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I am considering a sex doll.

What's a good option that's small, easy to hide/conceal, not too expensive and somewhat realistic?

I was considering inflatable sex dolls but they look like shit compared to silicone ones. But silicone ones are harder to hide since you can't just deflate it.
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Before some faggot judges me.
I am extremely sex deprived with a high libido.
At the same time, I can't afford to waste my time with dating right now. I have to focus on my life, career, and education. There is too much growth I need to do to waste my time on women right now. As Chief Keef said :
>You need to stop chasing that lil hoe, lil nigga
>And chase you a bankroll, lil nigga
Women are a distraction and getting sex for me requires too much time and energy invested, that I could have put into bettering myself instead, making some money moves or studying.

I'm still horny though and masturbation isn't really enough. Plus I feel like masturbation makes you bad at actual sex because you get too used to your own hand, and not doing much movements(which is not what sex is like). It's just not as fun. You also forget about foreplay and how fun it is to suck on a woman titties or tease her.

I want to buy a sex doll to be able to have more realistic sex without the hassle of having to deal with dating. That way I can satiate my sexual needs without wasting my time on dating apps or whatever.

>inb4 you are pathetic
Do you watch porn?
Yes? Then you can't judge me
Porn is actually worse than fucking a sex doll.
When you watch porn, you are watching another man have sex with a female you desire. You are literally sitting like a cuck trying to self-insert as the male porn actor. THIS is pathetic.
Not only that but it's proven porn has A LOT of damaging effects.

The fact that men are criticized for owning sex dolls but not for watching porn is retarded and hypocritical. Owning a sex doll is a much healthier masturbation choice than porn for men who have high libido but can't get sex or don't have the time or energy to invest in dealing with women.

Women own all kinds of sex toys that do things real men can't even do like vibrating or gyrating but no one judges them for that.
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How hard can it be to stuff it in a closet somewhere? Do your guests just randomly open them up to inspect them? What's even the problem to begin with?
>inb4 noo this nigga has sex toys
Do you have any idea how much of the daily volume of postal packages are sex toys? Everyone has to have atleast four.
>How hard can it be to stuff it in a closet somewhere?
My mother is very controlling, very curious, and very much suffers from OCD. Every time she visits my apartment, she inspects it to "help me" and starts berating me for arrangements that "frustrate her" like cups not all being turned at the same 90 degree angle or some shit.. If she visits one day and in her "helping" while cleaning or forcing me to rearrange things, she finds my sex doll, our relationship will be completely broken and she will hate me. My mom doesn't even want me to have sex before marriage. She tells me to wait until I am 30 with a career to find a wife to marry(seriously). To her, a sex doll is an extreme degeneracy. She usually visits every Summer but sometimes she just pops up randomly. I live alone but sometimes my family, especially my mom, visits. I don't want them to see the doll.
lmao. are you asian? it's your own place man. have some backbone
You don't need to convince me, you shouldn't even care what a faggot like me thinks about you having a sextoy. What counts is whatever advice I can give you on buying a sexdoll or what kind of difficulties getting one may entail (over here the customs is really aggressive)
Bad news: the small ones are even more likely to get you in trouble.
Leave her jump scares. Jack in the box style.
No I am mixed race, my mother is Nigerian.
But education-oriented religious Africans in America are basically Asians who can dance, are louder and eat Jollof rice. We essentially have the same stereotypes while being "blacker".
I cannot count the amount of times I mentioned some of my experiences with my mother on this site and people suspected me of being Asian.
She is indeed very similar to a draconian Asian tiger mom just with more slapping.

>it's your own place man. have some backbone
Indeed, but at the same time I cannot destroy my relationship with my mother. Although I don't like everything about her she is someone I should be extremely grateful for that has provided me with a lot of resources. But when I stop her from being so controlling and nosy she either gets very angry or starts crying. It always leads to conflict. I have found that the best option is just to maintain some distance. But sometimes she shortens the distance like when she comes and I have to sacrifice a bit of my privacy and autonomy for a bit just to avoid conflict or some manipulative bullshit.

I don't think most people can ever understand how I grew up. I was basically a doll for most of my life.
NTA, but it’s tough when your mom is a bit mental but genuinely means well. If she was just mean spirited and controlling it’d be much easier.
i just bought a sex for like 4 days ago it arrived today
Good point. Perhaps that was a useless disclaimer
I can imagine.
Perhaps because with a torso, it's obvious that it's for sex?
While a full sized one you can pretend it's decoration or a mannequin or something if you put clothes on it?
Or is there another reason you are saying this?
Enlighten me please
Exactly. I can't really hate on her because that'd be ungrateful and she means well. She is not a bad person, and she obviously want to best for me. But it's still annoying. She also clearly suffers from a few mental issues one that grew up in a shithole like Nigeria during civil wars and shit often develops, which shaped her behavior. It's not her fault but when I get abused as a result of some of these beliefs or mental health issues it still hurts me and my psyche for the rest of my life. In a first world country all of this can be addressed with therapy but cluster B African parents don't believe in therapy or psychology, they believe in evil spirits and shit. I still remember when she was waving a knife at me while studying multiplication tables as a kid and berating me for making errors or being too slow, and to this day it made me adverse to asking for help. I still remember when she ruthlessly insulted me for a small error I had done and called me a worthless demon that possessed her son, I was crying saying mom I'm sorry and shed be like "don't call me mom, demon!". Like damn. I look back at this now and just think it's retarded but as a child it hurt me deeply and made me want to kill myself, which evolved into a lingering issue of low self esteem. And then there is the whole controlling behavior that made me feel like A FUCKING DOLL. It's very hard to accept she means well, that we both love each other, while still having to deal with all that bullshit. So I just try to create distance and slowly but surely show her that she has to let go, I am my own man.
I wouldn't recommend a sex doll to someone that has never bought a sex toy before. It's really only a sex toy nominally since the amount of work that goes into cleaning and maintaining one is far superior to the amount of time that you'd spend fucking it. Most people who own dolls, outside of impulse buyers, don't own them just because they're sex toys. They're significantly more expensive, heavy to the point where some men can't use them, require a lot of effort to clean, require maintenance if you actually want their skin to remain soft, require proper storage to avoid sagging or damage, if you're displaying them you also have to take into consideration dust and the materials they come into contact with and overall they require a much higher degree of care unless you love pissing away money or ruining your expensive toys. Owning sex dolls is a hobby in of itself unless you just cram them back into a box and use it like once a month.
So as far as actual sex toys go your best options are either an onahole or a hip. Go with an onahole if you're starting out and you don't want to waste money (you would want something smaller either way so it's not a waste if you do decide that you want something larger down the line) or go with a hip if you want to fuck something that isn't much more expensive than a higher-end onahole. Given your particular circumstances an onahole is probably the safer choice but a hip is far more enjoyable since you can fuck it hands free so that's my personal recommendation. Either way check dimensions and see what kind of storage you can feasibly manage.
As for customs they shouldn't give a shit about sex toys, the real issue that some countries might have is with lolishit. Smaller dolls shouldn't be an issue as long as their proportions aren't child like.
If you want to look more into this on your own or have country related questions you can just go to >>>/jp/onah
I don’t have any specific recommmendations other than checking /jp/‘s /ona/ thread but just don’t get a western one. Westoids cannot into good sex toy design, you can’t not feel like you’re fucking rubber whereas with some of the Japanese ones you can close your eyes and experience heaven. Cleanup is the worst part of owning them and that’s probably 10x worse with a full blown doll.
For 1700 you can fuck half a dozen decent looking prostitutes and it will be a much better experience.
and get what clamidya?
not OP but how does that feel?
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This post made me realize that all OP has to do is
>buy full-size sex doll with human proportions
>make a full-scale dirorama of the Nativity in his apartment
>disguise sex doll as part of it
>can tell his mom "I have no idea why the artist accidentally sent Rei Ayanami"
I am an escortcel (legal of course Mr fed-kun lurking the board) and while there isn’t a substitute for the overall experience, it’s also kind of a hassle and if you get really into it it’s a lot more than 1700. Raw pleasure is actually better with a good quality onahole due to condoms, unless you want pay out the ass or be very stupid.
This looks like dogshit.
Excellent post.
Put this in the nativity scene as well
Stuff like this really gets annoying after a while because of the cleaning

it's so inconvenient compared to just jerking off normally
>or go with a hip if you want to fuck something that isn't much more expensive than a higher-end onahole
What about torsos? I like the idea of having boobs as well to play with as well.

Like those :
28 cm height :
30 cm height :

This one is only about 19 cm

These are the smallest I could find :

I guess a setup I'd like is a small torso with boobs and vagina + oral sex onahole.
Or you think getting separate hip, blow job onahole and boobs would be better?
>post-nut clarity combined with the same feeling as cleaning your drains

It sounds like for OP's purposes, a fuller-size sex doll is impractical for his purposes. Prostitutes, even if paid, are also not a great solution because they're illegal, will cost even more money, and there's way more risk involved. It sounds like your best compromise is disposable pocket pussies.

Trust me, you don't want masturbation to become a chore that involves washing out something with soap etc. and no, sex dolls are not like real sex in any way. Real people react to your move; even starfishes are less dead than real sex dolls. It's a step up from your hand/onaholes but it's a lot more money and hassle for a very tiny step.
Noted. Thank you.
That looks decent. I like the bouncing motion in the gif on the site.
Prostitutes cost money per hour fucked and are also more of a time investment compared to dolls. Especially escorts that actually look good.
even I would never do that. That'd be extreme blasphemy.
I get it
I guess I don't want a full sized doll then
Just an onahole or at least a small torso/hip.
Or a combination of Japanese onaholes for pussy, boobs, ass and mouth.
I think they're pretty nice. The cleanup never bothered me that much, but the novelty wears off after a while and I would just use my hand more often than not. Disposables didn't feel that much worse in quality than the reusable pocket tengas. I'd recommend warming lube, because regular lube you're just aware you're fucking cold rubber nothing.
>Or is there another reason you are saying this?
>Enlighten me please
NTA but obviously the smaller ones that are full body will make you look like a pedo.
MRL also has "action figure" onaholes which are basically onaholes in an action figure with the vaginal canal running all throughout the action figure.

None of the toys that you posted are actually torsos since they're a tad smaller and lighter than something that would have realistic proportions. You'd want something that is around 8Kg if you wanted realistic proportions. I guess you could call those mini-torsos but they're actually about the weight and size of a hip. There's even a picture where a guy is holding one of those in one hand.
The only downside to a torso is that the packaging is significantly bigger compared to the other two alternatives (and I mean several times bigger) and it does require twice the maintenance in so far as powdering goes (not a big deal if you don't care about the softness). They tend to clock in at around 10Kg so they're heftier than hips but with the right carrying technique they're not that much of a bother.
They do give a lot more immersion than a hip gives but they also tend to be around twice as expensive as a hip and they're not exactly beginner friendly when it comes to cleaning.
As for other toys they're mostly novelty stuff. A blowjob toy is not an everyday toy and boob toys don't give the same kind of stimulation. You clearly want to experience everything but you should start off with something manageable because chances are that you'll get tired of cleaning these and you'll stop using them. But to answer your question individual toys do tend to be better than what you'd have in a doll but I don't recommend that you buy yourself 3 different toys right off the bat nor that you base your purchasing decisions on impulses.
Just start with an onahole or a hip and then go from there. My torso weighs 10Kg and is 50x26x17cm.
Alright, thank you anon
>Or is there another reason you are saying this?

There are lots of cute and funny reasons
>I still remember when she was waving a knife at me while studying multiplication tables as a kid and berating me for making errors or being too slow, and to this day it made me adverse to asking for help. I still remember when she ruthlessly insulted me for a small error I had done and called me a worthless demon that possessed her son, I was crying saying mom I'm sorry and shed be like "don't call me mom, demon!".

As an Asian, maybe we aren’t so different after all.
>Smaller dolls shouldn't be an issue as long as their proportions aren't child like.

The problem is that the most insane people worm their ways into positions of “power” and will fuck you over over their own delusions.
How about the motorized ones?
nta but what's a hip you would recommend?
I don't have any recommendations for hips. I would avoid anything that hasn't got a lot of reviews and a good score just to be sure. Also check multiple websites depending on your location since you might get better deals in other places (reminder that customs are a thing and you'll be charged for imports).
you probably don't want to stick your dick in a random mixture of plastics and chemicals from china..
>My mother is very controlling, very curious, and very much suffers from OCD. Every time she visits my apartment, she inspects it to "help me" and starts berating me for arrangements that "frustrate her" like cups not all being turned at the same 90 degree angle or some shit.. If she visits one day and in her "helping" while cleaning or forcing me to rearrange things,
>My mom doesn't even want me to have sex before marriage. She tells me to wait until I am 30 with a career to find a wife to marry(seriously).
The level of damage this kind of mother causes is impossible to overstate. Add 0 Siblings at no extra charge to unlock Nightmare Mode.
As horny as you are, I can tell you from experience, sex dolls aren't worth it, yeah I suppose you can find some pleasure in mating pressing one but that's that fun after a few uses, not to mention the clean up, just get a fleshlite and onahole anon
It gets worse if you have an elder sibling who inherited the same traits
Thanks will keep that in mind.
I see
I’ll get a hip then.
Then a torso in the future probably.
Then other shit.
We really aren’t.
I actually tend to get along East and South Asians well for these reasons. Other than people who are also from similar African households.
I am an only child.
If at least I had siblings that controlling behavior could have been diminished, since she’d have to share her attention.
Yeah I think I’ll just get a hip. Then a torso if I feel I want to try something with tits. And perhaps from there I’ll get more toys lol.
Suction devices interest me too.
A full sex doll is inconvenient. You have to do a lot of cleaning.
1700 USD for this is crazy
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Go get an onahole, get one from toydemon, and have fun with that. Solid investment I made and use when able too. Honestly makes me jerk off less because of having to clean it. Also for all the shit you listed.

>small, easy to hide, not too expensive and realistic
All fit an onahole rather then a sex doll. If you really enjoy it then think about upgrading to a bigger one of a chicks bottom half. More effort to clean and maintain. Then if that tickles your fancy move up further. I have heard good things from up until you get to the big full sized sex dolls. Then it becomes a pain.

The picrel one is creepy af. Looks like they're trying to replicate a child and that's sick. Are you into that kind of thing OP?

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