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Ask The Opposite Gender Anything...

Le Sweaty Murder Man Edition

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give tall quiet loyal loving strong man
First for the Incel-tranny pipeline anons
I went from incel to simp, personally
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Posting ideal female.
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Ah yes, femanon... I do have your perfect man, in fact he's tall, handsome, loves all of the stupid books and movies you love, and he's eternally loyal! He's waiting for you at a restaurant right over there, but to get to him you'll need to cross a minefield I've carefully placed between you and your husbando! The catch!? The mines will trigger if more than 130lbs of pressure is placed on them!

Time to find out if you've been FUDGING the numbers on your diet femanon! MUAHAHAHAHA!
>that thing
This troon is delusional kek
I'm literally right here
Not even joking
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>this man is talking to you but he's a bit distant and awkward
What would a female's reaction be, genuinely?
absolute disgust
men with more muscles than you get in a few months are fucking disgusting
My ideal women are Margot Robbie and Jaime Pressly
If either had a fat ass, I'd be cooked
i feel like i can't really decipher whether a guy is awkward around me or not. possibly i'm so awkward that everyone else seems normal to me, even other awkward people.
but if he's distant? makes me feel intrigued because usually men act kinda like simps around women, that's how most men are like.
>a few months
I feel as though women are really delusional about the amount of exercise men need to get various levels of muscle.
If you take psych meds and had a high libido without them, did you completely lose it on meds?
I'd be less scared.
I'm not into super masc hairy muscle guys though, so my attraction would be unchanged. I'd consider him for friendship.
My libido goes up when im on my adhd meds
I would say bye and get away from him

SSRI Antidepressants both made me noticeably less interested in sex and a harder time reaching orgasm
They literally are, women know as much about male musculature as men do about where the clit or g spot is.
Its not the 50s, everyone knows what the clit and gspot are. Silly comparison. Reference straight from your grandfather.
What are some ways I can make sex with my girlfriend more exciting and enjoyable? I want to spice things up and add an exciting / special spontaneous factor.
She tells me she’ll try anything I want to try and just wants me to lead her. What are some toys or new things I can try??
>it's over even for chads
woe to a society we live in
Ok point to it using an education diagram.
Also, I've had a fuck ton of trouble getting to feel around and find it in the dark, or while eating out but maybe I'm just retarded.
Thoughts on America having 400 school shootings a year?
It's been over for Chads since like 2020.
By 2050 most women will have gone lesbian due to finally outgrowing even the highest tier of Gigachad.
Anti-depressants can vary from near total dick death to just slightly impacted
If I had one I would.

Clit is the button near the top of the pussy. Gspot is inside a few inches towards the front.
between the belly button and her asshole
give me 1 hour, a measuring stick, and 20 "is that it"s and I should be able to locate it
We need to pump those numbers up, trans people have begun helping but white men still carry this burden too often, more women and minorities need to become mass shooters, sadly brown men seem to prefer machetes and vehicles for mass murder, while women have always cocked up their mass murder attempts.
That guy isn't a chad. Its pretty universal that women interest in muscles ends at "otter mode", ie swimmers. The more you go over that the more you attract men instead.
If you always have sex in the bedroom, and/or always at the same time, you could try changing these things.
>By 2050 most women will have gone lesbian due to finally outgrowing even the highest tier of Gigachad.
at that point they'll start killing themselves en masse realizing that even other women don't measure up to their standards
By 2090 only 4% of the remaining population will be women and they will likely be seized by the state to become breeding sows to prevent inbreeding in the next generation.
Ideally this will result in no further cock ups in the future and we will have learned our lesson about allowing freedom in romance and reproductive rights.
You mean the hordes of loser men who haven't accepted yet that they should've been eunuchs from the start and can't make it among normal men.
my cousin spends 6 days a week in the gym and has huge muscles and he's fucked over 200 women
your argument is invalid
>Anecdotal evidence
more men stop caring and if half of society doesn't care about the weaker half then it'll be over in a flash
the fall of rome ended with most women raped to death
>2014 has had less than 400 school shootings
The problem isn't guns, laws, or race; its culture. American is a great place to live and grow up, but it has its problems just like everywhere else, mental health and physical health is put aside for profit because profit is the most important thing in American society now, it use to be family but that has long been removed from the core of America. Immigration has completely decimated the original traditional culture America had for corporate culture. Do not confuse what I'm saying for a condemnation of capitalism, but rather the condemnation of the lack of regulation of corporations, but too much regulation also disincentives people making corporations (which are useful to the economy, regular people, and government for different reasons), so I'm not even going to pretend that I'm right.
>instant meltdown
Either a loser male, or a troon, does it matter really kek.
>normal men is chad
>she says as society slowly falls apart around her
Wouldn't be surprised if a Roman Woman said that before the fall of the Roman Empire.
Pretty twinks are just superior.
dozens of studies will back me up that women are more attracted to beyond ottermode than to ottermode specifically
your definition of ottermode isn't even reasonable in the end because it'll just mean "muscular michael phelps swimmer body" than "skinny with some muscle"
Historically ignorant post lmao.
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You know I think women might be right about men and bears.
femboys are a viable option for the short term but not the long term,
what meltdown? Most men will not help a woman getting raped now and that behavior is increasing. Society is getting less safe for women and men increasingly care less about fixing a corrupt society.
>getting upset at a joke post
Bears haven't yet come out of the woods to maintain civilization yet, so are they really that great?
either gender
So, my gf and I are kind of obsessed with each other, and our chemistry is perfect. The result is that we can talk literally 24/7, and it's kind of ruining our lives. Will this obsession ever fade?
Both sides are collapsing society for different reasons, instead of compromising and making a society that values family and making it "okay" for the majority of people, they are making it unlivable for the average person of either gender and favoring those for political or weird gender/racial reasons.
Oh alright then
You're right we need to get the coke bears in on this too, we should fit the bears with machine guns connected to neural link and train them to shoot to hunt then release them into schools.
I will be forwarding this idea to my superiors at mossad, thanks for the idea?
Women can't maintain a society and if they could men would instantly stop caring so they could play the houseman role which is objectively superior to doing work.
As the man you need to set boundaries, as the woman she needs to respect them. If you set a boundary and she tries to break it she is bad for you and you shouldn't be together, especially if you correct her (gently) and she spergs out over it.
Women, what do you do for fun?
>Graduated from chnups to chestups, they're even easy
Women would you praise me if you were my gf
thanks for admitting I'm right
>so they could play the houseman role which is objectively superior to doing work.
Depends on the man if I'm being honest.
I've been cutting my own hair in hopes of having a fluffy mullet, but it almost always results in me giving myself two or three bald spots on my scalp. How do I cut my own hair more efficiently? Or should I see a barber?

My long term goal is to look like a younger Rob Lowe in the 1985 movie St. Elmo's Fire
Seething this much when you could just say that you're a tranny who's jealous of women, it isn't so hard kek.
You're welcome bro I don't believe in aruging for the sake of it
nta, but women lost that argument trannies are women as far as society is concerned.
Lexapro makes me less inhibited in hitting on people, but it also makes me a fat gross creep who women talk amongst each other about how to protect themselves from if I say anything weird or inappropriate to them like "can we exchange numbers?"
So you like to think, trooner. YWNBAW.
Just see a barber, have them do it, watch what they do and see how good it actually looks when a professional does it. Could be it just won't fit you anyways.
>Women: "Transgender women are women."
>Transgenders take advantage of this
>Women: *ShockedPikachuFace.PNG*
>Also Women: "Clearly the solution now is to complain about it but not actually do anything to fix the problem."
They'll keep losing until they start acting.
"Just call incels trannies" poster is quickly becoming my favorite poster, he should use a tripfag code so that I can be on the look out for this posts in specific, and so Ican subscribe to it like a newsletter.
>Both sides are collapsing society
good. Hopefully this keeps up.
You should subscribe to my posts in a way that I can monetize. I'm the guy who keeps referring to male penises as winkies btw.
>instant seethe
This is never not funny, lol.
I agree if I'm honest.
Only in certain places in North America really. There's still a major stigma about it.
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Favoreite doctor? Pic related for me; never liked the newer ones where he'll end invasions by saying his name and shit, reminds me of DC and the joker scaring people who could kill the earth in 1 hit purely because of writer bias
Societal Stigma is the weakest its been in society since I've been alive at least and I don't think its going to reverse anytime soon, but I've been wrong in the past.
I don't know anything really about the show but I liked Capaldi.
which they won't
they've got themselves in a negative feedback loop
speaking out gets you labeled a transphobe and not speaking out gets even more tranny infiltration
women's biggest fear is being socially outcast so they'll never speak out
how is it seeth if I'm right? are you a tranny? would explain why you're so hellbent on forcing more gender issues since you're objectively an evil person
>He doesn't know
You'd be surprised how many Islamic countries have transgenders. You might be less surprised but China and Vietnam have a lot as well and they have the most stigma outside of the middle east against transgenders.
"Both sides" usually drop at least some of their shit when they're forced to be in an actual position of decision making and responsibility. The people I've met in newsrooms and nonprofit board meetings are capable of taking good ideas from all sides of an argument and funneling them into realistic solutions. Angry boomers with Qanon flags in their yards, or semi-informed college students bloviating with half baked thoughts on the latest world conflict or the state of the economy, however, that's a different story.
I hope to age as well as he has
Just need a few million for surgery
I find the "daddy" thing extremely creepy
Am I wrong
agreed although we weren't arguing for the sake of it
I was just right and you agreed
have a nice day bro
Iran has been one of the few countries to recognize and allow sex change surgeries, even under its rule by Ayatollahs.
Favoroitey dactah? Peek relayted fah moiey. Nevah loiked da bewah wans whail heel ahnd eenvashuns boi saian hois nahm ahn shoit. Remoinds me of DayCee ahn da Jokah scayreen poi pole hoo cuud keel da eoith een wan heet. Puoily beacahs af wroitah boias.
>Women have an opportunity to start a "new society" of TERFS
>Instead they choose to either not say anything or say something, get outcasted, then complain about being outcasted.
It just sounds like men need women....
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Is this true?
Do you really want it to fade? You could just enjoy the ride and have fun ruining your own life. Crime is always an option if you come short of money. I'm trying to accomplish what you have with my bf and it's slowly working. He's gotten quite obsessive, just not entirely as much as I am yet. Working on it though. So yeah, just sit back, relax and enjoy the destruction.
this is an example of arguing for the sake of it

>Women trying to be funny
>he people I've met in newsrooms and nonprofit board meetings are capable of taking good ideas from all sides of an argument and funneling them into realistic solutions.
lmao nonprofit board members are generally the most deluded folks around
frauds who lie about their positive impact so they can get paid more from the charity grift they're running
I wonder what argument they used to allow it considering changing sex would be an omission that "Allah was wrong" right?
>wamin troyin tah boi phooney
incels are incels because they have women personalities as men, it's pretty simple ngl.
Nah, I feel really creeped out when guys call me mommy.
I guess, its the same study that says video gaming is the least attractive hobby, which is funny because that is the most popular form of entertainment in the world.
The Capaldi era with Michelle Gomez as The Master/Missy was one of the best. The meanie with a heart of gold theme was a nice inversion of the Sixth Doctor who was cheery but pretty flippant about horrible shit happening to his companions.

The hero/villain sexual tension between the Doctor and the Master was present before, but worn more on its face with The Doctor vs. Missy. They were truly some of the most attractive actors to grace the series, the era of rabid David Tennant fandom aside.
it doesn't matter what women like retard
stop making them like you
be strong as fuck and be able to lie through social shaming and manipulation and women will flock to you by the hundreds
>you're objectively an evil person
Funny how only faggots and trannies type like this lol, you can't fool anyone.
So true, when are you getting that tripcode so I can subscribe to your newsletter?
Isn't Iran one of those places where women are second class citizens? Why would they wanna do that?
I've seen chad incels, so I know this isn't true. In fact I know a dude who is my age (33) and has a good paying job, works out, is handsome (way more than me) and he still can't get a gf or laid because he lacks charisma or doesn't check off every single box.
>this is an example of arguing for the sake of it
nah you're just trying to waive away my argument so you don't have to admit you don't have one
that's okay
just realise that you've admitted that I'm right
calm down bro wow
Never had the chance to get with a femboy, most aren't into women.
I would definitely be on board to fuck one with a strap. Twink ass is pretty epic already, but yeah. The ones I loved have been unwell and unstable.
Depends what you mean by second class.
but I'm neither and you're both
weird how liars like you always lie
because you're evil
>xer is obsessed with trips
A true faggot I see. Glad we agree though.
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>Never had the chance to get with a femboy, most aren't into women.
Ideal gf opinion with a femboy toy we both use, imagine the shower sex.
Speaking of LGBT+ and the Middle East. I sometimes think about the Palestinian singer Bashar Murad and how he advocates for Palestinian independence in his music. It's like, Mr. Murad, you do realize if your dream came true it would be ruled by some Hamas motherfuckers and you would be choosing to move to Tel Aviv ASAP to escape the nightmare world you hope will be a reality?

His songs are still bangers, though, even if his politics are some true Voting for Leopards Eating Faces shit.

I just really like your worldview man, I sure would like to listen to as much of it as possible and would like a clear indicator of your posts.
That doesn't disagree with what I said though, does it. Woman personality = no charisma as a man.
State gender
Have you ever touched the intimate parts of someone of the opposite sex who was not your partner?
Who was it?
That's a dude btw.
Women will always hate whatever hobby you have anon, trying to cater your hobbies to them is kind of pointless.
Already debunked yesterday; 52% of the people they quizzed for that were men, not women, not counting trannies in the "women"
I'm sure telling yourself that helps you sleep at night, hon.
I mean they don't have as many rights in regards to marriage, divorce, child custody, employment, inheritance and political office.
The incel set are obsessed with masculinity to an almost homoerotic extent. Why do you think they follow Raw Meat diets and obsessively watch Jordan Peterson videos about How To Be a Real Man? (tm)
I don't even want to touch that can of worms if I'm honest, it'll turn the thread into a shitshow but I'll give the song a listen and keep an open mind.
Of course you can always start your own newsletter. Just switch over to /lgbt/ and you'll find your audience, friend.
>visible bra straps.
I don't have to but it's nice to find out you're an evil person and a liar so nothing you say can ever be trusted
My point is that would you consider them second class if the reason they have less rights is tided to a religion, not to a political system?
dunno if same religion/culture or not but a pakistani guy im friends with keeps getting dumped by white girls (which are all he wants, no interest in his own race) because he keeps trying to force his religion on them and his religion basically says
>reality hates you for being female
I don't want to start a newsletter, I just want to follow yours and be able to read your posts clearly standing out from the rest. I don't have anything interesting to say but you clearly do.
Oh. I suppose I would.
Kind of like the world Project 2025 supporters want to create in America under a second Trump term
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings hon, you just need to accept life as a feminine male and be proud of it!
>white women dating pakistani men
I guess they are really desperate now, lol.
Visible straps are hot. Especially if one and only 1 is sliding down.

Cousin's gf mounted me and had me grab her tits as a "joke" once.
She was like 36, butch lesbian (claimed, pretty sure she was bi and using it as an excuse to be a creep), ugly as fuck, my penis died
>I don't want to start a newsletter
Sad, I thoughts trannies loved starting blogs and newsletters. You'll always know where to find your crowd if you do change your mind though.
Can we not do this? We're actually not talking about America here.
Fun fact about Iran too, over a million conversions to chrisitanity this year 50k to 60k mosques closed down and there's a government crack down on crypto-christians and anti-government sentiments a long with a lot of riots.
We should arm homeless vets and put them in classrooms.

Yes, it's the honeymoon phase. You'll settle in to contentment, buy it's important not to get too comfortable because it can easily turn into complacency and you'll lose your spark entirely.

My gf, train, my gf, work on my shitbox, my gf, try out new recipes, my gf, video games, my gf, tabletop games, and my gf.

Yes, pullups are a big accomplishment.

Eleven, but Rory deserved better than that cunt Amy

You're so right, daddy.

Yes? Most of those are creative outlets. Creativity is a desirable trait.

Not willingly, no.
Once as a teen
He's really handsome imo. Insanely good jaw genetics, good sense of style, probably about 6'0, 6'1, easy to talk to, its just his religon fucking it up
F but that's extremely tacky to me. I'm with you on the one strap thing but that really seems like a bedroom thing.
Is it weird that I just want a girl who will send me nudes/lewds and talk to me?

fair enough
People keep on telling me its weird that I want to date black women but that doesn't really stop me.
Unfortunately I'm lame so my ideal would be marrying a femboy and making him my little wife.
Also no interest in threesomes unless I'm domming everyone else.
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Women, would this fetish be a red flag?
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This is Assad Zaman, a South Asian actor. South Asian men can be quite handsome, assuming you let go of stereotypes of poor men in leather sandals getting into public shouting matches hassling women on city buses.
Nah, its what you like and I can't really hold that against you. Its nice to know that there are women who like femboys, even if you like them for the WRONG reasons :^).
On day I'll have my wife/gf with live in femboy 3 way
He honestly looks kind of autistic.
M, The Fifth Doctor. His calm, stiff upper lip demeanor and preppy golfing outfits always sold his energy for me.
>Oh I don't give a shit about a mans race as long as he's tall and hot.
I'm not sure how anyone can deny the blackpill by this point the women itt confirm it firsthand while admitting any meritocratic work is pointless for men.
This is what women want nowadays?
I honestly think he is kinda right, if women were stronger than men there would be a lot more sex, a lot more rapes, and a lot more wars (maybe).
But having a fetish for a big strong woman who basically takes the man/mother role in everything but sex is a very normal and common fetish weaker men usually have.
Small mouth syndrome. Looks bad on both men and women because it makes your nose look big.
Do you think a woman would introduce you to her family and extended family / friends and bring you around them all the time and make all kinds of special plans and trips with you, while spending her free time with you if she didn’t see a future with you?
Or would she do all this knowing that you might just be a place holder and fun for the time being?
He is also British by birth/nationality, but South Asian (Bangladeshi-British) by ethnicity. I assume being raised in the UK would make someone come off that way. I know I myself got diagnosed with autism in America after spending five years among Brits, and I don't think that's a coincidence at all.
Americans are more autistic because they have more german in them, which isn't a joke, Germany is partly the way it is because of its high prevelance of autism.
i'm not attracted to any sort of brown men (indian, black, mena), but i don't care if it's between asian, white, or pale kind of latino. not completely sure about latino though because i'm not sure i've ever seen one irl, seems rare in my country. so yeah mostly i'm attracted to just asian and white.
Why are French people so backwards in regards to autism?
>Spent years being tall, tan, and lean, with an Orange Cat Energy facial expression
>Too autistical to pick up on when women wanted to take a ride on my Disco Stick, except in rare cases when they themselves were very autistical and sexually forward in ways the neurotypicals consider inappropriate and "slutty"
How are they backwards?
Kek this is so true.
I have a thing for brown guys and had several duds before my current bf. No idea why they thought an atheistic careerwoman who loves femdom would ever convert to Islam but it kept happening.
So many Middle Eastern and South Asian men can be so pretty but the religion and culture...rough. Total turnoff.
Not my point.
That explains both Karl Marx and the Mustache Man, but for different reasons.

It also explains the mega autism worldview of both Otto von Bismarck and Kraut-American Henry Kissinger.

The lesson, autism in power leads to mass murders, wars, and genocides. Especially among the Jerries.
>why do women always say x
>well i don't think x and i'm a woman
>noooo that's not my point!!
They think it can be treated with psychoanalysis and anitbiotics.
You would not date a ugly white or east asian man over a good looking brown man because you would reject both. My point is that even with or without ravial preference women still have even deeper foundational biological deciders.
My old lady always told me my autism was caused by having bowel problems. She assumed my autism was caused by undiagnosed IBS and fed me stomach pills to help cure my autism when I was a child.
Also taken away from their parents and put in institutions.
It explains Nietzsche as well.
My personal belief is that the psychological differences between men and women, in particular how "seriously" they take conflict, would mean that a world where women are stronger would not look terribly different, it might even be worse for women since we'd probably just make them do all the manual labor and field work too and aggression or rebellious behavior from women would be treated a lot more harshly.
She isn't totally wrong, gut biome disregulation can make autistic symptoms better or worse and we have enough science to have an idea of what the typical "autistic gut biome" now looks like.
I had some mild gastroparesis shit going on for a few months a few years ago that was accompanied by heightened ADHD symptoms including memory loss, felt like I had dementia and shit. idk how connected the stomach fuckery was to me not being able to pay attention to anything and forgetting what I just did or where I was a second ago though.
I don't think I can have an opinion on this because I'd be pretty happy if I was kept in some sort of breeding harem by women and was "forced" to have sex all the tiem.
That's pretty awful. I dunno about curing that but there IS actually a pretty strong connection between your brain and your gut though.
I wouldn't date any brown man, even models lol. I just like pale skin and white/asian features. But you can tell yourself whatever makes you feel better, anon.
Oh fuck I'm >>31944153 and he is indeed the cute kind. Watching the other guys be a bit rough with him in IWTV was pretty fucking good. As close as it gets to seeing how I want such men to be treated.
Also >>31944135 why should women date someone to whom they are not attracted? Men are also pretty shallow.
I have experienced relationships with people who weren't very attracted to me and it was worse than being alone.
We also have more diverse tastes than you'd assume, as do men.
Staring at women is an all the time thing, not an in the bed room thing. Its hot always.Can give off slutty vibes or innocent vibes depending
Germany has lower autism rate by america by a fair bit. Try reading before you spout off, racist.
Benjamin Franklin was incredibly racist against the Germans and he is regarded as one of the greatest Americans of all time.
Ok but you know you can have a good looking and tall white man over a short ugly one right?
Surely even you can understand this basic idea. Ignore the brown stuff and focus on that.
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Would you date a Kenyan?
height isn't mega important for me for a few reasons, but an attractive face is indeed nice, face wins every time is true.
damn, true. check mate I guess.
If I'm going to reproduce with an African woman I'm going full Saruman and orc-maxxing with a harem of Somalians with the explicit goal of creating a breed of sadistic and intelligent pirates who will make the seas impassable for trade for a century at least.
Pretty sure this is the type of selective breeding practice used by white slaveholders in the American South. The reason Afro-Americans are so good at American football and basketball? Organized slave rape.
Ok so face matters above a lot else in the men you like (white) glad we agree.
They can run really fast and the half-Kenyan president of America was a decent guy, even if I think he was very naive on foreign policy issues.
Yep that's always been the truth for both genders
Google results makes them look kind of ugly and they have baggage from being from such a shithole so probably not
If I wanted a "from a shit hole" wife I'd go Chinese they're hot
Women, what are you doing to prevent younger women from making the same relationship and life choice mistakes you made when you were young?

Pic related.
>naive on foreign policy issues
He was Bush 2.0 and had a chimpout when congress told him to stop fucking around in Syria
Nuh uh.
t. Ex had a man jaw and broad nose.
>Pic related
You have social media brainrot, faggot
gonna go against the gayn here and say i like tattoos that draw eyes to tits
gives me an excuse to look
nice try, but the male preference for women has always been the same when it comes to face
His and Secretary of State Hillary's support for the Arab Spring is a real sore point for me. Cheerleading for and even providing material aid to revolutions and conflicts that could come back to bite America in the ass is never the soundest choice, as prior administrations had already learned the hard way.

He was also ridiculously soft on Snowden, who should have been locked up in solitary if not outright executed for treason, instead of allowed to gain Russian citizenship and hand over treasure troves of information to Putin.
>men always want x too
>well i dated y and i'm a man
>noooo you lie!!!
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It's a surprise to you that people like to lie on the internet? Oh to be so naive.
I've accepted a long time ago that young people have to make their own mistakes and have a hard time really feeling the gravity of the issues if you just warn them about them.
Also after looking it up it turns out they get reverse but also worse circumcisions, where they get their clit cut off, but without hte health care men have when their skin is cut off so a lot of them just die and those who live can't cum at all, all for "tradition"
Finna pass twice
If you're autistic in Africa they just assume you're weird and send you to study with the witch doctor
I went to Oregon once and every other person in Portland, Ashland, and Eugene introduced themselves as having Extra Strength Autism. It felt like the most Autistic State in America.
Whatever you say. My dick tells a different story.
Face+hair is all that really matters to me.
China's not really a shit hole...
Why are you weird?
>Walks up stair into stair below stare dies because the stars were tofudreg
Because when I was young a magical spider from the fae realms bit me on the head of my penis and turned me autistic
Why is Japan so weirdly high compared to the rest of Asia?
I'm attracted to women and I work and pay taxes, that's apparently weird these days.
My gf and I have been dating for 4 months
Everything is going really well and it’s been fun. We’ve been having a lot more serious conversations and expressing feelings a lot more.
Do you think it’s appropriate to have an actual conversation about what we want from a relationship and where we think it’s heading?
Oh damn, gotta go. Guess I need to slide these socks up my little feeties... so much effort...
What made you become addicted to unsavoury homosexual practises?
Hikikomori. Unironically.
Whenever you feel it is right.
Bf and I discussed it on the second date because we value honesty and direct communication.
Some people are more afraid of these things than other. You know her better than us.
What colour eye is that?
Because their criteria for autism is much stricter because their society is way more organized, but I like how you instantly jump to racism because your a retard.
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we posting ideal bodytypes again?
I have dated a Kenyan schoolgirl when I was a Kenyan schoolboy (international). She had huge tits too.
If a small % of the population being hikikomori is all it takes for a nation to embrace hyper cute shit and set up maid cafes and cute girls everywhere then sign me up
>your a retard.
I think I’d like to bring it up or have a light weight conversation about it. I am developing really strong feelings for her and I know she feels the same and I feel like it might be worth it to just talk about what we want and looking ahead an so forth
My ex bf did that. Be careful and don't get led on. Also fyi yes it's probable she is cheating on you.
He blocked me but I want to know if he's okay what do I do
One of my friends was dogging on me about my relationship. I was describing the things my girlfriend and I usually do together and he said it sounds like we do a lot of the same stuff all the time and that if I don’t change it up or find other activities she’s gonna get bored and feel stagnant.
Which I don’t think is true but I kinda got in my head about it. We have certain routines like going to the gym, dinner, drinks, going to concerts and so forth, but I am over thinking now and feeling like maybe he is right and that I need to implement more or she’ll get bored

Does this sound stupid?
UK autist here, makes sense, I've ran into a good amount.

Its probably not actually more common there or in the UK or whatever, but more commonly diagnosed for whatever reason. Ie over here we're just years behind on autism studies at basically all times compared to America. Aspergers is still a thing here

That has nothing to do with autism. Those are buisnesses ran by succesful, probably fairly normal people.
Why do you think it’s probable she’s cheating?
>Women, what are you doing to prevent younger women from making the same relationship and life choice mistakes you made when you were young?
Not my problem. They have to learn from their own experiences and be mature about it.
I can get virtually any drug under the sun but my social skills suck, how do I use this to get women? I've heard college girls will suck your dick for coke.
>Aspergers is still a thing here
It's still here. Most people don't care enough to make a distinction or correct people. It's kinda "well, acktually..."
Ask one of his actual girlfriends.
You mean yourself, faggot
Why not ask her. Usually women will be straight with you if you ask if they want to try new things or if they feel like the relationship has gotten stagnant.
I could ask her yeah.
I mean she always tells me that she always has fun while we’re together and that we have a lot of good memories together and she’s really expressive about it.
One time we were talking about some stuff that happened when we first met and she said something like “I was thinking about that, it was always so much fun,” and then said “I mean it’s still fun but you know what I mean,” and I over thought it
Nta but 130 lbs can be fat if a woman is short. For women, a BMI over 20 is fat btw.
Yes you are but I'm proud of you that you can figure out when improper grammar is being used as well as the most pointless time to point that out, it must have been very hard for you to do. Well done!
I think she was just referring to how relationships are always more "fun" at the start, everyone knows this. But it isn't a bad thing necessarily
>t. fattie
Men need to get it together and stop being so fat
How much spit is needed during handjob?
Men are doing better on the weight issue, if only barely, and there isn't a fat acceptance movement for men. Also anecdotally if you're fit as a guy fat women feel entitled to harass you, it's fucking disgusting.
I'm a woman with a BMI of 20.5. I wrote that post to hold myself accountable.
I really hope he’s okay I really do god I’m doing so bad
I see what you’re saying.
We do always have a lot of fun together. We also just planned a weekend trip together and have some other fun shit coming up so I feel good about it
Last night I was at church talking to a close friend and her little sister who was showing her some text messages. Her sister is a freshman in uni and apparently met some guy in her class really likes her. The problem? According to my friend, "He's too 'nice guy'" and "Too wholesome." Her little sister tried to deflect the accusations, but then my friend doubled down and said "Yeah he's not flirty enough and too honest"

I thought this would be something good for the moids here to chew on. To me it sounds like he came on too strong, and she barely knows him to match his consideration. If you like a girl, you should ask her out, but don't vomit compliments and shit out to her in person and over text.
Pro tip
If you hawk tuah convincingly, even without a lot of spit his cock prelubricates itself.
Then don't feel insecure. There are so many shitty relationships where the guy and girl do nothing together apart from watching netflix all day, I doubt you're even near that kind of situation
>time for a butt survey
State gender.

For each of these things, tell me if you: have/would/wouldn't let someone do it to you and have/would/wouldn't do it to someone else

The list:
>eating ass
>finger in ass
>two fingers
>3+ fingers
>butt plug
>dildo (how big?)
>anal sex
>cum in ass
Me and my GF will be doing it for the first time, would it be too weird if spread her and got a good look down there for a bit?
I feel like people who are desperate and/or lovebomb do that.
Nah not like that at all. Throughout the week we will go to the gym and cook dinner together and stuff but it’s still a lot of laughs and fun silly shit.
One or two nights a week we’ll go out and have drinks and get into something fun or see friends / family and so forth
Bonus item
>other objects (specify)
No to everything.
Should I go to the gym if I can’t stop crying and everything reminds me of him
Could be desperate, or just inexperienced. I definitely did that with my first couple of crushes in college. You could say that my understanding of romance was too heavily influenced by Hollywood at the time.
BMI 20.5 sounds normal, whar is your height and weight?
None to all of these
Two joints over a Friday evening can't be worse than ten beers right?
Go to a different gym, start a new workout program/routine.

Going to the gym is good for you, and you need to find a way to disconnect your past relationship with the gym.
>eating ass
>finger in ass
>two fingers
>3+ fingers
>butt plug
>dildo (how big?)
>anal sex
>cum in ass
163 cm and 54.5 kg.
Usually inexperienced people are more desperate.
>State gender.

>eating ass
would give, would get
>finger in ass
would give, would get
>two fingers
would give, would get
>3+ fingers
wouldn't give
>butt plug
would give, would get if it's small
>dildo (how big?)
would give (8 inches), would get (3-4 inches?)
wouldn't give (am heterosexual), would receive
>anal sex
not really interested unless she's into it
>cum in ass
would, if it's enjoyable to her
>church girls
My old youth pastor still ribs me for not marrying in the church, in fact every single guy I grew up with in the church that got married did so with a woman outside of it. It's not like I didn't try, but you just cannot date church girls, it's such a massive pain in the ass.
>you just want sex!
wanting to wait until marriage is the least annoying thing they do
Have done all these, pretty hot
You're smol, sounds great.
Would pick you up and toss across the bed while you go "weeeee!".
The fuck bitch?
You don't need any. Just grab the shaft and pull it up and down steadily. You can use the precum as lube and use a finger to caress the head and peehole, but stroking feels better to me. Although, that might be because my GF isn't very good with hand jobs. You can just use lube or lotion and that feels awesome
>none of these women would ever let me eat their ass
I knew I could never love any of you but this just confirms it.
I am glad our relationships are purely troll and bait taker in these threads.
>>eating ass
>>finger in ass
>>two fingers
>>3+ fingers
>>butt plug
>>dildo (how big?)
>>anal sex
Done/wouldn't (unless in another universe where my gf is trans or something)
>>cum in ass
Same as above

>Bonus item
In the past I put a few household objects in there, mainly pens and a hairbrush handle. Biggest was the handle of a screwdriver (was basically shaped like a buttplug kek)
You should go to a psychologist.
Thanks, I guess.
Months ago, I weighed 63 kg. My goal is to reach 47-49 kg.
Lmfao do it
Moids are disgusting
Depends on how pretty your hands are.

Are you gonna go for an ultra skinny look? Wouldn't at that point your boobs and ass start shrinking too?
Congrats about losing that much! I've been dieting and trying my best to lose weight for few months now too.

>eating ass
Tried it, maybe I just suck at it but it didn't do much for her and I didn't get much out of it either, I'm pretty sure it's a meme. i wouldn't let someone do it to me
>finger in ass
done it and received it, can be fun if she knows what she's doing
>two fingers
>three fingers
you're not going to do anything with three you couldn't do with two
>butt plug
never used one on someone else or had one used on me, I guess I'd be up for it if a girl wanted to
used one on a girl, she seemed to like it
Done this too, it's better than I thought it would be but it's really only something I'll do if the girl is into it
>anal sex
it's not as good as vaginal but it's fun now and then
>cum in ass
I mean if you're fucking an asshole anyways you might as well finish in it, I don't know why this is separate from anal sex it's not like you've got to worry she'll get pregnant or if you're receiving if you'll get knocked up.
No one has ever complained about a handjob with too much spit.
Though if you're just using your hand at that point you may as well just use lube.
Dating within the church just feels incestuous though, because basically everyone has dated everyone and no one wants to leave and so you're there at church dating some girl and 3 of her exes are still around.

Believe me, I've thought about dating some of these girls, including the aforementioned little sister of my friend (though recently I nonchalantly asked her to get lunch with me and she thought I was asking her out and tried to friendzone me kek) but it just doesn't seem like it's worth the trouble. The only people getting in relationships are the missionaries, who are dating other missionaries.
okay i must ask, is using spit for handjobs an american thing (because the men are circumcised)
The beer is probably worse for you.
You wouldn't say no once im rubbing your taint and butt hole showing you how the magic happens.
Though a BJ is far superior in every single aspect, so if you really do want to give me only a HJ for whatever reason, it'd be good if you mixed some suck in.
No, I would not let somebody cum in my ass.
I'm uncircumcised and can confirm that spit may be unnecessary, but it's way better.
Men, do you want to hear about it from her when your gf gets hit on?
Women, do you have what it takes to become a BJ artist? A woman of class and extraordinary skill at the BJ?
If she was annoyed by it or even frightened, then I would comfort her.
Also kinda curious about this.
Personally I don't mention it when I get asked out or asked for socials, but I do mention it if I get hit on and it was a funny situation to me
>eating ass
Have given and received
>finger in ass
Have given and received
>two fingers
Have given and received
>3+ fingers
Have given and received
>butt plug
>dildo (how big?)
Have, 7 inches
>anal sex
>cum in ass
>Do you want to hear from your gf abo-
No. I don't want to hear anything from my girlfriend.
Ideally his cock is all wet, and desu just use lube, it feels better anyway.
The hard thing about it is you're being held to the church standards when dating, which means you've got to behave in a way that turns most women off or you'll have a bunch of moralizing boomers on your ass.

Church girls themselves also want men who are "established" which is not most guys at 20. I dated in my church while in grad school a little, and one girl told me to get in touch with her when I graduated, another one told me that she didn't think my chosen career path was "godly" but that she'd reconsider if I went back to school for theology.
Are there ANY women on atoga who are virgins?
As long as she's not bringing it up as some kind of dumb power play and it's just "oh yeah and while I was there some guy asked for my number" then I don't see why not.
nah not unless she needed help with the situation.
There are no 18+ women in the world who are virgins, anon.
I used to be a virgin atoga poster, but not anymore lel
foids are whores
Who's the lucky guy?
>she didn't think my chosen career path was "godly"

What did you study?

I'm in grad school in engineering, but that really isn't a detractor here because I live in a town with a National Lab, so I'd say a third of the congregation's men are government scientists lol
Words of a feminine man
I used to be 2 months ago
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>Are you gonna go for an ultra skinny look?
Depends on what you mean by "ultra skinny". Picrel is the look I'm aiming for.
>Wouldn't at that point your boobs and ass start shrinking too?
I'm pretty bottom-heavy, so my butt will still be proportionally big when I am thin.
Regarding my boobs, losing weight, surprisingly enough, made me go up two cup sizes. For some reason, my breasts didn't shrink a single cm, while the rest of my body, including my underbust, got slimmer.
>Congrats about losing that much!
Thanks, anon.
>I've been dieting and trying my best to lose weight for few months now too.
Great! It always makes me happy to hear of people deciding to change their life for the better.
Were these bfs, or just ho phase?
I'm an attorney, which I'm pretty sure was a common occupation in our congregation at the time, so I don't know where she got the idea. I think she just really wanted to marry a pastor.
Would you rather date a woman that has had sex with 5 different guys for a total of 5 sexual encounters in her life? Or a woman who has had sex with one man 100 times?
I don't post about relationship stuff nowadays really but I remember that early on I basically posted about him often, secretly bragging about him (my bf). I guess that's what happens when you're a women with no friends, you find other ways to fill such needs
Why are they shaming a girl with the proper bmi in that video?
Bf. I missed out on my ho phase
What are some common signs that a relationship is heading in a good, positive direction and growing VS the opposite?
not a ho phase lol
Jealous fatties.
Lots of sex
> no friends
One man 100 times, easily.
>5 one night stands
shows she's flaky, poor judge of character, can't commit
>one dude 100 times
That sounds like she had a long term relationship where she was loyal and had a healthy sex drive, green flags.
Open communication vs. communication slowly shutting down.
May sound cliche but it's the simple truth.
That makes sense to me.
atoga is my friend
>eating ass
Yes, but only as a recipient.
>finger in ass
>butt plug
Yes, once.
>dildo (how big?)
Yes - around 4".
>anal sex
>cum in ass
Some expert said laughter is the best measure of how much two people really like eachother
The hacker named 4chan is my best friend.
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How do I approach this friend of mine? To summarize the story I talked to this one girl I liked her and she rejected me saying she doesn't like men's but we could stay friends, I didn't want to be a asshole so I agreed with staying friends with her, the thing is even knowing it's impossible i still hold feelings for her and it's painful when we talk, I don't want to come as asshole or a sore loser with her cause she's a good friend what should I do?
she already rejected you man. this is just your dick telling you you still got a shot cause shes probably pretty.
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Recommending this for next OP
>the thing is even knowing it's impossible i still hold feelings for her
Get over her, and get over yourself retard. The fact youre asking this question is a good indication that you cant navigate having a friendship with her. You dont have a chance. Move on
>BMI is outdated
>BMI really needs an update to map to current demographics more accurately
>turns out current BMI overestimates health and underestimates body fat because people are more sedentary and have lower muscle mass
>*update BMI accurately* after decades of screeching about how it's a bad metric
>now the 75% overweight population is 91%
I can't even imagine the seething that will happen.
Dude, you've already approached her and got rejected. Take the hint and back off.
>let's be friends
that's code for you slowly cut her off instead of just ghosting her completely anon
NTA but my gf and I constantly laugh together and are always silly
Even if we’re just sitting around doing nothing
>Picrel is the look I'm aiming for.
Yeah that's very skinny.
Not saying you wouldn't be hot anymore, but it does look very skinny.

>go up two cup sizes
Lucky you (and the guy who gets you)!
I think there is nothing hotter than a tight, slim waist, but some women end up being a stick.
Are you happy with your butt and boobs?
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"Why are you always making everything about abortion? You're obsessed. Talk about something else!"

When the World Trade Center was hit, 2,500 people lost their lives. The eyes of every American, and the world, were fixated on that event. Every person who lived at that time can tell you what they were doing when they found out the news. I remember it vividly.

Every day since that day has been a 9/11 for the preborn. Do you even remember what you did last week, even if you thought about abortion that day? We have come to treat the murder of the preborn as normal. It's NOT normal!

Every single day we commit an unspeakable atrocity against the most innocent and defenseless, and every single day the media and Americans at large don't treat it as a newsworthy event. They go on with their lives pretending nothing happened. No weekly bulletin is distributed at church informing people of the death toll, no special prayer is said for the murdered preborn, where one is certainly offered when the born are murdered.

If our politicians pledged another 9/11 every day in their campaigns, they would be done for. If a news outlet refused to report on it, they would go bankrupt. If a church didn't speak about it when it happened, people would leave.

I do not hate abortion enough. You do not hate abortion enough. Repent with us! How long will we tolerate the murder of the preborn? How long will we use them as a political pawn in a chess game? How long will their deaths come at the expense of our comfort? If we do not cry out, stones will cry out, and the whole heavens come crashing down on us! Blood, blood, blood is the requirement for blood, and we have so much on our hands by our damnable apathy and hardness of heart! It is surprising God has not spit this lukewarm generation out of his mouth!

We have all heard Proverbs 24:11:

Rescue those who are being taken away to death;
hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.

But have we taken verse 12 to heart?
Yeah I can see that.

Also going back to your previous post
>Church girls themselves also want men who are "established" which is not most guys at 20.
Bro, I was talking to this one woman from church who was 27 with 3 kids. She straight up told me that if she were me, she'd stop trying to date and graduate, get a job, then find and marry an 18 to 20-year-old with good parents at the church. I'm 30 right now lol. Some church women have a very different view on age gap relationships.

And every guy friend I have at church says dating gets easier after graduation. They are ALL the living antithesis of Schooleranon.

How should I back off when she keeps conversating with me and called me to watch a movie together next week, how should I answer her without sounding like a jerk
>she doesn't like men's
Ok, I could understand if she was actually straight, but holy shit, imagine simping for a lesbian. It could not be more over
If you can actually manage being a friend with her, be friends with her. Assuming you can get over your feelings. I think shes being genuine that she wants to stay friends, its up to you if you can manage that
I dont think I can that's the reason I made this post how do I tell her that in a sensible way without sounding like an asshole
Mate, I'm such a loser that the first 3 times I did MDMA I did it all alone in my room.
Tell her you're sorry, you can't be friends with her, you can't get over your feelings for her and cut it off. Then wait for her to come crawling back to you like a crying puppy
>sorry I'm busy, total raincheck though!
then you just never reschedule. Still go to mutual hangouts with other people but absolutely no tolerance for one on one time like she's trying to set up, also don't respond to her dms unless they're about other people.
You ARE an asshole though, and thats the problem. Be an adult an own it. Stop being a coward about it then
Kinda wish all women were witches and in a giant sisterhood/coven
You don't owe women friendship, particularly not at the level of involvement you give to a potential romantic prospect. If it's hurting him more than he's enjoying it then he's not an asshole for just cutting it off.
It's not fair that pregnant women get special murder rights. In all fifty states and most of Europe too I think pregnant women can't be held criminally liable for the death of their own unborn child at least for the first couple months of pregnancy. I'm a man like a real actual biological male human and if I punch a pregnant woman in the stomach I go to jail.
Why can't I legally kill people just for fun and convenience? Maybe I don't want to pay child support or maybe my neighbor is playing music too loudly
Your picture will make for a fine addition to my collection
Trips plus dubs, nice. To answer your advice: Back off. First, don't ask girls advice on how to date other girls. Second, she said no. There's nothing you can do about it, she doesn't even find you attractive. The good news is, there's a girl out there who does find you attractive, you either don't know her yet, or know her but are too dense to see the signs she's into you. This hypothetical girl, of course. Thirdly, what you're feeling is not love. It's obsession, crushing as they say. There's a million girls out there waiting for you!
If you don't wanna go
''Oh that's cool and all, but I got (totally important [potentially made up] event) and I won't be able to go, sorry :(''. And then you just never reschedule.
If you wanna go (because I know you do)
''Sure. What time, what place, who else is coming?''
I know I am but I can't control my feelings we stopped talking for weeks and I was feeling good cause I was forgetting her and now she came texting me about this movie and I'm feeling all depressed again remembering the stuffs
I suppose I would have a slight preference for someone who actually has some relationship experience. Not a big deal, though.
I so so need opposite gender validation :(
How the fuck do I make ACTUAL MOVES!?
I don't mean like, "let's go out", cuz that shit's fucking easy. I mean like, how do I go beyond basic boring ass small talk?

Like I seriously can never get to to this part. I don't understand how
You gotta feel it, brother
>Are you happy with your butt and boobs?
I think that my butt is currently a bit too big, but once I've lost enough weight, I'll definitely be happy with it. As I've said before, it'll still be big in proportion to the rest of my body, but in a good way, as it won't be excessively fat (and I'll be able to fit into XS skirts).
I don't feel strongly about my breasts either way. They are pretty average in terms of size, but if they continue not getting smaller as I lose weight, then they will become proportionally bigger, and my cup size will keep going up, which would make my feeling towards them go from neutral to positive.
Please don't do this femanon
*anything* can work if she's into you. even just telling her a new vidya has come out and asking her if she wants to come over to check it out.
Please convert that folder to a ZIP file and upload the file to catbox. I need that folder.
>tfw your bmi is 17.5
it's over
So being a bushbeating coward is a better solution?
>You don't owe women friendship
And in case you missed it, im telling him to cut off *immediately* without and vagueness. And on top of that im suggesting something that decreases the chances she'll want to talk to him again!
Why should he drag out the process over a week when you can have a 10 minute conversation? Every text he doesnt respond to will hurt, so its a better idea for him not to get texts!

Fucking hate this sophomoric game of slowing ghosting. Be a man

Newsflash, you cant control your feelings but you can control how you feel about them and how you act on said feelings. Since you dont WANT to change those things, this is the best option for you. Tell her the truth and do whats best for BOTH of you. Possibly reach back out when youve gotten over her if you think you can handle being friends instead of seeing every chick as a target
>I mean like, how do I go beyond basic boring ass small talk?
Taking conversational risks can show off your personality more and let you know someone a little deeper. I have the tendency myself to people-please in the form of being very guarded, avoiding doing or saying things that are a bit unconventional. It's only by exposing yourself in that way that you can get closer to others.
What ethnicity are you, if you don't mind saying?

Why would a woman suck off a man but then the next day act like it never happened?
I don’t know why Americans think we think and care about what’s going on in America. Non of us have no clue where we were when we heard the news, some of us didn’t catch on until weeks later.
And most people are okay with abortion, it’s only third world countries and US that still whine about this
Persian. Why do you ask?
I don't know
I never sucked a penis
I talked to my friend I feel a lot better. I still miss him though
? What?
For what
Ok well have any of your friends done what I had said in my OP?
I’m half a virgin
I genuinely don't know what to do in order to actually attract a woman I want and chasing after some fantasy girl feels like a distraction and a mistake. I think I'm going to just genuinely follow the advice of other people in the past. I'm going to put my own ideas aside for a bit and just genuinely believe old people's words when they say being good and doing your best is most important. I'm just going to try and be there for people around me and ignore anyone that says I'm a simp or that I'm being a push over or whatever. If people need help I'm going to help them just because I'm going to believe the people that say it's what really matters. I'm going to have faith that caring about my body and life is worth it. I'm going to believe in hard work. I'm going to stop watching porn and doing the things and vices that generational wisdom says are bad. I'm going to stop believing that I know better than the world and that somehow these times are different and I'm going to avoid the same mistakes that always seem to ruin people.
Why, hello, nigger girl. How do you feel about George Lincoln Rockwell?
wtf's a girl supposed to do, linger on the fact that she put his dick in her mouth for the rest of her life?

What are some moves that actually work on you?
Eww nvrm
Like, karate moves? Maybe a straight punch.
Fuck off

If you've had any consensual sexual experience, including oral or fingering, your not a virgin
Virgin is a social status
Falling in love
>And most people are okay with abortion

Most people just believe whatever the tv and the majority of people around them believe. If the tv and Internet says "abortion bad" most people will just go along with that. Look at how most people obeyed during covid
May I ask what ethnicity you were hoping for?
No it's not
Go eat a cheeseburger
>linger on the fact that she put his dick in her mouth for the rest of her life?
What a moronic reply. I’m asking why she would pretend like it never happened. I wanted her to suck my cock again a few days later, and she acted like we never did anything and said “it didn’t happen”. Makes no fucking sense when she was the one who’s idea it was to begin with, and sure seemed happy about it afterward
Am I virgin if all I did was touch a penis?
This picture has to be fake. I'm a man with a BMI over 18 with narrow hips and even I have a thigh gap
yes. Penis has to enter vagina. It’s the reason why gays are still virgins
Imagine being okay with murdering babies. Fucking savages.
doing something trying to impress me. as long as the intention comes across, it doesn't actually need to be anything actually impressive.
also asking for number, not instagram or socials.
Fat distribution. When i was at her BMI, I had the thigh gap but my stomach wasn't completely flat like hers.
Women, how tight is the Venn diagram between "Women who have video games as a top interest" and "Women who are bisexual" ?
i do like cheeseburgers sometimes, still can't gain weight tho
Would it impress you if an attractive guy smiled and flexed his muscles for you?
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>Posting ideal female.
Here you go
It’s because you masturbate too much
That doesn't sound right
I'm disappointed a little. I wanted to get rid of it
America isn't significantly better than europe on abortion laws or public polling that's fake news. https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=abortion+abolitionist+still+legal+all+fifty+states+
>Venn diagram
Literally what?
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Makima is a cunt.
But I do very much approve of her build and skinny girls wearing white buttondowns.
>I'm disappointed a little. I wanted to get rid of it

Lose weight
>Venn diagram between "Men who have video games as a top interest" and "Men who are bisexual" ?
It's a circle
>t. woman
Makima isn't even the best girl in CSM
I'm not on any contraceptive. I very rarely have penetrative sex and most often he comes on me. It's better for me to just avoid him coming in me on high risk days. Yeah, abortion would be a serious hassle but it's been over 2 years and it hasn't come to that. I have had to use the morning-after pill once though. I stock-pile them from gynacologist visits.
Femanons, was it wrong for me to have oral sex with a girl who I was on a date with who asked me to when she was drunk?
They'd probably assume he's stuck up
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>Makima isn't even the best girl in CSM
objectivity wrong
Asa is a close second with Himeno following after
I'm underweight
I would far right.
>My gf, train, my gf, work on my shitbox, my gf, try out new recipes, my gf, video games, my gf, tabletop games, and my gf.
How many times have you banged since she got back?
Himeno > Kobeni > Asa/Yoru > Power = Makima > Reze

Don't get me wrong I like all of them but that's just how I rank them. Power's better as a little sister than a gf though. I like Makima's appearance but I dislike dommy mommies
>Femanons, was it wrong for me to have oral sex with a girl who I was on a date with who asked me to when she was drunk?
Maybe. It depends. Some relevant factors: 1) How drunk? 2) Is this something she had previously done enthusiastically while sober? 3) Do you suspect that she might not have wanted to if she hadn't been drunk?
The fact you even got in that situation proves what a whore you are
Why don't you find a bf?
I can't Because I'm ugly and I have no friends
Gone before his time
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>half-Kenyan president of America was a decent guy
Except for the "extraordinary rendition" program where people were abducted and tortured :^)
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>I dislike dommy mommies
Well looks like that's why we disagree
I like Kobeni but what about her is attractive to you?
Also you forgot about /our/ girl Quanxi, Fami, and the cunt Fumiko

I’m ok with it only because it’s voluntary eugenics
Download tinder
>Why would a woman suck off a man but then the next day act like it never happened?
1) Your cock tastes disgusting.
2) She was drunk or high.
3) She doesn't find you attractive but was desperately trying to convince herself that maybe she could because she was lonely and sad.
Don't forget how he legalized state propaganda.
This is also the only reason why I'm "pro" abortion
Thank you Susan
Technically twice, but cumulatively, about 6 hours.
>How drunk?
Not sure, like she wasn't falling over and she wasn't blacked out. She was pretty drunk though and wouldn't have been able to drive safely.
>Is this something she had previously done enthusiastically while sober?
>Do you suspect that she might not have wanted to if she hadn't been drunk?
It's hard to say, I mean she has a ton of anxiety so in a way she only would have been able to do this without being sober, if she was sober she would have panic attacks and stuff.
The next day she said she really enjoyed it.
>texts me she's just out of the shower and needs to put on clothes
I'm retarded, is this a flirt
Bring me cheese.
I'm too ugly and inexperienced for tinder
Make some friends, there are lots of ugly guys that want a gf.
If your girlfriend got uncharacteristically drunk with you, super drunk and you'd not seen that before, but she was begging to take your dick in her mouth - would you let her?
>He was also ridiculously soft on Snowden, who should have been locked up in solitary if not outright executed for treason, instead of allowed to gain Russian citizenship and hand over treasure troves of information to Putin.
The government having an illegal mass surveillance program that they've lied under oath about isn't a problem, the guy who told us about it is!
How do I make friends? This is a serious question. I'll do anything for an ugly boyfriend
They try to be. Have you seen those private facebook groups where they discuss the guys they've dated in the area? Spookey!
if you're a couple/already dating then no i wouldn't see it as flirting. but if you're not dating yet then probably yes.
Honestly, just tell her the truth - you thought you could handle being friends, but your feelings are just too strong. Being told "I can't be with you because you're just too attractive and too wonderful" is a pretty nice way to be told that someone won't be around any more.
tell her she might get a cold and needs to put on some clothing. the biddies love grandpa energy
I don't want to give or receive anal cancer
Someone tell me I dodged a bullet
You need to find something you have in common with people, something that you can use to meet people.
Once you know what that is you can talk to people who also share your passion, if you hit it off you can exchange phone numbers. You can do this with guys and girls but it might be best to start with girls.
You dodged a bullet.
*shoots you*
Why do some women enjoy teasing guys that get nervous around them?
The duality of anons.
>about 6 hours.
>1) Your cock tastes disgusting
She was very enthusiastic while she was doing it, she swallowed, gave me a huge smile and then continued to lick all around my cock. I don’t see why she would do that if it was disgusting
>1) drunk or high
>3) She doesn't find you attractive but was desperately trying to convince herself that maybe she could because she was lonely and sad.
That doesn’t make sense. Why would someone put themselves into such a vulnerable position with someone they don’t even like.
It's fun
What's the context? Are you guys meeting up to do something? Maybe not actually.
Men never get nervous around me, is it over
I'm going to get my masters with the sole goal of finding a husband. Thoughts?
>If your girlfriend got uncharacteristically drunk with you, super drunk and you'd not seen that before, but she was begging to take your dick in her mouth - would you let her?
If she regularly enjoyed blowing me while sober, sure. The important thing to consider is whether there's good reason to think that maybe she would be making a different decision if she weren't drunk.

By way of a counter example: if someone I haven't ever previously been sexual with offered me a blow job while very drunk, that I would be extremely hesitant about.
I'm not used to that sort of power and it makes me kinda drunk. Sounds awful, I know.
I hope I did
Be prepared for competition because even in western countries, many women have that strategy
Are you short?
My thoughts are it sounds like a waste of money, unless you're getting it for free.
Also it sounds like you won't have a lot of time for boys so kinda counterintuitive.
Awfully hot, sure.
What programs have a lot of men?
Wait, what? I thought guys didn't like that?
You both doged bullets. You both were bullets to each other. Many such cases unironically legit
Would anyone like a long island iced tea? my pleasure, definiteully not drugged. how about my art studio where i relax and show off these pictures of my hair weiner? no? well thats fine, i respect women so much i wont rape your fat anus hole before you leave my abode... yes? ok get the fuck out whore.
Varies. I personally love the feeling of being embarrassed. Back in middle school a group of three girls would tease me until I'd be a smiling, blushing mess. Ever since then I've been a big fan.
I am 5'5" so kinda average height. so it's over?
The guys that like dommy mommies like when a girl teases them.
If she was enthusiastic the next day then clearly there's no harm done. But at the time you didn't *know* she was going to be enthusiastic the next day. If the next day she had said "You fucking asshole, I can't believe you did that!" how would you now be feeling? And you had no way to be sure that wouldn't happen.

If she's the kind of person who needs a few drinks to loosen up, that doesn't have to be a problem. Probably what should have happened here is that you should have discussed it with her beforehand. If she'd said (while sober) "Look, I want to do this with you, but I'm just too nervous, let me have a few drinks and hopefully I'll feel relaxed enough to enjoy it!" then there wouldn't have been any doubt that what was happening was fine. As it was, it probably would have been better for you to say "Look, I really, really want to do this with you, but you've had so much to drink I'm feeling a bit funny about it - can we wait till I'm sure it's what you want?"
It would be free
You're right... I figured I would just coast through but that doesn't sound sustainable. Maybe even get a job offer but I don't know
>girlfriend got weird about coming over last night, said she wanted to but clearly also just needed time to herself which is fine
>didn’t respond to last text I sent her last night
>we are supposed to go out tonight but I haven’t heard back from her yet
>feel like I don’t want to be the one to reach out since she wanted space and I also texted her last

I don’t want to play texting games like this but I also don’t want to push on her. Should I call her or just wait it out?
Nah, nah. Guys are probably inwardly nervous around you on some level.
I think computer science and physics have the most, but those may not be the most desirable crop of men. Kek.
How do you know? I want to know that you're right
Bad idea for husband hunting unless you want a house husband that won't just be with you for your shekels.
>That doesn’t make sense. Why would someone put themselves into such a vulnerable position with someone they don’t even like.
Because they're sad and lonely and desperate for some human contact, or desperate for touch.
Do NOT double text.
Boo hoo nigga
I don't care.
Chads and incels probably don't. But I'd wager regular guys do.
I've always been embarrassed about it but I love it too when girls tease me.
There was this blonde bratty girl in my school that would do that every day and I wanted her so badly.
NTA but is that still a rule when you're in an established relationship though?

I don't overthink doubletexting my parents or friends
The embarrassment makes the other feelings stand out more in contrast!
nta it kind of is for me. Gives off kind of a needy vibe. I'm not your parents.
I feel like I'm always the more nervous one, this makes me insecure
>girl called me "verbally sexually aggressive"
should I be happy?
I think it's different when it's a time-sensitive situation like what the OP was stating. Otherwise I'm more likely to let things go
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>Wait, what? I thought guys didn't like that?
>The guys that like dommy mommies like when a girl teases them.
This is also probably part of it as well
I doubt that was the case, and it also makes no sense to do something like that. Putting yourself in that situation isn’t the same as just being a fat body and feeling sad so you buy a slice of cake from the cafe to feel better
flirtiest thing I've said was to a girl who said "I love blowing leaves" when asked if she wanted to use the leafblower, and I remarked "Glad you ended that sentence with 'leaves.'
Ick. Women hate when guys make things unnecessarily sexual just out of the blue like that. That's not flirty, that's legit creepy.
>should I be happy?
No, you should worry you'll be reported to someone.
You sound like you might have a mild schizoaffective disorder. Did you remember to take your Hallidol today?
Idk what to do. She didn’t text me back and wanted space last night. But I don’t know if she still wants to go out and I haven’t heard from her all day. But I don’t want to be needy
>already have been reported to someone several times


If someone is making her uncomfortable, I want to hear about it.

Conversely, if she's interested and there's potential for a threesome with me and the other person, I also want to know so we can talk about arranging something.
Femanon, I prayed and waited... longing for the day you'd come. You remember
who I am, right? Yes, that's right... My name is Anon. You mustn't forget that my future is with you. The two of us are going to make a world where the peace we know today lasts forever...
I asked a woman out on a date, accepted her rejection and moved on when she said no.... and was subsequently reported for sexual harassment and treated like a sex offender.
This one girl jokingly asked me if I had a tampon and I was thinking about responding “do you want to find out if I need tampons or not?” but I didn’t
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Seems like a good idea, but prepare for a lot of competition, considering that you significantly outnumber the guys and quite a few of them will be too short/bald/fat/ugly/gay(literally) to meet your other standards.
She said wanted space. She'll get back to you when she feels differently.
This might come as a surprise to you, anon, but people do things that make no sense all the fucking time. Years ago I used to know this incel guy who was 100% straight but once ended up in bed with another man, just because he was that lonely and that desperate. He said it was horrible and never did it again. But desperate, unhappy people do crazy things. Whether it makes sense to you is irrelevant; that's what happens.
Only if it genuinely made her uncomfortable. She can handle herself in a lot of situations.
That's the price of being ugly i guess.
she laughed so I figured it was ok

either way, idc, we both view each other as only friends so I can actually bee myself around her and it's really nice. I've accidentally touched her boobs at least 4 times now and almost did it a 5th time last weekend when she spilled her drink on herself and I instinctively reached for napkins to pat her down.
How did you ask her out?
That's another awful one. Men always making it about themselves...
nta, I feel like that's an awkward question to ask a guy, and the only way to defuse that kind of situation is with humor
I jokingly asked a guy friend of mine if he had a tampon once and he actually DID. I was really confused but relieved.
Like this:
>"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to exchange numbers and maybe go out on a date? I understand if you're not interested, but I wanted to put that out there."
>write out question
>no girl will answer it anyways
Well she’s autistic too
She didn’t explicitly say she wanted space.
She said she wanted to come over last night after she was with a girl friend but kinda made it weird and said some shit like “ugh we’re together all the time and I literally just want to be with you but idk” and said she’d let me know when she was home and what she was feeling. She then texted me saying she was gonna stay in and never response after. Still haven’t heard from her
Just ask you baby
Haha, nta but I remember you. I honestly don't think it's an accident anymore when you get to 5. And if I spill something on myself, I can fix it myself, I don't need a pat down. :)
Why is it so common for people to develop feelings / get a crush on their coworkers, yet it is always seen as a bad thing to actually date them? Especially if both sides have said feelings
fuck I didn't get anything productive done this morning and now it's time for my 2 hour lunch break
Treated like a sex offender by who? The police? What did they claim you did?
the girls here never answer me so why should i keep thinking of questions?
Because coworkers often have a power disparity where certain workplace actions can be seen as retaliation if the relationship dives south.
It also wasn’t for herself either
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I've watched a few of clips from these vtubers and all they do is talk about sex, masturbating, how much they like cock, etc. One of the videos even had them talking about using remote controlled vibrators on each others.

Can anyone please tell me the appeal of this?
Have you ever seen either parent cry?
i don't see anyone thinking it's a issue if it's a mcdonalds-tier job. but once you get closer to a white collar office job, things will get very awkward and affect the work environment if you break up and neither quits. break-ups don't always happen on good terms you see.
>I understand if you're not interested
F this is a bad move. Shows lack of confidence.
NTA but texting your gf to clarify plans isn't needy. Leading your relationship and treating your time as a valuable resource isn't needy. Having a 2 day long nervous breakdown about whether or not to text your gf because you're scared about appearing needy is beyond needy
if you're around with people of the opposite sex frequently, it's easy to catch feels

However, it's unhealthy to still be around someone after breaking up, and being coworkers with your ex is emotional torture for most people. Also what >>31944843 said if there's a power dynamic in your professional relationship.
>yet it is always seen as a bad thing to actually date them?
Because you see them all the time everyday and most people don't like their S/O, they just tolerate hem for sex and to not be alone at home
Also they don't want to see a happy couple at work when they are miserable
it appeals to coomers and incel-trannies.
basically men who wish they were women because they've consumed so much anime and porn and anime-porn.
Well, not with that attitude.
Uh huh. And if she were telling the story, what would her version be?
Yeah, what >>31944850 said. Following up with her, expecting her to respect your time, is not needy
That type of vtuber appeals to the lowest common denominator. We're not all that raunchy.
try asking question for men here vs women and get back to me on your experience
Why do you think people hornypost on /atoga/?
Human Resources and coworkers. I got a talking to about inappropriate behavior and had to sign a form sent to me by e-mail saying I promised to never be a sex creep if I wanted to keep my job. It also became a subject of a lot of gossip where I would hear women talking about what a creepy guy I am almost within earshot, then freezing up and going quiet the moment I stopped by to say hi.

The woman I asked out was an event coordinator on the campus I work at who sometimes manages socials and brown bag lunches in one of our buildings, not someone I work with directly.
Men, what is something that is hard for you to do?
I'm not a fucking psychic. But it would probably be: someone asked me out, I didn't want that person to, it made me uncomfortable and therefore it was a violation of boundaries and consent.
I've seen both parents cry.
Talk to women
I see. Well, hitting on people at your workplace or somewhere workplace related might not be the best of ideas.
Look people in the eye. It's like there's a magnetic force repelling mine.
Admit I was wrong.
Well, there are two options, aren't there? You can either stare like a creep, or avoid eye contact like you are being sketchy and have something to hide.

Either way, you can't win.
The first thing you need to think about is, what's it going to be like if you have a really bitter break-up, but still have to work alongside them afterwards?

Other issues:

- Sometimes there's a power imbalance. If your manager asks you out, you may be scared to say no for fear of damaging your career.

- It's not always healthy to be around your partner 24/7. People need space.

- Work quality can suffer if you're distracted.

- Possible conflicts of interest: is she giving you a lucrative assignment because you've earned it, or because you're fucking her?

- If the other person turns you down, you've still got to work together; and now it's awkward.
Not stare at a woman's boobs. Yes, I am a child.
How do I avoid a fate like this?
Pee while having a boner and haven't cummed yet.
I don't think anyone would view me as sketchy. I am a very soft boy.
>the girls here never answer me so why should i keep thinking of questions?
Ask, and I promise I'll answer if I can.
You're on 4chan. That right there is a red flag and indicates you might have some mental pathologies.
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>Men, what is something that is hard for you to do?
Find a woman like her
Men, what do you prefer, bare pussy or bush?
What do you think of men with ASPD?
Dubs-trips make me think I should force myself to do it tomorrow.
They usually hate women, especially ASPD women.
Bare, of course.
Hair is annoying and terrible for eating out.
Aesthetically I don't care either way and practically I don't know.
They have to be of a certain level of quality, encouraging conversation.
If they hate women, why do they have sex with them, which is the purest demonstration of love one person can give to another?
Bullshit. If that had been her story, HR wouldn't have got involved. There is clearly far more to this than you're telling us, even if you're in denial about that.
You don't actually believe that.
I like red heads and brunettes with bush but I don't like blonde bush
Finding someone who wants to date me.
It really doesn't matter to me one way or the other.
break the acquaintance barrier. I think I'm an okay person and people seem to like me like at work and with strangers I meet at bars. but I barely have any phone numbers and it doesn't feel like I have friends.
Very volatile and scary men.
How the fuck am I supposed to know what the other person's "side of the story is"? By reading minds?
Bare, by a mile. Bigtime pussy fanatic, and would want to spend a great deal of time down there, but I'd rather not get pubes in my mouth.
I'm far less likely to view an acquaintance as a boyfriend desu.
>Bigtime pussy fanatic
I thought you were a 29-year-old virgin?
I'm an ex Radfem, ask me anything?
It's fucking gross how you're treating your response as an interrogation to prove "you MUST have done something wrong." Believe it or not HR isn't always right any more than the government or the police are. Fuck off.
You make a good point. She knows we’re going out tonight but I didn’t clarify what time she should be over or anything.
I have a long drive home in an hour or so. I’ll probably call her then. But I still feel weird about it and like I should wait and that if she wanted to reach out to me she would
I come bearing replies, cook anon!!

>Do you have a specification type of art you like do draw?
Mostly character designs, I'm very much influenced by those old school arcade games (puyo puyo 2, KOF) and the old Zelda games and anime oldies like pic rel

>School crushes
Isn't the class clown usually almost every girls' crush?

>Hates math
>Is a programmer
I'M the one asking wtf how LOL
Ok but like, math can be hard to understand, but the logic is pretty straightforward, so once you understand the foundations of the concepts it's all about applying the recipe, no?
But seriously, as a programmer don't you need to understand to a certain extent math well enough to program? (Not a rethorical question) Kinda ironic since I'm the designer here lol

>Easy writing essays
Me too! I wasn't much into the books we had to read either, but writing and interpreting writings (specially poetry and junk) was fun and thus easy.

>Watching cartoons and gaming in english plus reading and writing since a kid
Can totally relate : D I basically grew up watching cartoonnetwork before I even learned to read or write so that gave me plenty of time to learn it on my own.

>Have you ever had a white russian?
The name's familiar but not that I recal hmm. I'll be sure to try one next time! Preferably when finally watching The Big Lebowski (it's been sitting on my bucket list for literally years...*the shame*)

>Been coming here for around 15 years. Wby?
I've been more of a casual lurker here but mostly checking out sci or x lol. It's been super rare these days though, since I notice 4chan tends to make me depressed over time (shocker). This time around I came here the other day bc I was in a negative spiral and needed to vent (which has happened before, and it always ends up being about frustration regarding men haha..) but yeah, I usually keep my visits here super rare, brief and usually to vent like a doomer. Not the best strategy I know lol
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I mean, you're a bigtime me-fanatic despite never touching me.
kick me while I'm down, will you.
All very valid points, but (why) is it common in the first place that coworkers seem to easily catch feelings for each other? Just because they spend a lot of time together?
>"You should make friends with people to get to know them before you ask them out or date them"
>"No, being friends with someone and hoping they might consider dating you is entitled and wrong!"
Which is it? Because it can't be both.
nta but yes, same reason why in school students catch feels for each other.
It's true, though. There are established rules and boundaries within that setting. If you just want to suddenly change that it scares me.
I knew a girl that had to get IVF after aborting her first child. I’m glad she had to pay for ruining her own fertility
Kinda spiteful. Are you the one whose biological clock is running down?
It's obviously an incel larping.
Worse, it's a white man pretending to be a self-hating black woman.
He's a tranny. Occasionally does Vocas with the most fake voice trying to pass as female.
Average modern western male moment
Do any men here go out of there way to signal that they might be gay so that women don't think they are a sexual harasser, potential rapist, or creepster?
state gender
do you listen to any music while fapping?
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Did she do IVF with the same guy as she did the abortion?
fuck em
I usually listen to Dragonforce when I wank
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Femanons, what do you think about a man who wrote Amazon Kindle Romance Novels for a living?

I haven't had this much fun since discovering Fanfiction for the first time
No, I've honestly never felt I need to do that. I simply don't act creepy around women.
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I have time. She killed her first child for convenience, I think it’s only right to show scorn for that
Is he a virgin who writes cringey sex scenes that fail to understand how female anatomy works?
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I miss her
State gender and post something
>Amazon Kindle Romance Novels for a living
A guy that used to post here also wrote and sold fan fics
Hasn't been here in years
From my understanding she was with a different man at the time, but she didn’t know who the baby’s father was. We are pretty sure it could’ve been the baby of the man she’s now married to and has kids with now. Just lame + sad
What happened fren?
Do you fap with the beat of the guitar?
>she didn’t know who the baby’s father was
>married to and has kids with now
Damn, so she fucked around and got away with it
I have never larped as black or as a tranny
State gender and extrovert/introvert
How do you act around your crush?
Men, would you agree with the statement: "What most men desire is a virgin who is a whore."
Why ex?
Yes, how could you tell?
She's your gf. If you turn texting into a passive aggressive power struggle your relationship is not going to last. If this is how you usually are with her, then I wouldn't be surprised if this was something of a comfort test on her part. She might be waiting to see if you actually care enough about her to set aside your neurosis and act more confidently as the man in the relationship
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Do women seem wicked when you're unwanted?
Im not so superficial to be attracted to her just by looks but you're right I should be direct with her ill tell her straight that thinking about her is not doing any good for me and im still not over the rejection and that we should stop texting each other for a while
I didn't know she was lesbian when we first meet I would only discover it later when her friend told me
do women actually watch "for her" female porn or just regular stuff? is it actually appealing to women?
>State gender and extrovert/introvert
F, introvert (although i am overly talkative if i'm close to someone).
>How do you act around your crush?
avoid looking, avoid eye contact. the reason is that it makes me feel overwhelmed if i do look at a crush and especially if i make eye contact, so it's easier for me to act normal if i don't look.
NTA but yeah, our brains are wired to attach to the people we spend time with. That's why people who isolate and spend their lives looking at porn and social media become so deranged
F. Introvert, but I can't waste time anymore so I just put it out there that I like someone and want to spend more time with them if they'd like.
Me but literally we just talk and when I show interest they lose interest
>never larped as a tranny
You don't need to LARP. You *are* a troon.
I love men too much
M introvert
i try to act very strong, emotionless, stoic, and I ignore her and don't act very nice to her. I don't know why this is.
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Like myself
The only porn I like to watch is tasteful black and white shorts or very specific fetish stuff. Regular "porn" on the front page of those sites is always terrible.
never tried it, not interested. I do sometimes watch cgi porn, but I forget what's the right word for this.
I don't think these are the two things that matter most to men. There would probably be a weak preference at most.
F, introvert.
I try to spend as much time with them as possible. And especially I try to impress them.
Right person, wrong time. I’m single and alone in the world again. More than anything I miss her friendship
Clean, do my homework, do my a actual work.
I have adhd and I'm struggling with executive dysfunction.>>31944868
what kind of fetish stuff? I agree its terrible but why do you find it terrible?
>I like to watch is tasteful black and white shorts
Like those tumblr gifs back in the day?
How did that happen?
No I’m not posting my vagina online, you can stop begging me to prove I’m not a troon
>I get overwhelmed looking at someone ory crush in the eye
Me too! It's so overwhelming specially when we make eye contact that it almost feels like I might die and i just want to run. I wonder why..
Yes. Like night and day.
>for a living
I sincerely doubt that
Yea. I'm going to eat cinnamon raisin toast
Do you want to talk about it?
>I forget what's the right word for this
Its eroguro
I feel the ideal woman would be a tomboy tradwife, if this makes any sense.
I’m sorry to hear that. Are you too forward at first? Are you choosing men that are in your looks-range?
Do you want babies?
Race stuff. I don't want to go into specifics.
Exactly. God I miss that shit, I had my own collection page full of it back in the day. And /gif/ hasn't had any of it in forever.
I've tried watching "For her" porn aimed at women but it never really appealed to me. I came to a pussy-licking video like that once. But the majority of my porn interests are fairly hard-core:
>dp gangbangs
>50 guy creampies
>Max Hardcore
Or not focussed on female pleasure at all:
>men masturbating on Viagra
Damn, I'm sorry...
Why did you guys breakup if you don't mind me asking?
Liking tomboys is a fucking curse I'll tell you that
yep. another issue this brings is that me avoiding looking/avoiding eye contact likely brings this nervous energy between us, which my brain then thinks is some kind of chemistry. when it's likely just the crush feeling awkward because the crush can tell that I'm awkward.
I forget it now but if I have any, I will.
Why do women talk so much?
Why they don't talk with me?
>an artistic genre that puts its focus on eroticism, sexual corruption, and decadence.
Nope, that's not what I described
Because I have many feelings and you must be made aware of them.
So just one day you woke up and turned from a radical feminist into...?
Race stuff? Anonette... you can't just say stuff like that and expect people not to ask.

>dp gangbangs
This is why I always find the idea of being in a relationship with a girl uncomfortable, like you can never know what's going on in her head.
>I’m not posting my vagina online
On a scale from 14 to 88, how unkempt and smelly is it?
I am saddened to think that an entire generation of girls (zoomers) grew up watching porn from a young age, so the only things they can get off to now is videos of rough sex. I am unfortunately in that generation
>like you can never know what's going on in her head.
You could always ask. Would you not want to date a girl who got off to stuff like that?
I like white guys saying white guy stuff. Sue me.
Can you reach out to her, or anyone else to talk about it?
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>white guys saying white guy stuff
I meant more like respectfully complimenting me and dropping a slur very rarely in bed to confuse my brain.
I wouldn't feel good if I knew a girl I'm dating had fantasies like that. I'd just make me feel inferior and incompatible. I expect girls to feel the same way back. I'm not saying some dumb incel shit here. Its just if she gets off to the idea of hardcore dp or multiple guys, then you just feel like your not enough or she could be thinking about someone else or she wants more than just you. Sometimes its better not to ask because you might not like what you find. If a girl told me she was into hardcore gangbang 50 dude creampies, I'd would make things really awkward.

Are you black?
It’s not smelly at all, I took a shower this morning, but because I am not sexually active, the hair is unkempt. So I would say a 23
Women, does it bother you when a guy looks at your boobs?
Yeh, mixed.
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>the hair is unkempt
So you get off on white guys saying racist shit in bed?
i don't really notice this happening to me lol. but sometimes i notice them looking at my legs, or almost like my crotch, not sure if sometimes guys just directly look at your vagina or if i'm imagining things here.
Guys, how old were you when you first saw pornographic material?
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I'm feeling oddly empty.
I hope the weather is good tomorrow so I can distract myself outside.

What have your recent distractions been?
>respectfully complimenting me
I do this :D
I get off on the idea of it, sort of. Pretty sure I'd beat a guy I'm dating if he was racist to my face IRL.
Probably around 12, when someone posted pornographic images in a chatroom. I was really spooked seeing a spread vagina for the first time.
I do exactly that, go on long walks outside and try to identify the trees plants and animals I see. It's 10/10 okay
I would be mortified if a girl caught me doing that. I'd rather be caught staring at her boobs. How does that even happen? Do you get a camel toe a lot?
I accidentally saw CP online when I was like 11 but never actually sought out legal porn till a year later. It gave me nausea and I felt disgusted.
State gender

Has your car ever just… stopped working?

I finished up some classes and was gonna head home but mine won’t start ahahaha now I need to call insurance, yippee! I just wanted to go home and jerk off I’m so fucking tired
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niggergirl niggergirl
where art thou niggergirl
It doesn't really bother me, I'm sort of used to it. Mine aren't really average.
Okay, so if a guy was just racist to you like when your out on the street and some old dude says random dude says some racist shit, but if I guy plays a racist in bed that's hot? Jeez women are strange.
wtf I thought insurance is only if you have an accident
Compliment me now, then. I need a pickmeup.
battery probably dead, easy fix
you do know how to use jumper cables right
i don't think so. but now that i think about it it's probably them just looking down for whatever reason, and my brain seeing it as them looking at my lower body, when it's likely not the case.
Is niggergirl actually a nigger?
shut up, woman
F Mine did but I hadn't really used it during Covid so the battery probably got messed up.
I have no clue Anon! I already called insurance…
I only make a move after I'm certain they're into me so unless I'm reading them wrong, i don't think it's looks based. Maybe I *am* moving quick and they're turned off by that? Might be true that men like to chase ig
I need to know the guy actually loves and cares about me. The contrast of our skin and the dichotomy of how he treats me and how I typically want to be treated makes me feel good. Fucking bite me, it doesn't need to make sense.
>try to identify the trees plants and animals I see
I want to go hiking in the mountains either tomorrow or Saturday, depending on the weather.
If it's a bad weather tomorrow I'll stay home and make a ton of beef stock.

But I'm actually quoting you, because something similar like that crossed my mind. The funny thing is, I was watching a video on really bad AI-generated foraging books sold on Amazon and I was asking myself if I'd enjoy cataloguing stuff while hiking. Not sure how much I'd get out of it though, like how much I'd find.
do the dash lights turn on if you turn the key
>then you just feel like your not enough or she could be thinking about someone else or she wants more than just you.
I can understand that sentiment. You're right, if you're insecure like that it's probably best not to ask. Speaking for myself, what I watch in porn isn't what I want in real life - some things are just more erotic/titilating to watch. And porn tastes generally escalate in extremeness. If I choose to be in a monogamous relationship with a guy, he'd be sexually enough for me.

I suppose it would be like if a guy had a preference for watching busty blondes in porn; should his girlfriend feel insecure because she didn't look like that? I can understand if she might, I suppose. I've felt like that before.
nta but can you legit die if you fuck up with jumper cables?
Like 12? But I didn't like it, the girls were too big for me so I preferred hentai
Oooh shit, I might have that too. Mb that's what I confuse for them having feelings for me

The ignition tries to start and does a whir, but nothing happens
you'd have to fuck up real bad to die from it, its not that powerful
but you can fry your entire cars electrical system
Speak for yourself girl. I've stopped craving my (slight) rough sex urge once I healed my daddy issues. It was never really about the porn I watched and I think this is mostly the issue with similar women today.
I know I should be attracted to my looksmatch. since look like a Bulgarian truck driver who rapes prostitutes and kills kittens my lookmatch would be a grunting hamplanet.
I'm just
the exact opposite of how I look. How do I stop attracting vile and nasty women? Help
nta that's probably the starter motor or the starter solenoid.
hmm so the battery does have charge if the engine spins over. maybe the starter is fucked
dont keep trying to start it, you're using up charge and can fuck the starter up more.
I can't imagine a man actually loving/caring about me. Is that normal? In all my relationships I've basically just thought he puts up with me for sex. What makes men genuinely care about a woman?
11 or 12. Thanks newgrounds.
well it's frustrating because you can't know what is the case, is there actual tension or is it just from you acting awkward bc of your crush. i hate having a crush ngl.
>it would be like if a guy had a preference for watching busty blondes in porn; should his girlfriend feel insecure because she didn't look like that?
I'd understand her feelings if she was. Its not so much the attractiveness of the guy as the kind of sex acts she's into. If she's into multiple guys, double penetration and other hardcore stuff that would bother me. Her body desires multiple guys at once, and then you start having dark thoughts about loyalty or if you'll ever be enough. I wonder if girls have the same feeling? Like, would they feel insecure if they knew their boyfriend watches hardcore group sex videos or something? I mean I say this feeling like a hypocrite because I think a lot of people use porn vicariously to explore stuff they'd never do, but you still feel kinda shitty about it afterward. Like, what if she knew? etc
>I've stopped craving my (slight) rough sex urge once I healed my daddy issues.
What's the link between the two?
The neutral safety switch might be malfunctioning, preventing the car from starting in park or neutral.
if you feel that way no matter what we say you wont accept it.
I've had a starter motor die on me, yes.
Do the headlights come on?
Do men really like a bush?
Mine is trimmed but not overly done, but since I'm a virgin I'd feel really self conscious showing it even this way. I feel like I need to have it almost hairless to not put a guy off.
It's really hot for us
If she is your pearl and you are her oyster.
Ignore everyone here, 95% of young guys want it shaved
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>we used to listen to this while cuddling during snowy nights
>as soon as I turn it she's right back in my arms on the couch
I honestly think that was the last time I was TRULY TRULY happy
Yes, they would still work if the starter motor was dead.
I unfollowed a girl on Instagram because she didn't follow me back. I have a crush on her and I'm sure she knows it, she's very intelligent. A few days after I unfollowed her, she went private. Assuming that this isn't a coincidence, what could the possible reasons be? Keep in mind that her following is pretty small, so she can easily find out who unfollowed her (<100 people).
>What makes men genuinely care about a woman?
shiposts per minute
This is what i listen to when i go on "empty" walks outside. Works best in the winter
Whoa! How many orgasms?
Ok thx anons I’ll just wait til the insurance ppl come…

I’m in the middle of a parking lot >.<
Was there anything at all you didn't like about her? I find that reminding myself of those usually made me feel a little better after my break ups
With some older battery chemistries a dead battery could offgas hydrogen and cause a small fire/explosion if you used the cables wrong but I don't think you could buy one of those anymore.
>What makes men genuinely care about a woman?
Empathy, kindness, warmth
95% of guys will not care enough either way to reject someone based on pubic hair preferences. When you actually start dating someone, simply ask. In fact, you could do so even before sleeping with someone.
I've gotten pretty good at forgetting the hurt and abuse.

That's too hard for me, but I'm glad you got something!
State age
Thoughts on bush?
I think it's the symbolism/~feeeelings~ behind it. Rough sex is all bout the guy pleasing himself while using our bodies, he harbours no feelings or empathy towards the woman and in a very twisted manner this is mimicking the absense of emotional (and sometimes physical) presence of our own father, so our monkey brain mistakes that same coldness as "love". Does this make sense?
I imagine it works exactly both ways with guys with mommy issues and a mommy kink of the sort.
if it comes to sexytime it is almost irrelevant how bushy it is
trimmed is fine like in landing strip.
we have to know approximately where to put our dick and full bush can make it hard to find sometimes
It would have been really funny if the shoe hit him.
Bush is fine as long as its trimmed. Doesnt need to be trimmed that much even, but just a lil touch is fine.
>I feel like I need to have it almost hairless to not put a guy off.
Men are never put off by anything. I've never shaved my thighs or pits, and often had a full bush and men have never complained.
My ex, and first guy I was intimate with, instilled a lot of confidence in that regard. He *loved* body hair - full bush, armpit hair, he even requested I grow out my monobrow.
I like it trimmed and tidy
>Thomas Quasthoff
Good choice.

Obvious larp
It’s not dad issues, I have a great relationship with my father and see him every day. I think it’s porn addiction for most (white) women
>I think it’s porn addiction for most (white) women
holy projection
>I feel the ideal woman would be a tomboy tradwife, if this makes any sense.
Holy based!
>Liking tomboys is a fucking curse I'll tell you that
This is true if you're a guy; I keep getting dumped for lesbians :(
Men do like to chase. I’m sorry but in this case you really should let them approach you. Bumble is thinking about shutting down for this reason; women do not enjoy approaching men. Men do not like being approached. Give more hints and be flirty, but that is the extent of what you should do
>they would still work if the starter motor was dead
I know that. Checking the headlights is to rule out the battery.
I'm about to go for a run, don't bother replying because I won't see it till I finished showering.
Can you check the battery terminals/cables? Do they appear loose or corroded?
30. Shaved is preferred, trimmed also good. Not a fan of full bush.
I am hither
No I just say it in my vocaroos. I am extremely white
>not posting while in the shower
Best hornyposting time, for sure.
anyone else forget that they're supposed to compliment people back?
>Bumble shutting down
>Muh down with traditions!!!
Fucking kekd and I'm a woman
>he harbours no feelings or empathy towards the woman
NTA but what? That's not what rough sex is about. I guess it can be like that, but you can also definitely have very rough sex where he shows lots of care and concern
White women have present fathers? Unsure what to tell you buddy
I was never able to warm up to song cycles except The Hölderlin Lieder by Hauer and oft course the Wesendonck Lieder
I don't really compliment them back but if they ask how I'm doing I will ask them how they are as well.
it's not that i forget, i just can't think fast enough in that kind of situation to think of a compliment lol. my mind always becomes clouded if i feel anxious, which is how i am most of the time around others.
Wouldn't that constitute soft dom'ing? That's a whole different thing in my book at least
Nta but there is a difference between rough sex and intense sex. The first is supposed to hurt and degrade, the second is just raw and powerful.
>Does this make sense?
Yes, this makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining.
>the absense of emotional (and sometimes physical) presence of our own father
I used to think because my dad was present and not-terrible that I didn't have daddy issues. But it seems like an emotionally absent parent still causes stuff like that to crop up.
Cool it down with those projections, buddy.
Not American, but I got really confused when someone asked me how I was doing and did not actually expect me to tell them how I was doing.
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Cometh and we shall indulge in tnd
Opposed to whom? Black women?

>even more projection
I like watching soft degrading stuff, doing things that might be uncomfortable for the girl but you do it anyway because it feels very good. Unsure what that says about my psyche or if it’s just an innate feeling in the back of most women’s heads
I got complimented on my piercings yesterday and experienced this. I didn't realize til we had sat in silence for a couple of seconds, but it would have been weird to compliment their hair by then. KILL ME
Woah woah woah, cool it with the racism. Unbelievable
The way this is written confirms you're a man.
Are men real?
>I was never able to warm up to song cycles
Admittedly, I'm not that big of a fan either. I mostly have select few titles and interpreters I enjoy.

I'm more of an early music kind of guy.

You're so articulate!
The future IS bright, we ARE going to make it, it is NOT over
Women, have you ever said 'I'm just a girl', sarcastically or not?
JH? Where you been?
Is it a compliment if a guy told me that I listen to "I am a man who will never have sex" kind of albums
esl, I don't think there's any equivalent to that saying in my language
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As a joke, yes.
>What makes men genuinely care about a woman?
If she's considerate, clever, funny, affectionate, and calm/patient.
yeah but I don't think pussy exists
I am autistic and a tomboy, not a man. But anything I say will make you think otherwise and I am not posting nudes so please keep fantasizing about troons!
You wouldn't care about a woman if she's some of the others, but a bit thick?
No pls go away
There are no men
Kek. Are you into prog or jazz fusion?
>maleanon posts a question that involves assumptions
>reply and tell my own experience that goes against his assumption
>doesn't reply, 5 mins later makes a thread with the same question
seems like my answers are the wrong kind of answers lol.
No? First of all if he has no feelings or empathy for you, how can you trust him to stop if you need him to stop? There needs to be an underlying sense of trust. Second, even really painful, hurtful, degrading sex can involve subtle moments of care or tenderness. Of course it doesn't have to if you don't want it, but it doesn't necessarily lessen the intensity of the degradation. imo it can actually make it more intense if there's little moments of condescending care peppered in. Rough sex encompasses a wide range of stuff, it's not limited to just the guy being an emotionless automaton
i used to be into both, still listen to mars volta sometimes. but no, it's mostly stuff like hate forest.
Is it over for a man that wants more romantic sex?
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How do I cope knowing that I'll never fall in love with a cute girl and make her happy?
Thanks, I try. I've been told I make for a great public speaker.
Making money, trying online dating, dealing with a crumbling house. Same as everyone else, I think.
very nice!
>Black metal
Interesting. Most of the women I've dated have listened to black metal. I didn't realize it was virgin tier
Your experiences probably aren't relevant to his
silly anon
blacks don't play metal
How do I cope with no Dunmer gf?
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there are many normie black metal bands, i was just told that hate forest is apparently music for virgin guys haha.
need this right about now
>philosophical question of the ages
>should women exist?
>today three zoomer 12 year olds will discuss this question thoroughly
>the answer is no btw
You jest, but I actually had a black, black metal gf in college. She could shred on the guitar too! Was a pretty kino gf.
No it’s not over. My advice would be to find very Christian women. Not “born again” Christians but authentic ones. They will not be porn rotted
Why do I sometimes randomly hurt in my ribs? I haven't done anything that would cause a small fracture or anything, and I don't think the pain is that bad that it could be a fracture. but it is a sharp pain that sometimes comes for a few seconds, rarely.
you mean abuse?
>Implying we can afford a house
Hope the dating goes well for you though
its me sending you spiritual livershots
wouldnt call it abuse
I just like when a girl uses my back like a scratch post
>blacks don't play metal
Body count
Essentially ones that were raised in the church?
I wish I could afford rent so I wouldn't have to spend so much time and money on house maintenance. Still only have a bit saved up, though. At least it's enough to go on dates and shit like that again. Thanks.
Nta but I was raised very strictly religious and went to a private christian school and I am as rotten as can be. Just sayin that it is not a guarantee either.
are you a grill?
The internet was a mistake
>I used to think because my dad was present and not-terrible that I didn't have daddy issues. But it seems like an emotionally absent parent still causes stuff like that to crop up.
NTA. In my experience, women whose fathers were completely absent generally don't have daddy issues; the ones that do are the ones whose fathers were present but cold. A woman like that spent a lot of time trying to get her father to love her, but never succeeded; and in later life she is still trying (and sometimes, sadly, drawn to emotionally distant men who still won't love her).
Ones that were raised in the church and are still actively practicing and faithful as an adult. Not dropouts like >>31945386
No, religion was.
i need to stop coming here
i want a black metal black friend now
no gf cuz whitey gf cute
>Are men real?
Well, I have XY chromosomes and was born with a penis and so on, but I've never felt very male. (Don't feel at all female either). So maybe not?
Women tell me something right now or else im gonna... im gonna cry
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it doesnt matter if you come here or not
Im sending them regardless
>Body count
uhm how could i have more than one body
god you people are dumb
so many cute girls leave the church and end up as useless whores
sad desu
I'm mad because I found some pants in my closet that I didn't know I have and they won't fit me.

Men CAN'T be real, I mean a Y chromosome? REAL Chromosomes are X-shaped
UwU sweetyyy don't cwhyyyy it's gonna be okaayyu wwuvvv us sweetty u good noow
I walk on, the quiet settling into my bones, filling the spaces where worry once lived. Somewhere ahead, I know there’s a warm hearth, a place where the cold will melt from my skin, and I’ll find myself again. For now, I just keep moving, trusting the path beneath me. The snow keeps falling, and everything is soft, everything is calm. The world may be cold, but it is kind. And that is enough.
the band, asswipe
Break ups suck. No way around it, but know that pain usually causes growth and that you will come out stronger. I say this as someone who has gone through several, almost chronic break ups.

Remember the cycle of break ups- It's an adjustment period, and you're going to feel devastated, but it's only natural.
Just because you miss her or ever get that panicked feeling, doesn't mean you are losing progress- every time you get hit with that wave, it is just another step toward healing.

Don't let the narrative of the break up cause you any more pain than it has to. Don't be mean to yourself, don't torture yourself with what-ifs. Easier said than done, but time heals all wounds.
Good luck man.
go to blasphemy concerts lol
Being a whore is infinitely better than being some entitled tradlarpers slave and breeding cattle.
Femanons, I keep telling a poly girl that I don't want a relationship because I'm not poly, and she insists it's something that I can change.
What should I do?
Should I start pressuring her to be monogamous and see how she likes it?
Jon Cena.
Cease talking to her, idiot
>"straight" man has a fetish for poly women
You're a degenerate
State gender
Do you find cuckqueaning hot
>The internet was a mistake
>No, religion was
I think porn has gone way too far because of the internet: DDLG, choking, face slapping, cuckolding, raceplay, autogynephilia, incest, yiff, monster girls, all that stuff. And I think there are plenty of secular reasons to be concerned.
Not particularly. I've met some other girls who like that stuff, but I prefer to keep it simple.
Biggest cope for being a whore I’ve ever seen in my life. Holy moly!
She didn't tell me she was poly until after we slept together.
F. No. It's part of why I broke up with my exgf.
Women, would you ever kiss a man?
>You wouldn't care about a woman if she's some of the others, but a bit thick?
I'm going to sound like a prick saying this, but in the long run, I think, that would bug me. Intelligence isn't the easiest of things to measure meaningfully, but by some standards I'm quite bright. I went to a good private school, and was first or second in my year (out of about 120) in nearly every subject; I score very high on numeric and verbal tests; I'm logical, analytical, and think at a high level of abstraction; and my brain makes connections very quickly. Now obviously, in some other ways I am breathtakingly stupid and incompetent(!); but nonetheless when I'm dealing with someone whose brain works more slowly than mine, that does eventually begin to irritate me. I get tired of mentioning something that I find funny, and then having to explain why it's funny; I get frustrated by trying to explain things that are so obvious to me that I have no idea what part of it the other person could possibly not understand; I get tired of thinking "how could you possibly think that was a good idea?" but not being able to say it out loud.

I think there's a lot to be said for being with someone who thinks in a similar way to you; it's easier to enjoy the same things and laugh at the same things.
Nothing was a mistake. It happened. The question is, what will do you now, knowing what you know?
Women, what would you think about getting your legs worshipped? Like body worship, but just for everything thighs and under.
No, I could never do that to a girl I loved
F. Yes. But I have a degradation fetish so I think it's related to that.
Come back in ten years when you actually know what you are talking about.
Sounds like she used you like a bitch
But we're friends>>31945430
How are you bad?

So far you are the only one of you two pleading for attention by tripfagging and posting vocaroos online.
>She didn't tell me she was poly until after we slept together
NTA but many such cases!
Sure. I've kissed guys before.

Do you crave, or do you yearn?
Only one.
Spasms in your intercostal muscles?
No. Group stuff might be fun in theory, but I'd definitely want her to participate, even if I did consider it.
Your ex wanted to make you watch her fuck other chicks?
I'm not wearing a band
Ho est question, how does it feel when cum comes out of your ass? Sorry if it's gross, but is it sorta like having diarrhea? Can you "keep it in"? I've always wondered
thanks, that could be it. I think I've read about this before but completely forgot the word for it
I've been with guys who have done this to me. We would never go all the way, but they did eat me out, and kiss me everywhere under the waist. It's delightful.
>Emotional absent father
Yeah, I can totally relate to that too /virtual hug
My dad was for the most part absent my whole life up until I was graduating high school, and when he decided to be present in my life it hurt just as much bc he's so cold and sometimes I wonder if he really cares about me and isn't just here now bc he's got no one else he'd rather be with instead.
Female. Yes, very much so
You will end up dying alone in an apartment and your body will not be found for weeks. All because you didn’t want to be tied down to a family. Have fun!
Who me? I'm your poly girl? :0
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Come back when you realize how civilizations are maintained
Yes Jon cena
Just ignore her.

t. poly man
The keyword is soft, and I think that kinda changes things for the most part. That which you described is still appealing to me to some extent.
No I believe humans should mate for life
Neither. Craving is wishing for something to be like it was in the past, but better(often unrealistically), and yearning is just getting stuck in the future.

The present moment is all there is, better to stay there.
No, I have a strict no kissing policy with my bf
She wanted to watch me have sex with other people.
>how are you bad
I talk to men online and I do not go to church.
>Sorry if it's gross, but is it sorta like having diarrhea?
Yeah, it does actually feel like that but a very low volume. You can't really keep it in, but it often comes out a little later (not immediately after sex).
Women: i've had a girl tell me she would absolutely do threesomes, but at a later point she told me she would never 'share' her partner or have her partner 'share' her with other people.

Is this cognitive dissonance or am I missing something?
I don't want to be worshipped and that sounds like a gateway to foot fetish stuff
Nice fantasy bro
>You will end up dying alone in an apartment and your body will not be found for weeks.
NTA, but when you're dying/dead does this shit really matter?
Women, if your bf bought you a pair of cute thigh-high socks and a comically tiny miniskirt that didn't even hide your underwear, would you wear it around the house?
Maybe her idea of threesomes is only to be shared with super close friends.
She wants threesomes where both of you focus exclusively on her and not each other.
I'd wear it for sex reasons. I'm not going to go about my daily household business in uncomfortable clothes, though. Fuck that.
Yeah, sounds fun.
Yeah, if it was just us.
A threesome where I'm the center of attention would be ideal, but it's not realistic. So maybe that's what she's thinking, too.
Men, how can I make you fall in love with me?
I hate women
Women, have you ever been in a relationship with a guy where he's not really your boyfriend and you haven't really had sex or even kissed, but you hang out with him more than most people and your interactions are filled with teasing that make the situation ambiguous and awkward?

If yes, what happened?
Cuddle me, put your hand in my pants and kiss me whole night. Make me breakfast too, it's that simple
Yes it matters. Would you rather die alone or with loved ones surrounding you with their love, prayers, and embrace. If you lived beautifully and kindly you will pass in a beautiful and kind way that brings family together
Is anon alright? He hasn't been responding
Can't make me do nuthin' if'n I don't first cotton into it little miss, yeehaw
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J̶̡̧̢̛͖͕͈͉̱͓͍̺̺̪̦̙̥̭̠̺̮̬̑̆̾̐́̀̍͑̓͐̈́̉̈́̀̀̄͜͜͠ͅṳ̵̙̜̠̙͔͎͎̻̞͊̊̌̓͌̈́̆̀̆̀͊̔̾͋̓͐̀̏̕s̴̳̖̮͎͔̦̬͎̻͕͓̼͍͈͆̀͂̍̄̏͑̾͑̿͊͆̾̿́͋͐̀̽͘͜t̶̨̡̘̟̙͍̺͖̻̝̙̹̤͓̥̜̻̯̓͗̂͐͒ ̸̨̖͈͍̦̼͉̪̯͎̪͈̜̪̫̣̟̭̓͊̃̉̓̾͐́͂́̌̕̚͜͜ͅţ̴̛̛̝͖̥͈̔̊̓͆͊̎͗̽̀̃i̷̡̻͔͖͉̯̻̜̻͒̀̈́͆̏̉̌͝r̴̨̛̛͖͎̝̩̞̳̼͙̙͇̯̫̪͚̗̪̟̪̞̓̔́͑̔̐́͛̿̇̄͒̉̋͆̉͗͊͑͑̌̇͝ė̶̜̼̗͔̫̫͉̥̖̙̟̀͑̎̽ḑ̵̢͔̙͖͍̥̙͖͍͖̠̜͖̈́ ̸̡̢̛̖̞͔̯͉̞̗̞̖̘̪̩̼̮͇̠͓͍̪͍̭̮̀̀̈̀̒͆̌́̈́̿̐̒̂̆̌͑͗͠͠ͅḧ̴̢͓̣̦̝̙͎̳̯͎̩̜̼̬̟̯̝̝̝̘̪͙̻̣́̃̃̀͐͋́̀̍̐̂̉̔̾̊̓̚͜͝͝a̸̧̨̯̟̗̝͖̬͓̰̠͖̥̗͍̜̻̫̦̱̒͊͒̆̋͗̎̌̋̿̏͐̕ͅh̵̛̤̖̠̗͈͉̘̘̮̀̈͐͋́̍̽̄͆̔̐̔͆̔̓̉͂̒͋̈́͒̈́̋̚͝å̵̻̝̟͇̯͈͖̮̦̄̊
NTA but it just feels a little gooey and slightly messy, same as it does when it trickles out of your vagina except it's your bum. You can't keep it in unless you purposely position yourself to try and keep it in and don't move, but it will ooze out eventually
Why? What about it makes it attractive? Do you have a scenario you imagine
How did you do that
t̶̢̧̺̩͖͍̼͇̗̺͇̥̣̉̔̿͆͐̄̈̍̉ŕ̴̠͕̠̹̘͇̠͍̭̰̺̝̯̃̇̀̿̇͒̓͋͘͜͠y̶̬̦̱̘͕̪͎̜͇͑́̔́̊͜͜ ̶̨̯̮͍͕͖̠͙̞͇̳̣̐̀̿̄̂̈́͜͝m̷̺͎̙̐à̶̮̗̯̑̔̐̒g̸̘̭̫̗͍̝̖̥͖̱͂͆͂̊̾̂̾̈͐̈́͑̋͛̚i̵̫̹͛͑̒̋̄̑̇̎͆̕͠c̵͍͕̈̀̑̒̓͌̓̿̓̽̆͂͗͆͊̕͝
Not going to church is good and talking to men, depends on what type and how long.
It's just zalgo text.
Be kind to me, ask to hangout and text first.
I would legit fall in love.
My trad grandma had several children and has dozens of grandkids and she's still going to die alone. At least her lodger will find her body, I suppose.
Why do girls pursue taken men?
Why don't you ask her? Maybe she means she wouldn't have a threesome with someone she's in a relationship with, only with causal sex partners. Or maybe she means she'd have threesomes together with her partner, but not have a triad type relationship nor allow one on one sexual encounters with others
Pre selection
You don't want me.
Sign up for those convict penpal things so you can get a man who will cheat on you and be insecure and hurt you and stuff you like.

M, yes, but only when she's really into it, really gets off seeing me fuck other women and it fires up her jealousy
You suck at reading
>hmmmm I instinctively realize I am retarded at mate selection
>should I listen to those damned incels explaining how to spot abusive and manipulative behaviors?
>nah I shall listen to other women with no instinct for mate selection either, and then try to poach men selected by yet another mystery group of married women with no idea if they chose well or not
Men pursue taken women more though, nice try.

He's been Pre-screened for suitability
Be cute and feed me.
Haven't you roped yet, troon? I can't imagine that whining 24/7 is that fun for you.
There are ten things you ought to do:
1. Commit to a solid relationship.
2. Show me your cooking skills(A way to a man's heart is his stomach, so pull out your cookbook and start with spaghetti, boxed macaroni and cheese, or bacon and eggs)
3. Be willing to give blowjobs, you don't necessarily have to know how to deepthroat, but spitters are quitters.
4. Let the guy you date be vulnerable. If he happen to have a bad day and get emotional once in a blue moon, that shouldn't endanger the relationship. Crying should be permitted, even beyond funerals. It's another ball game to cry all the time, but that's not the same thing.
5. Don't do Drugs, Don't Drink(excessively), and don't have affairs with other guys. Polyamory is a joke, unless you're only in it for the fun.
6. Always try to communicate openly, some guys can't do that, but the good ones will try, and it's those guys you wanna make a connection with.
7. Make sure you save sexual endeavors for relationships that are gonna last. That way, you don't walk off hurt, nor does he.
8. Be Affectionate/Sweet. This is your greatest ability as a woman, to be femineine as in soft, generous, sensual, and considerate of a man's need as well as serving your own needs. Good men Love this.
9. Don't let the first date throw you off. If it's just coffee or a walk, he's not cheap. He wants to get to know you before he invests, just like you.
10. Make sure you know his love languages, and your own.

Alright, there you go, that should help you. Peace out.
You have misapplied the meme and I am going to laugh at you.
They're gluttons for punishment
>tranner is having a mental breakdown
Keep it up kek.
I used to fantasise about my ex fucking women hotter than me, women I knew he was attracted to more. I've been cheated on before and I've wanked to the evidence and imaginging it.
You're going to find this weird, but I sort-of like crying/emotional pain. Feeling deeply upset is weirdly enjoyable.
I won't rape women.
I won't pretend to rape women.
I won't handle women roughly.
I won't hit women.
The only exception is if women hit me.
If you hit me and I hit you back, it is not an indicator of passion, interest, or obsession and you should not keep trying.
Women: If you do not want to be loved gently, HECK OFFF!!!!!!!!
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Give me the "Fuck Me" eyes
Holy moly
>You will end up dying alone in an apartment and your body will not be found for weeks.
>All because you didn’t want to be tied down to a family.
My granny is obssessed with her huge family and has nothing else but she's still dying alone.
Nothing in life is guaranteed. Your kids could turn out to be pricks. Or they could just leave the country.
What are your favorite positions for cuddling?
I'm not horny though.
Bumble reversed that decision and men can now also make the first move, the problem is that all the dating apps have a shortage of men because they aren't using them.
Get involved in my hobbies
Be better than I'll ever be at something
You could be the grandkid who isn't a piece of shit rather than crying about it
The one where I do nothing and get blown and if that isn't cuddling, then hotdogging/thigh fucking her, AND IF THAT isn't a cuddle position then get the fuck away from and I'll just hump my body pillow.
I wouldn't know, I never have.
>all the dating apps have a shortage of men because they aren't using them.
Dating apps are 80% men
>Parents: "Anon why don't you have a girlfriend yet?"
>Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaKQy2ZGBRw
Its hard to tell them that I'm building one
Where she nuzzles up next to me while I lay down and I rest my hands on her boobs.
It's got the woman seal of approval
I wouldn't know because I don't use then and I saw a graph of tinder or one of the dating apps that said they are losing men like crazy but I can't find it now so I'll just go with your 80% men thing.
telling a girl how I feel about her without giving her the ick.

Frankly it's weird you gotta slowly go mask off with feelings for a girl because if you're too open you're a 'nice guy' and 'desperate' but if you're too slow you're 'emotionally unintelligent' and 'distant' and it's a tricky balancing act. But they always say for the right one it doesn't matter, so maybe I just haven't met the right one yet.
stop being a pedophile
reroll your character if necessary
>robotic fumo
If this isn't the American Dream I don't know what is.
Men can I climb into your foreskin
Thank you, Anon. A whole lot of forgotten/underrated composers from that era. On the other hand, this is part of what makes early music so exciting. Even as an enthusiast, one still discovers new composers/pieces every now and then. And if one is lucky, it extends to a whole rabbit hole to explore.

Was she a kind mother? Was she kind to her community, her friends?
Also what >>31945618 said lol
Be really nice to me for about a month or two. Its bound to happen eventually
Any of these are good.
The fact you throw around that word so easily and at will is probably an indication that you are actually one or you want to dilute to word so much that it doesn't mean anything anymore allowed actual pedophiles to get away.
Mostly I enjoy that he isn't limited and can take pleasure how and where it suits him, and that he can enjoy variety if he chooses. It intensifies my own sense of submission and I enjoy being excited and happy for him that way. There are some elements of degradation involved too, maybe bicuriosity. Maybe an odd sense of emotional security as well. I've never really been interested in being physically present, I just like hearing all the details and knowing when it's happening and talking about it
Why do male coworkers never say hi unless I say it first?
Huh, you're serious.
I sleep in a hammock and my girlfirend sleeps literally ontop of me.
I dont have one :/
Eating cantaloupe or applesauce. I don't see how anyone does it.
>nooo you can't point out me being sexually attracted to cartoon depictions of toddlers still makes me a pedophile, or YOU'RE a pedophile!
No, pedophile. You will never "normalize" being a pedophile. Kill yourself, pedophile.
Yeah, I may not be chad and I may be a lot of negative things but I pride myself on being realistic and well-informed.
Why not?
I like it au naturale, but I'm a bit of a an outlier. Keep it as a bush.
That’s sad. Do you think it’s your brain trying to make sense of what happened?
Heckin aitch ee double hockey sticks. Take all my updoots, kind stranger
I personally quite like when he's on his back and my head is on his bicep. My ex would let me sleep all night in that position, it's a wonder his arm didn't get numb.
Straddling is fun; straddling him when he's seated upright especially.
I like spooning too because you can feel him getting erect against your ass.
Men can do this.
>A toddler
Cirno is like 7000 years old but she has a body of a 7 year old, and even then that isn't my video, its just something I thought was cute. But keep coping, the police will eventually find you.
my parents had it chopped off when i was an infant :/
Not usually, but smooth jazz is always a good choice. That or easy listening.
>liking cute things is now being a pedophile
Everyday I thank god I don't live in the west anymore and I don't have to deal with people like this.
reminder that the real reason circumcision was invented was to prevent women from crawling inside of foreskins
Women where were you when nhentai was killed?
It's possible. It's a saturated market, but there's so many women reading that kind of stuff, that you could make some money.
Reading sadpanda like every enlightened 4chan coomer would be
wtf is nhentai dead? I just used it last week
Thats an animal
>Cirno is like 7000 years old but she has a body of a 7 year old
That's wrong, Cirno is immortal and has been recorded to be around for aroun 60 to 79 years and she is a fairy like Tinkerbell. She also has a "human form" which is basically looking like a 7 year old, but she is literally a thimble-sized, immortal, fairy creature thing.
and yet I would bone nala before a fat girl
I'd fuck both, fuck it.
Here mate, This one's for you. I used to listen to this one as a way to move on. It'll help.
If you wanna know the lyrics in English, here they are:

一人で あの海で
Alone in that sea
二人でいた あの夏を思い出した
I remembered that summer when we were two
一人でいる あの海は
That sea is alone
二人でいた あの海と全く違っていた
It was completely different from that sea where we were two

「一緒にいてね いつまでも」
"Be with me forever"
「一緒にいるよ いつまでも」
"I'll be with you forever"

Became a lie

生き急いでた 二人とも
Both of them were in a hurry
昔見たあの映画 現実になった
That movie I saw a long time ago became a reality

There were two shadows that didn't snuggle up anymore
I was sad to think that there was nothing I could do

君が泣いて 僕が泣いて
You are crying, i am crying
夜が泣いて 星が泣いて
The night is crying and the stars are crying
君が泣いて 僕が泣いて
You are crying, i am crying
夜が泣いて 夏が終わった

The night is crying and the summer is over
There are people so off their rocker that a cute drawing of a puppy or a cat is now enough for these psychos to let their intrusive thoughts win and they think you want to fuck it or something.
I get either shy, giddy, or both. If it's both, I'm super giggly.
>Do you think it’s your brain trying to make sense of what happened?
Maybe in that specific case of my ex.
I do generally quite like watching, though - I've wanted to watch a guy I'm currently seeing being blown/fucked by his main partner/other women.
NTA but this is lovely, it reminds me JB Lully

Does that make you sad
They hate to see a girl having fun
The Madonna-Whore Complex is real, and plenty of men think that way, but not all men feel this way.


I've watched that stuff before. It's okay.
>Waking up to this
That's it. I'm taking tylenol to keep myself in a coma.
My dad said that if I didn't have my foreskin removed they would get infested with cockroaches.
Only if i get to nap under your clit hood like a blanket
Not really. If guys notice me, that's just part of the process. It's a sign I'm attractive, so it's not like it's an automatic disqualifier. What would be problematic to me is if he kept staring. A glance at my tits won't kill ya, but honestly, if we get angry at guys for liking how we look, what are we really telling them?
>I've wanted to watch a guy I'm currently seeing being blown/fucked by his main partner/other women.

Wait, you'd rather be a guy's side piece than the one he comes home to?
State gender:
How may pieces of meat do you typically eat with your lunch?
I don't have one
It's amazing how so many guys get exposed to porn at such a young age. I didn't look at porn until I was 17.
how come?
>Wait, you'd rather be a guy's side piece than the one he comes home to?
I've been independent for so long that I can't really imagine being someone's actual girlfriend. I'd rather be the main woman, but I'll take anything I can get at this point.
You haven't thought about your femininity very much. If you understood the power you have as a woman with your femininity, studying it thoroughly and recognizing the gift you have innately as a woman, you'll start to see why guys care about more than just sex. It's an easy claim to make, to think guys only want sex since there's so many men who have this very base viewpoint of women.

it might be you're just not looking in the right places for guys. I recommend getting together with friends of friends. When you connections that way, you're more likely to meet someone who will treat you with respect. There's always a vetting process, but when you are recommended a date by a trusted friend, it's likely to go well.
depends. if im eating a protein pack, i eat 6 pieces of salami! if I'm eating a sausage, i eat one big one, if they're small little links? 3!

anyways... i love my girlfriend
When i was like 9 or 10, i swear i saw a show called "Date with a Pornstar" and they showed a shot of some girls vag while she was laying by a pool. I've tried googling it just out of curiosity but i could never find anything about it. Idk if that was some weird mandella effect shit
Fantastic. Keep it, Shaving your bush is a waste of time.
Madonna whore complex? Seems pretty simple to me. Madonna's a whore. She's like all botox and silicone now
It's basic common sense, loving consideration for others.
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Yeah I blame my fujo roommate from uni. She told me she was a cuckqueen(and defined it for me) a year or so after she moved out, over a discord conversation, and told me she really liked it when I brought girls over.

Shortly after that I had started watching Jack and Jill videos and the way Jill is so fucking enthusiastic about getting other girls to fuck Jack just got insanely hot for me. The way she asks them about his dick, and shit just does me the fuck in. I'm so fucked up.

I like seeing you with and without it, to enjoy the most of you

Also, listen to Slowdive. They're a great band.
This still happens? outside of like, weird countries in africa?

yes, but im also a cuck so, it's like i understand more than others
>over a discord conversation
OH, I missed the important part of this. In said discord convo she was telling me this because she had fucked up one of her friendships because she went full autistic and straight up asked her friend if she could watch her and her boyfriend have sex.

I almost died of secondhand embarrassment
What do you find arousing about being cucked?
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Women should i take a nap, or play genshin imapct?
Seeing my girl spoil other guys, and i say this but would i actually want to be cucked? no, I'm very possessive. but i will still jerk off to the thought of it
>Men, how can I make you fall in love with me?
Keep his stomach full and his balls empty. It's really that simple.
>make a post about something cool i did
>only get 4 reactions
>none of my friends react to it
>I can see they're active and reacting to other posts
should i just kms?
This is one of my favourite pieces by Lully - and one of my favourite interpretations too.

Here, have Charpentier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKU4oJxSRDs.

Old news to any European, due to its prominence as the "Eurovision Theme", but they rarely get to hear it in a historically informed performance.
>Why do girls pursue taken men?
Women trust each other's judgment.
You should delete genshin impact and burn any genshin related paraphernalia
I don't agree with the theory, and it's kind of outdated, but basically, Madonna was considered the perfect woman by a LOT of men in the 80s. But the idea behind it, is Madonna in public carries a proper image of a woman, and in bed, she's a whore, at least that's how a lot of guys thought of it.

A more applicable present day celebrity you could replace Madonna with is Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, or Taylor Swift. Any of these famous women could fit this mold.
>only get 4 leddit reactions
just dm them if you want them to know retard
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No. Natlan is fun
Uh, is this a joke?
I usually have a couple pieces of Turkey, with Cheddar in a sandwich.
Nope. This is real. I think it's dumb too, but it's real.
women what was the last penis you saw?
NTA but you seem to be describing voyeurism not cuckquean
>tfw no heartbroken drunk guy singing about me in karaoke
Femanons, do you not like it when a guy takes a long time to respond? We're talking like 3 to 6 to maybe even 12 hours or longer.
I'm not doing it on purpose to play games. I just get anxious and spend time trying to think of a good, engaging response to continue the conversation. Been ghosted way too many times just winging it
Women, why aren't elves real? give me one good reason
I see

I'm so used to being single I can't fathom it either at this point lol, but I think all guys at some point have that fantasy of wanting girls to compromise and be part of (You)r harem over being single.
Three weeks ago, I was invited to a party, and and the guy who invited me introduced me to this other guy, and I danced with him. He was huge.
On an anatomical model at work. If you mean real penis in person, my exbf a couple years ago.
Kinda, but I get it. We're all busy. But I'd recommend not keeping a girl waiting.

They are real, they're real in your imagination and at cosplay conventions. Happy now?
I don't understand how you saw his penis from this
Well, I sucked his dick in the closet after he beat me at a rock paper scissors game. He used dynamite.
My Daddy's. It's the best penis in the world.
>Happy now?
Not really. If i have kids with an elf cosplayer, the kid wont have cool elf ears...
Depends if any shop has cheap meat. Its expensive as fuck now. There's one that sometimes does 300g/400g for about as much as a loaf of bread, but sometimes it'll be 130g instead and nearly as expensive and I'm not paying that.
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> be in love with someone for 4 years
> break up because of distance (your job) and lack of trust
> 71 unanswered messages later a friend leaked you are single and now you grt invited out on dates
> best luck ever everything is working out now

Tfw I dated someone who gave me bad luck
Tfw now I’m scared of dating again

Is being single better than being heartbroken?
did he say "annnd boom goes the dynamite" when he came?
Just buy fake ones, and wear them too. You'll be an elf family at the conventions. You could even just watch Lord of the Rings.
What, the old "Rock Paper Scissors but the loser has to go down on the winner" trick? How was it?
This unironically deserves to have gotten you a gf.
>Femanons, do you not like it when a guy takes a long time to respond?
You don't have to respond *instantly*, but if several hours have gone by and there's no obvious reason why you're too busy, that does make me start to worry that I've upset you.
women are average dicks boring for blowjobs?
No, but that would've been funny. He called his pecker a "milk canon." It was strange, but I was having too much fun to care.
Yes I am a female
*Gropes pecs*
My boobs are huge
I hate all dick that aren't bigger than my entire head
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Thats not the same...
Swell. I kind of purposely lost, by consistently choosing paper. He got the message, but like, we both enjoy watching reruns of the big bang theory.
>She enjoys things
JH, whose preference is apparently 5 inch average girth dicks, has long ones for sucking and slapping herself in the face
No. I think they're preferrable, because they can actually fit in my mouth. I've engulfed a behemoth, that can hurt your jaw if you don't do it right.

This is why giving head is better than deepthroating, because you don't mess up your throat.
>She uses her brain


>you: "Anon, you're really sweet and a good friend, but I don't think a relationship could work."
>him: "Nona, I don't want a relationship, I just wanna fuck"

Women, how would you react to something like this?
Beautiful! Is that William Christie conducting? He makes me think of Rameau's Les Indes galantes. I've been listening to forets paisibles a lot lately, although I prefer Marc Minkowski over Christie because I like the faster tempo

Men who have an uninteresting way of getting off from blowjobs are boring to blow. If you need a lot of rough/jackhammering style, having to do one thing the entire time all the time, that's tiresome.

I think maybe some guys are just not as responsive/sensitive to oral?
Then stick to your imagination, or maybe custom order plushies. Just try to calm down, squirt.
You say that like I do it frequently. Which I don't.
No, it's better.
Sounds like a genuine friends with benefits situation. I'd be into that.
It depends. But that's kinda too direct. If I tell you that I think of you as a friend, and you turn around saying you wanna do it, that's kind of a big jump, and that would be weird.
Yeah this is actually a fear/concern of mine because I'm not that long, but rather girthy (I can't get fit into a toilet paper roll) and I worry I'll finally get my dick sucked and I'll dislocate her jaw or something.
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Paging all tech literate anons:

Are there really any major performance gains between a gigabyte RAM laptop in a 16 GB RAM laptop? Currently deciding between two and the amount of RAM they have are the only major differences.
My dads is like that too, its not a big deal imo
Some girls will happily deepthroat you, and for the ones that do, just let 'em do it, they like it, choking on dick is a kink. I've had friends who love that, Personally, I would keep it simple, and there are many girls who would do the same and mainly focus on the head.
Boring vs exciting is all about the guy himself and how we feel about each other, not the size of his penis
My gf refuses to give me more money for some football bets. I just want to make up for the losses and she can have her share from that. Why is she being such a fucking bitch about it?
Get the 16 GB of Ram. Your computer will run better.
Why did you think posting that webm was a good idea?
Don't gamble with fantasy football. Go watch actual football for goodness sake.
Yes. The second will be much less prone to freezing among other things. You want more ram especially on a laptop since its more annoying to upgrade those compared to desktop "just shove it in" approach.
If you're only using it for a browser and microsoft word tier programs then it won't matter too much (although a singular gigabyte would be absurldy bad; I assume you mean 8 gigabyte or something).
If you plan to do gaming, 3D modeling, etc, get the one with more ram and if you're not actually using it outside often, get a desktop instead
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>but like, we both enjoy watching reruns of the big bang theory.
I don't get it

>It was strange, but I was having too much fun to care.
I've only eaten pussy once and I liked it because I enjoyed both her reactions and exploring her body and folds. Is it like that for you? Do you like the sensation of a guy nutting in your mouth or are you a jizz hater?
NTA but most girls I've been with love giving sloppy-toppy deepthroat skullfucking-style head for some reason. Personally, it doesn't feel good or like anything for me since it's more or less PIV but with less pressure. Do you think it's because they see themselves as submissive or view it as rough play?
I honestly love slow, sensual blowjobs where a girl applies a lot of concentrated pressure with her lips or tongue in different areas. Not only does it feel better but it's visually more intimate and sexier imo. Is that harder to do than the "jackhammering" blowjobs?
What's an unpopular opinion you have about the opposite gender?
The larger the areola the better
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It clearly served its purpose, didn't it?

I'm about to pull The trigger on a laptop. They're doing a special promotion on that and it'll be only $530 when typically it would be $899. (Or $1100 on Amazon for some reason). Having the extra ram would be nice so I think I'll go with that one.
maverick vibes
Women do not smell particularly good, the products they use do
What do you plan on doing on the Laptop?

Im kinda regretting buying an m1 mac a couple years ago because there's so many bizarre restrictions and its not that powerful(have had to program in ue5 recently for a class)
Women taller than me are still attractive, and idk why guys get so insecure about a woman's height or say shit like "you can't wear high heels that make you closer to my height" and why women get 'intimidated' or 'scared' just because a woman is 5'10" or taller. I was always able to befriend the tall girls in my dorm because all of the girls would be too afraid to talk to them. It's sad!
Men shouldn't be so obsessed with finishing on/in their gfs.
>Leaving work
>See some woman
>Red shirt, visible bra under, thick
>Can still see 2 lumps on her chest
>Rectanlges, I assume piercings
Wouldn't that be like insanely uncomfortable to have piercings rubbing against multiple layers of clothing?
>I don't get it
In the big bang theory, they play a version of RPS with Lizard and Spock, and some people add dynamite.

>Do I like the experience of having cum in my mouth?
Yeah, I do. He is giving me his essence. It's a gift, Semen has many nutritional benefits, it's quite literally a life force. I know some women don't like it and pretend, but I do like it, how he can be vulnerable with me by allowing his most sensitive part of his body into my mouth where I could bite him on accident, but he trusts me not to. It's a very beautiful thing, and to make him feel wonderful at the end, what's not to like?
I think my older coworker might be trying to play matchmaker with me and another woman I work with.
I've hung out with them outside of work with other coworkers but she suggested we three get together and go out. This was right after the younger woman was talking about how cute this client was.
I'm not sure how to navigate this. The younger woman seemed to be down with it.
What complicates things is that I already made a pass at this younger man before and got shot down.
Any tips? Just go with it?
That was a bit of a self own, homegirl
NTA but I think that comes from porn. I'm submissive and I much prefer giving oral in a way where I'm basically servicing him and helping him to relax. He can just lay back and do nothing if he wants, and I can take my time and really enjoy and worship his body. Sometimes rougher can be fun too, but a full bj to completion is best when I'm enjoying it as much as he is
Breastfeeding should be a form of therapy for adult men offered by women. They're super pleasured and happy when they're suckled, and men are deeply soothed and helped in a primordial way from the experience. It's a Win-Win, and it builds intimacy with loving partners.
There's a trend on /fit/ for virgins to say "imagine the smell" of girls assholes when a picture of a girls butt is posted, and its really funny that virgin men imagine that girls shitters literally dont stink
What job is this?
Women would you get annoyed if i did this a lot?
I think it's hot when women are a bit selfish in bed
Need workout boyfriend who lets me fondle him when he has a pump, when the muscles are literally warm
I'd be fine with it.
16gb of ram won't bottle neck.
Sometimes women are literally just saying what they mean, no games.
I wonder if you could make money betting on trannies in women's sports?
Prostitutes are heroines that are preventing many men from suicide and they shouldn't be shunned by society. Men who are socially retarded shouldn't be called incels and shat on by society at large, instead provided for with legal prostitution until they can connect with a woman properly
Anon, I think that's the joke. That they like the stink
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am i allowed to want to feel sexy without being classified as a slut, or is the idea of that very black and white, and i have to come to terms with being a little bit slutty?
Does it matter?
I'd rather just keep my virginity and be called an incel thanks.
>Is being single better than being heartbroken?
I want to sleep until the world is better.
Go for the girl! all is fair in love and war.
That has been a meme for a long time. They are imagining the smell because they want to smell it.
women what do you think of men who want to feel desired too?
Come to terms or stop caring about what random people you're not interacting with think. Some people are bigger prudes than others, but generally, a miniskirt is going to be seen as slutty, but a lot of other clothes vary on context; its not slutty to wear a bikini on the beach, its normal, for example.
As a slut enjoyer I say wear whatever
sexy is multi-dimensional with slutty just being one of the ways to be sexy, for some reason women in the west only ever do "slutty sexy" when you could also do cute sexy, virtue sexy, conservative sexy, intelligent sexy, and so on.
It's becoming unpopular to love women.
Lots of men are bitter and resentful.
suit yourself
Because women int he west live in a hivemind or a giant high school that for some reason continues on after high school.
Ok, forget virgins.
Are there any women in atoga who aren't SLUTS!?
That's... surprisingly romantic. I hope I can meet a girl like you, Anon.

How did the rest of the night feel after getting out of the closet? Does cum breath actually last a while?
>am i allowed to want to feel sexy without being classified as a slut,
start betting on her with your friends, that is what i'd do.
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why don't you just fucking krill yourself?
I wish they loved me that way.
It would be much too prawnful
Based Holycel
what if they do?
kek, why? Its just basic animatronics, something that women don't really care or appreicate.
>Is that William Christie conducting?

>Rameau's Les Indes galantes
No surprise, I'm fairly certain he performed the entire opera.

>I prefer Marc Minkowski over Christie because I like the faster tempo
It's true that Christie, by historically informed standards, is on the slower side. However, he tends to use natural trumpets, which adds just that little bit more authenticity (not sure whether he uses them in the performance I posted though). They make up for the occasionally wonky sounds by simply looking more majestic in the way they are played. Hervé Niquet also uses natural trumpets, as well as trompes de chasse and other wonky sounding instruments, so if you have the stomach for that - as well as his eccentric clothing style - you could be looking into his performances, since they tend to be more on the faster side (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNMLdCQp_Ec). If you're looking for real tempo, give Vincent Dumestre and Le Poème Harmonique a try (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP3QwieHYhU). I also quite like the interpretation of Martin Gester and Le Parlement de Musique, who I haven't seen fielding natural trumpets yet, but who brings a serpent to the table (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qfWf4umKvw).
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>Do you think it's because they see themselves as submissive or view it as rough play?
Did they ever blow you to completion? That requires pressure - and you can't apply that sort of pressure from your throat alone. Did they use their hands at all? My ex used to like deepthroating a lot, it's great for generating saliva and extending the blowjob with a different sensation, but to get him to complete I'd always use my hands in tandem with my mouth.
>Is that harder to do than the "jackhammering" blowjobs?
I wouldn't say they're any more difficult. But different men like vastly differently things when it comes to oral. The girls you've been with probably just haven't been with someone who likes it more sensual. Have you instructed them on what you like, where the extra sensitive spots on your penis are?
I really miss him I do
shouldnt have dumped him
Women are weird in that they want to be loved in the way that women love. Men don't love like women so they always complain about it for some reason.
Men love women by doing the hard shit for you, but for many women that isn't enough so you need to have a body of a man but a mind of a woman to love a woman in a way she wants. She basically wants a tranny :^)
all the blowjob posting is make me horny but i am not jack off i will carry this energy
Why do they all sound black?
Women how many pullups can you do
Go for a walk
What do you mean by a bit selfish? What would be too selfish?
i didnt say i dont want to be horny
Had to
You are my diary
bro it's bad I haven't done shit for work today because of it
When I get horny I go for a walk to show my boner and mark my territory
I don't know how it got this way, but I would genuinely rather spend my time clicking ropes and ladders in a videogame to get this goblin faggot his gears and power boxes over and over along the same route than go outside and talk to women
I'm not sure eating ass is worse than sucking dick
wait thats how all men love women
Why are you alive
Speak for yourself nerd, I just want a trophy
That's really good for a woman
poop is more gross than piss everyone knows this
Women do you show your man affection without him having to ask for it?
if you actually wanted dumb whores you'd be in heaven in this era
But how is it not like high school? The popular kids will still be liked everywhere they go.
the fuck is virtue sexy? intelligent sexy? we're talking about being physically sexually attractive. it's not about charm or personality. it's body and clothes. are these silly names for things like church aesthetic or office lady aesthetic?
I hope you do. I suppose I'm a little different, but there are nice girls out there.

And it wasn't that bad. I had a Mr. Pibb and chilled out on the sofa, and left a little early to shower and relax. It was overall a good night, still have that guy's number too.
i just want to know what other people think so i can be prepared and accept it
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I love it when actual conservative youtubers blur sluttily dressed women's breasts and butts

This needs to be normalized
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0lE19tR4vuA instead of this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s92UMJNjPIA
First time I hooked up with a girl she had dingleberries and I had to wash my sheets the following morning.

But fuck I never forgot that smell, I wish I could, but it like shattered my image of women FOREVER and definitely matured me like 5 years in an instant.
god you're bland
that means you desire them
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Femanons, is this what polyamory like?
not worse than mens cum though
it's not just a trend on /fit/ and you are not understanding the brainrot meme
I want dumb virgins
I am understanding it, I think you people don't understand the "imagine the smell" meme
Wrong thread little one
Those are lovely, thanks. I'm going to make note of the names. Interesting about the trumpets, it's something I'll look out for. I don't have any formal music education so my knowledge and vocabulary are fairly limited, so it's always great to learn something new
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women, do you shave your armpits?
what's your opinion on women that don't?

men, what's your opinion on women's armpit hair?
dumb women will not virgin
Shit is infinitely more gross than cum. What are you on about lol
I wouldn't know.
Maybe I should just stay single.
I don't really care, but I'd still avoid a woman who does this because its a massive redflag for being
>Not like other girls
I think shaving is weird and would rather women just exist
But piercings/tattoos/hippie retardation gross me out too
>men, what's your opinion on women's armpit hair?
I think armpit hair is gross on everyone. Men and women. I shave my pits
Eh not really. We get drowned in all sorts of messages from guys no matter what type of relationship we like
I don't know.
I like how it smells but the drawback is that it is less lickable
Give me that girl plz.
>Not like other girls
Not a red flag. A woman who says it may be insane but a woman who is like the average woman is guaranteed insane.
>...because I say so!
Women whats it like being desired by the opposite gender?
It's for retards who can't comprehend commitment
asian women don't have armpit hair
>went from no notifications on my phone to 4-5 people sending me instagram reels and maybe 2 text conversations a day

I guess this is social progress
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>Help cute girl at work
>Say haha no prob, can't leave a cute girl struggling
She looks me dead in the eyes and says
>You're not gay? But you give off such gay energy
Its over isn't it
white women don't want me ;_________________________________________________;
Sometimes, and like tons of nudes from cute guys.
Women, what would be your reaction if your bf wiped his dick in your window curtain after sex?
The other day I was mistaken for a 19 year old. I am 26. Is this a problem.
You wouldn't like it either if they were all ugly
I have asian friends who would disagree with you, but I will concede they are a minority.
time to pretend to be gay but "questioning" your sexuality so girls will put out
>noooooooo you cannot notice reality in /atoga/ for this one specific reality that I can't accept!
Dumb women fuck randoms consistently.
I'm sorry that sounds like such a hassle
>women, do you shave your armpits?
Nope. I haven't shaved my armpit hair in years.
>what's your opinion on women that don't?
No opinion.
>Plz compliment me with this obvious question
Hate attention whores
Be fucking thankful.
>women, do you shave your armpits?
>what's your opinion on women that don't?
Don't let men bully you for their pedophilic body standards.
I would've killed myself on the spot bro.
so do smart women whats your point?
it feels so based to not know what an instagram reel is
I would have chuckled and asked why
Some women think being cheerful is the equivalent of being gay. Don't let that trip you up, if you don't suck dick or take it up the ass, then you don't.

What's gay is being irritable about this kind of trivial stuff. If you're too sensitive or easily offended, girls will think you're gay, but you don't necessarily have to stop having emotions to not be gay.
Alright, point taken. Im just worried about being perceived as a boy and not a man yk
Will do.
I don't have an opinion on them. I'm head over heels for my unrecruited crush anyways who has hairy armpits
more proof that women hate men
Scary if they're not handsome or too big
Nice if they are cute and nonagressive
Should have said, "haha nah I ain't gay. I can prove it if you want"
I don't watch half of the instagram reels I get, they really are a hassle. Social media was a mistake, and my last roommate proved that you can not have social media and not be a schizo autist because he's a super extroverted normie who just hates social media and does everything via texting and phone calls. At this point I get more attracted to a girl if I ask her for her instagram and she says she doesn't have one.

it's a youtube short or tiktok
That would be so weird and kinda disgusting if I knew, but if it doesn't stain the curtain and I don't know about it, I can live with that. Smells are easily to get rid of, but not stains.
not an argument
>men, what's your opinion on women's armpit hair?
Idk because I haven't seen it irl
Same with bush
Seems hot in theory but I haven't had to deal with a real hairy girl so
Yes. You will only attract minors and you will end up getting butt-fucked in jail.
I don't have those, I have blinds.
That's extremely weird.
Threaten to fuck her mom and be her new dad. Problem solved.
thats what gay used to mean actually
No doubt about that. But that was back in your grandma's day.
Should have socked her in the face then follow up with "Did that seem gay to you?"
>You will only attract minors
Its a genuine worry
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No. It means you'll look younger when you're even older.
I like guys that keep their youth.
irony being gays only pretend to be happy with a really fake disposition and actually seethe eternally no matter the situation
actually today is my grandmas day
I'm a man but there are some guys who just give off a gay vibe with the way they walk and talk. That's probably you.
damn, bet you have a wild bush too.
Where do I find nasty (in a hot way) women like you?
You know what I mean.
Hey women, I have a question for you.
Why was Edward still going to high school even though he was a 100 year old vampire? Isn't he a mega pedo? Genuinely why did he have to go to school, there was no reason for him to be there. How were young women reconciling that?
The only gay guys I know that don't seem depressed are the religious ones, ironically
I also look like I'm in high school at 25 and I don't give a fuck. If you're attractive, you're attractive. There's no such thing as only "attracting a certain age group." Work out if you want to look bigger.
Would you date a man who has sugar in his gas tank? Who is light on his feet? Who gardens uphill? Who is good with colors?
Because Vampires. A LOT of Women like vampires. I was never one of them, I didn't see the appeal, but plenty of girls get lost in the fantasy of being swept away and given hickeys by vampires or whatever. Bleh.
Because moids are so stupid that 100 years at school is still not enough
That's certainly different.
Thats because religion unironically makes you bottle up your feelings so you can trauma dump on your priest
I've fantasized about dating a femboy but then I remember that every tranny I've met irl is fucking ugly and shatters the illusion the internet and social media created. I've met some extremely feminine guys but I always felt they were 'moe' rather than sexually attractive.
women love pedos
Can relate. I've been there, done that.
Woman, what's the rage bait you choose to consume?
I don't bother with that stuff. I just come on here to talk about fun stuff, and when there's no more fun stuff, I leave.
My ex coworker called me her vampire because of how pale I am lol
The average femanon ITT is more attractive than the average maleanon.
nobody yet born has the ability to frustrate me even 10% as much as i frustrate myself with zero outside input
Benefit of lesbo sex

For me, only 3, I think. For her, a lot. I didn't really keep count but it was a transcendental experience.

Men generally hate women and would not even associate with us if they didn't want to sleep with us.

In one set, at least 20.

I might actually kill him

They wanted to blend in with humans and life gets boring after being alive for so long. It should also be noted that only Emmett and Alice enjoyed going to school. Jasper wanted to kill everyone, Rose was still angry about everything but Emmett, and Edward never got into the novelty of it and hated hearing teenagers thoughts. But they also went to college several times too.
>Men generally hate women and would not even associate with us if they didn't want to sleep with us.

true but i'm not like the other boys
>weekly confessions - make you bottle up your feelings
Sometimes I'm so fucking embarrassed to not be religious, the dumb shit people say
Who do you think foreran psychiatry?
Like how do you need to chimp out MORE than once a week you dumb fucking animal?
No. I'd welcome it.
>they also went to college several times too.
Alright that solves that question, I legit thought Edward was repeating high school ad infinitum for 80+ years
I liked my mom.
I've gradually learned to hate you bitches though yeah, took me too long honestly, I kept expecting you would start behaving reasonably at some point magically.
Has anyone here seen proof of that guy who keeps a file on posters here or is that a spook
>For me, only 3, I think. For her, a lot. I didn't really keep count but it was a transcendental experience.

So are you a giver? is she mostly a pillow princess?

There's a lesbian couple at my uni gym and I think of your posts whenever I see them because they are PDA as FUUUUUUUUUUUCK like it's almost obnoxious but sometimes I see them kissing and it pushes me to get that last rep
You're very much welcome. But I'm a layperson too. Just a fan of the music. Here and there one catches a fragment of knowledge but don't take anything I say as gospel. Still, if it points you in the right direction and you get to experience something new and enjoyable, I guess it's worth something.

If you want more names, here are a bunch of my favourites (there are many more I'm forgetting about, so no guarantee of completeness and not ordered in relevance/quality) - you might know a few of them already:

- Jordi Savall (Hespèrion XXI)
- Sébastien Daucé (Ensemble Correspondances)
- Thomas Dunford (Ensemble Jupiter)
- Raphaël Pichon (Ensemble Pygmalion)
- François Lazarevitch (Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien)
- Kiya Tabassian (Ensemble Constantinople)
- Christina Pluhar (L'Arpegiatta)
- Marco Beasley / Pino de Vittorio (Ensemble Accordone)
- Rolf Lislevand (Ensemble Kapsberger)
- Antonio Florio (Cappella della Pietà de' Turchini)
- Ton Koopman (Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir)
A, I and Y,
I miss you all. I wish things worked out differently. You're amazing girls.
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I fear aging like Paul Dano but I know I'll be fine.
>If you're attractive, you're attractive.
Fair enough
>There's no such thing as only "attracting a certain age group."
Not so sure about this but I appreciate the sentiment
Femanons, plain and simple question: What are some of the biggest green flags in men for you?
Are you talking about the spreadsheet?
women, should I talk to her?
what should I tell her?
We don't want you after what you did and how you acted.
Depends, what do you want to say?
better leave right now
why do you want to talk to her
E, I, E, I, and O...sorry I could never be the man you wanted me to be...I won't be back...take care of the farm...
(kys discordfag)
just saw a woman
saw her panties
worships homosexual men, more interested in them than me
I only track potential friends, not potential targets.
Addendum >>31946216
I just have to add:

- Maxim Emelyanychev (Il pomo d'oro).
I want to tell that I'm happy that I got to know her and that I'd miss her and I wish we can keep in contact even tho I suck at keeping in contact with people.
Doesn't abuse me for my money.
No, it's not really about giving. We're both switches, though she leans more dominant while I lean more submissive. This was really about fulfilling something for her now that she's back because she did something for me before she left.
women will date a man who will highway rob them with a blackjack but not me
I have my own money. I can abuse you for free.
I want to tell her how I want to feel up her boobs and slap her fat ass and tell her how she gives me raging boners, but we're both anti-premarital sex moralfags, she has too many red flags, and a relationship with her would be doomed and cause so much drama in the friend group so I'd rather just stick as friends.
I was bottoming for a hot mexican man the other day that I met at Home depot, and my while I was getting my shit pushed in by his extra spicy burrtito, he tapped me on the shoulder and said the dog was watching us. So he closed the door and he continued fucked my ass. You know, bottom things

Later when I'm playing with my dog, it growls at me and won't accept my pets. It also won't heed my commands anymore and doesn't seem to respect me. Did my dog see me bottoming and lose respect for me?
M, I sort of like hairless pits. Although any armpit fetishization I had got completely destroyed by my GF's ticklish pits. Just touching them ruins the flow of things
old copypasta is old
Sure, tell her.
Can we see some of the spreadsheet? Just as proof?
but what if I give her the ick?
>women will literally pay you to abuse them rather than just love you for fre
Have you ever had to sleep with someone of the opposite gender that was around your age?
Probably when I was a kid. Too insignificant for me to remember
State gender and say what kind of fantasy race you most resemble, personality wise or visually.
He is a pedo, no one was confused about that
Literally posted this the other day
F I had to bunk with my cousin once. It wasn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. I just wore something more modest than I usually would have.
You can't live your life in fear of being honest, anon.
F Hucow
well then call me a cave fish
Dark elves, but not the DnD kind
Why do you guys bully me for being ugly
so like the little garden gnome fuckers but black?
Technically not a race but I would be a druid.
Spiritually I am an old man in a forest with a mushroom hat
i dont, i literally say i love ugly women all the time here
women why did you do it
Why are you ugly?
Whats there to like?
I look like gollum
The education system is a joke. I think it was a metaphor that the entirety of the books was "stupid depressed girl kills herself and then imagines a bunch of supernatural bullshit in purgatory".
Why can't that happen to me?
Why can't I kill myself?
My female cousin when we were both around 12.. she let me grope her massive tits and finger her, she had a thick bush, I think that's where all started. She jerked me off and I believe that was the first time I ever ejaculated.
women would you rather suck balls or eat ass?
You, as a person.
Its harder to hide an ugly personality and the fans of Benedict Cumberbatch prove that anything unique enough can be considered beautiful. I wanna be your precious. I like kitschy stuff, I like seeing beauty in things that others don't.
What's your worst facial feature? You can only pick one.
FF12 Fran
women would rather kill themselves, go to purgatory for 100 years, and be preyed on by pedo vampires than date me
>I don't actually need a wife or even a gf, I just need daily validation from one or more women that are at least mid
will I ever grow out of this mindset?
Skinny queen!
Women, what are your top 3 tropes in the erotic fanfictions I'm certain you read?
Vampire, Age gap, CNC
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Gnome; both in terms of looks and personality.
>be preyed on by pedo vampires
that sounds kinda hot...
Mirko cosplay when
F High elf
I have repeatedly posted here that I am an ogre trying to become a ghoul.
They despise kindness and intelligence the most in men. But if you're aware of that, you can dumb yourself down every time you talk to females.
Woman are you likely to think a guy with a stoic face is more unapproachable?
Thats sweet
Stop it
I guess they're called Sun Elves in the Forgotten Realms
If she was surprised she's probably glad you're straight anon
haha I'm going to suck your cute little neck and then you're going to suck on some of mine :)
i refuse
thats d&d
When women post this do they expect you to comment on their ass?
elf but only cuz I got pointy ears and I'd kill for an elf gf
tfw no elf gf
it hurts
god I love mid girls
Is it weird I find ponytails/tied up hair on women kind of unattractive? I prefer either short hair or long flowing hair, ponytails and pigtails just make women look weird.
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I think its worthwhile to remind everyone how people reacted to Lady Dimitrescu
Fuck should I know
Benedict Cumberbatch is unironically a handsome chad and I as a man desperately want to suck his dick and savor his cum.
zoomers aren't human
wait let me be more broad
submissives aren't human
Men aren't pretending that personality is the most important or whatever bullshit lies you have told everyone for the last 100 years. You're a dumb cunt.
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>this is what Atoga maleanons actually believe.
Wait, personality isn't important?
I'm not PRETENDING, no.
Personality is the most important thing in a woman.
I'm tired of evil retards.
Of course! I'll cuddle him up and he won't see it coming! Well, after a while he starts to notice a pattern lol
But for the most part I'm always catching him by surprise
Sarah Kerrigan
Women, how do I tell if I'm attractive to (most) women?
Visually, of course.
left is weirdly fat
Running a pupil dialation test to your visage.

If the past is just memories and nothing else. Then that would mean if a man is a virgin into his 30s or even 40s, that it doesn’t matter at all right?
It's what you'd call a green flag and very much normal.
What I've noticed about male vs female sexuality is that while both rely on visual traits, men are significantly more likely to have multiple 'ideal types of women' - meanwhile, women tend to have just ONE specific archetype of guy they like, and will unattraction to traits that go outside that archetype. (For example, a woman into twinks will never be into big hunky dudes, and vice-versa, while a man may be both into a tall curvy woman and a short flat woman.)
>Thats sweet
He would make you lay an egg with his reptilian features
This a femankn larping isn't it? Bc ain't no way a guy would he this wholesome
>grab 20 women for an experiment
>show them pictures of random men
>some of those pictures are mine
>if reaction afterwards beg them to date me
>if not then sulk and beg her even harder to think of me as cute or else I'm going to kill myself
thanks for the tip anons
now I just need to somehow obtain 20 females
No, sex is a bank transaction all that matters is how good you got at "tricks" by getting used to the bodies of other people you didn't love, but also she has to be "in the mood" even though love doesn't matter in sex :^)
You've seen that Hobbit sequel too many times.
Surveys commonly show that women want bigger height gaps than men do, and that height is more important to women than it is to men. Maybe some women don't care about height, but they're outnumbered by women who do.
If I was really tired and sleepy and/or sad, will you let me use your titties as pillows for a little bit?
>if reaction afterwards beg them to date me
>if reaction
Just a little bit. It gets uncomfortable after a while.
>He would make you lay an egg with his reptilian features
it'd be weird if it wasn't him
now it just makes me horny
I'd push out a whole brood of reptilian Benedicts if it meant getting him to cum deep in my ass
sorry this subject is making me all warm
God I hope there's nudes of him
What if you were laying sideways and I burrowed my face into your cleavage and just rested there?
yes it's an if statement you dunce
if poster = stupid call him retarded
him retarded
The one under your head would get sore/numb.
really? i figure its common these days for thin women to have big asses
>"just a little bit okay"
>quiet you whore lemme sleep
>love ya
I could be such a good boyfriend but for some reason I don't have a gf :(
Is it true that it's a bad idea to hang out with pretty that are hotter than you? Is it skill true if you're a 6/10 or 7/10?
You are the company that you keep
maybe because she's pushing her ass out so much but it looks like all her fat is pooling in her butt
does not make sense
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Good with animals
Good relationship with family
Educated and wanting to continue his education
Doesn’t like killing things
Has unattractive and attractive friends of both genders
> niche
Listens to metal
Long hair (well kept)
Not religious
My friends are a little ugly so I look more attractive by comparison. I do not know if it works in the inverse.
>pretty that
>Is it skill true
Women please answer, I dont know what to do when I match with a woman blatantly showing off ass or tits
The older I get the more I start thinking that everything for you has already been decided from birth in terms of outcomes and that no effort can really change.
I don't mean just genetics or appearance, I also mean economic status, country of origin, quality of parenthood, and luck in the early stages of development to avoid traumas and have good company in school. You can't really change any of these things, and they fundamentally change what your range of options are in life.

What brought this thought on was the question "can a person 'improve' themselves to be someone's ideal partner?' and the question I arrived to is no - the most you can do as a person is be physically active, but that doesn't necessarily translate to attractiveness - if you are someone's type or not has already been decided.

State gender, do you agree or disagree?
>Has unattractive and attractive friends of both genders
I had anything but I don't have a lot of friends damn
Not if he's showing kindness/friendliness towards his friends or anyone he interacts with. This includes a smile here and there
>have to be a narcissist for women to like you
If he’s kind to me only I want to get in his pants bonus points if he looks angry until he sees me
No, I'd always find a way to avoid it at all costs, no matter how much I trusted the friend.
>State gender, do you agree or disagree?
No. People are not incapable of change.
They can grow together, or they can grow apart. All of this is at random. Nothing is for certain except the choices that you make each day.
there's something in my ass...
tell us more
>Is kind and empathetic but isn't a pushover (e.g. will say 'yes' to something trivial when he wants to say no)
>Is assertive (see above) and knows what he wants
>A go-getter, has ambitions (don't have to be grandiose stuff, just long term plans)
>Follows through his plans/a man of his word
>Is comfortable showing emotions or at least talking about them
>A protector of his wife and family

Men how far-fetched is this?
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My crush (downstairs neighbor) is working desk right now but I feel like it'd be weird to ask a girl out while she's working at desk
The only way I can get men to like me is through personality to win over my bad looks. What do I do? How do I get them to stop writing me off?
Its only weird if she doesn't like you
Forgot to add:
>Is kind with animals

Tho, this ends up tying up with being empathetic
>430 cm

bros... I'm never gonna get the 172cm qt to even LOOK at me
Its shit, nigga
what the fuck is working desk
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Is this peak womanhood?
Suck dick real good
is that where i put my dick?
you know, i never understood vore before but i think i get it now
I think medium boobs are underrated
>if you live somewhere with windows and it's sunny outside you have no reason to turn on the light

Do you agree with this?
I would love to have a 159cm gf
Nope. My bedroom light is on all day until i have to sleep
State gender
Did anyone protect you when your mom was angry at you for any reason, justified or not?
Are you idiots intentionally trying to water down that term until it's meaningless?
>my height not even on the chart
No, I'd just shut up and stop my crying and handle my feelings on my own or talk them with my sibling.
Sometimes I would protect my mom from my dad
I don't know if the first line example is of the positive or negative case
Intelligent people no longer have plans beyond avoiding other people thanks to the current environment
Beyond that seems fine
Is my girlfriend being late all the time a sign of lack of respect for me? Or are some women just like this?
It’s usually like 15-30 minutes late

M, no, if Mom was mad about something it was ALWAYS justified and it's YOUR fault she's angry
Rull up your curtains
Stop pursuing attractive men
Of course not who would do that?
Women, who's the most fuckable guy in Attack on Titan?
Thats just how women are
Nope. I walked to the police department in the snow once after physically fighting her.
Should have just killed myself then too.
Yes, lack of respect/care/value, also >>31946527
Women if I killed a handsome man in self defense despite being ugly myself would you forgive me
Women can you be more active in /atoga/ please? thanks
>Not sure if the first line is positive or negative
How so?

>Intelligent people just wanna avoid other people, plans-wise
There are still good and intelligent people out there, you just have to find them. Not all will be intelligent sure, but many will still be kind.

>Beyond that it's fine
I'm glad. I feel like I don't see that many assertive men?
So it’s not something I should bring up? Or is it?
Too selfish would be refusing to ever give blowjobs for example. Hot selfish could be wanting lots of oral, and giving me lots of instructions on exactly how she wants it. Prioritizing the positions she likes, or modifying a technique to her preferences, like grinding instead of bouncing during cowgirl.
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>State gender

>say what kind of fantasy race you most resemble, personality wise or visually.
Visually, I've got that necromancer human vibe. Maybe revenant?

Personality? I gotta go with gnome.
Armin. Got the looks, kindness, brains AND determination. 10/10
>first line example
Are you giving an example of kind and empathetic or pushover? I can't tell because you said he would feel like saying no, but you also said it was trivial. It contra-indicates what you're trying to exemplify.
>There are still good and intelligent people out there
Yes. Our long-term goals are avoiding other people.
>I feel like I don't see that many assertive men?
Gee, do you have any idea why you might not see many assertive men around the last few decades especially?
Yeah? Just because he's handsome doesn't give him a free pass to be a bad person
Oh, damn. Where can I find 4'10" women?
One day I saw a guy that had to be like 5'4 or even 5'3 walk around with who I assumed was his girlfriend, this like 5'11 slightly chubby woman. Just thought it was interesting
Human Kerrigan, overmind Kerrigan, or queen of blades Kerrigan?
My grandma
Not a woman but I read the book so I could comment on it online without twits just claiming the book was better.

Essentially, he has to go to school because he looked too young to be an adult and the head vampire of the family was trying to stay settled and keep things in line with the locals.

And yeah, anyone 100 years old shouldn't be interested in a teenager. But his attraction was much more shallow than many pedos. His affection was described almost entirely as olfactory based, as I recall. She smelled uniquely and powerfully irresistible and it preoccupied him. That's literally it.

Bella was a hollow husk with no character traits beyond insecurity so as to be a perfect self-insert character for the reader. That's why she's so dull on screen.
The whole story
is it weird or not to date someone who's the same age as you but looks younger, or is smaller than you?
Xenos scum
That one is just needlessly specific.
I'm not allowed to have average friends only, ugly only? I have to search out an attractive man and make him my friend, just to hit this checklist? And then a woman (at which point I'd just try to date her instead)? What if all my friends are good looking? I go dumpster diving for uggos?
>Should have a variety of friends, ie be sociable
That makes sense
But asking for them to specifically be X is a level of pickyness that's just unreasonable, especially when X is, of all things, how good looking they are, one of the most worthless traits for actual friendship
Why does no one like me? i try my best to be friendly to everyone...
No, its comfy
You literally can't be friends with everyone.
Femanons, how often do you use curse words?
I don't like tall girls nor short girls I like men but not sex what does that make me
The sphinx is getting weird
>Men generally hate women and would not even associate with us if they didn't want to sleep with us.
Damn, that's pretty harsh. Guys are usually a lot closer to their moms than their dads. Gay guys usually have tons of straight women friends. Men are also subject to the "women are wonderful effect" en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect
I just put my penis in my sock (while I'm still wearing it). Women, do you ever do similar mindless fidgeting with your boobs or vagina?
>trying online dating
For me IRL dating worked out better.

Talk to girls online forever, all that happens is talk.

Meet girl IRL, fall in love, get engaged... simple as.

Shit, it's probably been 2 weeks since I last came around here. And that was just to announce the engagement.
Personality: Dwarf
Visually: Human
I was doing wifey shit and he still left me
Is it a red flag if he only has monogamous LTRs?
Did you post this hoping someone would call you the Queen Bitch of the Galaxy?
how many beers have you had today?
Hell hath no fury like a woman swarmed.
I sense a lot of hatred in you for one so small.
>For me, only 3, I think. For her, a lot. I didn't really keep count but it was a transcendental experience.
Only 3... :|
I have no fury I'm just going to kill myself
ladies, do you enjoy getting sniffed and licked all over your naked body during sex/cuddling/alone time with your man?
I need a misandrist gf so bad
Women can you fit the dick and the balls in your mouth?
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women why do you do this?
I don't but I do undersexualize myself and feel the same
God yes
I jut ran, stretched, showered, had a nap, watched tv, and cuddled my cat, ama.
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Just got an emergency alert some old guy is running around my area with weapons
Women why won't you introduce me to your hot femboy friend?
Just stay inside/shelter in place and you'll most likley be fine, anon.
I have no friends, well that's a lie, I have one friend but he has a family and can't really talk that much. Would any anons like to be my friend? I'm just going to assume that no women are going to respond to this so I'm not worried if your a guy, lol.
I don't think I can do that right now but good luck to you anyway.
That's okay, thanks for at least not ignoring me!
Probably, but this sort of thing happens a lot around here and is getting worse
I'm not even American
An illusion? Are you afraid to face me, Templar?
IMO, it's a bad idea to ask for friends when you have no connection to them and they have no connection to you. It's better to build a friendship organically by having a good solid conversation with a potential future friend about a mutual interest, then by telling them that you enjoyed talking with them, and then by asking if you can have their contact information so that you can talk with them again sometime. It hurts your feelings when they say "no", but it yields better results and better follow-through if they say "yes".
wut? how does bumble work? why cant men approach?
Have you ever been cheated on?
I think if my partner ever cheated on me I would murder her or kill myself, maybe even both
Bumble use to be the "feminist" dating app where women could only start the interaction after they matched with a man, only problem was, was that women who used bumble constantly complained that men would either never respond or ghost them and that they weren't using it because approaching men was too hard. So they eventually reversed it and allowed men to make the first move, around that time, Bumble also started to heavily lean into being the "feminist dating app" which caused a lot of men to just stop using it or leave the app.
Currently Bumble is no different than any of the other dating apps after removing the ability for women to make the first move and its doing significantly worse than tindr or other competitiors.
You swore you'd kill the Queen of Blades. You were the only one who ever believed in me. Do you still believe in me?
>removing the ability for women to make the first move
no they removed the inability for men to
women still have that ability on every dating app under the sun
removing the requirement of the women making the first move so now men can do so as well, but I know your just splitting hairs and being pedantic.
>She has to live or we're all doomed.
Women were required to make the first move for a man to even talk to her so it works either way.

M, women are funny, they just have to tell jokes a different way than men do
You know femanon it shows me how many times you played the voice memo.
Sure, but I'm asking on here just because how it is to just stop talking to someone if we don't have anything in common or something. Sure there's a lot less follow through and a lot less demand in maintaining the relationship as well.
Why do women only check me out when I'm depressed. Like I have to be a sadboi to get chicks? Hate women simple as
ESL or low IQ?
Neither, your just a really shit troll
Women are so unbearable that its better to be alone than in a relationship. When women try to cite "oh if your married you'll be happier and you live longer" they are forgetting that men aren't women, we don't care if we aren't living life optimally or if we live a long life, we just want a peaceful life.
Girls, have you seen this? What did you think?
Femanon, what do you like about your ideal man?
>Another day, another depressed retard trying to speak for all men
Guys incel hours are after 12am please follow the rules
Femcel hours are only on monday
He speaks for around 70% of single men in America according to recent Pew polling
>Pay $70 in cash for a $60 game that ends up being $64.19 with tax
>Get less than $4 back in change
>Clerk fumbles a couple more times and still doesn't give me my exact change
Am I the dick here?
Women don't take men's issues seriously because women don't see men as people.
>Another day, another American trying to speak for all of the world
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>Be 34 white M
>Sister is 17 asian F
>For some reason has never brought up or asked why she is the only asian in a white family
>I talk to my parents as well as my blood-related brother and sister about it
>Everyone seems to agree that she already knows but just didn't bring it up because she is a teenager
>Her Bday comes and goes
>3 days after her Bday we have a "family meeting" to sit down and tell her
>Her reaction: https://youtu.be/5gJdA9W1HMw?t=39
I don't really know what she was thinking...
What happens in America eventually trickles down to the rest of the west, so this is just copium.
Same anon here, so just funny story (not so funny for me) yesterday I meet this cute girl, and that was before the one I mentioned dm me so I was kinda over her at this moment, today I was asking a friend if she knew her and she's the ex of that one girl I'm suffering for what's the odds :-(
I think you can change economic status through educational and athletic scholarships or any kind of educational work(dedicating a bunch of time to learning to code outside of school for example) that allows you to gain skills that let you get a good job, to eventually buy property.
I think It's easier to do this when you are middle class and get to upper class. When you are in poverty, obviously, its a different story and very difficult to move up to middle class or upper class. Kids in poverty do not have the same rich learning experiences that kids in the upper classes get to have.
she puts up a facade so taht the world won't see how vulnerable she is
I put up a facade so that the world won't see how vulnerable I'm not
She probably knew but the confirmation of it and talking about it was probably shocked her more than she thought. If she was apart of your family and you guys never brought up race, she probably always felt like she belonged despite being a different race but now that difference is being brought up and it shattering her whole identity as being part of the family.
Thank you, Jim... for everything.
tfw gentlemen in the streets but a bad boy in the sheets >:)
Big sister girlfriend who plays pokemon go with me and listens to me ramble on about stuff while pretending to be interested in what I'm saying when?
State gender.
Do you speak any languages other than English?
Mommy gf that is younger than me when?
M Portuguese br
I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo I hate Duolingo
*slaps you*
Are you my mommy gf that is younger than me?
I put up a facade so the world does not see how slutty I am. We are not the same.
Barely Spanish, Toki Pona, Latin (both classical and ecclesiactic)
This kills the femoid.
Women, why is your sexuality so complicated compared to men?
>men: fuck hole and nut
>women: depends on mood, structure, attatchment, cycle, expectations, and more
if I look at a woman in the eye, and start to get an erection, and she looks away first, that means she got wet right?

Latin is so fucking cool.
This dumb youtube link has me listening to ESL loli e-girls play shitty games
Short Answer: Nature is gate keeping
Long Answer: Women who probably had sexuality like men died out because they couldn't take care of their kids and died off.
Kobo is 20, she just sounds young, also what shitty games did you watch? I get one of them was minecraft.
I look like this but im 6'3 and not 7'0
Mega cope
Women are still loving sex and being sexual

Just not with undesirable men
She thought it didn't really matter. That she was family. Nope - just an outsider after all. :)
somewthing that looked like overwatch and minecraft
I cannot believe I was crying so hard I threw up this morning and now I'm fine and just regular suicidal
Have you ever felt yourself going down the wrong path? An evil path? How do you get out of it?
Literally see this chick at gym semi often and shes showing off her ass in front of me
Pretty sure shes coming with her bf or so

What the fuck is her problem
Starting to regret bringing me back?
Men are complicated too, but they talk about it less
Norwegian and Italian
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Why do most, if not all the women outside my mother and family that are and were of interest seem to be more than emotionally supportive, independent, and mature? Specifically the older ones? What is God trying to tell me?
State gender
Have you ever handled a gun before what was it like?
Men don't care also most of the men liking vtubers wouldn't have a chance with 90% of women anyway, this is just kicking the incel why he is down then being shocked when the incel shoots up a school.
I hate women so much
Like riding a bike.
Are you giving in to your emotions? I'm not religious, but a part of me has faith in all that is good. In the midst of confusion, as long as I do good, that's all that matters.

But yeah, you'll have to elaborate on your situation.
How is this a cope? Where in this do I say women don't love having sex?
>Just not with undesirable men
Eat shit
Kobo is Filipina and the funniest thing is that she went bankrupt going to a Host Cafe filled with Japanese men or something a while back.
Femanons, I think I'm leading on a girl.
I've told her I don't want to be in a relationship and she'll say something like yeah that sucks but what if you did?
I'm not ugly but it always gets me hard when a hot woman lets a fat, ugly loser bang her. Then again, I purposefully only bang ugly, obese women myself, so I can't talk.
Shut it down
>Then again, I purposefully only bang ugly, obese women myself, so I can't talk.
Doing God's work ;~;7
girl on girl rape?
:(, you're right that I should, but it's very weird to do this, it's just that we are incompatible in essential ways.
Not even sure how to end it.
No woman feels like this after oversexualizing herself.
Just date her and take turns pegging each other, fix'd
But I'm a guy that has a dick.
People talk how men are intimidating women

Nobody talks about barely of age girls being flirty towards 30yo men just for attention
If an undesirable man is having sex its rape (no consent) or sex work (consent)
>Nobody talks about barely of age girls being flirty towards 30yo men just for attention
People are 100% aware of TikTok
How many times has that happened to you, anon?
I guess, but I don't think any of us expected such an emotional reaction :(
>She thought it didn't really matter. That she was family
It doesn't matter, she is still my sister but she needed to know just on the off chance that she for some reason didn't know.
>Nope - just an outsider after all. :)
Sad but I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks that, over the weekend I guess I'll try to take her out for ice cream and see if she wants to do anything.
Because evolution has made plenty of worthless 30-something males, they're prime for extracting labor.
Just wear a cock sleeve then :^)
>she needed to know just on the off chance that she for some reason didn't know.
If any of you said that to her, then it's even worse. She probably thinks you all think she's retarded, just some stupid ethnic that needs to be told these things.
None of us said that, but that was the rationale because she never brought it up
>just some stupid ethnic that needs to be told these things.
Shut the fuck you stupid fucking faggot, my sister's great and she is probably smarter than you.
>Shut the fuck you stupid fucking faggot, my sister's great and she is probably smarter than you.
Lol that was YOUR logic. You somehow thought a grown woman didn't notice she was a different race from her entire family.
I feel sorry for her. Her family is all fucking stupid and racist.
>Lol that was YOUR logic.
I see you're disassociating and getting confused on who said what.
> You somehow thought a grown woman didn't notice she was a different race from her entire family.
You can't read either because that was never said.
>Her family is all fucking stupid and racist.
I can hear the jealousy reverberate through the internet.
>adopting people outside your race is bad
what a retarded take
I'm not confused at all lol
>sister is obviously adopted
>the only asian in a family of whites
>she's just had a birthday
>think she's somehow never noticed
>gather around as a family to tell her how she isn't really family, as if she didn't notice
>"wtf why would she be upset??"
You might as well have called her a stupid chink bitch to her face. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Nah not at all - being a fucking racist with a white savior complex is what's bad.
>>think she's somehow never noticed
You can't read because if you did, you would have read the part where that was brought up by the family before telling her, retard-chan. We had to bring it up because she never brought it up, sure its redundant but at least the elephant in the room was talked about.
>You might as well have called her a stupid chink bitch to her face.
I know you would do that, you seem weirdly obsessed with it.
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nothing, you on the other hand...
>being a fucking racist with a white savior complex is what's bad.
So being you is bad? Got it.
>where that was brought up by the family before telling her
I believe I already called the whole family stupid and racist?
>We had to bring it up because she never brought it up
She didn't think it was worth bringing up. She thought it didn't matter. That she was family. You proved that wrong and insulted her intelligence too.
If she were white but still adopted and never brought it up, would you guys have still done it?
>I believe I already called the whole family stupid and racist?
Calling my family something that you are isn't really that much of a comeback.
>She didn't think it was worth bringing up.
In day-to-day, it wasn't, which is why it was brought up.
>She thought it didn't matter
It doesn't.
>That she was family.
She is
>You proved that wrong and insulted her intelligence too
Perhaps, won't know till the weekend, but she isn't stupid and she knows that.
Yes, its the right of the adopted kid to know just in case they want to find their real parents later down the line.
>its the right of the adopted kid to know just in case they want to find their real parents later down the line.
I know someone who found out they were adopted after their adoptive parents died and their real parents died and it kinda fucked them up mentally.
>It doesn't.
Yet you as a family decided to gather around and point it out.
>She is
She was, until you all went out of your way to point out she isn't.
>she isn't stupid and she knows that.
She knows her family thinks she is.

You fucked up. That's all there is to it. Text her now and show that you care about her.
>Yet you as a family decided to gather around and point it out.
She had to know either way regardless of if she knew or not
>She was, until you all went out of your way to point out she isn't.
She still is but this now opens the door to her real parents, or at least her real mother if she wants to contact her.
>She knows her family thinks she is.
She knows we love her, or at least hopefully she still thinks that.
>real parents
*birth parents
That's rough, being adopted in general seems rough, but its better than still being an orphan or alone
biological, real, birth - you know what I meant.
>arguing over a gay larp
yep, its retard hours
It goes to show your thought process, that you think the parents she's had for almost her whole life aren't her real parents.

God I hope it's a larp. Shit's really tragic.
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>sleep with chick I've been dating for the first time last weekend
>''that's my boy'' at one point
>could not help but chuckle and lose focus completely
what's the most un sexy thing someone has ever said to you during the act?
>that you think the parents she's had for almost her whole life aren't her real parents.
They are her parents, just not her biological parents
>>arguing over a gay larp
I wish
I was going to finger her and she shouted out, "Wrong hole!!"
I do
You can't kill me
She started commenting about some household chores, appointments, and various tasks that we hadn't been taking care of.
When I reacted negatively to it, she genuinely believed that it was because I thought she was blaming me for the mundane tasks not getting done.

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