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If You Know, You Know Edition

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I don't believe actual women post in these threads
How many women would be cool with being dominant half the time during sex.
the trick is baiting them out
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why do these hoes look familiar?
>Women, would you fuck Chad if he asked you?

Thoughts femanons?
I hope not. I hate women.
Maybe me.
But I actually want to be dominant more.
look anon if you want to fantasize about this being a gay orgy that's your prerogative, but don't announce your kink please
What is your personality and what are u like irl. Also what is ur definition of u being dominant
Cause all British slags look the same
>British slags
Isn't that the hawk tua girl?
The bear.
you have to be a lot more subtle than that
Woman so I can annoy her without repercussion while inebriated and then run away leaving her scared and alone
>You become the bear
i love Haley hock tooey! i hope she never goes away
Why are girls named Haley always slutty
Kek based
Call me crazy, but the woman. If we're stuck she seems much easier to hunt even though I will get less nutrition. I could use the extra time that gives me to find some way out of this maze.
>the hawk tua girl?
the hwat now
>not fucking the cute kawaii bear girl that wants to be fucked
What is wrong with you?
The bear looks like a vtuber, so bear. We can stream together next to the campfire and have fun!
Why do girls say that guys who choose the bear in the woman vs beargirl debate are retarded?
You don't know our experiences - the decision is based off trauma with women going back to our childhoods.
A beargirl won't falsely accuse you of rape, slander you, and ruin your reputation. She might even let you fuck her.
The fact women even have to ask is all the more proof that they're bad people who can't be trusted.
Woman because what could a woman actually do to me? They are the weaker sex so I don't have to worry for my safety around them. I could help her if she's lost or go on my way if she isn't. This is a lot easier of a choice with the sexes reversed
Anon, there is no need to demonstratively pretend to be out of touch to signal your disdain of mainstream society. Even if you are unaware of these things - and I am usually too - you are still internet savvy enough to look things up.
Its not just childhood trauma, its generational trauma.
This. So much this.
It's the systemic trauma from the matriarchy.
We're structurally oppressed.
I can’t guarantee the other posters are, but I pop in here every few months to try and give genuinely helpful advice. So at least one person in this thread may be, sometimes, a woman.

Shrodinger’s woman.
>What is your personality and what are u like irl. Also what is ur definition of u being dominant
How old are you?
I drank but I don’t feel better now I’m just crying
you greatly underestimate my laziness and apathy
Tfw no tall gf with long and spindly fingers
vocaroo yourself crying :^)
Yes, that sounds beautiful to me
You said you wouldn’t post tits so will you at least post feet
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Is this girl a psyop?
Regular woman. No contest. There is a good chance the bear woman is a momma bear, and they don't fuck around, even male grizzlies are less dangerous, they will sever your spine like nothing.
Meanwhile if I see a regular woman in the woods, and I can eyeball her as a feminist and predict she will accuse me of rape, I will simply pre-emptively rape and kill her, then cut her body up and feed her to coyotes.
Why are your feet so yeasty?
Hey, tsundere
if the bear is a mama bear, she'll just try to set you up with one of her female cubs and failing that she'll try to date you.
Tfw no gf to force alcohol down my throat
What uhhh…. What shoe size are you?
NAG, but pretty dope
Can't tell if this I'd a man's or a women's foot
You got me in the first half, ngl...
which one?
They’re not. They’re callouses.

I’ve seen yeasty feet and trust me they don’t look like this. This angle just lets you see the underside.

As for why they look rough, I don’t moisturize or use those rough stones to scrape dead skin off.
Are they underage? They look underage
For what
No dude

Guys I really want to kill myself lol everyone leaves me
Good question. I’m still trying to figure that out because a 7.5 is too small and an 8 is too big.

But somewhere thereabouts, yeah.
What's the song that came out last year or the year before (maybe it was this year) that sounded kinda like cupid but isn't cupid?
The Hwak Tuah girl
*Retarded white cunt edition
>For what
Iunno, thought it'd be funny, why do you want me to jerk off to it? Cause that's kinda weird...
That sounds embarrassing I really don’t know why it would be funny. I just sound like a baby
you're not a footfag.

look at the top of her foot. utterly female.
Oh come on, I didn't mean it in a mean way.
Why do women complain so much when they are so valuable.
I have a friend who made a new friend because they approached her on the train and asked her why she was crying. Well I just cried on the train and everyone just avoided looking at me. I love being ugly
Its how they get other people to do things for them.
And then you can raise your beardaughters
Because life sucks and then you die.
Dunno, I haven't been listening to current music that much. Current artists legit suck right now. Sns
>Are they underage?
I hope so ;)
I know you didn’t
Wow, playing with my heart over here >:(
There are women who think they're preferable to a bearmama and her beardaughters.
Why are they so evil, so lacking in self-awareness? Truly gives you the ick.
I’m sorry
Ask me more specific questions about my personality and kink relationship.
I agree but now and then a song comes along and the covers are better than the original.
Come on, please?
Femanon, would you chop wood to keep your bf warm?
Would you rather your significant other have a terabyte of real porn or a terabyte of hentai?
I just fifth wheeled lmfao I literally can’t do this q
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is it sexually dominant to have ideas? a lot of the time (here or elsewhere) that i talk about some of my sexual fantasies or daydreams or whatever, people are like "ooh wow haha dommy mommy" but i don't feel like i'm very dominant, i'm just creative, and i have fun ideas for things to do. am i supposed to just not suggest anything to be submissive? not that i'm going to change to fit that, but i guess figuring out how to categorize myself. is being assertive always dominant or can i want things and ask for things and suggest things but still be generally submissive?
I can do that easily.
We can also snuggle nude by the fire.

Is it well-organized and tagged/labeled?
What kinds of things are you bringing up?
>tfw not actually a pedo but have a HUGE taboo fetish
>could never be a high school teacher because the thought of being around teenage girls would mindfuck me into having a raging hard on all the time
Why are you sad?
I said less than a quarter of a T....
>Not a pedo
>Is a pedo
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literally me
Youre a pedo, sorry you had to find out like this
I just popped a boner, wtf.
imagine cumming in her and then sleeping on her for the rest of the night as you slowly get soft inside her.
both genders. state gender, if you were to count how many specific porn situations/genres you search for, how long would your list be? for example keep it down to one word (blondes, threesome, public etc) if possible but 'combos' alone can count to (blonde and redhead threesome, asian public, etc). for me its M and i probably search like 50+ things. yes im a
I only have an ironic boner, I s-swear, officer...
In a single search, or just all categories across all time
If youre the same anon:
Cringe, kill yourself
Spell that out for me anon :^)

They don't. There are no women on 4chan. You cunts give them the ick, they aren't coming here to hang out with you, take your advice or give you any.

It's all men here.
Only 2 generally. Homewrecker or asmr. I'm a fucking faggot, I know
Meant this for >>31958578
Her tits are probably as big as your body, at least as big as your head if not bigger.
Dog girl gf
Also this:
State gender
I'm going to a Japanese restaurant tomorrow. Alone, because I'm a fucking loser. Here's the menu.
What would you get?
I don't think you understand how a taboo fetish works.
Bear cock is tiny, I would rock her world.
MY tits are as big as my head. so.
>Dog girl
Maguro Tataki seems good.
This. Tempura is so fucking good
Forgot pic
>Casually Doxes himself
My queen!
Haha, yes! We now know anon lives somewhere in Ohio! We've got him!
Ok, but you most certainly don't have hips like her.
>taking your dog girl gf to the gym with you
Around 15 I think
>is it sexually dominant to have ideas?
>Literally 2 searches that are basically the same thing
This is true loyalty.
Women, would you rather have your man have a cock that runs perpendicular to his body or parallel. Why?
Show up and we can hang out. You can help me figure out chopsticks.
Definitely tempura like >>31958686 says
Also vegetable gyoza
Takoyaki is pretty typical and often gets recommended, but I've read it does taste like shit depending on your tastes.
Shiitake Mushroom Soup.
Teriyaki Chicken.
Tonkatsu Udon.
Kitsune Udon. They don't have it, but you should definitely try it.
you cant see her hips. that's a dress. she could have a few different body types without the dress position changing. my hips are pretty broad, thoughever.
Would take you up on that offer but Im nowhere near
She wears a corset so you can approximate
I don't care, it will bend to my will anyway.
Doesn’t matter both is bad. Why are you downloading it?
femanon would you give a random a handjob?
List them out for us
A handsome random, assumingly.
Parallel looks less silly by like 3 percentage points, but in the moment, I’m not going to care.
Be still my beating heart
that only makes you less likely to accurately judge her body at a glance kek
Women, would you have creampie sex with an alien?
Yes. I’ve actually done so.

Yes. But it was at a BDSM party and I had him on a St. Andrew’s cross, so it was kind of just part of the performance.

It was a very pretty cock too.
>It was a very pretty cock too.
What makes one pretty?
Good point.
Well then you're not as tall as her so ha.
I'm all alone I'm always alone
I just know that these bitches got immaculate snatch
If you get off to kids, thats called being a pedophile. Its ALSO a taboo fetish at the same time! congrats
This is good knowledge
Why are you alone?
>brother comes clean with me about his drug problem
>begins making an honest effort to keep clean
>can tell he's legitimate
>the thing is
>he becomes the biggest raging asshole when sober
>constantly snapping and telling me to fuck off
>locks himself in his room and just alternates between working out and sleeping
is it wrong to think that he was way more fun when he was on the junk?

>Yes. I’ve actually done so.
uh, i guess. she's a bear. i'm relatively tall. i wasn't just memeing. light resemblence. plus i am often in the woods
I mean it means she has accentuated hips, yeah.
Ideal gf for me, we could chop trees down together.
It was tidy, not super hairy on the groin, not veiny, nice even shape (no bulges). I liked the color. The glans had a nice kind of upward angular tilt to it, it wasn’t fat or too bulbous-y. It was just a weirdly aesthetic cock.
Because he left me because god hates me because I'm ugly because Im evil. who knows really. I just know that I am and that I will probably continue to be
"kids" is being disingenuous, we are talking about high schoolers
also a "taboo fetish" is different from a fetish being taboo
it just means I get off on the mental idea of soemthing being taboo even if I'm not explicitly that thing
Maybe not after 10 pregnancies, though aliens are apparently small.
Cum kissing

I’m sure there is more but that’s what comes to mind
How tall?
Well even if that is true, which it probably isn't, you can change it, you still have time
Do you need glasses for that?
I don't feel like I do. I'm already 24 and no one has ever been my boyfriend. I just want it all to end I don't want to live like this anmore
Underage is pedo, arguing about type of pedo you are still makes you a pedo
Wtf? Why are they all hot?
I'll be your thread bf for the night :^)
So why do you think your ugly?
What does it mean when men say they have a high libido? How bad is it really?

I met someone recently and we have great chemistry. He seems a little manipulative so I can’t tell what his intentions are with me. He admitted to having a super high libido but it felt like he was trying to use that to scare me off and draw a line? Should I call it quits with him?
can I still be a high school teacher as long as I exhibit self control?
You're definitely going to have sex with him :)
Hot damn, you are an easy mark.
>I had him on a St. Andrew’s cross,
I want one of those, but I want to build mine.
>He seems a little manipulative
>I will still allow him to manipulate me though
Ho hum.
No that type of 3D
Good taste, we'd be able to watch porn together pretty comfortaby
What makes you say so? I’m vanilla as hell and he’s.. the opposite. He knows so I assume this was to scare me off.
The fuck does "teen" even mean when 45 year old blown out whores are labelled "teen"
>What does it mean when men say they have a high libido? How bad is it really?
I've jerked off 21 times in a day before.
>He seems a little manipulative so I can’t tell what his intentions are with me. He admitted to having a super high libido but it felt like he was trying to use that to scare me off and draw a line? Should I call it quits with him?
Sounds like he wants to pump and dump.
I wouldn't mention my libido to a girl unless we're already dating.
Yes obviously quit it, guys be better at larping as women
>I’m vanilla as hell and he’s.. the opposite. He knows so I assume this was to scare me off.
Haha, you're cute.
Make him wear a condom, ok?
thank you but. i wish you were real
ive got acne and an ugly face and im not outgoing or brave or smart or funny. nobody likes me
I haven’t see that
I feel like the biggest challenge is actually have a good space for it. You’d basically need an extra bedroom and a decently large one, or a kind of furnished garage.
I wan't to play survivor with him in his woods.
>older brother texts me
>a long-lost brother of mine from my paternal side reached out to him
>wants to know if I it's okay to give him my number
>I haven't seen or heard from my father or my siblings on that side since I was 4 or 5, I hope I measure up
>he and I text back and forth for a bit, tells me our father is a drunk and beats his wife
>tells me I have a successful sister who has her own family, then him and another brother who are both ex-felons
>he tells me not to worry - he's been clean for 60 days
>I'm so disappointed that I just never text back
Did I do the right thing?
if a guy asked you if you wanted to see a movie or something and you give him a last minute response the very night before the day of the date, how would you take it if the guy asked to postpone the date until next weekend?
The girl I’ve been talking to lives like an hour away. I’m not good with being spontaneous and didn’t do my research on stuff like places to go ahead of time- trying not to get my hopes up like in the past. It makes me anxious winging it and not having my gameplan mapped out
Chad finna get some pussy
>thank you but. i wish you were real
I am real, its just we are both on 4chan lol
>ive got acne and an ugly face and im not outgoing or brave or smart or funny. nobody likes me
Even so, you have qualities that you over yourself or don't think much of that other people would probably value.
>website for endless video watching
>no random button
Seeing and noticing are not the same thing
NTA but we don't care that you have acne. In fact, some of the guys have acne too. It gives you something to bond over.

The rest is in your head so I can't touch it.
NTA what's an example?
You might be exposed to harmful ideas that way
> how would you take it if the guy asked to postpone the date until next weekend?

It would make perfect sense from a logical standpoint, but it’s going to cool my ardor because if I’m perfectly honest with you, women are kinda like iron— you gotta strike while it’s hot.

But dude, from your side, isn’t it kind of weird that she gave you a last minute response? If I were into a guy I’d have answered yes within a day or two, or at least told him “I want to, give me a day to make sure it works” or something.

At this point, you probably should just wing it.
Literally search nothing but the word "teen" on pornhub and find a single girl under 20 years old. You will not. The term is meaningless, it describes nothing
>What makes you say so? I’m vanilla as hell and he’s.. the opposite. He knows so I assume this was to scare me off.
It's less fun to corrupt the corrupted.
Nothing good
I cannot stand it anymore
I really think I'm going to walk in front of a bus tomorrow. What am I living for? I'm studying to get a shitty job so I can be single forever and never be a mother because no man wants me? This is pathetic I feel bad that my parents wasted any fucking time on me
>Nothing good
That's a lie, and you know it :(
Inexperienced vanilla girls are easier to bully, manipulate, and trick in bed. He’s grooming your expectations so that when he gets you in bed, you’ll feel pressured to please him.

Girl, I don’t know how old you are but you sound young. Please take advice from someone who probably has at least five years on you and walk away.
It’s fine I’ll do something else, he can ask next week to see if I’m interested
>It's less fun to corrupt the corrupted.
Your innocence is attractive
I have no idea what I got myself into but it sounds like a bad idea so I’ll cut things off. Thank you. I honestly haven’t dated much so I really didn’t know. Thought he could be a cool friend at least.

>21 times
That’s wild, were you at it all day?

I’d just wing it honestly. She sounds like she was on the fence to begin with and would probably take it negatively if you postpone it.
I notice 45yo not being teens, why are you being weird
I'd date you anon.
As this guy said >>31958823 most of here would probably date you even if you have acne.
I don't think they consider the fucking time a waste, but maybe the rest of it yeah.
The underlying source of stress that caused his drug problem hasn't completely receded, and the drugs are no longer there to suppress his anger and snappiness.
>That’s wild, were you at it all day?
It took about 12 hours.
How can it be? If it were a lie someone would've liked me back.
You wouldn't nd its not even just the acne I have nothing to offer anyone. I'm the most boring piece of shit alive. At least an abusive toxic girl would actually make a man feel something
>How can it be? If it were a lie someone would've liked me back.
You're only 24 sometimes its takes longer to find someone to connect with, bb.
>I have nothing to offer
You don't love somebody because you need them; you need them because you love them
>can't just type in "show me cool chill videos"
>You wouldn't nd its not even just the acne I have nothing to offer anyone.
I have a fetish for dating and fucking ugly girls mainly because people won't steal them away from me and you can offer love and companionship to someone.
>"kids" is being disingenuous, we are talking about high schoolers
>classic pedophile cope
Many such cases
Also no, those are children still, not adult. Just because theyre pupating doesnt mean its ok to wanna fuck them
>women are kinda like iron— you gotta strike while it’s hot
Yeah I figured as much. My gut tells me she’ll lose interest and will be less enthusiastic if I postpone it. I got a yes so I might as well take the W.
> isn’t it kind of weird that she gave you a last minute response?
Apparently she has babysitting to do sometimes and doesn’t know how available she is from weekend-to-weekend.

The other big reason why I want to postpone it is….a bit more embarrassing. I get the feeling she’ll let me get handsy- maybe even all the way. I don’t want her to get weirded out by the fact that there’s currently a sizable bump on my dick right now (never happened before, tested and clean, probably a clogged pore or ingrown hair/pimple from shaving the week before) so I’m trying to see if I can buy time for it to subside by next weekend. Sadly, her interest and intrigue for going on a date probably will also subside by the time my dick pimple does.
Why can I talk total bullshit online to femanon but I cant do that IRL. I wanna call girls retarded and stuff like that.
>I've jerked off 21 times in a day before.
>tfw no medium tshirt white bf to milk 22 times a day.
Everyone I know is already in a long term relationship and ready to get married. They have serious aprtners meanwhile the extent of my experience is begging for a text back.
I think I could love someone really well
D-does it count if I fit into mediums but prefer larges just for breathability?
not anyone in the conversation, but
>sometimes calling 16 year olds hot is fine
>sometimes it isn't
as a social autist I have observed this a lot but don't understand what makes the difference, can anyone explain the actual rules of when we are and are not allowed to acknowledge teenagers as hot? Assuming the underlying 'do not touch' rule is understood
also I will continue not to engage with this in real life at all, just so I know how to react
Just say 'pretty'.
I don’t get any 45yo, what a weird bit
Because the hurdle of being an ugly fuck doesn't apply online.
>Everyone I know is already in a long term relationship and ready to get married. They have serious aprtners meanwhile the extent of my experience is begging for a text back.
It's not a race darling and who is to say that their LTR or marriages (if they marry) last? Not to say they won't, but sometimes when people rush into things it can go badly quick.
nah I'm not gonna say shit irl, I know my place and that place is to say as little as possible and only when called upon
There's a girl who has ADHD and she's like 18 she's never had a relationship

She is kinda absent minded a bit with things and remembering so what are some signs I can look out for that she might be open to dating?

I gave her a gift the other week and she said it was so good she gives me permission to bully her which is kinda flirty

She mimics my body language sometimes is open to hanging out ect but isn't overly like initiating spending time or wanting to spend excessive time with me so I'm not sure
Sorry anon, hope your dick and confidence is better for next one
It’s not okay
Yeah not directed at you anon, it's just that the solution is to say 'pretty'. Hot is at its baseline a statement of sexual interest. It's just a bit too much.
At least they are experiencing it. I'd even take a doomed relationship if it meant I could love them
... describe the meaning of the pornography term "teen", and then contrast that to what the term is actually applied to in real scenarios like the one described when searching for the term. Leave the hyperbolic "45 year olds" part out of your apparently easily-confused mind for now.
If it makes you feel better, my ex got his dick caught in his pants zipper and I didn't even notice the mark (which was pretty red/obvious) until he pointed it out. And it wasn't a big deal.

But I also knew he was clean and trusted him, so we just sort of laughed awkwardly about it and continued onward. Maybe stick to keeping things handsy for the first date and save going all the way for the second?
Is this that dorky girl that's always in here...
I loathe you and your ilk I truly do
You don’t have a right to hate yourself

“Waah I have social anxiety waaah I’m unaccomplished” and by virtue of being a woman you have value

I hope you do die alone and get to feel half as lonely as the average pathetic loser desperate enough to offer to date you feels
So like 20yo? Are you lowering the age because it made you look like an idiot?
So the word "teen" describes women of any age? So it means fucking nothing, exactly like I said, you stupid retard?
Do you have any throwaway accounts on messenger apps or something? I know its a sus thing to ask, but if your looking for someone to talk to now and then I wouldn't mind. I don't have much going on lol.
>I think I could love someone really well
There you go. Plenty to offer. I'd date you.
This man is a sexual predator
Just trying to be nice and she's 24
This wasn't me >>31958856
>>tfw no medium tshirt white bf to milk 22 times a day.
I hope your wrists are up for it. Mine was quite sore.
Nope. Have a nice day weirdo
>he’s being distant and unresponsive because I annoyed him slightly
I hate men. I give up. It’s always like this once they don’t think they’ll get what they want.
How slightly?
>by virtue of being a woman you have value
What value?
I don't wwant to annoy you
>Plenty to offer.
You don't know if I'd be any good at it
Why do you think I'm ugly is it because I'm an anonymous?
I hope you don't struggle this much with every simple thing in your life.
>tfw no femanon gf to go through all my shirts to confirm I really am a size medium
(I wear smalls too)
This is a male-dominated thread. You’re talking to men who conflate the fact that a man would fuck you with value, which is true— but that doesn’t equate a relationship, which is what you’re actually after.

But girl, get off 4chan. This place warps your sense of normalcy and how to interact with others in a bad way, and it’s going to put normal people off. Been there, done that, I’m single at thirty. Don’t be me. Go away.
I wouldn't assume that somebody with little to no experience would be good at it, silly. What you can offer is your willingness to try.
I wish all girls were as cool as you, femanon.
> Maybe stick to keeping things handsy for the first date and save going all the way for the second?
That’s probably the best course of action to take and the best case scenario I can ask for. Here’s to hoping I can get a second date. Wish me luck, frends.
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Neither of ya'll better be bald
>I don't wwant to annoy you
You won't but if you are also using that as an excuse to get out of saying no, that's fine too. You seem really sweet, so you do have good qualities in you, you just either can't see them yet
You got your snatch, that gives you value
It’s the only thing these pathetic cretins care about
They only care you’re a woman if you posted that shit but said you were a guy you’d get zero replies
Honestly you do sound pathetic, your life sounds like mine but slightly more pathetic and I fucking LOATHE you.
>I really am a size medium
He wanted me to do something and I just didn’t do it. Has been distant ever since. Few word replies and nothing to move a conversation forward. I joked about stuff to see if he’ll loosen up, nope.

Femcel liberation begins now. I’m going to die alone and it’ll be fine.
Their both bald and fat middle aged men :^)
>"I hope both of you have no testosterone and lots of estrogen"
Anon you were the only one that struggled with this kek
I especially liked the
So dumb
I have hair that every barber and hairdresser I go to says is really nice
>search "teen"
>none are teenagers
So what does the word mean? <--- you are refusing to answer this
Guys can be bitches, it's true.
>>31958913 (Me)
>you just either can't see them yet
or you are downplaying them severely.

House, or Wilson
I'm White too
Nazi uniforms are a hard thing to come by in video format
>This place warps your sense of normalcy and how to interact with others in a bad way
In what way?
I want to leave but you guys are the only people I talk to
But you could assume many other things about me
I'm not I'll talk to you I just don't have accounts and dont feel like making any
You refused the answers haha you okay?
>crazy addict doctor oldfag
>I'm not I'll talk to you I just don't have accounts and dont feel like making any
That's fine, but you will fine someone eventually you gotta just learn to put yourself out there a little.
Would you bang one of these?
>I want to leave but you guys are the only people I talk to
Yeah. Go out into the real world and find real people to talk to. Join a club, volunteer at an animal shelter or local library or something, join a DnD group or a co-ed soccer scrimmage group. Or go on discord and find a public discord with interests you share, and join the community there if you really can't go out and talk to normal people.

Yes, I know it's hard. You'll thank me ten years from now.

Now get thee the fuck out of here.
>, but you will fine someone
Its getting late, maybe I should go to bed I'm making dumb spelling mistakes.
That’s all you can say, you want to be a victim so bad and just feel sorry for yourself

The worst part is I know you’ll find some fucking bastard who thinks it’s cute because men are pathetic creatures that think with the head they shouldn’t be using in important moments
nta and I'm male but I kinda suffer from the same problem but I have ADHD so I have to be retard corralled and that is hard because, well, I'm retarded kek.
Those are just Scandinavian men and yes I would
Not our fault we were biologically programmed for fugging, if women weren't so uptight about dating and marriage the world would be a lot less horny
Refusing to answer the question right after being wrong about answering questions. This irony got layers, good job anon I don’t think you’re aware
Your quads felt like a sign
I'll try thank you
>But you could assume many other things about me
Saw picture of a man's hairy chest on Reddit and now it's all I can think about
Life is so stressful right now. I feel something horrible is going to happen soon.
kek, you'd fuck an animal, would you fuck a blonde haired, blue eyed dog?
It is your fault for not being able to control your urges like a stupid fucking caveman
Did the hairy chest scar you?
Did it turn you on?
>Your quads felt like a sign
Kek, they are just numbers, don't read too much into it. But your a soft and sweet girl, it shouldn't be too hard to find a boyfriend and if they reject you because of how you look they are doing you a favor.
How would you feel if your future bf wanted to dress up in a SS uniform and have you roleplay as a Juden?
For any gay men on this thread, what attracts gay men to men?
How are Scandinavian men animals? Post skin color right now
Its no different than black women dressing up like slaves and being whipped by their white master bfs.
They aren't men they are like 7 to 8 feet tall and from the planet Pledgies
Are you medicated?

I also have ADHD and have to be retard corralled too, but I’ve gotten better at containing myself.
Scandos are pretending to be ayys?
Anon, if you talked to any guy here in a private/more personal setting, you'd be glad to be single for life.
I guess when people are vettingf me they can think of more red flags than for a normal girl
It shouldn't but it is hard for some reason
Forgive me Numbers and signs are all I've got atm
I am blonde with blue eyes with Germanic ancestry so I would not be cool with playing that specific role
I have a hair fetish and sometimes I hyperfixate on men's hair. + I'm a femcel so I'm touch starved and probably think about these things to an unhealthy obsessive degree
The humans we call scandinavians are human-alien hybrids.
Post nose, ear height, and facial profile so I can judge if you are pure of jewish blood or not.
Thats not true. You guys are nice
>It shouldn't but it is hard for some reason
Yeah, its hard for everyone at some point. Don't worry about it, just don't get too desperate where you walk into a bad situation. If you have friends ask them to play matchmaker with you?
Surely you could assume the worst of any guy, too? I don't see what makes you uniquely awful
They'd probably end up dating or at least friends or sexting each other, something like that.
>Neither of ya'll better be bald
I have long hair
>Their both bald and fat middle aged men :^)
Depends on it you count a U.S. medium as fat. And I'm in my late 20's.
I would dump him, go home, take a scalding hot shower, and think about maybe being single for the rest of my fucking life.
Aww that is cute, I have a very hairy chest that you could rest on.
They’re short, socially awkward, and into some weird shit like feet or armpits or getting pegged or something and they look like fucking nerds
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When is it going to be real
So your usual Friday night then
Guys are always nice when horny lmao
The instant you close your legs, you're an ungrateful bitch and a bad partner and a failure as a woman.
>Depends on it you count a U.S. medium as fat. And I'm in my late 20's.
That's for him to decide, I just throught the joke was funny but I don't date or have sex with women in their late 20s onward.
I am real, all I want is a girl that loves my hairy body haha.
I'm not the femanon, dummy.
Depends on the guy, depends on the motivation, a lot of you women are kinda over the top with your reactions and for some reason instead of saying "hey you aren't making me cum" you pretend to cum for a long time only to then just stop giving sex completely. I'd rather be told I suck at fucking and make changes to fuck longer than just have it go away.
i know this is sort of the opposite but im a bisexual woman and i find it easier to date women, plus theyre pretty
I've asked before and they said they didn't know anyone. I'm not going to beg when I know they can't help me
Sure but I don't have to
I'm not even horny rn, I already busted twice. I'm just hanging out
Why are you trying to suck another guys dick?
I’m a bisexual man
Uhh cock
>I've asked before and they said they didn't know anyone. I'm not going to beg when I know they can't help me
So then try to make new friends via hobbies, activites, or something like that.
>Sure but I don't have to
Why do I then?
Yes they fucking are exactly like this
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Good boys.
Taking care of your hair is important.
I hope you find her anon
Serious question, any smaller girls here dates a particularly well endowed partner?

Guy I’m casually seeing might have a huge dick and I’m a bit put off. Gyno has warned these things can be considered a weapon past a certain point when you’re built small. Dump him or see where things go?
Allegedly a couple corpses of those were pulled from that 1933 crash in Megenta, Italy that David Grusch talked about.
I'm only 3/4
Be honest.
Your count for each
Which is easier?
Thanks, I'm too depressed right now to find anyone though.
I'm trying
Because you want to
Zero for both but I imagine men are easier
Me too anon
I can't tell if you're being dumb on purpose.
I don't want to make assumptions about you, save for agreeing with >>31958977
I think you'd be quite happy with life after talking to an anon for 10 minutes.
I mean same thing
My point is no male on this thread that she thinks is “nice” is actually datable
I dont have a confused anime grill with enough interrogation marks for this
How long have you been depressed?
What's stopping you from downloading grinder and getting some cock tonight?
I went on a road trip with my bi friend and his grinder was popping off constantly because of all the fags we were passing doing 80 down the interstate
Hey, Sarge.
I am similar to the anons here
>I went on a road trip with my bi friend and his grinder was popping off constantly because of all the fags we were passing doing 80 down the interstate
Lol. I'm not quite that feminine.
This chitchat doesn't matter anon
“Erm ackshully you can download Grindr and get some dick” SHUT THE FUCK UP MAYBE I DON’T WANT TO DO WHORE SHIT LIKE THAT
You straggots say that shit like you can’t go fuck an obese chick or a hooker
Similar doesn't mean you'd get along or be happy.
brb just going to kms
>I'm trying
Good luck! I have to go bed now its almost 2am for me. You'll find one if you start looking, I promise. You can always come back here to vent about your search, I kinda phase in and out of these threads so I may or may not be here but I'm sure other anons will be nice enough to talk things out with you. Good night.
Not posting facial profile. Too easy to be identified
It just doesn't matter how long I've been depressed. I'm going to bed, have a good night anon.
I hate women so much
You don't have to be feminine to be submissive~
Goodnight I hope you feel better when you wakeup.
man ear and man eye
So, pick one to fuck then. EZ
> Gyno has warned these things can be considered a weapon past a certain point when you’re built small. Dump him or see where things go?

Gyno and my own experience concur. However, if he’s a good guy and has some experience, he should recognize normal sex may not always be possible. Gentle sex should usually be okay, just be prepared with lube and lots of patient foreplay.

Thighfucking, titfucking, blowjobs, handjobs, etc. can all be used as creative substitutes for PIV. And just because a guy is well-endowed doesn’t mean he’ll have a high libido, or prioritize sex over genuine connection.

So if you think he’s a really good guy and you think his personality is amazing… see where it goes.

If this is just kind of a fling and it’s nbd, dump him.
Hey, tsundere
I want to nibble on your ear.
Girls help, I need to go down on you
Less blonde than I imagined
But you can post your vulva
Yeah those traits are attractive in WOMEN, not men

Go find a husband and never post here again you vile cunt
Well you are taller than me, assuming you're the "5'9" on a good day" femanon
Ok but they arent obese so your analogy is poor
Yes they fucking are
Hey, it's ok if you're shorter than me.
I don't have to manhandle you.
You gotta be fast!
Picking up femanon and throwing her even though she's taller than me
Hi! Let's have sex!
Giving femanons purple nurples
Men, am I weird if I am eating a large cesar salad with chicken at 2am?
I just made this and already inhaled about half of it.
It needs more crutons tho so I'm going to crush some ritz into it.
Coming at you live from Onions City!
We should be eating each other right now
Nta but you have the accentttt
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hey atoga, i just got done masturbating for three or four hours in the bath and making up convoluted sex stories in my mind cavern. idk how dicks feel to have so i want to fact check my imagination: when i get spanked, my skin feels tingly and sensitive so every OTHER feeling also feels way better. hypothetically could we do the same thing to your dick? can we smack it or burn it a little or put it under intense suction like a super hickie so it's sore and tingly so blowjobs feel super duper good? is that real? scientific minds wanna knoww thx

also little drunk if that was bad to read idk
>Trying to coax me into a hug so you can smother me
Nice try
Making femanon show up to the office on Monday with a big hickey on her neck
Not weird. Sometimes I eat dinner around midnight or 1AM, and snacking later than that is pretty common too.
Men What's the manliest way you've shown affection to someone you care about?
I tried to make fun of your accent but my drawl came through too much
No, I'd join you if I was up, but I can't stay up that late.
>can we smack it a little or put it under intense suction
Yes please but personally I am a fan of light biting, my penis will harden in an attempt to defend itself.
>or burn it
holy shit you have no idea how much i love hickies
kek, wouldn't be the first wouldn't be the last at least my latent autism is obvious for everyone to hear/see so it isn't surprising when I do autistic things.
>three to four hour bath
Post pruny hands and/or feet
Sling her over my shoulder, slap her butt while walking to bed, fling her onto the mattress, 3 hours of plapping
oh my god really ive always wanted to nibble on one buy i thought guys would always be like WAAAAHH about teeth EVER. like cmon it would be fun and cute if i go to ur base and put a lil presure on the very bottom com e onnn

anyway is burning that scary for u? what about we give it sunburn is it better than hot water?
idont like to post picteures anywhere so i don tbut also my skin doesnt do that idk. genetics? im all smooth and normal
Princess carrying my ex around my house.
I bet she hasn't thought of me in many many years.
Yes but it would take some expirimentation to get it correct. You'd have to find a domme with enough mad scientist in her to want to recreate such thing and not just stomp your shit in.
Safewords always.
Well, that's certainly one way to do it! Bit caveman-esque but hey, whatever floats your boat.
>the accent
You mean a lisp? or w/e the R version of a lisp is.
Sorry my mic is shit
>it would be fun and cute if i go to ur base and put a lil presure on the very bottom com e onnn
Yeah its good stuff, as long as you aren't trying to bite it off I'm game for it but I understand why most dudes are apprehensive about it
>anyway is burning that scary for u? what about we give it sunburn is it better than hot water?
...You scare me but that only excites me more. The answer is still no, we can sun my genitals if you want but I'm not getting a sunburn for you.
this is literally what i was talking about man

hey BUDDY get a load

anyway sagewords is a good plan. i didnt even get far enough to imagine the snesititzation of the dick in a sexy context i was just imagining the aftermath. lazy worlbuidling i guess
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Not a guy but some of them really like getting their dick smacked so I think you are right.
Opening jars and containers that they are having trouble with. Lifting and carrying her for prolonged periods of time. Sometimes fixing stuff for them.
I wannnnt to smother you with my boobs thoooo.
ok man but i think its realy not that bit of a dnager to make hot water for it like itll hurt for like goddamn like two seconds. not BOILING. anyway. funny that ur on team teeth but not team hot water

like ppl do hot WAX anon ur dick is more resilient than u think
The pops were spoopy

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