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>LTR with bf
>all meals home cooked by me
>apartment is regularly cleaned by me + deep clean every month or so
>I keep and tend to a small herb garden
>regularly give sex to bf. Almost never said no (except a couple of times where I was in an exceptionally bad mood)
>he gets woken up with bjs everyday + I wake up at 5 or 6 to get a head start
>I work full time too and contribute to the household finances
>I'm trans and pre OP
>though willing to get bottom surgery if I get married
So what's the verdict? Does my con(s) out weigh the pros? How do I become "based" in your opinion? No /pol/ tier replies
>>he gets woken up with bjs everyday
You like to drink piss?
Also, you're a faggot.
>You like to drink piss?
No. I don't.
I have given him what? Over 1000 morning blowjobs and he peed on me literally just once. It wasn't enough to deter me from doing it though. If I catch him with a mornining stiffy then he's gonna get it lols
Does your girlfriend do that? I'm just curious
>though willing to get bottom surgery if I get married

From what I have read on the internet, the minority of chasers prefer a surgical hole to a penis. Are you absolutely sure this is something you do for him and not for Dr. Sleezestein's retirement fund? You have a functioning dick now that you can ejaculate with. Do you really want to cut if off for a permanent wound that you would have to take care of for the rest of your life so it does not get infected or grows together?
>the minority of chasers prefer a surgical hole to a penis.
My current boyfriend is not a chaser. He has dated cis women before. I don't get involved with chasers because they don't see me as a person. Chasers only see my penis and nothing else.
>Are you absolutely sure this is something you do for him
Yes. For him or anyone else if they wish to marry me and also have a vagina.
>You have a functioning dick now that you can ejaculate with.
It's literally just there to excrete certain fluids out of me. I can do without it.
>Do you really want to cut if off for a permanent wound that you would have to take care of for the rest of your life so it does not get infected or grows together?
People I talk to tend to like the results. Even older people who did it back in the 00s tend to speak in favor of it. I mean sex but it doesn't hurt u? Yeah count me in
Do you think when I met my gf I told her "I have yellow fever, I have been chasing Asians like you since middle school when I became a weeb"? She still thinks I am a normal guy and not some nerd like the ones you see with asian girlfriends everywhere. You are telling me that bf of yours was not even bi before? Really? After sex he says no homo?

>It's literally just there to excrete certain fluids out of me. I can do without it.
You can get orgasms with it, you can pee like a normal person without soiling yourself, you can live without pain and smell that you will have after not washing the wound for a couple of hours.
>People I talk to
Don't tell me those people are from Discord? The Discord to tranny to grave pipeline is real and you better believe it. Those people made a bad decision and due to regret they want others to make the same mistake. Almost half of trannies kill themselves. What do you think they would tell you if they were alive?

Fucking gross
Your post would sink ignored into the archives.
>Do you think when I met my gf I told her "I have yellow fever, I have been chasing Asians like you since middle school when I became a weeb"?
I don't think that logic applies here. Have you dated women of other races before? If no then you're what you say you are. My boyfriend has literally been with cis women before. Yes he might be bi but who cares. He's not objectifying me and that's all that matters to me.
>You can get orgasms with it, you can pee like a normal person without soiling yourself, you can live without pain and smell that you will have after not washing the wound for a couple of hours.
First of all, I wash my penis every time I shower and I shower twice per day. I don't smell. I wear deodorant and I don't smell even when I sweat. I don't think I will suddenly stop caring about hygiene when or if I get SRS.
Also in my case since I did DIY in the beginning I lost a lot of sensitivity down there. Its hard to get me aroused from just that. In my sex life it hardly sees any use at all.
Finally, 50% of the world's population doesn't have a penis yet they urinate just fine.
>Don't tell me those people are from Discord?
These are real people I talk with irl.

Also I wanted to add this about dilators that some real women have to use them too. Blew your mind huh?
What's based about being a faggot drag queen who loves to suck cocks?
>What's based about being me
The home cooking and the loving part. I'm basically a trad wife
Trad wives give birth to children.
>I don't think that logic applies here. Have you dated women of other races before? If no then you're what you say you are.
Yes, I have dated other women but being an Asian makes any girl go up for me at least 2 points in the /10 ranking. But that is not the point
>My boyfriend has literally been with cis women before. Yes he might be bi but who cares. He's not objectifying me and that's all that matters to me.
The question is, does he actually prefer you with a wound instead of a penis? Has he seen post-surgery trannies before? Have you? Right now you seem to have sex and enjoy each other. So what is the point then if you have a fulfilling sex life already?

I have seen posts on Reddit where the bf/husband suddenly divorced after the bottom-surgery because it was totally not what he expected and he could not get hard from it. And even if he wanted the bottom surgery, it is your body that you will keep for the rest of your life, even after getting so old that both of you cannot have sex anymore. Why would you throw away a perfectly functioning organ anyone, for just a few years of playing pretend-to-be-a-woman during sex?
I can do that as well you bigot.
You were supposed to be the husband you retard. A trad wife needs a uterus and a vagina as a prerequisite
Is your boyfriends name Connor by chance?
I can be extra based and adopt a child

>So what is the point then if you have a fulfilling sex life already?
The whole point is that I would get SRS if he wants it. Right now we don't even talk about it. I'm just saying hypothetically if my future husband wants a vagina I will give it to them.
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Oh no bro....
>The whole point is that I would get SRS if he wants it
And I am telling you to have some fucking dignity and not let anyone tell you to castrate yourself. The times of Chinese emperor dynasties are over. For hetero couples love lasts 7 years on average, which is why we extend it by getting kids and redirecting our love on them. You homos do not have that option.
Uh, trans can't give birth
Biologicaly It's 7 years because of the kids. It got extended due to legality from the massively extended childhood the elite are pushing to accomplish this debt slavery fad thier on right now.

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