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My boss put me on a 60 day suspension for being late countless times and he said that if I'm late one more time throughout those 60 days, I'll get fired. Problem is I actually like this job, and want to keep it, it pays relatively well and the work is super easy and not tiring at all. What do? Anyone ever been in this position?
Why are you late so often, OP?
Because I'm always obsessed with the idea of making it just barely on time, say I have to be in by 11:00 A M., I'll order my Uber at 10:50, because I want to get there at exactly 11:00, obviously it never works out.
I'm late all the time too man. Feelsbad
I let the few workers I supervise do whatever they want. I'm their friend. Just to make life a little less shit for bottom-tier wagies and a little more shit for rich assholes
Youre doing gods work
>Problem is I actually like this job, and want to keep it, it pays relatively well and the work is super easy and not tiring at all. What do?
Get to work sooner and keep the job.
Think of it this way: you're not actually going to work earlier, you're just agreeing to work 10 minutes longer per day to keep a well-paying, comfy job.
Easy solution: Don't be late.
Would it help to set all the clocks in your house half an hour fast?
Stop being a nigger.
why do you get an uber for a (less than) 10 min car drive? Cant you just walk or use a bicycle?
Ok so its intentional?
So just fucking stop doing it.
What else advice do you want?
Get there for 10:30, asshole.
Your job’s on the line. Stop fucking around.
>60 days
Might be trying to set it up so he doesn’t need to hold your position and pay unemployment after you abandon your position. Why don’t you point out that you simply cannot be relied upon to show up on time but you like your job. That is really important to an employer. They want “reliability” and assume that if you cannot be reliable for one detail, you are not reliable. But that’s not really the case and you should point it out. You should not just fuck off for two months. You should start trying to work things out by the end of next week. An employer will be very interested to know, flat out, what you can and cannot be reliable for and that you have no interest in leaving would be very reassuring, unless you are hundred percent being pushed out. Remember that you need to be worth more than the guy that they can get to do it cheaper. It is all about the money but reassuring boss about the future makes it feel like a wise investment.
have you thought about being diagnosed for your autism and getting welfare instead?
OP is losing 2 hours of pay for 20 minutes in an Uber....
Well fucking stop that, what the fuck.
>Ubers to work instead of having a car 2x a day
>makes it a point to arrive at work exactly on time instead of a little early

You don't deserve to work whatever job this is OP
>What do?
Show up on time?
>Because I'm always obsessed with the idea of making it just barely on time
So you're just retarded
Because I'm too lazy to get up early to catch the bus
No, it's not intentional, I genuinely try to get there on time but I always get these retarded ideas in my head that I can arrive right on time, it's maddening. I've been early the past few days since I get there 30 minutes early and just wait until my shift starts, in hindsight I should have done that since the beginning.
So you think it'll help if I just apologize for my behavior and reassure him I enjoy working there? I've caused a bit of drama since I started because there was an assistant manager being a bitch and I couldn't stand it, nobody likes her, once I stood up to her she calmed down after that and hasn't caused a scene since.
I have ADHD and BPD (borderline)
I know it sounds stupid because it is, lesson learned.

You deserve to be unemployed
>retarded ideas in my head that I can arrive right on time

People have been parroting the "early is the new on time" shit for decades at this point. You've no excuse.
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Insanely based. Godspeed anon.
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Boomers aren't people
Did your boss ever say anything to you beforehand about this? If not that’s kinda fucked up
Yeah he did he constantly told me to be on time but lately he's been cracking down because the president of the company came by and said he didn't like how things were being done, not just with me, so now he's being a dick head.

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