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Also Autism Edition

Previous >>31949516
i'm sorry, i'm sure you're all great people
Second for I hate women
>Me when femanons make fun of me
State gender
What fragrances/scents do you wear?
What fragrances/scents do you like on the opposite sex?
Hey tsundere
More than anything, I want to use a woman's chest as a pillow.
None, I wear scentless deodorant
Lavander, lilac, peony, cherry blossoms, honey and milk
None except aftershave with menthol
I don't really notice womens fragrance at all sadly. I'll be right beside her and smell nothing. Maybe women in my locale do not use perfume
Post gender
Have you ever masturbated to a scene in a movie or show?
F. Vanilla, jasmine, patchouli.
I like guys just smelling like neutral soaps so that their man smell gets through.
State age
What's your favorite thing about women?
Hi girlies!
May I please lick your necks?
Yes, a lot. Like, A LOT.
We have a specific smell?
F, yes duh. Who hasn't?
Yes. It's like sweat but good in a unique way.
They are nice to look at sometimes and I don't mean in the "SHE HAS YOGA PANTS AWOOOOOOGGGAAAAAA" kind of way, but in a pretty girl in a nice dress "Wow, she is really beautiful" kind of way.
Seeing women like that is like stumbling upon glade of untouched flowers in the wild.
Well, which ones?
>Well, which ones?
I don't remember hence the
Get a girlfriend. Most girls would love it if you did that. If I was your girlfriend, I'd want you resting on my heart.

I keep it simple with a little citrus. And guys who wear plain deodorant and soap, let their masculine musk come out best, and that's always intoxicating.
Physically: their faces, voices, hair and legs
There is also something else but I don't know how to describe it. Could just be the natural bond between man and woman idk

No, or at least I don’t think so. The sex drives of some of the people on this website is genuinely baffling to me.
>Get a girlfriend.
It'll be a while until I'm in a place to date
oh well
>What fragrances/scents do you wear?
Fresia, Velvet Sugar, or Thousand wishes
>What fragrances/scents do you like on the opposite sex?
Ocean (by B&BW obvi), or Dragons Blood, Or Patchouli
(If you're a non church attending anon and you smell like Frankincense and Myrrh, bonus points)
I've had my hand in my pants at least one time during every moment of tPotO, just going by how many times I've watched and idly schlicked to it.
Yeah. I thought Sarah Hyland in Geek Charming was the hottest thing in the world for a long time when I was a teen. I didn't like her in modern family or anything after, it was specifically when she was playing Dylan in Geek Charming. It's one of my favorite Disney movies, next to sky high.
I've seen women that are so gorgeous that it blows me away that we are the same species, its like looking at an elf. Absolutely awestrucking you. Its like encountering an angel or a higher being. I have a handful of those moments and I think about them now and then when I'm sad. In an ugly world there is still beauty.
Boobs, Butts, and Blowjobs.
Should I watch Moonraker or Octopussy?
it's cute when they try to be tough. like kittens pretending to be roaring like lions. they're just really nice to look at. I could look at my girls all day but I prefer to do other stuff
F, body shop strawberry perfume and vera wang rock princess (like a peachy jasmine scent i think)
as for what i like men to wear im not to sure but please not rexona or lynx (axe) type stuff, it is super repulsive
i dont think so
If you were my boyfriend, I would. You can have the dream though.

You could just imagine it.
Both, but start with Octopussy.
a girl who has a boyfriend asked me to go out on a date with her and her friend, who i also know and am friends with so i guess you could say we are all mutual friends, but the other girl doesnt have a boyfriend. it will just be the three of us going to a trendy bar near the beach for food and drinks. am i being set up to ask her out on a date? im too autistic to have female friends.
>Young Anons: Sex
>Boomer Anon: Aesthetics
I think I understand why younger girls date older men.
There was one, but I think I've forgotten.
Might have been titanic. Definitely was Atlantis.
Both equally shallow
Sounds like it. Go have fun, and don't hit on the taken girl. Get to know this other girl, group dating is a great way to have fun. One thing you could do to make it less awkward, is maybe invite a friend too. Group dates are a great way to get to know people without it getting awkward on first dates. Lots of people try way too hard on the first date, when it should be about just hanging out with friends and seeing where it goes.
>What do you wear
I like wearing coffee focused scents, generally things that are warm or gourmand in profile. Lush used to have this really nice coffee perfume I loved.
>What do you like on the opposite sex
Again, any gourmand type scent. I really really like when women smell like coconut.
When I was 16 the spa scene from Highschool of the Dead
Physically, Armpits
Abstract, I like how sometimes they feel like a good warm hug when we talk.
Yes your friend is likely playing matchmaker for you two
Women give my life purpose. My most primal and essential reason for existing is so that I might serve women and make their lives easier and more pleasant. My strength and my motivation to improve my own life come from my desire to find the right woman and then bring her joy and contentment.
I want you to know that it'll be okay
Young men are like modern day pop older men are like classical versions of those pop songs. For example, Bad Romance by Lady Gaga is a pretty good song, hits hard and fast, good at parties. But the String Quartet version is not only good but much classier.
Is it shallow if it is known they are the more visual sex?
Such love and positivity. Loving it.
What do you think of girls without enough to rest your head comfortably upon?
Iunno, people say looking at art isn't shallow at all, in fact its very deep, so between a binary choice between sex or looks, I think looks wins this.
nta, but pancakes can get closer since they have smaller breasts.
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Men, can you caramelize onions?
Yes all men are pigs
I dunno, looking at art seems like shallow poser crap to me, compared to actually making art
Have you ever been given good dating advice from the opposite sex? What was it?
Blue is the warmest color has the hottest sex scene in film
>You could just imagine it.
That's why I like sleeping
nta, but I like flatter girls because my head can be closer to their heart and I can fall asleep while I listen to it beating. So both physically and metaphorically you are holding me closer to your heart than a woman with bigger boobs can.
You can also daydream and fantasize.
Just bee urself
>I dunno, looking at art seems like shallow poser crap to me, compared to actually making art
Sure, and that's your opinion, which is my point.
>What fragrances/scents do you wear?
Cedar and sandalwood, mostly
>What fragrances/scents do you like on the opposite sex?
I like sweeter scents. Vanilla, jasmine, lilac, fruity scents, etc.
The Disney Atlantis?
sleep dreams are far more vivid and i feel less numb in them that daydreaming
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Nice try lizardanon
Yes, but it takes way too long to justify it because they're not that great.
If you're friend's bf was coming along too, then definitely. But since it's just you and two girls, idk. I don't think a girl would set herself up to be a third wheel for the evening, but I could be wrong. It doesn't really matter anyways, go have fun and if you want to ask her out, do it and if not, don't
Yep. I love a good chop cheese
The right guy won't pressure you to have sex
Japanese gobblinu
Yes, I like making french onion soup once in a while
What do you like about armpits? Is it unexplainable like feet?
It's not quite dating advice, but I had this friend in college who was kinda sexually adventurous, and when I was going through a breakup, we were walking on this trail, and I was freaking out that day because I was worried I might see my ex, because she ran on those tracks and it hadn't been long enough for me to talk to her again.

She was so funny, she was all like:
>Listen, if you ex shows up, I'm making out with you in front of her, we're gonna make her super jelly.
can you fold laundry?
Is this where it came from?
How do I make a good roux
....... yes...
>fumbling nerdy blond moid nervous and "pretty woman" line EEEE
Oh wait... maybe it was Pocahontas first.
>tied up blond moid hng
[I'm not a foid of color either]
nta and f, but ill explain what i like about armpits. the smell is great, the taste is great, getting smothered by armpits its fucking hot. shaved, waxed or hairy theyre all really hot
kinda, it was an old boomer joke before the movie came out but the generation that made 4chan grew up with this movie as a kid so it makes sense its been a saying thats been floating around on the board for ages.
Its a scent thing. Everybody smells different and I want to be able to identify my hypothetical gf even if I'm blindfolded and deaf.
When they're shaved they're soft and smooth, when they're hairy they carry more scent.
If this is what goblins look like in japan I think i need to visit.
Fair enough.
Female, yes. Just not from here
Some girls like huffing cock, some dudes like huffing pits
Finally someone who likes blond men. I feel validated
ACTUALLY the mentality I need to have is that one where I feel sufficient with what I do and want to do. Some woman not responding to me doesn't make me less of a person in any sense.

NTA but after a while it starts hurting my ribcage
Medium heat and use your nose
State gender

Best and worst ex, and why?
is still good i want to feel that intimacy
I plead the 5th
What the other anon said. Also stir constantly to break up flour clumps, and if you're making a darker roux don't use butter.
The one that got away
The one that got v& for CP
That's when you wake me up and we trade places, dummy. Or I hike your legs up and making you forget about your ribcage, then you can sleep on me.
Short list, but there's a lot more.
All the sex scenes in GLOW.
The orgy scene in Caligula.
The sex scene in The Bronze.
Most Sydney Sweeney scenes
A few scenes in Game of Thrones
Blue is the warmest color
The Obscure Spring (Mexican movie)
Salma Hayek in From Dusk til Dawn
Aubrey Plaza and Alison Brie making out

There's a lot
>The one that got v& for CP
______NOT APPLICABLE______
Never had an ex because I've never had a gf
Best ex is my current gf
My worst ex is my ex bf
Benefits of only having had two partners
I should get another jew gf
Are there any women that would like a stoic robot bf? I feel unlovable because I have blunted emotional affect and people have said that I either come off as a disinterested dick or I'm scare or unnerve people.
The fucked up thing is that I experience full range of emotion in my head, it just doesn't come out.
it's kind of hot when women have a bit of musculature in their arms
You say this like its choosing a starter pokemon
Girl wtf,,,
Wait... Jews aren't pokemon? :^)
What counts as nervous laughter? My friends have told me I am prone to nervous laughter but I thought it was because I interpret everything as a joke.
Yes definitely. Girl at work has nice toned yet smooth arms and I want to caress them so bad. Hold her hand uuugfghnnh
Get jacked and become a male escort where you larp as a sexbot for women. You'd probably make a shit ton of money doing it.
Dear women, after how many no's should I actually stop?
Maybe you should take things more seriously. Why is it that so many 4chan people are annoying 100% le ironic fags who laugh at everything like a sperg
I'm not a woman but a lot of them would say "Just keep trying" to get the ego boost while they reject next to everyone. Screw what they think, you should keep going until you feel like you should stop.
How big is your dick?
I wanted this so badddddddds
(But I'm not even remotely dark, I think I just self inserted fictionally because I have those facial porportions)
20 miles.
Have you ever cheated and gotten away with it? Did you ever keep a secret from your partner?
it wasnt really dating advice and i wasnt really even on a date but a girl once told me if i had more self confidence to go along with my looks i could have any girl i wanted. still trying to figure out the self confidence part.
2 nos
No, cheating is for losers and I do more damage to my soul by crossing that boundary than I do damage to the women I was cheating on. I love myself too much to abuse myself like that.
It could mean like "heh heh heh" as you back away slowly trying to get away because you're afraid this person is going to stab you type of nervous laughter.
Or it could mean like laughing and giggling a lot when you're talking because you're feeling really shy and nervous but your adhd drives you to keep babbling even though you know you sound like a retard and you wish you could shut up but you can't type of nervous laughter
A femboy told me that my dick was too small and I should stop trying to date girls cause they would just make fun of it behind my back. I ended up with a femboy harem though so I guess it isn't that bad.
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about this big
for me, one. i dont like playing games
That makes no sense.
I can be your John Smith
I'd rather not...
If you meet a guy and you touched his abdomen and he jolted like he was ticklish would you think he was a cringe virgin?
If we haven't had sex yet, stop after maybe 2 or 3. If we are having sex, then ignore all my no's all you want. I trust you to stop if you see I'm actually in distress
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oops sorry wrong pic haha
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I fixed that with pic related
Irish or Scottish men?
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nta but fuck
Good for you
I wear the "please be patient I have autism hat" when I'm out so people leave me alone, its great.
but i want to be touched...
>I trust you to stop if you see I'm actually in distress
bold, very bold
State gender.
Favorite lacroix flavor.
>worst ex
cute girl who i knew since I was 13 then we grew up and she went from anorexic to full whore
she had green hair and spider tattoos, literal poison
>best ex
current gf, we lost our virginity together, she looks like prime Kelly McGillis, she loves cooking and having sex
the trad life speedrun is going great so far bros
freak, jk lol.
Just make up an excuse saying your extremely sensitive to touch.
Only one I remember having is Grapefruit.
I would never touch the abdomen of a guy I just met, but if it happened inadvertently I wouldn't think anything of it if he reacted like that. It's a pretty sensitive and intimate place, it's understandable that it could be jarring to be touched there unexpectedly by a woman you barely know
women do you want your majora licked as well during oral?
Hoes, how would you feel if your friends wanted to bang your younger brother?
The only correct answer is limoncello
>Have you ever cheated

>and gotten away with it?
I wouldn't put it like that but others likely would.
I chose to "damage my soul" rather than abandon a woman I love.

>Did you ever keep a secret from your partner?
Yes, rarely.
Aside from that mostly just avoiding arguments by letting her believe what she wants. Like when she was having as n anxiety attack and wanted me to take the dog to the emergency vet for $400 because she was sick and felt he was too.
So I took him to the park, bought $15 antifungal dog shampoo at the pet store where he got a free biscuit, put the shampoo in a travel shampoo bottle, and told her it was his topical prescription.
Never tried it, is it good
what's a majora
google and I agree that's the zelda thingy
Not really but if you finger me, do not neglect them. Playing with them is fun too.
A magic mask that possesses the person who wears it and is evil and wants the world to end because... reasons...
Best Ex: A hot guy named Steve, he was an office worker, but was super interesting despite his boring job. He liked hanging out at the lake, and he would enjoy checking me out in my bikinis, his favorite was my frilly orange ones. It didn't work out as he moved to Wisconsin, and I'm here in North Carolina, and neither of us were interested in an LDR.

Worst Ex: I dated this one guy named Lester who I ended up realizing later was my 2nd cousin. Thankfully, we didn't have sex, but I recall finding him attractive and thinking about it. Now it's just embarrassing. Though, me and Lester are on good terms now, he only kissed me on the cheek after all.
I sell these on my autism farm
People describe it as tasting like tv static and that is not wrong
im autistic and have touch aversion but im also touch starved. its truly a horrible existence
Not at the autism zoo?
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>I wouldn't put it like that but others likely would.
You cant be this delusional
I'm autistic as well but I've never experienced this "touch starved" thing, I don't think its actually real but I also have a cat that sits with me after dinner for cuddles so maybe that is why.
A mix of both, with a Scottish surname
I would vet them to see if any of them were a good match for my brother.
What if his name was Spicy McHaggis? And yes that is a real name of an old Scottish strongman.
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Irish definitely
Elf tranny :^)
i dream of hugging, but when i really struggle with hugging
He might be referring to the petting zoo within the zoo, usually those have a farm theme.
Black Ras or Peach-Pear (have yet to try but love those fruit)
Tender kisses, licking, and a little sucking. Don't forget her inner thighs and especially her mons pubis, too
I don't mean you touch him right after meeting him, but you're in a relationship and it's escalated to that point.
I want to say Scottish, but Scots are cucked now.
The scent of my unwashed asshole probably.
My favorite scents gotta be a washed one though, very nice
That's so uncomfortable fuck off and stay away
I read this as
>Men, when did you start thinking about women
And to me that is the more interesting question
You should grab the nearest firearm
Yah, I already know that
Laughing inappropriately as a self soothing mechanism in uncomfortable or stressful situations
Those would be some very sticky shirts if they ended up in the autism petting zoo
What about forcible hugs?
>You should grab the nearest firearm
Now what?
If sexbots became a thing how hard do you think it would be to get a centaur or cow girl sexbot? Totally asking for a friend that I don't have...
I think I'm just a failure of a normalfag instead of autistic
>You cant be this delusional
I literally have never once thought to myself that I could or would "get away" with something. It doesn't matter if one "gets away" with it. It's either right or wrong. There's no "getting away" from being wrong. It's just fact.
If you drive at unsafe speeds and don't get a ticket, what have you "gotten away with"?

I've done good things and bad things.
Consequences sometimes happen.
Sometimes those consequences are warranted. Sometimes they aren't.

"Getting away" is meaningless when you could be destroyed for entirely unrelated reasons a moment later. Successfully robbing a bank and getting hit by a bus isn't karma. It's chaos.
Life is pain. Everything is chaos. Be kind.
All women should receive crushing squeezes
Just let him use your ass as a pillow then fart in his face when he is asleep to wake him up.
Wait... Now that I just typed that out, I didn't even think t
Idk I wouldn't really care, set them up I guess.
Real niggas drink sparkling ice
Because you asked I'm going to say yes
Oh dang, I dropped the ball. That's so embarrassing
>>31953299 (Me)
>Now that I just typed that out, I didn't even think t
-hat would be someone's very specific fetish.
What's your question?
Should I go to bed yea or nay
He's fucking gorgeous.
Idcccccc if he's 5"11
Would eat his ass on a grassy knoll.
>he doesn't know
That makes you autistic by definition, welcome to the club!
>Would eat his ass on a grassy knoll
In grey rolling drizzle with sheep and cows occasionally walking by?
I liked Helga so no judgment
Probably. Yes. I should. I'm trying to.
I don't know what would kill him first, the suffocation or the toxic fumes..
please be black and like white guys...
Also pass on the fart fetish
I have no gf therefore I am autistic
*Slow clap*
Welcome to atoga!
how come it feels better with fingers than tongues?
Stevie >>31953323
Ray Vaughan or ZZ Top?
>Favorite lacroix flavor.
Women: physical touch bf, or acts of service bf?
No pussy is worth prison
Sullied as sinners in a pagan mud wrestle.
constantly pushing boundaries and forcing bf
What even is this song I'm listening to now
Acts of service.
Be nice if he could fuck his own mom once in a while that bitch is too needy
Why did you breakup then get back together?
You don't like the Ballad of Spicy McHaggis?
Women would you feel anything if a guy gave you a vag massage?
I really wanted to say pass on the nigger fetish but....well.
Autism farm is where we retire after our time at the autism zoo. And then it's off to the autism glue factory
About to use half the bottle of femanons shampoo and conditioner and body wash and facial exfloiliating cleanser in the shower
>atoga is going to have deep lore about the autism zoo and surrounding places
you're an FTM stfu
How would one suffocate using your butt for a pillow? I'm imagining you laying on your belly and me laying the back of my head on your butt. Unless you think my head will sink in or something lol
I'd be very disappointed if I couldn't touch him there ever. If he was just super ticklish or had an overactive startle response I'm sure we could work with it, as long as he actually enjoyed being touched
Isn't that neuro?
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>Idcccccc if he's 5"11
>tfw even 5'11 isn't good enough
nta, but you'll sink in slowly like quick sand and the pressure of her inner ass will crush your skull.
>Sullied as sinners in a pagan mud wrestle
We rested inside at the warm trestle
And drank from the wine vessel
While herbs were beat on the pestle
Folding them like pretzels
No its Crazy Bitch
Two tits, one (bio) pussy, arguably too much testosterone but still within the female range(gotta get that checked out)
Me too lolll (same femanon)
Theres a weird fetish FTMs have where they want men to "fuck them into being a woman again" apparently.
Women does your but hold up your pants?
I do want to be touched, I'm like this because I don't get touched, like ever, that's all.
My but offers antithesis to a thesis
Its an incredible fetish, dont call it weird
Actually if you consider me to be an ftm I really wanna get a nerdy and/or cute feminine straight guy and have him unwittingly and/or forcibly partake in sexual acts with another (average) male while I passively observe and orchestrate the events.
Idc about feeling feminine during sex
Now that I think of it turning an FtM into a bimbo sounds peak
No I have to wear a belt or else they'll just fall off as soon as I take a step
please guillotine yourself, fujo
It's pretty cute
I mean if they still have their vagina I'd try it
I have a feeling both of those guys would end up forcibly plapping you
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Why are texts from girls so addicting?
>high test women
I like them because they are strong and when I was dating one we would "wrestle rape" each other after the gym to get top and dominate the other, was hot. I let her win sometimes :^)
what does a blowjob feel like?
I don't even consume gay stuff anymore.
Well I usually fade out into a non entity by the end of the fantasy so you could say I'm self inserting into either guy at various points
it's not, I am not being reminded of a pic I saw like a week ago on /v/ of some hairy man looking creature with one of those fake sausage skin dicks and a gross looking pussy below it with a caption like that anon said "fuck me back into a female" or whatever.. absolute GROSS
You should rephrase that to "if they still have their tits"
>Well I usually fade out into a non entity by the end of the fantasy so you could say I'm self inserting into either guy at various points
What schizobabble am I reading?
bags of sand
porn doesn't even come close to how vivid and amazing sex dreams feel.
>have to deal with the dangling meat tube
no thanks, I'd rather have no tits than the tube.
>Tfw ill never give a girl the blue bubble
Why even live at this point
why do iphones matter so much to women
I wouldn't date a woman who cared about this.
It's not schizobabble it's pretty clear..
I start off as a character in the fantasy albeit a minor one. By the end I'm not really a participant and the focus is more on the guys
I cant imagine any scenario where an ftm is getting a dick before they chop off their tits
People from Manchester sound like what happens when you try to shift into the wrong gear
Foo tah
please put your trip back on
I mean... You can't escape the plapping, you can make the movie in your head focus on the guys but they'll be plapping you.
Can you not filter by names without a trip? Idk I'm too strong willed to use that shit :-)
Does that honestly not make sense to you?
It's perfectly clear within the scenario of a fantasy.
Wait. Heh.

HE is referring to his role in the fantasy. By the time the fantasy crescendos, his part in it has faded into irrelevance as the other two are the entirety of it.
you're not putting the trip on because you're currently evading
you will never be a man
Who is bishop
I don't want to be one.
Do you lift by any chance? Where can I find dominate women like you that I can dominate?
I wish I had that comic/cartoon of that girl that turns FTM and then suddenly loses all the attention she had before as a woman and some bimbo tells xim to fuck off and xhe ropes ximself
5'11 is good enough when you look like that.
women why don't you like cuddling with men?
if your gf isn't cuddling with you it should send off signs in your head that she might be cheating or getting fugged by someone else.
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It makes me want to astral dream more often.
I wish I could buy 4chan, and promptly shut it down, to scatter you all to the four winds
i dont have a gf
Eh, I took a 5 year break and I can do it again, I'm not that bothered.
you can be my gf if you want, but I'm not going to be your gf :^)
Let's gangbang femanon!
>dominate women like you
I'm a hyper-submissive humiliation lover. Sorry bro.
I actually did lift a bit at the beginning of 2021 and started to look pretty good but I have an eating disorder and I gained a bunch (lost it again)
Nah I had surgery on my dick so I cant
damn, foiled again...
Faceapp.makes me look like a Mexican school shooter with the gender swap filter
Mailing femanon a lock of my blond hair
How tall are you?
...Elliot Rodriguez
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what are mexican women like?
Mailing femanon a lock of my naturally highlighted brown curls
We'd all just reconvene on whatever the replacement is.
Yikes. Mental illness is a bitch
Its like taming a feral animal
Do you schlick to lesbian stuff?
Fat and retarded
Except it's also fat and stupid
Nah I banish you to the model boat forums
She doesn't look Mexican
how do I get a tastefully thicc gf?
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El Guapo
>dark hair
what is she then?
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The what now?
What's glow?
Anons, femanons I'm going to bed where are my kisses?
Probably speaks spanish, its all the same
I think that's the answer and what I'll unironically save imageboards.
What needs to happen is that this place needs to get nuked and all the algae needs to be filtered out. Most of them wouldn't bother with less accessible sites that don't have the user base yet to back it up.
There'd be a scramble to pick up the pieces and fill the hole left by 4chan and I think this kind of balkanization could be good for the culture.
I'm tired and my heart is pounding concerning my fast so I'm not sure how coherent I am being atm.
4chan is a big bloated corpse growing off of the gasses building up and the insects swarming in.
I'm aware of how rich this sounds coming from me.
I have. I go through phases of it, and at one time preferred it. Prefer men though.
Meant to reply to>>31953454
Please get some sleep anon, shitposting isn't worth a heart attack.
>namefag complaining about the state of 4chan
I'd just go back to infinitechan, you guys act like there is only 1 chan around.
Licking femanon's legs
I'm very respectful on other, better imageboards (even other boards on this site desu) :3
mailing femanon my cut off cock.
Mailing femanons my pubes
Just licking them does little for me but i like it when they are squeezed, pulled, or pressed together. I sometimes masturbate by only stimulating my clit indirectly by playing with them.
Looks like a white girl with a tan
according to my research i think shes honduran
I only have 2 male friends and many female friends. I think my mommy issues and lack of a father have made me more inclined to appreciate female attention than a bond of brotherhood. Girls I know tell me they like how I am, but I feel insecure about not being masculine enough.
Mailing anons my used panties.
Mailing femanons my boyfriend's cut off cock
Her name is Victoria Rose; she's Czech
What do you think of /gif/?
Mailing femanon a postcard from my next adventure
women have you ever cried during sex?
This >>31953491 scared me for a moment
Would accept that one's
No, but I want to.
Kinda hot. Depending on what they were used for. I hope it wasn't "squishing a spider."
>obnoxious tripfag circlejerk hours
>but I want to.
lol why?
I like intense experiences.
Reminder that as a short man there's basically nothing you can do to make up for your 'deficiency' in a woman's eyes.
They were used to squish a pussy.
I'll take twelve!
>Reminder that as a short man there's basically nothing you can do to make up for your 'deficiency' in a woman's eyes.
I have a consultation for a limb lengthening procedure in a couple months.
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Violence seems to be the answer.
We can die
Then our deficiency won't matter anymore
that doesnt sound nice
shut up, i like short guys
On it
Atoga, at what point should you leave a relationship if you’re feeling lonely 80% of the time
Would that be a orgasm so intense it makes you cry? Or a BDSM thing?
What are Filipinas like?
I want to feel overwhelmed in every possible way. Love, joy, pleasure, pain, exhaustion.
Do one for serial killers. Girls like those
I would never want to be a midget.
Yes, stinging eyes and some tears from leftover physical pain, and also full out bawling from weird kinky emotional games which wasn't very fun desu
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No sorry it seems like being a serial killer is only for tall men and close to cutoff manlets.
NTA but does this even exist outside of Asia?
This is BS, I'm the shortest guy here and have one of the highest body counts for the guys here.
Being fucked in the ass by chad does not count
If you are sure you're lonely inside the relationship and due to the relationship, then you should probably break up unless you have kids or something. If it's the kind of lonely where you feel it no matter what, then maybe therapy
Just realized how clogged my nose pores are, women why didn't you tell me about this. What do I fuckken do. I squeezed really hard it was gross like pillars of pus came out. What do I do
women does your boob feel the same as our underarm?
Squeeze them out
I'd say at most 6 months with no solid plan. Move on. It's not worth.
Idk what parts of you are conaiderably soft.
I'd say inner theighs.
I hope you realize you just made several men vigorously fondle their thighs.
this made me start feeling my boob
There was an anon on here who had a filipina gf who wanted to be forced to have sex whenever he wanted.
It’s just the relationship. I want to spend more time with my partner but they’re impartial/don’t care? It’s hard to explain. But, before the relationship, I NEVER felt this lonely
Yeah, there are several clinics in America that offer it
You mean when you touch it or for me when they are touched?
How tall?
You're gonna have to relearn how to walk and you'll never be able to run again and if anything hits your knee or lower legs there is a fair chance you'll just lose the lower leg.
It's probably sebaceous filaments. Don't squeeze them, you'll damage your skin. I think the best way to clear them out is the oil cleansing method, but it takes dedication
I just realised i said "our". I meant your lol

good >:)
forcible in a nice way
Nope, not at all
when i touch it
i dont understand what you mean
women would you kill me if i used your hair brush to scratch my balls?
ambush hugs, like hugs you aren't expecting and didn't have time to react to.
Ah no, then not at all. Touching boobs is way lewder than touching underarms. Both cab be arousing tho.
Lmao yes
I'm willing to make sacrifices for a relationship
whoa, whoa, whoa are you an autistic female?
famous last words
Getting anon a smol boars hair brush for his blond penile tribbles <3
oh maybe that would be ok
Women, could your bf give you a massage without you getting aroused?
Is it bad that while I'm texting/thinking about my crush, I can't get a boner?
She's hot no doubt, but like, I'm not in the mood even though I like her a lot
>Both cab be arousing tho.
I didn't realize taxis could be sexy :^)
yes :( im also getting assessed for adhd currently
Yes but I can't promise to not slither my naked body over you while I'm doing it.
you must be mistaken
I have ADHD and I'm being assessed for OCD/Autism as well.
That does sound like maybe you guys have different needs and expectations, so maybe you're just incompatible that way. If you're feeling miserable, it might be best to move
Femanons would (You) be willing to peg a guy and bite him a few times during a session?
you mispelled can as cab, unless you mean cabbages :^)
Are you two the only autistic femanons?
I'm male, the other anon is female. I'm assuming your male too?
>slither my naked body over you while I'm doing it.
you can do that without getting aroused?
Good advice anon, thank you.
oh cool, actually im also getting an ocd test as well because apparently having obessive thoughts and having to wash my hands because theyre contaminated by touching the world isnt normal. trifecta time lol
i wonder how undiagnosed female autism is
Yeah I see that now I'm googling, I guess I shouldn't be surprised
Yes. It feels good, doesn't have to be horny.
Yeah sure, I have done that before.
I think maybe I'm the other autistic female
>having obessive thoughts and having to wash my hands because theyre contaminated by touching the world isnt normal. trifecta time lol
I have the obsessive thoughts but I grew out of contamination and repeating actions until they are perfect stuff though. Have you had your QEEG yet?
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Please tell me this isn't a thing men do
>autistic females
idk, from the moment i feel boobs on my back, im betting a boner
>autistic females admit they are autistic
>now the great fortnite battle occurs to try to claim them
kek, we really haven't evolved much since cavemen in the end.
I want to say yes but when I think about it, the answer is actually no
Incredibly lucky dude
autistic females are rare, they are like gold. Even normalfag men will date autistic girls, so it makes sense people move fast on them. Assuming they are high-funcitoning.
i found an old brush in my closet recently and i use it to scratch myself sometimes now. Feels pretty good
i dont think im getting a qeeg, my first assessment was with a neuropsychologist which went for two days of doing a bunch of tasks and stuff, i get the results soon, then after that i meet with a neuropsychiatrist. i dont think i will be able to outgrow feeling contaminated all the time. it started when i was really young so ive had it for about 20 years. but it just doesnt make sense to me how people cant feel contaminated after touching stuff.
I've never done it but I'm gonna do it with my sister's shower brush just as a prank.
Bite yes, peg no I'd rather cut my right arm off
sorry but ive got a gf
He came buckets so yes.
Is it that it's seen as dominant?
Women, for like 8 years now Saturday has been my anime night where i catch up on all the episodes from the previous week. Would you be willing to do this with me?
I'm older in my mid-30s and you do chill out a little bit as you age, at least I did. Have you ever thought that if everyone is contaminated does that mean we are actually comtaminated?
Sounds cute but I do not like anime and I do not like routine so this sounds like torture to me.
I meant to say move on, but anyways good luck anon, with whatever you decide to do
>shut up, i like short guys
how short
NTA but I think a lot of female posters here have talked about being autistic
I am sure many girls would like it.
i havent thought like that. its not just people but surfaces too. and i can feel it build up even when im using surfcaes ive cleaned (they still slowly get dirty), so as long as i dont touch anything i can minimise how many times i need to clean myself.
Women can you please take a ball point pen and write/draw stuff on my arm? please?
Everyone here says they are autistic as a cope for being a social outcast.
women would you enjoy taking a virgin guy's first time?
>sounds cute
>but actually sounds like torture
Ok, yes. Can I write MINE and draw hearts?
true, my OCD isn't cleanliness its planning and organizing, I live in a "mad house". I wipe down surfaces everyday and everything is perfectly lined up, I plan my whole week in advanced, and so on and so on. I have mental breakdowns when unexpected things happen.
>imprint on him
God yes
Sounds cute in theory, torture for me personally. Others might like it.
Yes of course. Thats preferred, actually
>>imprint on him
This is why I'll never give up my virginity, I'll never lose!
I can steal it.
>I can steal it.
Many women have tried, and many women have failed.
I get it. I love skin brushes, they feel amazing. Just please don't use my hairbrush to scratch your balls is all I ask

If you really want to prank her, use the toilet brush
>If you really want to prank her, use the toilet brush
Keep talking like that and I'll use your face to scratch my balls when your asleep.
Yes and no. It means I'll probably be doing most of the work and he won't pleasure me well, but claiming more virginities would be cool.
I hate women so much anons
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i dont
Yes. I wanna show him a really good time and also be unashamedly enthusiastic and assertive.
>All these masculine men in the thread
Well I can see why no one dating these days.
Me too
>and also be unashamedly enthusiastic and assertive.
yes please this is the perfect mindset
It's not that it's "seen" as dominant, it's that it would feel totally wrong to me, physically, mentally, and emotionally
Women i think i'm gonna go make some pankcakes
No one paid attention to me and now I'm going to bed
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Women, would you cosplay as a bimbo for your bf in the privacy of your bedroom?
Maybe but I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot of posts from other girls that have sounded pretty sincere about their struggles with it
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Would you watch this video if it popped up in your recommended?
>wake up an hour before my alarm
>huge morning wood, massively horny about to explode
Should I do a quick fap or go back to sleep?
i am legitimately autistic, there are good and bad things about it but i dont think im super hung up on it
She's only that way towards Chads and black guys.
Why not?
No, I wouldn't like that kind of dynamic and I definitely wouldn't want to be a guy's first gf
>would you be willing to do this with me
No. I have no interest in anime.
I'd fold him.
amazon position!?
Yes. I'd actually find that quite fun; it's so far removed from what I normally dress like.
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No, so forced
do you want to hear what my sex dream was about?
Sounds like a job for a dude with a big bushy beard. Is there something you'd like to tell us, anon? It's okay, this is a safe space
Even if i do/watch stuff with you that i dont have interest in as well?
cause, i like them
Maple syrup?
There was a woman naked lying on her back
I was giving her a massage, standing at her head and leaning over
We kissed really deeply, it felt blissful and euphoric
I could feel like I nearly ejaculated without even touching myself
I hope intimacy feels this great in reality
Had a dream cuddling and fucking my ex.
Not a fan of having such dreams.
It can, it really can. May your dreams come true.
>I was giving her a massage, standing at her head and leaning over
Mmmmm hard pp against my soft faaaaceee ;P
Yes baby~
I wouldn't force you to do anything with me you have no interest in. In the past, with exes, I've participated in their interests because they were mutually fun (watched films/television shows he was into, played video games with him, went hiking with him). But I'm happy to do my own activities alone and we can have some alone time.
The women here are succubi that are intent on stealing our energy.
Men, thoughts?
Women, care to defend yourself?
Blessed trips are a good omen, my thanks
cute and hot
>Women, care to defend yourself?
I enjoy being a succubus.
Why don't you help him? You bitches always love giving false hopes to lonely guys here, lol. If they're already an adult and single, it's pretty much over.
>Women, care to defend yourself?
No, why would I? Now give me all your pp energy!
Being high functioning sucks because I was depressed for two days because my blanket felt itchy out of the dryer. So I had to rewash it with vinegar.
But why? I don't see any reason to like them.
At least succubi make men happy while they're sucking out their souls.
i am here to steal male virginities only.
nigga chill out im a virgin because of my crappy life circumstances, it's not anyone else's business
I need the opposite of energy, I need to be hit over the head with a two by four and knocked out at 10pm every night
>Women, care to defend yourself?
Sentry Online.
There is no advice and no help. Either he can make it happen or he can not.
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>Men, thoughts?
Oh nooo, that's so hooorrible... I'm so distraught I might accidentally forget to lock my window...
Only men will reply to this stupid post.
*crawls up your walls*
good sleep is a state of high energy
*void tethers his limbs to the bedposts*
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What'cha doin' up there?
None of your business. Now go to sleep.
Okay. I'm not scared, everyone knows being under the blankets makes you immune to being attacked.
*pulls away your blanket*
Mmm no, i like being a lust vampire
>Men, thoughts?
I wish
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That violates evildoer law! And me!
Of course
Are you black?
That's true. It just happens for most people, but a lot of niggas on /adv/ pretend that guys need to go on some Hercules arc of self-improvement for 10 years before they ax a bitch out.
Not really, he’s not going to be good at it
>Are you black?
im white
I don’t like anime, I would play vidya instead
Are there any men out there that don’t watch porn?
True. I guess I'm succubiing myself
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Absolutely want lanklet weegee bf
does it have to be just anime? can we watch movies together instead?
what anime are you watching (if its one piece idk but its a bit of an ick)
Are there any women out there that aren't dumb as shit?
Answer's the same. Yes, but very, very few.
I like anime, heavily depending on the choices.
Aren’t women more educated than men?
I doubt you'd ever find a guy who has literally never watched porn, but there are plenty of guys who only view it occasionally for a quick wank then close the window without saving anything and turning it into an entire lifestyle
More educated =/= smarter
Very rare. You have to find either cerebral ones (but even they sometimes look at still pictures/hentai) or the Luddite-types who have autistic physical interests.
Guys still think street smart is a thing
"street smart" means not being an oblivious naiive idiot in shady places
Not what I said at all, and neither was that implied
You wouldn't find them attractive in the first place because you bitches are passive and spineless and the guys who don't watch porn are likely meek as well.
Guys are smart because they make places shady?
Haha what kind of smart are you?
Men that hate women in this thread rn :
How do we get these weirdos to be good boys again?
it's hilarious how quickly they become sappy little babies when a woman shows them love and affection
>Are there any men out there that don’t watch porn?
I don't much. I probably look at some once every few months because I'm really bored, then after a few minutes I think "Why the fuck am I bothering with this shit?" and put it away again. I don't actually jerk it porn. But there are a great many reasons why you wouldn't have the slightest interest in me as a boyfriend. Anyone you might actually be interested in uses porn regularly - that's certain.
Educate them
The interactions with simps here don't count as real conversations, dumb cunt.
Or don’t show them love and attention, basically they are sappy little angst babies all of the time
>Men, thoughts?
You don't get it. Men and women together *generate* energy. The women may skim a little off the top, but there's more energy being generated in your body than there would be if she weren't there. The two of you are like the cathode and anode of a battery; when you come together, energy starts flowing that powers both of you.
even though you agree to a lunch date
What’s your favorite smell? I just cleaned by sheets and they smell so good
Dumb question
awwww wook he's so angwy!!!
>What’s your favorite smell?
Roasting beef.
I watched.
Use the morning wood to hit the snooze button on your alarm
I think I'm supposed to pretend that this is funny or that I care to participate in the ironic response circle but I'm not creative enough to do that.
Evidently not
What we think of as being smart exists in three bubbles that kind of overlap like a venn diagram.
You have IQ, or whatever you would think of as the processing power/raw innate ability. Then you have education/knowledge which is basically fact memorization or how much you have to draw from when it comes to raw data.
Then you have wisdom which can only come from humility and actual experience.
I think being outstanding in any one of these things can make you a cut above most people, but as with most things, a healthy balance is key.
That's just how I think about it.
Chris Brown? Is that really you?
i really want to give a woman a full body massage
teasing a making a woman cum with my hands is so hot to me
I want a guy to hold me and play with me like a guitar/base.
i don't think i'm strong enough for that, it'd be more like a double bass
Hnf~ <3
He will be up in weight in a few months.
He has done similar things several times before, he is a known liar and professional victim.
Hehehe, fiddle meeeee
>Either gender. Have you ever experienced serious physical or mental problems as a result of prolonged insomnia? Does the idea of taking sleeping medication give you anxiety?
ive hallucinated from not sleeping for a few days, in general my sleep is really bad, like 3am fall asleep. taking meds with a side effect of making me drowzy has massively improved my sleep, but i still sleep in a lot till like 9/11am
I used to do the same thing and said I would kill myself if Nicky boy got skinny before I did. It genuinely worked.
>Have you ever experienced serious physical or mental problems as a result of prolonged insomnia?
My mental health instantly increases when I get enough sleep. Focus, mood, life satisfaction, performance. Ive had issues with sleep since I can remember and I consume disgusting amounts of caffeine.
>Does the idea of taking sleeping medication give you anxiety?
Not really but I don't want to be reliant on it.
I masturbated to TV footage of Abu Ghiraib, does that count
He's an actor who turned his eating disorder into a character he played on the internet, and he was pretty open about it too. He dropped character in his videos all the time
What makes a person want to be a cop?
I'm gonna play slap-bass with your cheeks
The medication makes you feel drowsy during the day? That's rough but I'm glad it's helped your sleep. How long do you expect to be taking it?

You all want a man to lead you?
my fav vids of his are where hes playing violin, usually in a distraught style. i wonder if he can still play to the same standard he used to
>Either gender. Have you ever experienced serious physical or mental problems as a result of prolonged insomnia?
Nah. I have dropped quite a bit of weight from sleeping so much and not even achieving omad.
I have like a snack and still feel tired..
I have trazadone incase of emergencies... but I really don't want to use it.
Lately it's been mysterious pains that keep me up like a pea princess.
Ear infection, itchy blanket, forgetting to darken the room, stomach growling so I chug water and then pee.
Does the idea of taking sleeping medication give you anxiety?
Cops aren’t supposed to change anything. They are the enforcer of the law, good or not.
not super drowzy during the day but i just struggle with getting up. i used to be on mirtazapine and that made me mad drowzy during the day (would not rate). ill probably be taking it for the rest of my life (olanzapine)
I hate that movie/character because I have autism and tourette's and developed echolalia for repeating that guy's line compulsively at an inopportune time. And it got me legit accused of claiming to be a CIA agent in a place where I could have been tortured and arrested.
>the guys who don't watch porn are likely meek as well.
In my experience, men who don't watch porn are very unique in a good way. The ones I've met have been self-assured, a quiet confidence, and have this understated charisma.
No. We just don’t want a socially award insecure guy
What sort of porn do you watch when you do? And do you play pornographic games, by any chance?
You don't need porn when your married friends frequently seek variety and a fantasy escape from dreary daily life with their spouses by sexting you over Insta and over half of your conversations are about dreaming of pleasuring each other in bed
>Does the idea of taking sleeping medication give you anxiety?
Oops forgot this part
No, I just hate taking medication at all.
Even the word "Medication" is offputting to me. I want to call it food.
Food is healthy and not as scary science-y.
Femanon won't admit she likes spending more time with incel chud anonymous than with chad.
is daydreaming a hobby?
It's a childish attempt to imply that I'm stupid by someone who thinks getting a college degree means you're smart.
I definitely feel much, much better when I get proper sleep. It's pretty incredible how much it affects us. And he's practically emaciated now, I hate myself for this but I almost screamed when I saw it
More educated doesn't even necessarily mean more knowledgeable. If you're being taught garbage, it's not going to make you smarter.
>is daydreaming a hobby?
Idk. I want to get high with *him* and be together.
I like Chad better but he's asleep rn
Depends on how detailed you get with it
But after a certain point you get to graduate to call it "writing" or "world building"
>You all want a man to lead you?
I just pretend I'm talking to chad anyway. It doesn't matter because I won't be meeting them irl.
>If you're being taught garbage
I took classes online from Liberty University to inflate my credentials and learned almost nothing I could actually use. I did get a window into the creepy way that Bible Thumping wignnuts think though. It reminded me of minoring in Econ in undergrad and learning all the trickle-down, Koch-funded talking points about how the poor deserve to be poor.
True, and I agree with that. I think the underlying sentiment here is overall distrust in the education system and trying to imply that women have some sort of propaganda or moral compromise in their education. I could be wrong, but I don't fully agree with that sentiment. At least not so much so that it renders an education useless.
But I do agree with the base statement, so feel free to disregard.
And speaking of, >>31953969
Is a pretty good example. So it does kind of depend on quality of education and knowledge as well.
Let me rephrase that.

Women, do you want me to offer to dance with you when I see you in a club and gently lead you around by the hand while I smile gently and sustain light eye contact with you?
I think modern universities mostly teach you garbage, and I've been through two different universities. Many very stupid people get college degrees and remain very stupid even after getting their degrees. The education system in the US generally is in terrible shape right now.
every anonymous is my chad tulpa
>But after a certain point you get to graduate to call it "writing" or "world building"
what if I never write any of it down?
Well, I've never been to university, so you have the experience in this conversation.
What did you go for, if it's not too personal? Just curiosity
>What sort of porn do you watch when you do?
If I had a choice it would be hypnosis/mind control fetish stuff. But the stuff that exists is always beyond terrible, of course; two seconds of hypnosis and then a porn scene that's indistinguishable from any other porn scene. You would need some production values and some acting to make it in any interesting.

>And do you play pornographic games, by any chance?
I started with aerospace engineering but changed to computer science pretty quickly.
In more subjective fields like social sciences and humanities there is often an attempt to inject specific opinions, worldviews, ideologies, and so on into the education. At higher levels there's sometimes a divide between theoretical (especially critical approaches, which are pure theory) and applied approaches.

Some good examples are the study of fields like politics or religion. Someone who wants to contribute to edited volumes with titles like "Critical Theories of Religion" is going to want a different education then someone who wants to go to seminary to be an imam or a priest. In the study of Politics and Government, someone who is holding out hopes to be a staffer for their country's parliament is going to want to take a different approach to study than someone who wants to write polemical tracts and op eds about how their world leaders lie their way into unnecessary wars and overspending.

And so on and so forth. It depends on what you're looking for, which is why program and department choice are so important especially at the graduate level.
So would you say that this
>Many very stupid people get college degrees and remain very stupid even after getting their degrees
Also applies to stem subjects as well? I'm thinking about going to school but would probably go in Canada
im not in the us but my experience with going to 3 unis for 5 different courses is that unis really suck at teaching you stuff, especially if youre neurodivergent. the teaching quality was also the best at the lowest ranked uni and the professors helped me through some difficult times with extensions and whatnot
Okay. What do women want?
>Have you ever experienced serious physical or mental problems as a result of prolonged insomnia?
Not exactly, but I do suffer from poor quality sleep, which has a similar impact. The long term effects are not unlike dementia.
>Women, do you want me to offer to dance with you when I see you in a club and gently lead you around by the hand while I smile gently and sustain light eye contact with you?
If we were both in a club and I found you attractive, yeah.
I'll dance on you.
>Okay. What do women want?
You have broader experience than I do, but I'd definitely agree that going to a "better" (read: more expensive) school doesn't necessarily produce better results.
It's less prevalent in STEM but it still happens. Good luck, anon.
Chad. Do you even have to ask? All the female songs and movies directed by females are about Chads.
My ex gf is half flip. Crazy. Her mother is crazy.
There's probably normal ones though! Just don't approach weeb pseud ones
So what stuff do you watch, when you do? Bad hypnosis stuff or something else?
I was in college during the 2010s and simultaneously had one professor who compared our then American President Obama unfavorably to 20th century Communist dictators and another who seethed when people questioned her faith in Feminist theories of Geography and who told our class of mostly wealthy foreign expat students that they were being exploited and manipulated by capitalism.

The big trick was sifting information you could actually use to create your own original work and thoughts from those professors' bogus ass opinions.
few people talk about how buck broken south east asian males are and how much the women all rule them
it's awful
Dance ON me? Like, exotic dancer style? I haven't been grinded on a while, so sure.
I like those too! I hate all the grotesque stuff, but his non-gross humour bits were always funny and his background with the violin is really interesting
When I was a kid my Filipina nanny moonlighted as a sex worker for rich Arab men. I didn't pick up on that until I was an adult and I heard vague allusions to her second job.
Women are Freemium. Free accounts get neglect and disdain, Premium (chad) accounts get everything.
But he is sleeping.
They only do it to Chads and black guys. The club scene is pretty much dead when every bitch can get a bf through social media and dating apps. This means the worst possible bitches go clubbing and to bars.
I think your issue isn't the club scene, it's that you speak and think in incel buzzwords
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I want this one
The only fully straight women remaining on earth under 30 are all gold digging whore cunts who only care about the outward appearance of mens wealth, this means that a man who buys iphones is likely to not just be rich but spend lavishly and as such satiate their money wasting bimbo needs.
See post related for further proof >>31953737
Congrats on the weight loss anon, assuming you're feeling healthier because of it. So you find the way you eat helps your sleep cycle? I do weirdly get anxious at the idea of taking sleep meds, it's embarrassing but I started anti anxiety medication a little while ago and I still struggle with feeling anxious about taking it too even though I know for a fact it doesn't make me less alert. I'm not sure why. Hope your ear is feeling better soon
Women can be deep sometimes, so why do they larp as though they're slightly retarded?
Do you think anyone uses 4channel lingo irl? Fucking retard, kek.
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Both is fun.
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>gold digging whore cunts
Seriously, though, have you considered not thinking and talking like a fucking incel?
>So what stuff do you watch, when you do? Bad hypnosis stuff or something else?
Generally, yeah.

It isn't just the lack of appropriate fetish stuff that's the problem, mind you. There's a weird sort of visual vocabulary to porn that I find deeply annoying. I'd want to watch something that looks like two real people having real sex, but it never does. Even with amateur stuff it's always so posed; they always play to the camera.

I'm not a very visual person, anyway. When I was growing up I generally jerked it to written stuff rather than pictures or videos - or just used my imagination.

Sex scenes in mainstream movies can sometimes be a little better; at least they're nicely shot and nicely lit, and you're interested in the characters. Porn is visually ugly.
Even if you use it privately and "anonymously" on here it still reveals a toxic mental pathology that carries over into the physical world, doesn't it?
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Be deep more. Being deep is valued and important.
There always seems to be a trade off but it sounds like it's worth it if it allows you to get a good night's sleep
It's called "masking", it's how we neurodivergent Autismal and ADHD Replicant skinjobs slip through the cracks of the Voigt Kampf test and pass as human.
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Hey HEY RETARD incels claim that women can only love Chad, by saying certain women love men for their money that means that appearance isn't all women care about and men can work hard and become rich to get a wife. That means I'm not an incel, I'm classical redpill.
Boy aren't you embarrassed huh? I'm screenshotting this thread and putting it in my wall of debate victories I won on 4chan.
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No thanks, sounds lame and boring.
>gloria steinem review
I'm sure this book is full of deep insights
Not really. I can larp as a normie and I can lie to bitches easily when I want dates. You're just retarded if you can't separate 4chan from real life. Do you also hornypost like a pathetic loser here and think it counts as sexual experience, kek?
Unironically yes
>Do you also hornypost like a pathetic loser here and think it counts as sexual experience
It doesn't? Rats.
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*hate* women.
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>who only care about the outward appearance of mens wealth
No. I want an actually good boy.
I'm tired of retarded incels larping like we're supposed to be trying to steal from them all the time.
After you pull that shit, I'm gone.
So predictable and normie. Everyone hates women now. Loving women is the new chad shit.
>"No, I LOVE women, otherwise I wouldn't want to have sex with them, because objectifying the lady folk as sex teddy bears is how I respect them!"
That's what you sound like
That's what you sounded like.
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Explains why people suck they mask all their good bits.
The only socially acceptable mask is larping as an NPC.
I understood none of your bitter woman schizopost but good for you, or sorry that your estrogen got blocked, idk, I'm not reading that again.
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>Like me for myself!
>Fake bimbo
What do you think might be causing it? Have you had a sleep study or anything like that? Sleep is such a hard thing to fix, it's so simple but so complicated
Are you woke?
My two cents, Nixon was one of the presidents of the United States most likely to have had asperger's disease. He was also very much the modal Capricorn.
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>the chadsexual incel can't keep his spam in
Do you ever think the reason some of these supposed "super straight" male incels are obsessed with the chad archetype is out of homosexual fantasies about being dominated by a more powerful male presence?
They sure act sus if a truly masculine man enters the scene.
Everything has a balance.
My third eye has to rest.
Powers are liminal.
Anti racism isn't about ending slavery, rather it's about black men angry about white men having larger penises and secretly wanting to have buck breaking sex with them.
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Sometimes, but I think it's largely insecurities.
women are chudphobic. simple.

I am also accepting Nobel prizes.
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You're being a little autistic, there, anon; I was kidding.
And that‘s a good thing.

What's your star sign? What star sign is sexiest?
State gender

Why is the chase more enjoyable than being in a relationship? Why is it so cursed that wanting to be in a romantic relationship with someone is more enjoyable than actually being in it with one? I just want to love someone who’s exactly like me, not in the narcissistic way though… just someone who at least gets me.
Fuck off already.
>What do you think might be causing it?
Partly obstructive sleep apnoea, and partly chronic discomfort/pain. I have a CPAP machine, which is a lot better than not having one, but it's not perfect. I have issues with the mask, for example because my skull is such a peculiar shape.
That anon's performative emotional displays and episodic outbursts of Bipolar Type I demonstrate the reasons they are incapable of getting a date

I took a psychology class in college so I know what I'm talking about
You are probably mentally unstable.
Chances are you are avoidant.
Foid hands
I want to touch a woman's body so bad but it won't happen for a long while.
>CPAP machine
Imagine if it was called CPLAP machine.
Complex plappening machine.
The chase is better than the catch.

This is the first page of the second chapter.
The person I was with is avoidant, I am mentally unstable though yes very true anon.

I am like you. I suspect I am avoidant (never been in a relationship though, and last time I chased a guy I actually really liked and saw a future with he ghosted me)
I will roobably kill myself soon
I wish I fell asleep with a penis suction machine around my cock, like the cum sucking hoses from the movie A Boy and His Dog starring Don Johnson.
F Leo
It's really not about star signs. I've banged them all equally. It's about finding compaibility in relation to our personal struggles and archetype.
But I really want that Taurus.
That was my first car too.
>The person I was with is avoidant
My condolences, no wonder you think the chase is more interesting than being with somebody.
Avoidant people should not be in romantic relationships.
No shit
You think a straight guy came up with the name Chad Thundercock and spends all day every day obsessing about tall men and big dicks? This place is more homoerotic than Brokeback Mountain.
Porn rot. The same way the brain automatically tunes out ads is the same way intimacy is tuned out after a while.

Fantasies are more arousing than sex. Sex is anticlimactic.

>plaplap and then i cum
woahhhhh unique and different and unexpected
Remember to live stream it.
Once I was doing a comedy set at a country bar full of redneck guys and one guy kept pointing and laughing at me after each joke and saying "BOY, your shirt looks like something outta BROKEN BACK MOUNTAIN! That's right, BROKEN BACK MOUNTAIN!"
Glad you agree anon. I guess maybe I phrased it the wrong way. My expectations of what the relationship would be were not what it became, and not what was initially promised.

I will miss the sex, fuck off faggot.
>Why is the chase more enjoyable than being in a relationship?
M. It's not. Anyone who thinks it is has never been in love.
You think a straight guy would write dozens of books over two centuries and spend all day obsessing about rich men and labor violations? Socialism is more homoerotic than Brokeback Mountain.
>Glad you agree anon.
Everybody who's been on the receiving end of an avoidant person will agree.
It's incredibly hurtful that they act the way they do.
>What's your star sign?
M. Gemini.
>What star sign is sexiest?
Gemini. Duh.
Marx and Engels probably put their pee pees in each others bums, that wouldn't be news to me at all. Karl Marx lived in England much of his life after all and probably contracted the English mental disease of homosexual buggery addiction.
>I want to touch a woman's body so bad but it won't happen for a long while.
Try escorts.
yes but i think the term is retarded. also im anti mass immigration
>What's your star sign
The star of David
Why do I feel like he looked better fat?
>strongest moid advice
Foid hands
Am I avoidant if I still desperately want love?
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I couldn't even name all of them, much less tell you which of them are sexy. But the sexiest person I've met is also a Gemini.
If a morbidly obese man with the physique of a hot air balloon whose BMI is that of a truck full of undocumented laborers crosses a border, do we consider that mass immigration?
I mean, you can always just ask. Preferably after going on a date…

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I'm convinced female toxicity is a weird type of self-harm they're stuck doing.

>men do everything wrong and nothing right.
>chad likes me less than I like him, incel chuds what do i do?
>okay just got back from having sex with chad time to reply with vague and unhelpful one word answers to random shit
>"No." "It depends." "Maybe." "No." "Obviously." "Whatever." "Moid hands."
>great talk. same time tomorrow?
Only men will understand this one.
>You think a straight guy would write dozens of books over two centuries and spend all day obsessing about rich men and labor violations?
Unless he's a vampire or something, I doubt anyone would be writing books over two centuries. But otherwise... yeah?
*A whole bunch of men
You can still want things that you intentionally avoid.
You can dodge a car coming right at you and still want to drive.
I wish I lived over two centuries. At minimum, five centuries. I'm trying to figure out an alchemical formula that will turn my addiction to swisher sweets and gas station kratom into having the opposite health effect, making me eternally youthful and being transformed into elixirs of immortality.
Have you ever been sodomized up your anal cavity with a burning cigar?
Lol, one Chad ghosted you and you want to end your life? Females are crazy. Just date the nice guy who asked you out and actually wants to be with you.
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>Lol, one Chad ghosted you and you want to end your life?
Tale as old as time. Virgil wrote about this in The Aeneid. Dido burned a whole city and unalived herself because Aeneas ghosted her.
I would do it again.
The only thing I experience is 2 but I still push myself to do it
Am I still avoidant? Or did I just not like them
He wasn't even a Chad he was a loser who asked me out and said he liked me
I hope I never need anything like a cpap machine, because I don't think I could ever sleep with the mask. It must be really annoying for it to fit weird on top of that and then dealing with pain as well. Hope it gets better anon, I will try sending good sleep thoughts your way
lol @ how people fall for the "Chad" meme when I see women around and about in town casually dating men who look like a young Danny Devito if he got hit in the face by a brick frying pan.
>he was such a loser that he ghosted me in 2024 where every man is desperate for a female to like him back ughhhh what a fucking total loser he was ughhh
Are you willing to work on your problem?
That's your answer.
tfw autistic
>all of these
What you WANT is irrelevant, how you act is what counts.
If you warm up your anal cavity to a certain extent, is it possible to hardboil an egg in there?
Lol yea. I mean I'm not exactly a looker myself but I get it I get mad about Stacy too
This is actually a good play on his part. It shows he's not clingy and desperate. There's a certain market logic you have to follow as a man in the heterosexualist dating world, scarcity increases value.
I don't see this at all. What country and what city? What I do see often is tall fit guys with chubby, frumpy bitches.
This guy is at least a 6/10, not Chad but like... if I'm ugly I'm gonna be mad yeah.
Yes I just wish I knew exactly what my problem is
How do I know how I'll act if I've never been in a relationship?
Awwww Danny. What a cutie
Kek yup. Their answer is always some bullshit no one who matters even knows exists like "Latvia" or "The Solomon Islands" or "Carcosa." Watch.
Mid-sized city in the northern USA.
All of his videos and engagement drama from the past 2 years was pre recorded and he was losing weight during that time, it's pretty funny. His new videos are him playing straight, I wonder if he's going to go back to the campy stuff again
Hey you know what the fuck. I am not avoidant wtf I am actually very intentional with my relationships and looking for a true connection and I think I'm beating myself up for not finding it. I think I was just lonely and isolated for such a long time that I don't really know how to connect with people or force connections? I don't do casual sex, I don't actively avoid anyone, I'm not emotionally unavailable, I trust people who deserve to be trusted,
>Hope it gets better anon
No chance of that.
>I will try sending good sleep thoughts your way
But thanks. :o)
>How do I know how I'll act if I've never been in a relationship?
How you act with your friends is a good indicator.
Like if you are "exhausted" after talking to somebody for half an hour, take days to reply to texts, never want to do anything with them etc.
He looks 12 no offence
>If you warm up your anal cavity to a certain extent, is it possible to hardboil an egg in there?
Technically, yes, but the temperature it would have to reach is high enough that you wouldn't survive the experience.
I respond to texts quickly, I always go out with friends unless physically impossible and even if I don't want to/am not feeling it. I know I'll have a better time in the end. I don't have a lot of friends but the ones I do have I care about. Idk if that means anything. I really don't want to be avoidant. what if someone good comes along and I ruin it?
People don't know Latvia exists?
I just know hot guys come from there
You know Latvia exists?!
*Shoots you twice in the back of the head.*
Now you don't. No one can know.
I thought attachment styles were a meme? Or was that love languages
It's ok to admit where you need to learn from your faults.
I hope you heal to experience the joys of a relationship in full.
Me too I really want to be better. I wish my parents weren't 20 when they had me maybe I would be less fucked up
NTA but a lot of people in the US would struggle to name more than a few dozen countries.
love languades are pseudo psych. attachment styles are very well defined and researched
>I thought attachment styles were a meme?
I wish.

t. Guy with insecure attachment style
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You are a meme.
>NTA but a lot of people in the US would struggle to name more than a few dozen countries.
Oh, well, in the US, sure. But most adults in the US have the knowledge and vocabulary of a four year old child. You can't consider the US typical.
finna lie and tell women im a leo from now on
American Problem: a hundred times as many people die from gun violence here as in any other wealthy country.

American Solution: MORE GUNS.
What is your real sign?
Why leo?
I have taken like 6 attachment quizes and they all tell me something different. Cool guess I'm dying alone
Being aware of attachment styles can be a useful way to frame things if makes you more self aware and helps you catch yourself when you fall into certain behaviour patterns. But therapists also say you can different attachment styles in different relationships, so it's not like it's this rigidly defined thing. I also think some people might like having yet another label to define themselves by and there's always the danger of using it as a way to box yourself in and not grow or change
one of the ones no one ever brings up ever for any reason
(ie not scorpio, leo or "one of the he's funny" ones)

second most popular, basically says
>im stereotyped to have entirely attractive traits
without being as common as scorpio (which is the msot common and most popular sign, despite most men being single)
In conclusion you are incapable of healthy relationships. What more do you need to know? Idiot
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What the fuck man…
My god yes, leos are great.
Okay yea this made me feel better. Thank you. Why are you guys all so smart I am so dumb
I want to be good I really do. I want to be a wife
I was trying to protect myself in a dangerous situation
How do I find a casual cuddling partner? I really don't want sex as much as I want hugs
Dumb of you. Men love bad girls.
I am?
Literally me.
>You may struggle with feelings of guilt and shame
Yea so what haha :|
even in the song that was posted earlier aquarious gets literally 2 lines and its done
the only info on it anywhere is boiled down to
>you're fucking weird, you fucking weirdo.fuck you you fucking weird weirdo stop being weird. fuck you're weird
its the rarest sign so no one cares to look at it much. the opposite of scorpio where its put in the best light by far because most people clicking are scorpio and it literally pays to validate them
Yeah you are dumbass.
>I was trying to protect myself in a dangerous situation
Did you kill someone?
I can't win
Yeah, that's the problem with online quizzes. All of those things are just part of the human experience, everyone experiences those things to some degree at some time or another. It's like psychiatric diagnoses, everyone can read list a symptoms for virtually anything and related to at least some of it. What matters is the degree to which it's negatively affecting your life and how difficult it is for you to change it without professional support
>How do I find a casual cuddling partner?
Try a dating app for asexuals.
Need gf to act avoident with and blame all my issues on but also emotionally manipulate to think she needs me
>all of the things mentioned I strongly feel
>what if someone good comes along and I ruin it?
Then you learn from it.
You don't sound avoidant to me.

They both describe behaviour and wants/needs.
It's just a simplification to easily say what you like and don't like. That does not mean there isn't a spectrum for all of them.
Like some avoidant people are very attached to their partner, but nobody else. Or the other way around, they see even their partner as just as disposable "best friend" who they only contact when THEY need it, but are annoyed when their partner needs them.
I had an Aquarius chase phase, but he burned me by lying about his entire personality.
Now I'm scared of men lying about their birthdays again.
thats me from now on babeh
finna lie, cheat and steal
I look at that list in the screencap, but I don't really feel that way. But I will agree that those points are way too general.
F. I don't think it's more enjoyable, just different - the chase is exciting, the first phases of a relationship are basically a constant high, but long term relationships are profoundly fulfilling and happy. I never felt happier with my husband than I do today, and I know I'll be happier tomorrow.
>Why are you guys all so smart I am so dumb
We've just had first hand experience with certain people.
>There's an asexual app
>No aromantic one
Maybe I just try whichever app is best at hookups
Was me thinking I want to wait to be in love to have sex just me being avoidant?
The longest relationship I’ve been in is a month and a half haha…
>What's your star sign?
I'm a Gemini born in May. My sister in law is a Gemini born in June. She once sent me this link; it is eerily accurate.

This is the shortest relationship I've been in and it's been 7 years lol
Yeah you idiot
>muh purity
>muh superiority
Yeah, you got an avoidant-dick personality

What the fuck >.>
>Maybe I just try whichever app is best at hookups
Then you'll get people who expect sex.
>You don't sound avoidant to me.
I feel like I am. Or I am very scared that I am. I'm going to push myself to not hold back my feelings anymore
You guys are usually nice to me for being a virgin with no experience but this is the reality of it. I don't know what I need or want and most guys want nothing to do with that
Believe me, I'm dumber than a pile of bricks. I just have parents who were able and willing to spend a fortune on therapy for me
I really hate women, they're the worst.
That's the idea yea. Sex, nothing more.
>I don't know what I need or want and most guys want nothing to do with that
NTA. When I was younger I would have enjoyed helping you find out.
It was never about purity or superiority, I always hated myself for never having found a boyfriend or not just going out and losing it in college
>Yeah, you got an avoidant-dick personality
I like dick :( He just makes me nervous
I doubt that's possible. I don't think I'd be able to easily meet someone I'd be comfortable having any sort of casually intimate relationship with, but if I did, I'd probs want his dick one way or another.
I love you too wankclown.
How could you have helped me?
>not hold back my feelings anymore
Usually a good idea, especially when it comes to affection, because you'll just be passing up chances at being happy.
It's always worth trying.

>You guys are usually nice to me for being a virgin with no experience
I think virginity has no inherent value and unless you have fucked like 100+ people in the span of a year, I don't care if somebody has fucked somebody before me, because that's just something insecure and/or controlling people do.

>I don't know what I need or want
You'll find out once you are in a relationship.
>That's the idea yea. Sex, nothing more.
Did I miss an NTA? Person I originally replied to said
>I really don't want sex as much as I want hugs
Anyway, if you want casual fucking, try Tinder or Feeld.
I'm not an asexual

I can give you the dick for the hugs, I'd just enjoy the hugs more right now and would rather avoid sex
>How could you have helped me?
By consciously being a practice boyfriend for you, and having friendly talks about how you felt things were going, and what you were enjoying, and what you weren't enjoying.
Hockey bf
My boyfriend didn't let me use my computer or phone much and now I'm finding out things he did to me that were red flags that I wasn't able to ask you guys about and realize were red flags. I feel so stupid but I got out at least. I missed you guys
Yea, this is what you replied to.
I'm aromantic; never seen any appeal in relationships at all, never had a crush.

>BEing an adult and letting someone else dictate your usage of such things
>I'm not an asexual
No, but if you're looking for someone who is okay with having cuddles without sex, an app full of people who don't want sex is probably a good place to start.
>avoid sex
Why though? Also hugging during sex is a thing. Two birds, one stone.
>My boyfriend didn't let me use my computer or phone much
Controlling abuser, eh?
Sorry to hear that, glad you made it out.
I'm lazy and needy
NTA you just sound kinda stupid.
Probably some weak underweight emo.
>I got out at least
Good for you! We're happy to see you back, and happy to see you in one piece.

>My boyfriend didn't let me use my computer or phone much
That in itself is a massive red flag, for future reference.
Same, but I still want to get fucked. I don't see why casual hugging is on the table, but casual sex isn't.
You're right
>It's always worth trying.
I wnt to be brave

I dont really care about virginity either in other people

I guess you're right
How could I know if my feelings were true unless I actually liked you though?
i need to be touched by a woman
Maybe next time just give me the cuddles first without responsibility
Don't listen to the "practice bf" retard.
That shit only works for sociopaths.
>How could I know if my feelings were true unless I actually liked you though?
Well, obviously there would have been no point in you being with me if you didn't actually like me. But back then I quite enjoyed being in a "helping people to figure out what they want" role. I would have been fine with you being with me for a while, having fun, figuring out what you actually wanted, finding another guy who gave you that, and then moving on. I would have felt happy to have been instrumental in making you happy in the long term.
I kind of wish my bf strictly controlled my internet access desu
>I kind of wish my bf strictly controlled my internet access desu
Have you tried asking him to?
No you don’t
Wish i had a gf to control all aspects of the life of
>Wake up, its 9
>Wear this
>Eat this
>We're going here
>Smile, I'm taking pictures
>Come here
>Life up your skirt
>We're going home
>You have 3 hours to watch something, I'm going out, no more than that
>Eat this
>Smile :)
I‘d kill him with my bare hands.
NTA, but honestly it'd be convenient to just do what a guy says in a relationship all the time if he knew exactly what I wanted to accomplish with my life and had the best intentions in us getting them done properly together. But nobody is that infallible or has that much foresight.
The army loves people like you.
Use a knife
Thrust 3 times into my heart
Smile :)
*chokes you to death*
Have you ever tried a life coach?
Why do I have so much energy at 3 am? Is this the power of freedom?
I hate you.
I never claimed to be smart
Thanks. I didn't expect to be so devastated but I've been told it's normal
<3 I'll remember that lol
I'm not paying someone to tell me what to do. I'm already tol easily manipulated and tricked as is. I don't need a sunk cost fallacy adding to that.
If it makes you feel better, I did just go through a breakup… within the past couple hours haha
What happened?
At this point, I don't think I'm capable of cuddling with a man I like without pretty much demanding that it escalates to sex.
I wasn’t happy! So I ended it!
I'm not just one but double Scorpio actually, lol
And I say Aries is the sexiest
Too embarrassing, plus I don't want to be a burden. My job is to make his life more pleasant, not task him with fixing things I should be solving on my own

I wish it were that easy, but you'd grow tired of it eventually
>At this point, I don't think I'm capable of cuddling with a man I like without pretty much demanding that it escalates to sex.
NTA. As a man, I'm struggling to see why this a problem.
Are you happier now?
I've had multiple exes say I made things sexual too early and to frequently. It's very much a negative thing, apparently.
Could you cuddle for an extended period of time before it escalates? Like, say, an hour?
>Too embarrassing, plus I don't want to be a burden. My job is to make his life more pleasant, not task him with fixing things I should be solving on my own
If it were me, I'd kind of enjoy that.
>I've had multiple exes say I made things sexual too early and to frequently. It's very much a negative thing, apparently.
Kek. It really, really isn't!
The thread was infused with shark's blood and bull's semen
>Life up your skirt
I don’t get this part
Simple as. Everyone who thinks that women follow anything else but their own interests is deluded.
No. I could do maybe 15 minutes. But it'd include some seam riding whether you're happy about it or not.
Yes! I’ll probably regret it later, but for now? I’ll enjoy this momentary inner peace

Tbf, I tried many times to mend the relationship
Why did you kill the shark?
I need to find someone compatible with me sexually. I think that's just the issue.
That can mean many things but it usually means trying to force someone to be up to your new and increasing standards.
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What's something about men that is alienating to you? Something genuinely hard to understand or relate to (not necessarily a bad thing)

An example from the other side: it's hard for me to empathize when I see women complain about receiving too much sexual attention from the opposite sex. I genuinely believe them when they say that it sucks but it's so distant from my own experience that I struggle to imagine what it would be like to hate it
>I need to find someone compatible with me sexually. I think that's just the issue.
The incels will try to tell you that there is no such thing as sexual compatibility. They are wrong. It's important. Obviously it's far from being the only thing that's important, but it really does matter. Don't ignore it!
No more semen talk.
Nothing. Men are simple creatures. Which is great.
Yes, far too many to mention.
Nope, moreso admitting and fixing my mistakes and forgiving them for theirs. We both made mistakes anon. But I didn’t realize how incompatible we were until today
Do guys really just accept breakups? She's getting her face ruined if she ever broke up with me.
>swiping through women on a dating app
>single mother
>mental illness
>fat single mother
>e-thot shilling her OF
>fat with mental illness
>fat single mother
>fat single mother with mental illness
>another OF ad
This is every dating app now. And when I say fat, I mean obese with jelly rolls and no neck.
More semen talk pls.
Enjoy prison. Hope it was worth it.
>What's something about men that is alienating to you?
A good John Gray example is that men think that if you're talking about a problem, you're asking them to find a solution to it, when actually you just want to be actively and sympathetically listened to.
Shit, why is this cute.
yes i do
Yes, women always have something to piss and moan about and are never interested in solutions to any of their problems unless those solutions are blaming someone else and making them take care of it.
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Don't let them get close
This is all way too much for me. I am going to have a melty.
I don't understand why men are so obsessed with some aspects of sex and sexual attraction.
Also being harassed just because you give men boners gets old at best and scary at worst.
I wish I knew how to screen new guys I go on early dates with to make sure we're sexually compatible without being shallow or otherwise doing so at the expense of other aspects of compatibility.
I'll personally kill you.
NTA but actually that is me..lol
I want to be listened to but im also lazy and romantic and want men to help me and save me like a fairy story
That's a daily occurrence for me now. I'm used to it.
>I wish I knew how to screen new guys I go on early dates with to make sure we're sexually compatible without being shallow or otherwise doing so at the expense of other aspects of compatibility.
If it were me I would be perfectly okay with you talking about that - I understand it's important. Out of curiosity, do you know what you need for compatibility, or are you still figuring that out?
You should just greet new guys by offering to suck their dicks.
Have to make sure she wore the correct panties and take pictures for my collection. Its a way of showing love :)

I haven't seen an OF ad on Tinder. But I do report every bitch with instagram or snap in their bio.
>I've been told it's normal
I think so too.
I hope you don't blame yourself too much for it. It's easy to say for an outsider "bro just run, obviously it's a manipulator", but if you are in that situation it's not easy. Especially if you have nowhere to go.
How are you doing now? Are you living alone now or with your family?
Men do love solving problems and it's one of the great things about you guys, but the responsibility of micromanaging someone else's day to day life is a huge, unreasonable ask imo even if it sounds fun in theory
The insta and snap are just indirect OF ads.
I can't really smell
Not really. Just buy an onahole. Thank me later. You’re forgetting how bitchy women are, anon
I thought I knew what I want, but at this point idk if I'm right about what I need anymore. My last relationship was pretty much perfect when it comes to sex, like frequency and intimacy and fetish-wise and all that, but we broke up anyways. Shit sucks.
I don't want to suck rando dick. I mean I do in a vacuum, but it comes with too many risks to be worth it.
>Something genuinely hard to understand or relate to (not necessarily a bad thing)
It's a bit of a cliché, but I simply don't get sport, and the way men feel about it. I have no idea why the ability of one set of people to kick a ball into a goal *matters* to anyone. I watch men watching football (soccer), and it's like I'm watching an alien species.
>I wish I knew how to screen new guys I go on early dates with to make sure we're sexually compatible without being shallow or otherwise doing so at the expense of other aspects of compatibility.
Not sure what the issue could be. If he's fit and has all the checkboxes ticked with none of the flaws then you are compatible. Unless you mean that you can't find him?
It's almost like there's more to a relationship than sex. That would be a shocking revelation, wouldn't it?
thanks but I don't want your opinion
Pinkfong must be stopped
The conversation that needs to happen to actually learn if we're sexually compatible is too raunchy and awkward to happen before we've already been seeing each other for a long while, I think.
>Set up another DND game
>The girl plays a little girl, again (not her, but like 50% of all girls I get in my games do this)
All going fine
>Like 5 games in, she starts flirting, in character, as a little girl
it keeps fucking happening, I don't know why this is so common, they do it every fucking time and every time it just makes people not want to play with them
Too bad!
>My last relationship was pretty much perfect when it comes to sex, like frequency and intimacy and fetish-wise and all that, but we broke up anyways.
It could be that the sex aspect was actually what you wanted but the other stuff was a problem. That doesn't mean you should ignore the sex side; just say to yourself "Right, I've got that part figured out; now what else do I need?"
Fuck you. We were compatible in many other ways, too.
You are used goods.
>The conversation that needs to happen to actually learn if we're sexually compatible is too raunchy and awkward to happen before we've already been seeing each other for a long while, I think.
NTA. Maybe any guy who finds it awkward isn't suitable for you.
>I mean I do in a vacuum
>No slut vacuum gf to get blown by with THE BOYS!!!
Idk. I think that I'm getting too old to be picky. If I can find someone who loves me and gets along with me enough to want to spend our lives together and start a family, I think I'd be willing to be completely sexually incompatible. Priorities and all that.
So it takes too much time. But you've already had multiple exes so moving from one person to another is no issue. Strange 1st world problems.
>I don't want to suck rando dick. I mean I do in a vacuum, but it comes with too many risks to be worth it.
(sniffs sadly)
Also incompatible in some important ways.
Women, would date a man who does (thing I do)?
No they wouldn't, because women hate men.
Hell yeah
Later virgins
We just hit a rough patch and it looked like we wanted different things out of life. There was also potential infidelity.

Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
Netflix show that was better than it had any right to be.
If that's what you think, I don't think I can change your mind by posting at (You) on 4chan. So go off.
Wouldn't that write off like 99% of guys?
Is casual oral sex really that appealing to you guys or am I being memed on?
I've been actively pursuing relationships for over a decade now. Being with someone for a year, only for it to fall apart because of unforeseen incompatibilities is getting old.
Very, very true.
I mean yea. If a random girl offered to suck my cock and she was hot and I had omniscience to know how serious she is, she wont bite, etc, then it'd be pretty kewl
>Women, would date a man who does (thing I do)?
Ew! No.
They’re not wrestling naked then I guess?
>Is casual oral sex really that appealing to you guys or am I being memed on?
If it's done competently, fuck yes.
>Ywn be shot and tied up and tied down and used by a cabal of evil women as a sex toy for the rest of your life
why is life so curel
With omniscience, maybe. But I wouldn't want to stop at sucking dick, and I would hope that it could develop into something done frequently and would eventually lead to a relationship. Maybe I'm just not capable of casual stuff.
Are you okay to cuddle after sex? Could your bf just shlick you into happiness?
>noooo the horror
>she wants the plap
>noooo sex noooooo
>Is casual oral sex really that appealing to you guys or am I being memed on?
NTA but it's a meme. If someone wanted to suck my cock casually I'd then want to spend more time with her, which is a fundamental incompatibility with women that casually suck cock.
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Weirdly I have experienced this as a man when venting to female friends who started offering solutions right off the bat
Do you make an exception when the solution is genuinely original and good?

>I don't understand why men are so obsessed with some aspects of sex and sexual attraction.
Which aspects?

I also don't like sports. That said, if you want to understand it better, I think you should focus less on the players and more on the fans. It's about belonging to a group.
Have you ever been at a concert, or sung in a choir, or worked hard on some project with many other people, and felt a connection with those around you?
Have you ever enjoyed talking shit about a rival city/school/political party etc.? Have you ever felt like a patriot of your own country, or maybe rooted for one side in a historical and fictional conflict?
Sports fandom, as far as I can tell, is primarily about that. It's politics but with ideology and interests replaced by placebo.
See also: https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/05/19/nerds-can-be-bees-too/
Every time I describe how I maintain my sex toys, guys post "I wish it was me". That includes mentioning keeping toys locked up in bins in a closet for weeks at a time. It's such a dumb joke.
>tfw no bin mommy
i wish that was me...
>Are you okay to cuddle after sex?
Yes. Ideally I'd be too exhausted to do anything hut cuddle by that point.
>Could your bf just shlick you into happiness?
Maybe. I'm pretty sure I'll always want piv when possible, though. Unless he's like so good with his hands that I can't fathom it.
I want a guy to put a baby in me. That's what scares guys I think.
Makes sense.
>Maybe I'm just not capable of casual stuff.
Plenty of people aren't.
>Do you make an exception when the solution is genuinely original and good?
In the kind of situation I'm thinking about, no. I'm not *looking* for a solution, I just want to feel better. You achieve that by listening to me and not interrupting.
For me that children would be a
>We've been together for at least a year, without too many arguments
>We've sorted out who will be at home raising the child
>We have the cash
>Which aspects?
Humiliating women and finding it endearing, needing to finish on/in them to feel like the sex was even sex, obsessing over visual stuff while also claiming that they like every negative aspect of tits or ass. Etc.
I would definitely bite a dick if I tried to suck one but I’m not gonna suck one. They look like fucking weird mushrooms heads.
Shit taste
I hope you like being boiled, too.
It sucks, though.
I wish it was that simple. I've ticked all those boxes with partners in the past. But there are many more little things that can come up to ruin that dream, even ignoring the ones that were just my fault for not being mentally prepared.
>That's what scares guys I think.
Some guys, maybe. It wouldn't scare me though, at least as long as you weren't like poking holes in condoms the second time we had sex or something like that.
If you could delete one fetish from your mind, what would it be?
For me,
I don't know why I'm into this, its gross
Are some girls just born as sluts or are they created?
One of my teachers talked about how some girls are just born nymphos. JH must be one too if she willingly started sleeping with her uncle before puberty.
>poking holes in condoms
I have panic attacks during sex if I think even for a moment that the condom could've broke, so that's not something to worry about.
Nothing, I like what I like and it's nothing too bad really.
F. Race stuff.
Go away, pedo.
i went slutty for a bit when i was on birth control but my sex drive stopped pretty much as soon as i stopped
i like littling in a non sexual way but a lot of the ddlg dynamic is weird to me
>I want a guy to put a baby in me. That's what scares guys I think.
Like actually getting pregnant and having a child or just roleplay it and getting dicked down good?
Yeah, but at some point you're going to have to be ready to go without the condom if you want kids.
All things femdom
No, but there are sex scenes with Alison Brie, Jackie Tohn, and Betty Gilpin.

I boil my dildos

Your loss. It's fun.
I'm not.
That's interesting.
F. Same. Why am I into race stuff?
either fat fetish and futa
Cuckquean, degradation, and I want to say DDlg too but even though I know it's gross it would be too much of a loss to give it up completely
I could go for 3 fucks a day, 5 fucks if I am extra horny, you?
Once a day is the bare minimum desu.
>In the kind of situation I'm thinking about, no
What kind of situation is that?
Suppose that you come to me complaining about hard it is for you to do your work because your computer is so slow and laggy (too lazy to come up with a less stereotypical example, sorry)
Then I immediately get an idea in my head, run to your computer, and find that you indeed have malware installed that wastes your PC power on mining crypto. I delete it and the thing now works like a charm.
Are you saying that if this happened, you would be upset with me for not listening to you vent about it for 10 more minutes before suggesting a solution?

>obsessing over visual stuff while also claiming that they like every negative aspect of tits or ass
What are these negative aspects?
>woman will immediately reconsider reproducing with you if you don't place the dishes in the right cupboard by accident
I want a baby ASAP. I'm not dumb enough to rush into a relationship just for that dream, but I make it clear that it's what I want and I want it sooner rather than later.
I am 100% prepared for whatever it takes to get knocked up. But it has to be in that context for me to just suck it up and deal with the stuff.
>needing to finish on/in them to feel like the sex was even sex
Why would you not want a man to cum, depriving him of about 80% of his enjoyment of sex?
>I want a baby ASAP.
Why's that?
To hurt your feelings in particular.
I think it's just controlling a usually negative thing and getting to enjoy the dichotomous aspects of it. Like it takes the badness out of it and only leaves the rush of the contrast if it's someone you love who's fucking you calling you the slurs.
I just don't want to deal with it. He can finish away from me, obvs.
That doesn’t sound very appropriate of her to talk about unless it’s a sexual behaviors class or something similar.
That's just men's brains being poisoned by porn.
I've wanted a baby for a long time. I don't even know why anymore, I just know the want has only gotten stronger over time.
You are approached by a couple you know, and they ask you to cuck them. You are attracted. They both seem into it. Do you do it?
What am I even supposed to do?
No thanks. I’m a lesbian
We were watching Lolita and having a discussion about it after. The teacher asked me directly after class what I thought about it because she knew I knew movies. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I gave a non-answer that it was interesting or something like that. I couldn't say my true thoughts for obvious reasons.
No. I wouldn't want to ruin a relationship, and I wouldn't enjoy group sex unless I was the center of attention.
what's wrong with fat fetish
>Group sex
That's not how it works
You fuck one of them and the other is a cuck
I struggle to call myself a lesbian because I still like dick, even if I don't like what it's attached to.
date a trans woman lol
What class was this? Why would you be watching that?
Someone else is there, it's group sex even if they're not involved physically. And I wouldn't be the center of attention in that scenario anyways.
That’s consent, I’m going for it. I’ll try being a bull for a night just to see if I’m into it.
It's not possible to justify it to someone.
It was some separate film course in high school. One of our English teachers gave the class. I liked it, it was pretty fun.
wait thats the weird pose thing right? i just dont get the appeal of it and im into some weird stuff
>I boil my dildos
Nta but mmmm, new femanon tea unlocked
loli :(
Pose? No, it's violence, like fighting.
why do people make posts like this instead of using a search engine?
>I boil my dildos
I'm not fat and so there's an asymmetry of weight.
It’s when you beat women
oh i see. i wanna get punched by a sap glove in the stomach but i feel thats different to what youre talking about, or play fighting is also fun
Oh, it's just you, JH.
Maybe put on a trip already so we can just filter your weird shit.
you're thinking of shibari which is the rope thing
Probably omorashi, it’s relatively harmless but how the hell am I gonna convince a woman to do that for me
>You are attracted.
No, I am not.
That's just stupid and I would never look at them in the same way again.
Same anon as >>31954526 here, forgot to include reply link

>Humiliating women and finding it endearing, needing to finish on/in them to feel like the sex was even sex, obsessing over visual stuff while also claiming that they like every negative aspect of tits or ass. Etc.
What are these negative aspects?
Also, it's a very small sample, but both women I've had sex with wanted me to finish on them without me suggesting it first. One told me she later masturbated to this very idea.
So I would be hard to blame for getting the idea that this is something many women enjoy
Why is everyone else allowed to talk about their weird shit but me?
>Suppose that you come to me complaining about hard it is for you to do your work because your computer is so slow and laggy (too lazy to come up with a less stereotypical example, sorry)
You patronising asshole! If my computer were running slow, I wouldn't come whining to you about it, I'd just fix it. If I want to let off steam, it's because there is no easy solution. If I've had a bad day at work, I don't want you saying "maybe you should get another job" as if I'm too stupid to have thought of that myself. I just want you to listen while I vent.

Honestly, this is exactly what I mean. Men literally don't get this. They cannot conceive of the possibility that someone could be talking about a problem unless they're asking for help solving it. Open your mind to the existence of other possibilities.
im fine with pee stuff
No no, you’re on the right track. Also… hot
That's actually fairly tame, piss fetishes are super common

Why do fat girls think it’s acceptable to wear shape wear and leggings? It looks disgusting
>Why would you not want a man to cum, depriving him of about 80% of his enjoyment of sex?
(NTA) There, in a nutshell, is the reason men are terrible at sex.

But the answer to your question is that it's not about you not cumming, it's about you feeling the need to cum on someone instead of in her.
>super common
God is real after all I guess
Let me punch you in the stomach then you can piss yourself. I will make sure to hold you in my arms tenderly afterward.
You treat us like shit 99% of our lives then get upset. nah get cummed on.
>Guy gets a greenflag
>Immediately ups to ryona, making it a red flag

Years of being told "all bodies are beutiful" (but only if they're female, not chinlets or manlets)
"That's a man, baby"

It's how you're supposed to disinfect them

False confidence. Truly pride was the greatest folly of modern feminism.
Female, no I would not want to be a prop in another couple's sex life
Idk but yes they need to stop.
Belly punching is under the ryona umbrella, even consensual, and play fighting can be depending on how rough it is.
For me, and this'll sound bad, but I get nothing if it's a consensual thing. I like media where the girl is capable of fighting back but is just losing brutally, like Videl vs Spopovich. It's something that only exists in fiction, real domestic violence does nothing good for me.
M. I'm woefully heterosexual and wouldn't want him joining in; but if she wants to get with me and he wants to watch, sure, that sounds fun.
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In my defense she said she wanted to get punched with a sap glove, I’m not actually into ryona.
You do belly punching because you don't want to leave marks on her face.
i need to fart but i have no gf to gift it to
a wasted fart
silent, but dead
Why are women suddenly so "new age" about sex?
>foreplay starts from first sight and is everything prior to penetrative sex
>cumming isn't sex sex is tantra where no one cums ever
>sex is being physically assaulted by someone you like or acting out traumatic scenarios or hurting them
people don't hump anymore?
Because you assume what you want is in any way normal.
hmm my pee fantasy is more about desperation, i never thought about combingin it with getting punched
idk, im guessing even roleplaying with cnc wont do it for you?
My actual fantasy is just kissing while she pees
>It's how you're supposed to disinfect them
NTA but isn't it easier to just put them in the dishwasher?
Wanting a family is normal, I think.
I am never eating anything at femanon's house ever again.
I dislike the rise of wearing tights as the only thing over underwear in general.
>Fat chick
>Fat chick
>Actually underaged child wearing a thong
>Fat chick
>Singular hot chick
>Another literal child
>actual omorashi enjoyer
Based, I only threw in the punch bit because you already owned up to wanting that. I’m not into ryona. Girl with full bladder having to let it go while kissing is peak.
this is cute
>im guessing even roleplaying with cnc wont do it for you?
No, I don't like hurting people for realsies.
I'll jack off to bearhugs in fighting games or women's wrestling doujins but I'm not interested in actually doing it.
I guess it's the same as how some women think about rape fantasies.
Kissing was ruined for me because I was kissed by a girl with a ridiculously long tongue that totally dominated my mouth and no one else literally measures up
>foreplay starts from first sight and is everything prior to penetrative sex
This isn't "new age", that's just what sex is to a woman, and always has been for the past 100,000 years or more. Men have just been too wrapped up in themselves to notice all that time.
>Its how you clean them
Belle Delphine really missed a cash cow with that one
Another business idea unlocked…
Anon, you don't wash them with the dishes
That doesn't disinfect the things that were in my butt, anon.

>Belle Delphine really missed a cash cow with that one
Starting now, I am selling jars of dildo water.
I like watching women pee too but talking to women drains my will to live so I just watch videos and don't try dating
men were not "too oblivious for thousands of years"
or "forcing women to x y z for thousands of years"
there was not a stable cultural period for thousands of years anywhere
if someone points out that something newly universal is odd and seemingly deranged, the answer is not that it was artificially repressed or hidden for thousands of years at a stretch, the answer is that it is odd, programmed, inhuman behavior borne of peer pressure rather than organic sentiment
you should stop being so dishonest
speaking to you drains my will to live
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Yay <3
I feel like you're not engaging with my hypothetical.
I asked:
>Do you make an exception when the solution is genuinely original and good?
And then gave an example about the slow computer. But you just responded that you would never be in a situation where you'd vent about your slow computer because you'd just have fixed it yourself. And sure, maybe you would have, but surely you agree that some people have blindspots in situations like these and don't recognize quick and effective solutions.

I can give you an example from my own experience:
I'm quite fat, and when my friends tell me
>you should eat healthier and exercise more!
I'm frustrated because I heard this suggestion a million times, so they're not being helpful.
But I have been steadily losing weight on Ozempic. I learned about it online, but if a friend had told me
>hey have you heard about this new weight loss medication? they say it's quite different from all the other ones!
and this was new information to me, I think I would have been grateful. Indeed, I recently told a fat woman about it and she seemed interested and wanted to learn more about my experience using it.
If you don't clean them by hand, you're doing yourself a disservice. Better safe than sorry.
>That doesn't disinfect the things that were in my butt, anon.
NTA. At 75°C it most certainly does.
It’s all part of the mating ritual. It’s like when puffer fish make a sand mandala or when birds dance.
>speaking to you drains my will to live
Good. Let's talk some more.
Please tell me you have a dedicated sex pot and it’s not used for anything else.
This is another thing that is so annoying about you, you pretending like a real cunt.
>I feel like you're not engaging with my hypothetical.
I am. It's just that your hypothetical is retarded. If a solution to the problem to the problem existed, I wouldn't be talking to you about it in that way. You're literally asking me "But what if it were a completely different situation from the one you're talking about?" That's a pointless question.
It does, though

You wash by hand first with cleanser, then disinfect in the dishwasher which is essentially just boiling them but with less work
NTA, but good quality silicone is fine to boil in a cooking pot since it's chemically stable. Blends of plastics are an awful idea to boil, though.
I'm on record being consistent in my wants. I don't pretend shit.
My dishwasher leaves spots sometimes, I wouldn't trust it to wash my toys and leave them smelling like detergent. Maybe your dishwasher is just better.
>killing all bacteria
NTA. Uh, no.
>good quality silicone is fine to boil in a cooking pot since it's chemically stable
That’s not the part I have issue with
>I'm on record being consistent in my wants. I don't pretend shit.
You told me to mark your words that 1 year later you will be married and with a husband and then you got groomed to be a lesbian kek
Then allow me to rephrase. My dishwasher does not get that hot.

Yes, an old stock pot from Bass Pro Shop.
If you ever want to try it, don't use detergent or anything else. Just run them through with water alone
Really? Cooking raw ingredients like meats and vegetables introduces much worse bacteria into the pot than any pathogens that could come from schlicking with a toy.
I took out my period disc and accidentally dumped half the blood on the bathroom floor
>obsessed pedo still here despite consistently being laughed out of the thread
>. I don't pretend shit.
You just pretended I was annoyed by you wanting a family, for once.
So yeah, stop pretending to be stupid.
Anon already admitted the dildo has been in her pooper
Not a p word. You defending a worthless slut is more pathetic.
First, period disc? What the fuck is that.
Second, should I post the period squatting screen cap again or has everyone here already seen it
Guess what. Cows and chickens and pigs shit on themselves and each other before they're made into meat. That's why you cook them, to kill the shit germs. And it's way easier to clean a non-porous toy of most pathogens after it's been in my butt than it is to clean meat before you cook with it. You're just offput by the thought of the toy.
I’m off put by the human component
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>If a solution to the problem to the problem existed, I wouldn't be talking to you about it in that way.
I feel like we're talking past each other. I hope you don't find it too patronizing if I try to break down the conversation into very simple steps.

It seems that you are claiming that there are two types of situations in which someone is struggling with a problem:
>A. situations where the problem has a simple, straightforward solution
>B. situations where the problem has no solution, or only a very difficult solution

And so you're saying that in type A situations, you would either fix the problem yourself without talking to anyone about it, or ask someone for help directly. On the other hand, in type B situations, you would want to vent and want to receive patience and sympathy.

And the problem with many men is that they treat type B situations like type A situations, which is annoying. And I agree that this kind of thing must happen all the time, and is indeed annoying.

BUT what I'm also saying is that sometimes you might ERRONEOUSLY believe that a type A situation is a type B situation, go to vent to someone about it, and your interlocutor might CORRECTLY identify that actually, there is a quick fix that you're not seeing.
And from your response, it seems like you don't think it's plausible that that kind of error that could ever happen, so it's pointless to even speculate about. Am I wrong?
Don't get me wrong, you're totally in the right for being offput by it, but you're just following your gut on this. It's scientifically fine, just not mentally fine for you.
Plus detergent, yes.
You don't use dishwashing detergent on a dildo, you crazy person. We've already gone over this earlier.
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Why do women act like this when I tell them I've published poetry in literature magazines?
You know what they say about poet dick.
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Nta, what do they say

Menstrual disc. It’s like a cup but instead of using suction it just cups the cervix
Femanon: "There are times when I don't want a solution, I just want to be listened to. I wish men could understand that."

Anon: "But what if I gave you a solution?"

Femanon: "No, what I'm saying is, sometimes I don't want a solution, and I wish men would understand that."

Anon: "But what if I gave you a REALLY GOOD solution?"

Femanon: "I'm not sure how else to say this. I don't want a solution and I wish men would understand that."

Anon: "You obviously don't understand. Let me give you an example of a problem that has a solution."

Femanon: "Anon, please, I don't want a solution, I just want you to understand that sometimes I don't want one!"

Anon: "Okay, let me mansplain problems and solutions to you some more and I'm sure you'll agree with me."

Femanon: "HELP!"
What demographic uses crystal cafe?
His pen-is mightier than the sword? Idk, I said that without a joke ready and I'm busy doing laundry.
*buzzes in*
What are Women
NTA and M.
I honestly can see both your sides. I don't get why you wouldn't want to solve the issue (I think people like that are annoying), but I'd respect your wish and just listen. On the other hand, I can get this guy's >>31954697 wish to want to help, but his autism about forcing you to accept that is very grating.
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>he doesn't have the pass
even if you ignore the hatred, the conversation on cc is so fucking terrible compared to here
is approaching a girl on social media instead of in person a bad idea?
I’m getting that vibe
Are you also F though?
yes, but im not a femcel which is why i probably didnt vibe with it
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I'd prefer female input on this one, but welcome anybody, really. It doesn't matter since I'm leaving the situation below and the reasons will quickly become apparent.
Pic unrelated. I just like GTRs.
>be man
>there's this woman at my work
>she's cute, funny, good vibes, very relatable
>she's even a tiny bit handsy and flirtatious every once in a while
>leave work in the afternoon
>get in my car and drive off
>get a couple of blocks down and see her walking
>offer to give her a ride
>she declines
>she's declined at least twice that I can remember, once was even during light rain
It's pretty safe for me to assume this girl is not interested at all, right? She's just being friendly and actually has no interest in me, doesn't she?
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>Anon: "But what if I gave you a REALLY GOOD solution?"
>Femanon: "I'm not sure how else to say this. I don't want a solution and I wish men would understand that."
I guess this answers my question.
In all other situations I kind of get it, and I may even feel that way myself sometimes. I enjoy venting.
But if the "really good" solution is actually, not just apparently, really good, and would fix my problem immediately with no hassle, then I would be really happy that I now have nothing to vent about.
If women really don't feel the same, then that is bizarre to me, and while I could try to accommodate that, I don't know if I could really understand it.
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>1 year ago today gf and I started dating, not official but it started
>was supposed to get pancakes and enjoy the day
>she went out last night with her 2 friends, one a certified homo and some girl
>did not tell me
>went out this morning with her and she was too tired to do anything
>is adamant nothing happened and I was at hers early in the morning, plus I did have sex with her in the afternoon so idk if she cheated

dunno how to feel right now
She thinks you're trying to murder her, anon.
75% of rapes are committed by someone the victim knows.
That hurts more than just plain rejection. I'd die before I hurt her.
Idk and idc. Not my problem
I'm going grey, I'm only 30
Women, should I dye it?
i would take it to mean shes not interested, try not to take it personally
rock it, dont dye it (i have a few greys at 27 :(
Only do it if you got pics of yourself on a private jet or in a Lambo.
I've seen a guy with nice gray hair. Nah, just take care of your hair.
>gay men obsessed with penis size
not surprised
real eyes
real lies
real live
>so idk if she cheated
>dunno how to feel right now
You are really fucking retarded.
Literally can't sleep I hate women so much for killing unborn children
There has never been a greater, more profoundly psychopathic and casually supported evil in the history of our species. Never a greater massacre for any cause.
Dunno but I got banned for calling out a bpdemon cunt on there. They're all cunts that defend bpds and sociopathic women on there it's kind of sad and pathetic
>rock it, dont dye it (i have a few greys at 27 :(
Have you been living a rockstar lifestyle?
>try not to take it personally
I don't take it personally in the sense that I don't think she has any kind of ill will towards me or anything like that. But when you get rejected almost right on 100% of the time in one way or another, how does it not become personal on some level? There's obviously something really bad about or wrong with me.
I noticed nothing weird in her apartment this morning though and I already fucked her the day of, I have no concrete evidence either way
shes on my course at uni and ive chatted to her briefly before but this was like 8 months ago
uni hasnt started yet so im guessing its weird to message her out of nowhere
That's all females.
>I have no concrete evidence either way
Again, you are incredibly retarded and insecure.
Girl goes out with two of her friends and you wonder if she fucking cheated on you?!
Get a grip, you piece of shit.
no, but its weird because i cant see them now that i look in the mirror. i wonder if it was just temporary due to stress
women get hit on a lot. like sometimes you just want to be friendly, but then a guy will say "hey do you want to go out to dinner" and then when you politely say no he suddenly isnt as nice to you. I think im of the opinion that its basically impossible to have guy friends unless you already have a partner. i only have like 1 guy friend
Nta, but why didn't she invite her bf with her? That's very weird. You bitches do cheat when you go out.
oh I thought you were trying to insinuate she did cheat and I'm retarded because she definitely did, I dont necessarily think she did but I'm more annoyed at how the anniversary plans have been spoilt due to her, I made sure to get all my work done so I could make time for this as well
It truly is abhorrent and satanic. The only "positive" way to spin it, is people who are ok with murdering their children would have abused those children if they were born, which breeds more such cruelty and illness. Childmurderers are ending their diseased genetic lineage, and for that, I can sleep a little better at night myself.
If you have ever coomed by yourself, you have killed more children than any woman could kill in a lifetime with an AK47, let alone abortion
She doesn't think id have anything in common with the gay man and the psychotic friend, ive met the woman friend before and I'm not a massive fan. Not sure about the dude, I could probably be friends with him.
Why do women reward bad behavior constantly
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This is what ALL short men crave.
Women, thoughts?
If her friend is a slut, it's already over. The sex sounds like she wanted to make up for it if she kissed someone else or gave him a handjob etc.
Men :) I’m sleep deprived
>That's very weird.
If you never do anything with just your male friends you are a weird freak.

>You bitches do cheat when you go out.
I'm a man and don't.
Go to bed, pupper.
Lmao, you're a pathetic cuck. Let me guess, you're also a male feminist that supports BLM, right?
the sex was before she went out
Women there was a cute girl at a party. She was slightly older than me and was very attractive to me. After a while I walked up to her and said "Hi, I'm *name*", did literally two lines of small-talk, and then walked away while regretting all my life decisions.

How do I console myself for being a fucking loser?
And I can’t :/
If she liked you, she would have made something happen. Move on.
Maybe, I don't know. I guess I got my answers which confirmed what I already thought. Yet another time where I was a fucking idiot for letting myself become attracted to somebody.
Did you get her name? Find her contact info, and reach out, see if she wants to talk.
you could go to bed but tomoorrow will bring the same as today- you being a loser, for eternity
The last thing I want to be is 'that weird guy you met at a party that starts stalking you', thanks.
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Need to eat perfect white pussy with a blond bush
How do i let women know im available to eat pussy 24/7
And men don't?
She looked super awkward and shy, I couldn't tell if she thought I was being weird or would have been that way with anyone. The weird look she gave me is part of the reason I ran away like a bitch.
Kitty, better?
What's keeping you up?
I'd suggest putting on some Japan night walk videos on YT.
Females can't be losers because society will always take care of them, even the childless hags in their 30s.
Ok, incel.
Good morning, ATOGA.

I got hit on by an Indian woman last night that I thought was black.
Her name?
Christ anon, it's not stalking to try to make a connection with someone you met while at an event.
White women do you resist BBC and stick with white men?
I do the bad behavior
It is if the person is not interested.
I only know her first name, I would have no idea where to even find her contact info even if I wanted to.
I have to resist the urge to be a full blown racist most days.
Good morning, sir
See, resist is a funny word here, because it implies there's some sort of effect or temptation on me that I have to exert effort to not engage in. So no, I don't need to resist niggers, because there is no inclination to refrain from, and yes, I only date White men.
The most racist bitches are the ones most into raceplay. Applies to men and women equally, kek.
You didn't say that she was disinterested at the party.
Stop feeling like a loser anyways, you displayed more balls than most men these days just in approaching her and attempting conversation.
Ok jamal, keep telling yourself that
do you resist the urge to laugh when you see a pavement ape shuck and jiving for his next meal?
>Stop feeling like a loser anyways, you displayed more balls than most men these days just in approaching her and attempting conversation.
This is absolute bullshit. Every bitch that's halfway attractive has 100 guys trying to fuck her and date her.
>Every bitch that's halfway attractive has 100 guys trying to fuck her and date her.
Doesn't mean anything when she is not interested in them.
>Stop feeling like a loser anyways, you displayed more balls than most men these days
I guess. I just kind of wish i didn't do it, because if I didn't do it I wouldn't have felt the shame of running away.

But hey, I'm autistic, so I guess I'm cursed to be "rizzless".
NAG, but a short man
I'd like her to be human
So what's the point in saying he did good when he didn't even fuck her? She gets approached by other guys all the time, retard.
Indian woman are pretty hot
What are womens thoughts on indian men?
When you say you're autistic, do you have actually have autism?
M, yes, diagnosed at 13. I don't actually bring it up much though, I think the people who tend to are just throwing around the meaningless buzzword
It is a spectrum.
Some who say it are. Some are but are very high functioning. Many arent but their social abilities are blunted as if they had the tism from lack of use, pharasuticals, and or a hard drive full of frogs.
f yes
Are there any excersizes you see people do which give you the ick? Or excersizing in a specific way? Ie people riding a bike in a helmet. Scared of the floor or something?
I was diagnosed in middle school
I think autists ARE massively overrepresented on 4chan so "autistic" just became part of the site's vocabulary
Other places started throwing it around because what gets over on 4chan inevitably spreads to the rest of the internet

any exercise you do is an ick.
if you dont have boulder shoulders and an 8 pack through the magic of your own genetics, you are disgusting and subhuman.
I read somewhere women are less attracted to men who wear bike helmets, but they refute it in person.
Virtue signaling lie? I wonder.
>What are womens thoughts on indian men?
Subhuman cockroaches deserving of no natural born rights. The most cretinous shit stains to ever walk on two legs. Every time I hear about some disaster that kills Indian men, my heart soars with joy. I can't explain just how much I hate Indian men with every fiber of my being. Loathsome, disgusting vermin.
I was actually diagnosed with autism, but it's obviously not a binary thing but a spectrum disorder. Everyone exhibits autistic behaviour to a certain degree; some just more and more frequently than others. In that regard, even people who don't generally manifest symptoms of autism can act in an autistic manner and be correctly described as such.
M, same anon as >>31954919
Cross shitters give me the ick. I don't want to see your nasty ass toe shoes and you jumping around on a cable machine until you get injured.
Biketok continues to just be a thirst trap for women so probably no longer true

Moid hands
>Moid hands
You clearly don't have an instagram.
What's the best way to seduce a dog...
...into being your friend?
Reminds me, are air fryers good?
Who else here stacks things by size big to small?
How about, when someone says something and you were paying attention but still didnt process so you just say "yeah" and hope ot was an appropriate answer?
Dogs hate ugly people.
I do the second one constantly.
Often times people will tell me something at work and I can't get my brain to focus on their bullshit so I just "ok, got it" or something and figure it out on my own
Not true, dogs all like me
Muscular men wearing biking helmets on tiktok. Since most of the female coomers on tiktok are in booktok (making it pretty terrible for discussing actually good books) and "big, strong guy with a helmet or mask" is apparently really common in what they read, the guys who ride bikes noticed they're into them and started making tons of thirst traps and to this day you can't post yourself on a bike on tiktok without some thirsty woman in the comments
t. biker
The most important physical attribute for women is weight
The most important physical attribute for men is height

Notice how one is under your control and the other isnt
What do you not understand?
this has to be cap. bikers arent sexy
I have a lot of ticks like that where I need to order things so they form an aesthetically pleasing pattern.
Reminds me of the women who sexually fantasize about the one guy from Call of Duty with the skull mask and helmet.
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If you can afford it, get a convection toaster oven. It does everything an air fryer does, and also more.
Its called a helmet not a cap
Air fryers infuse your food with micrplastics.
Same but with plates in the gym.
Who goes around putting the 10s on the 5s spot?
Who puts a flat 25 with the round one?
There are 3 sets of black clips and one of yellow. How do they get intermingled?!?!?
Could say its no cap, for real
Thoughts on Vtubers? Specifically female Vtubers.
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Men, thoughts?
Is it ok to go up to women in yoga pants and poke where i think her clit is?
They have a certain energy about them. When you're with a woman and she's happy and bubbly the way she moves, acts, touches you, talks, really makes it feel like life is worth living and everything will be alright.
>Feminist theory
>Let me only write about men
lol women lol
I've just generally always got along more with women than men. I don't really know why. We just 'click' better
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Applies to most men, but not me.
Are you gonna post Andrea Dworkin later?
You can get a bunch of them on sale, but I still like a traditional air fryer for the convenience of just shaking the tray. This is the one I've got and it's on sale right now.
I don't really equate the feeling of love with admiration or respect of other men. I don't feel half of those feelings she listed I do for other men either. I would guess that shes projecting her own world of emotions onto the men that she sees, but maybe I'm just not that deep myself,
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give BPD demon gf
I do not agree that any of those those things like honorin or imitating someone are traits that pertain to romantic love.
She is projecting a bit
they're beautiful and have the gift of creating life
however I stay away
only men put value on those virtues
women dont give a fuck about any of those
I wouldn't say this is true about all men but it certainly seems to be from the "the only thing women are good for is sex, everything else I prefer men" crowd.
I think we have different values when it comes to food. I'm more about quality than I am about shaking trays.
They swoon when i do manly shit for them
>In hoity toity british voice: Oh I say, I do so only eat the highest quality... fish sticks.
Women, does it bother you when a guy looks at your boobs?
On a scale of 5 - 10. 5 being moderately enjoyable, 10 being pure ecstasy, how do you feel about men killing themselves at twice the rate you do?
Shaking the tray gets more even crispness. I have an actual convection oven than a giant hunk of shit that just takes up counter space.
Can't you just get a rack?
>gf admits she has issues with seeking validation
>says she knows she has a very flirty personality and will knowingly flirt with other guys for validation despite not taking it anywhere

I hate that. Idk what to tell her or how to handle this
>When you say you're autistic, do you have actually have autism?
I've never been formally diagnosed, but a lot of things about my childhood really don't make any sense if I'm not.
5. It should be much higher.
only if he's ugly
Yes, but you have to turn over things individually.
Not a brief glance. Problem is most guys don't know the difference between a glance and a stare.
>I think autists ARE massively overrepresented on 4chan
I wondered this myself, in as far the word "autistic" really does seem to be a buzzword now.
I have ungayed myself.
>Men, thoughts?
That's basically just a fancy way of saying "men hate women" but that's obviously true.
Do you ever have casual sex with your friends, outside the context of a committed relationship? In my experience there's nothing more beautiful than friend sex.
What about multiple brief glances over time
Does it matter? You won't do anything about it and don't dress like a slut if you don't want people to stare.
I think she is a keen observer of the superficial, but it shows that she lacks a man's internal state of mind. The relations between men are typically not erotic in nature. It does not 'feel' the same as interacting with women.

She is a good writer, but she needs to take off her fujoshigoggles.
If they're space out enough I don't really have much of an issue with that. I would question why you can't just retain a mental image though honestly. And don't attempt it if I'm trying to talk to you.
You're being unreasonable. I stare at boobs even when there is no cleavage. Maybe hers are just big=noticeable
>Do you ever have sex
Speaking from experience it really doesn't matter how you dress. If it's really loose and totally covered you guys get off on the tenting effect.
Yup, when I suck my wifes cock, its because I love her.
WHen I suck my bros cock, its just messing around
It's been over a year since I had full on penetrative (penis in vagina) sex. I also briefly got my dick sucked at a sex club glory hole but the guy doing the sucking got bored and moved on to find another guy to play with before I could come inside his mouth.
No, they're not big and it's just a puffy bra
I think if you feel that kind of attraction to your students, 1, you need to keep it to yourself, and 2, you need to see a therapist or a psychiatrist who treats intrusive thoughts.

I kept having intrusive sexual thoughts about my younger (adult, but still younger and still a relative) cousin during my grandpappy's funeral and my first realization was that I needed mental health help.
I think she's more seething that men don't look up to women and hardly respect the average woman
I don't
Fujoshi goggles are what made Anne Rice's career when she was alive. She wrote before anime was popular in the west but she was very much the original fujoshi with her ultra homosexual vampire books.
And I will re gay you by sodomizing you in the bunghole.
Used to kiss my bestie a lot. I miss when we were that close. Now she moved sort of far away and we barely hang out anymore.
I don't really have boobs. I get surprised and confused when a guy checks me out.
Maybe if women were less LAME and WEAK and more COOL and BADASS I could respect them
I actually liked the Interview with the Vampire movie.
It's not that women are dressed like sluts, it's that you think like a misogynistic rapist.
>When you say you're autistic, do you have actually have autism?
Possible but they'll probably misdiagnose me especially at my age. I'm not going to get any benefits and I'll probably end up losing my job if I did have it.
M. I've had a number of FWB involvements, but only with women I met for the first time with that in mind, not with people I was already friends with.
I'm no Andy Warhol or Jackson Pollock, but I'm definitely on the artistic spectrum.
Too obvious with the bait there.
I have an official diagnoses, yes.
I was invited to help create butt play content with a woman in my friend group who got into OF content creation when her retail job was shut down during the pandemic. It resulted in her pegging me and me giving her anal a few times both on and off cam, with her husband's knowledge and consent.
Was your face in cam?
dog girl gf when?
I've been with a few autistic women who seem like they picked up their personality from pet dogs. As a fellow autistical myself, I recognize that we usually train in how to express ourselves from pet animals, usually cats or dogs. I'm more of the cat type autist myself.
It surprises me on the rare occasion I wear a bra that gives me any boobs at all
what creative pursuit would bring me happiness?
Sex work.
Wait, what? How does that work? That just makes you guys sound like furries.
Women, when you're looking for a man, do you lock the target, bait the line, spread the net, and catch the man?
The line snaps whenever I try.
I mean metaphorically. went on two dates and hooked up with this one autistic/aspie lady in my social circle whose autism manifested as her running up to people and grinning when she had something cool she found that she wanted to share. If she had a tail, she would have been wagging it.
Dog GIrl gf soon... Maybe...
The attractive aspect here is loyalty, not so much putting a color and a leather dog mask/fur suit on her.
I do that stuff and I've never had a cat. I just think other people will get as excited as me about a cool rock or something. I think it's more of a general autism thing, maybe only women do that kinda thing.
I want to make origami...
Autist here, he's just saying something that worked for him and applying it to everyone with autism, despite his thing being fucking weird and autism being a spectrum, as usual
Autistic people, will you often not like another person with autism because it's "not your autism"?
Enough with these hentai fetishes already
>Women, when you're looking for a man, do you lock the target, bait the line, spread the net, and catch the man?
No, I use dynamite.
Your girl almost cheated?
Have you considered catching a fish your size instead of trying to capture a fucking Chaddacuda that slips away easily?
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I made beef stroganoff and Schupfnudeln for dinner.
Please rate.
It's not like you have much choice over what bites the line.
>Eve is the reason that Adam and Eve get thrown out of the garden of God.
>Women are now taking over society
>Society is falling apart
We'll be thrown out of our garden soon as well.
God damn, I cringe every time foids try to be funny. You just don't understand humour and make the lamest jokes ever that simps only pretend to laugh at because they want to fuck you.
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>whacked it to venus body porn again
God is in His Heaven, All is Right with the World
>Walk into room
>"Hey guys! I have boobs!"
>Every man in the room is now gathered round me with his tongue hanging out
How else would you describe it?
Okay that’s a little too real
She says she didn't, but she got with him not long after we broke up. I think she unknowingly had an emotional affair.
Looks pretty good.
The point of the reference is that it isn't true in context to where it came from lol. The throne of God is empty, he is no longer in heaven.
They also need to have their eyes poput and make wolf noises while stomping their foot!
I don't care.
Where'd he go then?
need evil witch cat lady gf
Too bad
We don't know, its never explored, perhaps he never existed in the first place, but then why would his throne be empty and why would he have angels?
>make a claim
>can't elaborate
Clockwork City.
You guys really, seriously need to re-read Genesis chapter 3 verse 22, and think about the implications. It's right there in black and white: God is *scared* of humans because, now that they've tasted the Tree of Knowledge, they've become like Him - instead of being eternal mindless slaves. They only have to eat from the Tree of Life (He admits) to become gods themselves. He drives them out of the garden to prevent them from achieving their potential.

Eve set humanity free from its slavery and put us on the path to becoming gods.

It's also worth noting that God flat-out lied to Adam and Eve about what would happen if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge, but the serpent told Eve the truth - God Himself confirms this in the verse above. So honestly, the question of who is the good guy and who is the bad guy here is rather more complicated than it initially appears.

Now, if you wanted to adopt the Gnostic Christian interpretation, it makes a bit more sense. According to that interpretation, the Old Testament God and the New Testament God are two different entities. The New Testament God is the True God, a benevolent and purely spiritual being. The Old Testament God is the Creator God, an essentially evil figure who is responsible for creating the material universe, and who mistakenly believes Himself to be the True God. The actual True God wants to save humanity from its material nature and help it ascend into purely spiritual beings. In this interpretation the serpent is not the devil; the serpent is Christ. And it's Eve he approaches, not Adam.
You really spout a lot of bullshit
True. But the point stands that catching men is much more like fishing with dynamite than anything that requires skill or stealth.
Schizo cringe babble.
I was just making a joke, mate.
Yes that is how propaganda works...
You're admitting that you're just shilling propaganda? Carry on then.
>Le supreme being who eternally loves us and sacrificed his only son to confirm that love is actually afraid of us
You think you're smart but you aren't.
You don't even know where the reference comes from, hint, its not from the bible.
would eat happily
It is still nonsense. You could say it comes from an allegory of Dark Souls 2, does not matter.
The religion or the statement is nonsense?
The statement. The throne of God is empty means nothing at all.
>Can't compare two sentences to find a common thread
That's the point of Gnostic Christianity, anon. The God who sacrificed His son for us is a completely different being from the God who kicked us out of Eden. The Old Testament God is scared of us; the New Testament God is trying to save us from the Old Testament God. Keep up.

But even if you don't take that line, God Himself admits that He is scared of what Humanity might become. Are you calling God a liar? I didn't make that up, it's right there in the Book of Genesis, it's just that no one ever stops to think about the implications.
I am barely paying attention, I just wanted to call you an idiot, which I did.
>just makes up a bunch of shit with no references
I mean I can schizobabble too, doesn't mean its real. There's no proof that there is a second God outside of metaphysical theory that was just throught up by the Gnostics.
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How should your partner tell you that your vagina smells bad? Like, when I'm fucking my girl, I can smell it a bit and it kinda takes me out of it. Pic unrelated
>has to be paying attention to find a common and obvious thread
This is just getting sad now...
>le so above and detached intelligence
If you consider that intelligence then like I said, grim...
noticing or peeking is one thing, staring and leering is another. one is natural, the other is impolite.
You are AI, my friend.
The first human pair were not devoid of knowledge of good and bad. God had told them that it would be wrong or bad to eat of the fruit of one designated tree. To obey God was the good thing to do. The particular “knowledge” indicated by the “tree of the knowledge of good and bad” involved a self-determining of what is good and bad.

You're reading a lot into this. God says he doesn't want humans to become immortal after what has happened. There is no implied fear or "I don't know what might happen." He knows exactly what would happen, which is why he doesn't want them to become immortal.
Then why display them?
And now the cope sets in...
You have fun with your life.
Life is only partly about fun, in fact if the majority of your life is fun you are living wrong if you ask me.
I did not ask you.
>Women think I'm trying to creep on and manipulate them because of my autism
How do I make it stop? For a while my tactic was to send off signals I might be gay by dressing like a stereotypical homo sex guy. You know, rainbow tank top shirts, hot pants, sneakers with hot pink crew socks, etc. But I don't think that's enough for women to stop thinking my autisticality is a red flag for sexual predator behavior.
There is such a thing as a implicit question.
And I did not ask it. Your social skills are weak, as is your sharpness. You are very dull, both ways.
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Would you date a shy NEET no life 5'4 manlet that is diagnosed with autism? Asking for a friend
This is really gross and dishonest. If there was no question in that comment, don't respond to it as a question. The only reason you are doing that is to try to force the conversation in a direction where you can manifest the power dynamics of the discourse in your favor. It's some pecking order bullshit and it's very fucking transparent.
Just keep throwing your cope insults and I'll just be here to run circles around you.
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imagine if you were judged on your moral character based on if i could tell how tall you were so you had to wear baggy clothes and slouch or i treated you poorly automatically. that's the situation i am in. you're expecting me to treat my body like goddamn contraband i have to smuggle around, and if you can tell i have sixty goddamn ounces of fat on my chest or you can deduce my pelvis is wider than average you categorize me under "low quality person."

it's completely fucking psychotic. go buy two childsize back packs and try to hide them under your clothes without getting weird looks. then you'll earn the right to open a dialogue.
>anything I say is cope and anything you say is a condemnation
Hence the dullness. Since it wasn't clear enough for you, goodbye, my autistic friend.
During my teenage years I went to the hospital for a s*c*de attempt after finding out a guy I hooked up with who went to the private school in our town was autistic. He was really good at hiding it, so when I found out he was in special ed classes I realized I had been taken advantage of and abused.
>Doesn't know what comments are.
Brain rot.
state gender
have you ever played Etrian Odyssey?
what do you think of the gameplay?
what do you think of the art style?
>runs away
Must be tough when a retard outsmarts you huh? Not a very bright thing to do and only highlights the cope, seethe, and your obvious lack of intelligence.
Why would God have made the Tree of Life able to grant immortality at all? Couldn't it have just been a rule for humans?
Over half the time if you misunderstand what someone is saying it's on purpose and done with malicious intentions to undermine and psychologically bully the other person. It's power harassment is what it is. I've seen this behavior before and it's taken me a while and a lot of therapy to pick up on the signs. I now call it out whenever I see it. Fuck off.
That's funny. You're funny, anon. But it's a genuine inquiry. Please be serious
What did I misunderstand because all I see is hysterics.
Fun for the first few floors, then swiftly gets boring as your meaningul progress to effort goes down more and more over time
Didn't finish
Shining in the Darkness is a good example of a similar, but plainly more fun game
Why is it common to have empathy for men who have the concerns in pic related in every aspect of life EXCEPT for sex life and dating? There's usually this assumption if a guy rarely hooks up or dates, it's his own fault as punishment for his own character flaws, toxic attitudes, or bad behaviors in some wacked out Just World Fallacy kind of way.
>anon calls out a retard
>retard copes
>another retard comes in to cope more
Just accept the fact that you're and idiot and you don't need therapy.
Thanks, anon, for sticking up for me.
According to whomst'd've
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No thoughts
Sharif don't like it, but I'm still gonna rock the Casbah
i think it's just common for people not to be very empathetic towards others in general to be honest.
If you are a burn victim or paralysed then sure that attitude is justified
Didn't play it
Its okay, between anime and chibi artstyle it seems.
Because you don't date or have sex to be the best. If you do nothing but compare yourself and your relationship to other people, especially your partner's exes or past lovers, you'll never be happy. It's not a measurable metric.
This is a good question and I have it myself but I'm going to either go to the nearest university's religion department faculty on this or ask my Rabbi because it's not the kind of question where I'd rely on strangers on 4chan with no formal training in theology
It's not about being the best, it's about being good enough. If the bar for men is on the floor, that implies that you're somewhere under ground level.
>t's not about being the best, it's about being good enough.
Which is never enough, yes.
Men, do you consider blowjob a default, standard thing that needs to happen during sex?
It's like sprinkles on ice cream or anchovies on pizza. Not necessary, but nice to have.
No, they usually start at the beginning or before the relationship then the just never happen and it gets sad. Doesn't need to be mandatory, but once in a while is nice, shows you care.
That would have been totally fine to eat from if they hadn't eaten from the Tree of Knowledge.
Men would you poke holes in a condom
>about to have 3rd fap of the day
How is it looking with you girls and boys?
No, that's a woman thing.
My grandpa sells condoms to sailors
He punctures the tips with a pin
My grandma does backstreet abortions
By God, how the money flows in!
No, that's evil
Not every time, but I'd be very disappointed if it never happened.
I would love to cum in your mouth, but I'd understand if that's not something you want to do.
I had one and I feel guilty, I guess my strategy is if I feel horny I should go for a walk or read a book and turn off my computer.
Have you ever had a sex disease?
Absolutely fucking not.
One of us needs to be on BC in some form, because creampies are mandatory and I don't want some shitty offspring
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would you be weirded out if you started dating a girl and sometimes she goes on very long walks and at some point you decided to follow her and found her in the woods throwing one of these tissue dolls into a big hole filled with with like dozens of them and mumbling to herself because i think i should probably stop doing that
Yes, I have terminal virginity
Guilty for fapping is stupid.
Or did you cum to something disgusting like what?
I'd genuinely ask you to stop littering
No its not when you are trying to stop.
There were two trees. Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. Tree of Knowledge was the rule true. They ate from the Knowledge Tree and got to thinking they could rule themselves and because of that God knew that eating from the Tree of Life would be bad for them. Apparently God would have let them eat from the Tree of Life to get immortality if they had been able to listen to God.
tissues decompose. does it genuinely make you feel better if the tissues decompose in a federal landfill instead of my hole in the woods? do you think trash is spirited away to cease existing?
Why would you want to manipulate yourself in such a bad way?
Yeah, it does matter to me.
Its the Tree of Knowledge and Iunno why he made it he just did, Adam, Eve, and everything in God's garden were immortal by default before being cast out of the garden.
Exactly, why manipulate yourself through ascetic denial when you can be an AUTO-MANIPULATOR? Play with yourself, and be a MASTURBATOR?
"The bar is on the floor" is an expression because most men don't put in any effort at all. Either in bed or in a relationship. As long as you treat your partner like a partner instead of treating her like your mom, you're doing better than most.
My stamina isn't great so it's better if my first orgasm is from a blowjob
>Men, do you consider blowjob a default, standard thing that needs to happen during sex?
Done properly, they are the ultimate form of sex - well beyond PIV in terms of pleasure.
I'd think you are inte astrology and other super low IQ superstitions, so I'd probably ask you to either stop with all of that or break up.
>Breaking the back of addictions and mental crutches is bad for you.
What an insane thing to say...
We don't put in effort for women who don't save themselves for their husbands, simple as.
To be fair, I treat my mom like an obnoxious peer I am reluctantly on a scouting trip with but have to be nice to in order to keep the peace.
>local anonette shocked to realize that just having a vagina doesn't qualify her for a good relationship off the bat
More at 11
>everything in God's garden were immortal by default
Where is this actually stated?
>We don't put in effort for women who don't save themselves for their husbands, simple as.
This is some archaic bullshit and unless you are Amish or something it's really fucking stupid and dumb.
Bad faith misreading is bad faith, no surprises there.
I do things for my mom though, so you want me to do nothing? I can do that.
After God finds out and casts them out of Eden he curses him and tells him he would no longer be immortal.
>God had told them that it would be wrong or bad to eat of the fruit of one designated tree.
Again, you need to re-read what it actually says. What God told them was, if you eat from that tree, you'll die instantly. The serpent said "You won't die, you'll become like God." They ate the fruit. They didn't die. And God admitted "Now they have become like me" and then kicked them out before they could eat from the tree of life as well and really threaten Him.

God lied. The serpent told the truth. That's what it actually says.
>This is some archaic bullshit
No this is reality and also the reason why you'll never get men who put in effort, you aren't special, you're average, and damaged good average at best.
Truth hurts, you made bad decisions now you whine about the consequences, not my problem.
After I've shaved my scrotum, I've noticed two things happening to its underside
>It becomes really sweaty, to the point that it feels like deep fat fried meat in a thick, buttery hot sauce
>It dries up and becomes itchy to the point where it feels like I have a yeast infection
How do I keep the underside of my genitals at a normal texture, instead of being either slimy and wet or feeling sandy and dry?
Then why does Genesis 3:22 seem to indicate that there's another tree that grants immortality? Why is it there if they already have it?
Use moisturizing creams and some shave gel.
>God lied. The serpent told the truth. That's what it actually says.
He didn't lie he took away Adam and Eve's immortality.
This comment is giving Basement Dweller
You're stupid. He never took advantage of you
you look good to me anon. big fan of the V cleft, that's crazy defined. personally not a fan of coily hair as a texture thing but your physicality seems fine.
>Not believing survivors
If a basement dweller has a better grip on reality than you do, you're in serious trouble.
She has a uti
>no bf who needs me to moisturize his ballsack with my tongue
jesus christ dude that's such obvious bait. get yourself TOGETHER man
nta but he said in the day that you eat it you will die. What's a day? What's meant by dying?
Women don't live in reality, almost all of them are delusional as a trauma response from all the impulsive decisions they made to destroy their lives and their chances at marriage.
Nope you
I'm sorry, but most people were dating, hooking up, and getting laid in their high school or college years except for a few late bloomers and some rare people who chose to become monks or nuns.

You're the outlier here, and you are projecting your bullshit on everyone else. It's really sad to watch.
If a girl says to a guy, if you want to confess to me, go for it, but I'll turn you down, and she giggles. Is that flirting?

Is she serious and tempting you to ask her out? Or is she being serious and giggling to lighten the mood.
I'm a bit confused.
I was told I would die when I came out of the bathroom by my classroom in school wielding a handful of my own feces and then shoved it in my mouth and ate it in protest at how our dickhead teacher treated me. I got sent to the nurse's office so they could examine me for fecal borne diseases.
Interestingly enough, in the original Hebrew God trails off an never finishes his though, in the translated versions they just shaped the sentence so he finishes the thought. But you are right there are two trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, I completely forget about the Tree of Life.
>If a girl says to a guy, if you want to confess to me, go for it, but I'll turn you down, and she giggles. Is that flirting?
She said she'll turn you down. You answered your own question. No, she's not. She's letting you know she's flattered but not interested.
>randomly lost interest in woman I've been stuck on for the last month
>randomly started having sex dreams about unknown women
>randomly lost all urge to drink (currently on 6th day of sobriety, longest of the year)
>haven't changed diet
>haven't changed exercise
what is happening to me?
also hοw aware are you of changes like this in yourself?
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Beware of haploautists
>I'm sorry, but most people were dating, hooking up, and getting laid in their high school or college years except for a few late bloomers and some rare people who chose to become monks or nuns.
Imagine being this delusional.
This isn't true and it started with the millenails they were the "most sexless generation at around 45%, zoomers have now taken that spot at 75%.
>My stamina isn't great so it's better if my first orgasm is from a blowjob
Great, and then I will be waiting for 30 minutes
I've met a couple of Zoomer girls who were attractive who have never had their hands held, let alone been in a relationship.
You get yourself together chief
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what do you guys think of the style where you can see my cami straps under a shirt with a boat neckline? is that slutty or is it cute? (couldnt find a good example so i drew one)
Gen Alpha is expected to be around 70 to 80% sexless, but we'll see if they buck the trend.
Girls, why are some of you such whores?
Are you such a whore?
Its highly contextual on how you dress (context of the shirt, the colors of the straps/the shirt, and so on). It can look either or.
Well I return the favour for lets say 15-20 minutes and then I'm usually hard again
Zoomers are weird in that they are very liberal when talking openly in public but they also seem to be weirdly conservative about sex and relationships, mainly because they find it hard to get into them perhaps? I'm not complaining about it either but it is an interesting dichotamy.
You need a foid to release her girl juices onto your genitals, it's like medicine especially if they result from her climaxing.
Modern society and technological advancement have obsoleted this practice. Human beings who want to go on very long walks now do so with Pokemon Go instead of disposable dolls.
>Grow up as a loner
>By high school I have some friends but I never feel close to them.
>Theyd hangout all the time without me
>Ghost them immediately after graduating
Fast forward 6 years
>Recconect with 1 of them
>Added to group chat with 2 other guys I knew in high school
>Alls cool and we get to hangout a good amount and catch up
>Last night 3 of them made plans without me in our group chat
>They ignore me whenever I try to ask something about the plans in the chat
>Turns out the all hung out without me, just like all those years before
I don’t even know what to do anymore. I thought they’d mature by now and I already have 0 friends as it is. What do I do? Ghost them again?
Absolutely neutral
Maybe this is nature's way of preventing human overpopulation. All part of God's grand design to keep us from breeding ourselves to death.
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what if the shirt is a low saturation blue (like the old facebook logo) and my cami is white? idk if you're imagining a bra but it's basically tank top straps. not spaghetti straps. the shirt is just like a long sleeve shirt that's kind of loose fitting with that neckline. i was going to wear it with bell bottom jeans.

i will take neutral
I personally don't think it looks better than if they were hidden
I have lewd thoughts but that's because I'm that sort of person. It doesn't reflect poorly on you at all.
Looks cute, if you were wearing that and were black I'd approach you and hope you like white guys.
lol that's fucking funny
If they are ignoring you I'd leave yeah.
You approach women?
Make a very compelling offer for activities, or ask that 1 friend what a good time to try and get involved in the group is. You need some more cred with them, so to speak
If you make some good offers and they keep blowing you off and not inviting you to stuff, give it a while then disappear
Specifically black women, yes. Why?
>Most men that women choose to interact with*
FTFY and you're welcome.
i'm not black but white guys can be cute. i dont have any big preference
>Girls, why are some of you such whores?
I don't ask the whores on soc, snapchat, cc and Instagram
>Are you such a whore?
No doubt it
It seriously hurts so much. I’m even teaching Photoshop and the whole adobe suite to one of them for free since we have a deal to collaborate together.
I like black girls, but it can work if you have a nice ass on you.
Does your brain ever gift you with an amazing fetish fueled sex dream about your oneitis?
For some reason the only kind of sex dream I ever get is about secret sex in a public place, like sneaking to a private room type thing.
When I'm conscious it's not really my preference
>We don't put in effort for women
Yeah, I know.

Men only want to be traditional in one aspect. The fact of the matter is that most of them have nothing to offer like a traditional man. They don't make enough for you to be a SAHM, but then expect you to take care of everything domestically. They don't cook, clean, or help with kids, and when they do, they expect to be congratulated for it. They're children in grown up bodies that have no sense of responsibility and often no sense of maturity.

Ywn get a virgin, loser. The only reason you want one is because they're the only ones who haven't been disillusioned to how little you have to offer, especially in bed.
>Ywn get a virgin, loser.
Majority of the girls I've dated have been virgins, so you've too late.
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Women, are you afraid of giving 'approach tips' in these threads out of fear some creep will take them too far?
If you had sex with any of them, you're a hypocrite.
You walk up and talk to them like they are a normal person? Then fish tail the conversation into asking for their number? You can tell by how they stand, how they look at you/react to you looking at them to tell if they are open to being talked too or not.
What culture are you from? I'd love to do this myself, but I haven't heard of anyone doing it here (UK).
I did not, in fact its why I broke up with the majority of them. They wanted to have sex before marriage and some of them didn't respect my boundaries, I'm still a virgin. I wouldn't say I'm a "high quality man" but theres a lot of temptation out there.
American but I do have a UK citizenship.
My oneitis and I have never gone further than cuddling in my dreams.
People in the UK are unusually standoffish. Like cold approaches just don't happen.
Yeah, that's what I figured. We just don't do that. I think I could manage it in, like, Taiwan, where everyone's insanely open and friendly (apparently hard to make friends with tho but that's another matter), but here in the UK (especially the South East)?

God, I wish we had at least fuckin singles bars or mixers or something.
Worth bearing in mind for other cultures I guess
>I did not, in fact its why I broke up with the majority of them. They wanted to have sex before marriage and some of them didn't respect my boundaries, I'm still a virgin. I wouldn't say I'm a "high quality man" but theres a lot of temptation out there.
Well, regardless of our difference in views on sexual purity, I admire your integrity.
She wasn't my oneitis but a quiet and shy girl that I sort of liked a number of years ago. Dreamt of us exploring a noire city and having fun; she really came out of her shell. At the end we were about to have sex, but the dream ended and I went to work.
SE may be better. London is a big place and I remember a study I saw that said British women like black, American, and foreign men more because they were more likely to approach them and be direct. Emma Watson also said it was culture shock when she came to the US.
Its hard, but its worth it. I just wish women would listen to me when I tell them what I actually believe and think they have the audacity (kek female meme) to then try to lead me astray. I don't hate them for it but a house divide cannot stand.
London is very different from the rest of the SE. London has everything in the world going on.
Atoga, is it worth losing my virginity? I’m in my early 20’s and been thinking about it a lot lately, I haven’t made the effort to date in years, but, is the pussy at the end of the tunnel even worth it? I’m not really looking for love, I doubt normie women could make me love them.
sex is overrated and theres a lot more to life than sex but its ultimately up to you. Just stop watching porn and start doing things to improve yourself and your environment and women will just naturally come to you.
I agree with most of this but would like to add that you will have to approach women. And porn is only an issue when you're using it regularly because you're creating artificial arousal. I really only look at porn when I'm already aroused. I don't just search it out.
>sex is overrated
Spoken like someone who has never been in love.
Ok, thanks anons… desu I watch a fair amount of porn, but, I can always ease of it just to simp for one person when that person comes into my life.
Is it okay to call my bf to talk to him about sex? Isn't it too pervy? What's the chance that somebody is listening to the conversation?
>after having a lot of sex and growing bored of it because I've experienced everything under the Sun, I'm telling you that it is overrated
Very insightful, woman.
Maybe, I've always had women come to me in some form or another, if your a completely stranger they won't approach you, but if you know them on any level they'll put themselves in positions for you to interact with them or ask them out.
love and sex are two completely different things...
Word to the wise, the only woman who should be anywhere near the center of your life should be your wife and not even she should be the center of your life. She can be an integral part to the most inner shell of your life, but she can't be the core of your life.
I'm male?
state gender
have you cried today yet?
>Is it okay to call my bf to talk to him about sex?
>Isn't it too pervy?
Yeah it is but maybe he'll be okay with it.
>What's the chance that somebody is listening to the conversation?
The nsa, the fbi, some random hackers. Who cares
I’d rather her be the core of my life Anon, I know it’s unhealthy, but I much prefer it that way
>I'm male?
Am I supposed to answer that, Brad? Capitalize your sentences consistently, else you are a woman or a gay.
>le grammar nazi on an cambodian shellfish surgery board
how about no?
Nope! But I did yesterday
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Women, is this hot?
Sex feels fantastic because of the way it combines emotional and physical closeness. It only starts feeling good when you're not feeling really pressured about it and when you're with someone you vibe with super well. (Doesn't even have to be someone you're dating; I've had great one night stands when there was great chemistry going on).

Sex doesn't feel particularly BETTER than masturbation on a purely physical level. It's a very different sensation rather than a better sensation. Again, speaking purely physically.
It looks extremely painful, but he's a big guy.
How come
I've been too emotionally numb to cry for a while, last time was like 3 years ago I think
>different sensation rather than better
Wow, thanks for the in depth answer about it Anon… and yeah, I would wanna at least vibe with the person I do it with. There is a gnawing feeling in me though to “just lose it”, which kinda scares me because I don’t wanna do it with someone who I don’t vibe with… but emotionally I’m a little closed off too rn
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Women, how do you compare?
Breakup, desu the only time I’ve cried in the past year was because of the relationship I was in. I’m glad I ended it.
20 years ago this would be considered fat
Is that not you?
i’ll mention you in the next thread
whoops forgot to say new >>31955650
No I am blonde
Nice ass, Satan
The deal with losing your virginity is about what it represents more than what it actually is. It shows you've got good social skills and a good social network. That's what I recommend you work on, rather than just sex. If you focus on those two things then you will naturally find yourself having sex with people you vibe with.

It'll take you time, but you have to start sometime.
I don't fucking know. I'm a kissless hugless virgin
Why the fuck would I do that? That's fucked

No, honestly. Because i'm a weirdo too. I'd still dump them, though because I don't like dolls
The last time I cried was last Tuesday when my grandmother died. But not much. I'm stone cold, hard as nails. I never cry
No, and I cut off contact with them.
I’m sorry to hear about your grandma. Was it expected or unexpected? I also had a relative pass very recently
She fell and fractured her back a while back. So she wasn't steady on her feet. Then last week she fell and broke her shoulder and hip, and bust her head. It was a bad fall. She was conscious for the hour it took for the ambulance to arrive and then she went into a coma before she got to the hospital. They did a scan to see the damage done. That's when my aunt told me about it and when I got up 10 minutes later, she had already died. She was 88 years old and her health was declining fast. It's just as well she went there after that fall because those injuries were bad

Still though, it was unexpected and I thought i'd have her for another couple of years. But that's life. It can end for anyone at any moment. Sorry for your loss also. It's tough
Sending love and prayers your way. It’s a sad reminder that we don’t know how much time we have with anyone, so be sure to tell people that you love them everyday. My aunt died last week in a car accident, going to work. Another lady on sleeping pills fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into her head on. Today would have been her 45th birthday. She reached out to me earlier this year because she knew I was struggling and offered to take me out to lunch to talk. Wish I had taken that chance. I don’t know how I’d handle her death if it wasn’t for my faith. I hope you have supportive people in your life to help you
Directed to females: Is real life cold approaching the only way to guarantee being with a girl? Dating apps seem dead and the Internet in general is very hostile nowadays.
No, I don't play with couples.

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