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Do women find late virgins attractive, provided all other qualities are good? And what about women of different ages? If a girl is 8 years younger than me, will she find it a positive quality?

I am a 32 year old Eastern Euro. I look 25 and rated 7 or 8 by girls online. Monogamous. I lift and take care of myself like Patrick Bateman. Only 0.4℅ wagies in my country earn the same or more than I do. I am a boss to 6 people, can joke and relatively charismatic (I think). I don't drink or smoke at all. But I had problems regarding my childhood (bullying), and wasn't able to open up due to family obligations (basically had to take care of my mother and sister throughout my 20s because of an alcoholic father who died in prison), thus remained a virgin. Was able to overcome my problems and start socialising properly only recently, which made me think - is my virginity a positive quality for women or not? I kind of have developed a complex regarding me only recently going to a dating marked and missing a lot of time. No, I am not obbsessed with losing my v-card, just interested how I am persieved by females.
No, it's not attractive, don't bother telling them until you've banged them a few times and got positive reviews.
You are in charge of just 6 people but earn in the top 1%? I call bullshit.

Also, no. Your inexperience isn't sexy to anyone. Learn what gender roles are before your next larp.
Its not attractive, it will arise questions whenever you are mentally ill or something given that you arent a loser. Just don't bring it up or make up some vague stoey how the last time you had sex was at 21.

he is eastern european, we are looking at difference between wagies getting 500 dollars and him getting mb around 5000. Which would be 1% there yeah.
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Yes, I am 1℅ among wagies. I work in a huge corporation, so it's not hard to imagine.

>Your inexperience isn't sexy to anyone.

Why would women care about my experience? I want long loving relationship and experience isn't a hindrance in such matters. Besides, it can be gained quickly. Almost everyone can fuck, but only small amount of people actually can make money and thus provide for their woman.
If you're a Slavbro then you can for sure find a hot Slavita in Slavland that will overlook your V card issues. Just do what the other anon said and don't mention anything unless it's brought up. If you lift and look good and have money, you'll be fine. But if it is brought up, I would personally tell the truth as a matter of fact, not from a place of insecurity. Just say it just happened this way, oh well. Once you meet a girl you click with, none of this will matter. Worry about attracting a girl, but being a king in bed. You can't run without walking first.
Male virgins aren't attractive to women because women want to get railed properly. Guys that don't know what they're doing are completely unattractive. In their mind they expect it to be like fucking with a 12 year old boy, he'll penetrate, pump his cock 3 times and be done, lay there satisfied while asking whether she came. You need to prove yourself to the woman that you can satisfy her in bed and telling her you're a virgin is the number 1 way to make her pussy dry.

You said you want is a deep connection. If a girl falls in love with you before getting to sex, then sure, it could work with gaining experience with her, but that's jut not how relationships work nowadays, it's hard to get to that point before having sex.

There's always the occasional girl that would love to take a guys virginity, but those are rare and will likely move on from you once she does take it.

It's really simple man, you sound like a catch, just don't tell them you're a virgin, if relationships come up, say something like "I've never been in a serious relationship before, but I'm interested in getting into one now." Most dates will probably be one night stands anyway.
Not* being a king in bed >>31938521
Women find competent confident men attractive. Being a virgin is neither. If you tell her you’re a virgin she’s going to think:

1. What is wrong with him, why don’t other girls want him
2. He obviously doesn’t know what he’s doing

As a man, this isn’t what you want a woman to think about you. Don’t bring it up. If she asks how many women you’ve had sex with, just say “I don’t want you to get in your head” or some other shit like that. She’ll think it’s mysterious and cocky, not pitiful

Well, the prices and taxes here are much lower (and my employeer pays my taxes for me, so my wage is always NET), healthcare and education are free, etc. So my 5000$ monthly are something like 20000$ in US due to Purchasing Power Parity.
Why would women care about my experience? I want long loving relationship and experience isn't a hindrance in such matters. Besides, it can be gained quickly. Almost everyone can fuck, but only small amount of people actually can make money and thus provide for their woman.

It seems you don’t understand what women want. Women and men want different things
5000 monthly is really good bro. Congrats
Lol your post resembles my father so eerily and I find it attractive because of that. Well he could find a woman so I guess..
My bf forced me to wait for 6 months before we had sex and it made me respect him so much more. I'm eastern euro too btw.
I wouldnt really care about virginity. I wouldnt bring it out as attractive, but it has its upsides such I will know that he hasnt been soured or have any preconceived notions about sex.
Here's an example of a guy that was a supposed virgin that did it correct. The only difference is that he did it from a place of authority and confidence. Look at this girl and how she gushes over him. It's all about framing it in a way that it was YOUR choice. And just stick with that. It's easy to understand, hard to master depending on your personality.

Yeah, this seems like a total larp. Let's say you work at the largest of large mega corps in all of whatever country you're larping as being from. The 1% wages are going to be in the c-suite, and across all of eastern europe c-suite salaries are comparable with their western counterparts. You expect us to believe you somehow achieved that whilst remaining a virgin? Get fucked. This post reeks of redpill /pol/ incel.

Most women are not whores and don't care about your money. They all however do care about how well you can fuck. That's why size matters.
When it comes to sex women don't care about your experience. They just want to get properly railed. They don't want to discuss or help you understand how to do it. They want you to know. That's what is tough in your position, and this is why you should never say you're a virgin.

However if you really are a top earner and ok looking + clean most women will overlook mediocre sex because they can take it or leave it. It's not essential to them as it is to us.

Moreover, it's not hard to get decent at sex. Just use your tongue and fingers.

The older you are the less important sex becomes so if you're just decent you can have a good relationship.
americucks really cant fathom that it's that easy to be in the top 1% in europe. he's probably not rich at all though. he just is confortable.
Unless you're royalty or obscenely rich, absolutely not.
Go get your dick wet. With an escort if you have to.
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I am confused and flattered in the same time that someone thinks my life is a larp. OK, to make it all more unbelievable: I have two high ed. degrees, I bought apartments for my mother and sister (each), I know Chinese and Japanese and I'm also Liutenant in the military (becauss of Military Academic Department in my first University, legacy of the communists), and I am incredibly brave when it comes to confrontation (once I almost beat a drug addict who insulted my mother when we were living in a ghetto near the old factory from commie times). And no, I am not bullshitting you. Thats all me. Apparantly, staying a virgin is possible.
With my first girlfriend I was a virgin at 26 and she was 30 when we first met. I told her I had only had sex a few times but I never had. When I told her I was actually a virgin she told me she would have actually preferred that and found it more attractive. I do believe her. She is pretty rare, but also very emotionally unstable and ended up sabotaging our relationship. So I think most normal women won't share her opinion. After a few fucks though you will practically be a veteran. It is not rocket science so I would just lie if I were you. She also did through it in my face the fact I lied when she was breaking up with me, but it was just to justify way worse behavior on her end so take it for what you will.
>just interested how I am persieved by females.
There are /atoga/ (Ask the opposite gender anything) threads here on /adv/. I imagine you'd be able to get a rough idea by asking the wimmin there.

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