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I'm white and this indian girl was showing interest in me. Would I be betraying my race if I fucked her?
Yeah but it's alright, go make your own people and live well and prosper.
If not a larp. Mate who fucking cares about the opinion and validation of socially inept retards on 4Chan. If you like her pursue it.
I was outside a book store in a shopping centre and an indian girl smiled at me and said hi so I think she was interested but I might be betraying my already nearly extinct race
yea it would be. its really for you to decide how important racial integrity is with respect to your sex life. obviously its been a contentious issue ever since man has been.
Oh man she said hi to you at a book store?! That's pretty much the same as a 3 year old committed relationship.
Why did she say hi to me? I'm some random person and I wasn't even paying attention to her. I've heard that indian girls target white guys.
I wouldn't read into it. Are you a regular visitor at the book store? Maybe she was just being kind man.
dont listen to this virgin cuck >>31952706
she was into you on some level. women dont do this kinda shit just to be kind
Yes she's a fucking pajeet
It only really matters if you're European and have more or less pure decent. If you're American "white" you're probably already a mutt
You enjoy being sodomized by big black men.
indian girls are the most attractive race on earth. this is not time to be racist
I didn't say that but it also makes sense and should be considered
I'm an Indian guy and you should go for it. My ex gf was a cute Italian girl and my parents forced me to break up with her, so I ended up in a miserable marriage with my current wife. Just do what makes you happy, bro
Please don't waste this kind of an opportunity based on some stupid ideas you got from 4chan, if you like a girl, go for it, it doesn't matter what race she is.
I'm sure this is a larp. Literally no one who has a cute girl who's into them care about what losers on 4chan think.
It's hard to get the thought out of my head. I've read a lot on 4chan and other sites about how dating outside your race is bad and I'm worried about the social problems this might cause although i'm 100% sure my parents would be accepting of this because my mother is left wing and follows anti racism groups/pages on facebook and is pro gay marriage/transgender rights so I think she would be supportive but it's hard to shake the feeling that being with this girl would be wrong. I also don't know how her family would react to her being with a white guy. This is all just speculation because we aren't even together and I don't know if we will be
Beggars can't be choosers, Anon.
This assumes she actually has interest in you. Have you ever had a romantic partner before?
I also shouldn't be thinking this far ahead
No i haven't although I did have a girl blatantly say she was into me. I'm just assuming she's interested in me because women usually don't say hi to random guys out of the blue.
Nothing wrong with stabbing her just don't have kids
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>I've read a lot on 4chan and other sites about how dating outside your race is bad
Dude who the fuck cares. It’s your life. Like other anons are saying just stop listening to Internet people and letting them decide what you should do/think. It’s that simple lel.
> I was outside a book store in a shopping centre and an indian girl smiled at me and said hi
Did you guys even exchange information? If not I have literally no clue why you’re so worried about this.
I'm just imagining the autistic discussion between OP and the girl if thid goes forward.

>"Cough couch. Hello m'lady. I wanted to let you know that after consulting with the chans. I am alright with plowing your pussy even though you are of a lesser race than me of course."
>>"What do you mean no? Why do you look so weirded out?! You should be begging for my BWC!!!!"

OP. Don't be a terminally online fag who cares about this sort of shit.
Where did I say she was of a lesser race?
Dude, if you've never fucked an Indian girl, you haven't lived. Do it.
What's so good about it?
>I've read a lot on 4chan and other sites about how dating outside your race is bad
>I'm worried about the social problems
>I also don't know how her family would react to her being with a white guy
I'm honestly convinced a lot of you dorks would be a lot better, both mentally and in life, if 4chan and the internet didn't exist.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about who you date irl except for a bunch of weirdos you will never meet in your life
>What's so good about it?
No other country could have produced the Karma Sutra. Sex is quite literally a religion in India. It's in their genes.
She said hi to you at a bookstore... I doubt anythings gonna come of it. Even if she finds you physically attractive.
I don't know much about indian culture but there might be a chance I could get killed. In some cultures like muslim cultures the father and brothers kill non muslims if they start dating their sister/daughter
If she's muslim, stay the fuck away. Not worth the hassle. I ended up getting death threats and had to move.
t. Indian Hindu who dated a Muslim
If she's hindu or any non muslim religion, the parents may be okay, with a bit of convincing.
She's not muslim, she's indian. I just mention muslims because some cultures do not allow inrerracial dating and i used muslims as an example
I think you sincerely need to go out and touch grass. Touch grass and even fucking pull the roots out. Just stay there until you are cured of internet brainrot.
Her parents may be apprehensive of you. If they're conservative they may not allow it. But you won't be in danger of your life or anything like that. Also, Indian muslims exist. You can't tell by looks. Ask for her name, if its muslim don;t pursue.
Yup. Is this Nigga fr
Your race would stab you innumerable times given the right situation. Care more about your class or at least yourself as an individual if anything
why would you stick ur dick in curry and shit is the real question
She wasn't wearing a hijab or anything though
Their whole body is soaked through with curry. You haven't lived till you've had curry burns on your dick.

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