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I know I'll get screamed and shouted at and accused of humble bragging but here goes.
How the fuck do I find a woman who doesn't pretend to like the same shit I like just to impress me?
It fucking cringes me out
>Goth girl who's into stereotypical goth shit.
>Asks me what I'm into
>mention that I'm into street fighter
>Asks me my favourite character
>Say I like "Chun li. But Elena's cool too, same with Dudley "
>Usual small talk about it. Don't really think much
>Next day
>She mentions how fit Chun li is and that she has big tits
>Think it's weird she's bringing up a topic from yesterday out of nowhere but whatever
>Ask her what games she plays
>"Oh I'm not really much of a gamer"
>Says she doesn't even have a console
>Realise she only mentioned street fighter again cause I said I like it
I like it... But not that much
>Another woman who works reception at my gym
>One day when she not working she comes up and asks me what music I'm into and if I'm going to anymore concerts.
>Just list off a bunch of shit but say I'm not going to any concerts soon
>Ask her what music she's into
>She says some stuff and we just chat about the ones we have in common
>Next day when she's working
>Say hi and swipe in to enter gym
>Gym music stops
>Music changes from an R&B playlist to just a Mish mash of all songs I said I like
>Enjoy the music and have a good session
>Later on as I'm leaving mention to her that she put a playlist on for me
>'Oh no... This is just the normal music I listen to :)"
>Think it clearly fucking isn't because these are all songs I told you I like. Plus you changed the playlist when I came in.
>She asks about my hobbies
>Say I'm into photography
>She says she's really into photography too
>Ask her what camera she uses
>"Uhh, Nikon I think"
>Ask her what lenses she uses
>"Uhhhhhh. Just the ones that came with the camera "
>Think that you obviously don't really like photography either

I could go on. When I talk to guys, they don't pretend to like the same shit I like. If I bring something up they'll usually just say "Never heard of it" and then we move onto the next topic. But especially since I lost a shit ton of fat. Talking with women has gone from a few sparce but normal conversation to them pretending to be totally into the same shit I'm into
That's the nature of women. They're a vessel to be filled by you. Be thankful she isn't an insufferable "sigma" that tries to compete with you.
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>nb4 humble brag
You got it bro.

Women are glorified incubators, why would they need a personality?

Some might have personalities, but they are exceptions, and there is no procedure to cause that quickening. They all clain they aren't like other girls; yes they fucking are.

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