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/adv/ - Advice

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I ran away from home when I was 16. I got a job as a waitress and I've been living on my own. I'm 18 now, and my family found me. They're claiming they have some legal grounds to make me move back in with them, and my dad is coming with my brothers to bring me back with them in a couple days. I've been scared to call the cops because if what they've said was true the cops might help them. What should I do?
i hate this dumbass picture little pikachu looking ass dumbass bitch gonna punt your ass halfway across the world and run all the way over to where you land so i can punt this stupid ugly motherfucking bear faggots face
If you're 18 you're emancipated, there's no legal grounds to make you move in if you don't want to. Call the police.

Also I look like this.
>also I look like this
I want to face fuck you so bad right now
Doubt it since your 18 but if you are disabled in some way like being autistic for example they could probably make an argument you aren’t fit to be living on your own and need a caretaker also why did you run away in the first place if you don’t mind me asking?
Congrats on being urself I guess though its a little off topic?
You're sure its okay to call them?
I'm not neurodivergent but I have a physical disability. Do you think that would count? I ran away because my dad was like ridiculously overprotective and wouldn't let me go out or have friends or anything.
I don't know what that means
shut the fuck up you freak
> ran away because my dad was like ridiculously overprotective and wouldn't let me go out or have friends or anything.

Talk to and go back with your dad he doesn’t sound that bad at least give yourself a chance at a decent life by living under a free roof and thinking about what you should do next
You're 18 so unless you're horribly handicapped they can't do shit if you don't want them to since you're living on your own. However, it seems like your family really wants you to come back for a reason and you have to ask yourself if that's malicious. It seems they just feel bad about making you leave in the first place and want you to come back to be a family again because they're overprotective.

You should compromise and say you'll visit them on the grounds you respect your personal space because that's what caused them to make you leave in the first place.
Worst Case Scenario: The cops don't care. That's it. The cops were never going to help your family, the worst they could do is nothing, so you lose nothing by trying to get the cops to do something.
You actually have a good family that REALLY cares about you. I would abandon straight away with no with no thoughts whatsoever. So try to reconcile with them anon ;-)
Call the cops idiot. Your 18, your biofamily can't do shit.
Just kill yourself. You're not a woman. It's the only right choice
10/10 thread successfully derailed
You are an adult, they can't do shit. Tell them you will call the police if they try to abduct you. You could even call the police and tell them about the situation, say you are worried they are going to try and abduct you.
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I unironically want to date you
Call the cops as soon as they show up. If I were you, I would treat it as a fullblown assault and a kidnapping attempt. Would ptobably get some kind of weapon. You were clearly able to live for 2 years on your own, the only reason they would want you back is for something malicious. If they do bring you back, still contact the police. Get your boss to call the police if they manage to kidnap you and you won't show up to work.
shut up coomerfags
Are you American? There’s no state that’s going to require you live with your parents when you’re already 18. Report these interactions to the police before they try to kidnap you.
That stupid fucking stuffed toy looks EXACTLY like my last situationship lol.
>you have to ask yourself if that's malicious
>the only reason they would want you back is for something malicious
The duality of /adv/.
In any case I agree, you should report it to the police and avoid the meeting. Meeting up on these terms would be a mistake.
>my dad was like ridiculously overprotective and wouldn't let me go out or have friends or anything.
What the hell would you ever want friends
Or to "go out"
There IS no out anymore
>They're claiming they have some legal grounds to make me move back in with them
What are these supposed grounds
Call the cops, tell them you have proof your family is going to abduct you and that you fear for your life.
>You're sure its okay to call them?
In case this isn't all a larp, just imagine you are 30. You think they would legal be able to take you against your will? In the eyes of the law you are as adult as a 30 year old.
rent free
retard. girls that look like that are just cute, and I didn't ask for sex, I asked to actually date
Maybe you shouldn't have ran away from home
Sounds like her family might literally beat that idea into her. OP, just don't answer the door and if they don't leave call the cops, simple as.
It's a common issue for kids like you growing up in these cult-like families is you feel like the world is against you and on your family's side but it's not like that unless you live in in some middle eastern shithole country.
The police will definitely be on your side, don't be afraid of the police just because libcuck propoganda is "police bad" 24/7. Police are not going to let an adult with their own place get abducted. They are all for the status quo and preserving order, being lazy, letting an adult get ripped from their residence is more problems than telling the cult/family to fuck off.
Do not hesitate to call the police. Call them in advance, you can just talk to them and ask questions.
Don't ramble and give them too much information, keep it simple, don't get defensive or act guilty. I.e. "I have my own place and parents said they are coming to kidnap me." Don't mention that you ran away at 16, when it comes up, just say "I'm 18 now."
you're 18
unless youre diagnosed full schizo and have a legally appointed custodian no ome can tell you where to live

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