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Wagie Kobeni Epiosde
Last Episode: >>31919898
For fat and balding anons who would never hit a woman
I want to say something but I can’t. I need help and the only place I can look for it is unsafe. I guess I’ll figure it out on my own
shut up attention whore
I give you permission to hit me in an MMA situation.
It was one slap.
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For fat and balding anons who recognize the necessity to physically discipline women every now and then
M, 20
I just visited Chicago and I have to say I have no hope for my country anymore, this place is quickly becoming somewhere I don't belong. There's no order, it looks like a foreign country, you can just feel the oppressiveness of the culture. Looking at footage of 1940s-50s American cities and stuff like pre-war Dresden makes me so sad. It seemed so peaceful, so socially cohesive, so beautiful. Every populated place just seems alien (to everyone honestly), and everyone seems to be permanently "on edge".
I'm in college now (experiencing the same problems), should I orient my life around an exit from America? Is Europe better or are the same problems happening there? Or should I just flee to some moderately populated part of Maine or something?
If I do decide to look into leaving in the next 5-10 years, what language should I learn? I'm in software, is that enough of a skill to be a positive for immigration?
What should I do?
Justifying like this is honestly disgusting. You start with a little thing like that and it honestly snowballs pretty quickly. Are you brown?
Men, do you really think brats are better in bed?
So that applies to everyone right? 80 year old woman that could possibly die, someone else's 4 year old?
No, I just think you're making a big deal out of nothing. It doesn't get worse.
Maybe, but I like a little fight in them, makes it easier to forgo being gentle
No, not at all, women who are sultry, mature, and own their part in bed are the best I have been with. I have yet to be with a brat who's into it, but I doubt it's any good at all.
>It doesn't get worse.
Another red flag. Ignoring the possibility that something could ever happen. You unironically sound like not a good boyfriend.
>It doesn't get worse.
You are not arguing in good faith, it seems.
I personally don't like brats because handling them feels like one of those female gaze things I'll never understand
>No omg can't you tell you're supposed to call me stupid not call me a slut
>slapping okay but spanking not
It's too confusing.
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how big of a deal is it that i don't have myself figured out sexually? everyone seems to be all "this is my kink!" or "i am a [sex person category] and i want [this other sex person category]" but i don't know for sure any of that. i get aroused and i have a bunch of ideas of things we could do but i don't have a clue how to categorize myself or explain myself in a quick way. is it okay to still be experimenting after i start dating or will that feel like a chore helping me figure myself out?
Women, what do you think of girls who suddenly and only get the motivation to make a move when they feel like they're in danger of losing their man to someone else? What do you think of jealousy?
forgot to say f, whoops
Not knowing what you want is fine as long as you communicate clearly with your future man. What men fear is a woman who already knows what she wants... but she won't tell him because she expects him to figure it out on his own.
Perhaps you're asexual? You don't need to force yourself into a box.
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Speaking of beatings.
>My university saving up their dickishness for the very last year of being an undergrad
If it takes almost losing your partner to someone willing to treat them right for you to start treating them right, you're not ready for a relationship.
Women, do you have to pay for tampons in a bathroom?
i am absolutely without a doubt not asexual.
>you dont need to put yourself in a box
...asexuality is a box too
What about when you're just good friends but she suddenly wants you when she feels like another woman could take him away?
I was talking to a chick about fantasies and she said getting cheated on.
I am here to inform ALL women this is NOT allowed
Cuckoldy is a MALE fetish for US
YOU cheat on US
STOP stealing our fetishes
>sexting guy
>send him video of me spreading my grool between my fingers before licking them clean
>he deletes me
Men, why would a guy do this?
Depends. Was it sudden? If any part of it was then maybe he sensed desperation or didn't like that you were skipping sincere relationship building. We're horny but we're also varying types of stupid and have different priorities.

Also hate to sound rude but there could also be an attractiveness issue. Again, we're horny, but just because we strongly wanna stick dick in pussy doesn't mean we still have no standards, even if very little
You are moving the goalposts. If you're a grown woman in her fertile years, you can take a single slap or a punch.
Obviously if he's a psycho who regularly leaves you with bruises or a black eye etc and others are noticing them, then you should leave. But I can bet that almost every man has hit their gf/wife once or twice when angry and it's not a big deal. They simply move on.
This is the definition of the friend zone. She wants your time and attention but doesn't want an actual relationship with you and will dangle that carrot for as long as she needs to get you back under her thumb.

Cuckqueaning is a fantasy fetish because there is no shame in a woman being cheated on. If anything, it's a good thing because it shows your man has options but chooses to stay with you.
Could be:
>He coomed and got post nut clarity
>Your pussy was nasty
>He just wanted a video and had no interest in continuing things
>He got caught in the act
many possibilities
Women have been doing cuckqueaning longer than men could have because of years of harem evolution since the first agricultural revolution.
Do the male tripfags here just infinitely respond to their own posts? I can't imagine any reason a random anon here would entertain them
>I want to say something but I can’t.
This place is pretty damn anonymous. What can't you say on here?
You are the one moving the goalposts retard, you are saying "I was drunk" is an excuse for anything, so does that include 80 year old grandmas and other people's children? Or is what you really mean "It's okay for me to hit you if I'm angry"?
This place isn't safe. My stalker is reading my posts.
So a red flag either way, basically. I thought so but I wanted the female view on it just to be sure. Thanks
>Men, do you really think brats are better in bed?
No. And I'm a dom. I like my subs obedient.
Pretty sure this is normal lol, you're fine anon
>others are noticing them
ANOTHER red flag, holy shit. So it's ok as long as no one notices?
Nope. I just steal handfuls of free stuff provided in the men's bathrooms at work and nobody has complained at all.
>Logic and reasoning
A feeble argument
Women, what horny media do you enjoy?
>is it okay to still be experimenting after i start dating
Of course! How else are you going to figure out what you like other than by trying it?
>I can bet that almost every man has hit their gf/wife once or twice when angry
Please just stop talking, you psycho.
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I think I just have to come to terms with the fact that I was never meant for love, and just have to move on with my life knowing I will have to live in this depression twilight of knowing that I am forever trapped by this limitation on my life
Either gender
How do I finally come to terms with this
Exhib does
It's probably like stubbing your toe. You are blowing things out of proportion. A normal man isn't a psycho who would hit you with full force, he would just use enough force for you to not do something again, the way kids got spanked when little when they misbehaved.
>almost every man has hit their gf/wife once or twice when angry and it's not a big deal. They simply move on
I can't tell if you're taking the piss lol
This is literally normal AND people who think they're into X then try it often find its kind of meh, they like Y more, etc.
I like some of them, though.
Mostly written smut and audio.
... how do you... wait, what?
When you make this post again after not getting the "acceptance" you pretended you wanted, can you change the format of the post to "How do I cope with" so my filter can catch it, ty
You don't have to come to terms with anything because it's bollocks, tell your depression to piss off
Find other things in your life that bring you meaning/joy and make the days worth living. Then whether you ever find a companion or not is not a big deal
Anon, I am not a little kid or a dog or something.
Rate your looks from 1-10 with 5 being plain average
Strengths and weaknesses
Ideal partner qualities
Why are you still on this general

Very curious about the demographic that posts here
I'm listening to Sabrina's new song and she mentioned not caring about her ex and his girlfriend even though she's singing about it. What did she mean by this?
*farts on your post*
>Men, why would a guy do this?
A disconcertingly large number of men, given a choice between having real physical sex with a real woman, or just collecting pictures of women naked, prefer to just collect pictures and jerk off to them.
No need to be insecure. If you don't wanna share then don't
I met a girl at this shitty cocktail bar on Friday and spent the night with her. I got her number when she drove me home the next day but I have no idea what to text her or how long to wait.
Also, I'm worried she's not going to like me as much if we see eachother again. I was very drunk when we met (my workplace was paying for the night out so I made the most of it) so I was lot less shy and awkward. I'm literally diagnosed autistic and struggle socially, but it's something I'm trying to improve. I had a lot of fun talking to her though so would like to see her again even if it doesn't go anywhere.

Also both times we had sex (the night of and the next morning) I couldn't cum. I dunno if it was because I've been drinking heavily and hardly sleeping for the last week or if I was just nervous. I rarely drink anymore, this week just had a lot of special occasions, so I dunno what effect it has on me sexually
It means she's trying to sell records by making an #empowering #relatable choon
If you like her then just text her bro and ask what she's up to, try to rekindle the conversation and see if she wants to meet again
Don't you talk about likes/disliked beforehand? The limits regading degrading talk are very specific.
Qt MAP, I have an offering for you. Come to me.
>seek social cohesion
>wants to move to a place where nobody is like him

No, you shouldn't move to Europe. Move to somewhere in NA.
There are a lot of white people from the south and flyover states that hate yankees and foreigners, and some yankees and some foreigners, everyone has something horrible wrong with them, but in different categories
I think you're right.
It was pretty sudden. I don't think it was an attractiveness issue. I won't inflate my own ego but I'm not ugly by any measure.

1. Could be
2. He didn't see my pussy
3. I don't know why, because he could have had something more graphic
4. This is the most likely but it makes me wonder

This is strange but also comforting
Too much data mining. I will only reveal one number at a time.
I don't respond to bulk questions like this.
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Spit it out cuz
How do you humblebrag with anyone knowing
What is it with women and male moaning?
With or without?
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Fuck off.
Cracker with beans.
I hope someone shoots me sometimeistan
Arts and culture, being vain in a way I can never achieve.
The gifts God gave me only to ensure I can never use them properly as his greatest ironic joke in the universe: Me.
Doesn't matter, I will never have anyone to love.
It is a fantastic place to vent and start shit.
I’ve been dating this girl for months and just found out about a dealbreaker she does. I’m fucked up about this because she was otherwise good. Do I push through or dump her?
I'm a gamer and I draw sometimes. I'm here to ask stupid questions and shitpost. That's all anyone needs to know
>What you're feeling isn't the issue here, its what you're not feeling that's the problem
What the fuck did she mean by this? Is she implying that I'm missing some sort of emotion?
Women: Male genocide is going to happen (by who and for what reason is irrelevant) - you can save any three males of your choosing, who do you choose?
I used to watch a lot of porn, but not anymore.

Very, very rarely I'll find a smutty fanfic of a series I like. I have literally less than 5 of these saved, though, the majority of written smut doesn't do it for me.

Nowadays I most commonly read an erotic story written by my bf, or listen to the audio version he recorded. Or watch a video of him masturbating.
A lot of women would prefer that you feel them out and intuit what she's into. I try to be the best lover I can but I find brats very hard to read. Maybe you are right that degrading talk is a special case
I left it in soctoga.
Oh yeah, you're a gamer and drawer? Prove it, name every drawing.
>What is it with [gender] and [hearing their partner in pleasure]?
It's not a dealbreaker if you are deliberating over it
>Does dating ever change tides and becomes something were women have to actually put in effort and men can lie back and choose if they like them or not?
Dating is *always* like this for women. To put it in terms you incels would understand: women are the gatekeepers for casual sex, but men are the gatekeepers for relationships. If a man wants a casual fuck, then he has to impress her; but if a woman wants a boyfriend, she has to impress him. It's a matter of supply and demand: women mostly just want relationships, men mostly just want to fuck without being tied down. Whoever is in greater demand has the power.
Thanks bro (:
Eh idk, I didn't sleep much and am in a grumpy mood lol
I agreed to go out with people tonight (which is going to really suck) and then need to prep tomorrow for job I'm starting on Tues, so I won't have much free time
Come tell me all about it.
You actually expect us to advise you when you don't say what the deal breaker is or why it's a deal breaker?
>a matter of supply and demand: women mostly just want relationships
Wtf this was not the case with the girls I've dated and most of my friends lol
That was last millennium. Now men want relationships with the average woman, and women want relationships with the perfect man.
Men, what things are unattractive to you in a woman?
My boyfriend keeps telling me he’s going to kill himself if I leave him. I want to leave but I don’t want him to do anything crazy if I do
Stupid question. Because all my answers are lies.
Gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.
You need to get better standards.
>This is strange but also comforting
I'm a guy, and I find it weird as hell. Back when I used to be on dating apps it seemed like almost every woman's profile I looked at said something like "Please don't message me unless you're serious about meeting, I'm not interested in just swapping pictures". Clearly most women had encountered a guy like that more than once.
Contact his family and tell them that you need their help because he has been threatening suicide.
She'll go as far as to offer sexual favors to keep you but she will never love you and you will always be a fallback. Many such cases.

Any medium, really. But I prefer erotica and drawn/animated. I've always had moral hangups about porn, especially professional.

F, 27, afro-latina, Texas, 7.5 - 8.5 depending on racial preference
Vidya, cars, music, fitness, cooking, mma
Not a good judge of my own strengths and weaknesses
Just be ambitious and attentive
Boredom, mostly.

I don't like male audioporn because men whimpering gives me the ick.

You don't. If you want to brag about something, do it shamelessly.

That's on him
He's bluffing. Leave.
What kind?
>Men, what things are unattractive to you in a woman?
A tendency to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.
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Well, I've been forced by my extremely incompetent boss to involved HR.

For the first time in my life I'm going to use the system instead of just punching someone in the face. Wish me luck, fellow pussies.

God I feel disgusting. I really wish we could still challenge people to duels.
He is not bluffing but leave anyway let him kill himself.
>Nta but not necessarily, maybe you just haven't met the one yet...
That goes without saying. But the anon I've been having a back-and-forth with implied that I just haven't given the men I've dated enough dates for them to *become* the one. I think for some people there are fewer "ones" we connect with.
>an erotic story written by my bf, or listen to the audio version he recorded.
Women, is this generally something that you want or expect your bf to do?
Fair enough. What if I'm on my period?
Most things. Or perhaps being devoid of things which most women are. I don't think I can hold a relationship down with the average woman. Just too boring.
So, being a woman?
Hell, no. A guy's version of erotic is way different.
Wrong thread
>Fair enough. What if I'm on my period?
That's okay if I get some warning!
I’m good
why are men so susceptible to falling in love with their female therapists, even if she's mid?
>gijinka fuckable atari
>gijinka fuckable blood cells
>gijinka fuckable blackhole
>gijinka fuckable 7up soda
>gijinka fuckable roach
Ok, great! I mean, I assume my bf would know when that happens and I honestly try not to do that but it's pretty touch and go during that time.
A sexual partner count of 1 or more
>is this generally something that you want or expect your bf to do?
No. It was his idea; he's a really great writer. Makes it a specially him thing. I asked for the audio version, though. It was difficult trying to hold the phone to read it whilst my hands were occupied with my vibrator and dildo.
The only non-blood-related woman who ever made me feel like she cares about me and my well-being.
>So, being a woman?
No, but I've dated more than one woman who was actually diagnosed Borderline. Suffice to say I won't be doing that again. I'm kind of autistic, and autistic/Borderline is a highly explosive mixture. I'm always saying the wrong thing, and she's always blowing up about it. I need a woman who is willing to say "I wonder if maybe he didn't mean that the way it sounded?"
>What kind?
I've been watching UFC for almost 24 years now. My first number event was UFC 28 and I've seen every one since.
I started training in BJJ a few years ago and just got my purple belt a few months ago.
I've also been doing kickboxing since last year. I tried a boxing gym years ago but it wad practically a McDojo and the classes for women were stupid as shit and catered to middle age moms that wanted to learn how to defend themselves.

Because men have no real frame for intimacy and emotional vulnerability aside from their mother and the female partners that drag it out of them. So when a man opens up to a woman, he associates her with that connection.
It's a woman that's listening to your problems. I assume the same thing can happen with girls.
>telling a woman who (is paid to) cares about your inner most feelings, vulnerabilities, and desires
How could this happen?
Not disgustingly obese
8 looks
I like video games, skateboarding, and motorcycles
Drama free, but aloof
2 bodies
Fun and kind personality
This is a weird fun place
>I’m going to break his heart but I know it’s better than if I drag it out. Right?
Right. There is literally no such thing as "letting someone down gently". Instead they have an ill-defined sense that something is wrong for weeks, but can't figure out what it is or what to do about it, and get more and more upset. They'll be miserable no matter how you do it, but dragging it out makes it even worse.
This feels fake because it feels like you're trying to appeal to the 'tomboy' fantasy.
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>How do I finally come to terms with this
Dedicate your life to radical politics and bring forth conditions that suit you better or perish gloriously in the attempt.
F, 31, white. I'd say I'm a 7. 2 bodies.
I like gardening, reading, swimming, hiking and watching sports on tv.
My ideal partner is my husband - smart, cute, loving as hell and funny.
I'm still here 'cause I should be doing paperwork and I don't feel like it.
I'm always right jk
Lack of ability to be truly kind
Not fake, I may have some alt outfits but I try to stay feminine. I don’t want to be a tomboy
Why? I don't think my standards are low
bros... would you break up if your gf had really loud stomach gurgling, but not brappy.. he still cuddles and it's comfy but never wants more because of my noisy tummy
As if women aren't susceptible to the same thing.
is your husband younger than you?
how did you meet him?

inb4 videogames/anime
FINE but I'm not going to enjoy it
>is your husband younger than you?
He's 3 years older than me, we met through friends.
I wish he hated me. I don’t know if I can do this to him
Quasi Catholic
5 (I'm a bit overweight)
Drugs lol. I do coke weed and ket regularly.
Strengths: compassionate, fairly intelligent, neuro diverse
weaknesses: anger problems, possible drug addiction, severe mental health problems (psychosis and hallucinations).
kind, funny, smart, good looking
I find it interesting and it's nice to chat to other people anonymously.
which one of you ladies is going to give me sloppy toppy today? got a lot of pent up cum that needs releasing...
It's vulnerable and shameful but women still moan to express affection and pleasure and to make their partners cum. Whether a man moans is the litmus test as to whether he's good in bed or not.
>why are men so susceptible to falling in love with their female therapists, even if she's mid?
Because she listens intently and sounds really interested in you and invested in you. On a conscious level you know she's only being nice to you because she's paid to, but emotions don't always work logically; the subconscious mind just feels.
Still waiting!
>psychosis and hallucinations
>smokes weed
Yeah you should probably stop doing that bro
>My dad says I should date a rich white guy, what do you think about that anon?

Do black girls really think all white people are rich?
>I'm a bit overweight
>Drugs lol. I do coke weed and ket regularly.
what a stupid fucking hobby
No but that might actually be a sign of a digestive issue.
Would you let your husband drink your breast milk from the source?
How do I stop feeling bad for having fucked a hooker out of coomer desires the other day?
How have you gatekept relationships this week?
>would you break up if your gf had really loud stomach gurgling
What?! No, of course not. My gf actually is quite gurgly. I usually say "Oh, hello anonette's tummy! It's being very chatty today." And then kiss her there.
Video Games, Anime, Manga
I am very autistic and I can debate people over lengthy periods of time on the internet until they get tired and leave.
Because it's the only place where I get to talk to women.
Do you think he'd want to?
lol no
Plus working class white guys are hotter
>I wish he hated me. I don’t know if I can do this to him
What's the problem?
I've asked him, he said that he was planning on it.
Maybe it's because I'm not horny right now but this sounds kind of gross
God tier wife you are oxford
not black but i lived in black communities because I grew up poor.

Rich means:
>parents own their house and not renting
>having videogame consoles
>having a backyard
>parents easily able to afford several outfits/shoes for their kids. its not a stresser
>parents easily able to afford brand name groceries/items

Yes, most white americans are "rich" compared to not only everyone in the world but almost everyone in america except jews, asians, indians which in total is like 5% of america.
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Does anyone else after making retarded life choices and losing everything you still want to keep going? Why? I just know I can be the best.
I care about him but I can’t be with him
>0 bodycount

grim. you think it will ever happen?

Friendship Level Increased by 7 Points!
You may now claim "First Dibs" if she's ever single.
I will. Only if you have foreskin, though.
My diet and poop quality/frequency is good anon, I don't eat much but not consistent deficit. I have gotten dr consults and I really am just gurgly.
Are you able to desire her at the same time? If she gurgles during intimacy, does it put you off ? This is my concern
What did I do this week?
>You may now claim "First Dibs" if she's ever single.
Copy beat me to that already
Could you ever see yourself in a relationship like this?
kek'd idk who this is but its always funny when i see incels name drop femanons they recognize from their typing habits. niggas simping over anonymous users on the internet that arent even single LMAO
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I think I'm pretty comfy with myself.
Good with adrenaline situations.
Shitty focus and concentration
BC: 0
Ideal: Idek. Chill? Not conceited or a whore. Mex grils are my type physically, 'red bone' skin
Why I'm here: for (You)s

Last reply was too long L
Women should I ask out my coworker? I had another dream last night where I did. I don't think we really have that much in common even but I don't know I just kind of vibe with her.
moid hands. everyone knows foreskin makes head uncomfortable with all that skin sloshing around

t. had sloppy toppy many times
I am not attracted to fat people
Good to hear you've looked into it and don't have an ulcer or anything like that.
Unironically my type...
so my GF likes kissing in public, is this a potential sign that she may be an exhibitionist?
> can't live without getting dicked
> hate men
the duality of femanons
Mom asked if I'm growing apart from my friends ugh
she's hoping Chad notices her skills and tries to hit on her after seeing what a pathetic beta cuck you look like.
... no.
He was asking women.
>everyone knows foreskin makes head uncomfortable with all that skin sloshing around
Eh? When his penis gets hard, the head pops out and the foreskin retracts beneath it. It's fun to slide it up and down. Feels nice running your tongue up it and rolling it over the head.
No, it's a potential sign that she feels insecure about the relationship and wants to publicly mark her territory.
>I assume the same thing can happen with girls.
you are very naive, otherwise every simp that's ever been used as an emotional tampon would be drowning in pussy
my mom didnt ask this but has noticed this. i hate my friends. my best friends now are coworkers from my old job. theyre the only ones that hit me up to hang out when theyre in my area and offer to hang out when im in their area (they live a state away).
Iffy with coworkers, that 'vibe' is often just sexual tension from proximity.
Even if it's a few weeks of fun dates and maybe sexo, if it dies out one of you will have to relocate.
A relationship like what?
You just outed yourself as someone who never given/received head
Anon, simps don't have professional qualifications.
Why do you hate your friends anon?
Nta but thanks I've thought about going on nubian queen safari before
I wish my coworkers would ask me to hang out. Problem is they are all women and 1v1 hang out sessions with a guy ain't comfortable for them
the older ones (as in my mother's age and up) have invited me to stuff though
my college and hs friends all live like 30 min from me and never hit me up. when i hit them up to do something they always say "theyre down". then the day before i ask "we still hanging tomorrow?" I get "sorry im out with my family", "im at another friend's place tomorrow' etc etc.
Northeast America
>Rate your looks from 1-10 with 5 being plain average
Idk, in my opinion I think a 4
I play games, browse net, and draw sometimes.
>Strengths and weaknesses
I have a job and money
I'm too lazy and depressed to make my life better
0.0 never even kissed. Though I've had opportunities I've definitely missed because of previous inexperience
>Ideal partner qualities
I can't really be picky at this point, but I guess just the ability to understand and relate and encourage each other
>Why are you still on this general
Why wouldn't I be? It's a useful and fun tool
I am a woman. I know, I'm a weirdo though. The beard and big guy combo does it for me - his hands look nice too.
where do you work.
yeah i would never hand out 1v1 with a girl that isnt my gf/sister/mom. idk how i expect to get a gf though since i have 0 female "friends".
A fat hairy dude while you're skinny
Er, I've given plenty of blowjobs. To men with foreskin and without. Much more fun with the foreskin intact.
so I should just become a professional counselor and then I'll be loved for being a simp?
>gatekept relationships
What does this mean
ok let me see how versed you are. pull up
oh, makes sense. She also marks me with hickies.
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I'm the most attractive of my old friends and they're all happily engaged or dating. Every year they ask where the fuck is my gf

What am I supposed to do they probably think I'm a fag or something, they stopped doing gay jokes
No? I like kissing my husband in public, because I love him and like kissing him.

Not something I dream of, personally.
You aren't just weird you're a man in a skirt. We are trying to help you realize this and detransition in time.
Actually, possibly, yeh. You'll probably get a lot of people with mental issues into you. Oh, wait, guys like that.
How did you meet your s/o?

Who is the reacher and settler in the relationship?
No I’m not attracted to fat people
>How did you meet your s/o?
Mutual friends.

>Who is the reacher and settler in the relationship?
I'm definitely reaching.

>What am I supposed to do
Find a gf.
I have never in my life had a s/o
There were many times I've had potential to have one through girls I met in college, but I Fucked them all up (the opportunity)
Not sure what you mean with the rest
Really love slopping up and down the foreskin, both when it's done on me and when I do it to others
North America is dying, that's why I want to leave
>when other people from struggling countries move to places where they don't belong, they ruin the place they move to
>but if I do it, it's okay
I have the same thing and it's annoying
I just make a joke about it
I can't
Met my highschool gf (though desu we were more just friends who tried dating for a few months) at a tennis club
>took a girl’s virginity last night
>texts me “thank you, for everything” after i leave
is she in love or is she going to kill herself?
I work at a bank, lots of cutie 30-somethings
No she just had a good time and was feeling loved up lol it's not that deep

If your boyfriend didn’t like sex, but would have sex with you whenever you asked. Would that be ok?
If anyone hits me I will hit them back including an 80yo grandma or a child with palsy, only exception is if they're clearly insane (drunk doesn't count, they chose to drink)
No. Tried it, didn't work well.
No. I want a man to also initiate. Want him to grope me and show significant sexual interest. Someone I can spend hours in bed with.
There is often a tampon/pad dispenser that you can put some coins in but it is normally broken lol, I've never seen anyone use them. In some nicer places like college/library bathrooms sometimes there is a little basket or something where you can just take them for free! :)

could be different in other countries idk, I am from england
How did you get that job
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you know what was that deep though? :^)
>I'll not show you my vagina but show you me licking this cum-like substance which came from it (real)
>Someone I can spend hours in bed with.
Why so sedentary? Come on, let's go hiking or plan a picnic or something.
Soc. It was mutual, we were looksmaxxed. She probably settled a bit but I am pretty chad, she just has better healthy habits than I do.
What happened
How old are you
Chad knows he needs to stay healthy to get women.
Why does my peewee get herman when girls start crying to me about their emotions
I can't fucking take this general anymore.

Every single women here just talks about how much sex she's had. I feel like a massive cuck
>What happened
Made me feel ugly, sex was bad, felt distant and disconnected. Sex with someone who wants to fuck you is fantastic, sex with someone who is taking one for the team much less so.
Turns out, no, you don't. Some actually like it when you're more unhealthy.
Can't we do both? If we find a sneaky spot we can hike to, even better right... outdoors sex is nice.
I see. I am mentally damage so I can’t enjoy sex or intimacy.
Babe, please, I'm trying to enjoy nature. Alright, forget the outdoors. Can't we migrate to the living room and play a board game? A card game? Come on, I want to spend time with you that isn't just sex.
>How old are you
25. Why?
>inb4 older men can't last hours in bed
Untrue. I've fucked a guy in his late 40s who can still come several times in one evening.
>Oh, wait, guys like that.
jaded much?
>why are mentally ill men mentally ill
I can't figure it out...
If it doesn't come effortlessly, you're not Chad.

Just read what the women here write: they've had hookups with guys who didn't wipe their butts properly and smelled like shit and they not only had sex with them, they even ate their asses. When you're Chad, you can get away with things normal men wouldn't even dream of.
Why do people spam this meme of stopping the cycle of abuse? It makes more sense to continue the abuse than to stop it.
If my life is already over and ruined, you can bet your ass I will fuck some shit up for others too, because it doesn't matter if I'm a good person or not anymore if I am already broken.
You've done this with me before, anon, a few months back. Blue-ovaried me by reverse-horny posting.
>under 25 and fucks a man who’s nearly 50
Good morning
I fucking hate women
Women, is it patronizing to get a head pat?
I'm... I'm memorable? Oh wow... thank you...
You're a faggot.
Why are women such whores
Generational trauma isn't a thing, you're just shitty parents.
>but but they had awful lives
That isn't an excuse to be a shitty parent.
Then kill yourself instead, nigger.

Yes, sorry. In my defence, I have mental issues and have experienced stuff.
Can normies tell the difference from a burn scar and a cut scar?
Because it’s fun, easy, and nearly consequence free.
Sex: F
Gender: F
Age: 18
Ethnicity: white
Region: england
Rate your looks: Idk like 6 maybe?
Hobbies: Honestly I dont do much, mainly I listen to a lot of music but I also like watching films, baking, and sometimes gaming!
Strengths: Idk I'm pretty nice I think :)
Weaknesses: I am kinda shy and not very good at talking to people
Bodycount: 1
Ideal partner qualities: Cool and nice to me, not super religious, bit of a nerd
Why are you still on this general: I like /adv/ because the people here are more chill than on other boards. people sometimes give each other good advice which is nice. Also im a girl so I feel like I can help answer peoples questions about women sometimes
No, I love it.
the stacies teasing us virgins is like part of what makes this place tick lel
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do you find Japanese chibi character designs to be problematic and promote pedophilia?
Generational trauma is a thing because personality traits are heritable. The only way to get rid of it reliably is to find a partner who does not exhibit the unhealthy traits. But since people tend to mate assortatively for most personality traits, shitty people tend to be pretty skilled at finding other shitty people to have shitty relationships with and spawn children into this world who will manifest the same behaviour.
Ah, let me regale you with tales of my youth. After leaving the Army, I effectively turned into a shut-in. I used to get my order to go at my favorite sushi restaurant and it would take longer than they said on the phone half the time. One of those times, the girl working the bar struck up a conversation. Said she saw me in there all the time. I forgot how the conversation went because I couldn't stop looking at her eyes and mouth. She had big expressive eyes and a beautiful smile. When they brought my food out and put it behind her, I asked "Can I get my food?" To which she replied, "That depends, can I get your number?"

Anyways, I get my food. This bitch is texting me at 2 in the morning. Of course I was awake but I can't let her know that because I have to pretend to be normal. Just sends me paragraphs about how much she liked talking to me and how she wanted to take me out on her next day off.

But here we are, just over 3 years later.

Because you should strive to give you the life you never had. Children don't deserve to be abused just because their parents were abused. We have to be better.
If someone associates cute chibi designs with anything sexual honestly that says more about them than the media
you know it sounded crazy at first, but i think all the worlds problems would be solved with women's body counts were on their forehead
Aight thank god
No, feels good.
I applied?
I don't think about or look at Japanese chibi character designs at all.
that's what real life friendship with a woman is like, dumbass
F only if they do really obvious panty shots and stuff like that.
geez i feel bad for your bf. you seem boring af
How do I make german friends online to speak german with? :C
...you're writing this as someone who masturbates while looking at pictures of cartoon/anime children.
what does that text have to do with the Family Guy version of that meme
>In my defence, I have mental issues and have experienced stuff
who hasn't? Hoe
Hallo, wie geht's, Anon?
I am boring but Im happy so its chill
Ewww you sound Swiss.
There are plenty of websites for this exact purpose. If you prefer anonymous conversations, you can go here >>>/int/201702159.

Hin und wieder sind aber auch ein paar deutschsprachige Anons hier. Ich würde aber nicht ausschließen, dass sie übergewichtig und von Glatzenbildung betroffen sind.
Seyx: Eff.
Gendah: Eff.
Ayyyge: Ayyytaaaiiin.
Ethnicitay: Woit.
Rayhion: Engerland.
Roit ya loiks? Ion kno guvna loik soichs moibee?
Ho bies: Hanestly Ion dew mach moinly oi lasten too a loit a moosic baht oi ahlso loik watchin falms beykang aynd samtoims gaymoing!
Strangth: Ion oim pratty noice I think
Weeknahses: Oi am kanda shoi ahnd naht voiry gewd aht tahkeen tew pey pole.
Bawdy cahnt wan.
Oideal partna qwailaties: Kewl an noice tah meh naht sooper religius beet offa nard.
Woi ahrr ya stoil ahn dis genrul? Oi loik advee becaws da pey pole heah ahrr moah cheel dan ohn oda boahds pey pole sam toimes geev eych. Oda gewd advoice woich ois nawice. Alsew oim a garl sah oi foil loik oi cahn hoilp anwah pey poles qwestahns bout wahmen sumtoimes.
the guy putting his arm on the peter character is about to say "she told me the same thing last week bro"
K, tryhard.
youll prob get cheated on.
Where do I find a girl like you? I just want a normal chill white chick not some ghetto beaner
This has been posted for years now. Maybe Elon Musk can figure something out. But if it's only PIV, bitches could start sucking dicks and giving hjs more to still keep their 0 on their foreheads.
Time is running out.
I already did :( I broke up with them and I'm single now
How ominous!
I'll try thanks
Lol I never get responses on deutsch unless it's a question about germany and stuff like that
OH NO, she was LIKED by MEN
Kay troihahd. Aht leest owa skewls ahnt kawla dootie gaymes.
>Lol I never get responses on deutsch unless it's a question about germany and stuff like that
Well, the people there tend to be peculiar.
I’m a guy, it was just a larp lol
Okay thanks. I'll send her a dick pic (without balls)
How much sex?
I'm english and this reads like an australian
>Howse, we need to cure this patient
>Oi did troi the medicine drug
women, what thought goes trough your head when a guy passes by you and mires your breasts?
Theres plenty of normal white chicks around, we dont really hang out anywhere specific idk... but im sure you can probably find someone :)
Nothing, men have been looking at my tits for 20 years.
idk I have little tiddies :/
How would you like me to quantify it?
I read that as 50 years.
I save mr beast, and daft punk.
>brother had two teeth pulled earlier this week
>can't eat certain things right now
>his gf wants to go see a movie
>he doesn't because he can't eat popcorn
>also because there is literally nothing worth spending $20+ at the theater on
>they start arguing
>he makes her cry
>she leaves
>peace and quiet
why are women so retarded?
No, I don't like fat nor bearded men.
that's like, my entire shtick
Is this a universal thing? Like, would a guy be totally ok being treated like a fetish?
Keep going! ^_^
sorry anon
my work gf has tits like these but she's fat and mid (still would)
still suckable though right? ;)
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This is fake news
The only Lucky Star character I fapped to was the teacher
I mean, I never show that much cleavage but it's usually mild amusement.
women heard the whole "be proactive" shit and they're too bold now why the fuck is a fat bitch making minimum wage with 2 kids hitting on me
now i understand how women feel when ugly dudes hit on them
Its ok, I am a lot happier since breaking up :)
NAG but would it have killed him to just go see a movie with her?
You watch more cartoons than Lucky Star, and you jack off to children from other cartoons.
Fake news (unless we count Sailor Mars soz)
don't encourage him
well thanks a lot...
or ass, or wtv, just generally? do you never get mired?
I can't think of any.
I will anyway!
You jack off to children in Totally Spies too.
if he ate popcorn then he could develop drysocket which can lead to a terrible infection, so maybe
Do you want to fuck him too or something?
But you're a tranny and too ugly?
I don't have stare-worthy breasts, but I get lots of stares at my hip-to-waist ratio when I'm wearing certain clothes. It makes me avoid wearing those clothes, except for in rare circumstances. I don't feel comfortable being looked at like that.
wait, you're that one femanon, aren't you?
Who? Maybe I am.
just dont eat popcorn lmfao
but both are stupid in this situation. just watch netflix and chill

shit like this reminds me why i am not that sad to be single
AAAAAAAAA men are making excuses for my negative qualities or even treating them positively, how can I ever recuperate from this oppression?!!?!?
Skinny chicks, what do guys ogle on you?
not really atoga related, but whats a bar like place for people who dont drink alcohol? somewhere where i can sit at some kind of bar and sulk
women are very childish and spoiled, this gen more than others.
dumb bitch should've understood that someone who got teeth pulled out this week doesn't want to do anything. However, he should not have shut her down, and instead suggested something else to do, like a walk in the park

>but it's usually mild amusement.
so you feel amused? you enjoy it as a confidence boost?
honest good answer, thank you. I had a gf with big tits and she felt the same way you do. I've I also see girls dressing like total thots, so they must love being stared down. It's puzzling
I'm skinny but my boobs are big.
I get looks whenever I show midriff or lowcut tops regardless. That last one confuses me.
I am currently presenting my pussy for an aryan man to breed me AMA
Those are the most tempting ones, though. I've always gotta keep conscious control of my eyes or they'll wander there.
>I don't feel comfortable being looked at like that.
liek a piece of fuckmeat?
You can still go to a bar and just order a soda. Preferrably one with lots of area to spread out so you can stay away from drunks.
A little bit but it's more in the way you guys are so easily aroused. That sounds bad, doesn't it?
Stop pretending to be me
Why is everything women do for social gain or attention but then they act like they don’t even want attention
I‘ll slap you.
yeast girl...
what the fuck does it mean if a girl says she feels safe with you
/atoga/ posts.
you are a gay man
im trans btw, forgot to add that part
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Bamboozling you.
Aryan just means anyone with Yamnaya blood which means everyone from souther Sweden to North india. Did you mean nordic man or do you just mean Europeans because I know you don't mean aryan-aryan?
It means she doesn't see you as a sexual being. You haven't fucked her, she doesn't like you.
No i am not I revoke the Talmud and all satanic faggotry
It means exactly that. She trusts you and thinks you're chill - it's a good thing
Yeah no this is a dumb incel view actually. Women are the gateekepers of both casual sex (which by the way is something a similarly sized subset of both genders enjoy) and relationships because women at least in western societies do not have the pressure to be in relationships men have. In fact it's not considered even slightly gauche for a hot woman to be in a relationship.
Men are the ones that do most of the effort because men's lives improve massively in relationships while women's lives remain mostly the same. But this view of the guy does everything then suddenly he's like "haha I put my penis inside you you can get fucked now" and the girl just grovels at his feet for him to keep her is retarded.
I don't usually consume horny media.
I want a boyfriend to make him cum.
What does my post(>>31923885) have to do with the Talmud or satanic faggotry?
just my imagination desu. I understand the appeal of erotica but thinking is free and I dont have to bother looking for books that appeal to me
>Are you able to desire her at the same time?
Yes, of course.
>If she gurgles during intimacy, does it put you off ?
Not in the slightest. It's cute. It might make me smile, but I think it's important to keep a sense of humour about sex anyway. Objectively you're going to get in weird positions, make strange noises, and pull silly faces. And you have to be able to fall off, or accidentally hit your partner in the face with your elbow, and be able to laugh it off. Nothing worse than being deadly serious about something that's supposed to be fun.
I'm ginger and that's all people seem to notice. But in my country that's not enough to stand out visually, I am plain and balanced imo, no acne and symmetrical, I don't dress in athleisure, either so I'm overall presentable.
If I do feel like a glance or stare is more intense, I first wonder if I have a wardrobe malfunction or am revealing too much. if the guy is attractive (my age and hygienic lole) I think about him for days (daydreaming commutes with him, smelling him, getting dressed together in matching outfits, etc.
thank u anon, affirmations and hope
>I care about him but I can’t be with him
And why can't you be with him?
How over is it older coworkers that are moms/dads say "I wish my daughter dated someone like you".
>Women should I ask out my coworker?
Always ask yourself what it's going to be like working alongside her after having a really acrimonious breakup.
Men, would you be turned off if a girl accidentally hit you in the face with her boobs during sex?
Well that's fine and dandy because it's a friend's gf
Weird ass thing to tell someone honestly, but sure
They think too nicely of you, because you're also ugly.
not sure about "owari da" but I wish I knew how to respond to this sort of thing
The Talmud is behind every post, they are all out to get me.
It's even considered slightly gauche*
How long is her torso?
I've said that to people. But to be fair I sorta have a history of not being around people that make me feel safe. I guess that might be a red flag.
lol im def not ugly
Only if it was hard enough to give me a nosebleed or something. I need that blood for other locations.
It's more that my boobs are pretty big.
No. A little stunned.
>t. yougeeelwhy
Sorry, I'm icked that your torso is the wrong size. Ick is definitely the feeling that I'm feeling right now.
is there any actual way to tell if a woman is into you or if she's just very friendly and likes to give compliments?
Regardless of job type, retail or spiffy high-end office, their daughter is either a qt humble student that they wish the best for, or an irredeemable ho that they can't control
What the hell kind of question is this? What kind of person would be okay with this?
This is a question for other men.
If you were earning and saving money for a future family and realize you will probably never date and hence never have kids, what would you do with all the money you saved?

I dont really spend much on myself. I am thinking of selling my 3bdrm house and getting a small house somewhere more lcol as well.
well the ones who tell me this have daughers dating guys with no jobs or futures and do drugs.
That sounds like a request I would make 2bh
>what would you do with all the money you saved?
I don't know. Maybe donate to political parties.
Ask her out, faggot.
It's funny that women are so hung up about their body and it's meaningless
Meanwhile male worries about dick size are fully validated
I have a big ass
Not me. I denounce it.
He didn't have to eat popcorn lol
Tbh hottest char in TS! was young Jerry's mom
It's a good sign, she means what she says (presumably)
Not necessarily in my exp
You're a good boi
Your bait is rather stale and uninspired today
If your dick is around average, even if it's below average, you are completely fine.
They want you to save their daughters and bring them into a peaceful normie middle class life.
Means you look stable and most of all BORING (read: SAFE)
Fellas, if a guy doesn't make a move but shows body language signs of interest, does that mean he likes me but is for one reason or another feeling intimidated or is he just not interested?
His other friend who's also my friend in common keeps sticking around very close to me even though I've rejected him before and made it clear we're only friends, would that have an impact?
It's just like a given. Why would you hang out with someone if you didn't feel safe around them? It's like telling someone you've known for a while "hey I don't feel like you're going to rob me".
A business associate of mine tried to hook me up with his daughter who just enrolled in college (I was 34 at the time). It was incredibly awkward for everyone involved.
the real question is this: at what age do you decide its over?
Women think average is much bigger though
Women don't know what they think. They see an average cock and think it's big.
Wrong @ sorry
we work together, not a good idea
kys pedophile
Nta but I already felt it was over in my teens.
Why is it that my mother taught me as a child to never trust men and to never depend on one? She's not even some girlboss feminist, but a SAHM. I really don't understand the purpose behind telling your daughter that men are evil and not to be trusted.

Why would a girl make sexual jokes about a guy, but not actually want to do anything with him?
Could just be shy, I was like this...
see now that's retarded
do you even maintain a level of physical fitness?
Because that's how much we're able to handle and are more than satisfied with an average size. Porn industry just brainwashed you dudes into obsessing in having a broom-long dick and that women will love it just as much. Truth is only degenerate hoes like dicks that size for degenerate reasons. Like where the hell are we gonna fit all that length? Definitely not in our vagingos
>never depend on one
I mean being able to hold your own independently is a good goal, that way you don't get trapped in an abusive relationship or whatever
"Never trust men" is a bit harsh lol. Just don't rush into things and take your time building trust
Idk maybe she is just overprotective. Or wishes she could've been a girlboss lol and wants to live vicariously
Hello n word lassie wuu2
Do you prefer getting fucked by black guys or whites?
Teasing, trying to validate her own sexual worth. It’s manipulation
Sounds like sabotage, but maybe she just wants to make sure you get with a good guy
You're not wrong. Weird that you're rubbing it in my face how much women don't like big dicks though.
The minute you get on a woman's nerves, the ABSOLUTE SECOND she gets mad, she will not hesitate to remind you that your below average penis is teeny tiny eensy weensy itty bitty little minuscule pathetic.
>we work together, not a good idea
Then it doesn't matter if she likes you or not, you won't date her either way.
I'm thinking about hiring a maid. Is this a turn off for guys or WLW?
It's funny that women are like "oh no my titties do not have the perfect tibetan mountain dewdrop shape it's literally over for me" and men just care about having titties in their face.
Dick size is also not that important though more important than women let on (mainly because if a woman ever says she cares or likes bigger dicks she'll get such a barrage of hate it's unreal).
>girl starts an argument about some really petty stuff
>gets mad and starts ignoring me
>the next day i tell her "either we talk about this or we're done, i'm not gonna wait around forever"
>she refuses to talk about it
>but she just goes back to treating me like normal, as if nothing happened
>try to talk to her about happened because i like to talk things through so they don't happen again
>she simply refuses to talk about it and just keeps on acting as if nothing happened
what the hell is going on here, women? i'm clueless
I’ve only ever slept with white men and I will only continue to sleep with white men. I am white contrary to what my name will make you think
Maybe Mr. Beast could make Alive 2027 happen
I practised fencing until I enrolled in university and I've always been skinny. I couldn't gain weight even if I tried.
Dick size is important, but not in the way people think. Women want a dick that fits them. Some women want to feel full, and some really DON'T want to feel full/like their cervix is being tapped. Most women don't like their cervix being hit, but it can have psychological benefits for many women.

I know women who are being completely genuine when they say they're glad their partner is five inches because that's how big they are too.
Idk if you’d have the time to do this but multiple times as in sex in the morning, in the afternoon if you and your partner aren’t doing anything, and then again in the evening?
How is that weird tho
>is it a turn-off that I'm wealthy enough to be able to pay someone else to do domestics so we have more time together
Errr no lol
Depends how much I have saved. Moving to a smaller house is good, although I'd want some room for hobby stuff, so maybe a 2bdr or a 1bdr with an extra room, i.e. rec. room or something.Minimum 2-car garage too.

After that, I'd have to make a decision. I'd probably visit some places I've always wanted to see, then put money into my hobbies. I'd save/invest a significant portion of it as well.
What was the argument about
I don't know how to explain to you that it's weird to make someone feel bad about their penis size unprompted.
Yes, but the reason depends on the circumstances. If it's because you're lazy, that's a problem, but if it's because you're too busy from work to do your own chores, that's also a problem.
which of your parents is black?
>is there any actual way to tell if a woman is into you or if she's just very friendly and likes to give compliments?
Ask her out.
No man will ever see your breasts as a negative. Your breasts are always a positive if you're healthy, and they're only neutral if they're only big because you're fat.
you are such a fucking coward
Why is that retarded? Your teen years is when you see immediately which people will have good lives. The story of the underdog somehow overcoming the odds of poverty and bullying and becoming someone rich and attractive happen less than 1% of the time that it's not even worth talking about.
>Meanwhile male worries about dick size are fully validated
Validated by whom? Gay men?
>Then it doesn't matter if she likes you or not, you won't date her either way.
not necessarily true, I've made a pass at two of my coworkers before (one of which was my manager)
both times though, I had basically the perfect setup for doing so
with this girl, its much harder because she never leaves her fucking apartment aside from going to work
That's an emotionally immature hoe. If you can't have a proper convo dump her.
how much you lift?
My mum taught me that too. It's because she's right.
Men are evil and not to be trusted and so are women.
Bit rude??
I have tried to become more confident and outgoing lol I'm just shy with girls
trust me, if there was a way to do so without it backfiring horrendously upon me, I would (and have in the past)
basically, I like this woman and I'm afraid that leaving things unsaid for too long is going to result in her finding someone else
I mean it's not that deep (pun not intended). Most dicks and most pussies are perfectly compatible, it's really only people in the extremes that have issues.
That being said it's better to be bigger than average than smaller than average. While it's not a dealbreaker (after all if you're at the point where she's seeing your dick it's pretty unlikely she's going to back out) if it's bigger than average she'll be happy and if it's normal she won't say anything.
>at what age do you decide its over?
If you've never had a girlfriend, or sex, by the time you reach 30 then it's over.
you don't have to become a weathly millionaire playboy to escape being a mentally ill loner
My ex gf dumped me because my penis was too small. Apparently my cock couldn’t give her the same “fullness” sensation to bring her to orgasm like a past partner
Oh god. Yeah, that would be ideal. I already masturbate in the morning and evening - sometimes in the afternoon on my lunchbreak too.
she started talking about her exes and i told her "i don't wanna hear about it"
that was literally it. it was enough to trigger her and she got unreasonably mad. then, the next day she acted as if nothing happened and still refuses to talk about it.

from what i understand she probably thought i was judging her or whatever but i literally just don't wanna hear about anybody's experiences with their exes, that's it
I just bring stuff from home. I've also have never seen one of those machines actually work (found out the hard way).

Otome games and smutfic
No, you'll definitely run into issues if you're too big for someone. It's a very different kind of sex when you're not too big vs. when you are too big, even if the woman says she likes the pain.
like I said, coward.
Permission to extend the date to 35 y.o. due to the increasing number of virgin incels and femcels
>I really don't understand the purpose behind telling your daughter that men are evil and not to be trusted.
Because they are.

t. man who is evil and not to be trusted
I tend to think the same way and was lamenting that to a cute coworker the other day and she told me "stop worrying about turning 30, its the new 20"
I’m 32, I got my first ever gf last year. It is impossible for me to enjoy sex. It is only stressful, anxiety inducing, and desu it’s gross. No doubt this is because I was a virgin for too long. Has to be mental damage from that
Women have very few weapons they can use against men. If you choose to make yourself vulnerable to that kind of thing, then of course they'll weaponize it - what other options do they have?
You should ask her what she thinks about 30 year old virgins
I would be embarrassed, especially as I don't really wear tight or revealing clothing. I'd probably throw that outfit away.
You will never know the pain of hearing your mom and aunt argue over politics on the phone while struggling to take a shit.
>decided to watch straight porn for a change
>coomed way harder and more satisfying
guess I'm not gay after all
I have no idea. I'm in my late thirties and I'm not going to become a weight lifter any time soon. In any case, I can guarantee you that when you compare me to other men my age you'll find that I'm in better shape than most of them. I have never been out of shape in my life.
Same thing happened to me. I got my first gf at 31 and when the time came to perform my first sex, I just didn't see the appeal. I desperately want love, but I've been surviving without sex for so long that sex has become the least important part of love.
Everyone ignores the fact that men not having sex as early as possible does lead to mental damage. It is mostly due to women feeling a mix of rage and blame shifting to try and remove their responsibility from taking mens virginity off their shoulders in time because they want to deny that they objectively owe men sex.
That said yes, yes it is because you lost it too late.
>it's more in the way you guys are so easily aroused.
I've never been aroused by looking at an attractive woman on the street. I like it and they look nice, but my lizard brain simply goes off and tells me to look and then I go:
>god damn!
>If you choose to make yourself vulnerable to that kind of thing
Excuse me, did I choose the size of my penis?
I have a feeling show knows I'm a virgin. I mean, don't all women suspect stuff like that once they've known you for a bit?
are you ugly? like facial deformity ugly, not "muh receeded chin" ugly
Are you a man or a woman?
I am the default gender.
>That being said it's better to be bigger than average than smaller than average.
Only up to a point. Once it gets uncomfortable, smaller is better.
>are you ugly?

>like facial deformity ugly, not "muh receeded chin" ugly
How upset was she when she told you that? This is what you tell men when you really want them to feel miserable: it isn't necessarily true.
The reason is that my time is more valuable than what I'll be paying to have it cleaned.
Permission denied.
Would lick every inch of her colon clean
then what is your major malfunction?
State gender
What do you have to brag about?
>they objectively owe men sex
Why am I not surprised you have trouble getting laid?
Too big is like top 5%. If you're a bit bigger than average (like 6.5-7) then it's just going to be a boon.
I mean, smaller than too big is still big lol
>Excuse me, did I choose the size of my penis?
You chose to attach massively disproportionate significance to that.
I don't have the breast size nor the desire to expose myself like that, it would only make me feel more objectified.
My dick is in the top 5% apparently.
>What do you have to brag about?
M. Not a fucking thing.
I know some stuff
F. Also not a fucking thing
That would be cool.
Any gender, what are your preferred foods to involve in sex?
i am 6'3, have large shoulders and green eyes
i've been told multiple times that "i should start lifting weights cause i'd look sick"

literally all i have to brag about is genetics/stuff i was born with while every other facet of my life is shit
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Imagine you have sexual intercourse - it would be the best-feeling sex in the world, perfectly-shaped penis, the perfect amount of precum, the right speed, having the best orgasm of your life (maybe it has an additional part that flicks the bean while fucking?) - but you're getting fucked by a minion.

Would you?
My horizontal face ratio is actually perfect.
>there are men ITT who have never gotten high as fuck and milked their prostate
literal bliss
no amount of exercise to female affection will ever top that euphoria
You think I did that? I personally let women know that penis size is my insecurity, and so penis size is how women should insult me? And it's not all of society and human civilization informing women that penis size is our weakness, and that penis size should be used to insult us?
M. Energy drink.
F. Cheese, as foreplay. He brings me cheese, I eat it, and then I want to have sex with him.
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I just got home from hiking over 6 fucking hours through the mountains.
Is not a problem those people are mostly losers who identify with that cap because they have nothing going for them.
Yes. Why not?
What do you mean by aroused? You mean gotten hard from?
Also what is the reply limit?
Based and Liz-Lemon-pilled
It's not perfect if it's not a real man that is dispensing the pleasure.
I don't but women still owe all men sex.
Cry about it, it won't change that fact.
I had a talk the other day in here about fucking while cooking... does that count?
Water, all forms.
What are we talking here, fancy gooey cheeses on crackers, solid cold cheese wedges, simple consumer string cheeses or redwaxed rounds, cottage cheese with fruit and and/or honey, grilled cheese sandwiches, fried mozzarella sticks, overly cheesy pizza, what do I need to make you happy?
That’s called a sex toy except they’re not near as good
Nta but it's true. If you don't give your own men sex, you're terrible person and you're causing society more problems.
>who cares hehe it doesn't affect me if men don't get laid
Oh but it will when a group of muslims or blacks attack you and a man that's walking by will just ignore you because he's been treated like trash by his own women. This is the world you want?
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Femanons, what do you think of age gaps?

I love them to be truthful, I'm talking to a 19 year old on Discor and it's the most fun I've ever had with a woman in years
t.32 year old
>it's the most fun I've ever had with a woman in years
What makes it fun? You ever going to meet her do you think?
>6'0 (not worth much these days but hey
>'7 cock (haven't had gf in years...so who cares)
>can paint and draw well (job)
>above room temp IQ

Ew. Loser.
19-year-old women are for big brother / little sister guidance and mentorship, not for sexo.
I make good money
I have a house, two cars, and a motorcycle, all paid off
I have a hot gf that loves me
I'm in great shape and look good naked
And my drip is immaculate
I'm pretty much an "all cheese is good cheese" person. I love it all. I'd kill for a grilled cheese sammich right now, tho.
>literally getting a young hot woman for a gf
Nothing men do will ever be celebrated by women, biggest haters on earth.
You get what I mean but you're afraid to answer.
The minion is an animate, living, conscious being in this scenario.
Women whats the stupidest thing you've ever done?
>And my drip is immaculate
Are you the femanon that posted her green villain outfit?
The thing about getting a Discord "gf" is... well... never mind, you'll find out.
How often do you use it outside of masturbating, though?
>fancy gooey cheeses on crackers
Are you the anon who keeps suggesting this when somebody asks for food/snack ideas?
He's just going to abuse her and she'll realize that he's essentially a toddler with a drinking permit.
Won't last when she turns 21 and dumps him.
Not online. gross.
Unsettling pic too. Dainty finger, smooth hand, absolutely cannot belong to a respectable man
Damn, can I only pick one?

No, but my suoervillainbfit would probably be green or gold. It would be so gaudy.
>Unsettling pic too. Dainty finger, smooth hand, absolutely cannot belong to a respectable man
Women really do hate men, huh.
i'm a guy but i can only have relationships with women that are older than me
currently dating a 33 yo single mother (i am 26)
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She's so energetic in her replies and calls together, and we've shared pics with one another and have the same broad interests
I haven't felt this energised in a long time with someone outside of my friend group
There is nothing I excel at. I am bad at most things and mediocre at a select few.
Sent nudes
Oh, God, okay.

There is no such thing.
>Rate your looks from 1-10 with 5 being plain average
3 maybe?
Not much these days. I guess I'm quite logical and analytical, and fairly good at staying calm in a crisis. I like to think I'm kind. Some people would say I'm good with words. Some people like my voice - decades ago I was quite a keen amateur actor. (But other people just say I sound like Jacob Rees Mogg which, for those of you who are not British, is a Very Bad Thing Indeed; so, whatever).
>and weaknesses
Autism, depression, and anxiety, and there is literally not a single part of my body that is still in good working order.
40 or so.
>Ideal partner qualities
>Why are you still on this general
To give the incels hope; and in the interests of balance.
You can't just write that and not explain.
It doesn't feel like much to me, but when I talk to my friends they seem to think I'm a manslut.
They turn me on - my sexual fantasies often involve significant age gaps. All of my sexual encounters have involved an age difference. First boyfriend was 18 years older than me. I'm currently seeing a man 26 years older and another who's 21 years older. I gave a handjob to a man in his 60s when I was 18 and kept correspondence with him.
>can I only pick one?
Yeah, which ever one you want to share
What's your age and what do you think your age range is?
>You get what I mean but you're afraid to answer.
No, you're too autistic to understand that personality and manerisms also impact sex as they are both social acts.

Oh fuck me, I forgot cheesecake, and I forgot macaroni and cheese, and I forgot mozzarella balls soaking in a bucket and then pierced with skewers, and I forgot goldfish crackers, and I forgot motherfucking knafeh. It's over me, it's over, I'm a dumb stupid retard, it's over.
>Dainty finger, smooth hand, absolutely cannot belong to a respectable man
Next level physiognomy.

I kneel, femoids.
Nothing wrong if the guy is intending to do right by her.
I stayed with my ex way too long even though they were pretty mean to me. I like to think I would not make the same mistake again
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Whoever posted the 8 hour sonic review 2 threads back, I just wanted you to know that this guy uses porn game music as his background music fucking kek. Or maybe its royalty free music, but the first time I ever heard it was from Huniepop.
i mean what can i say, i guess that's what they call mommy issues nowadays
while i do also feel attraction to women that are younger than me (even though i'm more into milfs) i just can't imagine being in a relationship with them
i have only ever dated 3 women. one was 2 years older than me, another was 10 years older and now this one is 7 years older and has a 10 yo son
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Hot, you sound like wife material femanon
>What's your age
>what do you think your age range is?
I'm not opposed to dating in my age range. I've been on two dates with a slightly younger man. So probably 24 - 80.
Where’s the anonette who wanted to dress as a cowboy for her birthday?
>8 hour sonic review
I watched a 4 hour Star Trek video essay last week and I thought I was misusing my time.
I just looked it up, its an OST fucking KEK
She was very frustrated because she couldn’t orgasm from my cock
I have it on mainly as background noise I'm only 2 hours into it.
women, whats you favourite meat?
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are the girls mean again?
Im a vegetarian, but I quite liked fish and chicken before I stopped eating meat
It's a hypothetical.
People who don't understand hypotheticals have... IQ issues.
Dick size matters but not as much as height so if you're under 6' who cares if you have a small cock you're only going to fuck sex workers anyway
>How old are you?
>Do you want kids?
>What is the age range you'd date (to marry)?
>had herniated disc for about two years on and off with bad pains
>don’t want to go to hospital for it
>finally research foods to eat for healing and helping spinal and muscular health
>omega 3 and proteins help with it significantly apparently
>eating recommended amount or slightly less/more everyday for a week or two
>pain gone down so much that I can run and barely feel anything (my cat had ran outside and I chased after him, so I had to run)
I greatly underestimate food as medicine
>you're only going to fuck sex workers anyway
That means nothing when most if not all women now are sex workers in one form or another...
Probably giving myself a buzz cut as a kid because I got tired of my hair getting matted. My parents wouldn't buy me product for it and no one showed me how to take care of it.

Chicken is a blank canvas for flavor. Fish has the best texture. Beef has the best flavor on its own. Pork is just sorta in there doing its own thing.
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Yeah, I agree, lamb it is.
Thanks now i want lamb loin.
And you're probably a rapist because you don't seem to understand when a woman is telling you no to your stupid fetishes.
Women would you be sad if you could take a guys virginity but he saw a prostitute before having sex with you for practice?
I hear women hate unexperienced men and I've been talking to more girls lately, but I'm considering getting my virginity dealt with before so it at least isn't obvious it's my first time.
35 years old (old).
I want what my future wife wants.
I would like to date (to marry) a woman aged 25 to 40.
Fish and seafood! Not just for the benefits either.
Absolutely not.
Probably 25-40.
It's not a fetish. I'm gay and not interested in women.
more than anything
I dont date
I have a soft spot for rabbit meat. But lamb is great.
Right here why
Oof yes, rabbit is great too. And horse.
So why reply? Just to put another worthless misery depression post in the pot?
Did you not see the "would"?
>I have a soft spot for rabbit meat.
*duck meat
Yes, I would be upset. I'd find it quite sweet being a man's first. Giving him his first blowjob and exploring what he likes and taking it slow. It'll be cute.
No, I just wouldn't fuck him.
Loneliness is so painful. I don't feel like doing anything. No wonder it's killing you faster than cigarettes.
I’m 32. I’m so afraid if being a date that
I avoid sex completely
femanon here, in my experience a lot of women find it hot to be able to take a guys virginity, same way that a guy would. don't do the prostitute thing though, that would probably make it worse. most of those girls won't give you any actual sexual experience.

a girl that finds inexperience gross isn't someone you want to fuck, she's probably ran through anyways
I've heard it's very chewy.
I wouldn't be sad, I don't mind if a guy is a virgin or not. Tbh personally I might slightly prefer inexperienced guys though because I also dont have a lot of experience so it would seem less daunting
They why are you asking women stupid questions if you're gay? Retard.
Not at all unless you buy shitty meat or prepare it wrong.
Yes. I would feel like he cared more about getting his dick wet or fulfilling an arbitrary social requirement. I'd be upset that we couldn't experience this together. And I'd be angry if he did claim to value virginity.
because you asked?
I could write ages, but they're irrelevant
Don't love horse, bit too chewy.

Really like duck.
I didn't ask.
>bet you didn’t think I’d remember
Happy birthday! How old are you?
After reconsidering i have to update my list of favorite meats:
Maybe I just really need a piece of red meat, lmao
When life knocks you down. You just have to lift, and punch someone in the face. Youse know what I’m saying?

Be rock.

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I DO love talking about myself so I will do this even though ain't nobody going to read this shit
No comment
Cooking, writing, bouldering, museums & art galleries, board games (I'm currently hyperfixating on go), reading.
Strengths: I'm sensitive to people's emotions, take care not to pressure people, create an environment where people feel safe and comfortable to be their true selves without judgement, and try really hard to understand everyone's perspective (especially if I think it's fucking stupid). That last one is extremely beneficial. Not in like a massive chuuni "le master manipulator" way, it's just very helpful when dealing with people.
Weaknesses: Sex addict, I'm afraid of failure and I beat myself up way too hard when I'm not perfect, I love arguing and because of that I sometimes get into arguments which feel to me like fun banter but which I realise is making the other person upset so I stop and say sorry.
Smart, goofy, passionate about something cool (like ballet, biology, poetry, maths; that kind of thing), athletic, artsy, beautiful, either high libido or down to do stuff when she's not aroused, and maybe most importantly NOT someone who wants to be sheltered in the relationship but not do any of the sheltering herself.
I am a sex addict and I love to argue.
state gender and answer this:
why does life have to be like this? what is the point of living?
I'm depressed af. I'm tired of living. even my biggest dreams and desires in life have become a source of pain and misery.
>How old are you?

>Do you want kids?

>What is the age range you'd date (to marry)?
25 - 40

I somehow think it's not going to happen though.
What are you actually doing?
Are you really showing your pussy to someone right now?
Or just pictures?
I want to start eating more meat. I already like lamb, beef, and fish, but what are some more recommendations, tif you have any, for easy to swallow and not-so-chewy meat?
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>why does life have to be like this?
Reasons you do not need to concern yourself with.
>what is the point of living?
Reasons you do not need to concern yourself with.
perverted mutt!
I'm observing the differences between how men and women understand absurd hypothetical situations.
F. I think life is about distracting yourself until you die.
Haha no that would be great.
I love 4chan because it's the only place which makes me feel like I'm more than just bog standard white.
I'm short (5'8"). Especially for someone living in a Germanic country, where most men (and many women) tower over me. Most short men tend to be somewhat stocky, but I'm built like a tiny tall person. With relatively long, frail extremities for such a small frame. I wear unisex sunglasses because male sunglasses look too big on my small face. My voice is relatively high pitched. I sound like a 15 year old. I suspect I'm simply not masculine enough. At my job, when dealing with customers or externals, they tend to think they're talking to an intern. That being said, I also have very few opportunities to meet someone since I am very busy with work and in my field of work (engineering) there are few women in the first place.
This entire post is a lie and escorts turn down virgins too.
Rabbit is tender and does not have a strong taste. The only issue is that it is very lean, so it gets fry fast. Ideally you cook it in some fatty sauce. My favorite is sour cream, basil, vermouth and garlic.
A male desiring a 40 y.o.? What trolling level is this
I don't think there is a "point" but while I'm here I would like to have a good time and to make other people in my life happy, thats kinda my goal I guess
Im sorry you're depressed, I hope things improve for you soon <3
Chicken is great when you cook it right and it works great with an acidic marinade that will make it even more tender. Soak some boneless chicken thighs in buttermilk overnight and then fry them in a pan. They may as well melt in your mouth.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Not much, but at least I'm not a woman, so there's that
So busy, got it
How do I stop rubbernecking?

I can't be caught looking at mexican ass when I wear my rebel flag hat bros
>A male desiring a 40 y.o.? What trolling level is this
There are three men so far, where have you been?

>state gender and answer this:
why does life have to be like this? what is the point of living?
There is no point in living really. Unless you make a great change in inventing something for everyone, something that will change humanity for better, then we’re all passing through to suffer most likely.
>I'm depressed af. I'm tired of living. even my biggest dreams and desires in life have become a source of pain and misery.
Same…. :(
so you just cope with it?
I've never done that. I've always been fighting to improve my life. but there is always something, that one thing that stops me from improving, that makes me reconsider everything, restrain myself, or hate everything and everyone. and now I feel like I've lost direction. once again.
just, why? why do I even put effort anymore?
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Just had a revelation:
The word "Incel" has the exact same meaning to women today as "nerd" had until 10 years ago, minus the videogame and capeshit part since those hobbies have been normiefied and thus "acceptable" for men to enjoy (in women's eyes).
If you know how to quit being a nerd, you know how to quit being an incel.
I'm >>31924252 >>31924257 and see no issue with dating somebody my age.
I think early twenties woulf be too hqrd to connect on a fundamental basis.
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>people care about me and my well being, deeply
>not enough to visit me during my free time or invite me out, I always have to initiate
It seems like everyone I have ever met is like this (lazy normal faggot) M&W what do?
>Same…. :(
Chad didn't respond?
look for attention elsewhere, bud
I don’t need others invalidating how I feel anymore
Too vague
I don't think there is one in a metaphorical sense, but only from a biological standpoint.
What would you do if I gave you a nice piece of cheese at work as a coworker?
I’ll try it, thx.
>cope with it
Sometimes. I oscillate between distracting myself, trying to achieve perfection and giving up basically.
Eat it and go back to work. Yum.
No, I'm the bigger slut. I want to teach him sex.
Seems like the very essence of life
>but there is always something, that one thing that stops me from improving, that makes me reconsider everything, restrain myself, or hate everything and everyone. So you are just blue balling yourself?
But nerds never quit being nerds. It's more that - as you say - nerdiness has become commodified and marketed to people, to make the concept more palatable. The incel is simply the essence of the nerd as a sexual being. All positive qualities are omitted and the person is reduced to sexual undesirability on the mating market.
How ling can you guys go without nutting till it comes out in your sleep?

t. 7d
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Women don't know shit. I don't know, I've given up so I'm going to follow my career for a little while, do drugs, envelop myself in fiction and my solitary hobbies, until I decide where I want to kill myself around age 30, life is meaningless without companionship in my opinion
Women how can we make the honeymoon phase last forever?
I don't know. I ask myself the same question. Whether you are happy or not is random. Why do I keep going? I try to ignore these feelings because when I'm sick in my subconscious I start to get stomach issues like IBS and it makes life worse which makes the feelings worse
>so you just cope with it?
>I've never done that. I've always been fighting to improve my life.
I find that trying to exert lots of control over things makes me more anxiously depressed. Makes me think about all my past mistakes and worry about the future, so that the only solution I can see if killing myself. Going with the flow of time and just distracting myself day to day is how I stop those thoughts.
Gosh, I rotate between these states a lot too. Are you diagnosed with depression?
Why would I know that?
Break up every three months over a petty argument that escalated then regret it and have a passionate make up fuck session two weeks later after sulking long enough.
Aaand I'm back to hating men <3
>just about to finish a 2h long bathing session

Do you like bathing?
How often and long do you go?
>All positive qualities are omitted and the person is reduced to sexual undesirability on the mating market.
Nerds were the exact same until about a decade ago.
The difference is that back then you could spot "undesireds" by their tastes - now it is a looks thing.
M, 30
Yes, at least 2-3
You clearly don't understand them so I can see why, settiling down with a mature milf doesn't sound like a bad deal
You sure seem to like chosing.
>Where have you been
Realistically aware that fuck-machines like men have no true desire for a connection and will fuck and dump you once they find a younger object they can conquer and repeat the cycle.
I think by not moving in together.
Yeah, clinical depression but meh.
You wouldn't ask for my number to get more cheese after work?
I ejaculate in my sleep, but I don't keep records of when and how long between ejaculations.
No, I have a cheese provider at home.
I have faith in you. Won't you please have faith in me(n)?
Prpbs not, but I can understand when they're out of options and will settle for anything.

No, if I could I'd choose to love and trust men but based on much seen and experienced evidence, clearly I'd be a retard to choose that.
By all means try and changey mind, but at this point ot would be needed a lot of evidence to convince me otherwise.
Women are the same way, but instead of going after younger guys they go after richer guys.
So younger women are to women what chad is to men?
Your sweet words have no effect on me. I'm beyond convinced.
My gf and I still have a lot of sex and it’s been almost a year.
I mean it makes sense. Virginity is bad on men because it shows he's not attractive and good on women because it shows restraint. I doubt a guy with gripes like that would be the kind that wants women to be virgins though, in that case he'd keep his. Sex with virgins is usually lousy and men have enough performance anxiety already.
>I have a cheese provider at home.
Women would you date a man who listens to lofi at 2am and stares at the night sky melancholically?
Generally true yes. I hate humans.
I don't think we would be having this conversation if your heart was truly closed off. There's still hope for us yet.
sure why not
What do you think contributed to that?
>Prpbs not, but I can understand when they're out of options and will settle for anything.
How are you any different, you seem like the type of dumb bimbo who has trouble choosing them herself
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NTA but when a guy wants children it should be obvious that 40 year olds might not be his first choice. On one hand you don't want to rush the relationship, but you're on a tight time limit. Due to IVF more women are now capable of having children in their 40s (people tend to overestimate the risk involved), but it's understandable by a 40 year old wouldn't be ones first choice - if age is the only factor involved.

I wouldn't necessarily view it as a guy settling in a sense of older women being generally less desirable, when obviously personality also plays a major role.

I'm not sure whether this is a thing to hate men over, even though the wording might be a bit insensitive (but you certainly know what moids are like).
Yes, nerdy hobbies have become more mainstream, so now you have attractive men visibly engaging in hobbies which previously were mostly a nerdy thing, so the hobbies can no longer be the determinant - although even back then, it was primarily the looks of the people involved rather than their hobbies that were the issue.

In a sense the discourse has become more honest.
we are so back!
Having a younger partner won't eliminate the risks of having autistic or schizo children tho. Men's sperm quality also significantly decreases after your 30s
>Too vague
ok, I'll be more explicit:
I'm trying to buy a house so I can have a better life myself, and also to give my (future) kids a better life than the one I had. it's been decades of working and fighting to learn stuff to get a decently paid job to save money to finally be able to have my own house (maybe).
I already bought one for/with my mom hoping that she would help me, but... she tried to steal money from me, and the house is complete shit. I'd have to rebuild it to make it worth it, but given that I can't trust my own mom anymore, it's not worth it until she dies, and even then, I'd have to rethink the whole thing.
meanwhile, I'm starting to doubt my whole "career", which I'm not even sure can be called a career, because it's a dead end one. I'm approaching 40 and I see no future for myself doing this shit anymore. I always loved working with computers, but... I'm getting tired of this bullshit. I always wanted to be a pilot but had to reconsider because I was too poor for that. then I thought physicist, engineer, ... but ended up working with computers.
now I'm trying to invest to make even more money so that I'm able to buy a decent house in a decent place and not a complete piece of shit as I did before.

meanwhile, I only had one gf, and that was at 30, and the relationship ended badly.
I'm starting to suspect that:
1. I can't have a normal relationship with people without pretending that I'm normal and faking my personality, and
2. women think men are some sort of "solution" to their problems, a kind of means to an end, and not really worthy of understanding and patience.

>I don't think there is one in a metaphorical sense, but only from a biological standpoint.
and what is that? aren't biological beings mostly the result of randomness and implicit intuition rather than explicit objectives?

>So you are just blue balling yourself?
see above
>femanon here, in my experience a lot of women find it hot to be able to take a guys virginity
The kind of women who find this hot are weird as fuck. It's sad but it's true. The moment you show any sort of weakness as a man it's the moment she starts liking you less.
>having autistic children
Which I think is what hallucinations to me since my dad was 47 when I was born.
Date a person you actually like and you're excited about. Flirt and romance each other. Bite him when he works.
BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP frrrrphhgbrbtbtbrbtpppttt
Thoughts, goys?
Reducing the risks is still good even when you can't eliminate the risks.
>I find that trying to exert lots of control over things makes me more anxiously depressed. Makes me think about all my past mistakes and worry about the future, so that the only solution I can see if killing myself.
I had never thought of this. no wonder I am like this...

>Going with the flow of time and just distracting myself day to day is how I stop those thoughts.
well, I thought I was at a point where I was finally able to decide the way I wanted to live. but it was all fake...
I fucking hate capitalism. I feel like I'll have to "soft-scam" someone (hopefully some corporation) to make more money to be able to do shit.
*disembowels you*
This is true, but I'm not even talking about eugenic considerations in a sense of having autistic kids. Most people here already are autistic or otherwise mentally ill - including the women - so whatever kids they have are going to have issues anyway. Society will be able to handle a few more people like that. If they are functional enough to get a job and pay their taxes, they're not the problem. And their parents managed too - right?

I think it's more that you simply have little time to get to know someone well enough to know whether you want to have kids with them. I'm not saying it's not possible, but you'd agree it's a bit of a rush. In that regard, I don't think you should understand the statement in a sense of undesirability due to looks or something, but more due to the goal of having kids making dating at middle age more difficult.
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Where do girls like this hangout?
>By all means try and changey mind
Not possible when I don't know anything about you and you know nothing about me. We are both just random anons.
How old are you and has this happened to you?
odd worldview to have, unless youre dating a total psycho bitch vulnerability is one of the chief desires of a woman in a relationship. females like to feel as though their partner can "show weakness" around them. if a woman is put off by a man being vulnerable it's probably because she's demented
Only in the imaginations of men.
isn't the probability of having autistic children very low? why do you people obsess so much about retarded shit like that? I'd guess you should care more about genetic compatibility with your partner rather than your age.
>I fucking hate capitalism. I feel like I'll have to "soft-scam" someone (hopefully some corporation) to make more money to be able to do shit.
You're doing it again - trying to come up with solutions and force yourself into action. Distracting yourself doesn't have to be some grand, expensive campaign. Make some like-minded friends and go for long hikes together. If your family or friends invite you out to do something, say yes and do it just to distract yourself. Go to the library and read books or watch television shows/movies you haven't seen before. Do drugs. Have sex. You can do all these things on a mondest salary if you live frugally.
I’m not sure other than she doesn’t do anything other than class-related stuff
They like vulnerability in the sense of watching their man shed a tear when his mother dies. Basically vulnerability still in a very masculine sense, in a "I am hurt and need somebody to nurture me". But needing to get nurtured is a very different thing from needing to be taught.
The chief thing women love in men is competency and sex is just another skill. They do not want to be the ones to teach you, they do not want to feel like you need help and guidance in stuff, you should be the one helping and guiding people instead. Sex is no different.
Like yea, some women that lean more dominant probably enjoy the idea of taking a guy's virginity. But not the overwhelming majority of women.
but I'm not distracting myself, I'm trying to solve my problems. why would I distract myself?
I went into vacation the past week. I'm back home now and I keep thinking about the same things I was thinking before, except for a woman that I met there that made me think, for the nth time, that I'm a retard and a coward for not asking her out.
so yeah, distracting myself doesn't help either. I'll just rethink things again. maybe one day I'll be able to let myself ignore everything and be happy. I hope.
>I fucking hate capitalism. I feel like I'll have to "soft-scam" someone (hopefully some corporation) to make more money to be able to do shit.
Go to a communist country and realize you have it pretty good, also a corporate job should be a stepping stone to making your own business or method to making money on your own time, if you get to a corporate job, hate it, and stay there; then your basically cosigning yourself to that kind of sad and desperate life.
I already have a corporate job. I'm not selling shit though.
also see >>31924468
28 y.o soon-to-hit-the-wall virgin who hasn't even kissed a boy. All dates I've been on the guys were either not fully committed and treating me like a second option, were just desperate to get in a relationship and didn't connect on a deeper level or (if this even counts), showed signs of interest but mever made a move (me, I stopped making the first move because it seemed to turn off guys). Myself aside, I think I've also grown accustomed to seeing these sorts of behaviour from other men in other and all kinds of relationship, not just with me.

Not sure if you're the same anon but I appreciate the honesty without jumping to harsh attacks at women over 23
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dead thread
dead thread
Before you bought a house for you and your mom, if someone asked you if your Mom was good with money what would you say?
>She's been on a date
Stacy shit
Thanks for explaining.

That's an inherently self-destructive attitude.
You've hanged out too much with incels.
I can't tell if this reflects of you being "weird" in other ways too, but is to be assumed if you are kissless at 28, no matter the sex.
Note, I'm not defending any of the men.
Aand here they come
By actually loving me consistently and never breaking my trust.
>How old are you?
>Do you want kids?
Yeah, when I’ve got my shit together.
>What is the age range you'd date (to marry)?
I’ve got a ton of family members who have had kids in their late 30s (without any super retard babies being brought into this world), so as long as she’s still fertile and we’re able to work together, I’d give it a chance. I think over the age of 40 though we’d both be wary.
Ok, so ignore the stupid questions. Gotcha.
You can't go over 9,000.
my mom never had the kind of money I have in the first place. but I always thought she did well with the little money she had (we were very poor). I've slowly been realizing that she made me pay for my own school supplies with the money I made working summers, that I occasionally had been "helping" her making money ever since I was like 6 and that she used me to ask people for money and free stuff...
I only realized all of this after also realizing that she's probably a narcissist. I think she only confirmed my suspicion by trying to steal from me. at this point I'd expect anything from her, maybe even some kind of extortion.
I'm just shitposting milady
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>I appreciate the honesty without jumping to harsh attacks at women over 23
A lot of it is just ressentiment. You have plenty of romantically unsuccessful men who are very bitter about it and their only exposure to the world is through a hyperreality on twitter and tiktok, where women and Chad, are having so much sex, so they cling to the notion that even though they are the losers now, past a certain age, women will be losers too.

I can understand that it is hurtful, but one needs to consider that it also comes from a place of hurt. And that it does not represent the reality. This idea that women become unmarriageable past a certain age is not the measurable reality. And for the most part, couples tend to be age-matched.
Women want 7 inch pps
18-25, but I'm not getting married either way.
btw, I didn't work every summer and I didn't help her all the time.
but I still wonder: if I paid for my own shit and I ate daily (mon-fri for 10 months a year) at my school, was she ever good with money? I'm not sure anymore. we were poor anyway, so anything too expensive was a "no-no".
>Self-destructive attitude
Agreed, but that doesn't stop men from thinking that so might as well go with it than delude myself a guy would think otherwise.

I agree that I am weird, but it's mostly a severe fear of physical and emotional intimacy. I'm aware that I'm subconsciously reflecting my abandonment issues with my narcissistic, womaniser dad and the shitty self esteem of my domestic-abused, shattered dreams mother. Still, it's not like it's the reality of men's condition.

At this point I'm not even bashing men, I've just accepted that yeah, it's part of your biology being the way you are, maybe I'm just still grieving the romance wholesome fantasy I've always been sold.
I usually stay inside. Men outside don't want that, they want to attack me.
Like it's not* the reality.
Hello frog.
No, I need rain/ocean sounds with a dark screen casted to my tv.
>This idea that women become unmarriageable past a certain age is not the measurable reality.
It is. Females who don't have long-term partners by 25 are complete trash. Asians got it right.
That's what some men might say, but that is not their revealed preference.
Will you return the favour though?
I bathe everyday, usually an hour or so.
How can you expect a guy to be fully committed to you before you've even kissed? And then you complain you don't want a guy who's desperate for a relationship
I allways have, but it's starting to seem like it's not worth it.
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Men, at which weight does she look best?
If she never had money then the answer would have been, "no". So I'm not surprised that she tried to steal from you, a lesson I learned thankfully from someone else's mistake was to never trust women or family members with any amount of money that you aren't okay with never getting back.
I also learned that as a kid you should never pay off your parent's debts if you can't afford it, but its in the past now. I would probably still fix up the house, just do the bits that are the most convenient to you and just don't rush with it so when she does die or w/e, the house won't be a complete mess.
If you mom hoards like mine does (just clutter, not garbage) I'd start trying to find ways to declutter the house because if she is willing to steal money from you then she definitely doesn't give a fuck if she dies and leaves you a cluttered to fuck house that will take you a year or more to clean out.
She looks great at all weights, but 109 is probably the best of the three. The socks might be affecting my judgement though.
Its the middle one for me
>thigh cuts
middle but it could just be the thigh highs and the bra + panties.
Middle photograph but it could just ɓe lighting
For me? 109. Really is a matter of taste though. Similar to asking women "do you prefer beards or clean shaven" if that's a good analogy for you.
One and Two. Three is not healthy.
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>Thigh cut scars
centre is peak. anons r right about the socks adding appeal with the slight squish
Femanons, would you date a guy your dad's age? If so, how serious? Like just for a casual fling or would you marry him?
I will say that 122 looks great too, and it might just be lighting that's driving my preference like >>31924654 says, as well as the framing; her shoulders look wider in the left pic than they actually are.
>than delude myself a guy would think otherwise.
This is another self-fulfilling prophecy you seem to have? I am not saying I am sure, but I would not be surprised if you just never found a way to be really relaxed around men and that reflects in some way to being unable to attract men in a meaningful way.
I'm sorry your father left such a bad impact in your life, it's not your fault, but it's also not everybody else's fault.

I'm not going to judge you, but it's very likely possible the other men notice your issues too or that there is something "off"? Like yes many of us just think with their dick, but I'm going to assume you are skilled and intelligent enough to filter out most fuckboys.

You also mentioned earlier that some men are desperate to get into a relationship with you, without knowing enough about you. Can you give an example?

Are you a perfectionist and/or very afraid of failure?
>would you date a guy your dad's age?
>Like just for a casual fling or would you marry him?
middle reminded me of this video posted in yesterday's thread
I chose the thighhighs and garter belt regardless of the rest.
>dad's age?
Sure. Ghost bf.
Fuck no. I wouldn't even date a guy 10 years older than me.
I'm asking because her height is similar to mine and she's roughly my current weight in the first pic and my goal weight in the third one.
Dead isn't an age
I don't get it. What's the meme?
>my goal is to be unhealthy
Considering the romantic novels aimed at women, I'm not surprised you would say that. I'm willing to bet there are women who are willing to read a romance novel about a ghost haunting a washing machine/AI washing machine.
103 but I have a huge thing for skinny people and consider myself fat at 150lbs, so don't take my opinion as representative of all men.
Yeah it is, dead is the maximum age.
I once dated a guy who was almost the same age as my dad. At the time I thought about marrying him, but I was just being stupid
Its called a "meme" because animation artists take the sound byte and do their own riffs off of it. Its kinda like "animation tiktok" but older.
Huh I chose the middle because i thought her midsection looked the best
You're in a healthy relationship now dating a man your own age, right?
Nta but nobody asked about your sobstory. You could have just answered the question like a normal person by calculating what age your dad would be like now.
NTA but chill.
At this point, I want to figure out how to keep a zombie as a sex slave without his dick falling off.
I still don't get it. Do I have to be a furry to understand?
Do you think one day someone will like me like i like you?
Do you want to appeal to others that way?
Almost. I'm in a healthy relationship now with a guy who's older, but not really old enough to be my dad
>The word "Incel" has the exact same meaning to women today as "nerd" had until 10 years ago
Nerds were not generally regarded as potentially murderous misogynists.
No just an animator, here's a non-furry one.
As long as it's healthy. Take care and stay safe.
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>Nerds were not generally regarded as potentially murderous misogynists.
>were not
>Women how can we make the honeymoon phase last forever?
You can't. The trick is to use the honeymoon phase to build something longer lasting.
Its an excuse to animate and watch cute girls
What about an alive male born the year your dad was born
That's kind of you anon, thanks <3
My dad would still be dead. And I'm still grateful for time to not work that way. So no, I will not be doing alternative timeline math.
Definitely not
Then just don‘t answer the question ffs. So cringe if people have to use every opportunity to trauma dump.
Why not cut the middle man out and just date your dad?
>The moment you show any sort of weakness as a man it's the moment she starts liking you less.
Do men actually believe this?
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I want to trauma dump. It makes people think twice about posting stupid questions.
Not OP, sucks about your dad, but you sound very annoying.
Yes, it is proved right constantly
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Not really. People trauma dumping for no reason just makes me want to post more triggering questions.
By losing weight? I guess, yeah. I primarily want to be thinner so I look more attractive, especially in the eyes of men.
I'm sorr your dad died, but this is now making me sad, can I "trauma dump" into you? :^)
Femanons, what song will you want to have the father daughter dance to at your wedding?
If the internet is representative, yeah. Monumentally stupid. Like a monkey that keeps stabbing itself in the balls and then says "this is the way life is....knives just have to be stabbed in balls..."
does cognitive dissonance actually subconsciously eat away at your mental health?
Do you post yourself on IG, discord or 4chan?
What's your age?
I'm doing the male version of what your doing, I was 225 and now I'm 210 and I'll probably be near 190 by the end of september hopefully
Fucking old hags is like fucking fat bitches.
The lighting is worse in the picture on the right. But she looks good in all pictures. When it comes to weight loss there are diminishing returns.

Her tummy looks cutest on the left, but in the middle pictures, the way her socks indent her skin is also very erotic. But she's not unattractive on the left either. I would recommend she should opt for the weight she can hold most comfortably.
What happens when you're 40 and he's retirement aged?
Yes, it causes disordered thinking and chaotic emotions, part of humanity is suppose to be chaotic and not always logical (your emotions) but if your logic is just as chaotic you aren't going to function very well as a person. You need a good helping of both to be balanced.
299,792,458 metres per second. (In a vacuum).
>Fucking old hags is like fucking fat bitches.
And men do that too.

In fact, the shorter a man is, the fatter his girlfriend tends to be.
It’s not really possible to gauge which one looks best in real life based on this picture alone since the lighting is different in all 3, but if we’re gonna judge based on the pics themselves, then she looks best at 109. Just the right amount of everything. In real life, I imagine 122 would look a bit better, but that’s just me. 103 looks the least healthy.
>Women want 7 inch pps
On the whole, they do not.
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>women in this thread pretending they wouldn't lose respect for their boyfriend if they saw him get beaten by a stronger man
>Do you post yourself on IG, discord or 4chan?
No. I don't even use the first two.
>What's your age?
18, but I don't see why that matters.
by 2030 45% of women who turn 30 or hit 30 will be unmarried and have kids with a very low likelihood to be married and have kids. Out of 1 million women a handful (250k) of women past thirty will have kids or get married. So literally once you hit 30 its a 25% chance of marriage and kids.
Thanks for being so kind and understanding to a rando anon like me anon (while also showing some data, even if not sourced but I'll choose to believe it).

I'm crying like a lil bitch now. I really hope you're a guy, it gives me hope.

I honestly feel sorry for the men that feel that way. Their views on women are so stereotyped and often perverted thanks to the internet and the niche women they see online.
I see the women act
You all act like you want to be a comforter for your bf but anytime he goes through a struggle either you grow disgusted in him or believe it's all his fault
The study you posted is saying that age is the most important factor for men when they are considering marriage, ie the older the less likely they are to marry...
I would like to see an example of a woman who is different
>Men, at which weight does she look best?
She's a bit too thin in the middle picture and a little too heavy in the left one. So I guess she wants to be around 114.
The issue is: that's probably not because men don't want them.
Stop meeting shitheads then.
We didn't have a real father daughter dance. My dad used to dance acrobatic rock and roll when he was younger, we danced a couple old songs at my wedding.
70% of single men between 24 to 40 don't want to marry in America according to a Pew Research poll 3 months ago... Biggest concern being divorce laws.
>Do you think one day someone will like me like i like you?
Given how much you hate me, I hope not.
Here is the source: https://www.burmanu.ca/sites/default/files/Faculty%20Profile%20Information/Darren%20George/11%20Couple%20similarity%20on%20stimulus%20characteristics%20and%20marital%20satisfaction.pdf

>Their views on women are so stereotyped and often perverted thanks to the internet and the niche women they see online.
I'd say it's not that different for many women. It's not just a man problem.

It is true that age matters to men, but you need to consider that they go into this with not much bargaining power.
I'm not sure, I don't know many slow songs. I'll let him choose.
Godspeed, anon. Wagmi.
>It is true that age matters to men, but you need to consider that they go into this with not much bargaining power.
Which is why the majority of them are leaving and marrying outside of the country or just not dating.
I have to be able to beat up my man to keep him in line. Other men that try to touch my man are going to get pegged with my baseball bat cockinator 9000.
Oh, that'll be even fucking sexier. I can't wait.
Is this why I keep on finding Canadians and Americans on small isolated islands in Japan all the time now?
>Men outside don't want that, they want to attack me.
I want that.
If anything she should fill out a little more
Get some thicker thighs
I don't respect a man for being capable of inflicting violence.
This is a tranny thing btw.
It's one thing to date casually bc it's "what you were able to get" (regardless if they're desperate or not) and another to voluntarily go on a date with a particular person. Amd it's not like they were blind dates anyways. We've had plenty of conversations prior to know eachother a bit better.
Okay retard here's your (You)
NTA. If it makes any difference, I used to know a woman who went on her first ever date at the age of 40. Last I heard from her, she was happily married.
I'll have to verify that, but as usual we need to also look at what men actually do. i.e. the extent to which they are seeking their partners elsewhere. I think in Scandinavia we could see such a development, so maybe the US is going to follow. At the end of the day, the point remains: it's not like men are dismissing women as partners as much as women are dismissing men. This idea that American men no longer want to marry American women, or that American women become unmarriageable past a certain age, is simply not true - and it heavily depends on SES too. e.g. the marriage rates dropping is much more of a working class problem.

What is much more commonly happening is that women reveal the men available for marriage to them don't meet their expectations, since men tend to be relatively underperforming in terms of educational attainment, income, etc.

I'm very sceptical whether we are talking about majorities here. Also see what I wrote above.
The opposite. One of the best ways to clock transsexuals is that they're less judgmental than biological women.
Don't shoot the messenger, America has one of the lowest marriage rates in the west now and 7 million men just disappeared from the economy since January, because they're leaving.
To attack me?
It's obviously true. The only women who would stay with a man who cries in front of her or acts like a pussy are women who want a househusband to raise their children (cats and/or dogs) and collect funko pops all day.
I'd only lose respect for him if he acted like a bitch or picked a fight and lost.
122 with the middle outfit would look the best. squishy thighs and just enough tum to grab and bite
Honestly, civilization was a mistake. It was created for women, but they don't deserve it.
Civilization wasn't created for women lol. It was created for farmers
I get that Civilization II was a big improvement but personally I think that Civilization still has its charm and place in history. Not excited for VII though, but it is what it is.
Male "weakness" is extremely warped by movies. By being weak women mean "I want to hug him while he stoically sheds exactly two tears", not the actual truth of grieving or being a fuckup.
I really fucking despise this pretension that the current notion of masculinity has been created exclusively for men and women aren't affected by it in their views of men as well. Ugly cry in front of a woman and she will run away.
Only with kisses, I want you to reassure me though.
But if a guy is fully committed to you by the first date before you've even kissed, then by definition he is desperate to get into a relationship and is probably a bit mentally unwell to boot. Maybe there are other things going on as well, but from what you've posted it sounds like you might be shooting yourself in the foot with unrealistic expectations
You men squandered every gift served to you on a silver platter and now are being left behind by women who were willing to take the ball and run with it.
I dont hate you though. If you are a woman, i love you romantically, if you are a man, i love you like a brother
nta, but you should have said
>if you are a man, I love you sexually
Just to throw them off.
>18, but I don't see why that matters
The younger you are, the more likely you are not fully ingrained yet with this mentality, of only being super thin makes you attractive.
I am just some maleanon, but I've seen other women destroy themselves by being underweight. I would hate it if you did the same to yourself.

Civ 7 looks to be a really good one again.
Civ always had good female leaders.

Not to sound like a jerk, but did you miss my reply? I'm really curious to hear what you think of what I said.
You took the ball and started sprinting in the opposite direction to spite us.
No, it was created for women. It's much easier and safer for a woman to have and raise kids when she's in a stable environment where she's protected and has resources available such as doctors, abundant food, and other mothers who can help her with her kids. If this wasn't the case, we would have remained nomadic because men don't need those things.
How else can you love your brother?
very carefully
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>"I have relationships with women, and sex with men"
Femanons, would you eat be getting plapped right now?
women do you schlick to men kissing each other?
Stop typing with one hand.
I lost my left arm in a farming accident when i was 12 tho...
7 is just copying the big feature from Humankind (cultural evolution) but without fixing the big criticism of Humankind (evolutions should be historically or thematically linked). Why copy without fixing? Pointless edition.
>what are your preferred foods to involve in sex?
Gf and I have been experimenting with honey lately. It's fun.
>women do you schlick to men kissing each other?
I have a theory about this. I think that women who are turned on by watching two men together are invariably bisexual.
All women are bisexual, so your theory holds up.
You clearly have no idea of all the things Civ 7 brings to the table.
I also lost my arm fisting the hot mare on my farm too, when she came her pussy clenched so hard that it just nipped my arm off.
Opposite teams. This isn't a relay race.
do better
Lay it on me.
28 femcel anon here
Not at all, I just haven't had the chance to
>lay it on me
You can’t just ask a sex-deprived man that without taking him out to dinner first.
Be more civilized.
Watch analysis videos and detailed articles.
Or don't.

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What would the world be like if all penises looked like human penises? Like, imagine a horse or an elephant with a huge human dick
I used to watch gay porn, yeah.
>women want to destroy civilization
Well, at least you admit it. I don't know whether that means we should kill all women or just let them destroy civilization and let nature do the rest.
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That's a Weepingbell...
I like how I got the pokemon wrong even though its right in the picture, lmfao
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Women my dick veins look kinda like this >>31925064 as opposed to bulging. Is that good or bad?
ask me how i know you have tattoos
How do you know I have tattoos?
I'm 34 but I'm apparently my celluar/biological age is 25.
>but I'm apparently my
Skipped your braincels huh?
Nah, just didn't take my ADHD medication so I make mistakes like that because of the intrusive thoughts.
>I have a hot gf that loves me
Into the trash it goes.
No, he's writing prose.

Sorry for the wait, I ended up having an extensive convo with my sibling about this topic.

>Not being relaxed near men stops me from attracting meaningful relationships.

Ok, can't say I haven't thought of something similar, but more like I tend to put on a super bubbly but "tough" front in front of men and I usually end up attracting more introverted, demure men than I'd like (not that I find anything wrong with them btw, it's just that I'm looking for someone I can let be more relaxed and demure myself with a more assertive partner I can feel safe with). Still, I think you're onto something.

>Other men might notice your issues
That honestly bever crossed my mind and that's kind of eye-opening. What would you consider an "off" feeling in this (or similar) case?

>Can you give an example of desperate men pursuing you
I've had instances of men either being very dismissive of my feelings but still insistent in going on dates, but mostly them being rejected by a girl and quickly making a move on me or any other women they could get a hand on. I've also had a weird experience of a guy being interested in my sister, got rejected by her, and immediately trying to get a relationship out of me (admittedly, we both in our early 20s and were both at fault here).

I've also had instances of some of them having supposedly massive feelings for me, only for them to accept a makeout session (or fucking) another girl while they still harboured those feelings (and me not having rejecting them).
On one hand I can understand men have more trouble controlling their urges and for them it's easier to separate a casual makeout or fucking and actually loving someone, but it's still hard for me to accept it. It still feels like the trust is being severed and of they can't wait for me to come around, then they probably never really cared that deeply for me, and I'm scared no one will wait that long for someone that takes her time like myself I guess.
Sorry for my english all over the place, it's kinda late here
I appreciate you taking the time.
It's very late for me too, I've been out all day and wanted to go to bed half an hour ago. lol
I will reply tomorrow morning in whatever atoga thread is active though, I don't want you to feel like you took your time for nothing.
Sleep tight.
Like the nice makey-outtie kisses.
Not the yucky ones where you bash each other's faces in.
That’s what my gf and I sometimes do
I would. I love to snuggle and whisper how good a boy you are while petting your hip and rubbing your chest.
Thanks dude, I really appreciate your kindness to a rando on 4chan. Sleep tight too
When I stayed with my ex, he'd probe me with his cock in the morning and we'd fuck in the evening. That was the most he could come in a day though.
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Why are so many chicks on dating apps in my city requesting that guys set up the date/time/location? Do women not enjoy having to share the responsibility for a night out? Or is this some sort of red flag indicating that they’re only interested in getting a free meal? I don’t use TikTok or any social media outside of 4chan, so is this some sort of a meme that I’m unaware of?
>Why are so many chicks on dating apps in my city requesting that guys set up the date/time/location?
That's always been the tradition. Are you too autistic to do that even?
Its entitlement, I'd consider it a red flag. They want to be chased and they don't want to put in any effort or reciprocate at all and chase or care for you, avoid them.
I'm not too sure...but one way or another, that sounds sus imo
Current trend where women are obsessed about putting as little effort as possible in every part of their life to only go to social media to complain how disappointing they are in their relationships despite putting absolutely no effort and complaining all the time.
I’ve always consulted with the other party about a place to see if it’s somewhere they’d like to go. Don’t you think it’s a little stupid for a guy to just say, “I’m making a reservation at such and such place” without even determining if it’s somewhere she’d like to go or not?
>Its entitlement, I'd consider it a red flag.
Suddenly men now don't even want to take control of a simple task of where and when to go on a date. Society is screwed!!!! (Not really, normal men can and will. And they will carry on their genetics, as opposed to these bumbling smeagols)
>70% of men doing want to marry
>50% of men don't want to date
The game is rigged, we are done playing it, simple as, the ones who do want to play go overseas and near 50% of women in this country will never marry or have kids if nothing changes.
No one cares about genetics so your making an argument that would get you laughed out of the room. You can always date the bears.
>Suddenly men now don't even want to take control of a simple task of where and when to go on a date.
Welcome to being strong and independent during economically hard times, no more free rides! Slay queen, slay!
So you don't have the conversation before hand of what kind of stuff she likes to eat and do? That's obvious during the conversation stage. Universal talking points are hobbies and food.
I purposefully take women to places they don't like so they don't order a 9000 dollar meal on my dime.
Genetic waste. Male plague when
>Genetic waste
A great descriptor of modern women, hence why they are finding it hard to get married or get into a relationship compared to women from other countries.
Needed disclaimer this isn't the 28y.o. femcel from earlier
Oh its definitely a femcel, terminal case...
I mean, yeah, I guess? I just assume that if she accepts the date and we work out a venue that it’s a place she’s willing to try or it has food we both believe that we’ll enjoy. Whether or not it comes up in conversation beforehand or during the discussion of selecting a venue makes no difference.

Lol I’ve never dated anyone who has ordered something insanely unreasonable before, so I don’t think I see where you’re coming from on this.
The funniest thing is that even if men don't make a lot of money or if they are ugly or w/e other reason you hate them. Men of all quality not marrying women, hurts women more than it hurts men. Men are blessed enough to be built in such a way that if they don't reproduce or have a family they'll still be okay compared to women.
>Lol I’ve never dated anyone who has ordered something insanely unreasonable before, so I don’t think I see where you’re coming from on this.
Poor people problems...
jk, jk
I beg to differ. I've seen women much more comfortable and happy being single (and celibate, contrary to popular online belief) than men. Even more so when casual sex is hard to come by for men.
Except all the polling and science points in the opposite direction.
Fellas is there a way to casually spot a responsible, proactive kind man? Will he always have the balls to approach the woman he's interested in?
Women, what are clues you look for when meeting a man to help you figure out if he is dating or has a GF or not?
>Most miserable gender married
>most miserable gender single
>Most happiest gender married
Men and Women
>Most happiest gender single
>Happiest gender overall

Male happiness has been going up year after year as marriage goes down while for women the inverse is happening.
Men usually always mention their gf quickly in my experience. Probably because I flirt so hard with them.
Iunno, but if he is proactive, kind, and responsible chances are he's been damaged by bad women and has left the dating market. So no, he won't appraoch.
cuz your post reads like youre an ugly dyke!
I don’t think it’s possible to “casually” spot anything that will tell you a lot about any given person.
Because women are marrying down and settling for men who need a mother and not a partner. Others are smarter and would rather stay single, at least it spares them the unnecessary stress.
>I'm 34 but I'm apparently my celluar/biological age is 25.
>chair falling apart
>take apart chair
>clean it
>reapply wood glue
>holds nicely
>a week later
>starting to fall apart again
I guess a cheap chair is a cheap chair... The funny thing is that I've been losing weight (I'm not even fat to begin with) and this would have been the 3rd chair my ass has obliterated this year.
>Because women are marrying down and settling for men who need a mother and not a partner.
fantasy land wants you back if you think that is actually happening.
You're allowed to doubt, I'm not going to show you my medical records to prove a point over the internet, kek.
My mom literally did that very thing, which ended up in her divorcing my dad after 2 years of marriage. She thought she could fix him. Many such cases!
Both men and women who are in relationships tend to be happier than single men and women.

However, single women tend to be happier than single men.
>which ended up in her divorcing my dad after 2 years of marriage. She thought she could fix him. Many such cases!
Just proving my point...
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Gender? Age?
Which apps do you use the most and what are each ones good for? Are there apps you use which are not purpose built dating apps?
picrel are my guesses
She literally got married to him and had 2 kids with him you dumb fuck lol. What, do you think women will stick around with a dead weight forever? Don’t be an imbecile.
I use Bumble and Hinge. I had success on Bumble when I first started using it (after paying the $50 fee for a month) despite having an account full of ludicrous nonsense. Ever since then, I’ve had 0 success whatsoever because I’ve raised my standards. Also, I’ve quit paying for the apps.
single women are the most miserable people in society and like most women you just assert things without actually looking at the data. Which makes you look 10 times worse. Stupid and a liar.
Pure is not a Christian dating app LMAO
It's a test to see if you have even the most basic organisation skills. If you can't manage to organise a simple date, you are not worthy of female attention.
F, 26. I've had good luck on Hinge and yeah, it's mostly used by younger people. Also Feeld for everyone who got banned from Hinge (more fetish/kinky people on there).
Organizing the date without any input from her at all sounds pretty counter-intuitive to the entire idea behind getting to know someone.
Male, 30
Tried Bumble, OKCupid, Tinder, Match, Hinge, PoF, and one that is specific to a religion that I was raised with, but no longer really participate in.The only one that sort of worked was Hinge, I got dates with 2-3 women from there, but never turned into anything serious. The rest were trash, particularly PoF. That app is nothing but scammers.

I tried dating on Discord and /soc/ and on a ton of kink/fetish platforms but those never panned out either.
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Based on the data you posted, unmarried men with children are the unhappiest, married women with children are the happiest.
I am 27 now. I guess I realized "it was over" when I turned 26. the amount of time for me to get married and have kids will push them to graduate when im in my 50s which is not what i want. hence i just gave up on that idea

yeah im looking to trade big house for small house and a lot of land.
>happiest group in the graph
male, single, no kids
>one that is specific to a religion that I was raised with
which religion is that anon.
if its islam, forget about it.

if its hinduism, definitely forget about dating at all. now that girls are fighting back against arranged marriages, i see indian men to be a dying race.
Are you unable to read your own data? 36.7% say they're not too happy. That is by far the unhappiest group.
That's single men with kids, can you read the graph? The most unhappiest group in this graph are married women with kids too lol.
The date is when you get to know her. Part of your task is selecting a date that will facilitate that. If you fail to achieve that, you lose.
>The most unhappiest group in this graph are married women with kids too lol.
whoops, meant unmarried women with no kids.
>That's single men with kids
That is my point. Single men with kids are the unhappiest group in the graph.

>The most unhappiest group in this graph are married women with kids
39.5% of them claim to be very happy. Only 12.9% of them claim to be not too happy. They are THE HAPPIEST group. Followed by married men with children, who claim to be very happy 35.0% of the time, while only 15.7% of them say they are unhappy.
searched about it, sounds interesting but is it just kink people or is there hope of finding a normal date or typical sex?
someone really needs to make a guide about which apps are good for what and who.
Was it something about the Hinge app that made it easier for you to find dates or was it right place right time?
I think bumble/hinge/tinder are the defacto top 3.
Who wants to be that the unmarried man with kids is miserable because he's divorced and the mother won't let him see the kids?
Yes but the happiest group on average is men because of how happy the single, unmarried, no kids men are. Its around 76% happiness.
Happiest for both genders are married with kids.
Men without children are the same level of unhappy single or not married. married men are a bit happier.
unmarried women are similar level of happiness with or without children.

Basically women need men, men don't need women.
More than half of the single men polled report the highest level of happiness than the married men do.
Single, unmarried men with no kids only report to be very happy 13.8% of the time. They are completely outmatched by the married men - both with and without children. And married women outclass them too. In fact, even the unmarried women report being very happy more often.
77% of single men report being happy so no, it isn't 13%. You're just making shit up.
Why don't men look like this anymore
The most miserable men in society is the fastest growing group of men, divorced dads, so no married men aren't more happy than single men because they halfway to becoming the least happiest male demographic.
You're conflating the moderate choice with the positive one. A sizeable number of men is somewhat content with their lives but they don't report outright happiness.

In fact, there is substantial data from evolutionary psychology which shows that men are generally unhappier with singlehood than women are.
Imagine having the graphs and the data in front of you and still lying, if you get married or even associate with modern women your signing a death sentence. Women killed marriage and men are happy its dead.
>The most miserable men in society is the fastest growing group of men, divorced dads
Utter nonsense.

The number of married men is dwindling. Fewer men get married in the first place. And fewer men are having children too. The number is shrinking, not growing.
he's mid af
>graph shows the happiest amount of men are the single men with no kids
the graph is right there...
data doesn't lie, but women do, like you are right now.
What kind of retard are you that you can't read your own data? Do I need to put the graphs next to each other?

Even if you conflate the blue and the green, which is qualitatively not even the same, the married men with children are still SIGNIFICANTLY happier than the single men without children.
>women in the thread in full-on panic mode when they are confronted with the fact that men don't want to get married.
Time to get your passport girls, tick tock.
nta but from the graph unmarried and married men are pretty similar. married men report more in very happy because their wives were watching them as the did the survery xD

but its prob because pussy makes very happy. they are similar levels on unhappy. I am pretty happy as a single guy. i can prob live the rest of my life single and be pretty happy. yeah if a girl/companion joined me in life, id be happier i suppose but if not, its not end of the world for me.
It's definitely fetish oriented but you can find vanilla hookups on there too. What you won't find is dates or commitment. It's specifically for hookups.
I like how your calling me an idiot because I'm smart enough to know your lying through your teeth, You're the idiot here. The happiest demographic is single men with no kids
>highest happiness report
>77% of single men polled report being happy, the highest in the graph
Ill check it out, off the top of your head do you know what tactics they employ to keep the ratios good (like paywalls)?
face it, men don't want to get married just find a nice 3rd worlder to import. We don't want you, we don't need you, and unlike women, we actually mean it.
That only applies if they're getting casual sex. Without the casual dating culture they're just as miserable.
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>the graph is right there..
YES. You just can't read it.

>unmarried and married men are pretty similar
Very similar how? The married men are significantly happier. In particular those with kids.

>I like how your calling me an idiot
Because you apparently are.

Look at the graph. Are you telling me you are intellectually incapable of recognising the difference?
LDS. The app is called Mutual. I live in Utah so there are a lot of women in this area on the app.
I'm not sure exactly, but it seems like most apps are designed not to match people and get them to go on dates, but to prevent that from happening, to gamify the dating experience so they can charge money for shit and keep you on the app longer. Hinge is still kinda like that, but I think it encourages actually reading someone's profile more than just swiping on their picture.
>that huge gap between 49 to 64%
women really can't do math...
You have to pay to use the app at all. If you don't pay a subscription your profile won't be seen by anyone. I did get one hookup out of it and nearly got a couple others within about 4-5 months, so it works.
I sent some messages to my ex asking if I could stay at her place for the night and she refused, saying she had some party with her friends. then I told her that I could wait for everyone to leave so we could stay alone... and she told me she felt annoyed by my messages. I apologized twice shortly after that.
now I want to check if she's mad at me for that or something. should I? or should I just leave her alone?
>be less happier by being married than by staying single
Sounds like a bad deal... So I have to reduce how happy I am right now to have kids? I'd rather not have kids.
>attaching myself to a guy I have to either mother or beg for crumbs of affection
>that huge gap between 49 to 64%
Yes, and that HUGE GAP is filled with mostly GREEN. GREEN IS BETTER THAN BLUE IN THIS GRAPH.

You can't be serious.
>15% of men will become less happy after getting married.
Women really are just the worst.
>be less happier by being married than by staying single
The married men are HAPPIER. Green means VERY HAPPY. Blue means PRETTY HAPPY.
Follow up question about the dating apps, do any of them allow nudity or the option to not post your face?
>been getting /fit/
>want to show it off a bit more explicitly if app allows for my own curiosity
15% of them have a reduction in happiness, why would I go from being most likely to be the happiest to most likely being less happy but not unhappy? Its a giant scam.
Gay men massacred them.
There are no males that want to look that good anymore.
How the hell are you reading this as "become less happy", there is no temporal development in this graph. It only says that 15.7% of married men with children report being NOT TOO HAPPY. Opposed to that: 21.9% of unmarried without children report being NOT TOO HAPPY. If anything we read from that that married men with children tend to be happier than single men without children.
The mainstream ones don't allow nudity. You can choose not to post your face on most or all of them, but you're unlikely to get any matches that way.
Some of the fetish/kink apps will allow you to post nudity, but off the top of my head I don't remember which ones.
>I sent some messages to my ex
that was a couple of days ago btw
Because women only see you as a means to an end, they don't actually care if you become less happy with them they only care when you tell them that, then its your fault for being "mean" and hurting their feelings.
See >>31925872.

You clearly don't understand the graph if you read a "reduction" of any kind into this.
She doesn't want you bruh
Yeah... I'm not gonna get married so I can be less happy, try that scam on someone stupid enough to believe you and desperate enough for human touch,sex, and kids.
I just responded to them and its a 15% reduction in the most happiness category to the "I'm okay" happy category. Why get married if it has a 15% chance at making my life worse?
The funny thing is if you reverse the stats and showed this to women they would be outraged and make the same argument your making, its just that marriage and men dating them benefits them. It's the parasite's argument for why the host should sacrifice himself for her.
14$ a week
NGL that is a decent structure. Guess the website might see a lot of fly by night tourists as opposed to regulars but If it entertains me for even a few hours then I think its worth the money, cheaper than a date. Im going to give this one a try.
are there any normal people looking for normal sex on the fetish apps? would kind of be nervous about having normal sex with a spicier individual.
>I'm not gonna get married so I can be less happy
But your own data tells you that getting married and having children is correlated with a lower likelihood of reporting unhappiness.

>its a 15% reduction in the most happiness category
The "most happiness category" is the GREEN. The married men with children are on the left. They report being VERY HAPPY 35% of the time. The single men without children report being very happy only 13.8% of the time.
but still won't say it like that
why are women like this? just say it jfc
I mean yeah, most of them are open to just regular hookups, and for some of them their "kinks" are things like dirty talk, oral fixations, roleplay, i.e. normal stuff. There are also lots of poly/swinger types on certain apps.
Yes, if I was miserable, but I'm not and if I get married I have a 15% chance of being less happy and a 10% chance of being miserable so a 25% chance I'll be less happy, pass.
>The "most happiness category" is the GREEN.
Oh shit you're right I completely misread that LMFAO, still not getting married though.
>still not getting married though.
realest thing I've seen all thread, marriage is a scam.
This is not how these statistics work. The data only tells you that married men with children report being happier more often than single men without children do. But it does not tell you anything about likelihoods associated with transitioning between the states or how the categories themselves relate to happiness. i.e. you're not rolling a 100 sided die and randomly end up being more or less happy.
so what are the vanilla womens motivations to go there when they can easily find normal sex on a mainstream app? is it to try and avoid potentially being outed or caught since anyone you run into would have to admit to using the site?
>There are also lots of poly/swinger types on certain apps.
can you give me a few more apps to lookup? would be much appreciated.
Not absolutely but informatively you can make an educated guess off of it.
>i.e. you're not rolling a 100 sided die and randomly end up being more or less happy.
This makes me want to get married even less now...
I don't know, probably because those apps are explicitly for hookups so there's no confusion about what you're looking for, but also maybe because they're looking for kinkier stuff but also open to just hooking up.
Another anon mentioned it earlier, but FeelD is a big one. There are a lot of poly/swinger people on that one. There's also KinkD which I got one connection from and ended up chatting with her on WhatsApp for a while, but it didn't really go anywhere. Most of the rest of the fetish stuff seemed a little sketchy though.
Skilled job that makes sense for his age, no tattoos, "clean" look, either no socials or is very boring on them, has a real hobby, speaks about his family often, mentions visiting parents
>Will he always have the balls to approach the woman he's interested in?
Not really, if the situation is appropriate like you're at a group thing together that's different, or online dating
arent mormons sex rabbits
"The LDS Church teaches that sexual relationships are appropriate only within the bounds of marriage. Period. We consider premarital or extramarital sexual relationships serious sins that are destructive to the individuals involved as well as their families."
Absolutely not.
What’s the consensus on spamming a chick who won’t respond on a dating app? Will it increase my odds of attracting her, or will it just make me look pathetic? SURELY she will understand how determined I am to stick my dick in her butt.
Not until they're married, then they start pumping out kids like crazy.
That doesn't mean they never have sex outside of marriage though, lol. I was born out of wedlock when my mom was 18.
Iunno my best friend is Mormon and they have 6 kids.
Guys how bullshit is body language when expressing signs of interest? Is the whole "your torso and feet and shlong are pointing to the girl you're interested in" sorta things true?
I have a body?
I got to Mecha Sonic in SotH2 and beat his ass, so I'm feeling pretty accomplished.
Body language is always more accurate than speech. If you get good at reading it, then you’ll be a master of human communication and can see through lies.
the men can marry multiple women tho right
shes talking to her first choice. yuore prob number 35. she will just unmatch
It's true but sometimes what you see will be a coincidence
it is what it is
nothing to do except work out and get drunk if you can't handle the loneliness
Her unmatching would be better than this limbo.
Also no
where do I find information on body language that isn't outdated by 50 years or some grifter shit?
Having kids doesn't mean you're good at sex. And it's usually the opposite the more kids past 3...
Not sure exactly which Robert Greene book it was (Mastery, I think) but he talks about a guy who became a genius at reading people’s body language when he was bed-ridden with some disease as a kid. The guy would observe the faces of the many people coming in and out of his room at any given time and noticed that in many cases, what they said would not accurately reflect the expression on their face (i.e. saying everything is alright when the expression they wear is one of obvious disgust/frustration). I notice that on people a lot as well.
I'm fairly good at reading people in general and getting a read on them. I'm certain the guy I'm interested in shows very positive signs like that but he hasn't been upfront about it yet and that's really frustrating. I get a feeling he's affraid to make a move and/or somehow thinks he's got no chances with me. At the same time, I don't wanna come off too strong and make the first move so what doooo
leave him alone you hoe
Just make the move. I had a relationship ruined when I was younger I was too timid and the girl didn’t want to be the one to make a move. If she’d just signaled that it was ok for me to touch her romantically instead of expecting me to do it then things would’ve worked out great for us.
Lol please, he's the one showing obvious markers but still flirting with other girls
tell me about the other girls he's flirting with
Would making continuous eye-contact and smiling count as making a move? I basically spent all night greenlighting him. A mutual friend was always close by me and wouldn't leave my side, maybe he thought we had something going on..
got damn you are a stupid bitch
he won't ask because you aren't alone
I never said good, I just said they had a lot of it.
i want a black gf ngl. they seem the most comfy kind of gf if they arent part of ghetto culture. Like a cute black girl who grew up on anime or something. where do i find one
No, a move would be kissing him, or at least playing with his hair, or hugging him so tight that you push your tits into his chest, or playfully squeezing his butt.
Doesn't mean that either unless they have fertility problems.
Wooow slow down on the names when you don't even know the deets man.

If that's the case then he can just dm me, it seems far easier than finding a chance to be alone in the middle of a small group of friends/acquaintances (our group of friends was mixed but small)
do men like girls this skinny?
Most guys are not going to approach you unless you are alone, and particularly not if you are with a guy
Not an easy thing when we're still only acquainted..and I'm not one to be that provocative anyways
rare case of butt too big for the rest of her body- becoming a more common problem in women though
>scratch anus without going inside
>put finger under cat’s nose
>he coils in disgust
She's not natural is she? That's an injected ass?
Asking out via DMs is a pussy move
Find him, get him alone, give him enough attention to where he HAS to make a move
Otherwise he's hopeless
I’m skinnier
Case of not using a wipe post poop.
Causes crusty musty bootyhole.
It's not a competition.
Looks like a shoop
You’re dumb as shit. I shower after I poop, always. When you walk around a lot in the summer, you do something called “sweating”, which causes odors.
Then you’re in the same position of uncertainty that he’s in, which will likely lead nowhere.
Didn’t ask because it doesn’t matter, clown. My arm is 8 inches and my thigh 13 inches in diameter.
she's natural
Sliding in my DMs would be less of a pussy move compared to me having to work up all the those plans to get us alone desu. It feels like if he can't muster up the balls to come forward and get us alone then will I have to do all the moves in the relationship.

True, but I've made the first move a few times before and it has never gone well..
what a hottie
This is most certainly not natural lol
Then forget his ass you haughty bitch, he isn't worh the trouble, obviously
No I’m not dumb cunt. I eat at least 700 cals a day and walk at least 3 hrs a day. Long way away from death, I’m fine.
That woman obviously had a ribcage surgery. No way she’s real.
My 45 year old female coworker who just got hired as a director on team seems to be flirting with me (im 27m).
She's a divorced single mom who also just got out of another relationship. her kids at in high school.

She DM'd me on teams asking if I was "doing anything, literally anything" this weekend. She has vacation days to use for rest of year and said shes planning on a trip and asked if i wanted to go.

she's not ugly but shes old for me and looks like she enjoyed sun tanning too much in her youth.
who knows, they at least had sex 6 times
That'd be a "hell no" from me, but then again, I wouldn't have been kind and lead her on to the point where she thought she could get away with that.
This >>31926180
You’re extremely gullible
She would look better if her ass matched her waist, but I'm sure she looks good dancing
>too old
fucking queers
Be honest with her and say you aren’t interested, if she continues then report her to HR. Not worth ruining your work environment for some old pussy
Stay away from my grandmother and the retirement homes, oh and crypts/cemeteries as well. You'll be fucking corpses next.
I'm 28 and would give that milf a good time desu but that's just me
Oh is this the thread people are actually in? Typical of me to fuck something as simple as posting to 4chan up.
What is a way I can try dating without my absolute bitterness and cynicism about life showing through? I'm pretty sure my "yeah I know you won't like me but I still want to maybe find someone who will" vibes are really obvious.
>Nigger girl
Alright I'm out of here, see you guys next weekend.
Lie about your personality so that people you date are unhappy when you start to bee yourself later.
Or, you could stop being a lil shit.
i think she is a gymnast. she does a lot of cool flips and stuff.

how can you tell its fake? she says she's natural but there are rumors she/her sister photoshops her waist. she refuted them by showing in her tiktoks
Gymnasts have amazing asses in my experience
You can tell because of proportions. TikTok has filters that make yourself look smaller too.
>She DM'd me on teams asking if I was "doing anything, literally anything" this weekend
if this was done by a man, it would get reported as (sexual) harassment
Smell you later
That's my point, she left a company paper trail, best to not get involved and get fucked over later.
this is cope she has a twin sister with the same body type
they are the ernst twins
>Or, you could stop being a lil shit.
This seems unrealistic to be honest. I think I need a lobotomy.
>this is cope
lol if you say so, and I still think it’s fake as shit
She looks good here
i would too but im not attracted to her. my last gf was 38 but she was hot af
>typical bitch is a whore and uses her body for everything
I gyatt to know her name
I mean, you could meet her and tell her to delete that shit. I also don't see how that would be a problem, but I don't really know much about that stuff
I googled her image and it came up with Kaitlyn Ernest I think
That thing is triple archived now, do you really think they would let you delete something without having an archived backup?
Where can I find a woman with a google looking body that doesn’t whore herself out? It seems like I can only get fat or ugly/weird looking bodies.
You should be grateful for being able to pull any type of body.
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Would keeping a small stash of single serve lubes and assorted condoms give off a better impression than whipping out a box of condoms from the store and a 10oz bottle of lube that I use on myself in private?
>female friend knows I have never had sex
>internet convos give me impression shes down to try something
>want to invite her over to hang and try testing the waters
If things lead to what im hoping for I dont want to make it look like i had supplies sitting around waiting for her but rather they accumulated over time as I got handed or came across random freebies at bars, festivals, and other events and pocketed them just in case.
not really,never been a big fan of breakfast in bed
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kek i was on her tiktok and saw this comment
You don't need a large stockpile. A small reserve is fine.
I have muscle bro, like, actual muscle. I work out extensively and know that I deserve way more than blubber or flab.
I'm seeing a therapist for ADHD and he told me I have muted social responses and I looked it up and I'm even more confused now because I don't really see any of the symptoms as something I have.
>go back and look real quick
>fine this research
>"Past research on individuals high in attachment avoidance has pointed to these individuals being relatively uninterested in intimacy."
>"if presented with warmth and positive feedback, avoidant individuals will respond positively to intimacy to an even greater extent than secure individuals."
Oh.... Nvm...
I just dont want to explain the full sized bottle. Also having a 3pack from the gas station makes it seem like I got them after setting up a plan with her.
>I deserve
Found your problem.
There's a reason people say that 8/10 men can only score 6-7/10 women.
nta, but women have the same mindset its why the majority of them pumped and dumped.
Sure, okay. I stand by what I said.
People get social avoidance wrong, when someone you care about is distant the normal thing to do with normal people is to show you affection, for socially avoidant people this is the worst case scenario to do for them. It makes them feel trapped and anxious so they push you away even further. Its like trying to rehabilitate a dog that's been abused by people its whole life. You have to let the socially anxious person come to you and you have to go slow and build trust, but a lot of people if they aren't avoidant they are anxious, so they'll try to smother the avoidant people and the relationship absolutely breaks down.
The 3 pack from the gas station is more consideration than most men.
The multi says that you actually have sex and want to keep having sex safely.
Lube usually isn't neccessary as most condoms come prelubed, but also most people have actual foreplay in order to make her wet enough.
Yup totally natural kek
Bratting feels like CNC but against doms. Like she's trying to force sexual acts without going through the proper channels of trust and communication. If she likes doing it, then it's for her, not for me.
I wouldn't know, but if the brat is playful and knows when to let up and be affectionate its fun, if its just brat 24/7 the disrespect gets annoying real quick.
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Do men like monolids on white girls???
Not fertile above the waist.
There's a reason why asians do better than half-asians when it comes to dating white men.
I don't know what you want me to tell you. Grow a personality? Have fun being alone.
Yeah, it's problem and will continue to be for the entirety of our lives. No sense bitching about it.
>women inventing trait categories that men don't remotely care about so that they can complain about beauty standards that *men* impose on them
many such cases.
I'm not sure corporations can do backups of a Microsoft product, I'm ignorant of that but I doubt it.
>Yeah, it's problem and will continue to be for the entirety of our lives. No sense bitching about it.
Why would I complain about it? Women being completely out of control in America actually opened up my horizons to travel abroad and find out that there are a lot of different cultures where men are just treated better, in fact I'm grateful for women in America being awful. It showed me that I was being treated like trash in America and I'll never stand for it again and I'll never date a modern women again.
You'd be surprized.
>Why would I complain about it?
I don't know, why are you complaining about it? That's why you're here in /atoga/ after all.
>You're experience in complaining
Biggest predictor of being married in the west for women right now is being Asian. An Asian women is 4 times more likely to married than her white and black counterparts, with white women being the highest predictor of not being married or having kids.
she knows Ive never had sex so dont want to make it seem like im over zealous or focused mainly on that and if it doesnt work out thats also fine.
ive tried putting on a few different free condoms but they all get uncomfortable to roll at the mid point so i measured and the internet told me i need something slightly larger so if i whip out a box of appropriately sized ones i think she will know that it was planned but if i had them in a mix then it was a fortunate coincidence.
the lube is there just incase shes not into having full on sex but would be cool with giving me a handy or some lesser for of intercourse like just the tip or a singular in an out just to collect my scalp since shes already popped 2 guys cherries before.
How do I cope with my brother being addicted to drugs?
Do drugs and have sex with him, jk
what drug is he on?
Call him a faggot
Do it every day until he stops
virgin killer women are basically 1 step away from becoming pedophiles.
Why are you complaining about it? There's nothing that be done to fix the post, so why even bother?
it's joever

what if they're tiny and far apart.
I should. I had a raw talk with him today and we both got a bit emotional. Hopefully it helps.
this, it always starts off as a power dynamic fetish, then it jumps to a control fetish, next thing you know they are having sex with their students.
Damn, to be honest, I wouldn't give a fuck unless it was effecting me or he came to me for help. We all make choices and sometimes the unfair part is that we make 1 wrong choice once, then its all over.
How is it that you are talking about sex tourism when you can barely speak English yourself. That's why you can't pull anything but fatties and hags.
I'm not going to help you feel better or worse than other women for arbitrary bullshit reasons.
Weve known each other a long time and I think shes wanted it since shortly after we first met even before confiding in her about my inexperience. Never explicitly spoken about doing it online but shes always saying we should hang. BTW shes 4 years my JR.
>effecting me
Yeah, it is, he's my brother and I care about him.
>sex tourism
only in the west do women consider dates as "sex tourism" lmfao, pathetic.

Did someone else shoop this for their own amusement or did she seriously post that and expect people to think it’s real? Chicks can seriously be retarded sometimes.
He apparently has better reading comprehension than you do and isn't tripping up over 1 misspelling, I guess the advantage of having cats and dating bears is that they can't speak or spell for you to get upset about.
No more (You)s for you, shitskin. Glad I could be of service to /atoga/ in outing you once again.
>The liberal white ubran women shows her true colors
Fun fact, statistically your group is the most racist group in america, probably because you are seeing all the men around you marry better women.
>Instantly starts coping and stops responding because she knows its true
I'm white and this is the funniest post I've read the whole night, LMFAO
>she's natural
>with no ribcage, no internal organs, and a pelvis the size of Alaska
Men are so retarded
>so if i whip out a box of appropriately sized ones i think she will know that it was planned
No. Having condoms just means you have safe sex. Not that you're planning to rape her with the whole box.
There is also mostly no need for lube unless you are into getting fucked in the ass. Women make their own lubrication.
Stop worrying so much or you'll ruin your chance.
>responding multiple times
>Tell me you are American without telling me you are American
That fat huh?
Why are you complaining about it? You can't stop it, there's not point?
How could you even be attracted to deformities like this? Lmao

Aside from it being obviously fake, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around how clueless someone would have to be to believe this is normal, let alone ideal.
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>more cope
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
delusion at its finest... The female version of Chris-chan tier thinking
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>there's not point
Is this bait? Have you never seen a real person’s body before?
I've seen women that look like her before, not in America though, my wife also said that she has never people so fat that they look like blobs on legs, so I imagine if people outside of America saw you they would think its fake as well.
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Much like her existence, yes. She will never have kids, work to make someone else rich, and die alone. No one's fault but hers and there's no point in complaining about it :^)
She's a good singer. As an admirer of the committee, I obviously approve of the message, though the emphasis on having a big butt too was unnecessary; feels like it might be demoralizing to the girls who have neither. Also some questionable rhymes: "magnetic," "get it," and "fridge"?
>mouse over embed link
>see her face
>see the name of the song
I'm sorry but pass, I know I shouldn't judge a book by its cover but that thumbnail alone is just way too much for me.
This general would be better without women or men pretending to be women in here, we could call it /atoga/ - Ask the One Gender Anything
>Women say its cringe when I play video games and play with my plastic army men and roll lots of dice.
>They watch shit like this
I feel like if there was a babysitting service for adults, this is what they would have on one of the tvs.
>jerryboree irl
How do I build a buisness for this?
Rental mancave? Arcade? Gym? Bar? All in one?
>this idiot has a “wife”
stick bug...
Its catchier than I thought but I probably couldn't listen to it more than a few times. Its a fun song though.
If you don't eat much food, can chocolate get you high?
I ate kind of a lot today and have been shitting my brains out. Took a hot bath and now I feel like I just blazed a whole joint. Eyes heavy.
>No. Having condoms just means you have safe sex. Not that you're planning to rape her with the whole box.
I need looser fitting condoms would be sus if I already knew this no?
>here is also mostly no need for lube
Just incase shes not up to full on sex but would let me have some sort of test poke in in the dark just to say Ive had sex and know what pussy feels like. Honestly would rather do that with her than full on sex but too old to care now and ready for anything.
No, it likely has to do with the insulin spike from not eating and lack of fiber.
Congrats bro, or sorry that happened
thanks for your consideration, it really is something.
>I need looser fitting condoms would be sus if I already knew this no?
Are you an adult? Yes? Then no. It's not sus to know what size condom goes on your dick.>>31926603
>but would let me have some sort of test poke in in the dark just to say Ive had sex and know what pussy feels like.
you think so?
guess I'll ask a professional instead...
new thread when?
Theres been 2 threads up this whole time

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