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My IQ is 105 and I am studying in a very demanding field. My parents are in denial and abuse me emotionally to the brim of collapse. They want me to excel and they don't take no for an answer.
Unironically, I would probably be a better student had they not stressed me this much.
I don't know how to get them to shut up and understand. They just yap yap yap yap about my grades.
They raised me like this all my life, I've been raised to think my worth = my grades.
What to do? I can't move out or shit, due to personal circumstances. They also act with extreme entitlement and control.
Give me advice. I can't take this shithole anymore.
Are you Chinese perchance?
Do you want to work in that field? And I mean do YOU yourself want it, and not just trying to meet someone else's expectations.
No, Asian but I won't elaborate further.
My parents chose that shit for me. I live in an "Asian" society where options are limited and my parents are the only breadwinners and I can't work due to how things are, so they're using my lack of options to literally run my life for me.
Sleep now, wake up now, eat this, don't eat this, don't befriend that person, show us your course enrollment schedule, etc. they went as far as to go to university and take the numbers of every professor that teaches in my major and they call them every day to check whether i attended the lecture or not.
My father befriended every single faculty member and this caused the faculty members to know me by name and they too expect me to be Le 180 IQ Exam-Acing Gigachad
I suffer from depression (I take antidepressants) and ADHD (I take Ritalin)
op im gonna be honest i would just run away from home. that seems like the only long lasting solution for your problem, if your parents have this mindset and are so insistent about it its nearly impossible to change them. speaking from experience, being homeless was not ideal in the slightest but i can not explain to you the freeing feeling after i managed to escape those people. grab as much cash as you can, run. if youre not studying something you want to anyways, whats the point? thats my thinking at least.
Do drugs, ( like coffee ), take it as you will
If they're paying for your college, just figure out how to tolerate them until you graduate. Once you have a job cut them the fuck out of your life forever.
105 IQ is enough to get straight As in basically any undergrad. your parents are correct
You fell for the IQ meme
You are just lazy
I would just stick to if and do well in school. I wish I would have done well in school now im stuck working retail. Just listen to ur parents so you can be successful and not have to struggle.
You're right that it's a good idea to take higher education seriously, but extreme helicopter parent shit like what's described here >>31918209 isn't going to help OP in the long run either.
Do you shit in the street?
How can I stop thinking about IQ and just give it my best?

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