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I'm 20, is it already over at that age?

I have shit posture, I'm really skinny, have a small mouth, too much buccal fat, and slightly asymmetrical features in my face.

Improving my body seems possible, but my face is what I'm largely insecure about. I still look better than average, I have really good facial structure and eyes, but e.g. my jaw / mouth area makes me look like a pussy, which I've heard can't be changed after puberty. makes me come across as boyish / childlike
grow a beard? if can't grow one yet, get a practice gf in the meantime and focus on college/career?

You are a faggot little bitch zoomer. God I hate my generation.
I won't read is it over threads. Only pathetic and useless OPs would ask this endlessly every day here and never dawn on them that the same question has been addressed countless times.
I started at 26
20 is too old. Your endorphins begin aging at such an accelerated rate.
it doesn't have to be forever.
You can kill yourself
buccal fat goes away the older you get, which is why people who get it removed look like ghouls when they're older. And grow a beard, it'll get thicker in time. Overall you're fine and whining about your looks means your self esteem is low, women can smell that and hate it.
Nobody gives a fuck what your face looks like, they judge you by your confidence and self-assurance. It's time you own up to this truth. America is full of odd-looking guys who are confident and successful in every aspect of their lives. You think they spend their days looking in the mirror wishing they had a prettier face? LMAO no, unless they are twink faggots.
How tall are you? You can work on posture, can't you?
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>people who get it removed look like ghouls when they're older
do they? i've never had a look at the long term effects but i've had a look at some surgeries. i'd say i'm rather obsessive/perfectionistic, i don't think i have low self esteem considering i'm somehow arrogant, but i do agree you can probably smell my insecurities

beard looks silly on me, i look young for my age. i could give it a try once i'm older.


i've also heard about some facial exercises that are supposed to improve your mouth area / remove fat but i doubt they work
No, its the perfect age to start
>probably white

Fuck off fakecel retard
Performancemax, train martial arts and fox your diet. Gym and bodyweight training will change anybody. Appearance is a byproduct of the life you live and who you are.
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i aint doing this for women lil nigga
its over bro
commit suicide

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