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>be me gay fat and autistic
>find husband twice my age
>support him he hasnt worked in the 8 years we been together
>move us to brazil
>develop coke addiction
>lose job
>cant afford coke rack up debt
>need to pay debt by friday
image relevate cause its what he would say when I asked if we should order more when drunk. anyways anyone got advice on to make 200 dollars online quickly. willing to beg and my morals are questionable
can't help you unless you help yourself
sure, i got you, what’s your choice of money transfer, post it in chat and i will send the money over
@daftjustice venmo lmao worst that can happen im already broke
>>31956746 yeah already know that been an addict on and off my whole life
anyways will post my life story if yall want hear some faggot complained about how life was shitty to him
I’d be interested in hearing it.
Yes I want to hear it as well
so i was born in brazil my mom meant my dad in japan she was trafficking money drugs gold etc she got prego I was born in brazil during this time i saw my mom smoke a dude for killing her sister saw my grandpa get shot 7 times then stand up kill 3 different dudes with a beer bottle left for america came to chichago lived in cali germany and bunch of other states cause dad was in the navy. got addicted to oxys cause some groomer got my dick hard when i was 16 smoked some dmt stopped doing oxys started blowing glass moved to nj to get a degree in scientfic glassblowing got two assoicitoes in 2 years while doing copious amounts of psyhdelics meant my husband moved to brazil thats the tldr version i could write a novel of all the truama and other shit like my dad letting my mom od on drugs telling she needs to die only to have me come home and call 911 so she would be saved but thats the gisted of it desu life has been good buts its been fucked at the same time lost tons of friends to shootings ods and other bullshit and deiced to move back to brazil to get away from it
I hope things get better for you. If your husband really hasn’t worked in 8 years, it may be time to leave him.
is it his fault if told him constnatly i dont care I will support him idk maybe its cause im latino i feel like the man should support the women aka the one taking it up the ass
like i cant feel guilty cause ive told him i dont care if support us as long as he cooks and cleans for me but since ive lost my job hes made me do these things i dont know if hes just triying to moviate me to work but ive also paid for maid so he didnt have to do these things i love him but i feel like im the one who has to deal wth everything does this make me a cuck
OP bumping cause yall are gay and wont give me attetion
Talk more about your life.
donate to my venmo pls
but bascially i can speak three lanagues know how to code built my first computer when i was 12 but i cant get a job. done every drug but crack and heroin.first time i got drunk i was 4 my grandpa thought it would be funny to get me drunk . my parents had to hide their liqour until i was 12. but first person i smoked weed with was my mom at 15 lmao. what else you want to know i got a background in tech and art. ive been blowing glass since i was 16 now im into photography. full specturm photography will post pictures of my photography if your really intrested. my mom speaks like 6 lanagues and dropped out of school in the 2nd grade. ask me any question and i will answer
ask me anything ill answer easier than me rambling if things are directed cause im drunk
I'm broke. Maybe another anon will do it. Why did you go with your husband and how did you meet?
i meant him on growlr and i loved him cause he had a big dick and liked psyhdelics like me idk i got off on providing him weed acid shrooms etc plus he reminded me like my dad moustache and same facial features
fuck the coke dealer, you already said youre gay
coke dealer straight tho already thought of this
if i had a pussy owing money wouldnt be a probelm
everyones straight until you bend that plastic ruler and snap it in half
just tell him to get the blowjob with the lights off so that he imagines its a girl
maybe in america this brazil bussy doesnt exist your either gay or straight
How did you build a computer at 12? If you can build a computer at 12 why haven't you figured out some way to make money without a job? Do the drugs stop you?
Unless he is physically disabled, yes, I would say that is he is not being fair to you. He should at least have a job.
actually brazil has the highest rates of transgender porn
bascially by watching youtube videos lmao and yes and no i had a job in IT before the company shut down but finding a job remote overseas is hard as hell without any degrees even if you are an american citizen most companies dont want the tax libitabity of having someone overseas last few jobs i had i lied about my location and used a vpn on my router to hide my true location . as for not making money without a job i am currently working on starting a beef jerky bussiness cause jack links started selling it down here and i can make hella money from stealing their bussiness . but end of the day its easier said then done like i said im autstic and lack the social skills to actually run a bussiness dealing with the social interactions needed.
we have more trans people than thailand but their still more hate than most countries being part of the alhpabet gang down here is hella hard.
ive tried bring this up everytime it gets shoved in my face you brought me here you figure it out.
fyi my husband is 50 and I am 27
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anyways heres some of my art as a bump
and an other glass related tho
isnt an older guy supposed to be rich and pay for everything? how did you become the breadwinner
lol the sugar daddy became the sugar baby
its called being a cash fag
well tell his wrinkly ass to pull the savings out
btw who tops who? do you actually put your cock in some wrinkly dudes ass?
the rule is if you cant get it up you gotta give it up so depends on whos more drunk
bro acting like a hole aint a goal tho
just use ur hand at that point bro
yeah but if if old men get me off bro kink shaming hard
ok bro you freaky ill leave you be
no shit otherwise i wouldnt be in this sitiation i would being simping for some twat and asking is it okay to be cucked be my girlfriend and pay her bills instead
$200 kek

Nice larp
reality is stranger than fiction

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