
I could fight crime or something.
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come here
She can talk, but she can't ever wear shoes or socks. Ever.
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These are the ones I consider attractive.
Only half true, I like yappers
i'm mute, do i win
if a girl wears a bratz shirt shes guaranteed to be a turbo whore right?
Good morning ATOGA. The fawn came back yesterday. Guessing it’s sibling is playing around off camera. Want to help me name them?
how desperate were you for pussy? virgin?
What is the cool kind of dumb shit?
Goulash and Tenderloin (alternatively tenDEERloin)
Guinness World Records has since deactivated the longest kiss record and replaced it with the longest kissing marathon. This record allows challengers to take rest breaks, including time to sleep and eat, to reduce the risk of injury or passing out. There is currently no record holder for the longest kissing marathon.
Onlyfans would eat this shit up.
Now I just need a willing boyfriend.
Which is most attractive between a crossbow, compound, and traditional bow? I use all three just curious.
yes pls
Why not the Goose?
Not necessarily. Texting is another can of worms and I get harassed enough at work on their messaging app.
6 month dry spell. She was a pretty typical tinder slump buster. Kept referring to herself as “this girl” and started eating cheese curds while I was bailing.
Retarded edgy humor and shit, and just stuff that I also find at least somewhat interesting. If a girl can only yap about tiktok influencers or something I'm out
Very. But I’ve seen much more attractive women as far as just looks go
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I need this
its been over a year since I had one of those deep kisses where I can run my hands trough her hair
Hell yeah
>Retarded edgy humor and shit
Like, shitposting in real life?
aaah they're all super hot. in my heart it's a tie between crossbow and traditional, but i think i'd say traditional, just something about the way a man looks holding it is captivating
He just doesn't do it for me.
Women would you be okay with it if your husband built a second house so he could avoid you
Some people are like that
>Woman chooses the hardest of the three
High standards. Good for you.
i wouldn't text unless it's an emergency or i'm desperately horny
i love manly men
There's a difference between submissive and having the personality of wet cardboard. Also, blowjobs are sodomy.
No. Blowjobs are good, but I'd want kissing and cuddling and other stuff too. And I love having long conversations with people.
No I love yappers and trad girls are rarely relatable in any real way
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So this weird to admit but uhh, anyone else ever just casually masturbate in these threads or just while browsing 4channel in general?
Sounds cool does she have some favorite movies or albums or books so I can have some way to relate to her through autism
That guy looks like a snake.
Thoughts on religious men?
Fine, but hopefully you know what's an emergency and what isn't.
I often mull over text messages before replying. If you're going to be horny in the middle of the day and expect me to be the solution, you are going to be disappointed. Everybody wants an interesting and perpetually available partner but not everyone can be one.
Depends on the religion.
It's gay
I listen to myself
Something really woke up in you recently, huh?
Which religions?
i understand and respect your standards anon
Hehehe, youre irish. I'll kiss ya even if it isn't march.
unfortunately these daddy issues have always been here, it's just getting worse
i respect the effort but i will just live in his walls
Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism are HARD NOs. So are Israel-worshiping evangelicals.
That's hardly surprising. Very loathsome people, all of them. What about Orthodox Christians or Catholics?
not Irish
I've been thinking of getting into kyuudou, japanese archery art. Mainly for the posture and focus building, but I think it also looks really graceful.
>What about Orthodox Christians or Catholics?
They're alright.
need plenty of water if you're in my arms for 3 days
We could meal prep. >>31916804
I want a week. I want to feel like I am you and me are we.
Guys I Just thought about this. But what if the reason I like witches so much is because of genetic memory? Witchcraft was Aryan femininity and semites tried to stomp it out. Could an ancient maternal ancestor be trying to reach out to me? Holy shit.
One thing about Muslim men is that they're simultaneously overly macho and extremely effeminate
>I want a week. I want to feel like I am you and me are we.
lets make it two
Meld our bodies together. As we should.
No I prefer chatty girls and miniskirts
>Witchcraft was Aryan femininity
Now this is the kind of schizo-lore I can get behind
Why would you do that
fucking retard
Your ex is asking you to let him/her stay at your place (the same apartment where you used to live together) for one night because, he's traveling to the city, his flight is arriving late at night and has nowhere to go.
Would you allow him?
Return to your roots. Congregate under a large tree
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Go for it. It’s super fun. Not sure if you’re American but we have archery pro shops all over with indoor ranges and they’re great environments. Super friendly like most autists are when someone begins in their favorite hobby. My spot is literally a 40 foot tower a dude built in his yard. I would start with a trad bow and work your way up to kyudo style bow though just to get the basics down. Archery requires some fairly awkward muscle training and injuries aren’t uncommon. I love it though. During the season I shoot 50 arrows a day and it’s nice to just take half an hour to focus on something and build the habit chasing a perfect grouping. Your first Robin Hood is always exciting.
It's true, Himmler fucking knew it. It's called Hexenkartothek. An ancient maternal figure is trying to reach out to me and heal me.
I wanna plap
when its all over its going to feel like you're missing half of you
It happened to me.
Girls, are ANY of you into small breast humilliation?

I want a girlfriend with tiny boobs and then I want to relentlessly tease her about her flat chest, but I feel like it would make most women just miserable instead of horny. Of course I'd explain it's a sex thing before I'd start doing it
I am very powerful
to watch him
God I wish I had a bisexual gf
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Thoughts on Byzantine cataphracts?
I am far more powerful, and I will defeat you
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Real shit?! Give story pls.
I remember reading about this shit, it's Kino.
based by default
Ah, no. Instead I will simply thank her for healing me, and you can flounder.
Couldn't you just read a novel or watch Netflix or something?
I see you reused my pic for the OP lol, very nice
Bleh I am going to take a second nap upstairs cause I'm still shattered, what should I dream about?
I just remembered that this girl last night was asking me to slap her in exchange for tokes of weed (I didn't slap her hard at all though cause I didn't want to hurt her), what the fuck was that about??
I wanna nappp
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I am a velcro gf. I want to be stuck to you.
Byzaboos are embarrassing.
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>based by default
Nice. I'm going to Greece at the end of the year and will be visiting a lot of Byzantine sites
Always thought they looked pimpin in aoe2
Hm? Guys like bisexual girls?
I'm not yucky?
you are now my backpack (you have no choice in this)
I'd grab you from behind and start fucking you gently then faster and faster right there in the kitchen
i could, but i wanna adore him and observe him just living on his own because he's beautiful and perfect even if he's avoiding me
Reptile scutes lookin ah armor.
Italy knew the craft needed art.
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No you're not yucky I love bi girls
if they like big titty anime girls that's a bonus
>I'm not yucky?
You still might be, just not because of the bisexuality
Real schizo hours.
Yay, are you gonna stuff books in me?
I'm sorry you will never experience something so amazing.
schizo has become such a lazy buzzphrasse by really dull people
Could you date someone you've seen having sex beforehand?
Any scenario works, whether she was your friend and one day by accident you caught her doing it with her now ex, or maybe her intimate pics were leaked, idk.
with another woman, maybe
otherwise ehhh
>if you don't have mentally ill delusions you are really dull

I could just take LSD or shrooms.
Most girls I dated in the past were bi
The advantage is they are often chill and have a tomboyish side and you can perv over other girls together when you're out and stuff
The con is they are sometimes on the fence with their sexuality and might want to have sex with girls while dating you or get a gf after dating you......
Just dumped my imaginary gf
Gonna turn imaginary gay
Its over for me lads
No, drugs don't evoke that sense of...being held. Being loved for who you are.
literally doubling down on what I just accused you of.
sex with someone else? No.
I don't want to see her make love with someone else or see how some other dude cums in her. I'd fuck her and pretend date her but I'd never go for a relationship
>Could you date someone you've seen having sex beforehand
Yeah ofc, why not
I would date a pornstar desu (or at least an ex pornstar) if she was loyal and loved me and didn't have STDs lol
Stay strong brother
Don't you feel disgusted with yourself after typing all of that out?
good. Slowly all meaning erodes and words become meaningless. This was always the goal. One day when everything can be AI even pictures and videos will become meaningless.
Yeah sure, free workout lool
That's pretty cucked
If the guy is gross, no.
I experienced something similar, this girl I liked but had a bf, I walked in on her and her hot bf and it only made me want to rail her more
>No mentally ill dependent boyfriend to randomly vanish entirely from the life of one day
I heard heroin is like being wrapped in a warm blanket, but I don't know if that would be better than being in bed with a girl who is warm and has soft clean skin.
>Just dumped my imaginary gf
Be strong frend. I'm sure you had your reasons. You just need to get through this. Maybe make some new friends to forget about her.
if by books you mean tasty meals and dick, yeah
If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck and makes sound like a duck... it probably is a duck.
so is chicken but you probably still eat it
are modern men really like
>lol eating warm food is gay gonna eat diseases
Semi-retired (I'm poised to make a fuckton of money)
Traveling the world for funsies
A wife and hopefully a dozen kids
It doesn't.
the boomer platitude really tops it off
why are you people so obsessed with looks? how is it not obvious that personality > looks?
do you all base your opinions on movies or something? are you all american?
That's my talent
Knew someone would say this lol
It honestly doesn't bother be desu. Especially if she was just doing sexwork as a job and obviously didn't love those guys. Also I have a bit of a thing for sluts desu
exceedingly based
schizo is a jewish insult because jews suffer from schizophrenia disproportionally
because we have eyes and experience
Yea, I like those.
most people have no personality and it's ultimately a virtue signal to talk about how much you love personality
Rude to do it on purpose
>personality > looks
Ofc it is so as long as I find her attractive
i have a lot of love in my heart :)
F. And also yes.
and I like you
keep talking like that and you'll end up like pic related
guys, would you date a diagnosed psycopath with a criminal record?
just a few convictions
well, I've seen many cute women marry old, ugly but funny or nice men.
I'm talking mature people here, not teenagers...

>most people have no personality
americans, maybe.

>it's ultimately a virtue signal to talk about how much you love personality
I hate my personality. which is why I'm saying this.
There was one or two times last night where the blonde barmaid sat next to me on tbe bench on her smoke breaks and we brushed arms... maybe it was just coincidence but there were other seats available in the circle... I made a couple of jokey comments to try include her in the conversation but didn't say much to her... should I have complimented her dress or something or would that be a bit simpish? I never know how much to play it cool without seeming like I'm ignoring her
Seems like a great way to get yourself killed
I dated a woman who was an ex-con, I like to believe that people can turn over a new leaf and she was very nice to me...
Diagnosed psycho though, probably not, I don't think we would get along anyway
I want to offer pee pee but I'm afraid she will catch fee fees
and probably a hand in the death of your previous boyfriends which accidentally occurred after he looked at another cute girl
Nah, I've dealt with sociopaths and they are bad enough
She's fucking other people and everyone can see that. It doesn't matter if it's a job or not. Statistically speaking they are probably hotter and better in bed than most men, just to add more salt to the wound.
If you specifically like the fact that she's a slut then you're a cuck (even more so).
>they are probably hotter and better in bed
That is one turn-on hehe
Also the fact that even though she's been with a bunch of guys but chose me in the end despite me being inexperienced, is really sweet....
Maybe it is cucked idk
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Yes Yes Yes!
Feed me and fuck me silly!
Nta but do girls mind when you're cuddling then like this and get a boner? I always felt awkward about it when it happened...
I can't keep coping with cats
the case went cold it's out of our hands don't worry about it:) you free saturday?
Are you M or F?
Welllll if you promised not to kill me I might date you desu
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>thinking I'd move away
how else are you going to pretend to be a fighter pilot if the joystick isnt in arms reach
i don't mind cuz i understand you can't rlly control it
Are you the femanon who asked yesterday about stalking your crush for a day and then "accidentally" meet him?
I mind. If I cuddle you then I want your boner on me.
Thanks haha
Yeah it just happens
Do you like it tho or is it annoying

I've never hurt anyone physically
How do you act with other people? How much do you restrict yourself to social norms?
Which one of you is trans or are you both just gay men?
>I want your boner on me
So it's a good thing lol?
>never hurt anyone physically
OK then I would give you a chance then
If you start being a big meanie though I would leave
Ngl a slight yandere/psycho side is hot
no but she sounds cool, so far all i've been known as is paul dano femanon and kenzie reeves femanon
i like it, it's very warm
tfw no MILF gf to hold me like this....... ):
You're a cuck anon, it's not even an insult.
Very well, I'm high functioning. I just have a lot "intrusive thoughts". My convictions are from acting on them.

"yandere", I googled this and I don't think it fits but at elast there's hope
>tfw no gf to hold me ever
I dunno, I guess I could?
How do you think you are different from a neurotypical?
fuck it, I'm doing it. I'm asking my ex gf to let me stay at her place for the night.
What were you convicted for?
I'd say mostly that I lie for literally no reason beyond amusing myself, constantly, all the time in person. I also don't really are if I hurt most people but if I had a man he'd be an exception I'm sure :)
This is a mood too...
>My convictions are from acting on them.
Could you give any examples...
Well desu I am a softie so I would like to give you a chance
Aww <3 girlbutt feels really nice lol (it's been years.....)
I took edibles a couple of days ago and all it dit was make me feel INTENSELY lonely. I guess it just amplified and unfiltered my usual loneliness.

It wasn't fun and I really had to recover from it
You're a fucking faggot.
this your first ERP or something nigga?
Rude much??
With a smile like that how could I say no. I'm sure your ex wasnt great. I'll be better.
Stealing, I drugged a guy once
The reasonable part of me says fuck no, but a far stronger, more sinister part of me says fuck yes
Yeah see I have no time for someone like that. What's the problem though? With how little you care about other people's feelings couldn't you just go outside and get a pet bf very easily? Why are you even asking what we think about it?
Have you ever wanted to cry but nothing comes out? M, experienced this over the last few days.
nta but, jfc. I was waiting for you to say what you had been convicted for
hard NO from me. I like rational, non-threatening women.
this girls know what they're doing
in fact they expect you to because it makes them feel attractive
let's cuddle :)
>Stealing, I drugged a guy once
Yeah nah there's no way I'd ever trust you. Never had a gf but even I'm not that desperate
Stealing or drugging? Stealing the money was just there so I took it.
Drugging was rohypnol to see if its effects I read about were true or not.

Something something lets go drunk driving.
All the time
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Mmmm, yes!
Then let me feed you and I'll pound you.
Sorry to hear. For me it has been coming with a constant internal scream despite a relatively blank face.
you better be :)
why do you care? I'm sure a lot of men (particularly criminals of any kind) would love to find someone like you. like, /biz/ loves the "american psycho" stereotype. I'm sure those guys would love your, say, creativity...
>So it's a good thing lol?
Means your body likes my squishy, right? Love boner?
That's fine desu I dated girls who did this
Though I would hope you didn't do it anymore, especially from family businesses...
>Drugging was rohypnol to see if its effects I read about were true or not
So the guy was unaware that you drugged him? What effects did it have?
This would make me very wary desu. I did drugs with the ex con woman but she never forced or spiked me. I don't think I could date you sorry
Because I crave validation :)
Would you date a guy who?
No, but it's usually not this cringe.
Mmhmm <3
Do you like the boner on anywhere else or just your butt
I'm already emotionally cheating on you with this girl
she's giving me cuddles and I have a boner now
love you baby :)
Come with me under the blankets. Huddle up close and I'll give you a kiss on your neck <3
I dunno, I had to go after so I never saw the effects
guess what :) they're both me :) double (you)'d :)
you should start a thread in /biz/. I'm sure you'll get a lot of attention from like-minded guys
Then I wasn't even cheating and it just means I love you even more
Let's cuddle and let my dick rest between those cute cheeks
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Do you think you have cute feet?
Women, would you let your boyfriend eat you out whike you were just sitting there doomscrolling or playing Animal Crossing or whatever?
I fucking love American politics.
You can theigh fuck me. <3
i don't know what cute feet look like
Are you into female on male rape
yes ofc
Conceptually but I don't reall see how it'd work without actually being illegal rape.
Its not like I can overpower a guy and pretend rape him
Well you mentioned drugs...
Fuck me that's hot <3
You wouldn't mind getting cum on your thighs...
Would you let him know when you feel like it or want it to be a surprise?
Which would just be actual rape yea. Or too much effort for just a kink.
Also that pic is kek
Can he kiss your thighs too? If I had a gf I'd want to explore and kiss every inch of her...
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Ladies, here is a self-portrait of me
Do I make you horny? Do I?
>Would you let him know when you feel like it or want it to be a surprise?
surprise maybe, yeah that sounds fun
yes mr cool guy
Is it really impossible to comprehend what a good looking foot looks like and what an ugly foot looks like for non-footfags? Like I don't have a hand fetish but I notice when a hand is ugly and when it's pretty.
Are there women who seriously don't know this? I thought women were bombarded with this before they even had sex
It was a trick question I'm actually a ford toyota
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I've been told I look like picrel
looks like me when I grow a beard
Yeah I currently have a beard so that photo is my spitting image but with short hair. What ethnicity are you? I'm from the Levant
i don't spend a lot of time looking at feet, i find them repulsive, so i wouldn't know what constitutes as an attractive foot. yk? i mean we see hands every day but not feet
Very cute <3
Yes. In that image I would just assume the foot without wrinkles is prettier, but to a foot fag, presumably, you're posting those as a pair because they're the same level.
It literally doesn't register as anything more than a foot.
Her hands ugly btw
State gender
Last movie you cried to?

Coco. I thought it was going to be a fun children's movie but they hit me hard with the being forgotten subject and the death thing.
How do you spot a pornsick man?
dont think I did to a movie, but I havent watched one in more than 10 years now
I was on the edge during the attack on titan finale though
last hornypost, I just want to say that dolphin shorts are so cute and if you want to turn a guy on you should wear them <3
Uhhh Charlotte's web when that came out I think?
I was like 8 at the time
The History of Trunks.
l.i.e (2001) (paul dano movie obviously)

i cried so hard, i relate to howie so much
my bad, f
the FLY when the DOG got done GOOFED
Passion of the Christ
Is every foot repulsive, or just the gross ones? Is something clean and well taken care of like picrel still gross?
Which city/state has the most mentally ill/crackhead people?
I'm from the Benelux, but I am weirdly ethnic looking.
i guess the clean ones like that are better, but feet just make me cringe, i dunno. still gross, sorry, not tryna diss your fetish
Interesting. Maybe some sort of admixture. When I keep a short beard people sometimes think I'm Greek or southern Italian which makes sense given I'm probably two degrees of seperation from them genetically.
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The Elephant Man. It's a really emotional movie in the first place and I kind of relate to Merrick despite being handsome
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is this a sexy hairstyle?
Men can you help me pick which one is better?

Option 1: Salary ONLY: $75k (6% average increase each year) - In Year 10 average income is $128k

Option 2: Performance/ Bonus ONLY: $0k-$500k (10% - 25% increase each year) - In Year 10 the average income is $450k

Option 3: Salary + Bonus: $45k Base Salary + $0 - $160k in Commission (6% average increase per year) - In Year 10 the average income is $195k
I'd pick 2, but that's because I'm very self-motivated. 3 seems the safest, 1 is just pointless on salary alone.
Yeah I get it, (most) male feet or gross female feet make me cringe as well
3 if u suck or phone it in
2 if u doesnt isnt does not do that
1 sux

Why are women so clueless about what they say? I’ve been with my gf now for a few months, and she told me last night how she really loves how we have such an “intellectual” relationship. She said her last relationship was just sexual. I asked her to clarify and she said how with me, we actually have a smart productive relationship, where as her last relationship, all they did was have sex nonstop. That really offended me, and she acted all surprised thinking it was a major compliment
As a slut who runs in hookup circles i don't understand why so many men who have a girlfriend or wife that openly tell me they are taken contact me. It's like a good 1/20 of the messages I receive.
>Hi anon would you like to have sex with a 45 year old married man?
>Hi anon I have a bisexual girlfriend and we are in an open relationship, down for a threesome?
>Hi anon I have a girlfriend but I don't think it should stop us from having a casual thing going on
I thought there was an abundance of single men who never get pussy and I expect actual single men, no open relationship cuckoldry cheating bullshit to flood my DMs, why are there scrotes who already have a relationship with a woman that still want more? I never responded to any of them but I am tempted to curse whenever I receive a message like this
Which job would you enjoy the most? I would want you to be happy
I wish ESL ERPs got their own board.
Did you think typing it out instead of posting the Reddit picture again would get you more (You)s this time?
Men, why do men take a single experience then apply it to an entire gender?
I imagine this is a case of confirmation bias or whatever it's called. The slutty guys who want a side piece are probably going to be much more forward and spamming your DMs than the shy single pussy-less guys lol
1 if you like stability and long term prospects
2 if you already have money, are good at doing/selling whatever they ask for and are a psychopath
3 if you aren't that good at selling
all of that depends on you, NOT me. but since you are asking ME to decide, I'd say 1. I like stability and reliability over snake oil sellers and psychopaths.
I'm thinking 3
I don't want them to think I think I suck but I am worried I'd get $0
Thank you sweet pea
That entirely depends on your motivation and how well you can sell yourself.
I'd take option 1 and sell myself in interviews well enough to bust my boss' balls just enough that he gives me the raise I want.
So far it has always worked.
if ur not 100% confident go for the safe bet
can you not just switch later if you turn out to bhe a natural?
Oh now I'm think 1. 75 is still so much to me
State gender and how you think the opposite gender is fundamental different.
Just assume if he isn't religious he has seen and enjoyed facials, very rough sex etc. Owning toys is not a good sign, use of the phrase "mating press"... If he takes nofap seriously it means he felt he was "addicted" to porn in the past. There are no non-religious men in 2024 who have not been tainted by porn and I'm saying this as someone who hates christcucks and other judaism derivatives as much as the next guy.
I lift heavy for femanon
I eat healthy for femanon
I sleep lots for femanon
I work hard for femanon
Femanon doesnt exist though
yes. to some extent it is social but it is mostly biological
I see nothing wrong with adult woman little boy pedophilic relationships as long as the boy is having a good time. I said what I said.
Didn't ask.
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I nearly made those projected avg. 128k$ last year (119k$ at the current exchange rate) after working 4 years at the company and it's way more than enough where I live.
#2 and #3 sounds like a lot of having to do a lot of proactive customer acquisition, which you can't really translate well when trying to ask for a salary at a different company.
Whereas if you said you got 100k at your current company and the new company gives you 110k, then that's a very clear deal.
I want to find a bossy woman online who tells me when to jerk off (except when I'm at work but she can tease me), and I can only cum thinking about her. Maybe she sends me a pic or two when she feels like it and I tell her how beautiful/sexy she is.
Would any women even be into being worshipped and controlling a guy like this or is it too dominant? Where would I meet them, somewhere like /soc/?
Yeh, other women do though.
btw, the key to get a well paid job is to jump from one job to another every 1-2 years. NEVER stay at the same place for long. this works in tech at least, but I've heard countless stories of people getting mad because their newly hired coworkers make more than them after working for years for the same company/employer.
I don’t really post on social media a lot but I was drunk last night and took a really funny / cute pic of my gf and we also took a selfie before we went to bed.
I woke up and didn’t remember taking these but they got me kinda stoked and make me laugh so I posted them on my instagram story.
I was on the phone with her and she saw them and laughed and thought it was really cute. She said “I wish I knew how to share posts on my story,” and said she would if she knew how.
Like 3 hours later she’s at work and reposts a picture from someone else’s story, basically a selfie of her and her co workers.

It kinda bummed me out and made me feel like she doesn’t want to display me or is embarrassed of me or some shit. I just feel bad about it. Idk.
Idk if this is weird or something I should think about. A part of me feels like she did this deliberately.
A large percentage of men like 30-45% do not even try to get pussy because it's a tough market and the juice isn't worth the squeeze, the sub 6/6/6 single men are at home playing vidya with the boys
They don't have a weiner
this is such a hot dynamic, ideal even, i would love it
>I thought there was an abundance of single men who never get pussy
there is, but its not because they arent trying
You get it haha <3
OK, as a woman, what would you advise?
45% of men from 18-30 have never asked a woman out
its unironically over
They said it might not be switchable
If anything
Haven't asked a girl out in over a year. My current love is gym, hiking, my own personal projects, drawing, and work lol
>Tell my therapist that her haircut looks good
>"Thanks anon, I've had it for 2 months"
>be nice to guy
>he asks me out
this is why im not nice to men anymore
Girl. I am in such a pickle
Basically this
why bother trying especially for a self proclaimed slut who's definitely on Chad's radar
there's just no reason to bother
gotta go my workout isn't done yet
this is why atoga is the only place I interact with women with. Irlif they're not family I ignore
>gotta go my workout isn't done yet
fuck dont remind me, I got to do legs today
I'd do the same
since dating has become utterly impossible unless you're a 6/6/6 chad if a girl provides me with even a breadcrumb of attention I'm going to ask her out
dating culture and other women did this just so you know
i don't encounter such people in real life but on the internet although you should be careful with people who are too involved with the "kink community" they are mentally ill
you should bully me then ask me out instead
This, but I want to do this TO the bossy woman
>on the internet
I see, any particular places I should look?
>too involved with the "kink community" they are mentally ill
Yeah, kinda comes with the territory haha
You are based btw
I did this after a moid who I thought was my friend tried to flirt with me then he was like "you led me on" fucking psycho. It put me off from befriending men and I started acting cold instead. Then I realized this makes some men think you are "playing hard to get"
I don't understand this interaction and what is so shocking about it
for me its a creepy guy 30 years older than me trying to flirt
I agree guys shouldn't make assumptions just because you're being friendly and that must be shitty and disheartening. At the same time some guys are just desperate and take all the shots I can. Also, it's a small minority of girls, but there are some girls who like teasing a guy but then get pissy when he doesn't respond lol
one day women will be seen as nothing more than potential girlfriends and the entire feminist femcel fuck chad and no one else culture will be laughed at
brb bicep curls
*all they shots THEY can lol
I don't think I've ever DM'd a girl and made a move. I don't even have social media anymore. Maybe this is why I'm a turbovirgin...
>hey this girl is really nice to me and I enjoy being around her, ill ask her out
why is this weird. Here's the thing, guys cant just sit around and wait for a girl to come and ask them out.
Madoka Magica Rebellion
It wasn't from sadness or anything I just really liked the movie and I tear up when I get too excited
it's weird because she's a woman and feels like her emotions should dictate reality
>be nice to guy because im just friendly in general
>he asks me out
>say no
>uhhh wow you're such a bitch holy fuck that's what i get for trusting a woman
>meet a girl at a party and vibe
>get seperated and dont see her again before going back home
>find her insta
>send DM and set up a day to hang out
>all goes well
>at the end of the ''date'' she tells me she's got a boyfriend
>basically used me for a drink and left
I was done with the game at that point
Depends on which is most secure, making sure you'll have a job in the long run and won't get laid-off is more important than anything right now
M, biologically speaking women are less physically strong than men, but they can make up for it with weapons...
Women, what's your honest reaction when you see a girl with bigger boobs than you?
Bonus to CHA and social skills but big penalties to physical stats
I might be a slut but I do this while I am single with other single people. This is why I don't have a consistent boyfriend. I do not involve myself with anyone's relationship drama. I am morally superior to these people because at least I am honest
I tried shooting a gun once actually and the recoil kicked the crap out of me.
To the femanons:

Why do girls hate it so much when we're not always giving them attention and always on time? I know it sounds harshly broad but I'm asking because I've noticed this a lot from a number of the girls I've interacted with. Not just recently but in general. And if they don't make it seem like you have to do that, in my experience, they've always later had episodes of some kind where not paying enough attention was a (seemingly) major and related issue. Why?
Just stood on a plug. I saw "ow ow ow ow ow". It hurt a little, but its better now.
When was the last time you hurt yourself?
fungal or bacterial infection?
what meds if its fungal?
I would actually argue that it's worse to be an unattractive girl than an unattractive guy.
I dropped a bottle on my toe at the supermarket a couple of days ago ;_; it is bruised but healing
I sliced my finger open on an endmill when I was taking it out of the collet today
Nta but are you talking about physical attractiveness?
I would have to agree desu. Seems that overall woman have more diverse taste in the opposite gender and care less about looks
Mine but I shan't be doxing myself
I think there's someone going through my garbage. A week ago I found bread bags scattered around the bin and the bags inside had a bunch of tears in them. At first I thought it might've been a particularly clever racoon but last night they seem to have broke my clippers (FUCK YOU) to reach the bag at the bottom of the bin.
Gonna have to stay up and call the police when he's on skulking around.
ugly girls get relationships all the time
ugly guys dont
Unironically from wearing an underwire bra that was too small.
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fuck flirting
fuck being ''sly'' and ''smooth''
fucking say what you mean
Oh, yeh, physically. It seems like a woman almost depends on that more.
I managed to cut myself thrice while opening a few boxes
Not from the knife, either, just scraping my fingers against the cardboard edge
Yesterday, with her.
Tried a sex toy that was too large.
Which mental illness in men makes them insufferable?
Is it BPD?
That's disgusting
>State gender
>Are you just beeing yourself?
I have worked out
upping the weights again
I will have big shoulders and women will swoon
I try not to
We live in a society...
Flirting is fun though, it builds sexual tension, it's like playing ping pong and the hinting and uncertainty is what makes it hot
Think of it like banter but with some sexual undertones. I used to be like you and think it was pointless and confusing but it just takes a little practice and experience
You can be direct where it matters and still enjoy flirting
The real me is buried underneath so many layers of irony, defense mechanisms, unresolved trauma, and self-loathing I don't even know who I am anymore
Why do bisexual girls with BPD own me so much?
They got that sexy witchy aura
Hey I want to fuck you in your pink pussy and play with your clit. Nice tits by the way.
>Flirting is fun though, it builds sexual tension, it's like playing ping pong and the hinting and uncertainty is what makes it hot
and if you mess up, you get posted in their group chats and posted online
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>I want to fuck you in your pink pussy and play with your clit. Nice tits by the way
I'm a boy
Flirting IRL is much easier than over text because you convey more with eye contact, body language, gestures etc.
If a bitchy girl screenshots your DMs then consider it a bullet dodged. As long as you're not being a creep there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Nope it didn't happen
What are your workouts like?
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Depends what you consider to be insufferable, BPD is up there for sure. Bipolar can present similarly. Also narcissism. ADHD can be "annoying" depending on your tolerance.
Now I'm curious. What didn't?
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in what way do you mean
just heavy weights and classical music
>not always giving them attention and always on time
Well being on time is just being courteous, I say this as an ADHD retard who's terrible at being on time but if you like somebody you should make an extra effort for them and it's rude to keep your date waiting.
As for the attention thing I think it's also a case of confirmation bias. More attention-seeking and insecure girls are more likely to try to get your attention in the first place, and high maintenance girls are just high maintenance
Why does my friend attract effiminate men with mom issues? She's not old or big either
>I'm a boy
how does that change anything about what I said.
Show me that bussy and that cute cockclit. We're gonna be playing with your nipples until you're soaking wet and begging for more
What is she like? Is she quite kind and nurturing, or does she go the other way and is quite cold and bossy? Like mommy energy or bitch energy?
>effiminate men
>mommy issues
Does not compute
im over it honestly. I dont want to get burned again
Like what exercises do you do? Do you practice hypertrophy? Do you properly practice progressive overload? What is your split like?
>lift heavy weights
>if I can do 4 sets make weight more until I can only do 3 sets
>listen to motivational music
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>effeminate men with mommy issues
We out here
A grace from God. Now I have to do it myself
How does that work? How do you end up effeminate when you have a weak/absent mother figure?
I'll have a talk with the big guy and see what I can do. Anything specific?
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Mommy issues is not just weak/absent lol
I love my mom but she is incredibly domineering and narcissistic
my cousin is 5'6 and has fucked over 100 girls and spends half his waking hours in the gym
He cannot even spell the word atrophy. I know because I did his exams for him. I'm not saying you're not wrong to engage theory but in the end it's better to just lift.
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>Like what exercises do you do?
push pull legs split, I switch the exercises around depending how my body reacts or if i have weak spots
>Do you practice hypertrophy?
yes and no because I also box so I try to focus on that more than weights
>Do you properly practice progressive overload?
I try to, the weight fluctuates depending if I cut or bulk
>What is your split like?
Tfw no fingerless glove wearing gf
Yes I have to cut off a friend and I'm scared she will lash out at me. Can you ask him to help?
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>fucked over 100 girls and spends half his waking hours in the gym
>He cannot even spell the word atrophy
Based himbo haha. I have two cousins like this lol, they're personal trainers/instagram fitness guys and always talking about their Tinder smashes but they are dumb as bricks
I hit my left ellbow on my bathroom towel rack.
But I can't remember if it was this morning or last evening.
Man those tits are disgusting.
It's split between titcows, starving girls and pear shaped chestlets
Man fake tits look so unappealing
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this is what i imagine the average atoga foid look like irl (and honestly this is way cuter)
The word is put in. A ritual or sacrifice would get you up the queue.
What kind of ritual or sacrifice?
Imagine her jerking you off with those gloves on... (actually that would probably hurt like a mofo)
This is a ghoulish mockery of what a woman is
I think My days at atoga are coming to an end. I love you guys and will miss you all
Something equivalent for the fear. How much do you think your friend truly values you?
Miss you too babe
Literally me
Literally a pair of balloons lol. You can tell she was a complete flatty before. Ruined ;/:
Do you like hiking, trekking, mountain biking?

I bought trekking poles yesterday, because I want to start hiking more often at home too, not just during holidays.
I also bought some chicken breast and other stuff that I want to prepare today to use for nice sandwiches tomorrow.
I love you too. Good luck.
Oh shit that explains the difference. Appreciate it
I want to but I just need to find the time to do it.
She's obsessed with me, a scary amount
Men itt describe your ideal gf
So an object, an idol. Do you have anything like that that you could give up?
>some autism
>doesnt like to argue
>not brunette
Big boobs
That's as far as I've thought about it
Caring, uplifting, wild, fiery, points out my shit tests.
Basically, >her
I'm meh on hiking/trekking but I used to fucking love mountain biking. I was really lucky in that I used to live in an area famous for its hills, but I also used to go on cycle daytrips with a buddy and we'd target high summits. Looking back it was really dangerous racing downhill especially without a helmet (and we had some wipeouts but luckily nothing too crazy) but man you feel so alive. I would love to get a motorbike license someday and try that too. I dated one chick who let me ride on the back of her motorbike and it was so much fun
Long brown hair, nice thighs, grabby, protective, lets me know when I'm being a retard
see >>31917504
Why rich?
Are you a short king?
This is interesting

-Mostly angel but a little bit devil
-Likes cute anime girls
-Shorter than average and curvy
-Has a really cute laugh
-Thinks monogamy is fine
>want to start hiking more often at home too
Nice, do you have good spots in your area for hiking? What kind of places do you like to hike in?
Also enjoy your chicken sandwiches! I love some chicken mayo
I have religious things but I think it would be extreme to get rid of those considering who I am pleading with. Do you have any examples?
>Are you a short king?
but thats borderline short these days
Ok so you want titan babies
Too much work?
Do you have any mountains or trails near you?

I have to drive a bit, but then I got the Alps near me and I think I'll start there. The views look pretty nice. Tomorrow will be my first attempt, I've only ever gone hiking on vacations before, but there is not that much else to do here that interests me right now, so I want to give it a try here too.
I already promised a femanon I will post pics of it! hehe

>without a helmet
I crashed with my bike a few years ago and dislocated my shoulder, never have I been in more pain before or since. Luckily I was wearing a helmet, because otherwise I might have broken my nose too.

>chick who let me ride on the back of her motorbike
I got a licence, but only a car.
I have no real interest in relationships but I do like money
Sure, a favourite celebrity, or an unhealthy obsession, like maybe you watch too much porn, eat unhealthy. Something like that.
I just think tall women are the sexiest thing out there
theres just something so elegant and WOW about them
Like motherly figure?
You want a bossy one too
>Like motherly figure?
I hate to say it, but yes.
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How would you feel about a guy who's into plane spotting?
OH yes. Can it still count if I gave up a celebrity a few days ago though?
Lifting heavy with bad form is how you get hurt. And you could shave down half that time by lifting smarter and still getting the same, or even better, results.
>they're personal trainers/instagram fitness guys and always talking about their Tinder smashes but they are dumb as bricks
He tried to get a certificate for being a personal trainer. I had to do his exams because it involved anatomy and he didn't stand a chance.
I mean he's not a bad guy (except for his many criminal friends) but he is an idiot. I'll still do his exams though because I know if I ever get in trouble he'd be ready to help with his gang and whatnot
But all he talks about is his Instagram sluts and gym and what his friends are up to
Can't really have a deep conversation with him
Why did you give them up?
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That's obviously going to change based on who you ask since we all have different needs. But for me

>Conscientious, non-negotiable
>Preferably would like for them to be kind, not just in attitude, but at a practical level. Should have principles that can either keep them growing as a person and/or should be capable of loving anyone (absolutely not that they must)
>At the very least show that they can care for their looks enough to manage it as much as reasonably possible
>Complements me well on a basic, day-to-day level. Hopefully I complement them just as well. I normally like to take charge of things and can have my surprisingly dumb moments so someone who can play along with that and genuinely enjoy doing it is good
>Need a partner. Like, an actual partner who can be an active proponent in serious problem solving when it comes down to it. Has to be mature enough to actually communicate, please god
>Really likes sex for both pleasure and as emotional intimacy
Maybe a little, I just don't want a super shy whispery quivering feather
cool if we're trying to catch military planes or he just likes pointing them out in public, i dont see the point of going to the airport and being like "holy shit i would have never guessed there are so many planes here"
They weren't good for me
Sexy, smart, fierce, passionate, stands for what she believes in, loyal and nurturing
Tall women with long legs hnnngh <3 I want to worship them...
Also when they're shy it's soo cute
Then release something else that isn't good for you.
>all he talks about is his Instagram sluts and gym and what his friends are up to
>Can't really have a deep conversation with him
Big mood lol. At least he's a nice guy. Same story with my cousins, though we're always fun to hang with but we had nothing in common lmao
What type of guy is usually attracted to flat asian women?
>going to the airport and being like "holy shit i would have never guessed there are so many planes here"
I sometimes drive to the nearby international airport and spend a few hours there listening to air traffic control and watching the planes move around + takeoff/land in real time. Pretty relaxing
Doesn't matter. Women will continue to ignore me regardless of what my likes and dislikes are
I like candy? Should I throw out all my icecream?
>brunette/black hair
>wants lots of kids
Which is why I always pay attention to my body to tell me when something isn't right and don't lift too heavy. I try to go 3 sets of 8 and if I can do that easily I up the weight until I could potentially do 4 sets to keep my body safe.
But you're right I should do more research
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Men. I finally get it. I tried it. Dating is fucking HELL I wish crazy men came with warning labels
No, man. It can't be something replaced.
Sorry babe the label fell off
Maybe I should get it tattoo'd
Balloon boobs always make my chest hurt.
>I wish crazy men came with warning labels
How crazy are we talking?
White men with yellow fever
One of my crushes from high school was a flat Asian woman, but she was taller than average and had great legs though. Now that I think about it Ive barely seen any Asians since I graduated high school
Guys, can a woman honestly have boobs that are too big?
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Pretty, preppy, intelligent, successful, resting bitch face, out of my league but will love me if I let her wrap me around her finger. Talks a lot. Neither dominant or submissive in the bedroom, but expects to be completely ravaged.
Hmmm okay. I don't watch much porn but I can give that up
Jeff Nippard is really good and is coming out with a book soon.
Sure, that can do. If you actually stick to it.
Once they're 1.5 times the size of her head I would consider them too big
How to be liked by men even though I'm ugly and have a bodycount? I dont want them to despise me
I can I can
That'll do. Your sacrifice has been input.
Only in that I'd feel insecure that she's getting hit on all the time.
Be interesting.
Luckily, with the state of men today, you could have several interracial kids by multiple fathers and there will still be a chump foolish enough to marry you.
Bigger than Scarjo before her reduction with the same figure might be too big
If they're fake big it's an automatic no.
Yes, but I've only seen it IRL on fat women.
I disagree but I think smaller brests fit scarjo better
Thank you I hope it goes well
Speaking as someone who has a pretty ugly past also, the important thing is to know how to move on. You don't have to deny whatever happened, why it happened, or how you feel about it. But if you lack maturity and confidence in any of those things, then you're going to be offputting. It doesn't even have to be about looks or bodycount. It could be about anything.

If you keep putting too much emotional value in those things, then you're only going to attract people of similar caliber (read: basically no one). It's fine to acknowledge these things as flaws, and important you do, even if you might feel in the grand scheme of things they're more than flawed. But if those are some of the most major attributes to your character, then you're going to hard-limit yourself.

Also stop worrying so much about men despising you. You can be conscientious about why they do or how you feel in terms of self-esteem without being bitchwhipped by something that will only be worse for both interests.

tl;dr It's not a men-liking-you issue, and it's healthy to recognize it
Remember what they took from us.
She got a reduction?
Brilliant deduction.
>I normally like to take charge of things
Nta, but have you tried this with someone? Or is it just theory? Meaning, what do you think/was others' reaction to you being that way? Do they go along with it? Do they think you're arrogant and try to gaslight them to always be in the right? And what do you think about people when you take charge and they become auxiliaries in your life? Do you still respect them? Or does it get boring just getting to do whatever without giving much thought into what they want?
F but those are big?
I needed to read this. Thank you lots anon
>this is too big
it's over
Hey, I don't really watch movies, ok...
men, would you let me sit on your face and use your dick like a joystick and pretend i'm piloting a giant robot and your body is the controller and the cockpit? kek, cockpit
I was they guy disagreeing they aren't that big imo. I'd call it medium-big
Only weirdos on the internet care about this
What makes you ugly? You can always take care of your appearance, fitness, cute outfits etc.
Breast reduction is truly the most diabolically evil thing mankind has ever developed in the darkest wretched recesses of their collective psyche
Maybe when I’m not heartbroken.
She took off about half of what she had. I weep.

32DD on a figure like that is big
No, I said bigger than that on her figure might be too big
Those aren't that big? That's just showing a lot of cleavage in a good bra. I mean she looks proportional.
Always Remember the Rule:
Any Anon who accepts you is an incel simp.
Any Anon who rejects you is Chad.

You're too big for Chad.
My dick can be the joystick and your pussy can be the oxygen mask

I only like really small tits or really big tits, I don’t make the rules.
I understand the urge, I've grabbed the head and pretended it was the gear stick before.
You can't put "giant" and me in the same sentence unless it applies to me being a giant loser.
>can a woman honestly have boobs that are too big
No, as long as you let me bury my face in them like my life depends on it
hmmm yeah quite elementary, really
The evidence shows itself if you're willing to observe.
>Bigger than Scarjo before her reduction with the same figure might be too big
The key lying in this sentence
>her reduction
Her refers obviously to the female in question, and the referred reduction could be in many areas but obviously the grammar points to the female having had a reduction. Yes, quite elementary. I suspect you had trouble seeing the logic so I showed you the, in hindsight, obvious logical steps from the base assumptions in order to make the deduction clear to you.
I really do think women with a 32 bandsize really need to try exercising more before cutting their tits off.
I'd probably beg you to marry me
I like all boobs including washboard flat chests except for B cups
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No problem. Just happened to be passing by and I like helping people. Change is gonna need a lot more in practice but I'm sincerely rooting for your happiness.
Scarjo was Black Widow. I think that involved a lot of exercising.
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Well, do you agree?
Yes, but stuff designed specially to make it easier for her to carry those things around?
I have no hobbies and I haven't murdered anyone
you should
it'll get you out of the house
a hobby I mean
unless serial killer is considered a hobby
How do you not have any hobbies? That's unironically kinda fucked up.
Only a person who fantasizes about murdering people would think this. He's assuming that everyone thinks like him.
Isn't that most people? Come home from work, put on some media slop, browse social media
Should I even bother dating as a low libido woman? I've had two guys break up with me over it already
Can't be bothered
Amazing taste lol. I'm already in love with her
That was my thought too.
This "Shinji" is a demon in the game Paradise Killer.

NTA, but that's grim.
*draws sword*
*gets shot by arrow and falls of horse*
*Cough*.... flat... is..... j-jus....tice...... sigh.........
all those people are losers ngl
if you come home cook a meal then go for a walk or go to the gym
study a new language
read books
i have so much shit to do I literally don't have the time to consume media slop
I don't watch the news or TV really
Then that is your hobby. Watch media and social media.
>download this app to-
You can do all of that with a simple email and a phone number on the website if you want to ask something about my order. Just fuck off with your data mining apps. Fuck off fuck off fuck off
I have hobbies because I'm a crazy cat uncle but it's a luxury desu. The average working person with a family does not have much time for hobbies. If I had a wife and kids and a career I don't think I'd have much time for hobbies
All sounds pretty boring
See that's the thing. Someone doesn't view a hobby as a bother.
First of all, that depends on how much you're willing to put in to find a low-libido man. That's not so much a gender difference thing because people generally have high-libido, just different circumstances for showing it. You need to be able to plan around whatever that entails.

Second, it's worth noting why you're low-libido. It could be anything from trauma, to lack of energy, to lack of attraction, to actual genuine disinterest in sex, or more. And a lot of practical details are going to change based on which one(s) might be relevant to you.
That doesn't qualify as a hobby to me desu, I also don't fit that description
i do. recently, i noticed someone is constantly bored with everything, and for the first time i thought "what if they're not depressed? what if they're a socio/psychopath"

I think one of the hallmarks of socio/psychopathy is not being attached to anything. so yes, lack of interest (or at least the inability to take interest in sth more than momentarily) along with constant search for the next thing that'll provide an adrenaline rush seems to a symptom of being a potentially dangerous individual
It's okay brother. You might have fallen but the battle is won. We have reminded them that good men still fight for what is right. Sleep now, we will bury you, and you will go to the flat titty fields in the higher realms.
Yes of course, it may take a bit of time but I'm sure you can find somebody compatible
How low libido are we talking?
I have a pretty high libido but I can sort myself out, I would never pressure a gf to have sex
I'm sorry about those two guys, they were not worth it
>constant search for the next thing
I do this but I have ADHD.
>Generalization based on no evidence because I don't like [people who do thing]
why are women like this
Men do this too
Nta but I think there's a big genetic component also. Some people are just naturally lower libido and there's nothing wrong with it or to be ashamed of lol
Sure, I can just jack it to your panties
sage for weaboo shit
Nta but based
Femanons would you find it creepy if a bf did this?
I wish I could say "just look for low libido men on an app" but I'm a low libido man and I don't use apps. It's over.
that's why i said "the next thing that'll provide an adrenaline rush" anon. people with adhd aren't motivated by seeking thrill/adrenaline, they just can't focus and tend to link everything with everything, which prompts them to constantly take interest in new topics

in other words, it's not just about hopping from one thing to another
Slightly. Especially if he wanted them to be used.
Damn, women truly hate men.
Is fapping once or twice a week low libido for a 20 yr old male
Men, why do you let women dump fire ants on your penis and testicles?
She wants some unicorn Chad to be that way, not you, anon.
>people with adhd aren't motivated by seeking thrill/adrenaline
Nta but as somebody else with ADHD we absolutely are lol
Dangerous activity makes dopamine go wheee
There is something so liberating and cathartic about doing an activity where you have to be fully focused/present and you just get temporary relief from the 100 racing thoughts
not on my face no, you can sit on my torso
Because I'm trying to bust a nut over here jeez woman
Thanks bro, I'll do all that shortly
>why do you let women dump fire ants on your penis and testicles
Because I like women who challenge me
Also she'll have to suck my sore pp afterwards to make it better
This is the saddest post I've read all day ):
I'd say that's pretty low desu
Anyone else got the hangover hornies today?
I just fapped and I'm still horny af wtf
Thrill and adrenaline can definitely be motivating factors for me because getting into something holds my attention and keep things interesting just long enough for my fantasies of becoming good at the thing to wear off and it becomes boring. If I couldn't focus and be interested in a thing I wouldn't start it at all. Don't mansplain ADHD to me. :)
Men would you date a girl who is always right but doesn't trust her intuition. It's a blessing and a curse
Fucking braindead incel.
They're bong devs. lol
>Dangerous activity makes dopamine go wheee
that might be just you. don't pin down everything on adhd.

>doing an activity where you have to be fully focused/present
yes, but it doesn't have to be a dangerous activity. your brain overall seeks structure, focus...

i don't know why you want to conflate the two. maybe it's because you think socio/psychopaths are cool and all. however, looking for thrill isn't a symptom of adhd (this doesn't preclude what some individuals who have adhd could be thrill chasers)
aww. the haptic feedback though...
Also soz I don't mean to lecture
>they just can't focus
We can focus, we just can't easily direct our focus. Hence the hyperfocus. This is why a lot of people with ADHD excel at their hobbies/main interests while floundering in general life and responsibilities
Yes I would date a girl who could make a millionaire guaranteed within a day
Sorry about that. Life isn't actually an anime. Sad, I know...
Is three years of 4chan+ for $45 worth it?
Is our beloved website dying?
>Men would you date a girl
Would they date me?
>Life isn't actually an anime
Tfw you will never have an ecchi gf who flashes you her panties every 10 seconds
see >>31917775
>Don't mansplain ADHD to me

i have adhd too. and i'm not a man. so you can go fuck yourself :)
I dislike people who label anything creative or funny as "he just wants attention"

I got invited to make sourdough starters this weekend with two girls and I have a board game party at a friend's house on Sunday

idk if I'm doing much else
>t. attention whore
Self harm isn't the same without her.
I'd be skeptical of anyone who thought they were always right, no matter how intelligent they are. Even moreso if you're putting that much stake only based on the times your intuition was right. Which they could very well be, but still.
nta but did you just refer to your original post as a way to argue?
Collapse my veins, wearing beautiful shoes
It’s not living if it’s not with you
i guess you were so hyperfocused on that part of the acronym, that you forgot the deficit part.

:) :)
Who wearing white today? Last chance before summer is over
>looking for thrill isn't a symptom of adhd
Anon it was literally one of the things my psych asked me when she diagnosed me lol. I am not trying to "mansplain" anything, sorry if it came across that way. It doesn't apply to everyone but it is a very common symptom. You look at something like the X Games or stuntmen/women, most of those guys probably have ADHD lol
I have to work on Labor Day so I'm gonna wear white just to spite my retarded bosses
it is what it is, cant do oral
The deficit is more for things that we don't find stimulating or engaging though right?
Anyway sorry I didn't realise you also had ADHD. I guess it is just different for everybody. But let's not dismiss things that are very common symptoms, as unrelated
the only reason I wake up earlier than 10:30 on the weekend is fastfood breakfast
anyone else?
That's a leotard, not panties. Panties are superior.
Sounds painful
Give me ONE credible source that includes thrill chasing as a diagnosing symptom of adhd, and i'll believe it.

also, it wasn't me who said the mansplaining thing.
for me its the egg bacon cheese breakfast sandvich from chik fil a. I don't have it all the time but when I do it's delicious.
No I like to eat food I see cooked
I was literally thinking of CFA when wrote that post, based
White panties > red > black > blue
All other colours are bad
Facts stated, rectified
here's the list of symptoms according to the nhs. you'll find "being unable to concentrate on tasks" and "inability to focus or prioritise" among others

if your thoughts are scattered all the time, it's difficult to focus on one thing. whenever you sit do sth, your mind keeps racing jumping from 1 thing to another, and it's difficult to stay focused on thing, keep your thoughts in order, have a plan.... it's like you 1000s of thoughts keep bouncing around at 5000 miles per hour
Is anyone else excited for Dragon Age Veilguard?
forgot the link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/symptoms/
White doesn't look good on pale bodies, which is why I'm glad I'm not white.
I didn't even finish the first one. I got tot he bit where you go into the warp ripoff area and turn into animals and checked out. Twice.

Yes it does
>Or is it just theory?
No I simply like taking charge. Not over everything, because that'd just be controlling, and wouldn't really be a partnership IMO. But I've had plenty of experiences that clue me in on this absolutely being the case

>Can't stand incompetence when it comes to principles, and am holding myself to that standard twice as hard, so I'm naturally going to have some pride in that
>Thought I was a sub because internet memes made me believe it when I was a gullible young introvert in college. My first experience in bed with a girl made me realize I hate that shit
>Playing Blue Archive makes me feel extremely weird because it makes me feel like I'm being babied for doing the bare minimum which feels like an insult to my intelligence, even thought I know damn well it's not
>Grew up extremely opinionated without anyone telling me to be. Forced myself to be way more intelligent than average because of it and my friends thought it was arrogant as fuck, so I balanced it out because they were right

tl;dr I like taking charge of things because I'm the type of person who naturally just ended up being that way, but that doesn't ever stop me from actually living my life. Just because I put a huge amount of effort into being that kind of guy doesn't mean I want all that effort ending up as a limit in and of itself. For the level of depth that can go into my thoughts and actions, I often end up living very grounded in reality. I still partake a lot in very basic pleasures and vibe most of the time at the end of the day, even if the way I write may very much seem the opposite.
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how does /atoga/ feel about the McChicken?
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I'm wearing a grey top and blue jeans...
>That's a leotard, not panties
Touché, guess it's a faux-pantsu
Have you seen any anime by Katsuhiko Nishijima?
>wasn't me who said the mansplaining thing
My bad...
>ONE credible source that includes thrill chasing as a diagnosing symptom of adhd
I'm looking at the DIVA-5 now, which is the ADHD assessment my psych gave me, based on the DSM-5 (you can Google and download a copy)
Some of the checkboxes are
>sensation seeking and/or taking too many risks
>accidents/loss of driving license as a result of reckless driving
>increased number of accidents
>contact with the police/the courts
I was at a party, got breakfast Maccies after and slept like 3 hours
You missed out on a great game and franchise.

Also, no it doesn't.

Used to be great when it wad a dollar. Now it's overpriced. McDonald's is probably the biggest driver behind me not eating fast food anymore just because their prices more than doubled in only a few years.
I want you to like me so badly
Anon I work for the NHS and am diagnosed with ADHD lol. You're right that those things are symptoms, however it's not mutually exclusive with going into hyperfocus/fixation on things that are engaging to you in the moment. This is why so many ADHD people (especially before diagnosis) feel guilty for being able to work for hours on a challenging/fun task yet can't bring themselves to do something boring that'll take 5 minutes.
maybe you're just boring
normies killed the site now its dying.
Nu Uh
Akshually according to McDonald's own research their prices have grown only 20% in accordance with inflation :)
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First for getting fit and buff and growing arm hair and a beard and a thick mustache and chest hair and pubic hair and working every day until you're covered in sweat and then finding a beautiful wife who you literally embrace into your arms as you get home from work (doing labor that leads to thick manly hands) and pulling her head into your chest to smell your body and nuzzle into you as you carry her into the house and kiss her before setting her down at the door and heading in to eat the dinner she's lovingly prepared for you. You then tell her about your day and just admire the fact that God placed an angel on earth just for you and just be amazed that this can even exist. Then when the dinner is done you hold onto her from behind and kiss the back of her head while she does dishes (you offered to help but she batted you away and said to let her do it because you've been working all day.) Then when she's done you start kissing the back of her ears, her neck, her shoulders, and as she's folding the towels you reach down to hold her hand before lifting her up onto the counter and kissing her manically then and there. Before long you lift her up and carry her to your room where you make love to her and cum inside because of course you want as many kids as possible with her and she's yours and you never want to leave her.
According to an internal police investigation, the police have found themselves innocent of any wrongdoing.
I've seen that specific anime.
I use its chars in koikatsu a lot
normies utterly demoralised any passionate internet browser when they gained the ability to spread their retarded filth. But it's okay. Normies are now absorbed into fake reality whereas real humans go outside.
Speaking of the police, why the fuck do so many cops have tattoos now? If you're supposed to be the protector in society, you shouldn't emulate the criminals.
Yes now buy the goyslop burger and consume
No McDonald's CEO has ever unironically eaten any of the slop they produce
im go
my planet need me
you cant cum your dick no longer works
and me and my vagina?
Lots of people are making the same exact choice as that when it comes to fast food in general because a lot of them have grown in price. I think I read Chipotle was one of the only places that wasn't getting affected as much, probably because a different type of customer goes there, less affected by the price rises.. Did you replace McDonalds with anything else specifically?
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Man of culture
Maypia is such a lil' cuutieee :3
Cops are getting tattoos?
Arrest me officer <3
Doctors too. We're living in the endtimes.
qt you are currently the worst poster in this general
please take a break
Also regarding other people, respect is always key. Just because they don't value the same things I do doesn't mean whatever they give effort towards doesn't have value, and not being able to see that is a shame. Granted I'm going to know what my strengths are and step in when I feel they're necessary, but it's doubly important to recognize your weaknesses imo. Also no one is boring if you know how to vibe with them, and everyone has something to offer once you tap into that potential; even if they're the most milquetoast person on the planet. It's not hard to keep a balance in practice when you can tell what a person does and doesn't care about, and that boundary needs constant attention. It's a lesson I had to learn the hard way, but it's how I know what other people think of me now, which should say enough I feel.
He's a fucking nutter and a liar. He got exposed hard this year and hasn't recovered, so he's coping.
>McDonald's is probably the biggest driver behind me not eating fast food anymore just because their prices more than doubled in only a few years.
ayy same
my brother was talking about the Big Mac Index and how prices have gone up so much and then got mad when I said "well, my solution to that is just to not eat fastfood anymore"
Nta what was he even exposed for
I’m wearing a green university band shirt and khakis. The shirt does have some white it in though.
I know I am
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this could be us femanon but you playin'
Being a MAP normalfag.
Anon, I never denied that you can hyperfixated on something, what I said could exist in individuals with adhd but not necessarily a symptom is thrill chasing

a quick search shows that 7 million 13-17 year olds have been diagnosed with adhd in 2022. could you imagine if you lived in a country where 7 million people engage in thrill seeking activities: from vandalism to theft to murder

we were talking about socio/psychopaths. it is widely known that before graduating to full blown murderers, these people spend a lifetime engaging in thrill seeking activities (which ofsets the extreme boredom they often feel with everything): they steal, they engage in voyeurism.. people with adhd aren't like that. they can't focus or maybe focus too much. but i don't think an adhdh symptom is to seek danger, and neither do official sources list it

i might be wrong, but again, adhd is a prevalent disease, and if it were true that people with adhd are daredevils, everything would be aflame

is this qt, btw?
Fresh fried chicken is SO FUCKING GOOD
>eternally online lolcow is "exposed" as a pedophile
wow who could have seen that coming what are the odds
>guys' wives are getting away with actually hitting their partners
Mine didn't get away with it, which was the point. But fair point about the other anon.

>Hope it hasn't been too much trouble.
Oh, a tremendous amount of trouble. But rarely. My anger response is so rarely used that I've probably spent a total of a few hours being angry in my entire life. But my anger response is also roughly that of a toddler. Very "Waah! Smash!" Urges. So I suppressed it most of my life.

>It's what I was taught. She could do anything me, I wouldn't fight back. Even for my size I'm quite strong. If it's too much I can just pin her or carry her. People just like hitting me, I guess.
It doesn't matter what you were taught. You clearly don't like it. Set boundaries. Stand by them.
Read up on it if you have to.

>I don't think women can be rude.
You're 100% objectively wrong. Rudeness is irrespective of gender. It's about compliance with societal rules of etiquette.

>I swear a lot and make violent threats.
On 4chan, that's roughly equivalent to using the wrong form at dinner.
Wow, I can't even be mad at you. That's crazy.
He wasn't exactly hiding it with his dream job being a teacher and him posting young anime girls constantly.
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Triggered much?
Schizoposting much?
Progressive much?
Buggin' much?
Projection much?
>engage in thrill seeking activities: from vandalism to theft to murder
I mean "thrill seeking" can also be driving 10 miles over the speed limit or trying a spicier taco, not just vandalism and murder lol
>7 million 13-17 year olds have been diagnosed with adhd in 2022.
sorry, i meant 7 million have been reported to have been diagnosed with adhd, in 2022 (i.e., weren't necessarily diagnosed in 2022)

also, the source for that claim is the CDC
you didn't even post anything triggering
it's just tiring see you post your stupid ass cartoons and blog every got damn day
your facade of irony will only last so long
The gym is a hobby?
lifting to the GTA 4 theme makes me feel like moving my eastern euro ass to america and commit crime
gender, do you have weird fantasies?
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qt rn
TIL that everyone who thought about becoming a teacher and likes anime is a paedophile
That's interesting, I didn't know that, thanks for sharing (:
I'm not a psych but I think the difference between socio/psychopaths and people with ADHD is that the former don't care about the consequences of their actions on others, or purposefully try to harm others, whereas the latter craved activities that make them feel "alive" or at peace, but often carry a lot of guilt due to unwittingly causing trouble for others. That's my 2c anyway. I think we are ultimately getting at the same thing but were maybe talking at cross-purposes. Thanks for teaching me some stuff though that I actually wasn't aware of
>it's just tiring see you post your stupid ass cartoons
He says, on an anime imageboard
Don't the anime pics make it even easier to identify and scroll past some of my posts? I'm not holding you hostage lol. Just let me have my hangover fun
I'm actually in a good mood rn
Will probably have another breakdown later though jk
It reminds me of Slingblade where, instead of getting in bed and sleeping, he sits on the edge of the bed staring into the middle distance for eight hours or so.

That's exactly how I imagine anons who swear they have no hobbies or interests. Like, they'd just stare at a wall for hours unless prompted.

But he only killed a couple people and clearly wasn't constantly to thinking about killing. Yeah, that guy is off base.

>I have no hobbies
>Isn't that most people?
Many people have hobbies and interests that they're too busy or lazy to spend time with.
Few people have no hobbies or interests.

>Then that is your hobby. Watch media and social media
It's not a hobby unless you do something.
Even collecting DVDs is more of a hobby.

>Can't be bothered
You can't be bothered to have an interest in anything? Do you stare at walls for hours?
desu I fantasise about moving to the southern Appalachian mountains in the US and being a fish out of water. I don't actually want to do it because it seems like it'd be expensive to get there and I'm not really interested in the US, but if I could teleport there I'd do it just to see what elements of culture clashed.
>TIL that everyone who thought about becoming a teacher and likes anime is a paedophile
I'm just a hebophile!
bro half the shit you post isnt' even anime and the half that is, is the most normalfag toonami-tier shit
>I'm good
he says while posting walls of text defending himself
did you have some watermelon with it as well?
>the half that is, is the most normalfag toonami-tier shit
Maison Ikkoku is not exactly Naruto.
>Do you stare at walls for hours?
I watch random YT vids all day
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me when I find femanon's ass
>I'm just a hebophile!
That's a bit rich coming from the married man who grooms girls half his age
>walls of text defending himself
Where? I don't need to "defend" myself because there's nothing to defend lol
>lashing out at MKG when he was defending you
holy shit lmao
I wish.
I only have stracciatella yoghurt for dessert.
Can somebody explain this gif? Is it reversed?
pretty sure it's reversed
Wait I thought he was calling me a hebophile lol
And while savage, my comment was in jest
Soz I am moron
Not really
Im about to be like that picture of nocole kidman when she divorced tom cuirse
>Her acting like I'm not worth shit in a group setting and watching me prove myself against Chad and Brad and the other prep-boys and secretly hoping I'll win
>Her correcting my outfit purchases, or just outright buying something for me to wear (she appreciates that I tried but her man needs to look just right)
>Watching her brush off a suitor that puts in less effort than I do
>Her smirking when I'm good at something through massive effort
god you are so fucking dense
please post it
>you are so fucking dense
I'm like so totally 985 kg/m^3 UwU
Are you nicole kidding me
Why are you about to be like that?
She's so fucking ugly. Glad Tom upgraded with Katie Holmes.
Yes and no. A real Pagliacci at work, reserved and don't talk to anyone at family functions.
There is something about Nicole that makes me feral thinking back to how she looked in Eyes wide shut.
Her petite frame, her small nipples, the cute nose, the slender hands, the cute butt.
Perfect for a fun rough railing.
Because I'm getting a divorce from a sScientologist
So is tom cwuise
Nicole Kidman still looks great, I jerked off to her after watching Paddington
>Makes a boiled meatball
>Puts it on a bun
>Calls it a burger
What the fuck is his problem?

I just started making my own burgers and fried chicken, or going to places whose quality and portions are a lot better in comparison. The only fast food burgers I still eat are Whataburger and Culver's.

Is your brother fat?

Real, and when you make it at home, you don't have to use the rancid oils most fast food places do.
>I'm getting a divorce from a sScientologist
Really lol? Gratz
I think I watched two of his videos several years ago.
I'm sure he might be a fun guy IRL, but by god was he trying too fucking hard to be all... I don't know, manly I guess? But in such a stupid way.
How did you end up married to a scientologist in the first place? That's such a weird thing to fall into.
Unlike 80% of Gamers(TM) I actually really liked Inquisition.
It was really nice to explore the vast maps.
But I think the character design for Veilguard is really quite subpr and I HATE the "such cool Marwehl quips" writing in the trailer with those dwarfes.

I mean I wouldn't buy it anyway since it's from EA, but I have zero expectations of it being more than a 6/10. Maybe I'll buy it just to see Legolas' story end when the gold edition is available for 10€.
Nta but a lot of susceptible people fall into wacky cults even if they're married with kids etc. Just look at Heaven's Gate for an extreme example
kill yourself, now
Are men really seen as that much of threats to women at first glance? I feel like ever since I hit adulthood, I am treated like a danger and with caution by women I don't know. In elevators, the woods hiking, wherever I am the only person with another woman, they think I'm scary. It's sad I guess I looked very harmless as a kid and teen, and women would reach out to me and trust me.
>/ˈdʒez.ə.bel/ us. /ˈdʒez.ə.bel/ an immoral woman who deceives people in order to get what she wants. (Definition of Jezebel from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
WTF I thought it was a normal name. lol
Nta but Scientologists are intelligent people and kind. She will learn soon after the divorce.
How the fuck did that trigger you?
No, kill yourself, you subhuman Redditor.
Imagine a 3rd sex that was 7ft tall on average, 50% stronger than you and raped and killed men at a much higher rate
What the fuck lmao
I'm baffled by your feigned confusion
That's a very powerful image, I would never leave the house.
I'd like to invite any Italian looking /atoga/ femanons to a pool party at my place ( inground pool ).
I guess no one wants this.
Do girls do this shit on purpose, or is it really just a coincidence? There obviously is a lot of context to add but I want to ask, do girls ever stretch as an indicator of attraction? When we talk I recently noticed she starts to stretch when the convo gets good so to speak. At first I didn't make anything of it, but now I am seeing it consistently and she shows her belly with zero attempt to cover or adjust after. So I'm asking specifically, do girls use stretching as an indicator of interest? I know people do it for feeling good but that's not what I'm asking.
I want to jizz on jezebel
touching womens bellies
So you're saying they don't notice anyone below 7ft? I think I see the problem.
NAG but I think it at least indicates that she's comfortable around you which is a good sign
>seeing it consistently and she shows her belly with zero attempt to cover or adjust after
Either she's being flirty and trying to get your attention, or you're friendzoned so she thinks nothing of it lol, it's difficult to gauge from this alone
Blowing raspberries on soft bellies <3
...How do you even come to that conclusion from reading my post? They want to fuck men specifically, they generally aren't into their own kind. They want to bum (You) and in some places they have religions that say they get to beat men and generally do what they want with them with impunity
He calls himself the burger scholar and thinks as long as there is ground beef and bread, it's a burger. Fuck, he called Salisbury steak over rice a burger.

Have you watched any of the new stuff, not just that trailer a few months ago?
It genuinely looks great and I have high expectations.

I hope they're all futas. I'd be cooked.
>Would any women even be into being worshipped and controlling a guy like this or is it too dominant? Where would I meet them, somewhere like /soc/?
I'm here, baby boy.
Women, why do you like dicks?
Hi sexy <3
is the kind of drunk you get from different types of alcohol noticably different?
like will getting wine drunk feel different from getting vodka drunk?
Women, you walk in on your bf after a shower and see him holding his hands up to the light so he can see the vapor coming off and pretending he's charging up for the Spirit Bomb.
Do you get the ick or is it endearing?
Wine hangovers anyways are way worse.
man, i dont know. hormones? mental problems? they look pretty sometimes and gross sometimes and they smell good and they look yummy and i want to rub it all over me

tell him that if he puts his hands under my boobs for a little bit they'll heat up more and his spiritual power will increase tenfold
It's kinda hard to explain. It's really arousing how you guys can grow so big so fast. It's a clear sign that I'm turning you on. Imagine if our boobs did the same thing.
Would you rather your man be very masculine or slightly effeminate?
My bf walked in on me once doing a Sailor Moon pose in a mirror so I could probably relate.
I've always heard people say things like that, like tequila makes you mean or whiskey makes you gregarious, but I've never seen or felt anything like that.
Slightly effeminate.
>Imagine if our boobs did the same thing.
New fetish unlocked.
Feels good, but unfortunately they're attached to monsters.

No, but the hangovers are.

I hold up my hands to give him my energy, stupid!

Very masculine, depending on the type of masculine.
Fucking adorable.
Hi sweet thang <3
Wyd today
Big guys scare me. Roid rage stereotype.
>Feels good, but unfortunately they're attached to monsters.
>Very masculine
Effimate, definitely
No mucle big plz
Extrodinarily average
Skinny fat even
Why what
Are you bisexual?
Ha, upset that some people might be turned off from your gains?
nta straight effeminate isn't ideal, but it's better than some Arnold type. That's not a woman's idea of masculinity, that's a guys.
I'm aware of the hypocrisy, but I also think a good, disciplined man is a monster that controls his bad side. Weak men are like chihuahuas. Strong men are like mastiffs.
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I have completed Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightening Isn't So Frightening, so line up! I know its rare that a man of my caliber comes and posts in these kinds of threads.
Mine have little pine trees on them but I only wear them to bed, if you see dudes out and about with them or sweats on then yeah its probably a stud thing.
nta but you think ALL guys have like this Mr. Hyde side? I'm actually really offended at that desu.
Men that can navigate a childrens point and click can get me pregnant.
I hate black “people” so fucking much.
>staying stupid shit right in front of you like you’re not even there
>get mad when you ignore them or talking shit right back to them
>making a nuisance of themselves everywhere yet demanding respect (ass kissing) from everyone
Only if your into cosplaying as Freddi Fish
Come back when you finish Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds.
Yeah, I'd just go along with what she's thinking if I noticed the pattern
Any tips to wear a cowgirl outfit tomorrow without feeling too shy to wear it?
I don’t have cowgirl boots but I have brown timberlands and a cowgirl hat.
Heya (: if this is who I suspect, how was your day with the kidz? What are you up to this evening?
Was tempted to go out with people tonight but I'm just staying in to chill, still recovering from last night lol. Not home alone which is kinda annoying cause I'd fap rn if I could...
Freddi Fishmind
If I can find the CDs at my parent's place, next on the list is Pajama Sam 3, once I complete the collection I'll have a bulletproof resume for both employment and the dating market :^)
The outfit, I forgot to mention, is a maxi fake denim dress
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Well he was voiced by a woman, so I know you wanna bang that fish.
>brown timberlands and a cowgirl hat
Is it for a party or something? Own it, I'm sure you'll look fab
Don't. You unironcally NEED the cowboy boots for such a look.
Who would win in a fight, Freddi Fish or Freddy Fazbear
I wish I was attractive so I could date other attractive people...
>maxi fake denim dress
This is such a hot girl aesthetic
Is this London? You're always worried about your outfits but always look like a total babe
Freddi's voice was always so androdynous that I never knew if it was a boy or a girl, as a kid I defaulted to "girl" because Freddi sounded like one but in the game almost everyone calls Freddi by name, even the manual so I never did find out. Let me wiki it real quick...
Apparently Freddi Fish was a "tomboy female" fish
Is it underwater?
Freddie would def be a tranny if this game came out in 2024
Only kidz I have are my roommates that are young and dumb as shit.
Just watching my game grumps rn in bed.
>even if they're the most milquetoast person on the planet
I had a friend whom I loved (and love, it's just we haven't been talking much lately). I loved to make her laugh (and though she seemed uptight to others, it was surprising that it didn't take much to make her laugh), and what I liked most about her was she was honest, she didn't talk shit behind other people's backs, she didn't give away compliments, but if she says something nice you know she means it... That being said, if we hang out and I didn't say something, she'd be quiet and it wouldn't bother her in the least. We also didn't have many interests in common, and I found myself trying to get interested in her hobbies, without her doing the same. And a lot of times, though I loved/love her, I felt like I'm doing too much effort to keep our friendship alive. Don't get me wrong, I made an effort, because I valued the fact she's a genuine person, but also, to be frank, if I didn't put an effort, hanging out with her would be very boring.

My point is anon, I think there are times where you'd definitely feel a person is boring and hanging out with them, you have to act 10 times more extroverted than you usually are, in order for you to drag them out of their shell. And sometimes it would even feel like you're not being true to yourself, and that the you that person knows is a bit contrived. And I specifically gave you that girl as an example, because ultimately I love her and I see a value in having her by my side. But, and though this might sound mean, I do find hanging out with her boring.
No boots no cowgirl
I don't want to think about that, its not wholesome at all. Freddi didn't hurt anyone.
Short for Frederica probably.
What kinda name is that for a girl?
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I have a girlfriend, I’m relatively ok looking, yet I’ll forever resent the fact I’ve never been invited to a party
Probably why they spelt it Freddi instead of Freddy, either way I think the Freddi Fish games was their best series. Pajama Sam is okay, but I remember dumping hours upon hours into Freddy Fish.
I enjoyed the first game but was never that big of a fan of the series. If it turns out good I'll play it, but otherwise I'm not expecting that much.
A German one. Female version of Frederick.
It’s for my birthday, thx

Maybe I’ll get some for my birthday

I think most people do, but men have the natural inclination to get physically violent.

Black culture is terrible because it mixes so many bad things together. Poor education, inner city mentality, lack of self-awareness and accountability, fatherless behavior. It has nothing to do with being black and everything to do with the destruction of pre-civil rights black culture.

Resident cowgirl (Mexican)
What do you need?

I understand not liking various aspects of DA2 but it had objectively the best characters and a nice linear story.
Invite yourself to a party, fix'd
Nah, I played 1 and liked it, I was disappointed by 2 and stopped playing the series when the third game was getting a bit too propaganda-y with the virtue signaling and the watering down for "le wider audience".
Also 2 was so lackluster that I just considered the series ruined.
I love how this place can talk about like, the ideal male body with a side of Freddi Fish.
Nigga just show up
Act like you own the place
make your own party stupid asshole
have you tried being attractive?
Meanwhile I've been to countless parties but never had a gf lol
Life works in mysterious ways
Honestly parties are a bit of fun but pretty overrated especially if you're on the introverted side. And especially if you drink or dabble with other stuff the hangover/comedown is usually not worth. Does your gf ever go to parties? You could try it just to get rid of the FOMO or whatever
Oh, idk who this is then...
Sorry about the roommates lel, living with people is a bit annoying
Game grumps in bed sounds really comfy, is there any room for me...
I like skin tight denim short shorts and micro shorts but at the same time I've seen girls wear them with their asses hanging out and I've thought it was inappropriate so what do I know.
>I think most people do, but men have the natural inclination to get physically violent.
>Resident cowgirl (Mexican)
Huehue shut your whore mouth
>skin tight denim short shorts
The white ones are hott
I don’t have many friends

I’m pretty introverted but my girlfriend says I’m decent at socializing with others, she doesn’t go to parties either cus she’s got less friends than I do.
you mom
Why can't I cry
What's it like for autistic women and men? What are the differences? How does society treat you differently?
Of course, hun.
You could use this pillow instead of me snuggling it.
I feel like it would be ethical to embrace the aro idenitity to warn women that I will pump and dump them but the whole aro thing is way too resemblant of lgbt slop
You ever worn spurs during sex?
F white shorts scare me.
When you meet other Aro bedrotters such as yourself, don't fall in love. It's just sex remember.
I see, well I guess you could try going out to a club or something together one night? Or throw a party lol?
Aw thanks *rests head on pillow*
Now I'm gonna fall asleep...
I just realised I have not eaten should I make us some food
Kind of a big topic to get into on page 9. Try again next thread.
Yeah, I do hate that it lost most of the dark, low fantasy themes. The darkspawn lore in Origins was straight up horrific.


Women are better at masking it and are typically better socially but still struggle with emotional intimacy. They also tend to have more social hyperfixations than autistic men who will usually fixate on things. But men can have traits that manifest more in women and vice versa. It's a spectrum.

No, but I did wear them to a wedding and cut my bf's knee open while dancing.
Society makes me feel stupid when I could outpace most of you.
There's a stereotype that Mexican men do be like that. Not all men.
That part is easy. Romance is like a default brain wave that makes people into retarded slaves. I've seen the destructive effects of romance (which disguises itself as many many things) my entire life
Why do they scare you lol? Worried about getting a stain on them?
Idk what it is but they are just really hot
Not in social situations, to be fair. Which happen pretty often.
I'm mid?
>tfw no speedy gf to run with
>Worried about getting a stain on them?
Yes, lol! Periods...
>should I make us some food
Yes please. Make some food and eat. Drink something too.
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This ghost could get it
She has no mouth but those hands look skilled
Anon is boyvulating
Tfw no any% speedrun gf
I'll admit I didn't think of this
Well black shorts are also hot
OK I will do, do you want anything?
Idk whether to have a sneaky fap before or after...
Tranny hands
Your standards are 6ft under
Women, do you have difficulty putting on skinny jeans/shorts?
Ah, machismo. Yeah, it's really prominent in the culture but I think men are just biologically like this. Some cultures shame this, some encourage it, and some teach men to control it. Men that can harness that energy go on to do great things. Every time you see an ultra successful and hypermasculine man, in another period in time, he'd have been a warlord. Now they're relegated to being socially dominant because it's socially unacceptable to be physically dominant.

Thanks, I hate it.
>first date kinda nervous UwU
She could take me 6ft under jk
This ghost is pretty mid desu, OP is even more down bad than me
I'm jungle
State gender
Favourite dish made by your parents?
To women here.

I basically had bad trauma and have ocd/adhd.
I had a panic attack at work after being yelled at a bunch and had some delusions that people hated me.

I improved a lot.

I gained a bunch of muscle, lost fat, cleared my skin. When i go out i get a lot of looks and some people compliment my biceps and strangers start random conversations. I feel like i had a good glow up.

Would you still be interested in a relationship?
Or would the ocd or panic attack turn you off?
I act normal now
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>it's socially unacceptable to be physically dominant.
dishing out of the apartment we used to live in and leaving me finally alone
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Imagine being a nice guy.
I think I'll make a few pancakes and have some milk after this long ass episode. (I love the long episodes tho)
Goulash. Beef and tomato stew.
i love you anon
Are there any reliable ways to get a deeper voice?
My mom didn't cook, my dad ate fast food even until it killed him.
My grandma makes a great potato and egg salad. And missisippi mud brownies.
I need to perfect them.
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Arroz Caldo
Can i marry a yakuza heiress as a foreigner?
>>31918221 (Me)
Apparently Pajama Sam 2 has like 24 different routes or something, should I play again?
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Is it bad that I unironically considered spending money on a gacha game?
Like legit I was thinking of spend up to possibly $70 to get a character I wanted
Those blacks are the ones who do it the most. Culture or not.
bigger hands just means more surface area stimulation
If you can afford it and you enjoy it is money well spent.
well, is it bad you go to a theme park?
then again i wouldn't support a game like this even if i liked it cause i deeply disagree with this sort of predatory marketing models
>pre-civil rights black culture
How do you mean? What was that?
Unless you're taking out fucking loans or selling your car to buy primogems, its fine. Its not different from just buying a game, especially when the base game is free
Living in a sharecropper shack and eating collard greens and pig feet
Can't you just play Pokemon like normal people?
Anons, I’ll post a picture and see if it’s fitting or not
>cowgirl hat
>denim dress
That sounds fucking awful. Post it.
>Denim dress
but no matching denim jacket?
You will need a vest of some sort.
femanon, would you be weirded out if I took the pillow you were sitting on and used it to lay my head on?
not that I would ever do that, haha...
Why do i love it so much when women where eyeliner?
Mommy issues
Ok coomer
What episode are you watching rn?
That sounds yummy, what do you like on your pancakes? (:
I'm happy to make the pancakes, could I taste some of your milk...
Women, how can you point stuff this close to your eye without freaking out?
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Pic rel would look better without mascara
>Mommy issues
eyeliner has nothing to do with mommy issues, what are you on about lol
Took me YEARS to git gud really.
When black people thought that equality was just around the corner, they worked hard to be as polite, patient, educated, hardworking and responsible as they could be.
When black people realized that equality only exists on a piece of paper and they will never be treated as equal in reality, they gave up.
>anon thinks eyeliner and lashes are mascara
Everyone point and laugh at this moron
I like the eyeliner I just think the lashes are too much
Just because you do not understand the correlation does not mean there is none.
I wish there were ways to style cocks
Isn't that when you had the Black Panthers and stuff like that?
Just the RE8 finale that just came out.
I think I'll put chocolate meal replacement in it to keep me fuller.
I wish I could feed you my boobs.
It’s really not that serious; chill the fuck out. I’m not gonna post it anymore then, but it’s summer; there are no suitable jackets I can wear in 90 degree fucked up weather.
A dress is kinda dumb in the summer imo. Go the short shorts way.
Membership in the Black Panthers at their peak: About 5,000
African-American population in the US at the same time: Over 22 million.

5,000 people out of 22 million isn't really that much of a big deal, in my opinion.
>literally jacket in summer is okay
>dress in summer is dumb
That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard, but okay.
nta but I didn't say jacket, I said vest.
A dress is perfectly fine in summer, lots of airflow. I see people wearing trousers all the time and summer and those are arguably stuffier than dresses
>I'm jungle
Amen https://voca.ro/1aG7phOFcLtN
>When black people thought that equality was just around the corner, they worked hard to be as polite, patient, educated, hardworking and responsible as they could be.
40s negros there's some truth to this
>When black people realized that equality only exists on a piece of paper and they will never be treated as equal in reality, they gave up.
imagine being demoralised by reality
it was never about race and always about class
the truth is they chose to give up
the higher class negros assimilated into the elites and won the game and all they had to do was pull the ladder up after them which they did just like white elites did

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