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>be me
>33 y.o
>divorced after trying to go on a crusade of I can fix her.
>lose my job in divorce process, go on visiting all over the world to see my friends from my exchange years
>my foreign friends are the only people I consider as real friends
>hate the country I live in, hate needing to work a job for a company that's goal is to make money
>become addicted to weed in the process
>nothing makes sense anymore, dont care about anything, wish I can spend my days helping disabled animals or anything that actually makes any difference

I see no point in my life anymore. I hate being anxious about money, I hate people who think "careers" are important, I hate anything related to materialism and money

how can I be happy again?
I won't read hate threads. If you want better then you must have something positive to pursue.
I want to purse helping people or animals. I want to not worry about money, just survive, I don't care about anything luxuries. Ordering Mcdonalds is my highest luxury. I am not able to do any of these things. I feel tired. Tired of being alive. I feel like I have enough experiences that if I die tonight I wouln't be sad that I didn't experience much on Earth.

I want to live as minimally as possible. You can't even do that if you don't have any money.
stop being a whiny little bitch and get a job, then volunteer at the local shelter you fucktard.
Get a job at a weed store selling weed. You just say hello and give people want they want.

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