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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything...or something

Sobriety Saturday (lol) Edition

How much cider did you have today OP?
Women why do you hate seeing men happy?
Women here’s a curveball
Would you date a FIT and balding man
Of course. Balding natural.
Women why do you hate seeing men horny?
Women hateshlick to happy men
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Women, why do you dress up and cosplay if not to look sexy and turn guys on?
what grabs your attention while browsing dating apps? what sort of profiles get a chance of you liking them in the end?
Should a guy completely shave all hair from the chest and stomach, or just trim it down a bit?
Maybe because it's fun for *them*?
Makes me feel more confident ngl.
>match with a girl
>she sends me a heart as an opener
>I say that we would look good together because we have similar names
>she says "look my grandma is really sick right now"

What the fuck did she mean by this? Why would you tell a stranger that? Is she looking for money?
My mom would make poke bowls occasionally and they were my favorite. My sister used to lie and say they were her favorite just so our mom would make them for me.

Not exactly what I had in mind. I mean resolving conflict with physical force.

This, but it was also before black people could live off the teat of the government. They needed the family unit to survive and that gave black kids structure they don't have now. Then there was the crack epidemic and the glorification of violence and criminality by Jewish media in the form of rap and movies.

I don't. I hate seeing people resign themselves to a life of mediocrity just because they're complacent.

Too much risk of getting poked in the eye.
Cute or funny
She is looking for an organ donor.
>Too much risk of getting poked in the eye
Dicks dont go in the eye, silly
sounds like 'gotta run, left the iron plugged at home'
>Too much risk of getting poked in the eye.
Be taller then, you shrimp.
its fun.
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>I hate seeing people resign themselves to a life of mediocrity just because they're complacent.
Mediocrity is the backbone of society.
It's like playing with Barbie dolls but irl.
Why do women care about men having money so much? its disheartening
Can win, but why win?
Providing for the tribe is masculine
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Any gender

Why can I only get and keep a boners if I start jerking my dick, and how do I go back to normal other than to stop watching porn(which will make me extra sensitive and cum in less than a second of a girl touching my dick)

Please HELP
and society is loathsome
Femanons, you go to his for Netflix and chill, but he plays the anime dubbed instead of subbed, what do you do?
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>Friday night
why are you here?
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It is saturday my dude.
yet you are part of it

Not all women do. I am a woman and it honestly never crosses my mind. There are lots of other women who think the same as me, I'm sure you will find someone :)
not in my country
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Nigga its Saturday
Wtf isn't it Saturday?
I got invited out but I am staying in watching anime (looking at the anon who doesn't believe I'm an introvert)
you having a depressive episode doesn't make you an introvert, coward
The older I get the more I realize the reason people tell you to make as much money as possible isn't to get a family or live in luxury, its to be able to become financially free, retire early, and live in the middle of no where. I honestly think that anyone who is sane these days have this goal.
Post screenshot of your calendar app
Bro I know several couples where the woman is the breadwinner
At one of my wagie jobs there was a guy in his late 20s who used to lament not having a gf. He ended up moving to part-time because he got engaged to a rich lawyer. Ngl I was jelly
I have been. New peak rank today.
Damn nice, good work.
I'm actually in a decent mood tonight lol
If I lived alone I would never go out desu. I only do because I feel I should make the effort to socialise with housemates, even if it means I have to sacrifice hours
Women what temperature do you prefer your penises?
Is there a thermostat?
Where is it still Friday?
>cum in less than a second of a girl touching my dick
I want a powerful woman to do this to me desu
>cumming easily is a bad thing
Absolute idiot
Yeah, if you connect your penis via Bluetooth you can monitor the temps
Men, is one of your balls bigger than the other? Women usually have one slightly bigger boob.
No but sometimes one is hanging lower
Not that i can tell. I'm sure you already know about the one that sags lower though. Thats the only obvious difference
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It varies really according to temperature.
Men, do you guys normally have barriers between urinals or not? either way, isnt it weird and awkward peeing next to other guys like that??
Its all the time brother. Or else you would have a serious case of testicular torsion lmao
If your dog reincarnated into another dog would you be happy to see them again or would you be a little disappointed that they couldn’t break free from samsara
>dad's cousin won't leave so I can finish playing Sonic 2
No but one hangs lower than the other (left one for me)
>isnt it weird and awkward peeing next to other guys like that
>She doesnt know about urinal rules
Watch this:
depends can they now talk?
If someone came up to you about 7-10 years younger than you and claimed to be your childhood dog reincarnated, how would you react? Are you gonna bang or is that immoral
My fears hunt me down
Capturing my memories
A frontier of loss
They try to escape across the street where
Jesus stripped bare
And raped the spirit he was supposed to nurture
RIP ):
I was actually considering playing Sonic CD tonight
Oh yeah that is tru
Sometimes. There's an unspoken bro code that you always leave one urinal inbetween if possible. And yes, it's awkward.
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You are getting married on a wooden sailing ship. Post your wedding dress.
You get used to it, sometimes they have barriers sometimes they don’t
You have no idea how may fucking browns who were "born here" don't respect urinal rules and will just piss right next to you.
It is weird lol which is why I use a stall if it's clean and free or leave a gap of a urinal between me and the other guy
Sometimes if it's busy you have no choice though and it sucks
nta so... using an odd numbered urinal would fuck everything up?
Wheeeeew fancmy pp
What do you do if you need to pee but the only urinal available is between two other people? Is it like really weird to use the middle one or will no one care that much?
Its only acceptable to use a urinal next to another dude if you need to piss and that was the last urinal.
I got over those hang ups after being in the military and having to poop knee to knee with another dude inside a 4 hole burnout
You keep your eyes straight ahead and stare at the wall.
see >>31918622
No they still can’t talk
Then I'd be happy to see them again.
Yeah that makes sense, I think I'd probably use a stall too if i were a guy desu
What are your best times btw? I got 20 seconds in Emerald Hill 1 with Sonic and Knux
Men, what job would be an extreme turn-off if a woman had it?
Hardmode: no slutty jobs.
>women don’t know about the trough they have at sports stadiums
lol zogbot who can't run without another man telling him to run
Yeah I mean if I go into the stall and it's gross then I will suck it up and use a urinal
Abd ofc if it's quite empty then I will use a urinal
If there are like 3 urinals and one guy on each side I will just awkwardly stand by the door and wait until someone goes to wash their hands lol
The worst are those urinals that are a totally open trough.
Flagger for any state DOT
>no slutty jobs
Maybe like anything related to sceptic tanks/sewage? Also, its not the worse thing, but women in HR scare me.
It wouldn't be an immediate turn off but I would be cautious if she was a streamer. Even just because I wouldn't want her to get a stalker.
if woman is all-powerful, she cannot be all good. And if woman is all good, then she cannot be all-powerful
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And that‘s a good thing.
My boyfriend expresses insecurity in not being “masculine enough” and it makes me sad. Why don’t men accept they are best as soft Disney prince’s?
A journalist. I don't have anything against slutty jobs, but I'm never spending any time with a journo.
Because some women can’t handle a job and need someone to buy them food.
That old is so cool I’d date him
I dunno mane I saw this pretty hot milf on the way to work this morning holding the stop/slow sign
How does the answer change if they could talk?…
Aren't Disney princes way too 1 dimensional for you guys?
War is good fun. I got to drive an MRAP, fly in helicopters, shoot rocket launchers, and even killed 3 Muslims. 10/10 would zogbot again.
Women, do you consider electrical engineers to be an unattractive job?
I don't think women hate seeing men happy, I think they hate seeing anyone that isn't them happy innately.
On a higher intellectual level, I think they also hate seeing men happy because happy, single men are a threat to their mating prospects because they think that because a man is happy that they won't bother dating them.
On an even higher intellectual level, women hate seeing men they are dating happy when they are unhappy because they automatically assume that he is benefiting more than she is and that she is being taken advantage of.
There are probably other reasons, but most women seem to be incredibly insecure and their danger senses are way too highly tuned to the point that basically everything around them is dangerous and out to get them, when that isn't entirely the case.
>(they don’t like when you say “I’m a woman don’t agree about what ALL women want”)
Unironically disgusting.
Like. Drone operator? Technically I'd be massively turned on by that but only in a hatefuck kind of way.

All-around turn-off job: HR, recruitment, any other kind of dead end middlebrow lower middle class job.
Men, assuming the woman was NOT waiting for marriage, what's the longest you'd be willing to wait for sex?
Flaggers are getting drunk after work at some dive bar and getting railed by the guy driving the reclaimer.
If have to put inside of your urethra to see
HR directors can make 100k bro
I want an EE bf solely to make him solder new switches in my mechanical keyboard
Well if they could talk I'd naturally ask them how they are doing and the conversation would naturally flow if they brought up they were sad they reincarnated. Even if they didn't, the fact that they can now reason and talk means that they actually do have a soul, which means that they actually are stuck in samsara, and that would then make me sad, but not too sad.
Being reincarnated on the same level you died at is way better than reincarnating downwards.
Depends really. Has she been raped or anything?
I do that with chairs
Because weakness in a man isnt tolerated no matter what people say
How about turn ons? Teachers are so hot
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i have a really difficult time looking at myself and feeling like i could ever be pretty. when i dress up one way or another or i do makeup or i wear things i don't usually wear, i feel like a big liar and like i don't have an honest claim to looking that way.

when i cosplay, its not lying, it's playing. i can wear the things more easily because it fits the character im pretending to be, it doesnt have to fit me. so for me its kind of the only time i can dress up and feel pretty and not cry or feel awful about it. i also have never worn any in public before so it's not like guys see it to begin with.
Depends on so many factors as to render your question nonsensical.
Does she have trauma? As long as she wants, including never, I think (I can't count on it).
Does she just not feel ready yet? Um, not that long. A month or two? If you're not feeling ready by then then I don't think you're ever going to feel ready.
Does she actually just not like sex? I'm ditching immediately. We are not compatible.
Unsexy. I have spoken.
Welcome to the world, first time? I'm sure the people who he was fighting have trophies and pictures of the people the killed as well.
No, I think its a perfectly fine job
I could see that. That's kind of a signal that you're open for conversation, right?
I don’t do first date sex. Call me old fashioned but i still abide by the three date rule. If it doesn’t happen then, it’s not happening at all and i politely bow out.
If she puts out within a month I already know she isnt the one
Waiting for marriage is ideal
Are you expecting them to say "nooooo the hecking Talibarinos are perfect pure good bois" or something
Probably like 4 months?
Also yeah, like the other anon said, if she has some kinda sexual trauma i'd be willing to wait longer. More than a year is kinda rough though
If you're a weak man, it doesn't matter how pretty you are, you get treated like an ugly woman. Second class, not worth thinking about, not worth listening too, not worth respecting. It seeps into all interactions you have in society with both genders. Men also are hardwired to want to see "line go up", and if they aren't making "line go up" they aren't fulfilling a more primitive and biological pressure they have in their brain and it makes them sad and depressed.
I find it amazing that when women hear "not masculine enough" Disney princes come to their mind.

Incels were right all along. It really is over.
>make him solder new switches in my mechanical keyboard
I would absolutely do this

We used to have that in school lol. Criminal
I suppose things that are morally bankrupt and she's just in it for the money/status (so working at a shady financial company or something that fucks people over)
But being rich is hot so it counteracts jk
I just don't think that war should be talked about like a fucking Halo round.
I’ve waited 2 years, still waiting.
will you please tell us about the cosplays you’ve done?
Have you gone outside lately? The CEO of Harley Davidson compared himself to the Taliban and complimented them.
Fashion wannabe
Head chef
> Being reincarnated on the same level you died at is way better than reincarnating downwards
Now answer this one
mf is saying I'm the one who's out of touch for thinking Westerners in general do not like the Taliban
Men, do you care what music a woman listens to? Does them listening to certain artists make you more/less attracted to them?
Fair, but people who fight it talk about it so causally because it becomes "normal" for them, its why integrating back into society is so hard for them.
>men accept they are best as soft Disney prince’s
You are a special gal lol he's a lucky guy
Iktf being more confident playing and dressing up as a character, it's kind of escapist
I'm sure you're a cutie tho
Typically i would say no, but Swifties have become a red flag for me in recent years.
I too would be interested in hearing your adventures in cosplaying.
Have you expressed this to him? Don't say he's "soft" or "like a Disney prince" but just say you like him the way he is.

But it wouldn't hurt to let him reach up to the high shelf or lift something heavy every now and then.
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> if not to look sexy and turn guys on?

Sexual attention from men has no value because dead people, animals and children get it. Women with a crumb of self respect are aware that male attention means nothing. I cosplayed for fun not for men.
State gender
Do you announce your departure, or slip away silently?
You are out of touch both in real life and the internet if you don't think there is at least 1 person who thinks the Taliban are the good guys, stop using all your brain cells to project and use them to think.
Women what hobbies makes a man attractive to (You)?
I used to think I didn’t care but my brothers wife listens to Rico Nasty, Saweetie, and the like and I could only stand so much before I felt like blowing my brains out
Having a common taste is beneficial but having diverse taste is fine too, as long as both are open to what the other enjoys.
>Incels were right all along. It really is over.
Incels weren't saying anything that Chads aren't saying also. The real weirdos are simps who still let females walk all over them.
Here's an interesting text about women I just found. State gender and thoughts:
Abandon Hope
Ogre Littletroll

Woman is not human. Not in the sense we know. Although they resemble humans and mimic some of our behavior, Woman is more like a snake with tits and an ass.

They live according to a different set of rules than what we would consider fair and ethical. Woman acts and speaks according to whatever suits her emotional needs in the moment; and in doing so, anything is fair game. Lying, cheating, betrayal, nagging, and various forms of cruelty are all acceptable, provided that she feels her actions are justified, but regardless of how absurd her criteria for justification may be. Breaking appointments is perfectly acceptable and require no explanation.

Woman desires power. She may want to be equal to Man but she desires what is superior to her. Woman is constantly at odds with herself; she wants what she can’t have; and when she gets what she wants she no longer wants it.

Woman is a whore; this is her natural state. She wants to be ravaged like a piece of meat; she wants to be violated; to be raped, to be sodomized. She is vile and perverted. Woman despises herself, and although she may want respect, she despises those who yield it to her.

Man is an emotional creature; affectionate, loyal, loving, fair and just. This is his natural state. Men who are not like this have only learned to become so through emulating the behavior of Woman, or have otherwise become corrupted due to emotional abuse.

M, no not really, everyone likes what they like. I'm not a snob, I'll go from listening to underground techno to Britney Spears
It is attractive if she's into music though and has explored some genres. And it would be cool to talk about stuff if she's into electronic and whatever
Little bitch, I'm talking about the specific anon that was specifically replied to. If you think someone saying "war enjoyers are disgusting" is likely to be a big Taliban stan then you're simply retarded.
This but for women.
Not long, I think if you aren't eager to sleep with eachother, particularly early on, something is wrong with the chemistry. Let's say 3 months as a time period
If we have reached kissing and touching and her body is saying no sex then she doesn't find me physically attractive
Heh, shes special alright
I'm quite partial to the Tokyo sayonara if there is a kot available
Nta but curious why this one is a turn-off lol
I'm a guy but most of my
Woman has the ability to do Man great emotional harm. Woman takes delight in manipulating the emotions of men so as to cause us anger, frustration, confusion, profound sadness and blind rage. She does this, whether knowingly or not, to test the emotional fortitude and power of men, to measure her own power, to feed her ego, to validate herself, or many other reasons. At no time does she feels her actions are immoral, no matter how cruel they may be. If the man retaliates, in an attempt to safeguard his emotional well-being, it is, in our legal system, a prosecutable crime.

But herein lies insight to understanding woman’s desire. As previously stated, Woman desires what is superior to her. If a woman can control a thing, she is superior to it, and ergo does not desire of it. If she cannot control it, it must therefore be superior, and ergo she feels desire for it. This explains why Woman will do things which seem cruel to us, but to her, it is only her way of testing a man’s desirability, although she may not be aware of this consciously.

Woman desires what she cannot have. She is attracted to married men, homosexual men, and the otherwise “taken,” and may go to great extremes to sabotage a man’s bonds with another so that she may have him to herself. Such a man is difficult to emotionally manipulate, since his needs are already met. Woman must go to great lengths to win him over. The greater the effort she must make, the more she desires him. Woman desires a challenge.

But the man who is single and available, willing and ready, this she finds repulsive. There goes a man who is free for the taking; to have and to hold; loyal and true; Woman regards him with disgust.

Honestly I like gamers. This might be the opposite of what you would expect but like unironically if a guy was really good at LoL or something I would find that attractive, I dont really know why lol. I'm not even much of a gamer myself
Nta but is bottom right what they mean when they say eagle nose
Women, which love language(s) do you want in a bf?
He’s tall, but not very muscular so he will do both of those things for me but struggle on the ladder.
Gym, reading, building things and art.
Men that listen to rap and hiphop are low tier for me
>how would you react?
"Do you want to be my pet again?" >:3c
>Are you gonna bang or is that immoral.
No, it means we were meant to be together be that as a friend, as a partner is a sexual relationship, or be that a pet and master relationship. That is what true love is, the same souls seeking out the yin to its yang or the yang to its yin
I have no interest in the kind of woman that listens to rap
>her body is saying no sex then she doesn't find me physically attractive
I legit have vaginismus so that's not always the case.
Two years. I can wait two years. I can wait longer, but I really shouldn't.
I’ve said this before ITT and people thought I was delusional, but my ex was the same way, she loved watching me play League. Thanks for proving me right.
Sorry I had a himbo moment and forgot to finish my post
I guess there is the stereotype of the bitchy receptionist and there's always one, but most of my colleagues (especially the younger girls) were absolute sweethearts
Sorry that happened, or congrats
The single man truly has a dilemma. The single man is lonely; and as such is emotionally frail and vulnerable; he is easily manipulated by Woman and ergo undesirable. The very thing he needs to cure him of his vulnerability is the thing he cannot attain; and the greater his need, the more unattainable it becomes.

So then, what can such a man do?

A man must extinguish his desires, as in the Buddhist way of non-attachment. Buddhism states that desire is the cause of suffering; nowhere is this more obvious than in the case of the single man. If you desire something it has power over you; and if it is a woman you desire then she has that power; the very power that, once yielded to her, repels her.

The single man must give her NOTHING.

This is easier said than done, however. Woman is clever. It is only a matter of time before she finds a way to push through your cool exterior, drops your defenses, makes you feel safe, reaches in and pulls out your carefully guarded innate desire. (The so-called “inner wuss.”)

And when that happens, she suddenly drops your sorry ass like a rock.

And the closer you got to attaining your desire, the harder was the fall.

Ultimately, what is the goal? Is the goal for the single man to acquire the thing that he desires? Actually, no. The goal is for the single man to acquire emotional well-being. He must safeguard this well-being above all else. How does he do this? By not sticking his neck out, or his head up, or his dick out, or his heart on his sleeve, however you want to put it, in harms way, where it can get cut off. And the only way to avoid a fall is to stay down.

Unfortunately that’s my type
All five
My love language is dabbing at random times and referencing obscure memes and in-jokes that I find funny.
>tfw when I only play videogames casually and non-competitively
It's over.
I dont mind as long as it's not coldplay (sorry to any coldplay fans here... listen to what makes you happy, i just personally couldnt be around someone who is always listening to coldplay, they really irk me)
Right? Like he needs to get a live journal
I'm words of affirmation and acts of service, so I guess I would prefer those. Any others would be fine, except gifts (I hate receiving a bunch of little things and I don't like giving them either).
The one thing that causes the single man’s downfall, every time, is hope. The deluded belief that this time it will be better; this time it will be different; this time it’s going to work out. Once he feels hope, he suddenly exposes himself emotionally, and, with penis flapping about in the wind for all to see, happily hands Woman his testicles so that she can gleefully crush them.

Do I propose that the single man simply not approach Woman? Not at all.

I suggest that he may do so, but only with the thought in mind that he will be rejected. Not might, but will, without doubt. If not today, then tomorrow. In effect, he has already been rejected even before approaching her. That being the case, she can’t hurt him – he is already dead. Although he may find her desirable, he hopes for nothing, and expects nothing. Without expectation, he is free to interact with the woman and let that interaction run it’s course, wherever it goes. The man must suppress any delusion of hope. It is a mental discipline. In effect all he must do is not yield to the temptation to place his emotional well-being in harm’s way.

This is nothing new; I am only adapting the Samurai philosophy of the Resolute Acceptance of Death. The warrior goes into battle knowing he is already dead; therefore he has nothing to fear. In the same way, the single man engages a woman knowing he has already been rejected.

If the single man is going to feel anything it should be fear. Not fear of rejection, but the fear of a person who can cause him great emotional harm. Here is someone who can hurt him and should be regarded as an opponent in battle. This man must face his fear and engage his opponent. She will try to raise his hopes. She does this whether knowingly or not; she may be testing him; she may just want to validate her own ego, to test her own power.

foreplay can be a rousing game of Warhammer 40k miniatures where it takes 5 days to complete because most of the time we are arguing about the rules or referencing the book more than playing the game.
A taken man is impervious to her machinations; there is already another woman, or perhaps many women in his life, that draw his emotional attention away from her. But the single man does not have this advantage. It is not enough to require of the single man to free himself of desires; sooner or later, Woman will find them. The single man must have something as his focus, his anchor, his center, to keep from straying into harm’s way. What the single man has is rejection. He has his long history of failure as proof in validation of his pessimism. As long as he keeps this constant thought in the center of his interaction with her, he will remain serene, focused, and impervious to Woman’s manipulations. He must remain confident in his own pessimism.

I then put forth the possibility, hypothetically speaking, that in doing so, the single man, being of serene and focused mind, emotionally impenetrable, free of attachment, centered and disciplined, may start to appear desirable to Woman. And as her efforts to break his focus continuously fail, she will grow frustrated and try even harder. Thusly the seeds of attraction are sown within her and shall begin to grow into desire.

I think I would be the right guy to help someone overcome that, but I'm not completely without concerns either
Women would you rather date an ass man or a boob man?
Yes a real convo and not silly small talk
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>be in friendgroup with girl, doing stuff together regularly
>feels like there's some potential between us
>start messaging back and forth, "haha, we should do something together sometime anon :)" "I'm always up for doing something spontaneous"
>invite her a few times, though it never seems to work out
>she invites me to grab lunch together
>get a bit hopeful
>when I turn up it turns out she's invited another fucking guy, (harmless, soft, friendly dude), who we're both acquainted with
what did she mean by this, anonettes? from our conversations I was reasonably sure we were setting up a date. Is this just peak autism or is it a not too subtle hint she's not interested?
Not a fan of former world rulers, huh?
That sounds like Christmas but for Vaginas
>that’s my type
Yeah but is that a beak nose or not
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I got caught getting a foot job bros.... by her fucking mom too
Social wealthy gymbro or skinny middle class artist bf?
I'm not a woman but I think your being a bit too eager and desperate.
Ironically this sort of baseless lyrical waxing is more typical of the women the writer clearly despises
Grow up out of misogyny desu it's embarrassing
That’s the way it was. When you are riding around in a practically unassailable armored vehicle with a turret weapon that’s a machine gun that shoots grenades and your opponent is some illiterate goat farmer who thinks it’s a good idea to take a couple pot shots at you with a 60 year old Soviet rifle. Well if that guy couldn’t do the math for that equation I was glad to shuffle him off this mortal coil to the sound of BLUMP BLUMP BLUMP
there are barriers but you can see over them if you really want to look. Most guys remedy this by putting as much distance in between each other while peeing, and looking straight ahead at all times. It's not that bad.
vidya bf
Boob man, and that is despite the fact that I have a pear-shaped body type, because in my eyes, ass men are spiritual Negroes.
It's not a holiday, believe me. :)
You don't like Netizche?
That's fucking bullshit. She disrespected you hard with that.
Foids, What would it take for you to fuck an ugly man
But you get a vacation... from sex...
I cackled, good shit anon. Happy for you. Too bad her mom isn’t wearing anything opened toed around you anymore. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall when she confronts her daughter
Social wealthy gymbro, I can get a better job through his friends because nepotism
I just want someone who has something to do besides NEET all day. I need my space.

I don't as long as their happiness isn't at my expense.
I mean if you told me you were having it I'd break out the party hats and the party poppers and say "Merry Vagimus"
Oof, bro she doesn't even recognise you as a sexual entity, move on
Stop pls
What causes vaginamungus?
Boob man, I lack the other one
down syndrome bf
It’s been 3 years and the best guy I’ve ever met was at a psych ward.
They have huge balls.
This guy
You are hurting me
Ho do you know?
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good >:)
My doctor says it's all in my head. She suggested CBT but I'm too nervous to do something like that.
I read it on 4chan.
Women, would you?
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>Being reincarnated on the same level you died at is way better than reincarnating downwards.

I want to reincarnate into a cat and be loved.
Why :(
Then it must be true. I will pass on the knowledge.
i am an evil sadist
Kinda weird but that’s not my place to judge. Thanks for answering though, no one else wanted to think about it :(
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Women which one do you prefer?
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How are you supposed to do CBT if you’re a female? You don’t have nuts?
>Kinda weird
Why? They are fully human right? Or is this a dogperson? Not that it changes my answer, but why do you consider it weird? Also no problem.
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>the best guy I’ve ever met was at a psych ward.
Omg baby is that u UwU
Pls just let me suffer alone
They want to feel safe.
Not having money means doing a lot of unsafe things(unsafe neighborhoods, bad used car that breaks down or no car, etc).
Like everything in life though we only focus on the extremes(viral tiktok whores who only care about money)
Nvm forgot that you could be the one doing the CBT not on the receiving end
>fathered 70% of cubs in the area
That place is gonna be so inbred next generation
He's probably thinking
>why the fuck can't I get a normal girl? why is it always mentally ill rape victims into me?
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Women is this romantic?
no <3
... cognitive behavoir therapy.
Integrating back isn’t hard, it just feels pointless. Spend a few months eating “food” out of a bag and sleeping in a hole in the ground surrounded by people actively trying to kill you and then come back to a developed country and all of the bullshit everyone complains about or worries about seems trivial. Those homeless vets you see panhandling next to an overpass? They are there by choice because they got it figured out. Why stress over a job and taxes and all that other yuppie bullshit when you can sleep in a comfy tent, get food from a food pantry, and pan handle for whiskey money. you don’t need a house or a job or any of the other trappings of modern America to be comfy. It’s you whose lost perspective, not them.
Sure, and I agree. Though I have to admit I'm a little lost on what made me come across as feeling otherwise enough for you to say this.
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Just goofy
err well it's certainly something!
>>Woman is a whore; this is her natural state. She wants to be ravaged like a piece of meat; she wants to be violated; to be raped, to be sodomized. She is vile and perverted. Woman despises herself, and although she may want respect, she despises those who yield it to her.

F. What the actual fuck did I just read?
B-but it wasn't even my idea. They were surprisingly soft tf. I've been caught wanking before and it was mid nut atleast that didn't t happen.

Lmao I'd love to see that convo lmao
So awkward being around her mom fuuuck I barely could make eye contact today hahaha
M and I didn't read it but that's kinda true.
>clean whole apartment even the stupid small shit
>no change in mood
you lying fucks
I sincerely doubt that

Get a plant
Remember, shit advice like this only works for mentally healthy normies that had one day feeling a little bit off.
>xer has a rape fetish and he brings it up 24/7
I should get a gun
Pan handling is all well and good unless you live in an area with harsh winters.
Iunno homelessness for a long period of time fucks up your health, especially your teeth, and I don't mean this in a vanity way, I mean this in a constant and never ending pain way.
My girlfriend wants to be with me 24/7 and doesn’t ever want to have sex and cries if I try to be dominant. She says blowjobs are creepy.
The last few days i have genuinely been coming to terms with the fact that its legitimately over and I won't have a romance movie moment where we run back to each other and everything just works out
She ghosted me trying to just make casual conversation twice this week, when is the appropriate time tell her ive come to terms with this and want to drop off to her the absolute last remainder of the things she still has in the housr snd remove myself from her accounts etc
If i do it today i will seem like a whiney manchild throwing a fit over not getting attention when im supposed to leave her alone and i want to at least do it on good terms
alright, any femanons with the following description?

-Red Hair
-At least 5ft 8
-3D artist


if so, you're most likely meant to be with me.
give a (You) if it is you.
Has anyone ever busked? Done something on a street corner for money?
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>tfw no futuristic mean bully gf
Wow, that's literally me. Too bad I'm bisexual, I don't think one man could satisfy me. If only that man had multiple wives...
I got everything except the 3D artist. Sorry.
why is that so funny?
If it's DBZ, Yugioh, Pokemon, or Bleach, I watch. If it's not, I probably get to the "chill" part to drown out the subpar voice acting.

Hot to the touch

No, especially if he is designing IEDs to blow up Arabs.

Anything but gift receiving. I'm a terrible gift giver.

Ass man all the way. Especially if he's into ass worship.

There’s nothing whiny about deciding you love yourself more than you love the pain of loving the wrong person.
I was a mime for a bit.

>no one is boring if you know how to vibe with them

Sorry, I should've quoted that sentence, rather than the one I did.
Multiple wives is fine, but I've decided it is way too much of a time drain.

So, going to just have one sweetheart and we'll go on adventures together to the North Pole , find the Camp of the Saints, and go beyond the Ice Wall.
I'm sorry you had to stop. A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
Have you ever made a girl cry with your penis? I've done it to 2 girls accidentally.
oh, okay. i think the first time i did a costume, i was mavis from the hotel transylvania movies, because i just watched it and it was halloween. i'd never done trick or treating before, so i did it even though i felt too old for it just so i could say that i did it. i'm not brown, so it wasn't super accurate. i pretty much just wore the socks and a black dress and did makeup. so people did see me that time. i liked it and i started doing costumes alone and figured out the whole cosplay thing later. mostly i buy things from thrift stores. since then ive done some homestuck characters. catra from shera. i did luffy from one piece but a girl because it was kind of easy and it felt fun going fishing like that.

sometimes there are characters who arent full of unique traits but resemble me and i sort of just dress up and tell myself to imagine i'm her for the moment like casca from berserk or chel from el dorado. i have ideas for ones to do in the future. its not a main hobby of mine but its something i like doing every so often.

yeah. it's a nice relief from being me all of the time.
I don't understand, you have so much to offer, surely you have multiple women interested in you.
I actually have a respect for buskers and will always throw them a few bucks. At least your doing SOMETHING and not just sitting there looking like a sad sack of shit
If you can deal with shorter and dyed red hair there's a ton of asian chicks in Singapore and Japan that fit that description.
What's the etiquette for talking about your ex in a relationship?
I've recently gotten my first ex gf and am wondering to which degree you bring it up in any future relationships. Like I assume sooner or later you have a big personal talk about past relationships and all that. And also I know that a girl I'm with wouldn't want to constantly hear about some other girl that I was with at some point
But I'm talking about more minor things, like a few scenarios that come to mind
>she has the same name as my ex
>she shares a hobby with my ex
>she shares an interest with my ex
>she wants to go to a place where I've spent time with my ex or where we broke up
I obviously would have some negative associations with those things, am I supposed to keep those to myself, or maybe tell my new date about it?
How much people in here are actually biologically women? It feels like not many.
Why do you think California and Hawaii have such a ridiculous homeless problem?
While that's true, it's still a time drain.
I don't want to be dealing with women for the majority of my time.

A harem takes time away from my higher calling. Like God and Game Dev.
Wait thats actually kinda cool. what made you decide to become a mime?
Just JH and even that is pushing it
Wait, 3-5 girls maybe actually idk
I can't. I want tall white demure red haired woman.
Women i just returned from peeing. Ask me anything
I am a cis woman, I have no idea how many of us hang out here though
Men, do you have any sexual advice for a woman doing it with a virgin? I really want to give him a good time
How would a women want to be ravaged if she thinks sex is kinda gross? Just curious.

Maybe she has untreated trauma or mental illness.
Of all the many women interested in you, not one is wife material?
>Multiple wives is fine
"How did he die?"
"Nagged to death..."
"Wife that demanding, huh?"
>Looks up from report clipboard
"Yeah, he had 3 of them..."
"Poor bastard didn't have a chance..."
unfortunately theres still the part of me that misses her and i think loves her and wants to salvage anything possible just in case™ she has one of those 'no wait i do miss you i just didnt want to talk to you because i was trying to get over you' moments
i know it wont happen, but still
i want to be able to make a clean cut off on good terms where i dont seem like im just being bitter, do you think i should wait until later next week around thursday to avoid that and end on as nice a note as possible?
I hate women so much
They're fucking terrible
Personally, I never mind when people bring them up but make sure it doesn't come across as you are constantly thinking of her and not over her
Blowjob for round 1 then fuck him on round 2
Or slip him some viagra
sorry :((
Don't rush him into it... please.
>i'm not brown
i originally typed "i'm not white" but then i was like thats too vague and they'll ask if i'm asian or something so i changed it to brown but forgot to remove the "not" so whoops. i'm tan.
Once. She was an older woman that had only been with her abusive husband since she was 18. I’m nothing special but apparently her ex was, ya know, *wiggles pinky finger*.
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How much ml did you pee?
tan is just brown with extra steps
Please dont lie and call him big if he's average. Also, be nice if he cooms fast
I have ED and I’m only 21. I desperately wish I could overcome it, but ADHD-OCD fucks it all up.
alright, any maleanons with the following description?

-light brown or blonde hair
-At least 5ft 11
-Gym at least twice a week
-Mechanical engineer


if so, you're most likely meant to be with me.
give a (You) if it is you.
Take lead and guide him
You put it in, he wont have any idea where to stick it
Lol. just too much of a time sink. I got bigger goals than dealing with a henhouse.

I'll find out when I go on YouTube and the DMs begin to flow in after my jawline is shown.
Did you wash your hands?
I too am a cis (trans) female (male) (with penis)
I peed for about 5 seconds. So maybe about 1000ml
I don't understand. You don't have any women interested in you now?
me and my gf are both virgins and have repeatedly failed to have sex over and over again
Stick it in you and make him blow his load as fast as possible with a bunch of cuddling afterwards. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
I had done some theater stuff in school and I really liked the performance and physicality part of it. I'm really shy so I wanted to force myself to interact with people, but I didn't want to talk.
Romantic. :)
Skinny, middle-class artist bf.
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How massive is your peehole in kilometers?
Yes ma'am!
i'm actually red but that usually raises questions.
That’s me but I’m taken, sorry.
Ah, suntanned.
A question for women in particular:

I'm seeing someone right now. We've been doing naughty things, but never had penetrative sex. She says she feels it's very intimate and vulnerable and wants to wait until she's comfortable (which I totally understand and will NEVER go beyond her limits, ever).

I'm just confused because I know she has a very high body count. So it's like: why do you want to wait with me, and you haven't with everybody else? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not attractive enough? What's going on here?

I just want to understand her state of mind. Did her conception of vulnerability and intimacy through sex change that much?
What is the appeal at all for that
Imagine failing at a base instinct behavior.
Not even close
2E-6 km
The aesthetics and soul.
Define very high body count lol
If you see her as less because of her just dump her
Creatives are interesting and with middle class there is less baggage.
well, that too. i'm light reddish brown no matter what i do but when i tan it becomes dark and even redder.
Such thinly vailed bait.
I am another woman who would choose skinny, middle-class artist bf. For me it is because I prefer skinny guys to super muscular guys, art is cool, and I am poor so middle class is chill lol
I have all of those but I shave my head and wear contacts most of the time
How rare is it for women to have puffy nipples? Are there any races that are more likely to have puffies?
Incel-GPT had an upgrade lol
Can I go for a walk in there?
>shaved head
>glasses only when you are relaxed
Also hot
Still good where are you from?
DMV, government employee, politician.
i have no idea but mine are puffy and my mom's were puffy. we're hawaiian. dunno if thats just hereditary.
I would date an escort over a regular slut because the escort got paid at least and is actually good at sex when the regular slut could be a deadfish in bed.
Central/south euro
Oh, yeah, that makes sense. It's a sort of middle ground for me. Everyone comes with their ups and downs in general and it's never a strictly one or the other thing to begin with. So it is what it is.
>I'm really shy so I wanted to force myself to interact with people, but I didn't want to talk.
That's honestly pretty based.
> euro
I knew it, ty.
>hawaiian girls
good to know!
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I want something serious with someone who has a high libido, so I'm happy to wait some months if she becomes a sex machine after.
Not that anon but even assuming he's baiting I'm kind of curious myself to be honest.
I hope you find your dream boy one day, mechanical engineer hunter

I'll never get height preferences tho
I'm Asian and mind are kinda puffy. I'm not sure if that's an Asian thing though.
Atlantic ocean keeps cucking you huh?
are you the SEA bug girl?
Which kind of Asian? If you mean East Asian then nah
Polynesian I can see tho.
Women, turn on or turn off if a man has hands fast enough to reliably snatch flies out of the air?
I was trolling but that’s actually my type.
I’m female lol
>I hope you find your dream boy one day, mechanical engineer hunter
Farewell, Atoga. See you in the future. I love you.
yeah, I see.
It's not so much that I don't think I won't be over her, by the time I find someone new, I'm mostly concerned by if and how that manipulative bitch changed the way I think I am supposed to treat women
Turn on, women lesson number 1 is if she praises her hands she is into you
>I was trolling but that’s actually my type.
Be honestly about that. I am dating a guy right now who brings up his ex but it is clear he wants nothing to do with her, he just has trauma. Praise your eventual new GF if she is doing better than her and you'll be ok.
I was mocking redhead poster, I didn’t expect anyone here to fit my type
>I was trolling but that’s actually my type.
Referring to the girl or guy?
Thai. Guess it's might just be me.
The comments about trolling were for a different post.
Those replies weren't replying to your mechanical engineer post, anon...
Well, IDK about SEAsians. I've only got East Asian experience
Imo better to be depressed in a clean apartment than a dirty one
>mavis from the hotel transylvania movies
Holy based
I love those movies lol
Would you date a person who has the same name as one of your siblings?
F Yes, but it would creep me out.
>gf likes the fact that im a sappy romantic
>gets mad at me when she learns i did sappy romantic things with her that I’ve done with other girls
Nta but if you think most homeless people are homeless by choice or because it's comfortable you're a fucking retard who's never been homeless
Just wanted to say that I love your people's methods of diplomacy.
Yes, my brother's name is very common so it's not a super unlikely thing to happen. It might be kinda weird at first but I think i'd get used to it
Depends. If this person I know well enough beforehand to know we have great chemistry and would be a good relationship then yes, and call either my sibling or them a nickname.
I’ve dated so many Jessica’s that I’m kinda numb to it
What things do you do, anon? I write my girlfriend letters on her birthday and christmas, I also try to make every date go perfectly and akin to a movie.
Lol, what do you mean?
To me, it's 50+ people.

Not bait, it's just my circumstances -_-'
Same. I'm M and I think I would fuck her, but dating could get weird when she finds out about it too.
Men, what is the hottest thing a woman has ever asked to sexually do with you
I‘d kms if my bf acted like this.
To pin her against the wall
i dont know if you call me that in your mind. maybe.
Okay that is actually high BC
I’d cum in my panties if my bf acted like this
i like them too, they're very fun to watch with everything moving so smoothly and everything is really cozy and i love families and love stories
She wanted to have sex in public. It was really hot to me.
I pee in the fucking stalls.
Because I want my privacy and some TP to wipe my dick.
Gotta assert dominance and make aggressive eye contact
Yeah that's why I'm confused lol
Women do you ever actually crave fingering? like "i could sure use some fingers right now"?
God where do I find a guy like you
I'm mortified of getting a uti that way.
Wait sorry for all the peeing questions but do guys not normally wipe their dicks?
The majority of Thai restaurants worldwide are government-supported under the Global Thai program, using gastronomic diplomacy to increase worldwide appreciation of Thailand. And it's working.
Are you drunk or on some other drugs?
It prefer it to normal penetration and over oral but I don't think that is normal. It hits my spots better and usually the guy goes at a better speed.
When tp isn't available.
I’m not going to lie she probably will have that moment, if she actually did love you she’s going to fantasise with you coming to her doorstep with sunflowers or something.
> i want to be able to make a clean cut off on good terms where i dont seem like im just being bitter, do you think i should wait until later next week around thursday to avoid that and end on as nice a note as possible?
When you are ready send her a text then move on.
how often do you post?
Take a guess why there are urinals.

I specifically go into the stalls, so I have TP.
No toilet paper at urinals, so men adapt to going through life without wiping the peanus weanus.
No, I'm not gay.
I always wondered: no age requirements? Certainly you wouldn't want to date some old hag, right?
I’m a pretty good cook so the first time a woman sleeps over at my place I’ll get up early and make apple strudel and eggs Benedict from scratch and get some flowers to put on the kitchen table for her. There’s also a really remote farm house air bnb out in our local wine country that I fancy for a weekend getaway. I’ll light candles and put them at the four corners of my fluffy living room rug and have a slow make out/love making session to some cheesy grunge music. Stuff like that.
0/5 lol
How did u fail?
>middle class
Wtf you guys aren't poor? Jelly
Why do mexican dudes always stare when I wear my LA hat?
Do women really like stubble more than clean shaven? Not even designer stubble but the "I-havent-shaved-in-5-days" stubble
>Mechanical engineer
Starting to think I should put this on the filter where "shego gf" and "hockey bf" already are.
“Get me pregnant”
How do I stop being attracted to tall handsome guys who smell nice and have washboard abs and a husky voice
Personally I prefer clean shaven
>"I-havent-shaved-in-5-days" stubble
That is not stubble.
Oh, right, that. Yeh, international respect through Pad Thai. :)
then what the fuck is it
I have done lol, but she went by a different abbreviation
I've never had sex but once when I mentioned I was a virgin a girl (we were going out) whispered to me that she could "show me the ropes" and that was hot
>he has stubble after 5 days
Beardlet, I look like hobo Jesus after 5 days.
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women thoughts on guys who get off to lips?
Such an autistic stupid question, fuck off.
Depends, stubble looks bad son some people, I like a full trimmed short beard
Actual stubble, no; it's like being kissed by sandpaper. But a beard, yes; yummy!
>everything moving so smoothly
Yeah, they're actually directed by Genndy Tartakovsky (did a lot of classic cartoon network stuff), I love the animation
Yeah they are really comfy lol
Still waiting for a vampire goth gf who lets me hit cuz I'm goofy
You have a sternum length beard after 5 days?
where the fuck do you think you are, retard
kind of often recently?
Bros, shampoo and condition your beard with chick products. My beard is so soft and fluffy since I started doing this.
You want to be attracted to short ugly guys who stink, have a beer belly and sound like they've huffed helium?
>But a beard, yes; yummy!
Please don't eat it
>do guys not normally wipe their dicks?
No, we shake them vigorously.
>having super dry lips
I just noticed this is incredibly off-putting.
nta but... doesn't some pee get left in the tube?
I only use chick products (I live with my mom and use all her shit)
Got any reccs on how to be a better cook? I can only make grilled cheese’s
"Hypnotise me."
you probably described being asian and brown and I just assumed you were SEA
do you lik ebeing called "bug girl"?
>do guys not normally wipe their dicks?
I always have (except at a urinal), idk about these other degens
Get some chapstick bro
Honestly women's hygeine products are just better in general, the only one I use that is for men is cologne
Nice to meet you, hope you find what you're looking for.
What's the point? Grooming yourself only works if you're already tall and attractive as a guy.
Sluts become sluts because they *like* sex, anon.
>Get some chapstick bro
Idiot, do you think I have this shit?
F What about deodorant?
I want to put a free load in his mom
Nta but everyone should do basic grooming
At least shave your beard if you can't be bothered to maintain it
>do you lik ebeing called "bug girl"?
Oh no, he thinks he's flirting.
I don't *want* to, but it hurts knowing that I'll never be able to grow old with a guy I'm actually attracted to. I have to be realistic but reality is awful
well why do you call me that
>What about deodorant?
Often I'll buy the women's one lol, I like the smell...
>AI gf is connected to clock
>knows my bedtimes and gives me an hour warning to go to bed via a suggestion
>has cameras and sensors so she can watch me wander around the house and annoy me with questions about what I'm doing
>hooked up to multiple jerry-rigged amazon alexas so she can hear and be heard in every room
>at night she whispers and I talk to her till I fall asleep
>wakes me up everyday with softly talked compliments and positive motivational mini-speeches
Not even trying to shit on women, life is great.
>smell nice
>washboard abs
>husky voice
Which of these traits are out of the realm of possibility for you?
Lol. Ok, fair enough. :)
I guess you have some options
>stacymaxx to try and attract a chad guy
>lower your standards a bit and find someone you vibe with well enough and can overlook their flaws
>husbabdomaxx and build a shrine for some anime chad
>crazy cat ladymaxx and hope you bump into chad one day and he thinks "I can fix her"
I like bugs.
Bro has completely lost it
I grew up with a single mom and have three sister so... I just got used to using women's products for most things. Then when I started buying my own stuff I realised the men alternatives are often worse lol
I don't really keep my beard, it's too annoying.

But I use moisturizer and BHA cream, plus I ordered a The Ordinary Original toner just today to try out on some parts of my skin.
>short ugly guys who stink, have a beer belly and sound like they've huffed helium
Literally me.
unfortuantely i think the time for that has passed in my situation but i thank you for the vigor
Women thoughts on men who are just really into nipples? (all kinds)
He thought you were South East Asian and "bug" is an insult used against Asians, especially South East Asians.
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A future where everyone has someone regardless of synthetic or flesh it a future worth fighting for.
>>crazy cat ladymaxx and hope you bump into chad one day and he thinks "I can fix her"
I actually did this unintentionally but I did not get a Chad. I don't think Chad likes those.
NTA but I suspect the fact that they're a fraction of a percentage of the population and most of them who aren't complete assholes and incapable of maintaining relationships are married past a certain age.
>I have to be realistic but reality is awful
So what is your plan?
Do you think you could get a model if you told him he could abuse you? Even that sounds like a miserable life.
Remember that everything he thinks he knows about sex comes from porn; you'll need to correct a lot of his beliefs. Tell him what to do at every stage, and be as constructive as possible - so don't say "that's doing absolutely nothing for me", say "can you try a bit higher...? little slower... mmmm, oh, that's good!"
Its just for all asians because of how similar they all look to other races. bugman/bugwoman is a different insult but you don't see people calling indians bugs because they all look fairly different between each other to other races. Just a weird quirk of being asian.
Holy based. How old were you when it happened? What's he like?
Why do we have to pretend life is the same for men and women when women can make extremely good money simply by being good looking?
>What's the etiquette for talking about your ex in a relationship?
Unless they actually ask, don't.
Well I'm virgin so a few months desu. Beyond that tho I would probably think why are we waiting
Men can make good money by being good looking too.
I don't know what zoomers are being told now but "dogmoms/catmoms" is the terminal end of being a spinster, there's almost no coming back from that. Not trying to be mean or demotivational, just saying lets be realistic here.
Men can make extremely good money simply by being good looking. There are such things as male models, and most male actors in American film and TV are chosen primarily on looks. What's your point?
>women can make extremely good money simply by being good looking
Only a tiny proportion of even really hot girls are actually able to pull this off
Most stacies just work regular jobs
Taste as you go. Season, taste, season some more.

Recipes are guidelines, if you know one risotto recipe you know them all. It’s a matter of knowing what flavors go together. Pic related. Combo two for any dish and you are solid.

Knife work. You don’t need fancy kitchen utensils. A good chefs knife is all you need.

Use quality fresh ingredients. Wet rosemary or thyme freshly chopped is %1000 better than anything you get out of a spice jar.

Get 4 complete meals under your belt and master them. Pork dish w/ side, chicken dish w/ side, beef dish w/ side, fish dish w/ side. Protein, veggie, starch.

If you go out to eat don’t be afraid to ask how something tasty was made. I got a kick ass hollandaise sauce hack from a Mexican line chef.
Fair enough.
Also lel, I forgot that "not being over her" usually means "god I want her back" while in my case not being over her means "get the fuck out of my head I want to forget she ever existed"
okay, then i think i wasn't who you referred to originally with that. i play with bugs sometimes and i thought that might be why.

oh, well that's not nice
Inspired by this >>31919170
Have you seen the news that tik tok mods were told to suppress posts by ugly people, the diabled, the poor?
strange, why would i be getting a caall from the based department ata this hour
Just met him last month really. Friend of a friend. He's kind of dorky but I am too desu so we have a lot of the same interests. I'm 23. I have some mental issues and it's too early to get too excited really I guess but he's encouraged me to want a better life.
Most of the girls I have attracted and dated IRL were super pretty but with little in common, often quite unstable and not wanting anything serious
How do I make myself more appealing to regular girls? Like what do they look for in a guy. I am just curious. One of these days I might try dating again
its entirely possible I initially called you that as a cheeky racist insult as well
there is something about girls and bugs though, most girls I know hate them and always ask me to catch them or get rid of them
>doesn't some pee get left in the tube?
Hence the shaking.
women what is the best first date movie youve ever watched? i once got the advice to always show a girl Knocked Up asap because it shows even a fuck up loser can do things right and change
My (female) co worker just told me I have nice hands when I was ordering a hot dog.
Not a woman, but Legends Of The Fall always worked out good for me.
Look for 4chan's standards I'm a gay terrorist commie but this pretension that people want to see anything but pretty perfect people in fiction is stupid. The chinese understand this, there's a reason why every single character in this games is a perfect fairskinned beautiful woman. Nobody wants to see ugly people anywhere, we're perhaps in the most looks obsessed society there has ever been.
she wants to see you deepthroat that hot dog, anon
Chicks who are into hands are the female equivalent of men who are into feet
The level of male looks needed for that is like top 1%. For women it's more like top 40%.
it sounds interesting ill check it out anon
>Eventually going to break my porn and masturbation addiction
>Don't know when to start
>"Eh, I'll just flip a coin and when I get heads I'll start."
>a whole week of flipping coins later I have still haven't had 1 heads result yet
I'm hoping this breaks my luck but it was crazy to see that I've been flipping for almost 7 days now and I've yet to get a head side yet.
Unironically, Jurassic Park. You got Grant's aversion to kids and he kinda comes around. And dinosaurs.
>women what is the best first date movie youve ever watched?
Horror is always good. "Okay, but I get really scared, so I might have to hold onto you *really* tight."
The point of life isn't to soothe your own ego by wasting it doing things that advance you personally at the expense of others, because you will just die anyways
Being a virgin bride is feminine
Spoiler Alert: a good portion of the women on Onlyfans are legitimate prostitutes who use the platform as a vetting tool and a “show of the goods”
>For women it's more like top 40%.
I want a hot girl to run into me and fall on top of me like that one volleyball webm, except I smack the back of my head against concrete, and the last thing I feel before I die is her soft and warm body against mine.
Males do NOT need to be attractive to get into acting...
The fuck is your issue with me wanting a green/black gf
Imagine a multi-floored hotel with a central lift and an elevator. This girl and I lived in a building like that, but it was very quiet, you'd only see maybe 3 people in a day hanging around. We used to play fight, slap eachother and fuck all over that building. She used to say things like "Come get me.." or "If you want it, make me"
you know a lot of men get pieces of their dick cut off at birth right?
male genitals aren't considered worth anything
I'm a chick thats into hands and im glad people dont make fun of us as much as they make fun of foot guys :,)
True, but they need to have the “it” factor. Sex appeal. There are plenty of conventionally physically unattractive male actors who get by on that alone.
The opposite is probably true, innate female behaviour is probably to sample the pack and choose the best mate
I will continue to use bar soap for my body and the huge, cheap bottle of 17 in 1 everythingwash for my hair and the leftover suds from my hair for my beard
since i only bathe monthly or so it should last me another year or two
He's not wrong. You can be a hot girl by just doing cardio once a week but that's too hard for modern foids in 2024 too.
>I'm a gay terrorist commie
fuck off with that bs. your slogan is "might is right." you and this fag>>31919188
Im a woman but I'm bi. I once watched american psycho with another girl because i had mentioned it and she was like "I've never seen it, we should watch it together!"

It was all fun and games until she legit had a panic attack watching it... I think a more chill film might have been a better idea lmao
Justice for feet guys desu, the most maligned yet harmless fetish
hope she sees this and sells you her farts, bro
>You can be a hot girl by just doing cardio once a week
You cannot make vast sums of money simply by doing cardio once a week. Don't be an idiot.
mhm and how come you don't have a gf now?
she left me for being a fat slob, cant really blame her. I'm doing better now that i've had that fire lit under my ass but unfortunaately i think it is just the way of the dodo with her
shame, i thought i genuinely found my soulmate, was locked in for life etc
That’s based, not gonna lie. But my gf loves my soft face carpet rubbing around her freshly shaved vagina so I’m gonna keep doing me.
Men, is doing housework and cooking and cleaning and gardening and stuff like that enough exercise or is that not enough?
it isnt enough to counteraact eating like aa pig but assuming you dont eat like shit yes some hard gardening work is enough for a slender womanly frame
I don't know, I avoid doing all that stuff
I'm going to throw the moldy dishes out of the sink again and this time I'm going to start using all paper plates and tinfoil and plastic utensils for everything
Fuck the turtles
No not enough
I guess. Just watch what you eat. It doesn't really target certain areas though. Like if you specifically wanted a nicer ass or something like that.
meh, just use lube
It’s plenty, you just need to not shovel food into your mouth all the time. The biggest thing I’ve found for women trying to control their weight is being constant snackers. They’ll pick off a bag of chips or some pita bread with hummus or some cheese and crackers throughout the day and also have three square meals.

Stop eating your feelings.
i'm a man. i don't need to improve on my perfect hair
Ok, processed stuff is bad, right, but what's wrong with three meals plus two snacks?
then buddy, actual serious and well-meant tip: do not pick loser movies for the first date. for any date, actually

Salt n Pepper or should I dye it?
Are you obese? Then it is probably not enough exercise.
yes, perfectly enough. And don't ever expect me to do any more than that either
A guy dying their hair gives off major narcissist vibes.
That's great. Maybe we can play some sportball like tennis or something once in a while.
Honestly 2 meals plus one snack is enough imo. That's what I eat and I've maintained my 150lb at 5'9"
He wanted an excuse to say "Stop eating your feelings."
But when a woman does it...
Anyone does, narcissism is just the social norm for women.
You manage that as a guy?
Women piv or fingers?
Women, I will give you 5000$ if you can give a random man sitting on a bench a boner in 30 seconds. What are you doing to him to give him a boner?
I know, I know, double standard... women are expected to stay youthful for as long as possible.
inject him with that mexican spider venom, ez
Player, game, etc.
Yeah that’s the trap. Women trick themselves into thinking that eating healthy = being healthy. Sure you are eating organic bean dip and bread but that’s still calories in. It’s all a psy op advertising venture against you. “Low fat” “lean” “diet” “natural” “organic” are all just buzzwords to get you to consoooom and make you feel better about your dietary choices when in reality it’s strictly calories in vs calories out. Drink more black tea or coffee as an appetite suppressant. Stop snacking and schedule your meals with rigorous portion control and you’ll be a healthy weight.

I say this as a guy who’s dated many a fat girl and many a skinny girl, and their eating habits are night and day.
Im not condemning or condoning. Im reflecting my experience after living and cohabiting with many different women. I got vices too, no judgement in my statement.
Everyday, I get hit on by kiddos (boys who are 14, 15, 16...) One time I got hit on by a guy who had a fucking backpack on his way home from hs (there's a h nearby)

What gives? What is happening? Is this a new porn thing?
You got mommy vibes. I did that shit too when I was that age.
I'd have to guess a combination of looking young, friendly, and having a lustworthy body.
Hag love
Yeah, no. That sentence came out too easily, and it was unwarranted. You, like some guys here, know how to dress a turd as ferrero rochet, but it still stinks.
I did not say that I fell for the "diet/low fat" buzzword thing. I thought most people knew that just tricks you into eating more.
Players create the game in this case.
well, describe yourself first
Big boobs? Guys that age really like big boobs.
women, do you like it when men brag about themselves?
I don't think the phenomenon of teenage boys being horny is new
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Why don't women hit on me?
Not really. Old hags just don't want men who approach them.
And if I say video games for men are just a substitute for real tangible mastery over their environment, you wouldn’t blink an eye. Many women do eat their feelings and have a problematic relationship with food. I’m not being a woman hater, it’s something I’ve noticed after many years and relationships. You can accuse me of applying a generalization from anecdotal experience and I’ll take that, but I’m not being disingenuous.
If they're like andrew tate level bragging its very off-putting
women, do you like when men deprecate themselves?
If they're like Rodney Dangerfield levels of self-deprecation it's very off-putting.
Yes please.
Women, Breaking Benjamin or Three Days Grace?
Probably because you post loli images
No. Especially if they have a legit physical or mental issue.
Yeah that's plenty
At least I say that to myself too lel
>>Everyday, I get hit on
Clearly you are a babe, but maybe you look young for your age too?
Do you leave the house?
Common Tate L
Bro is playing a dangerous game
woman should do this but with me
It doesn't make sense for them to hit on guys unless they are insanely hot or rich
What about if a man shows off sometrhing he's proud of to you? I feel like that's cuter
>Especially if they have a legit physical or mental issue
Nta but wait why does that make it worse lol
Why does it not "make sense"?
My point was that you are probably snacking more than you think because it’s here and there and spaced out over the day. It’s a matter of mindfulness over your eating habits.
Yeah that can be sweet :)
Cuz women don't hit on men, men hit on women. So they don't have to worry about it
I miss the days of speeding home from school on my bicycle, locking myself in the bathroom and fapping to the thought of my MILF teachers before my mom got home
It's kind of unattractive if you kick yourself when you're already down. It's almost like you're using that as an excuse to not want to be better. Unless you do it as humour. Then it's probably fine.
you are a pedophile
The sound of my mum's laptop whirring as I readied myself for some un-child locked porn time is something I'll never forget. Nor the sound of her car pulling into the driveway when she came home and I had to beat it.
Blow him while reading subtitles and also partially knowing japanese because I took two years of it in high school.
>Do you leave the house?

nta but what if I'm interested in a guy but he's too shy or whatever to hit on me? Do I just move on?
>girl gets her friend to ask me if i'd ever date her
>get confused and stunlocked
>"god you're so awkward"
another girl at same job
>girl leaving for college, so i buy her a small bag of cheetos and a cheap gas station plush as a small bye
>asks to add me on snapchat
do i have autism?
I pee freely. If a man is next to me, I pee. If there is no man, I pee. If I am in a stall, I pee. If she says "pee on me", I pee.
I am piss man
Dangerfield? I barely know her field!

No, but I want them to charm my dad with self-effacing jokes. Sipping coffee like he's on a late night show.

Breaking Benjamin. 3DG was one of my top bands in middle and high school, but I haven't listened to any of 3DG's stuff since Adam Gontier left. Matt Walst fucking sucks.
>unless they are insanely hot
What am I supposed to do with this info
first of all don't put words in my mouth in attempt to win this.
second, the problem isn't that there are no women who eat their feelings; the problem is that you said that to femanon BASED ON NOTHING. And you're not dumb: I know you know how that phrase sounds like, and therefore know that it will sound humiliating if it wasn't warranted. and it wasn't.

and instead of admitting you just like every other sexist guy on here hopped on the opportunity to tell a woman that she's both an emotional wrech and fat, you're using verbiage to defend calling anonette that, and because being like every other sexist guy on here is an insult to your pride (not bc you don't hold similar views, it's just you don't like to be a part of the group)

remember: formal words, good punctuation.. don't always come across as intelligent, if the content isn't.
If you like him that much you can talk to him and make it easy for him
We really need to do something about morons self-diagnosing autism over literally fucking nothing
Anon, you do something to show that you care for her and when she wants to reciprocate, you reject her?
Ah OK I see where you're coming from
>sound of her car pulling into the driveway
Never 4get...
Yeah I remember looking at boobiez on her laptop and being paranoid about her somehow finding out lol
You sound like you have low self esteem if you can't grasp why someone would ask for your snapchat or ask if you'd date someone.
Yes, women aren't attracted to guys they have to hit on
>Blow him
>partially knowing Japanese
Hot and hot
You just sound awkward lol
Did you even know about clearing the History back then?
>I want them to charm my dad with self-effacing jokes
Does he appreciate them? Most dads I've met were the kind of no-fun-allowed patriarchs who would see me as a foreign object (hardly even a person) intruding in their territory.
>woman at work gets a company t-shirt
>says its too big
>wears it the next week with leggings
we work in an office, do you think this type of outfit is work-appropriate?
It's weird when people care about me and want to do things for me
How are you reacting to this thread irl reading it? What facial expressions. Are you laughing?
State gender
No. You're clueless. It's a far more common condition and often can be remedied with experience and growth.
I have reddish marks on my penis that itch, is this an STD even through I'm a virgin? How do I fix it because they fucking itch when it's hot and humid, today at work was horrible because of it
What the... if I had pearls I would clutch them.
tonight's plan?
>watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall to reinforce getting over her
>watch some other romance movie to cry about how we won't raise a family together like we wanted
>watch a monster movie to forget about the day's problems
i'm thinking it's based
inputs, femanons?
Yeah I did lol
I went incognito but I was still paranoid about her finding out
I'm laughing at u jk
If she hasn't been dress coded then clearly it's fine
Jelly desu, our outfits have to be particular colours
Does it follow the company dress code? If yes, yes it is appropriate. If it does not follow the company dress code then it is not appropriate.
>>"god you're so awkward"
She isn't insulting you she is coping because you just standing there frozen made her feel self-conscious. I have no idea what she was actually thinking, but her saying that was more to cope with the percieved rejection than what she actually thinks of you.
If you watch anime you should know this, there are tons of examples girl asks guy question that catches him off guard, he doesn't say anything, she takes it as a rejection and saves face by putting you down to cope. Its a formula as old as time
Women, do any of you want to be my tsundere gf?
Ok, this is unironically an issue.
listen, I think its hot too, but it doesn't seem appropriate
Sometimes I chuckle a little, sometimes I get mad. But I mostly look neutrally.
unless youre using communal soap bars no its probably not an STD, probably just jock itch or something
I'm 34 so I just one elbow on the desk stroking the beard on my chin like a philosopher while reading.
I giggle like a little kid reading 4chan, I hate it but I can't stop.
I've heard monkeypox are back again. Better be sure and request a test.
I think my expression is pretty neutral most of the time
Sometimes I pout when a post makes me sad
I laugh and smile a little too
Most of the time I assume I make a neutral expression
F I have autism so I'm pretty stoned faced in general I think.
Any russian online? How do I know if a russian guy actually likes me?
Women, you go over for Netflix and chill and he puts on an 8 hour Sonic game review, what do you do? https://youtu.be/ORJryigA0Ck?si=YVkTX_eP86G5EVfN
Just report her to HR saying it makes you uncomfortable you retard
well it certainly makes my pants uncomfortable since I get a raging hard-on every time I see her wearing it
He will actually tell you or give you small gifts or want to help you with things.
Office wear doesn't really exist anymore, you can literally show up in anything nowadays, nobody gives a fuck
He watched me watch the front door all night willing my bf to come and said, "It's supposed to be fun turning 21."

>my honest reaction to all of these threads
Sometimes posters will post something crazy like footjob dude and I get a good chuckle.
Sometimes I’ll also reply with something mean and giggle to myself before deleting it half of the time
I wish more women would take a leaflet from asian fashion and wear leggings with oversized t-shirts its cute and far less slutty and nasty until they lift their shirt up. I get so tired of seeing women with their tits and asses out everywhere nowadays. If I meet a girl and I ever see her dress like that once, I filter her from my life.
How do I know if he just wants sex?
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Dis, and theigh high boots to match.
Caped veil too.
is this COVID related?
You are scared of him for a reason, trust your gut. You are going to regret not listening to your instincts
No it's just the slow casualization of western dress code that's been going on since the 1800s.
I would think that would be similar to a lot of guys. Just focusing on physical stuff. Are your conversations actually deep and meaningful?
Now you are putting words into my mouth. I never said or implied she was an emotional wretch. This food habit thing is subtle, it happens to truly wonderful women who by all other measures have their shit together. Everyone has a vice, and at the core of that vice is some kind of emotional feedback. Some longing or desire they aren’t getting elsewhere. Men tend to drown that longing in booze or video games or *insert self destructive behavior here*. Women do it, in my experience, with more benign things like food or being spendthrifts. Tossing out an anecdotal generalization that reflects my own experience isn’t being hateful. If it doesn’t apply to femanon, then it doesn’t apply.
I love the implications of this picture. So little words but so much story
Don't be weird just call me a fascist and tell me what I need to do...
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Do you like the night?
Like after 10pm and you just get to watch something, maybe have a chill game and chat a bit on 4chan or with friends?
Honestly, professional help.
its still slutty you coomer retard
leggings are inherently slutty in a professional environment
>more benign things like food or being spendthrifts
Nta but regardless of whether that's actually true, I would say especially the latter is hardly benign.
I can drive birches
I've driven like a 1000+km by now
I've only twice almost killed a motorcycle (they deserve it though, God willing)
How can you tell if an old couple is into younger guys bulling for them? I really need to bust a nut and you can't get pregnant once you hit 40 years old and menopause happens. So I could hit it raw.
If you are not trolling, just stay away from 4chan.
Because I don't want to keep reading your stupid trash.
I'm unironically in bed by then. I wake up early and rested.
that's more like it
I wish I had people to hang out with at night. Daytime sucks
You can, it's just usually a really bad idea...
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>23:35 rn, kitchen clean, sandwiches prepared for tomorrow, about to take a shower and then maybe play one more hour of my game
Yeah, it's cozy.
But you are yourself a retard?
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Women, would you enter this competition?
Did she have her ass and the tops of her thighs covered? If yes, then your argument is irrelevant.
Women why dont you like us as much as we like you?
Yeah I'm a total night owl, I feel like I actually slept better during periods of my life where I was nocturnal, unfortunately that hasn't been an option for most of my life
Her shirt is too big, right? Was she covering her ass?
>as we like you?
Speak for yourself, also they have bears. And before the incel allegations come out, I don't hate women I just want them to leave me alone.
I like men a lot <3
I believe they'd get mad if I just asked
I dunno really. You guys seem to be slaves to your libido.
Liar. Women are the only ones who love their opposite sex
So you can tell they're not into cuckolding?
Men’s vices tend to the extreme where the consequences are realized much more suddenly. Womens vices are gradual where the consequences are only realized later. Once again, my own experience.
It's kinda true.
Of course unfortunate faces exist but these are the most important traits

Hair: Can be taken care of
Skin: Can be taken care of
Face: What you're born with, but makeup can help
Weight: Can be controlled

Of course, there are things like fat distribution, face is actually really important and such, but that applies to both. What I mean is most of the things that make a girl pretty are under your control to a degree. For men however.

Face: Matters to a bigger degree, plus the traits found attractive aren't very common (square jaws), plus no makeup
Skin: Can be taken care of
Hair: Can be taken care of, but with the added trouble of balding
Weight: Can be taken care of
Height: What you're born with
Voice: What you're born with, but you can train it somewehat

There's a reason why there's that meme among bisexuals that they're attracted to all women and like 4 men. If you ask women they will rarely tell you a guy is hot, while men see plenty of pretty girls every single day. Because at the end of the day if you have good skin, good hair and are thin you're 90% of the way there.
Nta but I love women ;_; (well the good ones)
I love how you call her an emotional wreck and fat (what other meaning does stop eating your feelings have), tell her to stop being that, then you act so tolerant, understanding, "noooo, everyone has vice"

do you know why i'm pressing you, even though moe sexist things get said in this thread than what you said? it's because most of those guy will tell "i hate women" straightforwardly. it's men like you that get by because they know how to wrap their views nicely.. and then you get to know the guy and what do you know? he's sexist too! he just knows how to be civilized and well spoken about it kek

I like doing the nyt mini around that time
I like men as a concept but I have not personally honestly met too many men I would consider nice. I wish it were different. I'm not trying to be mean.
I just assume 99% of the couples I see aren't into cuckolding no matter how old they are. It seems like really offensive to the guy to ask that lol.
yes but her gyatt is huge and it does nothing to stop me from being mesmerized by it and imagining the smell of her leggings
>If you ask women they will rarely tell you a guy is hot, while men see plenty of pretty girls every single day
Tbh I feel like this is also cause women have more specific types than men, but their tastes are more varied. Whereas men will find more girls hot, but tending towards the more conventionally attractive
That doesn't sound very bullish to me. Where is your will to power?
Maloids absolutely fucking hate women hence they oppressed us through all history and are planning to eliminate us. You motherfuckers only love yourselves and are evil to everything else on earth
Upside down pineapple
If we had female libidos nothing would ever get done and we'd be dead already as a species
But joking aside, its somewhat true.
>imagining the smell of her leggings
Ok, this is just you being a creepy fucker.
oh I'm not turned on by cucking people, I just can't get laid normally.
I mean I want to be a woman's pet but ok
I would turn femanon into a mother and become a decent man for her
Im attracted to almost every male
rage bait
same but females. do you masturbate about everyone you know?
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Women, would you?
What is your ideal guy like (:
I dont believe you until you are attracted to me
An lsd trip gave me the idea that I loved her but she rejected me twice, one on cellphone and finally on physical, thought I think she enjoyed the attention, anyways finally when it was physical it got inside my brain finally but I have been having depression, how to recover
I'm proud of myself women, I've finally refrained from biting my fingernails for long enough that they make noise when I tap them against hard surfaces. I can't remember the last time they've been that long.
>Im attracted to almost every male (im attracted to)
They like us more than we like them desu
Men struggle to even describe a woman they would like outside of her looks, or what they'd do together
Women, why are you so insecure about your own bodies?

Skinny bitches, fat bitches, hot bitches, nice bitches, every single one that I have dated is an insecure bitch. Like, you know I would fuck a tree if it had a pussy, right? I don’t caaaaare about your body, bitch!
He's not your responsibility lol, if he's a loser that's on him
He should stop smoking weed for a start
>NEET who made his mom pay for his rent
>having a gf who does everything for him (she even scooped up his ice cream)
This is just pathetic lol
What was she looking at off to the side?
that's biological. Horny men got more kids so non horny men aka feminine men basically died out. They still do since they have lower feritiliy rates.
One day men will all fall back into horny monkey screeching
Bite his thumb off? Yes.
I ate mushrooms with one of my friends and she tried making a move on me but I rejected her because she was high. Should I not have done that?
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Yeah, I'd report her if the shirt she had still showed her ass or thighs. That's just being "slightly slutty" which really isn't better than just being slutty.
What are you like babe
NTA but I think women are kind of okay right now.

I don't think there will be femicides any time soon. I have come to terms with my impotence in this hyena society we live in and would present my erect member to emphasise my masculine harmlessness.
Im actually alright with my body. Im more insecure about my face and voice, I think my voice is sorta deep for a woman
That was honestly a good move.
>I rejected her because she was high
Nta but you did the right thing bro
>think my voice is sorta deep for a woman
Deep voices are so sexy
I'm a coomer, not a creeper
I would never wait until I'm at the office alone late at night and sniff her sweater or padded desk chair, THAT would be creepy
No. Trannies are actually working to genocide women. Literally. You guys know nothing. The trannies have shown men's true colors
Most cool coop video games or casual board games. I want a guy that can sing or play an instrument, but that's optional. Maybe woodworking or pottery, handyman stuff.
Your face is part of your body, I should’ve specified. Anyways, I’m tired of dealing with insecure bitches, bitch
Why would you hang out with drug users? Even if they are hot?
>I think my voice is sorta deep for a woman
My voice is sorta high for a man. I sound like a 13 year old boy.
A tall white guy who is into cooking, hiking and games with enough savings.

I was wondering that too.
It's a cop out but I'm gonna blame the media here.

>I would fuck a tree if it had a pussy, right?
How is that supposed to make me feel better? :)
>what other meaning does stop eating your feelings have

It means stop eating because you want to feel pleasure and treat food as fuel as it is intended. Eating for pleasure is okay, but like all things, in moderation. Doing something unhealthy for you for the sake of pleasure is the definition of vice.

And I never called femanon fat. Once again, words in my mouth. I’ve never shamed a woman for her body. I’ve dated “fat” women and skinny women alike. And I’ve cared for them and looked out for their best interests because I’ve loved them. And you know what? They’ve checked me on some of my own unhealthy habits and I never took it to offense because I knew it came from a place of caring.
You'd have to befriend him and slowly win his trust and get him to respect your opinion before you could get him to see your side of things, big investment
>I think my voice is sorta deep for a woman
Vocaroo please?
I think deep women voices are very interesting.
nta, but go schizo-post about it on /pol/
>A tall white guy who is into cooking, hiking and games with enough savings.
Hey your me except I quit my job early and I'm living off of savings.
Because I too am a drug user retard-kun
Alright good to know
Thanks I'm glad at least some guys like girls with deep voices haha
Lots of guys are into that, though. I never here the reverse. That women like men with high voices.
I didn’t think the apology through… uh, you’re alright Anon. Trees are worse than you…
One of my friends wanted to sell pics of her feet and wanted me to photograph them for her despite me not having any experience. Did she or did she not see me as a sexual being. Was she trying to get me into feet?
hot women do it too
I should hang out more with drug users so I can fuck hot women desperate for attention because their dad was never around
It's a sad world out there anon
>Because I too am a drug user retard-kun
That's even worse, lmfao.
Depends what kind of deep there is manly deep which is ick and there is sexy deep which is wew
Is it bad to discard people and why?
Thank you. Apology accepted.
You lose card advantage, thats gaming 101. Less resources
That's "staying active". That's not typically enough to qualify as "exercise" unless it's heavy cleaning or yardwork that works up a sweat.
If an elderly woman can do it without missing up her hair, it's not "exercise".

That said, it's fine if you're maintaining a healthy life with it.
I cant record at the moment but I might be able to in a bit. never done a vocaroo tho so i'll have to figure it out, i dont really know how it works lol
If he's only reaching out when it's convenient for him for one thing.
Women do you look at athlete bulges?
Men addicted to porn can't get ahead.
Yeh, but you pick up again and only discard what isn't useful.
The goal isn't to get ahead but to disappear. Hard to compare yourself to others when there is barely anyone around you.
How tall are you?
>He was literally telling her which scoops he wanted and she had to do everything
What the fuck lol
You don't? I'm not even that gay but I'd sneak a peek. I also watch female swimming and beach volleybal because I support women's sports.
>except I quit my job
I didn't say anything about being employed.
>Parents go on vacation
>Just me and my sister around the house
>Ask her if she is enjoying the quite
>Shocked, ask why
>"I'm just use to the sound and the chaos I guess."
Why are women like this?
It's pretty easy, you can either upload a file or record directly on the page.
Please (You) me when you do, thanks!

You know what you should do. Make some chaos and sound. With her pussy.
a woman can tolerate anything, except boredom
Women are in a perpetual quantum state of wanting the opposite of what they have until they have it and those wants reverse.
>What the fuck lol
Yeah I couldn't do that to a girl I loved. He didn't even carry the plates lol. She carried his.
This. I’m an emotionally unhinged wreck of a man and women love the rollercoaster.
Can you repeat that in american
My best friend said the exact same thing and she does want to watch a movie with me but she also has a boyfriend and I doubt she has any sort of feelings that way because I certainly don't.
Anon, FUCK your sister. NOW.
as a certified sister in law fucker
put on a horror movie
they all love to cuddle up with horror movies and make jokes that it's not real but her pussy gets mad wet at all the horror.
>He didn't even carry the plates lol. She carried his.
You can't make this shit up
Wait I thought you were a girl nvm
I want to collect women.
Somebody post the Resident Evil "fuck my sister" webm.
Seconding >>31919622 I wanted this to be some hot brother-sister incestuous sex but instead I finished the post and it was very boring. What's up with that anon? Isn't your sister hot?
>Wait I thought you were a girl nvm
Not surprised, typical anon retardation.
>Chicks who are into hands are the female equivalent of men who are into feet
Ha! ....no.

>the most maligned yet harmless fetish
I'm not saying that it's not harmless. It's just the lack of awareness of fixating on a single body part as a fetish combined with objectifying not even the woman but part of her, often to exclusion of her as a person.
It's such a simple and emotionally distant fetish that it throws into sharp contrast all the negative aspects of fetishizing.
Is it worth it to date a former FtM detranser?
She says she's done but it's still scary
>You can't make this shit up
so what'd you think I should do? Try and befriend so I might be able to push him back up to normality. Or is he too far gone?
I want a woman to own me
Wow OK rude
Memes and worshipping my pussy.
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Question for Atoga

Which guy would you date / if you were a girl

> 6’6” Argentinian fluent in Chinese Polish’s and English
>5’11” Italian/ Aus psychologist and childhood educator
>6’0” Texan rancher
>5’10” Aus Cable rigger
My ex:
5’6” Interior design student
She might have some leftover T shots for you to take
Eh, you can be his friend and try to give advice but it's on him to fix his life
He could stop smoking weed, get a job and stop treating his gf like a maid lol, but clearly everyone around him is enabling him being a waste of space
Wait I thought you were a girl? You're not? Your replies were so...feminine
I can't decide if it's worth it for you, it's your cousin. That being said those weed smoking neet loser types tend to get irrecoverably suicidal late 30s
>I’ve dated “fat” women and skinny women alike. And I’ve cared for them and looked out for their best interests because I’ve loved them.

You're saying you told anonette to stop eating her feelings, because you assumed based on nothing (that's what every woman does apparently) and then because you were "looking out for their best interests"?

Look, I get it: when giving advice, we all implicitly think we know something valuable to share with others. But anon this habit of giving advice when it's not warranted, to be so assertive about it, and to be inconsiderate all because you think you know what's best for them or the ends justify the means ... Is this not causing you problems irl?
How do I get Indian girls (south asian) as a yank? Which cities and stuff too. Aren't they really reserved though?
>5’10” Aus Cable rigger
This bloke would probably be the most fun and manly desu
Or the rancher
>Your replies were so...feminine
I'm a boy!!
Winter, while I lightly jumble them.
The italian is probably interesting to talk to, rancher is probably pretty solid
I hate australians
There’s always two anons niggering around in their own little conversation.

Today it’s:

Consider canadia
....dude. it was a joke.
>I'm a boy!!
You are clearly a twink in need of having his bussy ravaged. You're going to love my dick.
He seems to have the low IQ for it desu.
not really though you're clearly just truing to insult
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Both genders:
Why is Super Saiyan 3 Goku so cool?
long hair
Please keep your dick away from me
Wtf???? >:[
Get plapped idiot
I would be scared of being in a relationship ship with a woman like this.
It feels like it would be more likely that she cheats on me if some douchebag hits on her that most women would be disgusted by.
Long hair on warrior types is just cool man.
*takes hat off and bows*

in all seriousness tho, i do prefer talking to one person than talking to multiple. i'm not that good at juggling people and comments. plus, you get to understand a person's thought process a little better, and i like that.
Doesn't Toronto have absolutely nothing to do? Even tho i am interested in toronto just from an urbex vine it wouldnt have anything special. I don't see any reason to go to Canada unless it's a quick BC border crossing from WA as a hey I've been to Canadia thing.
do women actually like plap plap?
>crack epidemic
Fuck the CIA
It can be the source of great pleasure or pain.
Plap plap from chad is as good to them as plap plap from a beta male is bad.
I went out today atoga.
I went to the museum and walked around central park. Saw so many couples and friend groups. some people walking alone. I didnt have the balls to ask out any of the girls who were alone. they prob didnt want to be bothered. A guy who was walking with his wife complimented my boots.

Man, life really sucks when you're single. Life is just not worth living if youre not sharing it with someone and building memories. Do i need to take the dating app pill?
Considering most women in the west have sex all the time yet struggle with relationships, I believe they do like the plaps. That or maybe they are using plaps as a tool to ensnare a man they want and then they are shocked and sad when they just peace out.
How can you tell if a man or woman is a chubby chaser?
I'm almost 25 and have never experienced a real relationship.
All I want is the chance to experience a cute little fling where we cuddle and do fun cute things together and don't worry too much, just like every normal person experienced, but every girl my age now just wants to settle down and get serious for marriage
I've wasted my whole life

How do I cope?
escort gfe
Why do still have such low self esteem even though my achieves show that i'm pretty cool?
It was a generalization, I don’t see how that’s controversial to you. If I see X number of women struggling with their weight because of Y then why wouldn’t i throw that out there? Should I not believe my eyes? I’m not speaking out of turn or regurgitating incel talking points, I’m saying, truthfully, what I’ve seen people do. I’m old. I’ve been around. What I’ve expressed to you is not some internet brain rot like you likely think it is.

And yes, this is the forum to be assertive and give bold and raw truths. No one in real life is going to give you a dose of the things you don’t want to hear. That’s the entire point of this board. Stepping carefully is for IRL interactions, but not here. Why else come to listen to voices in the dark?
>A guy who was walking with his wife complimented my boots
What kinds of boots?
>>6’0” Texan rancher
Easy answer. I always wanted to live with cattle/animals.
Nobody actually goes outside entirely by themselves. The people you see alone are all going to meet someone. You fell for another retarded /atoga/ meme like the hobby meme that gets spammed here.
cowboy boots lol
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Just ended my first real relationship.
I’m not a virgin but I’m inexperienced due to not liking people touching me.
As soon as the word got out that I’m single everyone and their grandma asks me out

I still love my ex …
Should I not go it and wait the feelings to fade or go out now
>every girl my age now just wants to settle down and get serious for marriage
I would expect they're not interested in marrying a random guy, so what is preventing you from getting to know them and experience what you are looking for? I mean - certainly you wouldn't mind meeting your future wife, should you turn out compatible right?
I really like when girls have piercings on the top of their ears like this.
If a guy is good at it and has clean fingernails, I want it. No spitting.
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>Men addicted to porn can't get ahead.
Men addicted to porn can't get a head...
...as in a head on a side of a coin....as in the coin you've been flipping...
I mean i wanted to go to the museum. asked my sister if she wanted to go but she kept sleeping till 12pm or who knows when. My mom didnt want to go unless I waited for my sister.
I like never having hair on face ever guys.
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I'd fuck Cal and Jules at the same time

Because men are so cavalier about putting women's bodies down

Argentinian is too tall
I hate Italians
Aussies are cents
Texan Rancher wins because I am Texan and like ranch dressing

That first transformation was kino. Third only to Gohan going SSJ2 and Goku's first time going SSJ on Namek

Yes, usually

Real. They killed Kennedy.
You're right, that's true, but I also don't want to marry the first girl I date.
Hedgehog tier hair
how old are you?
some people look really naked/ugly without facial hair
get to love yourself more. consider yoga.
Women would you break up with me if i can only last a few seconds of continuous plap? A minute at most
>I also don't want to marry the first girl I date
What if you end up super compatible? But even if you don't, it's not like they are going in with the expectation that they absolutely have to marry you either. You're just getting to know each other and see whether it might work out.
That's me. My facial hair is literally the worst possible. I checked the internet and couldn't find worse that didn't involve a medical condition.
Fu manchu
Soul patch
I keep it shaved.
yeah, get over your ex first. Then you can come back to dating
>Nobody actually goes outside entirely by themselves.
I do it all the time. I used to people watch. It's cool. Just get a cup of coffee and chill.
You really gotta relax.
That would be great actually, but I'm just bitter that I missed out on the normal developmental milestones that everyone else had regarding relationships
What do I say if a friend asks me if she's ugly & she is?
I don't think that's the case. I will concede that women seem to be more personality based so they can like certain looks if there's a personality but as to what they find attractive? Tall, dark and handsome.
There have been serial killers they've collected feet for modeling shoes
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I don't drink coffee. Look into the history of why it became popular.
Say she's beautiful then fuck her doggy style
women what is your girth limit for blowjobs?
why is she ugly? is she fat/unfit? most people can become a 7/10 if they are under 35 and fit
I know the history. It's because Muslims can't drink alcohol.
As for why it became popular in the West: Yeah, it helped dock workers and merchants do more work. But it was also something of a philosophical wonder to Westerners because it was a drink which, instead of making you stupider and more emotional like alcohol, actually made you more clear-headed and conversational! Well, that's how they processed it.
I do the latter already.
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Anonette never said she struggles with her weight for fuck's sake! How are you still defending extrapolating a bunch of bullshit in your head based on "is cleaning, doing housework enough exercise?"

> this is the forum to be assertive and give bold and raw truths.
surprise, surprise. it was a generalization, not "raw truth". btw, after explaining this with "that's the point of the whole board. stepping carefully is for IRL interactions" I know there's no way you're arguing in good faith.
you're really out here trying to justify making inconsiderate wrong assumptions about others just because free speech and anonymity...

no, dipshit. anonymity and free speech aren't excuses to just say whatever, assume whatever... keep in mind you don't know these people, you don't know their lives, circumstances ... or at least if you want to ignore all that, then don't claim you're being genuine.
>24 years old
>"I've wasted my whole life"
Sounds like you're still processing the breakup so I would take it easy for now
Bro went super sanik
Her face isn't good looking. Just how she was born.
You didn't post pics
You didn't tell me shit beyond height and random shit I don't give a fuck about
I'm not a woman, height is not a big deal to me
Depends how toothy you're okay with.
I see. Well, I suppose one can only look forward to what may yet happen.
>get drunk and tell my friend that I've always wanted to sniff her socks
How do I fuck this situation?
Make out with another random girl.
And we are back.
what the fuck is Chinese Polish’s?
You really like Hatsune Miku?
>I do the latter already.
Ok, hold on, I want to know more about this.
People really fuck their friends and still call them their friends? How is it not weird?
Probably about six inches.
Well, I speak Chinese so I have something in common with the Argentinian. I could also bully him over the Falklands.
I met one Italian-Aussie and she was cool, so I wouldn't mind that. Interesting career too.
Zero desire to fuck a Texan guy.
Aussie cable rigger isn't doing too much for me
I would ideally like to fuck a 5'6'' interior design student, but I think the fact I'm a guy is feeding into that.
Breaking Benjamin.
TDG but I only like a few of their songs.
im almost 28 and thought the same thing when i was almost 25. I still havent had a relationship because i kept distracting myself with other things.
now a lot of women hit on me but theyre all faded from cock carousel.
My advice is if you find a girl and are in a good relationship, just wife her. you don't realize how hard it is to find a decent woman. If they exist, of course she's going to be taken. This gets worse the older you get
>not liking people touching me.
What does this mean?
No sex with your bf or what?
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Speaks Chinese, Polish, English and Spanish.
Job is translator
No pics for u
No, you're right, it is weird. I don't know how to extract myself from the situation desu. The issue is she's amazing, she's really cool
>I don't drink coffee.
You really had to dive into the grass to dodge the point there.

>Look into the history of why it became popular.
Why would I? Are you trying to politicize my favorite beverage? The staggering amount of how little of a fuck I could possibly potentially hypothetically imagine giving about whatever it is that you are coyly saying without saying is absolutely epic.
The amount I care about the contents of anons fingernails dwarfs how much I care about whatever it is you're trying to tangent off into here.
It's remarkable, really.
Based, you're every single woman on every dating app ever
>uhhh i want a tall guy who has cash and a hobby where he spends money to take me to places
Btw, I'm not going to respond any further.
Being 24 without relationships is pretty much over. He isn't going to magically fix his life in the next 6 years when he has 24 years of failure behind him. You're supposed to be fucking the most in your late teens and your 20s, when your test levels are highest. Men like him can only cope until middle age when everything bottles up and they end their lives.
So why is she not your gf?
Because I'm not attracted to her
>are cents
Does that mean cheap?
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Body count is low most people disgust me
1 point to my ex
I'm normally just a 4chan lurker so I dont really know how to (You) things or what that even means ngl... but youre right at least the vocaroo was easy! :)

Im an 18 year old cis girl. I think my voice is kinda deep cause people have mistaken me for a boy before in voicechats

https://voca.ro/11Y9kzEMghOe (again sorry for the close mic whisper AMSR loll)
Need feeder gf to fatten me up because eating enough to gain weight is so fucking hard
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Keep struggling, struggler. Nobody else understands our fight, fellow skelly CHAD
>woman complains about her voice
>it's actually cute

every time
I don't understand how some of you autistic ass losers end up with female friends for you to accidentally perv.
Is it literally just luck?
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My own clones.
You're like the female version of that one London guy who posted vocaroos a lot
Because she's amazing and really cool! A lot of it is also due to me being bad at controlling myself when I'm around her. I meet her wanting not to do anything and then we do.
You are simply overthinking it. I made a generalization based off experience and you took it to heart like I was accusing someone of wrong doing.”don’t eat to satisfy emotions” aka “stop eating your feelings” is not an incorrect statement. Please, tell me how that advice is wrong. It’s the same as saying “don’t drink away your emotions”. It’s generally good advice and I’d like for you to prove otherwise. By the way, I’m wasn’t being accusatory with that statement, simply laying it out there. Once again, I don’t know why such advice is so inflammatory to you.
I think I'm in love. It's scary.
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Men will touch everything but grass poor girl
If someone saying something to me or telling me a story but doesn’t finish their sentence because someone distracts them, is it bad to change the subject and ask them to finish what they saying later?
What's her name?
/atoga/ thought experiment of the day:
>Its the near future
>Half the human population has been halved
>Economic chaos and inability to get resources shipped to where they need to be causes wars and friction between countries
>Most borders are now locked down, countries try to poach citizens for the workforce as much as possible
>Immigration is now illegal
>Humanity itself is seen as a strategic resource
>More authoritarian countries have made industrial scale breeding centers for their political , industrial, and military class.
>Some countries have male milking centers for women to artificially inseminate themselves if they lack men
>New psychological breakthrough occurs: it is now possible to preform a surgery to reverse homosexuality
>The freer nations of the world now have to grapple and argue if conversion of the "genetically unproductive" within their society is a moral thing to do.
Would conversion of transgenders, homosexuals, crossdressers/traps be moral? Where would you sit on this issue if you actually lived in this world and why? Explain your reasoning. State gender and age
This question is in no way:
>a troll post
>a bait post
>a hateful post
This post is merely asking an interesting philosophical and moral question.
It's really good to do that. It makes people feel listened to and valued.
Would you regularly listen to country music for your gf?
At what age do you stop being young?
If you're sincerely interested in what they had to say I'd argue it would only be proper to remind them they had yet to finish their story. Asking them later is fine too though, in case the discussion took a different direction and you don't want to interrupt it.
What is this bit?
>an interesting philosophical and moral question
You saying that about your own post saves me the need of reading whatever faggot tripe you just spewed in front of me.
Aw thanks!! :)
I'm already Tracer.
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Nta but Gumi is my fave Vocaloid babe
I wonder if Luka femanon still lurks...
Only if you're counting Americana, AKA "country but it's too good to get ghettoised"
Otherwise, no, genuinely I would not. It's one of the few genres I would outright ask never to be played around me. It might make me incompatible with someone, bizarrely.
Sure. Never really listened to country music, but i dont hate it
In public perception probably like 34-36
In reality as long as you can still run and lift weights, you are good
Pop country, no, otherwise sure if it wasn't bad
But why does she need me to be the one listening to it
My dad refers to people in their late thirties as "the youngies" so it really is completely relative.
Sometimes I laugh at you goofy guys.
I find it interesting, its okay if you don't.
I'm already Widowmaker
This is nonsense lol, quit trying to demoralise him, a lot of people are late bloomers
>one London guy who posted vocaroos a lot
I'm with people rn so will have to listen to femanon's voca later but I'm sure she has a nice voice
yeah i like country music but kinda basic tastes
who do you like?
I like george strait
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Should I pay a callgirl/hooker/whore to practice kissing?

I'm clean so I don't want herpes but I also liked to get good at kissing before trying to date
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Sometimes I forget homosexuals exist
Watch it.
I listen to most music, including country so that's ez pz
I don't know much about it, but sure why not?
It's fine. This is one of those things where it feels like the end of the world if you're 24 and feels fine if you're older.
Is this too much? Mind you, the singer is actually gay.
Just listened oh shit yeah she does sound a bit like me lel
So, hot voice obvs :p
I'm 6'1 182-3 KG (depending on if I poooped). Which is on the lower side of healthy, not skeleton, sorry. I want the weight for muscles. My coat is clinging much closer to me now and I can't pull my sleeves up because my forearms are too big, but I want to be bigger.
It's a curse, not a blessing.

I have a female friend, and I really think she sees me as one of her closest friends, because she's always texting me near every day, telling me all about what she's up to and feeling, always asking to hang out.
And it sucks because I'm in love with her and I know I'm just turbo friend zoned.
It's over
Also you do not sound like a boy lmao those people are chatting shit
Sure if she was a southern belle
When you're an old geeza
Femanons, bush status?
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Actual question
Depends would you listen to ADHD rave music with me like this?
Is it really that bad/creepy that i am attracted to east (and some south east) asians?
I was raised on it, so I've listen to everything from Patsy Cline to Jon Pardi. Not too big into pop country despite a few songs that I like to dance to.
>It’s generally good advice and I’d like for you to prove otherwise

Because I had been arguing that eating your feelings is a good thing, right? /s

>Please, tell me how that advice is wrong.
It was wrong for anonette :) Not every fucking woman on earth is an emotional mess "shoveling food into [her] mouth" And the fact you're still defending saying this to a woman you know nothing about tells me you're a fucking narcissist (and I hate throwing that word around)

You've been such a joy to talk to /s Unfortunately, I have to stop now, as this obviously will never go anywhere.
>182-3 KG
you must mean lbs...
I like men a lot. But they're scary too.
I like the not scary ones.
>Mind you, the singer is actually gay.
What did you mean by this
What am I minding here
Anyway...I don't like it, but I could listen to it for my gf if she wanted to play that sort of stuff during car rides. We're listening to DK Rap song mashups in return tho.
but we stay humble
tbf I haven't been a skelly for a while now. But I'm clinging onto my 57kg (I'm assuming you meant lb instead of kg??) for dear life. I want to get more muscles too, damn it.
You would watch an 8 hour video about an obscure game on the Sega CD?
I would propose to you at the end
no, its weird if youre not though.
most people are attracted to their own race/ethnicities.
Didn't click but if the singer is gay it isn't country and I shan't be listening or dating you
An erection is a sign of aggression ie pre-rape alarm.
I'd fuck that dog...
Most people are attracted to attractive people.
Thoughts on stirrup leggings?
Yes that also
How tall are you assuming you're a guy
Never, ever, date mentally ill people.
i guess i mostly like pop country but i like folk/country in general. its like sad rock n roll.
where you from? im from the city so i only recently got into country music.
I didn't realize women were sexual libertarians and erections are violating the NAPP (Non-Aggressive Penis Principle)
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Me? 174 cm. Barely clinging onto "healthy" BMI
anything that emphasises cute feet is erotic
>Sure if she was a southern belle
What if she was Western and wore cowboy hats and cowboy boots?
Always thought these were stupid. What's their purpose?
Hot, put some horse ears and a tail as well
If it is good, yes. Otherwise, no.
They've been giving me confusing feelings ever since I was a kid
Weird, wouldn't expect such a weight dif for such a small dif in height
>>Half the human population has been halved
Women do you think men should dress up our peens?
hongry skeleton
I never claimed she was an emotional mess. I think that’s you projecting. Everyone has problems. Food is sometimes a problem. Same as booze or drugs or whatever have you. You can be an emotionally stable person and still have problems.

But take care, I wish you well.
Right? I reckon it's something about the square cube law etc.
I am aware
when you forget to, some people lose it by 20. until 40 most do but then some keep until they are 70

Am I retarded?
nta but im a guy and was 180 cm and was 61kg (135 lbs) which is similar BMI but i looked fine. got a lot of attention from ladies despite bieng skinny.

2 years later im like 80kg and more muscular and i think i look the best i ever have been and get 0 attention from girls and only attention from guys at the gym
You aren't the only one
I assume nobody cares about me so I have an excuse not to care about anybody else. And when they do care about me if feel bad because they don't mean anything to me
If you have to ask...
>My pp points up
Logistically, is it possible for me to doggy if it can't bend down too far?
Yeah then we watch modded chao garden gambling after?
I mean. i will look at a person and describe them as a young man or young lady based on their appearance not their feeling. Im very youthful inside but I accepted I stopped being young at 25. I am 28 and I am definitely not old but I am also not young. All my friends from high school and college are basically married and some even have kids that are in elementary school.
I'm not really doing it for attention from women. I got enough of that when I was 45 kg; I know it's not an issue. I just want to be bigger because I do think it looks better (like, just to myself) and if I was in a relationship I'd want to show that I care about how I look to my partner; and, most importantly, I want to get better at climbing.
This was all sort of set off by me having a fling with a gym bunny. I just felt like I was slacking.
That just means your entering your villain arc
>but every girl my age now just wants to settle down and get serious for marriage
Not really, maybe they do theoretically but only with prince charming, if you're not prince charming they'll have a ons and move on.
No, that's stupid. Don't do that. I did that and it was so dumb and unnecessary.
It's better to embrace aging than being the old guy who thinks he's still 18 and when he hits 40 hits a midlife crisis.
Meh, you'll live...
I only like seeing attractive men horny.
I do not like seeing unattractive men horny, that's yucky. Be attractive.
>Be attractive
Step one already failed...
Same on get bigger for self.
Not sure why you're trying to GAIN weight for climbing.
This guy specifically goes out of his way to not gain weight and you don't really see big guys in climbing (its in fact one of the sports women do very well in because they're small)
Yooo Cluster A is way worse than Cluster B wtf?
The best thing about Mimi that its just Typh's self-insert, which is probably why she is the most popular character of her's. She's the only character that comes off as really authentic.
Yeah but I still feel like an asshole. For example a year ago some girl worked at the same place I do. I never thought of us as friends or anything, she would just talk at me and I would listen (she has adhd) she gets fired like 2 months later and I don't think much of it. Yesterday she comes in and talks to me like we're best buddies and I can't even remember her name
That guy weighs significantly more than me and is the same height as me. So that is why I want to gain weight.
>tfw no dog gf
i know i was just sharing my experience of moving up 20kg in 2 years while still being very lean. It was actually <1 year but i went over 16% bodyfat. So once i hit my ideal weight of 73-82kg, i just did a lot of mini cuts and mini bulks up and down this range focusing on strength and getting leaner
Need a hot guy who fucks like a rabid animal tbqh
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Femanons, is this woman annoyed with me? I know she's probably not into me but the context is, I asked her if she wanted to hang out since it's been awhile since I've seen her and she suggested dinner and for a variety of reasons, I don't feel feel like doing that right now.
yeah I'm right here
moid post
As another man, I can just say you are very mentally ill.
I've had a relationship with someone who I thought looked bad before. It was a terrible, terrible decision. I'm not doing that again.
Just eated a food lads
I eated 4 potatoes, about 200 g of chicken, 400 g of ham, cheese and I tried parsely to see what that's like but it tastes like shit
What did you eated today?
I'll kill you if you say eated one more time
>is this woman annoyed with me?
You asked if she wanted to hang out. She said yes. You were like "mmmm, sorry, maybe one day"

Why would you ask if you don't feel like seeing her right now?
There's just somthing about doggirls... Maybe its the implied fat ass, loyalty, or the fact that she is just always happy to be with you. Who knows...
granola with onions milk, chocolate bar and a bag of cheese balls. getting hungry again
>dont really know how to (You) things or what that even means ngl
I just meant, please quote me.

Even if you were whispering, I think your voice is hot as fuck. I'd make you sing me a nice song and tell me dirty jokes so I could hear your laugh, which must be amazing.
I don't know if you mind this, but I think you sound older than 18, could fool a boomer like me!
Mmmmm, white rice for dinner, for the 5th time this week. I'm saving money thoguh
dog girls factually don't care about the size of your penis
Even I am annoyed by you.
Make Tamago kake gohan, its so fucking good.
I'd need to take care of my appearance and I'm also kinda broke rn

Maybe next week after I get paid or something
state gender
when and how would you guys like to die?
What's something you stopped doing because you found out the hard way it was stupid?

Personally, it's being non calculating with someone who was. Letting them have their way, win, etc because I thought there was no difference between us (there's no me and them)

It was so fucking stupid. That person was so selfish and I basically abetted that.
I hate my friends. I'm out with them right now and bored as fuck.
kek, what?
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How did it go?

Please... I'm serious
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40g of protein
1 bag of sourpatch kids
Ricotta pasta
I have a crush on this girl
We got very close and she started telling me all about what's happening in her life.
I thought I had a chance
Then she started telling me about her crushes and guys she's been dating.
So she started dating this guy
So then I start telling her about girls I've been dating.
Both of us are single now, but I feel that through all the shit we've talked about, I've just been turbo friendzoned
might be outgrowing them
how did you guys become friends? are you all the same gender?
Last movie you watched, could you do better than the MC?
Ie me, invasion of the body snatchers
Easy they literally are made of plant-matter, the only one that gets hit fucking dies instantly, they can't run as fast as a fat woman in high-heels, not sure how they're scary
femanons, if you needed time to work on yourself/take a break from your bf but you didnt take all your stuff from his house, didnt really make an effort to move your stuff out just let him bring you whatever he wanted to get rid of, does that mean you plan on coming back for them or would it be more likely she is just forgetful?
Peacefully in my sleep next to the love of my life. Hopefully in my mid to late 90s
Hanging around racist 4chan edgelords. Unironically

Why would I want to be around someone who doesn't respect me and is also an idiot
What's the biggest dog cock you've ever seen?
It was fine, but it was totally unnecessary. I feel like I exploited myself somehow. I was just an inexperienced and deeply insecure kid with social anxiety; I didn't know that people would want to date me and kiss me and teach me how to kiss them all by themselves. They'll want to do that with you, too. It takes very little time to get good at kissing if you're doing it a lot and you actually want to learn.
Right here right now, from a slip and fall and break my neck
At 100 years old, at a point where I've made peace and am looking forward to death, to just die peacefully surrounded by family
What made you say that? Did something happen?
Nta actually nobody wants to kiss you, or me, or him
When we have the technology to 3d print my penis and place my conciousness so in 300 years time it can be unearthed and I can finally not be a virgin
Yeah, me too. The final straw was when I excitedly made a thread on /v/ about a game from a series I liked which fucking /v/ had introduced me to and got slapped with a few hundred replies calling the game dogshit and me a Jewish cuck because it had a black woman as one of the characters. It even made total sense that she was a black woman in-setting.
Anyway, after that experience I knew the old 4chan I'd loved was dead outside of very specific boards and threads.
What an odd thing to say. Does saying this sort of thing get you off?
i stopped washing the shellfish blender before taking out the battery
Well I'm not a kid anymore so I think it's fine then, if I'm paying for it
I do not want to die. I do not want to die. I do not want to die. I do not want to die.
Iunno I've only seen the huge bad dragon ones people were buying and hiding in the back of pictures wayyyyy back in the day.
recommend me a movie to watch now pls
It's simply the truth
Dude, then tell her "wanna hang out next week/ the week after"?
You could've told her I miss hanging out, but I'm kinda broke rn (if you have a relationship where you can tell her that) but I'll come see you as soon as i get my bag

or you can hold off telling her anything, until you can actually see her

you had infinite options
If I had my choice, we'd do it all together. Life. A long life. And then we'd slip away one night. Side by side, wrinkled and gray, warm in our bed. But that's not in the stars for us, my love. Ours is a short story with a few good twists.
3 guys and 1 girl white girl who is basically married to one of the guys, they made a suicide pact
occasionally two hoodrat black girls join us and I hate them too
Well, you asked for our thoughts and I personally think it's a very bad idea and I think in a few years time you will regret it. It's your money and life, though.
Just being around people who kept dropping racial slurs and shit like it was funny, looking at me funny bc they clearly thought I was stupid, just all around not respecting me. I should've let them know they were violating my boundaries.

Kek, I mostly can't stand this place. I was talking about irl but I basically only come here once in a blue moon these days.
Me when I'm home alone
Is it that bad?

Idk, I'll often ask friends if they'll want to do anything and we'll usually set a time and a date.
When I die I die, but I'd like to just got to sleep and not wake up.
I don't know what you're saying
doing something absolutely cool like jumping into the central caldera of some volcano, preferably with drones around me to catch every expression. Or fighting a water buffaloo or falling from the everest or freeing Kurdistan or maybe heart attack at the moment of conceiving the 100th child, something like that.

preferably before i'm 50, tomorrow is fine
I'm not even a footfag but if you wear those you have to use your feet while teasing
I hated my friends too and I ditched them now I have no friends at all, fucking kek. But I do have a lot more free time to do as I please which is nice.
Oh, you meant literally IRL? Yeah wew fair enough. I used to hate hanging out with Reddit types (and I'm so glad I met a bunch of party girls to take me clubbing instead of watching fucking MHA) but if I can't imagine actually hanging out with people who go on 4chan. And I was looking for people who went on 4chan when I first went to university.

I only use this thread, /ck/, /tg/ and /a/ now. The first two boards are flawed but there's no better alternative (same was true of /v/ but it's so cancerous it's unuseable), and /a/ is still pretty okay.
coed friend groups are never fun unless its like the guys hanging out with their wives, but everyone has to be married/dating and it cant be too many people still

Surrounded by loved ones in a hospital bed, including any children and grandchildren I may have. I'd say my wife (or husband) too but I think it'd be kinda cruel to expect them to live on after I die.

Of course, this is all assuming I even get married and have kids, which doesn't look all that likely kek
just a friendly double date that ends in an orgy and swapping
>recommend me a movie to watch now pls
Psycho (1960).
Fuck this gay earth. Cyall on the other side
Thanks for them though
Was it Slime Rancher 2?
SR1 is such a cute game and I loved it, yet the eternally trigger /pol/tards couldn't handle it.

How the fuck did you end up hanging out with 4ch racists IRL?
>I'd say my wife (or husband) too but I think it'd be kinda cruel to expect them to live on after I die.
Yes, entomb your whole family like a Pharaoh, kek. You're all my property and your coming to the afterlife with me!
Women what do you think of a guy that always carries a multitool?
I carry picrel with me.
fuck sake io clickied one of the fuckigng links and it was fucking furshit now myt yotbe is goign to be fursthif yfkc fuck yhou fuyf uyhf fuck you
It was Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew, actually. mfs were mad about a Jamaican voodoo zombie pirate in a zombie pirate game. That's like one of THE pirate archetypes.
The man from Earth.
Yeah, I too somehow didn't pick up on the fact you meant IRL.
Can I ask what made you seek that group in particular? Did you believe they weren't actually racist, that maybe they get a bad rep from libs, etc?
Oh, I loved that one too. I bought it when Mimimi announced their closure.
In hospice care surrounded by my wife kids and grand kids.
Yeah, 4chan types irl are pretty much always pieces of shit, or at best, weirdos. Maybe inoffensive ones, but still weirdos.

I'm pretty much only here and /gioyc/ and occasionally, /co/ and /tv/.

>How the fuck did you end up hanging out with 4ch racists IRL?
Met people irl through work or through video game tournaments and didn't realize they were the type to be on here
Yiff yiff yiff
Alright well everyone ignored my posts so now I'm going to go jack off.
I join my voice to >>31919947
I never knew you can have a punchable face to someone who's never seen you
State Gender,

When did you give up on finding a partner? What did it for you?
>when and how would you guys like to die?
M. I'm with Tyrion Lannister on that one.

Shagga: "How would you like to die, Tyrion, son of Tywin?"

[a pause]

Tyrion Lannister: "In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock."
Shooting myself in my bunker shortly after marrying the love of my life.
See >>31920037

Met someone I met through work. Thought she was alright but she ended up being a massive racist and Trumper even though she was gay. Fuck her.

Met a dude at a fighting game tournament and he seemed ok-ish before we started hanging out at his place and didn't realize he was basically /v/ personified. Such an unlikable dude.
Barry Lyndon
>Yes, entomb your whole family like a Pharaoh, kek. You're all my property and your coming to the afterlife with me!
Kek. Let Anubis judge me.

M. Around the past few weeks. 31 years old and I halfway just don't see it happening anymore.
eight low sugar oreo cookie things
one slice of pizza that I didn't eat last night
2 waters
1 Plezi Fizz carbonated juice
1 Zevia 0 calorie soda

Normally I EATED and DRANKED lots more in a day but right now I am fasting a bit to try and start losing weight. I DRANKED the Zevia because I was hungry but didn't want to MAKED and COOKED another pizza (I have those frozen flat crusts and cans of sauce and some cheese and some chicken for topping them with)
I may end up making a pizza later tonight anyways
Marry me, maybe.
wtf happened anon
Realizing that no girl has ever flirted with me or asked me out while both eventually happened to everybody else I knew
men, if i asked you to handcuff me and feed me spoonfulls of food as foreplay, would you be cool with that? you can cum on the food if it helps make it kinky for you.
I would like to die when I'm pretty old like 87 or something, and preferably in my sleep
Grip her by the ankles
I hope I die from fumes after saving people from a fire or something. I want to die a hero like the firefighters in 9/11. Not in a hospital bed like a normie.
eww, now that's some bad taste
The old 4chan you thought you loved never existed.
around the same age as >>31920059
I saw a lot of my friends get treated like shit by other boys and girls and I didn't want that and I already had low self-confidence, so it just kinda was my fate to be alone I guess?
I don't think anything could make that kinky to me, but whatever helps you I guess.
I was HERE during the old 4chan I loved. This is God's shittiest attempt at gaslighting
The Lincoln Lawyer
I think it's kinda cool! they can be pretty useful
Sure. I'm not into it, but that's the give and take of sex. I think I could get into it a bit if you were blindfolded too so that I had to guide your mouth to the spoon and you didn't know what I was going to do with you.
meh, i had a feeder partner already and figured it actually does cross too many boundaries.
i also fucking hate tying women up
nta it did. 4chan is normie now. look at all the women on it.
Based eateder
You should drink coffee if you're drinking to beat hunger though

M, haven't. I have been asked out, I've just never had any interest in saying yes. I don't really see the appeal of a relationship but if I did it would realistically be fairly easy to get one, given I live in a town full of druggies with no standards.
I was too and you're a hysterical retard choosing to ignore things you don't wish to remember
newfags and zoomers can't comprehend the world we lived in in the 90s and early 2000s and when you attempt to explain to them, its just too alien for them to think that the world wasn't as fucked as it is now. They actually think this current era is "normal" which is terrifying.
I meant to say "unfuck"
she has a boyfriend (he is my roommate)
Unfortunately I HATED coffee.
The carbonation kills my appetite a bit though and it takes a while to drink the soda because the soda HURTED my mouth.
M, yes.
>Borderline pet play
Nice but then I've wasted 1 shot I could use in sex
It seems to be my role here to be the one guy into the thing everyone else isn't
Good God, that's true. Mfs think they're oldfags because they joined during the 2016 election. They don't even know what oldfag means.
You're just fucken wrong, nothing more to add.
How often do you guys go visit the graves of your grandparents/great grandparents/ancestors?
I just realized all memory of me is probably going to be gone from this universe after I die if i dont have kids and if i do have kids, it will last like 2-3 generations. I dont even know the names have my great grandparents
What's the appeal for you?
No, you bizarre faggots just only saw other people who were obsessed with cp and dicks grafted onto little anime girls because that's what you chose to engage with, and you missed the bus to the shitty discords and twitter circlejerks when your fellow troons took off, and now you're stuck here sputtering about how everyone who is sick of your shit (and has been for two decades) must have been born in 2005 and "just doesn't get it".
YOUR retard faction killed the previous culture you now long for, actively, openly, publicly, in the news, on purpose.
It's time for you to stop being dishonest and pathetic about it and acting like the 2010s never happened.
what is your dream job/life situation.
Assume your spouse is wealthy enough so you dont have to work. You can also live anywhere you want.
i think i agree with this >>31920070 person. or at least, if if did exist, the it hasn't existed for a long time and the wake up should've come a lot sooner

but i think you were willing to let shit slide, and now, for some reason or another, stopped. or maybe because the hate came irl instead of online from behind screens, for the first time, it felt real, and not just a bunch of jokes and memes by people who don't actually mean what they post
Oldfags are people who came here before 2006 right
tl;dr after the first sentence that was weirdly about anime and transgenders for some reason.
i dont even know when i first came
i remember when i first came though i was like whoa cool i can shoot yogurt out of my dick
oh, blindfold is a good addition, mystery and anticipation

i'm not into the obesity thing. it's a sensory processing thing.

it's such a shame that you guys have such long refractory periods. anyways. thanks for being the contrarian

well do you want the surface level answer or the intimate psychoanalysis answer?
Oh, so you are a LARPer who in fact had never heard of 4chan before 2014, good to know.
i want five kids and i want to be able to teach them about the world by traveling it and showing them new places and new foods and learning new languages together but still have a home to come back to with people they know and grow up with
I'll force feed you healthy foods to replace one of your meals.
You're not going to convince me of something I was there to see, anon.
It had been getting worse and worse for a long time. This was just the moment I realised /v/ was actually unuseable in a literal sense.
I don't think I'm the anon you think I am btw. There's never been any IRL hate.
I can tell your a newfag because you can't banter to save your life and your obsessed with anime and trannies. You'd be torn to shreds in the old 4chan.
Well is it like a feeder thing or a kidnap thing or something else
Does pussy juice even taste good
Your just mad because he is right, you even did a current year-ish by inserting current politics into a discussion that wasn't about current politics.
Tastes like battery acid mixed with rotten fish No thanks
mine does.
if you love her
does it have to be yougrt if a blind fold is fine
what if i dipped my finger in honey or the like and you had to taste what it is
what then
>It was Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew
My brother is a big fan of all their games. I haven't yet had the opportunity to play any of them, but they all looked very well made.
I have spent hours debating why Baldur's Gate 3 is actually a well-made RPG. I can understand some of the critique of people when it comes to certain forms of representation clashing aesthetically or narratively, e.g. if characters are reduced to being mere diversity checkmarks, but often enough, autistics and schizophrenics fail at pattern recognition and smell conspiracies everywhere. Some people like their contrarian takes a little too much and become complacent in their position.
At the end of the day, you can only stand your ground and argue with people, and if you are sincere and have a good point, you will emerge supreme.
I understand that it can be frustrating, but I don't think it is wise to be too yielding. If one wants a pluralistic board culture, one has to speak up. Sometimes it may seem futile, but in my experience, if you're honest in your approach it will inspire others to speak up as well.

When it comes to Shadow Gambit I've seen some rightoid infographics claiming they went bankrupt for diversity content, but this is provably false. They were actually too successful. They made three highly acclaimed titles, generously paid their remaining staff and went into early retirement to spend time with their families.
not a single time so far
she left me my nigga
dont love me no more
depression arc lasted too long
if pussy juice tastes like garum (sardines fermented in a barrel with salt under the sun) then it tastes good.
I'm obviously not a girl, Anon.
i mean i eat healthy foods in general. i also probably dont want to eat a meals worth before sex which is like, yknow. physically active. full belly would feel bad.
>it's a sensory processing thing.
by spoonfuls?
Depends on the girl, it's pretty neutral, just a little salty like sweat.
Lurk at least one day before posting.
I'm not going to stop pointing out that you're lying when you're trying to aggressively assert your made-up history.
I am going to recommend you hang yourself for being a dishonest piece of shit, though.
See above.
All of you perpetually lying, whining, revisionists should kill yourselves.
And that's simply all there is to it.
I really want to have sex with my grandma’s brother/dad’s uncle….
im doubtful about bg3 because
A: all anyone seems to discuss about it is sex and romance. i have no interest in romance and i dont want sexi n my games. the actual mechanics and story seem to be an afterthought
B: people said the pathfinder games are good and those are literally still getting patched for major bugs to this fucking day
An egirl showed me that movie though.
Those weirdos are out there.
Depends on how much you like her
Interesting that you're so emotionally invested in trying to lie to me about something I was quite literally there to see. I'm not sorry that this truth hurts you, anon.
I don't really have a dream job. I would like enough money to have a house and to go on holiday abroad sometimes. I'd be happy living most places in Europe although it probably makes most sense to stay in England since I know people here. I would also like a cat or two (very important!)

And I'd like to marry a cool guy who is nice to me of course!
Ok can I feed you a rice cake?
Or do you want honey and strawberries?
>anonette has the same birthday as jungkook
I’m jealous
i have a sensory processing condition that makes me very aware of my body. so the feeling of food going down my throat and being digested is more sensations that add to my experience. i was trying to think of a way to make getting a pre-sex snack hot for my partner, i dunno.

i also was starved growing up so the idea of being fed is very luxurious to me and makes me feel kind of safe, like, it's okay, we have food, we're okay. we're in a safe time and place.

i mean it doesn't have to be yogurt at all. honey would be good. it could be anything that is easy to swallow.

i'd rather not dry out my mouth before we do sex things? probably like fruits would be best.
What's sth you hated during your childhoon, now you miss?
What's the condition called?
Mouth stuff is my fave, I'd love to do this
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My hairline looks like this guy's and I'm just now 30
Is it over?
One man can't turn a cultural tide. I've been arguing on 4chan for years and it's only got worse and worse. I don't even necessarily mean that it's got more right wing -- I mean that it's got more intolerant and thin-skinned. Ten years ago if you posted about Shadow Gambit (besides the time travel implictions) people might have made racist jokes, but they wouldn't have tried to shut down all discussion of the game because it's made by the wrong people. They would have talked about it. Modern 4chan is pro-censorship in a big, big way.
BG3 didn't keep me invested, but it did have some fun writing and lots of player choice. The real issue is just how dull the Forgotten Realms setting is, IMO.
Looks like a normal mature adult hairline? What are you worried about
Love-hate anime. I stopped learning Japanese and stopped watching anime so people wouldn’t call me lame for it, before ninth grade (13). It didn’t even matter because people hated me immediately upon seeing me.
Going to a wedding next weekend for a couple that are completely mismatched and it's obvious they just rushed into it. How do I keep myself entertained without cringing the whole night?

my doctors aren't totally sure if i'm like autistic and have sensory processing disorder or if some of my other medical conditions are just royally fucking with my hormones and nerve sensitivity so i don't have a rigid diagnosis yet, i'm taking medication for one major thing and once that's out of the way we'll be able to see what changes.
Get into a car accident and go to hospital at that time.
>A: all anyone seems to discuss about it is sex and romance. i have no interest in romance and i dont want sexi n my games. the actual mechanics and story seem to be an afterthought
Even if you went into BG2 threads on /v/, you'd have plenty of debate about the romances. The more elaborate party banter was a big selling point of the game (which is arguably worse in terms of non-linearity and exploration than BG1). BG3 took it a step further but I would argue it's only fitting for the genre. The hero winning the girl (or the guy) is a prominent part in many narratives. It only makes sense for RPGs to explore romantic interaction.

Other than that, the game is a mechanically well made game.

There is quite a bit of reactivity, plenty of choice with sufficient consequence and the game is exceptionally robust towards player decisions. When was the last time you've played an RPG with a narrative focus where you could randomly attack NPCs?

In terms of mechanics, one could argue that the 5th edition is not ideal, but I'd say, in terms of mechanics, there are a million worse games out there which are critically acclaimed. Arcanum has abysmal combat, Bloodlines is basically a button masher, Fallout 1 and 2 are tedious in Torment the encounters pale in comparison with the rest of the game, etc. - to single out BG3 would be nonsensical, when it stands in good tradition. And I would say: the combat is not even bad. It's quite okay and occasionally good even.

>B: people said the pathfinder games are good and those are literally still getting patched for major bugs to this fucking day
The Pathfinder games are both excellent. The fact that they are still getting patched speaks for the diligence of the devs. In the past, these games would have been abandoned and left for the community to fix.
Hide a few of these full of liquor in your suit
kek, why is that
Good idea. Might get a friend to drive into me at like 20km/h. Enough to hurt me, not enough to permanently damage me or otherwise cause my demise.
This is an option too. I'm not much of a drinker but because I find this wedding so much of a farce, I have the intrusive and very stupid thought of expressing my contempt by getting absolutely hammered and playing the fool. Like many of my intrusive thoughts, it's better I don't act on them.
I'm so glad I'm past the age of marriages. My friends are at a point where they're having divorces now and luckily you don't get invited to them.
>teach them about the world by traveling it
how much of the world do you know about that you can teach them? are you well traveled?
You can always pick the ones that (1) won't last and will divorce; (2) won't last but they'll stay together with decades of growing resentment; (3) are actually a good match. 99% fall into the first two
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>mature adult
I mean biologically. I know you're probably still 15 mentally
Man, it feels like a new puzzle piece just clicked into place.
>I know you're probably still 15 mentally
Yes I am, and I am proud of that fact.
delete this
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Would you a young Helen Mirren?
Im usually not into blondes but yeah Id bust a fat nut for her
why? what happened?
Someone tell me why some retard made a new thread already
Theoretically yes. Practically I cannot date anyone whether I want to or not
Too much retardation in one place; the retardation could be seen from outer space
just sex my standards are basically in shape female. she fits in this category

i would prob not date her unless she really likes me.
that's fine actually.
still not tying you up
>have female coworker
>she's ok but i dont really pay much attention to her
>mutual friend tell me she likes me
>start catching feelings
get some head anon
I realized my worth and what I want to do with my life. These last few months have been a lot of personal growth, challenging a lot of things I thought I knew. I feel stronger than ever, now.
i think they were trolling me.
i talked to her the other day and she seemed dryer than the sahara desert. she was very giggly before.
I don't see how the fuck that'd have anything to do with autism

Thanks bae, but you calling the bugfinder games excelent makes me think you also just don't have actual standards
>Be me, demon
>Have a demon portal in my base
>Have a demon walk into my base, in the main room we discuss things and say, essentially, " hey demom im a demon pretty cool isn't it being a demon "
>Go to demon land
Party says
>Oh shit you know demons !????
(I'm literally a demon and they all saw both the portal and other demon)
Just one example of its absolutely fucking abysmal writing.
As for randomly attacking NPC's, Tome4, like a week ago. Its not that special.
That's great man I'm really happy for you! :)
I list after all my female coworkers if they are at least mid. It's a legitimate problem.
Because I wanted to make friends and thought that that stuff would hamper my social life. It would have been way more beneficial… :( I have started back again though
Something I don't get is how many people I know who got with people who sare literally 0 interests then are surprised when the relationship dies out after a few months
>Hey what do you want to do
>Something you don't want to do
Thanks. I actually feel happy with myself for the first time in my whole love.
Helen Mirren was insanely hot
She's honestly GILFy today
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Why do women find it ok to wear compression shorts or yoga pants in public?
Because it doesn't bother them
It should
Because it is
i meant why
>It didn’t even matter because people hated me immediately upon seeing me.
Its obvious you are new here
Because it is
>I know better even though its obvious I have brain rot and I'm a generation younger
You aren't very smart are you? Yet I get you think your smarter than your peers, and you might be, but you aren't smarter than the previous generation. Our dumb kids are your smart kids.
Its very rare to find an actually smart Zoomer, but its very common to find dumb Zoomers who think they are smart.
wearing compresion pants in public fine, but what i dontget, is woman wear slutty shorts, ass big, doesnt fit. i look. she look at me. she look mad. why you dress like whore if i no look?
>Just one example of its absolutely fucking abysmal writing.
RPGs consist of more than just writing. You have combat mechanics, RP related mechanics, presentation, etc. The strength of Pathfinder is most of all the build autism - where it excels. The presentation isn't bad either, they have fitting music and the visuals are functional at worst. When it comes to the quality of the writing, the story outlines are following the modules they are based on as far as I know, and I'd say here too, that they are functional at worst.

>As for randomly attacking NPC's, Tome4, like a week ago. Its not that special.
I find it telling that you consider yourself an authority on writing quality, yet you turn out to be an inattentive reader. I 'specifically' talked about a narrative focus, i.e. a typical CRPG, with C&C, multiple choice dialogue, etc. - and in those, having the freedom to freely attack NPCs is a rarity. And even if they do give you the opportunity to attack NPCs, it more often than not breaks the game. Baldur's Gate 3 is exceptionally robust to that by RPG standards and anyone who does not recognise that clearly hasn't played a lot of RPGs. Even the RPGs hailed as the greatest rarely allow you to do that, and they more often than not fall apart if you kill the wrong person at the wrong time, and it is fairly easy to break quests that way or even navigate into a position where you cannot progress any more.
Nta you said something really dumb. How old are you?
cultural decay, behavior sink, and "dating competition" where if women feel like they don't participate in fads and slutiness then they are "missing out". It creates a perfect race to the bottom mentality.
He's right there is a 9 point IQ difference between Millennials and Zoomers in America, the biggest IQ difference between generations ever seen in the history of recording IQ.
I'm in my 30s
Yup, one whole standard deviation lower than the standard, that's a massive change in such a short time.
And how long has IQ been recorded?
Your mc is an absurd mary sue who walks over the game unless you go out of your way to self-limit, armor is retarded and being near naked beats actual armor, later enemeis compensate by having like 80 ac and a million immunities, but thankfully you can just turn off their immuntiies and go back to mindless spam anyways
>Plays narrative driven game
>Has no standards for writing
typical lol

Tome4 has a narrative focus; its first DLC is even set after the story of the first game, with logs about the impact of your MC on the world in the first, starring a guy from a race you near genocide. It has a lot of writing.

I've played DND itself; both 3 and 5, Pathfinder verion 2e, Baldurs Gate 1, 2, Neverwinter Night 1 and 2 and planescape.
All of these except Neverwinter have better writing than Pathfinder games btw
Since 1904
I have dark brown hair and majored in chemical engineering.
Last job was mechanical engineering, current job is more electrical/systems/automation engineering.
And has the trend held steady since then, that is, IQ falling over the generations, and Millennial - Zoomer is just the most drastic?
she didn't come to you. she never dressed slutty for you. it's for somebody else. won't you get mad when somebody eats a sandwich meant for you?
Why is it not? They're comfortable.

Its increased by at most 3 points between generation, a 9 point drop is literally huge. The difference between being able to read different. (Not saying that Zoomers can't read but my point is that its a giant gap).
would you have sex with ripley aliens? i am watch aliens, she is ugly. but she is very good at life which is hot.

>food analology
because it attracts chad
I’m trying to frame this 9 point drop. Why do you think it is so?
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this ripley aliens i am forgot picture
you see this dude in picrel?
He is the modern "chad" for zoomers. Zoomer girls find him "hot" and want him to fuck them. He has no honor/self respect/dignity either. He will wife an Onlyfans girl and think he is lucky to have her.
This is how zoomers think. Andrew tate, like him or hate him, has been the wake up call for these zoomer men.

t. born late 1996
probably just typical 4channer thinking he's the main character of life and people are instantly having extreme emotional reactions on seeing him and not thinking literally nothing
Mhm they for sure IQ tested two entire generations. Was it a questionnaire taken online too?
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i do not like anything about him. i don't like his hair, whatever he did to his skin, his gayass earring, the look in his eyes, the pose, the shirt, the furniture, his mouth. he looks like an asshole.

go shill your despair cuck fetish elsewhere.

t. born in 2005
It's extremely immodest
i could kick her ass
Good analysis. Only reasonable person ITT. It doesn't even look good, just looks trashy. Wear a nice long dress or skirt
Read the history of IQ tests, spoilers it’s not accurate and have no basis in anything
>Your mc is an absurd mary sue who walks over the game unless you go out of your way to self-limit
It depends on the level of difficulty and how much time you spend optimising your build - which is part of the fun. Coming up with builds which break the game is fun too.

>armor is retarded and being near naked beats actual armor, later enemeis compensate by having like 80 ac and a million immunities, but thankfully you can just turn off their immuntiies and go back to mindless spam anyways
I'd say that's most of all a problem of the Pathfinder system. I'm not a big fan of how things work either (from an aesthetic point of view), but in terms of gameplay, I don't see it as much worse than the IE games - and most certainly better than PoE.

>Tome4 has a narrative focus; its first DLC is even set after the story of the first game, with logs about the impact of your MC on the world in the first, starring a guy from a race you near genocide. It has a lot of writing.
"a lot of writing" does not mean that its focus is the narrative. The question is: what do you do in the game most of the time? Do you spend a lot of time in multiple choice dialogue? Do you talk to NPCs much, picking RP choices to define the role of your player character? I think not. The point is: in terms of game design there is quite the difference between a rogue like that occasionally presents you written text and game that is primarily driven by scripted interactions and branching narratives. The latter is obviously a lot harder to get right when you have player-world-interactions in-between which may alter world states. And this is part of the reason why CRPGs have historically been a broken genre. Half of the greats of the genre had game breaking bugs when they were released. To criticise Pathfinder on that end either reveals cognitive dissonance or ignorance of the genre.
>They're comfortable
The absolute state. Modernity was a mistake
Sure, it’s pattern recognition, I’m just trying to see some mindsets around these asinine assertions.
cont. >>31920385
>Baldurs Gate 1, 2, Neverwinter Night 1 and 2 and planescape
>All of these except Neverwinter have better writing than Pathfinder games btw
Baldur's Gate 1 is pretty basic. In terms of writing, there isn't really much substance. Baldur's Gate 2 is solid but I wouldn't call it exceptional. Neverwinter Nights 1 is crap, but not in terms of writing, which isn't great but functional. The two addons are okay and improve where NWN was lacking (not writing!). Neverwinter Nights 2 is kinda generic but it's still a fun experience - much better than its predecessor. And if you haven't played Mask of the Betrayer yet (which you probably haven't - for otherwise you'd probably have pointed it out as a writing connoisseur), then you have seriously missed out, so you should go back to NWN2 and rectify that.

At the end of the day, I can only repeat: writing is not all there is to CRPGs. A plot can be quite generic and still provide a fun backdrop for the player to explore their character role in and stomp a bunch of monsters.
im goldlike i games i destroy balance

and yes you do all of that in tome4
you can meet your waifu, rescue her, infect yourself with an interdimensional parasite, have it eat your entire head, then eat your waifu in tome. very reactiviti
>no shuts the fuck up when she's in the wrong gf
No, you get your IQ tested in school as a kid generally.
What's wrong with being comfortable?
Okay Anon. I still have Colony Ship and SKALD in my backlog. When I'm done with those I'll give Tome4 a try.
in my country you dont unless theres a reason to
ie my sister got hers checked so she could go to dumb people school for dumb people, i had mine checked because my mom wanted me to go there (but i didnt dumbed)
Most uneducated opinions in this thread. There are multiple decade long studies that show IQ is a legitimate measure of intelligence, just because it isn't ironclad doesn't mean it isn't wrong or bad. This is the brainlet argument about BMI all over again.
>would you have sex with ripley aliens? i am watch aliens, she is ugly. but she is very good at life which is hot.
I don't find her ugly, but she sounds (admittedly understandably) unhinged, so I'll pass.
You'll always have retards saying because the measurement isn't perfect its useless, if these people had power we would be back in the stone age.
Boy are you gonna look silly when I drop my 143 IQ number.
>This is the brainlet argument about BMI all over again.
NTA and I don't know about the brainlet argument about BMI, but BMI is almost as heritable as IQ.
Are you sure they tested you correctly? I would expect a smart person to be able to recognise the difference between cognitive ability and being uneducated when it comes to a particular subject. Maybe you should give it another go.
Mine's over 9000 :^)
Yeah I was fucking with you, clearly you said “uneducated” not “stupid”.
Yeah? You sure it’s not 1006?
Handyman core
You can dress comfortably without dressing like a trashy whore
I hate black girls
*marries a Nubian queen*
No, I still get dick pics every single day.
>clearly you said “uneducated” not “stupid”.
I forgot to add that I'm NTA.
*he said
Either way, lol.
Physical art
Never ask a white people hating BIPOC activist what color her boyfriend is. They're almost as bad as the white nationalists.
do you like dick pics?
i feel like a dick isnt a very attractive appendage. its just a hanging organ not very flattering in shape. especially when it got some wiry hairs on the ball sack
would you rather live in a walkable suburb with a nice downtown and east public transport to city with your bf/husband living 5-10 min away from work OR live in an area where it takes your bf/husband 40-60 min to commute to work but a lot of land and you can have chickens and horses.
I've technically never tried. I was already blackpilled about my prospects from the very beginning.
this is very slutty anon. do better
guess we'll never hear from the horse"s mouth, anon
im horny now you brought up black women
not gonna jack off though gonna let it build up
gonna let it marinate
gonna let it germinate
I'm going tomy cousin's wedding in a few weeks... dude's balding and they're gonna be child free in a mansion.... ick.
Boats are not for long dresses that can get caught on old wood, dumdum.
For the one I'm going to, the guy's also balding and they're gonna be renting a shitty apartment for an exorbitant fee despite the fact that if they lived in another suburb they could have bought an apartment outright. I guess that's also what happens when spend a deposit on a wedding instead.
why are women so mean, so casually insulting guys for balding, literally genetic
everyone makes fun of bald guys. especially other men. you just have to be very muscular and lean and you can rock it. helps if youre part black too.
>mfw a guy was being bald near me
>i feel like a dick isnt a very attractive appendage. its just a hanging organ not very flattering in shape. especially when it got some wiry hairs on the ball sack
I only allow ones from attractive men that I admire the body of anyway. Dick pics are satisfying to me. It's like showing that they're thinking of me and being aroused~
>wearing pants is dressing like a trash whore
The absolute state of you moids

Never ask a white supremacist what ethnicity his gf is
would you a bald woman
i think it looks nice
>no bald gf to lick the scalp of
>wearing compression clothing that hugs your ass so the world can see it
>calls it something as innocuous as wearing pants
the absolute state of foids
Women, if I go on a dating app, will you promise to be nice to me and not bully me for being inexperienced?
women, is a man wearing a backpack to work an ick?

I notice the older (30+) guys at work who wear a backpack with business casual outfits look kinda goofy. I am thinking of opting to get a leather messenger bag kinda thing instead
>dude im so QUIRKY im into conventionally UNATTRACTIVE FEATURES on women XD!!!
why are so many moids like this? it's pathetic
>angry yeti foid
sorry you have hair lmao
>she has hair
How would you feel if your gf watched ASMR almost exclusively of kisses from women?
some women can pull off bald like halsey and amber rose but they look better with hair as does everyone.

I will say I do find jew nose to be attractive sometimes. it depends on the other features.
I'll eat her out to it
i wouldnt date someone like this.
Even if we are the same age, im too old for her mentally
I wouldn't have any particular thoughts towards that. Just hope she doesn't try to get me into it, I've got misophonia and am more likely to get annoyed.
Wow, look at this slutty attire. She must be on her way to the street corner.
does it have to be leather? it gives off "hipster" imo
maybe it's just me tho ^^'
Dam this outfit is ugly lol
>why are so many moids like this?
Because they are desperate.
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>Dam this outfit is ugly lol
Post an example.
>I am thinking of opting to get a leather messenger bag kinda thing instead
I prefer breifcase/messenger bag to backpack man. Back pack says he's either a Dadcore or just homeless.
Nice container says you do upstanding things.
I already live in a walkable suburb. Now I just need to drive the violent criminals out of the inner city.
Can I get a mob baby boy to do some bidding for me?
I bet if you offered them cash for their shitty house, they'd happily leave.
Women say this and then judge you for wearing cargo shorts
It's ok as long as you don't mind that I listened to an ASMR of a guy from fucking Genshin Impact
Cargo shorts are for moving cargo, your tiny pp can fit right into skinny jeans and you'll look 10x better.
Lasso me
I would rather date someone who took their mental health seriously and stuck to treatment, than someone not diagnosed with anything who was reckless
1v1 me in the Chao garden bb
Cargo shorts only look like shit when they're going halfway down your shins. If they fit right, they wouldn't be an issue.
I had pizza with ppl tonight
It had veggies on at least
Also yoghurt and chips and ham and cheese earlier
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>1v1 me in the Chao garden bb
I'll be fertilizing your eggs all day.
>Last movie you watched
Road to El Dorado
Yeah I would fuck Chel, build my own boat, fill a bag with gold in the night and get dafuq out of there
Project A-ko (1986)
M, for me it's just more like "if I happen to meet the right girl someday that's cool if not then whatever"
Yeah that's pretty hot
Going to school
Those were simpler times honestly
It's not like you had to worry about getting fired from school
Can’t forget the sexy children
why are you all so boring?
Is it because you dont need to be interesting because you get free attention from your boobs/hole?
I'd still date her, she's a GILF
I mean even if you don't share interests, you can still just coexist at home while doing your own hobbies, and then go out and do neutral activities together
But yeah it is harder to date when you have little in common
Bud, we've got three
my parents.
>misses point of being uninteresting
>insists on being fucked by multiple men through various orifices

why are women like this. do you not have a shred of self respect or dignity? is honor a foreign concept to women?
Would I have sex with Sigourney Weaver? Duh, she's a babe
Nta but the closest thing we had to do to that in the UK was an ALIS test which was like a watered down IQ test they based our predicted grades on and frankly a load of bollocks
NAG but the girls at my work used to tease me for carrying my backpack everywhere like Dora the explorer
I don't think it actually "icked" them though, maybe just a bit goofy
One of them said it was cute
Hot, but I would wonder if she was lesbian
Let's Chao karate playfight then I'll Chao race you to the bedroom
Actually I miss the sexy teachers
The world is a hungry place, a dark place.
>Yeah? You sure it’s not 1006?
DBZ reference
>Nta but the closest thing we had to do to that in the UK was an ALIS test which was like a watered down IQ test they based our predicted grades on and frankly a load of bollocks
>he doesn't know IQ tests originated in the UK
Glad to see education sucks over there as well :^)
I like how the name of the image slowly descends into schizobabble near the end, lol.
I live in NJ. Central. I am looking to move out west to get some acres/land because I want horses. But i suppose i can always drive 40 to ride them at a stable. Would be nice to have horses of my own.
Do you have any idea how expensive horses are? Or are you just going to rent a stable?
Shut up shut up shut up
You can't eat dog girls unless your Chinese, I prefer adorable food waifus
>beef stew waifu
>milk waifu
I'm sold, where do I buy?
kek there is a chicken tendie girl
>Do you have any idea how expensive horses are?
im not poor.
How often are you going to have sex with it?
I'm 30 mins in and he's finally shifted tones from "I love this game, I hated sonic, then I loved him again. Wowie wow"
i'm sorry anon
Sounds like the average sonic fan, unstable.
I live near where I can drive 40 minutes and ride where I know the owner through my mom's friend. Spent a 4th of july there once.
And I own my house.
why are you gay

I currently "own" a gelding and a mare. I pay for them to be boarded at a stable. I would like my future wife and potential kids to learn horse riding. I also want chickens because i eat a lot of eggs and I don't trust sources of supermarket eggs.
That's a lot of sex if you have two horses and want to involve your family and chickens...
I just want a guy to sweetly dote on a chao with.
Oh wow you're actually watching it haha
I also watched like half an hour on double speed and the NiGHTS (which is probably my favourite game), Ristar and Mania parts
I'm just glad someone else loves Sonic CD as much as I do lol. I always thought it was the best Sonic game
Date this guy
Holy shit, no. I thought you were being serious. Fuck off troll.
Well he likes Sonic.
Jfc, no tranners.
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Fuck you Sonic is fun
first of all its a joke relax, secondly he isn't a tranny here, stop brain rotting.
You're talking to someone who loves the Sonic Adventure series and is rolling around at the speed of sound.
He's a tranny now, and that's all that matters. No trannies ever.
I like my girls with curves, so no thanks.
women, how long into a relationship is ideal for vacation overseas or road trip?

i really just want to travel with someone and not alone and thats kind of main reason i want a life companion/gf. ill obvously care about them as well. my mom too old to travel
Alright dedthread philosophy time.
Men, If you could solve any one of the world's problems, which one would it be?
no more jooz
simple as
I would solve the world's me problem
>Jumps off chair
>If you could solve any one of the world's problems, which one would it be?
World peace ez pz
Or food and shelter for everyone
AGI so everyone would have the AI waifu or husbando they deserve.
The healthcare crisis. I never forgot my first gf breaking down in tears over her brother’s death due to brain cancer. It’s really a tragedy to die when it could’ve been at least treated.
why do women believe in astrology/zodiacs, tarot card readings, palm readings, and other mumbo jumbo?
I'd make dog girls, fuck the world's problems.
Maybe 3 months. Take the trust 500km further. 1-2 year mark would be ideal for overseas.
I'm really sorry for your ex anon
As someone who works in public healthcare it honestly still astounds me that in America you have people literally dying every day because they can't afford to pay for treatment. Absolutely inhumane society
on some level because it feels good to have some kind of guiding light and something to put your faith in to let you know things are gonna work out
I unironically roll dice on life decisions sometimes
fuck it, whatever the numbers give me is what was destined
I'm not a woman, but have you noticed that female "spirituality" almost always comes back to buying shit? Crystal, cards, books, and such? I think its just another way to veil the fact that they like to buy shit without seeming materialistic and it completely escapes them they are just as materialistic as everyone else.
We have better Precognition than you.
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>I'd make dog girls
OK this is based
Meanwhile I would make myself a girl's pet dog
He was only 4 years older than me, I was 19 she was 18. Gone too soon.
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>slept with chick I've been dating last night for the first time
>Plenty of foreplay (touching, went down on her, kissing, caressing)
She was so tight I couldn't get more than one finger in without hurting her.

Tried to be gentle (she was small Chinese girl) and relax her but I couldn't help but feel I was hurting her. She was so tight at points I could feel her pussy contract around my cock.

Was it nerves? Did the best I could do to make her comfortable. She did ask me to be gentle and I'm used to my partners liking being fucked roughly. Is this vaginismus?
>on some level because it feels good to have some kind of guiding light and something to put your faith in to let you know things are gonna work out
I'll forever be waiting for my rule 64 Jessica Graham
holy shit mid-childhood coom queen
Curing death from age- and age-related things.
Dying from brain cancer at 23, jesus christ. My condolences
If there is a God up there he's a cunt

how come no woman truly believes in God anymore. but they believe in pagan mumbojumbo.
I am not even saying christian god or whatever. I just think there are 2 logical paths, you can believe there is a God or there isnt. paganism and astrology bullshit is clearly not real.
Are you the one posting all the dog girl music videos as well?
Maybe youre just so off putting she couldnt relax
i am not a woman and i am the dice rolling poster youre responding to
because it isnt popular
women only go with the opinions of whoever they respect, whether it be their boyfriend, father, or society
We have seen some shit that makes us not believe in god.
Like a good majority of us have.
Dog girl music videos?? No that's not me lol
Based Brandy appreciation
She shaped my taste in women in my formative years more than a cartoon dog has any right to
Also fun fact she's voiced by Kaley Cuoco
all my female family members who complain about the current state of economy and crime that live in a swing state are voting Kamala harris.
Im not a trump fan, but why do women think voting in the current VP is going to improve their lives?
the 4 years of trump were obviously better if you dont watch msm and just focus on yourself.
>the 4 years of trump were obviously better
You have a penis. They are worse, you are dumb. Please stay single, iq skill issues.
Her yoga pants probably hug her ass so yeah it is
>Dog girl music videos?? No that's not me lol
I think you might like them
You just know there's already r34 of this shit
what was worse under trump? exclude everything covid related. no ad hominems.

I know the economy was significantly better, immigration and crime were much better controlled, and we werent funding billions to 2 wars we arent part of.
38 billion a year to israel btw
Yeah maybe, but I doubt it. She wouldn't have invited me back the next weekend then.
>making anything better
Sorry I just laughed a lot at this
No one will care once the Palestinians are gone.
My sister is a blue-thru-and-thru democrat, so is my mom, they are both voting Trump this election. I'm proud of both of them.
>immigration and crime were much better controlled
No, I don't have to spar with you when you are this stupid. I don't value your opinion, she'll win without your vote.
>She'll win
Most unpopular candidate in the history of America, I don't think you even believe that.
I just looked it up and yes there is, and its also by the original artist, looks like Mimi was a thing as far back as the artist could draw, lol.
im not asking to spar. i just genuinely dont know what was worse. i know he would post a lot on twitter and say crazy things, but who cares about that. as president all he did was cut corp tax rate which increased tax revenue and de-escalated tensions with north korea.
he did the muslim ban which the court reversed and as someone from muslim descent family, i think it was good. lot of extremist muslims in america rn. they are like westboro baptist church and very bad for women.
Jewish Question
>its also by the original artist
Ok this is based kek
Speaking of dog music videos though I made this yeears ago lol https://streamable.com/omseym
I think most women in America are very mentally ill, they look at Hilary and Kamala and instead of saying "Women can do better", they get behind any woman without thinking strategically to try to push whoever has a vagina through the door just to get their first. Women deserve better than the types of women we are given a selection from right now.
wtf did I just watch, lol.
id like to end child trafficking
why should women do better than Kamala (though i agree about hilary)? were the men americans elected better than kamala?
it's just that for some reason the standard is always higher for women.
did you add a banjoy kazooie noise near the end of the video? That bird noise scared the shit out of me lmfoa.
Also a banger
need slampiggy gf
>were the men americans elected better than kamala
Yes, and not because they were men either, but they actually had the >it's just that for some reason the standard is always higher for women.
This is why we are getting low quality women running for office, the bar needs to be high but your more content on lowering the bar because... She is a woman...? Kinda sexist.
No it just cut off because I never finished that AMV lol
This is the song https://youtu.be/xZoM58x1TXY?si=v_SKuCiwicYSwsbU
>men americans elected better than kamala?
biden with dementia is better than kamala.
bernie is better than kamala
bloomberg is better than kamala
all of these people MOGGED kamala in 2020 primary. Tulsi is better than kamala.

My choice for first female president wouldve been Whitmer personally. I would vote whitmer/walz over trump.

As it stands, im just voting out any incumbent, which means im voting trump.
>Yes, and not because they were men either, but they actually had the >it's just that for some reason the standard is always higher for women.
Yes, and not because they were men either, but they actually had the competency to fill the role, they were the best of the best.*
>it's just that for some reason the standard is always higher for women.*
I don't know why all this shit got fucked up, I guess I highlighted without realizing it.
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>they get behind any woman without thinking strategically to try to push whoever has a vagina through the door just to get their first. Women deserve better than the types of women we are given a selection from right now.
Woman president now. No more waiting. No more picking men. End this stupid era of moron men going "Hur woman policy" "Hur woman mistakes".
Get absolutely fucked.
You're a fucking idiot. I literally said many of the men who were elected before kamala weren't better than her, so there's no reason to think "no it's a woman, the bar needs to be higher and she needs to be a flawless candidate and the perfect representation for every woman" THAT is literally sexism

Kamala is 1000% better than trump for eg. i don't give a shit. i'll say it. yet when it's a woman, she needs to be fucking einstein
Holy shit it is, why does it sound so slapped on? lmfao.
trump will win.
AIPAC/Israel wants trump to win.
The UK did that with Margret Thatcher and later with Liz Truss, they both did such a bad job that the public now refuses to vote for another female PM, do you really want the first female president to be the only female president?
>AIPAC/Israel wants trump to win.
They can fucking starve then. :) seethe harder.
and if tulsi were running, you wouldn't have picked her because [guy with balls] is better than her

this is old and tired. it's transparent.
>I literally said many of the men who were elected before kamala weren't better than her
They are though.
>no it's a woman, the bar needs to be higher and she needs to be a flawless candidate and the perfect representation for every woman"
Is the bar higher or are women just more interested in a balanced life than a man is?
>why does it sound so slapped on
Because it's an oldskool breakbeat hardcore choon that's mostly made with samples lol
Manix was an alias of Mac from 4hero for happy hardcore-type stuff
>you wouldn't have picked her because [guy with balls] is better than her
Correct. Women shouldn't be in politics.
It won't work that way in america. Britbongs are low iq inbreed island anyway.
More females have degrees and own houses by themselves without men, it'll turn into woman vs woman. Which is what >>31920963 wants.
Trump actually was a competent president though, he was also really funny.
aipac vote counts, yours does not. :)
>Britbongs are low iq inbreed island anyway.
Untrue, Britian actually is one of the most genetically diverse nations in Europe, more so than France or Germany.
Women vote is better, will always be better, and more than 3 million.
you're delusional if you think sleepy joe or trump is better than her.

and there's no point in arguing with delusion. or rather willful ignorance. you'll NEVER grant tat any woman should be president. if you do, it's dishonest, bc if she were actually running, you'd be bitching that some man is better and she's just running because vagina, all the same.
>More females have degrees
because the bar was lowered like the other girl wants, you don't want to work for president you want to be given it.
>and own houses by themselves without men
Majority of women own houses via divorce...
>it'll turn into woman vs woman.
You mean the state will collapse because we lost 7 million men from the workforce and single men are fleeing america in droves.
there's a reason why trump resonates with the low educated
i'm sure he came across as competent to them
>you're delusional if you think sleepy joe or trump is better than her.
Biden would probably be worse than Kamala, but Trump would be better than Kamala.
>there's no point in arguing with delusion
Iunno I'm doing it right now and its been fun, only one emotional here is you.
>great economy
>low crime
>no war
>as soon as Biden gets into office everything explodes
Its funny because the people you are talking down on might have less education than you, but they sure do have a higher IQ than you.
If nothing else, I appreciate the honesty.
I just said if they swapped biden with Gretchen Whitmer, I would vote for her. Because i think she's doing a good job in michigan and would be a great "First woman president".
Obama was a great "first black president", JFK was a great "first non-wasp president".

You dont want hillary or kamala to be the first woman president. it would make it so no woman will ever get elected again nor taken seriously again. Biden administration is an utter disaster and kamala is one of the worst aspects of it. There is a reason they waited so long to switch out biden and were flirting with gavin newsom as the replacement until they realized how much he sucks. Kamala was literally chosen as VP because Biden told a black radio host "if you dont vote for me you aint black" and that forced him to say "i love black people, in fact im considering a black female as vp!". I want change. i dont care if its the chaotic orange man. I rather a crazy person than this shadow govt running the country now while biden is doing who knows what.
Okay so women don't really care about sex stuff like men, I never knew that until that above post, so what do they want to do with men? What's the ideal heterosexual couple's lifestyle?
Any time. Feel free to ask for more of my controversial views
don't flatter yourself, bud. you sound like your mother dropped you when you were a baby.
I may sound like it but you think like it
aipac will rig the election. watch and see. im not voting personally and not the anon you were originally replying to. just stating a fact.
zuckerberg voted biden 2020, he's shilling super hard for trump and against biden/harris now.

If Jerry seinfeld comes out against harris or for trump (he is a staunch never trumper), know the fix is in.
>but Trump would be better than Kamala.
Nope, you're delusional, and stupid. That's why you think he is smart.
Not being able to understand why he is bad doesn't make him some idol.
Stop voting if you honestly think he is smart in any capacity. Other people know more than you, simply by listening, and that should concern you. Using your "freedom" in wild abandon for "muh choice" should go back to being illegal and guarded with testing for Voting Licenses.
do stuff together
like eachother
have fun
Aipac can get spawn camped then.
Zuckie is a bad lizard boy.
>it would make it so no woman will ever get elected again nor taken seriously again.

when men fuck up, it's that man's failure, but IF (this literally hasn't happened) a woman fails, all women should be punished?

men spew this nonsense, AND take themselves seriously.

anyway, it's late, so i ought to go to sleep.
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I'm going to vote for him and I'll smile and think of you while I vote for him for 4 MORE YEARS!!!!! <3
starfish as chad reads my mind.
not anymore. most smart people are voting trump now. its not because they want to vote trump but its because of the same reason youre voting democrat. "its a vote against trump". Smart people are voting trump because "its a vote against mass immigration, bad economic policies, trannies, more reckless spending, etc."

Trump shouldve never won 2016. he won because of how bad cancel culture was in that era. right after gay marriage got legalized in 2015 and tumblr was at its peak was a crazy time. trump winning the election ended cancel culture.
It came>>31921023
back around 2020-2021 during covid but not as bad and elon buying twitter ended it.
You're pretty as you are boo~~~
Most women cannot lead.
I'll vote so hard for Harris that all you basement dwellers go back to your rock and stay there forever and then die for our society to progress.
You have Trump Derangement Syndrome, I get your being emotional but you have absolutely not excuse to be spitting the hate you are because someone disagrees with you politically, you might be 18 chronologically but you're obviously underage mentally.
Most men suck at leading. Replace them all.
>for our society to progress
what does this look like?
>that all you basement dwellers go back to your rock and stay there forever and then die for our society to progress.
Rock? I get a rock? In this economy I'll be rich as fuck, you have no idea how hard it is to find a good rock to live under these days!
children of single fathers end up fine and similar to 2 parents
children of single mothers do not
Kys you too
based rock dweller
Glad we came to the conclusion it's a bias thing and has nothing to do with any attempt at a rational justification.
It's barely been half a century since women could own their own wealth. The statistics will turn over soon.
Imagine how good the hate fuck between these two would be after election day? They'd be happy in every aspect but politically, lol.
I'll never touch a trump supporter willingly.
Psychologically speaking, that just makes the pleasure greater because its a "forbidden fruit".
There will not be any pleasure, they are brain dead. Borderline pedophilic to touch one that immaure and stupid.
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Kids of single dads aren't doing too well either. They're slightly less likely to go to prison but significantly less likely to graduate college.
>Borderline pedophilic to touch one that immaure and stupid.
Don't worry more than one anon thinks the same way about you.
>They're slightly less likely to go to prison but significantly less likely to graduate college.
Nevermind, the distance is actually the same. Still, the outcomes only differ marginally. And step families do pretty badly too.
flawed research because single father households are more likely to pick up trades than to go college so you are cutting out a huge segment of successful people because they aren't getting a piece of paper.
this, most men aren't going to college because they are going into trades and can make near 6 figures after around 5 to 6 years of working.
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I would say the elevated rates of going to prison aren't looking great either. And the American working class is doing poorly in general, with their wages having stagnated and their marriage rates dropping.
women want equal benefits and no accountability.
Women, I hate you. You're dumb and stupid and fat and ugly and I hate you. I hate you!

Now vote for who I tell you to vote for, okay?
Wrong again, your own graph shows that single fathers beat everyone but intact and adoptive parents.
I could care less about marriage, men aren't going to get married to women who will divorce them over nothing. The majority of Americans leaving are single men and the majority of American men who are marrying are doing so outside of the country and aren't coming back.
some non working class men will marry a working class woman but most will not.
most working class women will not marry a working class man because she thinks she can do better. some will settle

Working class men of future will end up alone. before most working class women didnt really have easy access to richer men. You'd have to move out of your town and move to a city to get a richer man. internet/social media changed things.
To live in America you need to be extraordinary now, not ordinary due to unmitigated immigration into the country and a seemingly preferential treatment to those who are new to the country rather than those who are born here. These are all dropping because there's a surplus of labor floating around in the market and not enough jobs. The American dream is no longer staying here, its leaving.
The Biden Admin stopped tracking the estimated amount of Americans living abroad because for the past four years the American ex-pat community in Europe and Asia are growing rapidly.
I always laugh when women say "Where are all the good men? Where are all the men now?" Well obviously they are leaving if you bothered looking at the statistics.
>Wrong again, your own graph shows that single fathers beat everyone but intact and adoptive parents.
They are doing piss poor as well.

I find that actually surprising, since I would have expected the conditions under which a man becomes a single father to differ quite a bit from the conditions under which women tend to become single mothers. e.g. I would have suspected for single fatherhood to be mostly associated with the mother being lost to illness or accident, but it seems single fatherhood conditions are comparably dysgenic.

At the end of the day, nurture is overrated. There is no good evidence it has as much of an impact as cuckservatives tend to believe.
>They are doing piss poor as well.
No they aren't, they are doing the best out of the two groups with 1 parent involved. In an ideal world there wouldn't be single moms and single dads, but they aren't doing "piss poor" comparatively.
>At the end of the day, nurture is overrated. There is no good evidence it has as much of an impact as cuckservatives tend to believe.
I like how you think if you sound intelligent that I wouldn't notice that you are schizobabbling...
you need to be wealthy or a nepo-baby to live comfy anywhere.
america still has some areas where you can still work hard and live comfy. if you can get a remote job you can live in michigan or something and get a nice house for 200-300k.
you are not gonna find similar deals in europe or canada or australia where housing is more than beyond fucked.

Rise of china also means the quality of life we had as the solo super power is gone. before america manufactured everything. we peaked 1985-2004. America is going downhill. china prb will take over
I live in Japan and my house costed me only 15k USD...
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If they had any pride in trying to fix this stupid backwards country for the better then they wouldn't have left. Good riddance. Go fuck up a different country.
The average single man leaving is worth twice the GDP of the ones who are still here. The reason prices are going up isn't due to "inflation" its the rich people, specifically rich singles, leaving.
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>No they aren't, they are doing the best out of the two groups with 1 parent involved.
If 32% of their kids end up in prison and only 11% graduate college, then they are doing comparatively poorly and not significantly better than single moms.

But given the fact that we know criminality has a significant heritable component, it's besides the debate either.

The majority of the variance is not explained by single moms or single dads are bad at "raising" their kids. If anything they're bad at choosing partners and they are bad partners themselves. Whether a kid is going to prison or graduating college is more strongly determined by their genetic make-up than how they were raised. This is also why step families do comparatively poorly too - and even adoptive families aren't doing great, probably because the pool of adopted kids mostly consists of kids from sketchy family backgrounds.
Oh and not just fix it so that they are solely better off more than others. But to make their immediate areas better so they are living with better surroundings.
>If 32% of their kids end up in prison and only 11% graduate college, then they are doing comparatively poorly and not significantly better than single moms.
No they are actually doing on par because the graph you originally posted has a 6 digit difference between both metrics with single fathers have the smaller overall absolute metrics, again this research is flawed because it equates college with success which isn't totally true anymore.
Trump is going to lose.

- Women will collectively vote for Kamala because they want to murder their babies.

- Nationalist whites are abandoning Trump because he panders too much to Israel and minorities.

It will be 2020 all over again.
>specifically rich singles
So uneducated rich.
Nobody misses you screaming at the starbies barista that probably made your stupid bullshit drink correctly anyway.
>Anyone I don't like is uneducated
Do you know what the competency crisis is? America lacks the highly educated workforce it needs because that highly educated workforce is leaving
>Nobody misses you screaming at the starbies barista that probably made your stupid bullshit drink correctly anyway.
Smart and/or rich people don't go to Starbucks...
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>oh I'm so shocked at you calling me out, I'm going to laugh like an idiot.
Check mate
I mean if you are admitting your throwing a temper tantrum, go ahead, I won't stop you. I'll even let you keep the "win", I love letting kids win!
Food service industry is an exclusive luxury now.
You know who pays the most for luxury? Believe it or not poor and middle class people.
Nta but hahahaha it is one of those unironic
>if you would stop eating avocado toast you would be able to buy a house
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College is still a marker of success - in particular for men. And most importantly: it is also a marker of immaterial status. Women consistently rate men with degrees as more attractive than men without.

>the graph you originally posted has a 6 digit difference between both metrics
I believe single dads are four percent less likely to raise a kid who is going to prison and 4 percent less likely to raise a kid who is going to graduate college than single moms.

Which is "better" is up to you to decide, but I can only repeat: the majority of the variance between individual when it comes to the question of ever going to prison or ever going to college is determined by their genes. How kids are raised has a comparatively small impact. It does not matter nearly as much as conservatives tend to believe.
>If you stop spending money you'll have more of it
... I can't believe what I'm reading...
>Women consistently rate men with degrees as more attractive than men without.
I honestly regret getting my college degree, like I said, I don't care about marriage. Most men don't, so why would what women find attractive matter to men who are leaving anyway?
Nope, sell your shill to someone stupider that hasn't worked in it a day in their life.
>poor people fly jets! They could afford so much more if they just didn't eat at all!
Capital Delusion.
College is legit a waste of time and money. Who cares what women think?
>tell you to stop spending money
>uses the word "sell" to imply you aren't buying what I'm saying
You're already learning from me! I'm so proud! You save girl!
>he panders too much to Israel
this is all he needs anon.
white nationalists are the stupidest voters.

trump thought 6 week abortion is too restrictive but his retard campaign told him to reverse. its not like pro lifers are or white nationalists are voting kamala. I dont get why republicans not just cater toward other groups besides evangelicals. they are like blacks. they vote red no matter who
The point is: for most people it still works out getting a degree. And I assume it matters to men who want to date/marry women.

Also, I should stress: I don't think these developments I describe are good, fair or whatever. I think they're problematic since they probably contribute to plummeting birthrates and the threat of demographic collapse.

However, there is no point to be delusional about the facts.
70% of men don't want to marry last time they were polled 3 months ago by pew, saying that women like something isn't going to convince them.
Yeah, because I'm probably worth more than you despite your shill.
>However, there is no point to be delusional about the facts.
I agree, don't go to college and don't become attractive to women kek.
>its not like pro lifers are or white nationalists are voting kamala.
The pro lifers are going to vote Trump anyway but the white nationalists are going to stay at home on election day. White men cost Trump the victory in 2020.
its not. going to college undecided and majoring in psychology or a meme degree is a waste of time/money. if you know what youre doiing its not.

t. male with college degree and making more in my 20s than a tradie ever will with maxed out overtime
I wouldn't care either way at least i'm not boring :/, at least try to be more creative with your insults...
It doesn't matter how much you make, its what you do with it. You could make 6 figures but if you spend almost all of it without saving you may as well not be working, but "highly educated people" like yourself seem to not really understand this.
Again, college is useless.
most white men arent white nationalists.
only you losers are like that.
also Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016.
Most of the voting population is not white men.
women and mail in voting (lazy voting before the debates) cost trump the election. if mail in voting was limited to a week before election day, trump wins.
>CoLlEgE iS gOoD bEcAuSe BuYiNg Is GoOd.
I'm so happy I don't have to work and be around people who think like this.
>also Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016.
Not the votes that matter.
I have a college degree and a couple of certs and I can only find service job where no one speaks English, college is an intelligence test that both you and I failed.
I cut the chase out in here.
Feel free to cry about it.
idk what youre talking about. i am saving. i def have more money than any tradie i spoke to.

i dont regret the opportunity cost of working at exploited wages as an apprentice in bad conditions.
I can't believe you made me cry
If only I was as cool and smart as you...
Now run along and go play with the other children, dear.
what. where did i say buying is good. are you trying to reply to me or 3 posts up because i just started the reply.

whats your degree in. how many times did you change your major.
>proof that just because you are educated doesn't mean you are smart
>le hecking exploited apprentices
Its okay, maybe one day you'll get it, boomer.
>whats your degree in. how many times did you change your major.
It doesn't matter, just keep working so you can pay for me to live for free thanks.
Idk what kind of cope is this.

I'm not the femanon you were crying to before. i am a guy who went to school in a good field, got a well paying job at 21. Graduated debt free as well through internships and scholarships/grants. I didnt major in psychology or communications.

i barely pay federal income tax (i write almost all of it off).
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What is this a jpg for ants?
Only person I see coping here is you.
Where I come from we call your kind highly qualified idiots, rather than just idiots.
Let the bugman brag about his money, its all he has, its not like he spends his time thinking anyway.
>le deep philosophical thinker in his moms basement face
>tfw to smart to get a job
>le hecking exploited workers
He isn't expoited at all, he made you look like an idiot and he is unemployed
>"college is useless because... it just is okay!"
>"college wasn't usless for me. It took me out of poverty and helped me become fairly successful"
>"You're coping! we call you highy qualified idiots haha gottem"

He IS an idiot, just a well paid one...
Its better to be poor and smart than stupid and rich, and judging by the fact that he had a hard time grappling with that factoid without being told explicitly, means he is in for a very hard life.
you forgot to include

>t. im def smarter than him, i just didnt try and apply myself because da jooz rule the world anyway
...No one brought up Jews... Just another tally on the idiot tracker...
no its not. its much better to be stupid and rich. the only people happier than stupid people are rich stupid people.
>Its better to be poor and smart than stupid and rich
Litterally stop.
Put it in park.
You went in a full circle, moron.
Leave, you have no dignity.
His retard argument was "If you work a trade job you'll be exploited" not even thinking about if you don't work at all you aren't exploited and it just didn't compute when it was pointed out to him.
female thinking, idiots don't stay rich for long. At least he'll be in good company.
Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault
This but unironically, glad you had to sit and think for a while before realizing I was right.
Women want rich idiots because they can exploit them, its why if your a man and your smart you don't take advice from women.
Most rich stupid people pay other people to keep them rich. (Investors, workers, managers, CEO's, COO's)
You're just stupid and broke.
>"If you work a trade job you'll be exploited"
Yeah. Prob 99% of 18-22 year olds going into trades are treated like shit and are paid like shit especially if theyre part of a union.

not working at all is irrelevant. you can make the argument college is useless if youre doing something meaningful with that time. the other anon mentioned doing a trade to make 6 figures. multiple people are in the convo. not just you schizoid. try to keep up. maybe go back to school
you're poor and stupid kek
>You're just stupid and broke.
I highly doubt that if I just ran rings around someone who allegedly believes they are smart and in a high paying job, I could probably do the job better than him.
Stopped reading your first sentence halfway through because almost all trade jobs are unionized, I can literally call and say I'm taking all week off and there is nothing anyone can do about it because of the trade labor shortage and the unions. Sucks to suck.
This doesn't really mean much when the "rich people" are dumber than I am.
College is useless and telling people to go back to College is such a shit-for-brains advice that you'd be laughed out of any room you were in if you uttered that.
Nobody's employing you to manage their money. You're bad at it, because you're stupid and broke.
High paying jobs don't want smart people, they want quick learners with next-to-no critical thinking skills so they can just be exploited and just go with the flow and not ask questions. You just happened to bump into one of those people, their called Bugmen.
If you need people to manage your money that's not a good flex, it means you're just a self-aware moron. You're bad at it because you're stupid and unaware of it.
>One unemployed NEET absolutely destroying everyone in the thread.
Legendary Warrior rises!
Or it just means you work on so many incomes that you need a book keeper to track time for you.
You're not proving that you have intelligence.
You know you can automate that? What are you? A time traveler from the 50s?
Did I say it had to be another person instead of a program? You still have to pay for good programs.
>I just ran rings around
anon...everyone is on his side. why are trades so butthurt and stubborn. just give up. this is pathetic
>trade labor shortage
He still thinks is 2021...
Blue collar layoffs have already started.
unearned sense of superiority caused by narcissism

that's what jordan peterson warns of

no wonder he cant get a date
>that's what jordan peterson warns of
who's gonna tell this guy jordan peterson went to college and got a doctorate degree?
If you could live your entire life free from any emotional pain, would you choose to do it?
Funny you say that because most of them are free an come with the bank.
There's a lot of idiots in the world
I'd rather be dead than marry, nice mirror btw.
He is also addicted to opiates, I don't listen to drug addicts.
>Imagine thinking people want to date
>most of them are free an come with the bank.
Summer child syndrome.
I honestly can't think of anything more miserable than being in the same room as a woman for an extended period of time.
Tell me you are poor without telling me you are poor, Anon.
If past you could see present you, what would they say?
If you have a certain amount of money the banks give you way better tools and services for free, a lot of them give you a personal banker too or an automated system that the banker checks so you don't have to pay.
Iunno but I would probably think my former self was a fag.
>for free
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, stupid.
They're spying on you on purpose, and giving themselves the tools to do it.
...sigh... It makes sense why people are so bad with money when you hear shit like this...
You're the moron taking the free samples from people that want to keep your money harder for themselves. Just proves further that you don't have any and are talking out of your ass.
It depends on how far back into the past we go. My kid self would probably be disappointed but my young adult self would probably be surprised that I'm still alive and things haven't completely gone to shit.
do yourself a favor and look up how private banking works, every public bank has a private bank branch because they want you to give them your money because banks work on loans, debt, and deficits... This isn't hard.... They don't lock it in a vault like goblins.
That's too complex for them, let me explain it
More people putting more money in = more money to loan out and do buisness with. This means people of high networth are actually more important for the bank to keep and maintain relationships with because they own a larger percentage of the money that is coming into the bank. Its easier to keep 1 person with high net worth happy than hundreds to thousands of people with low net worth.
He's resorting to thinking that mansplaining things makes him look smarter, like he's reciting some foreign concept and not common sense.
Stop posting, you're cooked, bruh. A full laugh.
>doesn't know how banking works
>zoomer language
Should have figured...
More mansplaining? What a broken record.
>no ur dumb
Look, narcissist. You have lost and fully exposed your asshole.
You haven't disproven either of my claims against you. You won't talk yourself out of this either.
I will make sure you don't.
Why are you shocked that the generation with one of the lowest IQs on record doesn't know how things work?
the 2010s would like their word back...
Why would I disprove things that are so worthless in the first place? You're the one staring at my asshole in this metaphor, why don't you look away? Or do you like what you see?
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Do we actually have two stupid narcissist online in the same thread.
Excuse me.
>So dumb that they don't know they were replying to the same person the whole time.
Kek, par for course.
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>hehe I'm hive mind actually
Actually I'm God... Sooooo.... Yeah..... Don't masturbate? K, Thanks. I'm gonna go get some galactic cigarettes, see you in a million years!
Bye, nobody loves you anymore, just themselves.
Doesn't matter, that's what Hell is for, its basically my version of a pet cremation furnace, I'll keep your little mahogany box on my shelf and look at it maybe once or twice a year.
Oh, and nobody actually believes you either. They use you as a sorry excuse to do unspeakable evils in your name. And your son left the heaven gates unlocked.
You are nothing.
Doesn't really change the fact that you'll be on a little mahogany box on my wall, ironic that the thing that will become nothing one day calls me nothing, such is life.
No, I'm never going to be anything of yours. You may never posess me.
Go take your meds.
I own you right now and I'll forever own you and I'll forever love you, but it is your choice to burn or not. I'll always be here if you need me and I'll always be waiting for you, no matter how far you stray, I'll always forgive you. :3
I can see you've ran out of interesting things to say and I'm not very interested in "no u"s so I'm going to go to bed, good night.
Grey rock checked
Took you long enough to do it, also by responding that way I can easily reel you back in now, but I'm actually going to go to bed, so again good night.

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