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why is anime and videogames a turn off for women
Because it means you are literally retarded, as in a mental child.
they are jealous you love them more than you love her
not OP but can you elaboratE?
Why do you care about what women think
they don't give a fuck what you do in private, they just don't talk about that with you
Not him but as a weeb who likes to keep his entertainment private, being outwardly reliant on videogames or anime as your only personality trait reveals that you had arrested development during your life.

It's totally fine to enjoy the medium, but a woman, especially a nerdy girl. Will NEVER get wet over your autistic collection of niche nostalgia or One piece t shirt.
If you were a man you would be able to enjoy anime or videogames without anyone else knowing about it and still being a functional human.

Just as a litmus test, would you be able to put your controller/keyboard down mid ranked game when you're needed or wanted?

Would you really take down your shitty anime merch to clean the mold behind them?

Are you even willing to make a single compromise for another human being when they say you dress like a little boy? Act like a little boy and live in a room that looks like a little boys room?

No. You wouldn't. You have no self awareness to realize why what you're doing is ridiculous and silly.
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So why are so many weebs and gamers in relationships with active social circles nowadays?
i guess i'm an exception, but tyvm
gotta do sanity checks sometimes
Because they're not high prestige status symbol, basically.
Because he only has manga, which means it communicates exactly what I said.

With only manga in organized shelves it communicates literacy and cleanliness. It's ones with mature lifestyles that succeed and what I mentioned prior.
This is like those guys that lurk /a/ or leddit too long and then try to make "the weeb guy" their entire identity. You really think the average quiet guy posting here is doing that shit?
they are not. the only popular gamers are still the COD/sports-game casuals playing with their friends. the whole anime/JRPG crowd are women trying to look cute and innocent by pretending to be children. you might encounter those on Onlyfans a lot, so I suggest you switch to better porn
They’re not. They hate video games because it’s a selfish hobby. And therefore you have less time for them and you’re not an accessory to their delusions about life.
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>they are not.
Nigger please.
interesting post
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>they are not
This was a haikyuu weeb meet-up lol
They are passive consumption hobbies that don't move you forward. They won't word it that way or even be self-aware about it, but women are attracted to "men with a purpose".

Take up a skill or hobby that actively uses your hands like playing an instrument, painting, or some sort of casual sport. You don't even have to be deep into them-- like 2 hours a week doing them is enough.
It doesn't mean you have to forsake animu or vidya btw, but you seriously cannot allow them to be your only hobby.
exceptions prove the rule. those people came from all over the country for some niche gathering.
You are absolutely delusional if you unironically believe any of the women in this picture fuck with any of the men there kek
>communicates literacy
To someone who doesn't know what manga is, maybe.
They are not There are plenty of men who consume those things and get laid and get relationships no problem. They're just physically attractive. Hobbies have nothing significant to do with attractiveness. The correlation between these hobbies and ickiness you're noticing is because these hobbies have large escapist elements, and escapism is a big draw to unattractive people. It's not
>men who play games or watch cartoons are unattractive
>men who are unattractive play games or watch cartoons
Absolutely, the fact you are splitting hairs is a shining example of what I was saying.

>Every accusation is a confession
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I work a trade career and do 50 hour weeks on average, I don't need 50 fucking hobbies to speak to women.

I'm also gonna read Blame before bed every night after work. What are you gonna do about it?

>> why is an adult male watching cartoons and playing toys a turn off to a grown woman?

If you need to ask, you have no business even looking at women.
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>anime and videogames a turn off
they aren't, they're mostly neutral timewasters
of course if you have a shit job and no other hobbies, you're a loser. that's why it's a turn-off.
more interesting than they are
When I was working my first job the secretaries made a custom laminated card for your birthday and someone spilled that I liked anime, idk who did as I didn't talk so much.
They printed me an anime card and when people came to congratulate several coworkers, even older ones, told me they watched certain shows as well or read manga. They just don't make it their identity, it's just a pastime activity.

women want you to provide in the long term. If you spend an obsessive amount of money and time into a time waster instead of something moving you forward like sports, social stuff or your job, it signals to them you won't be a reliable provider.
How do sports move you forward if you never intend on going pro?
Because those are autistic hobbies. Autistic men are quite often virgins because of intense introversion (perceived low social value), poor motor skills (perceived athletic incompetence), poor social skills (perceived insanity or sexual predation), literal mindedness (flirting and teasing don’t make sense to them), dislike of physical contact (duh), poor personal hygiene (depression is a common comorbidity), unusual gender expression (perceived homosexuality), and few sexual partners (the above factors inhibit pre-selection).
videogames are ok if theyre played together or just casual stuff. competitive gaming sucks the soul out of a relationship.
anime is ok, i watch anime with my partner
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uuuuuuuuummmmmmmm no it isn't?
Women brains work differently and unfortunately most women lack the part that makes them understand video games. It appears that most women that do like the same games as guys, end up having some kind of a boyish outlook on life and they look a bit boyish, which could imply that the male gene is actually related to enjoying video games. Therefore, if you're with a girl that likes video games, you're gay.
it's not OP, if they said that's what makes you turn them off it's bc you're 5/10 with no redeeming qualities and they dont want to say it to your face
youre have a really ugly personality/appearance or the women you desire probably want someone they share interest with?
i know a lot of women that dont mind either videogames or anime.. if anything, its more common and acceptable now
They is a turnoff because womens is beyond comic books and toys and you isn't.
My last GF was into games a lot. She really liked dynasty warriors and fallout specifically. My GF before that was also pretty into video games and I would buy coop games specifically to play with her. Shit like dead space 3, battlefield 3, and army of two. She would get really happy when I would play my old super nintendo as well because it reminded her of being a kid. They weren't landwhales either, both of them were cute half-asians.

I'm also a game dev professionally as a concept artist so whatever. I recently met another extremely beautiful asian girl that thinks it's hot I work in video games. She has a killer flat, fit tummy and long, wavy hair.

Basically, you need to find a half asian or full asian girl from my experience.
it means you can be entertained without a woman and gives you a source of entertainment outside of them
all "interests" women like are where you do shit for them
>Basically, you need to find a half asian or full asian girl from my experience.
This is true and I don't know why.
Gaming and anime is a part of their culture so they are more accepting of it as long as you also have other things going for you. It's the western stacies that still stigmatise nerd hobbies since it isn't as normalised here. My cousin used to be a fat weeb but got into shape and found a job and later landed an asian cosplay gf.
I agree in general but let's not pretend women in our generation especially are into virtuous men. They're not. If Chad or Tyrone played videogames they'd be down to fuck him anyway.
Mindless consumption makes one look limp. Try volleyball and rolling bums for spare change if you really want to shine for the ladies.
>why is anime and videogames a turn off for women
It's not.
>Why are anime and videogames a turn off for fake ass performative bar sluts
Because the social capital earned by being a coomer is manifest on the internet, so the bar slut can't see it, so she assumes it's low status.
>Are you even willing to make a single compromise for another human being when they say you dress like a little boy? Act like a little boy and live in a room that looks like a little boys room?
>No. You wouldn't.
And that's alpha as fuck.
Women hate fun. All male energy and attention must be directed at or centered on them.
reminder that those same women likely spend 14h on their phones everyday and binge watch Netflix slop everyday
Literally videogames is the "hobby" that women find the most unattractive in males.

Doesn't mean she will be turned off by you playind some video games if she was already attracted to you.. as long as you don't prioritize them over her or don't play for too much time.
>Literally videogames is the "hobby" that women find the most unattractive in males.
No it isn't, the least attractive hobby is browsing manosphere.
I said that because I read in a study, as you read this in another study.
But these studies are definitely not viable.. not only women change their minds all the time, they also didn't ask every women on earth so its impossibel to know.
>videogames is the "hobby" that women find the most unattractive in males.
Was the answer that *the women they asked *claimed.
I reject that data as inaccurate.
>as long as you don't prioritize them over her or don't play for too much time.
That, however, will get you dumped for being weak.
Presuming you actually want a relationship, then you can schedule it properly and fit it into your life, and tell your (potential) gf about when you can commit to her and what you want to do with her.
So long as you're consistent and honest with that, you're doing your side of the relationship.
If she tries to push past those boundaries and assert that she should be more important to you, at times when you never agreed to, tell her "No". And if she tries to create problems, tell her to fuck off.
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Meant to reply to >>32007281
I see women pretending to not like nerds.
>So long as you're consistent and honest with that, you're doing your side of the relationship.
>If she tries to push past those boundaries and assert that she should be more important to you, at times when you never agreed to, tell her "No". And if she tries to create problems, tell her to fuck off.

I completely agree, may it be videogames or any other hobby desu

>Was the answer that *the women they asked*claimed.
>I reject that data as inaccurate.
Exactly what I was saying here >>32007293
Add anti-semite and you have your typical /pol/tard. And they all wonder why they are all a bunch of incels.
The only people I have ever seen get into taxidermy have been female. This list is made up bullshit.
/pol/tards outfuck most boards besides /k/, /s/, /lgbt/, and /soc/.
True, not a hard bar to pass, getting laid more than most of 4chan. But they do fuck.
its social, its competitive, and it involves physical exertion
All young men game, it's just a spectrum between FIFA with the lads on Thursday night and being a popsocking WoW troon-in-training.
These people still get girlfriends.
is dis nigga serious?
If entertainment, art or music are matters of taste, then no form is above any other form in an objective manner. That means that fundamentally, people are judging your taste in hobbies based on their own criteria rather than any one objective set, so its not arrested development, stunted growth, insular behavior or anything else like that. You like what you like and you have the right to. Simple as.

In this case, I expect it has more to do with the fact that women thrive on, expect, and eventually sell themselves, literally or figuratively, for attention, and if you're paying attention to a machine that has the singular purpose of eating up attention, it means there will be less of it for her.
>imagine fantasizing about someone elses creation
pshshahaha either create video games or laugh at people that play them

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