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I think I've had the worst experiences in my whole life this year when I decided to open up to dating.
My approach was 99% honesty. I wanted to get to know the girl, be kind and build a relationship if she's interested.
The pattern is often that I invest time into it, she feels good, expresses it very much, starts to go insane and then blocks all contact.
Over and over this happens the same way with little nuance, and I believe it's because dating apps have inflated women's egos or social media has truly rotten through their brains.
Also, I have never felt love for someone before or what a heartbreak feels like, so having to go through this multiple times over the wasted attempts this year sucked so much I would prefer to remain an innocent depressed shut in loser.
All this wasted time and energy and emotional turmoil for nothing.
I'd be better if I stop going for these apparent "looksmatch" girls who are supposed to be less shallow, LOL. If you are ugly, chances are you are ugly inside as well.
I really didn't want to believe that, but it's true.
So the question is, how can I approach and bag a good-looking kind girl without being a 10/10 myself?
Date more women so you forget about them quicker I’m actually getting sick and tired of these blog posts
What is wrong with my "blog post"?
I have concisely described my current ailment and want some advice on how to approach better women. Get a grip.
Dating more women sounds like a good solution on paper. It's a numbers game, right??
I don't think dating apps and repeating this shit is going to work out for me.
Just admit you can’t get any hoes lil bro
Can't you read the OP?
If you can’t be concise then don’t expect anyone to help you for free
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It takes a few seconds to read the text
Precious time that people who actually have the answers for you unfortunately don’t have
You wasted time by being an idiot though
I did it for lolz that’s my time hehe
Don't engage with it
you're just a dyslexic fuck, read faster. in the time it took you to post this I read the whole post retard.
Did you want a pat on the back?
Idk man, it seems like you're trying too hard to be the nice guy, grave mistake.
Have you ever trained a dog ?
That's pretty much how you should "keep" your women and the one who sticks around will be a potential one, of course women are programmed to "expect more" just like children with fried dopamine receptors, therefore you need to keep her in disadvantage all the time, if she pretends bullish you call her out and double down, never loosen the grip.
Try it yourself if you have such luck
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>So the question is, how can I approach and bag a good-looking kind girl without being a 10/10 myself?
Be rich
Thanks for the interesting analogy. Feels like there is something true to it
It's obviously hard to bag a good-looking kind girl without being a 10/10 yourself. If it were easy, you won't be asking here as you would already have succeeded. Almost all men want to date good-looking kind girls so you'll be competing with them. With so many men to choose from, why should good-looking kind girls pick you when you have little to offer?

Most men who managed to bag a good-looking kind girl without being a 10/10 are either very rich, very kind, or talented womanizers.
>My approach was 99% honesty. I wanted to get to know the girl, be kind and build a relationship if she's interested.
Don't change how you act. If you say you don't care about low-quality women, high-quality women will like and even reciprocate your advances. Trust me, you don't want to be with someone who's insecure. You're looking like Neo dodging bullets right now.
>If you are ugly, chances are you are ugly inside as well.

It's true on my case, but I don't think self-deprecation its gonna help you out in the long run. You are worth more than that.

As for your question, I've seen plenty of ugly and "ugly" men with hot wives, they weren't tall or had a lot of money, but they were genuinely kind(but not to an extreme) and fun to be around with.

btw how did the women that you talked turned crazy?
Both cases were similar. We chatted for a long time after matching, got increasingly intimate (sharing more personal info) and thinking about hanging out. At that point I always got compliments and texts like „oh you are so nice I like you very much the way you write is do kind and passionate when you talk about your interests blah blah blah“. Which was really uplifting because I have never experienced something like this and felt reassured about my natural kindness and honesty. Then we met in person, it was really intense emotionally for me but I tried my best to remain grounded and get to know her over time. We did basic stuff together every now and then and suddenly I get a barrage of messages about how she loves me so much and how cute and cool I am and that she wants me to be close to her. Then I get blocked everywhere after ghosted for a few days. I always remain calm when no answers came to my inquiry about how shes doing. There were a few major differences in both cases, but that was the similar theme and it fucked me up for good. I believe they were mentally ill. Took a month break and decided to give it a try once again, but it seriously feels like I hate women now more than ever.

Could be cheating, maybe they got the ick, women are bombarded with true crime content telling them that the world is always dangerous and that they're being manipulate through lovebombing.

But I do get it, it sucks to be ghosted by someone you cared about .

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