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Why is it so hard to find a girl online?

I've been looking for 10 years, not a single one of them stuck around.

I've been on chatrooms, dating sites, forums, social media. You name it, I've been on it.

Absolutely nothing. What the fucking fuck?
because it’s soulless and you can’t form a strong bond over text. think about the body language, pheromones, facial expressions, tone and jokes that you’re missing online. touch grass
>touch grass
eat crud munchface
Just think, you could have spent all that time on meeting women in real life. You'd at least gotten some experience and maybe even get laid a few times. You're rotting away online.
if you were a woman, you wouldn't want ANYTHING to do with talking to men online
ah the whole "stranger danger" shit lol gotta love modern society
Well, I dunno.
Man fuk dat shit
Basic supply and demand, there's probably a 10:1 male:female ratio wherever you're looking.
lmao muddaphuckah try fucking 100 to 1

dis shit is fucking crazy might as well turn gay
clear rule 30 violation
"30. There are NO girls on the internet."
I simply refuse to believe OP has been on the internet for 10 years trying to find the exception to this rule.
grow up, manchild
manchild website
What a wonderful kind of day!
Women who want to start long-distance DO NOT actually want to meet up. 99% of them have a laundry list of social disorders. I've found this out the hard way.
Where in the fuck did OP mention anything about long distance? There are plenty of options to unironically meet singles in your area though. /soc/ has threads for that, there are subreddits and dating apps. And some people are very flexible since working from home became so widespread. Not everyone lives with their parents.

On a side note, my first GF was long distance, I met here online. Was a totally stable, hardworking woman, just not a beauty.
Absolutely true.

Stop trying to find us. Because we're not going to find you. We truly do not want anything to do with you and for good reasons.
When the fuck did anyone mention anything about how your gf looks?

Men are so fucking unstable and sexualizing. Fuck.
I met my girlfriend online. We've been together for five years now.
Show tits or get out.
Stop projecting. Nobody was talking about you. This is exactly why they call you 4chan-women crazy, I can tell you are paranoid from this little post of yours
Oy vey
Have you considered real live girls?
Nope. Too scary. Too much of a weirdo. Too much of a fuck up. Too much of a loser. And too much of an introvert loner.
Maybe your standards are too high. Try messaging girls you find "kind of pretty". You've probably looked at too much porn and are only messaging 8/10s and above when a 6/10 or 5/10 might be the proper match for your looks/personality. That's how I met my wife. She's not a 8/10, but her personality is 10/10. The more attractive the woman, the more toxic her personality.

What are your interests? Anime/vidya? There's tons of girls on dating sites into those things but you're probably skipping their profile because you think they aren't pretty enough. A date is to find it IF you like someone. Ask that "meh" girl on a date, you may end up falling in love with her "meh" looks because her personality is so bubbly and nice and because she likes you so much.
>Maybe your standards are too high.

>You've probably looked at too much porn
I'm not that kind of a person. Porn has zero effect on my ability to find "real" women attractive. I just simply do not work that way.

>only messaging 8/10s
I mean, dude, over the many years in my life, I've come to realize this rating scale bullshit is such bullshit. There is so much to what makes a woman attractive, at least to me, that you cannot just simply reduce it down to a number.

And I've also learned that what many would consider a "3/10" would be my "10/10"

>Try messaging girls you find "kind of pretty".
>The more attractive the woman, the more toxic her personality.
This is pointless because, I find the vast majority of women I see in real life, pretty much 95%, to be attractive.

>That's how I met my wife. She's not a 8/10, but her personality is 10/10.
Congrats to you and your wife.
Word to your mother
Why would you try to meet girls online in the first place? And over the course of 10 years of failure did ut not occur to you maybe try a different angle?
Word to your farther
I guess you're pretty bad with women then, probably not attractive enough/interesting enough/bad conversationalist or you tell them something about yourself/display characteristic that is utterly unattractive to women.
It is dangerous for a woman tho. Being in a relationship makes it more likely for you to be the victim of violent crimes. Especially with online people and especially with incels who have no experience and don't value their own life. If you leave them everything they have left is gone and they might just end their life (which in itself is sad enough, but oftentimes they drag others down with them).
Personally I'd rather stay safe with some socially adjusted normie than a channer or some online nerd who might kill me if I reject him.
>inb4 don't ever reject him then
find those language exchange site put funni in desc then go for the boringest looking girl first, the older the easier, and learn how to bantz there, used to get the shakes just typing anything to have like 5 girls in my dm, good luck OP
Did you miss the part where this is online?

>probably not attractive enough
They have no idea what I look like, it's text chat. You ever heard of it?

>interesting enough/bad conversationalist or you tell them something about yourself/display characteristic that is utterly unattractive to women.
It never even gets to that part.

Here's how it goes
>Me: M
>Them: F 28 Age?
>Me: 38
>Then: *CLICK*


>Me: M 38
>Them: F 23 India
>Them: What country are you from?
>Me: USA
>Them: *CLICK*

Ah, yes, such an uninteresting unattractive conversationalist I am.
k thx will try and give that a go

Because you find relationships in reality, not online. Get off the internet and go outside
dont message only one girl then wait for a reply and dont let rejection discourage you, if you're lucky enough to live in a first world country (im a third worlder) there'd be plenty of girls who'd message you first, they'd be the most boring people you've ever met but it'll help you break down that mist of what you thought interacting with girls is like and make those tense feeling of simply interacting with them disappear, once that and hopefully simultaneously your social skill improved you can climb the ladder from talking to indian girls to scandinavians, go with god OP
tis but a scratch
Same, met her on a dating app for anime and gamers. Been together 3 years now :) it does have some luck desu because most girls online are shallow sluts who just want money but if you stay focused on your goal youll find one OP
>Been together 3 years now :)
Absolutely beautiful.
thanks! I literally had the same story as OP down to almost the same amount of years. Ive been ghosted and in e-relationships that went nowhere, and of course catfished and scammed. But I found a happy ending, moved in together this year and happier than ever.
>But I found a happy ending, moved in together this year and happier than ever.
Congratulations dude. This is what life is all about.
Well fuck me with a cheese grater
Son, that would be highly unwise. Protect yo ass bro.
The entire reason men start looking online is because they had no luck IRL
That would be a foolish decision. Online is harder than in real life.
They are no people outside anymore.
The entire reason I started using the internet is because of a lack of people my age around me.

If I could find people IRL, I'd have never started using the internet in the first place.

I've been to all kinds of local bars, parks, and social events, and it's all people 40+. So my only choice is to use the internet.
Yeah but you didn't find people online either, so I was right.
Stranger danger is bullshit. The vast majority of crimes are committed by people the person already knows.

It makes zero sense that crime rates are the lowest they've ever been yet people are also less trusting of each other.
If I can't find people IRL, where the fuck else am I supposed to look?
Except for serial killers
You have to move to a bigger city.
online, the guy is just being an ass. thats how i met my gf, most stuff is online anyway
>dude just abandon your home, your family, and all of the people you know just for a CHANCE at meeting a woman

The fact that this is even considered legitimate advice is a problem.
It's not worth it. I mean women in general. And truly, nothing in this world is worth anything.
Have you ever seen movies before? The trope of moving to the big city to get a life is extremely common.
It's not possible to live without women because single people don't live as long. It can cause you to die in your 60s.

You have to have women for an optimal life.
>Serial killers
I.e. 00000.1% of the population
Your brain is fried from listening to too much "true" crime podcasts
It's you. You're the problem.
The autistics would like a word with you.
They don't do all of that if you help them build their self esteem before breaking it off.
Try looking for girls offline instead of online. Online dating sucks.
Thank you for giving me an unwanted erection you daft bastard.
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A lot of women online are catfishes or fishing for attention. You'll probably have better luck meeting women irl. Try joining hobby classes or volunteering.
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Have you tried using mesh yet? 1:1 Dating app with no algo. You just need to know the person. Which makes filtering out people really easy since you already understand who they are to a degree. Plus if you match with them the odds that it will go somewhere are incredibly higher than any current competing dating app. A match on tinder is like 1-5% chance of a date if you get a lot of them. Mesh is like 60%+
Nice will try
You do realize that if you get to know someone online and that person later on commits a crime against you, that would be considered a crime by someone you've already known, right?
Having a bf in itself makes you more likely to be the victim of a crime and as said above, incels are the most likely to commit as they don't lose anything by doing it.
Building self esteem is not something someone else can do for you. And even if it worked like that, it's not anyone else's job to do it for you.
It took me like a couple of months, and I know many who have also had success. I dont know man, maybe get better pictures and make more money.
>maybe get better pictures and make more money.
it's chat roulette there are no pictures or profiles
She's going bald
Yeah, it's Jewish propaganda to encourage the goyim to abandon their identity and become a rootless cosmopolitan mindless consumer debt-slave class servile to their kosher overlords.
>you're a schizo
Who makes all the movies? Who owns all urban property? Who runs the banks? It's a racket, stop being stupid.
It's like this everywhere. No matter where you go or what you do, there are far more men than women. Where are all the women?
>ugh why would I want to date a creep off the internet? He might be a rapist or crazy or something
>oh, my current boyfriend? Yeah I know he's a drunk that regularly beats me and cheats on me. I don't know why I keep going back to him; he'll be out on parole in a week too
>you just have to know them
lol fucking kek man lmao
women are massivly antisocial by nature
they just do not have as much need to talk to or connect to people as men do so they dont use any websites where interaction really happens
they just want to watch tv shows

if you want to meet girls your only option is to do so through friends or in school, quit your job and enroll again if you're serious about wanting to socialize with women
>or in school
I'm 40 fucking years old
so what? you can go to university at any age
thats horrible advice.
Such is life
First of all, the other replies are right, if you're looking for a relationship, don't bother with online women. I've been in two e-relationships and both of them ended with the girls getting bored a few months in and ghosting me. Like the other anons are saying, there's only like a third of a connection that you're getting with this person as opposed to real life, neither of you will be truly happy. With that being said though, if you just wanna have some fun and see e-pussy, this is my method. Play Overwatch. I know it sounds like I'm joking, but that game is crawling with e-girls in the discord and in the custom lobbies. If you match make on discord or talk in customs for long enough, and you aren't completely socially retarded, you'll find a girl that likes talking to you on there soon enough. Trust me even if you are a basement dweller they will probably still like you, they are attention whore dregs of society, fun to play around with, but do yourself a favor and do not get attached to them under any circumstance
This is why i never give the moids of overwatch anytime of day. Fucking worthless scrote. You are. Kek.
man I so goddamn love the internet
Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.

The Lord Christ Jesus died for the atonement of sins, was buried and rose again the third day. All that believe in Him will not perish, but live everlasting.

Matthew 7:18
“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Romans 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Acts 3:19
Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord

Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Isaiah 57:15
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
go away
What you're saying is actually 100% true check out this depressing vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfsTJnpRxeg women are psychologically inclined to love abusive bfs more than nice bfs. The comment section is a cluster fuck. Wish I didnt see this vid
i met my gf on discord, but we're both girls so it's not really applicable advice i think
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>but we're both girls
we met through a not so straight server
i think its best to start out by trying to make friends first. so finding servers where you have common interests. girls on most servers get seriously bombarded so idk if i have a suggestion on how to meet straight girls
oh k
dude go to the dog park, but bring a cute dog
have you tried real life yet?
>I've been looking for 10 years, not a single one of them stuck around.
Skill issue, if the internet did not exist I would still be a virgin.
If horny Hispanic women that look like Consuela from Family Guy looking for young 20 year old men on the streets in their Honda Civic in the middle of the night did not exist... I would still be a virgin
>looking online for a serious relationship
I really don't understand why either sex does this anymore. Online is good for hookups for certain types of people and everyone outside of that winds up unhappier than they were before they started. This isn't even new information, loads of people have been making this clear since the beginning.
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The craze of online dating is so bizarre. Not trying to be that guy, but when I was young, online dating was seen as a weird, fringe activity. People only did it if they felt the need to seek out other people with fringe sexual interests, and the only other group who did it were loners who couldn't find people IRL and lacked basic social skills. Admitting out loud that you used online dating could often get you bullied by your peers.
Everybody is so socially inept now that it's considered weird to do it the old fashioned way and just approach people in daily life.
>but when I was young
No, Millennial/Gen Y. Not old old yet, but definitely not young, anymore, either.
I feel bad for you.
I found my girlfriend on Wizz lmao
I'm a millennial and even I don't know what that is.
It's over. So over. There's nothing left for us.
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