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Is this woman right?


That women are perfectly happy with a 3 inch penis?

And here I am wishing I had an 8 inch penis.
correct. kind of like dick sizes women have like a variance of how much they can take. for pretty much every woman anything over 6-7 will be extremely painful.
Body shaming men with big penises. Lol, what a fucked up world we live in today.
>3 inch
5 inch. It was the 5 inch mark that she said was perfectly fine. Sorry to burst your hopes, dicklet.
Kinda true. Dunno why they need to hate on big dicks to uplife average sizes. I'm about 7.5" myself and it's stupid. Every dick of every size deserves care and attentions
I haven't seen this in a while but does she make a random aside like "the biggest I've ever seen was 9 inches"?

Different strokes for different folks. But also, this woman is coping hard.

I have a 9 inch cock and my now wife left her then husband for it, and completely worships my cock.

All the women I've been with worshipped it. All of them thought I hated them when I wouldn't give it to them. Triple digits so whilst anecdotal, still statistically relevant.

I bet if I gave the woman in your post my 9 incher she'd worship it too. But her partner is only 3 inches, so she copes because she can't do better. I'd certainly never touch her on purpose.
> t. middle schooler
Pickme ass bih
I'm 4.5" and I can slam hard into girls and I can tell I'm nowhere near bottoming them out.
Also, with a bigger dick, you can afford to use different positions and still fill her up. But with smaller dicks, you're more limited.
Wise chinese proverb.
"It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean."
It's not about size anyway it's about girth so you can fuck up the vaginal walls.
Penis size doesn't matter because the feminine orgasm doesn't matter. If you take that, the only thing a bigger cock could do to you is make you more virile in her eyes OR give you a confidence boost, and you can get both things elsewhere. So it's a nice thing to have, but not necessary to have a good life, successful relationship, or a happy sex life.
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How do you even believe this? How much of a fucking wannabe victim do you have to be to get to this point?
The porn industry has literally propelled you guys into God status. I can't spend 2 minutes on the internet without hearing jokes glorifying big dicks, jokes shaming small dicks, insecure men who wish they had a big dick, women who want to fuck guys with big dicks, and how I should feel insecure for having an average dick.

Take a fucking joke you manchild.
She's absolutely correct, yes. I know guys care a lot about the size of their dicks, but the truth it, there's a reason why it's around that size.
guessing by the nosering she had enough dicks to be an expert at the subject
>there's a reason why it's around that size.
Is there a reason why I have a 9 inch dick?
holy shit, 5 inches is what my dick is flaccid...
>Body shaming
why is 4chan woke now
I always thought that aside she throws in there about a big dick she's seen is kinda mean considering the topic. I mean, how is that supposed to make guys feel better? I guess women can't help showing off even when they try to be helpful.
You don't. I doubt you have anything close to 8.
>But also, this woman is coping hard.
That's what I'm thinking too. I mean, who the fuck doesn't want a big cock? Not a single woman I've been with has complained about mine.
It definitely matters. And average isn’t good enough for most women. Life is a cruel joke.
I wouldn't say it matters too much, if it's too long then it's too painful lmao staying near the average scale is best. Anything past like 6 would definitely be painful, at least to most women.
I'm 6 to the dot and I've bottomed out every woman I've been with but when they tell you to stop or they're going to pee they don't actually want you to stop and it definitely isn't pee, keep it
women cannot perceive realty like men do. if a woman likes you she will think you are tall if she hates you she will think your are short. this is why bridges collapse when then they are engineered by women
>this is why bridges collapse when then they are engineered by women
lmao my girlfriend is offended by this
Is she an engineer? Are any of their female friends? Any women they know?
Ask her to think about why that is
Then I suppose anything past 7-8ish is accurate? I feel like it mostly depends on the woman.
>women cannot perceive realty like men do. if a woman likes you she will think you are tall if she hates you she will think your are short. this is why bridges collapse when then they are
engineered by women
Very deep and insightful.

When my ex loved me she was stubbornly convinced I had a future.
I should note that I'm a kissless virgin. I don't even finger myself. I have no clue what constitutes a small penis or a big penis. But I have heard stories of women ending up in ER because a guy that fucked them had a giant cock. So there's that.
I'm the one trying to find a max lmao but I'm in the same situation, there definitely has to be a limit to it. Like, anything too big is at least somewhat dangerous.
Guys do this too though. When someone loves you, they see all the positives. When they hate you they see all the negatives.
Why are women so obsessed with genitals. It’s frankly disgusting.
lol what? aren't men the ones that are obsessed with genitals?
Women think "boys locker room talk" was real and are now emulating men. Sleeping around, high earning careers, STEM degrees, going to college. Essentially all the crazy things 1% of men do, they think is/was the norm and are punishing the rest of us.
7.5 inches here

I’ve had sex with about 60 ish women. And a few trannies in that mix.

Women have no fucking size reference and are retarded. I told my now ex girlfriend, who absolutely loved my dick and we fucked so, so many times, that I was 7.5 inches and she was like “wait what it’s only 7.5 inches? I thought it was 9 or something”. They have absolutely 0 frame of reference since they don’t have a dick and are naturally smaller so things appear much bigger to them anyhow. You could honestly tell your average sized girl that you have an inch and a half more than you actually have and she wouldn’t bat a fucking eye. And as for feeling, generally anything around 6-6.5 is going to be optimal, anything past that is purely just visual stimulation for the woman and the head canon that she’s being fucked by a guy with a big dick and that’s hot because he’s high value alpha male etc etc.

Further more on the bright side there are exceptions, I’ve been with a few women who could barely handle my dick and frequently tapped out before or during sex. Meaning they would probably be satisfied with something as small as 3-4 inches the same way most women are satisfied with 5-6. As for the contrary, I have yet to meet a single woman who’s cervix I cannot bruise, so to speak.

As for trans “women” (men lol), all of them love bigger dicks in general but in all honesty it’s much harder having one and there’s a genuine curse. Having a massive cock (particularly in thickness) means you’ll end up ravaging their ass and tearing it apart, often meaning that you might not be able to have sex as frequently or at all, and it also entails an assload (lol) of preparation. And cock size matters less for feeling but matters about there same if not more for visual stimulation when it comes to em.

In conclusion, you’ll be fine most of the time as an average joe shmoe, but if you’re truly a dicklet better get Grindr and start fuckin trannies.
>That women are perfectly happy with a 3 inch penis?
Probably not perfectly happy, but it'll do. And it's better than dealing with bitchass insecurity.
>And a few trannies in that mix.
oh really...
>I’ve been with a few women who could barely handle my dick and frequently tapped out before or during sex.
Well I have a 9 incher so this concerns me
>Women have no fucking size reference
This is true in my experience. I’m a 5’6”manlet and I have a friend who’s 3 inches taller than me who constantly gives me shit for being small. We learned a girl we both know thought we were the same size based on her perspective despite the 3 inch difference. For girls there’s only big and small, I don’t think they perceive small variances as autistically as males do. As long as you’re not on some micro shit most girls will be fine with whatever you’re working with.
you're a big guy
I hate small dick. Just gave my meh dicked fwb another chance tonight and it was like nothing. Was literally like hotdog down a hallway feeling, I was gripping with all my might but that penis was fucking skinny and tiny. Pathetic. I need at least 7 inches and THICK or I am upset. My bf basically made so many fwbs obsolete. I only have 3 that are even worth it now and one is almost too skinny even though he hits my cervix. Small dicked guys should stick to women with vaginismus and leave us normal women alone. We need big dicks. I mostly cum from clit stimulation and still prefer a big dick. Call me bait but you know I'm female.
>Was literally like hotdog down a hallway feeling

>Small dicked guys should stick to women with vaginismus and leave us normal women alone.
oh god kek
>When someone loves you, they see all the positives. When they hate you they see all the negatives.
I don't work that way.
moid hands
She's talking about blowjobs, retard. So no, women are not happy with 3 inches for piv sex.
micropenis is officially diagnosed under 10cm.
Anything over that is more or less standard.
pussy can tighten around a single finger
No absolutely not. Biofem here only 7-9 inches is acceptable and 5-6 girth around
>Learned we were the same size
Extremely gay
well my 5 inch erect cock has never been inadequate, it's probably about perfect for every random white girl around--the others idk
There lying and pretending for you
Depends on a woman. Majority of women can’t take more than 6, maybe even 5. Accommodating larger probably needs extra work such as longer arousal, way past initial foreplay, her being drunk to some capacity or on drugs. Same with throatfuck and anal, not all women can and not all women are having regular sex to get their cunts, ass and throats adjusted. I’m 6, and gf can take all the way usually after eating her out + fingers or long foreplay. Anything before and she complains about discomfort going all the way in.
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why does this have NINE HUNDRED POSTS?
My girlfriend uses a makeup brush to goon when we're not together, it's around 4 to 5 inches in length and as thin as her index finger.
She cums with it same as she cums with my 6 incher that's much thicker than her brush.
It varies. If you're 5 to 6 you're fine unless the woman had huge cocks before or is a size queen.
hey where'd you get that? gonna use that for a porn compilation
A majority of women prefer big penises but who gives a shit. Either work to find a women who doesn't care or just live with it. You think the elephant man or kids with progeria or Central Africans cared about not finding a women? It just is what it is.
>A majority of women prefer big penises

End of thread.
5 inches is pretty small desu. I've been insecure of my 5 inch cock all my life. Have 5 inch girth too. Failed the toilet paper roll test.
i know i am. most girls dont realize how big that actually is. my bf is 5 in. and insecure but idek why cuz like only half of it fits lmao
you must be asian
5", 30 women here
I could feel the cervix of about 10, but just 2 of them could not take it all the way in
And only about 2 of them felt too loose as well
Think about it
>could feel the cervix: 33.3%
>could not take just 5" deep: 6.6%
>felt too loose: 6.6%
Of course I'd like to have 6" but yeah, 5" is fine
As long as you can make her cum with your fingers it won’t matter
It's different for each woman but body shaming men for their dick size is lame period. It's one of the biggest double standards that exist because men can't body shame women for anything at all and get away with it. Men can't control their dick size so body shaming them for it isn't cool.
Yeah, this video is just targetting the opposite end of the spectrum. It's still shitty
Would it hurt if I stuck it in?
Stop being a faggot lmao. Body shaming is based and should be done more for both sexes. Small dick guys, fatties, etc.
lmao and what are small dick guys supposed to do? get penis extensions?
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I have a 12cm penis (hard) and my gf loves it and cums every single time we have sex (usually multiple times per sesh)
I'm sure some other women wouldn't prefer my pp but who the fuck cares there are those who do
So um.... Is that your girlfriend... ????
No, ignore the file
Was meant for another thread
But if it matters my gf is white european
I have a 12cm penis (hard) and my gf loves it and cums every single time we have sex (usually multiple times per sesh)
I'm sure some other women wouldn't prefer my pp but who the fuck cares there are those who do. >>31994791
No, you just learn to cope with having a small dick. Life isn't fair.
It sure isn't
As long as you're good looking and women find you attractive, that doesn't matter much. Your hold on them will not revolve around your penis size, but your charm that flows from your beauty. Just don't be ugly, and you'll be fine.
Oy vey
>centimeters and kilometers
I hate being american
seriously where'd you get that? I'd love to use it as a clip in my pmv
Thanks for reminding me that I should NOT feel guilt/sympathy for the rape victim that I friendzoned. I hate women. I hate rapists too.
girth is part of size you fucking retard.

gay faggot.
did ER learn to cope with having a small dick? life isn't fair, 6.0 KD
She's the 2%
Needle dick or smaller is a no-go, but if you had that then they would openly mock you mercilessly in public.
They're women. Females will bully other women if they have bigger breasts or fatter asses or don't look as shitty. It's that toxic behavior but directed towards males. Best recourse is to tell them to fuck off cus they're not trying to make friends no matter how much they say so.
Sorry donkey dick but I only like guys with small dicks.
Tits bitch.... NOW....
Dildos and dicks aren't the same fucktard.
You don't have magicwand-for-fingers, yet it works
>noooo this silicone phallus that's shaped and molded as an exact replica to a human penis isn't comparable to the real thing
Nice... very very nice.
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mfw I've got an 11 incher
This. I'm 5'4 and a lot of my past exes felt like I was taller because of my confidence. They'd hit me with "I don't think you're that short you don't seem like it".
Sluts brag about wanting 6 inch dick, in reality they were fucked by average dick and was told it's 6 inch.
I have a 6 inch dick, my one night stand was surprised and thought it was like 12 inch.
We didn't have sex because it was "too big for her", and blamed it on me for being too rough.
>I have a 6 inch dick
big boy
No no....average boy
Please kys bro
>femoid content creator is virtue signaling while speaking about a controversial topic
A you really taht retarded to believe in this dogshit?
>most women are satisfied with 5
You fucking lying brain dead nigger.
"""People"""" like you deserve to get killed.
Unironically based.
All those sex havers shouldn't be sad about all those victims of killing sprees
Elliot Roger. Our Lord and Saviour.
>I have a 12cm penis (hard) and my gf loves it
Fake and retarded
Speaking the truth actually
Sorry it doesn't fit your porn fetish
Does oppinion of this gook animal means anything?

Post an actual female, that is saying something similar.
>complains about discomfort
Is it something bad? lmao
5 is still a micropenis...
Either you are a shit skin and your coal burning gf is dating you because of nationality, or you are betabuxxer.
There is no other choice, faggot.
>Life isn't fair
Raping minors is also unfair.
Too bad that dicklets still need to have sex. But I think those retarded children can just relax and try to have a pleasure from rape ;3
Oh I see you are microdicked poltard who is so insecure you can't fathom a woman not being a BBC size queen like the porn you're addicted to
>gook animal
kek hey I want to bang her ffs lol
Of course not.

That's also not the point. It's the preferable size. Women who are into horsecocks aren't getting tiny dildos and vice versa.
The sweet spot is 6-7inches. 8 inches is too much for most women. Many bigger fellows have stories of women literally refusing to fuck them because they're too big.
it was normal in Greece. If you had a big penis back them you'd be a laughing stock.
No, not a laughing stock, you were considered evil and depraved.

They basically feared erections. The valued flaccid penises. Basically, penises that had no sexual function at all. So if you had erectile dysfunction, you were a god, according to them. You were an upstanding member, pun intended, of the community. And if you had an erection, you were a criminal deviant.

In other words, they were completely retarded to the astronomical degree and I see no reason to take them seriously in that regard.
you married a woman who left her husband for your penis? and we are to take your word as anything other than trash from a trash human being? Let alone the fackt that youre clearly jerking yourself off here?

>you married a woman who left her husband for your penis?
nta but putting it that way is kind of kek in a way that I never considered
seriously bro lol where'd you get that?
That women is a whore.
Cucked by your own dick
Think about it for a second....

They basically fetishized the lack of sexuality. Oh yes, this big burly strong man with big huge muscles but a tiny shriveled up dick that's about as useful as a ramen noodle in a tin can.

Does that make ANY FUCKING sense to you?
lol that's what I'm thinking
Dildos are advertised as being 0.5-1.5 inches longer than can actually be inserted.
So my girlfriend's 30 inch horse cock dildo won't fit then?
>it's just women who buy dildos

lol every time i see a collection of horse dick dildos it's dudes

this is almost completely useless information
>I mean, how is that supposed to make guys feel better? I guess women can't help showing off even when they try to be helpful.
And yet if you ever tried to tell a woman that you don't like big boobs that much, which you would know because you've dated women with big boobs, she would go mental.
Interrupting those data doesn't require you to have triple digit IQ.
Just look at porn and you will see how women use those "LARGE" dildos.
3-4 inches are outside their pussy and use it as a handle.
I wish my penis was pink.

Perhaps then a woman might want to suck on it.
thick fat chodes superior confirmed
>girls usually hold the dildo
>when inserted, don't go the full lenth
That's a lie
I have a 6 inch dick, on the girthy size. Some girls said I had a big cock and enjoyed it for that reason. I never had issues. I fucked about the same amount of women as you and only 1 girl commented in a slightly negative way that it wasn't big but average
>I have a 6 inch dick
big boy
This. Why hate on bigdick bros? Everyone has their preference. A lof of women prefer average anyway
yeah i mean ive had sex with men who have shorter dicks. i never really think about dick size when im horny, and im not going to go that far with a guy only to back off only because of his dick size. Imagine a guy backing off a girl because, idk, her tits are too small or something. like are you fucking gay or something?
the only downside is that you cant do any crazy positions, but most women can get off to completion by just grinding alone.
Isn't it literally average
friendly sarcasm?
Three inches? No. Twelve is retarded, though. Anything past 7 and it's hitting my cervix, which is very uncomfortable. You guys should probably stop taking sexual advice from women who've had hundreds of partners and now have numb coomer brains that, like coke addicts, need ever more insane criteria to be fulfilled in order to orgasm.
I'm going to give you all an important lesson: what women say, and what women do are two completely seperate things.
>what women say, and what women do are two completely seperate things.
amen brother
I wonder if this sort of thing also happens with boob size or ass size.

Like, hey, I ain't getting with no girl with a flat ass and flat chest, homie.
>Like, hey, I ain't getting with no girl with a flat ass and flat chest, homie.
has any guy say that?
I dunno. Maybe.

Me? Personally? If she's cute and nice, I'd still get with her.

A female is a female, ya know?
Home slice?
She's right. The clitoris is outside the vagina and the g-spot is only 2 inches in. It's what you need to have an orgasm with penetration.

Something bigger than average will be painful. I have a regular-ass 6-incher and was told the size was too painful. But everybody (and every body) is different.
>It's what you need to have an orgasm with penetration.
my gf cums very easily with just penetration
Ask in the JAV thread on >>>/jp/
>The clitoris
the kweee toe wheeesssss
After taking off the inches women hold and the gay, the average size preferred is closer to average.
>A female is a female
oh my god no
It depends on the women you are having sex with.I have a 6 inch penis and have been told that it's not impressive as well as it's too big
I'm 7.5, can hit the bottom of a bitch without even trying and every one loved it, the only complaints I ever got was that I wasn't lubed enough so there was a bit of bleeding or I was hitting her cervix too much and now her groin region is sore. But that's really if I'm just jack hammering away.
>I'm 7.5, can hit the bottom of a bitch without
Well I'm 9 inches and if you can do that with yours, I can only imagine the damage mine can inflict.
Fuck no
Pooh Neez
Do you think women are a monolith? You can make a thread here asking guys what their favorite tit size is and get 5 different answers. Truth is some girls don't care, some girls want a guy with a horse dick, some girls want a guy without a dick at all (gays) and some girls (probably a minority) might prefer them smaller
thank you captain obvious
>is this woman right?
You're welcome
>some girls want a guy without a dick at all (gays)
lesbians? you're bringing lesbians into this?! dafuq?!

>some girls
yeah, that's what this thread is about... to figure out how much is "probably" and what amount of "might" there is.
I just stick to Asians to my 6.5x5.5-incher feels like a wine bottle, both for me and for her.
>asking guys what their favorite tit size is and get 5 different answers.
Yeah, but guys don't insert women's boobs into their anal cavities and experience pain when they're too big. So I don't know where you're going with that comparison.

This is about biological limitations, not what is or isn't visually appealing.
ah so this is why people have asian fetishes
No I'm just conditioning myself into liking them. I'm too awkward to get women of my own kind, so it's either crippling loneliness, or asians.
>conditioning myself
>of my own kind
*puts on southern accent and turns into a sweet old lady*
well I do declare...
bless yo heart you sweet sweet summer child
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My length is a bit larger than a can of monster energy. My wide is 2"/5cm(1.5cm smaller than a can of coke) and my girth is 6 inches/15cm(My condom size is XXL)

Am I big?
>men can't body shame women for anything at all and

Let alone their bodies but their fucking body count.
Depends on the bitch, how ready she is and how you approach going in her. There were times when I was more sensitive in having sex so there was less soreness and whatnot and other times I fuck like a chimp on meth and that's usually when I damage her in some capacity
>My length is a bit larger than a can of monster energy.
Can you be more specific?
Nice LARP, kiddo.
>goes to google to convert to american measurements
oh okay I see now
So am i big?
ya man you big boy you big you thiccc
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17x13cm BMC or 6.7inch long x 5.12 girth

humble brag but wished the girth was bigger
hey yooo we have the same girth but I am sorta longer so it's like I have a pencil hotdog dick

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